2022-05-05 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING City Council Chambers, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, May 05, 2022 at 6:00 PM MINUTES ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE PRESENT Commissioner Patrick Grace Commissioner Nick Grove Commissioner Andrew Seal Commissioner Maria Lorcher Commissioner Nathan Wheeler Commissioner Steven Yearsley ABSENT Commissioner Mandi Stoddard ADOPTION OF AGENDA Adopted ACTION ITEMS 1. Public Hearing Continued from April 7, 2022 for Amina’s Daycare (fka Mulonge Daycare) (H-2022-0012) by Godelieve Mulonge, Located at 4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave. Continued to May 19, 2022 A. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a group daycare of up to 12 children on 0.145 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Motion to continue to May 19, 2022 made by Commissioner Yearsley, Seconded by Commissioner Grove. Voting Yea: Commissioner Grace, Commissioner Grove, Commissioner Seal, Commissioner Lorcher, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Yearsley 2. Public Hearing for Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) by Engineering Solutions, LLP, Located at Parcel #S1109438871, Near the Half-Mile Mark on the North Side of E. Franklin Rd., Between S. Eagle Rd. and S. Cloverdale Rd. Approved A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district. Motion to recommend approval to City Council made by Commissioner Lorcher, Seconded by Commissioner Yearsley. Voting Yea: Commissioner Grace, Commissioner Grove, Commissioner Seal, Commissioner Lorcher, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Yearsley 3. Public Hearing for Timberline North (Timberline Sub. No. 2) (H-2022-0024) by Riley Planning Services, LLC, Located at 655 and 735 W. Victory Rd. Approved A. Request: Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for the purpose of subdividing phase 2 of the Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140, DA# 114007668) that has since expired. Motion to recommend approval to City Council made by Commissioner Wheeler, Seconded by Commissioner Yearsley. Voting Yea: Commissioner Grace, Commissioner Grove, Commissioner Seal, Commissioner Lorcher, Commissioner Wheeler, Commissioner Yearsley ADJOURNMENT 6:39 pm Item 2. F71 Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting May 5, 2022. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of May 5, 2022, was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Andrew Seal. Members Present: Chairman Andrew Seal, Commissioner Steven Yearsley, Commissioner Patrick Grace, Commissioner Nick Grove, Commissioner Maria Lorcher and Commissioner Nate Wheeler. Members Absent: Commissioner Mandi Stoddard. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Jaime Del Barrio, Kurt Starman, Bill Parsons, Joe Dodson, and Dean Willis. ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE X Nate Wheeler X Maria Lorcher Mandi Stoddard X Nick Grove _X Steven Yearsley X Patrick Grace X Andrew Seal - Chairman Seal: Good evening. Welcome to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for May 5th, 2022. At this time I would like to call the meeting to order. The Commissioners who are present for this evening's meeting are at City Hall. We also have staff from City Attorney and Clerk's offices, as well as City Planning Department. If you are joining us on Zoom this evening, we can see you and that you are here. You may observe the meeting. However, your ability to be seen on screen and talk will be muted. During the public testimony portion of the meeting you will be unmuted and, then, be able to comment. Please note that we cannot take questions until the public testimony portion. If you have a process question during the meeting, please, e-mail cityclerk@meridiancity.org and they will reply as quickly as possible. If you simply want to watch the meeting we encourage you to watch the streaming on the city's YouTube channel. You can access it at Meridiancity.org/live. With that let's begin with the roll call. Mr. Clerk. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Seal: The first item -- excuse me. The first item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. For this evening Amina's Daycare, File No. H-2022-0012, will be open for the sole purpose of continuing to the -- a regularly scheduled meeting. They will -- it will open for that purpose only. So, if there is anybody here tonight to testify for this particular application we will not be taking public testimony on it. Can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as amended? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F72 Page 2 of 13 Lorcher: So moved. Wheeler: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: No department reports this week. So, right now I would like to -- excuse me. At this time I would like to briefly explain the public hearing process. We will open each item individually and begin with the staff report. Staff will report their findings on how the item adheres to the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Code. After staff has made their presentation the applicant will come forward to present their case and respond to staff comments. They will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant is finished we will open the floor to public testimony. Each person will be called on only once during the public testimony. The Clerk will call the names individually of those who have signed up on our website in advance to testify. You will, then, be unmuted on -- in Zoom or you can come to the microphones in Chamber. Please state your name and address for the record and you will have three minutes to address the Commission. If you have previously sent pictures or -- or a presentation for the meeting it will be displayed on the screen and our Clerk will run the presentation or you can run the presentation, depending on your preference. If you have established that you are speaking on behalf of a larger group, like an HOA, where others from that group will allow you to speak on their behalf, you will have up to ten minutes. After all those who have signed up in advance have spoken, we will invite any others who wish -- may wish to testify. If you wish to speak on topic you may come forward in Chambers or if on Zoom press the raise hand button in the Zoom app or if you are only listening on a phone, please, press star nine and wait for your name to be called. If you are listening on multiple -- multiple devices, such as a computer and a phone, please, be sure to mute the extra devices, so we do not experience feedback and we can hear you clearly. When you are finished the Commission does -- and the Commission does not have questions for you, you will return to your seat in Chambers or be muted on Zoom or phone and no longer have the ability to speak and, please, remember we will not call on you a second time. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be given another ten minutes to come back and respond. When the applicant has finished responding to the questions and concerns, we will close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and, hopefully, be able to make final decisions or recommendations to City Council as needed. ACTION ITEMS 1. Public Hearing Continued from April 7, 2022 for Amina's Daycare (fka Mulonge Daycare) (H-2022-0012) by Godelieve Mulonge, Located at 4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F73 Page 3 of 13 A. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a group daycare of up to 12 children on 0.145 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Seal: So, at this time I would like to open the public hearing for Item No. H-2022-0012, Amina's Daycare, for a continuance. Yearsley: Do we have a date to be continued to? Seal: I believe the next date is -- Johnson: Yeah. Mr. Chair, the next available date is May 19th. The applicant has time to meet that noticing deadline and they have been informed by the planner. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Yearsley, go ahead. Yearsley: I move we continue public hearing on File No. H-2022-0012 to the hearing date of May 19th, 2022. Grove: Second. Seal: It has been moved and seconded to continue Item No. H-2022-0012 to the date of May 19th. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. 2. Public Hearing for Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) by Engineering Solutions, LLP, Located at Parcel #S1109438871, Near the Half-Mile Mark on the North Side of E. Franklin Rd., Between S. Eagle Rd. and S. Cloverdale Rd. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district. Seal: Now, I would like to open the public hearing for Item No. H-2021-0103 for Ferney Subdivision and we will begin with the staff report. Dodson: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission and the public. Sorry. First application before you tonight is for Ferney Subdivision, H-2021-0103. It is for an annexation and zoning and preliminary plat. The annexation and zoning area consists of 5.64 acres, because it includes right of way for both the railroad to the north, as well as along Franklin Road. It is a request for an annexation with the I-L zoning district and a preliminary plat consisting of two building lots on 4.93 acres of land in the requested Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F74 Page 4 of 13 zoning. In addition, the applicant is seeking a Council waiver to reduce a required landscape use buffer per the specific use standards for the proposed use of the self storage -- self service storage facility. Here is the plat/site plan. The applicant is proposing to annex the property with the I-L zoning district as noted. Proposed two different uses on the site, a self-service storage facility and flex space. Both of these uses are listed as anticipated uses in the designation of industrial for the future land use, as well as the requested I-L zoning district. Both uses are subject to specific use standards as well. According to the submitted plan, staff finds the proposed self-service storage facility complies with all specific use standards, except for the requirement to -- to screen the property and the requirement of the minimum 25 foot buffer to any residential use. It is unclear in the submitted plans whether any fencing is proposed and what type it might be. The applicant should clarify this and provide an exhibit showing the type of fencing or wall proposed to satisfy this requirement and screen the use as noted in the specific use standards. As noted, the applicant is proposing a -- or requesting a Council waiver to reduce the buffer along the east boundary. They are proposing a 15 foot buffer, rather than a 25 foot buffer, adjacent to the residential use along the east boundary. So, this is east here. Reducing a landscape use buffer requires a City Council waiver and is not eligible for alternative compliance. According to the resident's child to the east, at least from what I have heard, I don't want to speak for anybody necessarily, but I have heard that it is not anticipated for the parents to reside there in perpetuity and that it, too, is designated as industrial on the future land use map, as well as on the -- directly to the east of that property is an ACHD site of sorts that is also going to be an industrial use. So, there is -- this whole area is supposed to be industrial is my point. Because of this the applicant is requesting to reduce that buffer, rather than -- and to help utilize more of the site, because if it was industrial now there would be no buffer at all. It would be zero lot line if you wanted to. To help with this screening with the reduced buffer, staff is recommending denser landscaping along the first 150 feet measured from the back of the street buffer. So, from the first 185 feet from the back of curb. Or back of sidewalk. Sorry. Further, the applicant is required to provide a solid fence or wall to satisfy the specific use standard. Again, plans didn't necessarily depict what kind of fencing, but they will have to provide privacy fencing, minimum six foot in height. They could go to eight feet if they wanted to, because of the I-L zoning district. With staff's recommendations, the specific use standards, and the fact that the property to the east is planned to be an industrial zoned property, staff is supportive of the reduced buffer, but City Council will be the determining factor on that. The proposed building lots meet all UDC dimensional standards for the requested I-L zoning district for setbacks, building height, and the proposed use and they comply with the UDC subdivision standards. Main access to the property is proposed via two driveway connections to the extension of East Lanark from the west. It's an industrial collector street. Lanark is stubbed to the subject property's west boundary and is required to be extended to and through the site and terminate at its east boundary. Lanark is not able to be extended further than the subject property line, because of the existing residents on the east side as noted. So, the applicant is required to terminate the Lanark Street in a temporary cul-de-sac, at least according to ACHD. According to the submitted plat each property is proposed to have one driveway connection to Lanark in alignment with each other located approximately 45 feet west of the east property line. No other access is proposed for the flex building Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F75 Page 5 of 13 on the north property as seen here. The south property containing the self-service storage use is proposed to have an emergency only access to Franklin, which is here, and will have a gate. So, one access, second access there. Emergency only. A secondary access is required with the specific use standards for a self-service storage facility. The applicant has proposed an alternative temporary turnaround by incorporating the needed space for-- for a hammerhead type turnaround within the Lanark right of way and the driveways proposed. So, you can kind of see the outline here. This was submitted to me showing this after the ACHD staff report was actually issued. So, I'm not a hundred percent aware that ACHD has seen this. However, between Commission and Council I will verify that they are okay with this or the applicant will have to show a cul-de- sac at the terminus of this instead. The applicant will have to continue working with ACHD and that, unless they already have done that. And, in addition, Meridian Deputy Fire Chief have given their approval of this alternative, as well as planning staff as well. So, hopefully, ACHD helps comply. We can reduce some asphalt, because this road should get extended in the future. Buffers are required along Franklin and on both sides of the Lanark Street extension. Plans depict the required landscape buffer width, but do not show the correct amount of landscaping within the Franklin buffer. Per UDC 11-313-7C.3 no more than 65 percent of the buffer area shall be comprised of grasses. An additional landscape design is required along entry -- entryway corridors, which is adjacent to the this site. Therefore, additional vegetative ground cover beyond that of grasses and additional landscape features are required to meet UDC standards. For example, a berm, decorative walls, or a dry creek design are specifically listed in the UDC as examples to comply with this standard. Staff has already included a condition of approval for this. As of 2:00 p.m. there was no written testimony and staff does recommend approval of the subject annexation and plat, as well as the proposed uses, and I will stand for any questions. Seal: All right. Thank you very much. Would the applicant like to come forward? McKay: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I'm Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions. Business address 1029 North Rosario in Meridian. I'm representing the Franklin Storage, LLC, on this particular property. As Joe indicated we are requesting annexation and rezone to light industrial. This property is along Franklin Road and just west of North Cloverdale. We propose a future flex space and mini storage facility on the lot. It's approximately 4.93 acres in size. The history behind this project is in 2020 the applicant did submit an annexation request to the City of Meridian. They had a sole use on there, which was mini storage. They didn't submit elevations. They didn't submit a preliminary plat. So, the City Council said, you know, we just really don't have enough information to make a positive approval of this and we would recommend that you come back with more information and incorporate some type of a flex space and -- with your mini storage, so that we have two different types of uses. So, prior to the adoption of the findings they did withdraw the application and, then, came to us and -- and we kind of took a look at it, worked with the architect and the -- and the applicant to kind of come up with the site plan that's before you. I mean, obviously, you know, the property is only 216 feet wide and it's very very deep and they --there are multiple parcels along that Franklin corridor that are like this and most of them were acquired by Van Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F76 Page 6 of 13 Auker, who, then, sold them to Adler and so to the west of the property it's already platted, already zoned I-L. We have the Lanark Street that's already constructed. Utilities are there. And they did approach -- my clients did approach the other 218 foot wide parcel to the -- to the east and -- to see if they would be willing to sell and they spoke with the son and he indicated that his parents reside in the home, they have cattle in the pasture and that, you know, eventually they will sell the property after the parents have to relocate due to health issues. But at this time they just want to be left alone. We did ask them if they would consent to us reducing that landscape buffer adjacent to them, because, technically, even with the I-L land use designation on your land use map, they do have a residential home on the property and the son indicated that that -- that was fine. They -- he did not see that that was problematic. We have provided for a 30 foot landscape -- 35 foot landscape buffer along Franklin Road. As Joe indicated, we have no direct lot access to Franklin, which is an arterial. It's built out to its full five lanes with attached walk. We only show an emergency vehicle access. We will be extending, like I said, Lanark Street to our eastern boundary. We did work with the highway district and with Chief Bongiorno on what would be an alternative access. There was an alternative temporary access that was built just to the west of us in the adjoining subdivision and so we --we basically asked for the same option, because of the width of the property to put a full blown cul-de-sac is -- would just take up an immense amount of room. We did talk to the adjoining neighbor, you know, would you let us build a temporary cul-de-sac on your property. They said, no, we have cattle there. We have fencing. We prefer you not. So, we basically exhausted all of our options and, then, we submitted to Mr. Bongiorno our proposed temporary access and he did approve it. So, I do have his approval in writing. I sent his approval over to Ada County Highway District and our planner said as long as the Fire Department buys off ACHD will buy off. We are good with it, because it's -- it's a temporary situation. With the preliminary plat we just have two lots that are shown. We will be platting the street and, Joe, if you can put up the vicinity map. So -- where am I? I'm lost here. Is that the right -- oh, there we are. Okay. Sorry, Joe. I didn't see that. So, you can see the subject parcel right here at the end of Lanark where it has a temporary dead end, with kind of a T turn around, which is identical to what we are proposing. Then here is the one parcel that separates us from the property that Ada County Highway District has purchased that is located right on the east boundary of this adjoining parcel. I was the planner for Ada County Highway District. I took that before the city of Boise as a traffic operations center. We did get the property annexed and zoned into Boise City as M-1 and we provided a site plan and what's going to happen is ACHD is going to connect to Franklin with the public street. That public street will go down its east boundary and, then, it's going to come across that parcel and, then, it will link up to Lanark. So, it will end up being a loop. So, Lanark, as far as a dead end street, is just a temporary situation and this traffic operations center is intended to be built. I think they are going to start moving on the construction this year. I think it's -- it's a -- kind of a phased facility, but they have kind of outgrown their traffic ops center that they have on Adams Street, so everything's going to -- you know, we will have a nice loop in that comes off of Franklin Road, then, that will go on over and, obviously, match up to Eagle Road and we will have a commercial collector, which was intended for this area, like a backage road, so we don't have all these direct from -- our industrial lots fronting on Franklin Road. As far as the landscape plan, Joe did indicate in his conditions of approval that there are some deficiencies that he Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F77] Page 7 of 13 noticed. I have sent his comments over to the architect, who has forwarded those to the landscape architect and we will make the necessary adjustments to the landscape plan, add the fencing prior to going to -- before the City Council. So, do you have any questions? Seal: Any questions for the applicant or staff? Anyone? Okay. Thank you. McKay: Thank you. Seal: All right. At this time we will take public testimony. Got anybody signed up? Johnson: Mr. Chair, we had one person. They are online. Jeff Hatch. And, Mr. Hatch, in a moment you will be able to unmute yourself. Hatch: Good evening. Jeff Hatch with Hatch Design Architect. The project architect for this project. Address is 200 West 36th Street Boise, Idaho. 83714. Thank you, Becky, for a great presentation. Just wanted to -- you know, a couple that the Planning and Zoning Commission -- some -- some of the Commission members were part of the process that we went through back in 2020 and just wanted to kind of echo what Becky had indicated as far as taking both Planning and Zoning considerations, as well as City Council's comments to heart with the redesign and re-request of this application. I feel that this is -- or, you know, resonates quite a bit better with what those requests and indications and expectations are for the city, but also it opens up a nice opportunity for a range of different industrial uses, which is a valuable asset to Meridian. So, I just wanted to thank you again for the consideration. Seal: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Hatch. Appreciate it. Do we have anybody else signed up? Oh, sorry. Johnson: Mr. Chair, that was everyone. Seal: Would anybody in Chambers like to testify? Okay. I don't see a raised hand online. Becky, is there anything you would like to add or -- none at all? So, at -- if nobody else has any questions, then, I would take a motion to close the public hearing for Ferney Subdivision, H-2021-0103. Yearsley: So moved. Lorcher: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for H-2021-0103. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: Anybody like to chat about this or make a motion? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F78 Page 8 of 13 Wheeler: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Wheeler, go ahead. Wheeler: I am -- I'm fine with the landscape buffer to the east being reduced down to 15 feet, because it is just all in an industrial area. My bigger concern has to do with the landscaping buffer up on Franklin, so it seems like the applicant and staff are saying that they are going to work together to -- in order to bring that up to -- to the recommendations or to the code. To me that's -- that's fine with it. That's just me. Pretty simple. I don't see a need to have a larger landscape buffer on the east if all it's going to be is another sort of an industrial building next to another sort of industrial building and so on. Seal: Okay. Anybody else? Commissioner Lorcher, go ahead. Lorcher: I will make a motion. Seal: Feel free. Please do. Lorcher: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval for City Council of file number H-2021-0103 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 5th, 2022 -- 2022 with no modifications. Yearsley: Second. Seal: It is moved -- moved and seconded to approve Item No. H-2021-0103 for Ferney Subdivision with no modifications. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. 3. Public Hearing for Timberline North (Timberline Sub. No. 2) (H-2022- 0024) by Riley Planning Services, LLC, Located at 655 and 735 W. Victory Rd. A. Request: Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for the purpose of subdividing phase 2 of the Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140, DA# 114007668) that has since expired. Seal: All right. At this time I would like to open the public hearing for Item No. H-2022- 0024, Timberline North, and we will begin with the staff report. Dodson: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Skipped over the last one. I forgot to change the maps again. I'm -- fail for Joe today. Apologize. The application before you tonight is for a combined preliminary and final plat for Timberline North, also known as Timberline No. 2. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F79 Page 9 of 13 And I will get into that. The site consists of 9.8 acres of land, currently zoned R-8, located at 655 and 735 West Victory Road. It's pretty much at the south terminus of Stoddard Road about a half mile west of Meridian off of Victory. The property was annexed in 2013 as part of Timberline -- or sorry. Annexed in 2013, zoned R-8, then, it was platted in 2017 as Timberline Subdivision. Received final plat approval in 2020. It does have a medium density residential future land use designation, which is three to eight units per acre. The subject property, again, approximately ten acres was originally platted in 2017 under Timberline Subdivision. Annexed in 2013 as part of a city initiated annexation from RUT to the R-8 district as an existing development agreement that was carried through from the annexation through the platting and is still current. The approved preliminary plat in 2017 was to be completed in two phases. Phase one consists of 24 single family residential building lots and has been recorded and fully constructed with homes, open space, amenities, et cetera. Phase two received final plat approval for 33 single family residential building lots and four common lots in March of 2020 and was set to expire on May 1st, 2021. Due to unfortunate timing and circumstances, phase two plat expired. It did not receive the city engineer's signature by the deadline and no time extension was submitted. Therefore, it expired both phase two and subsequently makes the original preliminary plat expire as well. Therefore, the applicant is required to replat the phase two area under a new preliminary plat and record a second phase of the preliminary plat. Currently phase two of the development is constructed per the previous approvals, including the open space, fencing, utilities, sidewalks and the public roads. So, everything is in already, except homes. Everything. Because the subdivision improvements are constructed the applicant has submitted the previously approved final plat documents from the previous application and an alternative compliance application to allow the existing open space approved with the original submittal to remain as is and not meet the current open space and amenity standards. Due to the unique circumstances behind the expiration of the plat and the fact that the improvements are all done, staff believes that additional open space and amenities are not necessary and has subsequently approved the alternative compliance request associated with this. So, to be clear, the current open space amenity wise -- I -- I'm pretty sure it would be the same. Probably end up being -- and we have a point system now. Not too concerned there. Open space it would require more, 15 percent versus ten, in the overall development. However, again, phase one is already constructed, has open space and amenities in that. Phase two is basically constructed. All the important -- important stuff are there, minus the homes again. It just needs -- and the lot lines on a piece of paper and subsequently in the dirt. There was one piece of written testimony as of about 2.30 this afternoon from Mr. Bell. He said he was not supportive of a change from R-4 to R-8 due to the additional traffic, but the property is already zoned R-8, so I'm not sure if they were referring to another project in the area, but it is not associated with this. Staff does recommend approval of the combined preliminary/final plat. Staff finds the proposed plat meets all UDC dimensional standards and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as previously approved and I will stand for any questions. Seal: Okay. Would the applicant like to come forward? Good evening. Either one. Your choice. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F80 Page 10 of 13 Constantikes: Is this the right one? Seal: Either one? There is no wrong microphone. Constantikes: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. For the record, Penelope Constantikes. Riley Planning Services. Post Office Box 405, Boise, Idaho. 83701 . 1 would like to begin by thanking staff. This is a very unusual circumstance and it took coordinated effort by everyone to get us to this point. I just wanted to mention, along with what Joe was talking about, that the neighbors apparently have the impression that this is a fresh piece of land that doesn't have anything on it. The zone of R-8 was assigned in 2013 and I think Joe might have misspoke. It was probably part of the Kentucky Subdivision group and, then, Timberline came along later. Yeah. Which -- no big deal. So, the -- the annexation, zoning, and rezone occurred in 2013. For the benefit of the neighbors that are here this evening, I -- I just wanted to go over that in particular and to just mention to the neighbors that are here this evening that nothing is any different than it was when our preliminary plat was approved in 2017 and 2018. It's, essentially, identical. Per the staff report we have submitted an updated landscape plan with the corrections that were requested. We have also updated the final plat as requested by staff and that has also been provided. ACHD did issue -- or they -- they sent the same staff report. There was a question about two feet of additional right of way along Victory Road, so their standards changed. It's somewhat in between when we were originally approved and now and they are forgoing that two feet. They are not going to come ask for that now. I did want to point out we have a 25 foot wide landscape buffer along the frontage on Victory Road and so in the future when ACHD is ready to redevelop that road and rebuild it, they can get an additional two feet. It would -- it would make the landscape buffer slightly smaller, but it's not like that option will disappear entirely, it's just out there when they are ready to need it. There was an e-mail -- a previous e-mail from Justin Bell and I did respond to him initially and explain that this is an existing -- everything's built. There is nothing changing, but it's good that when people pay attention. That should be complemented. The post office letter is mentioned in the conditions of approval and that letter is in process and we will have it to staff before our final plat goes before the City Council. Although the alternative compliance application has already been approved by the director I did want to briefly outline the open space and amenities that were constructed with the subdivision. So, we needed to -- what we have there now is originally the -- the open space down in the southeast corner was smaller. We expanded it and ran it over all the way to the street that comes northward into our subdivision. So, there is a micro path that sweeps through that open space and connects two areas of the subdivision. There is a children's play structure that's in that area and it's rather large, so there is a lot of open grassy area. Immediately adjacent is the Jocelyn Park Subdivision and I believe that their open space is right there as well, so there is a combination and that was the one --that was something that Bill Parsons brought up when we originally came in with the subdivision was that there seemed to be a clustering of open space down in that corner for all the adjacent subdivisions. So, there is actually quite a bit down there. It's very nice. We have a micro path, as I mentioned. The picnic area that's in phase one and it's about midway on the east property line, that was a custom built cover. It's a shelter area with tables and it's very nice. And, then, we have a regional path connection and there are two open space Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F811 Page 11 of 13 lots in phase two that go along with that. Let's see. So, as Joe said, the lots are ready for homes whenever we can get that plat recorded and the neighborhood meeting that I had in March, some of the neighbors came and asked about the puncture weed and I just wanted to report that it's been cleaned up and the developer has arranged for regular spraying to keep the puncture weed down so it doesn't show up again. With that the development team is present if you have any questions that you would like to ask them specifically. Other than that, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have for me. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Do we have any questions for the applicant or staff? No? Okay. Constantikes: Thank you. Seal: Thank you. Okay. At this time we would like to take public testimony. Do we have anybody signed up? Johnson: Mr. Chair, one person signed up. They didn't mark they want to speak, but they are here. Sandy Smith. Seal: If you would like to speak come on up. Johnson: Okay. Thank you. Seal: Anybody else in Chambers like to come up and testify? All right. I think we only had one other person online. No raised hands. So, I will take that as a -- as a negative and if there is no other questions -- Johnson: Sorry. Jaime's mom was watching at some point. She was the only viewer. Seal: Okay. Johnson: He was not a camera, so she left. Seal: All right. Do we have any other questions for the applicant? None? Wheeler: Mr. Chair, I have a question for staff if that's okay. Seal: Please feel free. Wheeler: Okay. So, Joe, just a question. Penelope mentioned that they expanded a lot and I think it was phase two, but that still doesn't get to the 15 percent for the open space requirements or anything. Dodson: Commissioner Wheeler, it was in phase one and, no, they are not going to meet the -- the 15. 1 believe -- I had to do the math on my own, because I was looking at the old final plat, because that was different than the pre-plat and et cetera. I think it came to Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F82 Page 12 of 13 about just under 12 percent. So, it was more than what was approved with the pre-plat, but not at the 15 percent, no. Wheeler: Okay. Thank you. Dodson: You are welcome. Seal: Any other questions? All right. Then I will take a motion to close the public hearing for Item No. H-2022-0024. Lorcher: So moved. Grove: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for Item No. H-2022- 0024. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: Who would like to start? Who would like to give a motion? Sorry. Was that a little pushy? Grove: Mr. Chair? Seal: Go ahead. Grove: So, there -- there is not a lot to -- to pick apart on this. I mean it's essentially something that was previously approved, but coming back to us with the exact same thing, so there is -- it's not an annexation. There is not a lot to pick apart. I will say I applaud having the cul-de-sac versus shared drives, so kudos to you for going that direction, because we don't get enough of those in my opinion. So, good job. I mean with the open space, the requirements changed from when the original went through until now, so -- I mean in terms of how we are looking at this. It's relatively straightforward in my opinion. Seal: I would tend to agree. Would anybody else like to comment? Wheeler: Mr. Chair, are we ready for a motion then? Seal: I think we are ready for a motion if you want to -- Wheeler: Okay. Seal: -- take a shot. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 2. May 5,2022 F83 Page 13 of 13 Wheeler: There it is. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval of the City Council of File No. H-2022-0024 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 5th, 2022, with no modifications. Yearsley: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded to approve Item No. H-2022-0024, Timberline North, with no modifications. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: All right. Can I get one more motion, please? Yearsley: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Yearsley, go ahead. Yearsley: I move we adjourn. Wheeler: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded that we adjourn. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carries. Thank you very much. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6.39 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED ANDREW SEAL - CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Approved 5-19-2022 CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK E K IDIAN:--- iuAn Planning and Zoning Presentations and outline Planning and Zoning Commission May 5, 2022Meeting Item #2: Ferney Subdivision AZ, PP PLANNED DEVELOPMENTZONING MAP Preliminary Plat Landscape Plan Item #3: Timberline North PFP PLANNED DEVELOPMENTZONING MAP Approved Preliminary Plat Changes to Agenda: Item #1 – Amina’s Daycare CUP (H-2022-0012) requires continuance due to a site posting error. Item #2: Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) Application(s):  Annexation and Zoning, Preliminary Plat Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 5.1 acres of land, zoned RUT in the County, located near the half mile mark on the north side of E. Franklin Road, between S. Eagle Road and S. Cloverdale Road. History: Subject site was denied annexation and zoning approval in 2020 (H-2020-0033) because no development plan accompanied annexation request but the Applicant withdrew the application before Findings of Denial were approved by the Council. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Industrial Summary of Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district and a Preliminary Plat consisting of two (2) building lots on 4.93 acres of land in the requested I-L zoning district. In addition, the Applicant is seeking a Council Waiver to reduce a required landscape use buffer per the specific use standards for the proposed use of self-service storage facility (UDC 11-4-3- 34). The Applicant is proposing to annex the property into the City with the I-L zoning district and propose two different uses on the property, self-storage and flex space—both of these uses are listed above as anticipated uses in this designation and the proposal for the I-L zoning district complies with the industrial future land use designation. Both uses are subject to specific use standards. According to the submitted plans, Staff finds the proposed self-service storage facility complies with all specific use standard except for the requirement to screen the property and the minimum 25-foot buffer to any residential use. It is unclear on the submitted plans whether any fencing is proposed. The Applicant should clarify this and provide an exhibit showing the type of fencing/wall proposed to satisfy this requirement. As noted above, the Applicant is proposing a 15-foot buffer adjacent to the residential use along the east boundary. Reducing a landscape use buffer requires a City Council waiver and is not eligible for Alternative Compliance, per UDC 11- 5B-5. According to the resident’s child to the east, it is not anticipated for their parents to be in this location long-term and this property is also shown as industrial on the future land use map. Staff is recommending denser landscaping is proposed along the first 150 feet of this buffer measured from the back of the required street buffer (185 feet from back of sidewalk). Further, the Applicant is required to provide a solid fence/wall to satisfy the specific use standards. With Staff’s recommendation, the specific use standards, and the fact the property to the east is planned to be an industrial zoned property, Staff is supportive of the reduced buffer. The proposed building lots meet all UDC dimensional standards for the requested I-L zoning district for setbacks, building height, and proposed use and comply with UDC subdivision standards. Main access to the project is proposed via two driveway connections to the extension of E. Lanark, an industrial collector street. Lanark is stubbed to the subject property’s west boundary and is required to be extended into and through the property. Lanark is not able to be extended further than the subject property so the Applicant is required to terminate Lanark in a temporary cul-de-sac near the east boundary, according to the ACHD staff report. According to the submitted plat each property is proposed to have one driveway connection to Lanark in alignment with each other located approximately 45 feet west of the east property line. No other access is proposed for the flex building on the north property. The south property containing the self-storage use is proposed to have an emergency only-access to Franklin Road; a secondary access is required to satisfy the specific use standards of the proposed use. Applicant has proposed an alternative temporary turnaround by incorporating the needed space for a hammerhead type turnaround within the Lanark right-of-way and the driveways proposed to Lanark. This alternative was proposed after the ACHD staff report was issued so Staff is not aware if ACHD will approve this alternative. The Applicant should continue working with ACHD on the type of temporary turnaround allowed. The Meridian Deputy Fire Chief have given their approval of the alternative temporary turnaround shown on the submitted plat with the requirement that Lanark be signed “no parking” on both sides; the Applicant has agreed to this. Buffers are required along Franklin and on both sides of the Lanark extension. Plans depict required landscape buffer widths but does not show correct amount of landscaping within the Franklin buffer. Per UDC 11-3B-7C.3, no more than 65% of the landscape buffer area shall be comprised of grasses and additional landscape design is required along entryway corridors. Therefore, additional vegetative ground cover beyond that of grasses and additional landscape features are required to meet UDC standards. For example, a berm, decorative walls, or a dry creek design are specifically noted within code. Staff has included a condition of approval regarding this. Written Testimony: None Staff Recommendation: Approval Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2021-0103, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 5, 2022, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2021- 0103, as presented during the hearing on May 5, 2022, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2021-0103 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #3: Timberline North Subdivision (H-2022-0024) Application(s):  Combined Preliminary and Final Plat Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 9.8 acres of land, zoned R-8, located at 655 and 735 W. Victory Road (south terminus of Stoddard Road, ½ mile west of Meridian Road. History: Annexed in 2013, platted as Timberline Subdivision in 2017 (H-2017-0140); Final Plat approval in 2020 (H-2020-0008). Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Medium Density Residential Summary of Request: The subject property, approximately 9.8 acres, was originally platted in 2017 under Timberline Subdivision (H- 2017-0140) but was annexed in 2013 as part of a City initiated annexation from RUT to the R-8 zoning district (AZ-13-014, DA# 114007668). The approved preliminary plat was to be completed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of 24 single-family residential building lots and has been recorded and fully constructed with homes, open space, etc. Phase 2 received final plat approval for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots in March 2020 and was set to expire on May 1, 2021. Due to unfortunate timing and circumstances, the Timberline No. 2 final plat did not receive City Engineer signature by the deadline and no time extension was submitted in accord with UDC standards. Therefore, the phase 2 final plat expired which subsequently made the original preliminary plat approved in 2017 expire. The Applicant is required to re-plat the phase 2 area in order record phase 2 of the final plat. Currently phase 2 of the development is constructed per the previous approval including the open space, fencing, utilities, sidewalks, and public roads. Because all of the subdivision improvements are constructed, the Applicant has submitted the previously approved final plat documents from the previous application and an Alternative Compliance (ALT) application to allow the existing open space approved with the original submittal to remain as is without requiring the plat to comply with the current open space and amenity standards. Due to the unique circumstances behind the expiration of the plat and the fact that the improvements are all done, staff believes additional open space and amenities are not necessary. Written Testimony: Justin Bell, nearby resident – not supportive of change from R-4 to R-8 due to additional traffic (not part of this application, property is already R-8). Staff Recommendation: Approval – Staff finds the proposed combined preliminary/final plat meets all UDC dimensional standards and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as previously approved. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2022-0024, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 5, 2022, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2022- 0024, as presented during the hearing on May 5, 2022, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2022-0024 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Preliminary/Final Plat Item 1. 3 E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing Continued from April 7, 2022 for Amina's Daycare (fka Mulonge Daycare) (H-2022-0012) by Godelieve Mulonge, Located at 4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave. Application Requires a Continuance A. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a group daycare of up to 12 children on 0.145 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Item 1. F 4 (:�N-WE IDIAN IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Alan Tiefenbach Meeting Date: May 5, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing Continued from April 7, 2022 for Amina's Daycare (fka Mulonge Daycare) (H-2022-0012) by Godelieve Mulonge, Located at 4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave. A. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a group daycare of up to 12 children on 0.145 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Item 1. STAFF REPORTC�WE IDIANn-=- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A H O HEARING 4/7/2022 legend DATE: Jt2 � fl TO: Planning&Zoning Commission , LU FROM: Alan Tiefenbach,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 w; M SUBJECT: H-2022-0012 Amina's Daycare w LOCATION: 4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Conditional use permit to operate a group daycare for up to 12 children on 0.14 acre of land in the R- 8 zoning district. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 0.14 acres Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential Existing Land Use(s) SFR home Proposed Land Use(s) SFR home with group daycare Neighborhood meeting date;#of January 20,2022,no attendees attendees: History(previous approvals) AUP A-2020-0064 to allow for family daycare of up to 6 children B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) No • Requires ACHD Commission No Action es/no Access(Arterial/Collectors/State One access from S.Leaning Tower Ave.via. S.Locust Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Grove Rd. Page 1 Item 1. C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map (Legend Lr— 0 Legend P•aject Lc+ca;Lor — p fb_ ._z- Loco-on 441} W e �MB_ I/U/ - R s1 17tIaI 1A ': J . •Y 7 w '+7rcrrrti ooa as }}IIr o _ IrJ z* w density Rlesidentilal sE ux II ': Zonninng,Map Planned Development Map Legend L_LJ_� . _ Legend EL I F'o"ec Loca=or ' � F-GJL-c#Lcoai�n ----' 0 � * i Ca13f Umi+s f aLLI W — ParradFo-uE= � � � > RUT _- 47 fi rq n 47 r fit. i n 5 14— -4 III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant/Owner: Godelieve Mulonge—4175 S. Leaning Tower Ave, ID 83642 B. Representative: Same as Applicant/Owner Page 2 Item 1. IV. NOTICING Planning& Zoning Posting Date Newspaper notification published 03/22/22 Radius notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 03/21/22 Public hearing notice sign posted 3/28/2022 on site Nextdoor posting 3/21/2022 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https:llwww.meridianciu.or /g compplan) MDR(Medium Density Residential)—This designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of three to eight dwelling units per acre. B. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:llwww.meridianciU.or /g comQplan): • "Plan for and encourage services like health care, daycare,grocery stores and recreational areas to be built within walking distance of residential dwellings."(2.01.01 C) The existing and proposed daycare expansion is within walking distance of adjacent residential homes. C. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There is an existing home and associated improvements on this property. D. Proposed Use Analysis: The applicant is presently operating under an approved accessory use permit to run a family daycare(6 or less children,AUP 2020-0064).A group daycare(7-12 children)is listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2 as a conditional use in the R-8 zoning district.The applicant states the daycare will operate from 6:30 AM to 7 PM on weekdays with outdoor playtime limited to one hour after 9AM and one hour after 1 PM. E. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): The specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-9,Daycare Facility, applicable to the proposed use are as follows: A. General standards for all child daycare and adult care uses,including the classifications of daycare center; daycare,family; and daycare,group: 1. In determining the type of daycare facility,the total number of children at the facility at one time, including the operator's children, is the determining factor. The Applicant's narrative states the plan is to have up to 12 children. The applicant is already operating a family daycare(6 children or less, which is allowed as an accessory use in the R-8 zoning district), but wants to expand the use to allow up to 12 children. 2. On site vehicle pick up,parking and turnaround areas shall be provided to ensure safe discharge and pick up of clients. Page 3 Item 1. The applicant states they presently provide and will continue to provide the transportation for the children. However, the subject house does have a parking pad which is approximately 30 feet wide which could provide an additional parking space for pick up or drop off. Parking spaces are also available along the curb in front of the house if needed. Staff has received several letters from adjacent property owners stating there has been parking, traffic and safety issues from the existing daycare. Staff visited the site in the afternoon on a weekday. At that time, staff only observed two cars in front of the house and no other cars parked on the public street. Pictures have been included as part of the exhibit. 3. The decision-making body shall specify the maximum number of allowable clients and hours of operation as conditions of approval. The Applicant proposes an in-home group daycare for up to 12 children. The applicant proposes to operate between 6:30 AM to 7PM. 4. The applicant or owner shall provide proof of criminal background checks and fire inspection certificates as required by title 39, chapter 11,Idaho Code. Said proof shall be provided prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. The applicant or owner shall comply with all State of Idaho and Department of Health and Welfare requirements for daycare facilities. This has been listed as a condition of approval. 5. hi residential districts or uses adjoining an adjacent residence,the hours of operation shall be between six o'clock(6:00)A.M. and eleven o'clock(11:00)P.M. This standard may be modified through approval of a conditional use permit. As mentioned above, the Applicant presently operates the family daycare between 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM on weekdays and this is not proposed to change. 6. All outdoor play areas shall be completely enclosed by minimum six foot(6)non- scalable fences to secure against exit/entry by small children and to screen abutting properties. The outdoor play area will be in the backyard, which is surrounded by a 6 ft. tall fence. 7. Outdoor play equipment over six feet(6)high shall not be located in a front yard or within any required yard. All outdoor play activities will occur in a fenced backyard. 8. Outdoor play areas in residential districts adjacent to an existing residence shall not be used after dusk. As mentioned, the daycare will operate from 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM. Outdoor play will occur one hour after 9"and one hour after IPM. F. Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): Not Applicable G. Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): Access is provided from S. Leaning Tower Ave.via S. Locust Grove Rd.According to the applicant,they generally pick up and deliver the children,although occasionally it would be the individual parent or guardian doing this. According to letters provided by residents,there are Page 4 Item 1. 1-91 ongoing traffic,parking and safety issues associated with the daycare.As mentioned above, staff did not observe these issues during a site visit. H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Parking exists on the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for a 4- bedroom single-family dwelling.A total of three(3) garage spaces and a 30 ft. x 20 ft.parking pad exist which exceeds UDC standards. On-street parking is also available(see exhibit in Section VILA). As mentioned above, citizens have commented there are ongoing parking issues associated with the existing daycare. I. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): A photo of the existing home on this property is included in Section VIII.C;no additions are proposed with this application. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit with the conditions in Section VIII per the Findings in Section IX. Page 5 Item 1. Flo VII. EXHIBITS A. Site Plan(dated: 2/18/2022) Ada County Assessor '{ 10.9' Main Level 1185.6 sf Second Floor 1551 .2 sf m - Garage ir 2.4 sf w 22.2 . 4; Porch 15.8 sf � 12+i t d 7' R6117160340 Page 6 -1 Item 1. 1 ML I a a - s s t h Page 7 El B. Existing Residence Pictures NOW IL Page e Item 1. F13 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. Planning 1. The Applicant shall comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-9 Daycare Facilities,including but not limited to the following: a. All outdoor play areas shall be completely enclosed by minimum six foot(6')non- scalable fences to secure against exit/entry by small children and to screen abutting properties. b. Outdoor play equipment over six feet(6')high shall not be located in a front yard or within any required yard. c. Outdoor play areas in residential districts adjacent to an existing residence shall not be used after dusk. 2. The maximum number of allowable clients at the facility at one time shall be limited to twelve(12). 3. The daycare/pre-school shall not operate beyond the hours of 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM on weekdays. 4. The applicant or owner shall provide proof of criminal background checks and fire inspection certificates as required by title 39, chapter 11,Idaho Code prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The applicant or owner shall comply with all State of Idaho and Department of Health and Welfare requirements for daycare facilities. B. Ada County Highway District(ACHD) https:llweblink.meridianciU.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=254157&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC C. NMID https:llweblink.meridianciU.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=255745&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty IX. FINDINGS A. Conditional Use Permit The Commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the R-8 zoning district. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Staff ,finds the proposed in-home group daycare will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan in that it will provide a much-needed service for area residents within walking distance of homes within the neighborhood. Page 9 Item 1. 14 3. That the design,construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. This is a small in-home day-care in which the single-family home is the primary residence of the applicant. Staff finds the operation of the proposed in-home daycare should be compatible with the residential uses in the neighborhood and the existing and intended character of the neighborhood and not adversely affect such. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. If the proposed in-home daycare complies with the condition of approval in Section VII as required, Staff finds the proposed use should not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools,parks,police and fire protection, drainage structures,refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Because the site is within the City's Area of City Impact boundary and has been annexed into the City and these services are already being provided to the existing home, Staff finds the public facilities mentioned will be provided to the proposed use as well. 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds the proposed use should not create any additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. The present operation picks up and delivers children, and this will remain the same. There could be occasional onsite pick up/drop off, but there is sufficient parking and staff finds it would not be detrimental to the general welfare. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is unaware of any natural, scenic or historic features in this area; however,finds the proposed use should not result in damage of any such features. Page 10 Item 2. 15 (:> E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing for Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) by Engineering Solutions, LLP, Located at Parcel #51109438871, Near the Half-Mile Mark on the North Side of E. Franklin Rd., Between S. Eagle Rd. and S. Cloverdale Rd. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district. Item 2. 16 (:�N-WE IDIAN IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Joseph Dodson Meeting Date: May 5, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing for Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) by Engineering Solutions, LLP, Located at Parcel #S1109438871, Near the Half-Mile Mark on the North Side of E. Franklin Rd., Between S. Eagle Rd. and S. Cloverdale Rd. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing i PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: May 5, 2022 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 2 PROJECT NAME: Ferney Subdivision (H-2021-0103) Your Full Name Your Full Address Representing I wish to testify (Please Print) HOA? (mark X if yes) If yes, please provide HOA name 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Item 2. ■ STAFF REPORTC�,WEIIDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .►A H O HEARING 5/5/2022 �z DATE: Legend Project Location TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Joseph Dodson,Associate Planner r_ 208-884-5533 -- ' SUBJECT: H-2021-0103 L Ferney Subdivision ID _ LOCATION: The site is located near the half mile mark on the north side of E. Franklin -t Road,between S.Eagle Road and S. ® 1 Cloverdale Road,in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 9,Township 3N.,Range 1 E. 9a I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Annexation and Zoning of 5.64 acres with a request for the I-L zoning district and a Preliminary Plat consisting of two (2)building lots on 4.93 acres of land in the requested I-L zoning district. NOTE: The Applicant is seeking a Council Waiver to reduce a required landscape use buffer per the specific use standards for the proposed use of self-service storage facility(UDC 11-4-3-34). Analysis is provided throughout the report below. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage AZ—5.64 acres;PP—5.143 acres Future Land Use Designation General Industrial Existing Land Use Vacant Proposed Land Use(s) Future self-storage facility and Flex Space building Current Zoning RUT in Ada County Proposed Zoning I-L Lots(#and type;bldg/common) 2 industrial building lots Physical Features(waterways, Evans Drain runs along norther boundary of property hazards,flood plain,hillside) (minimal flood hazard). Neighborhood meeting date November 22,2021 History(previous approvals) Subject site was denied annexation and zoning approval in 2020(H-2020-0033)because no development plan accompanied annexation request but the Applicant withdrew the application before Findings of Denial were approved by the Council. Page 1 Item 2. F18 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Yes • Requires ACHD No Commission Action es/no Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Two(2)driveway accesses to Franklin Rd. currently exist; Hwy/Local)(Existing and Main access will be provided via proposed extension of E. Proposed) Lanark St(an industrial collector roadway)and one emergency-only access is proposed to Franklin to comply with code. Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross E.Lanark is proposed to be stubbed to eastern property Access boundary with attached sidewalks. See analysis in Section V below for more information. Existing Road Network W.Franklin Road is built to its ultimate configuration. 5- travel lanes,bike lanes,curb,gutter and detached sidewalk. Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There is existing attached sidewalk.A landscape buffer is Buffers required along Franklin frontage. Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station Approximately 2 miles from Fire Station#1 • Fire Response Time The project lies inside of the Meridian Fire response time goal of 5 minutes • Resource Reliability Fire Station#4 reliability is 76%(below the goal of 80%) • Accessibility Proposed project meets all required road widths,and turnaround dimensions. Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services Directly adjacent • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns • Flow is committed • See Public Works Site Specific Conditions Water • Distance to Services Directly adjacent • Pressure Zone 5 • Project Consistent with Yes Water Master Plan • Water Quality Concerns None • Impacts/Concerns See Public Works Site Specific Conditions Page 2 � m 1 1 1 rr rn►�_IIIIIII111111—�'i'r'I ,��,,. Irr ■earn r-...,.., ,• N E 71 • . - . . PINE F�FCUT % • . - . . ���� .�1�►,1�:.��FCUT "W" 4. AM 1111< �I�IIY131 � W FRANKLIN x 4-1 IAIAAI Qa�' Ali n • . - . . . NE LCC / • . _ . . . N, nur...°Inml'11111 ••• .. gllllhill� - ,� � UTrVF IN�1■ ■■ I ��h, ■�■IIII�W li �� ■ Ill INNER =� ■� FRANKL-IN �w I � Fwill • � �° � ` 11111�11 ■■�i � w ---------------- Item 2. 20 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper notification published 4/19/2022 Radius notification mailed to properties within 500 feet 4/18/2022 Public hearing notice sign posted 4/25/2022 Nextdoor posting 4/18/2022 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https://www.meridiancity.or /g compplan) General Industrial—This designation allows a range of uses that support industrial and commercial activities. Industrial uses may include warehouses, storage units,light manufacturing, flex, and incidental retail and offices uses. In some cases,uses may include processing, manufacturing,warehouses, storage units, and industrial support activities. Sample zoning include: I-L and I-H. The subject property is noted as Industrial on the future land use map (FL UM) and shares this designation with multiple properties to the east and west along the north side of Franklin Road. The Applicant is proposing to annex the property into the City with the I-L zoning district and propose two different uses on the property, self-storage and flex space—both of these uses are listed above as anticipated uses in this designation and the proposal for the I-L zoning district complies with the industrial future land use designation. The subject property has a planned extension of an industrial collector street(E. Lanark) that will bisect the property into two parcels which accounts for the main reason a preliminary plat is required and was submitted. According to the submitted plat, the Applicant is proposing the self- storage buildings on the front parcel(approximately 2.89 acres) and a flex space building on the back parcel along the railroad corridor(approximately 1.75 acres). Further analysis on the proposed uses are in subsequent sections below. In terms of nearby and adjacent development, there is existing industrial zoning to the west with developing flex and other industrial type buildings. The parcel directly abutting to the east is still a county RUT parcel that contains a single-family residence and still maintains some farm animals. Directly east of the county parcel is an ACHD facility that is currently under construction. Therefore, the county parcel to the east would be surrounded by industrial uses until such time that parcel redevelops. Because of the existing residential use to the east, this Applicant is required to provide a landscape buffer to that use. Staff has had conversations with that homeowner and they anticipate selling the property in the next five (5)years once their parents decide to leave that home. The applicant is seeking a Council waiver to reduce the buffer along the parcel as the City anticipates this property will redevelop with industrial uses in the future. Based on the proposed uses and plat,Staff finds the subject development to be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Specific policies are analyzed below in the next section. The City may require a development agreement(DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A.In order to ensure the site develops as proposed with this application, Staff recommends a DA as a provision of annexation with the provisions included in Section VHTA1. The DA is required to be signed by the property owner(s)/developer and returned to the City within 6 months of the Council granting the annexation for approval by City Council Page 4 Item 2. 21 and subsequent recordation.A final plat will not be accepted until the DA is executed and the AZ ordinance is approved by City Council. B. Comprehensive Plan Policies (https://www.meridianciny.org/compplan): Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to this development; Staff analysis is in italics: "Plan for industrial areas with convenient access to state highways or the rail corridor,where appropriate."(3.06.02D). The subject property abuts the railroad corridor along its north boundary. The subject development preserves this property as an industrial use along the rail corridor despite not utilizing that service at this time. Stafffinds the most important factor being that this development does not eliminate that option nor proposes a use that is non-compatible with the rail corridor. "Require all new development to create a site design compatible with surrounding uses through buffering, screening,transitional densities, and other best site design practices"(3.07.01A).As noted above, the Applicant is required to provide a landscape buffer along the east property boundary as an existing county residence is present on the parcel directly to the east. This is a requirement of the specific use standards for the proposed self-storage use;specifically, that the use is required to be wholly enclosed which should help minimize the impact to the existing homeowner. The Applicant is depicting a buffer along this entire boundary but is proposing a reduced buffer width because the property to the east is anticipated to be redeveloped with an industrial use similar to what exists in this area. Within the reduced buffer, the Applicant appears to depict code compliant landscaping and elevated building design facing the existing residence. To help ensure this buffer closest to the existing residence (the southern quarter of the site) provides adequate screening, Staff is recommending the Applicant include additional trees for the first 150 feet of this buffer to show the trees touching at maturity. Staff believes with this additional landscaping, the proposed development offers compatible site design, buffering, and screening to the existing development to the east. "Establish and maintain levels of service for public facilities and services, including water, sewer,police,transportation, schools, fire,and parks"(3.02.01G).All public utilities are available for this project site due to the existing network abutting the site to the west and south, per Public Works comments. Subsequently, all public utilities will be extended at the Applicant's expense in order to connect to the existing services within the right-of-way. Further, the site is within the Fire Department response time goal of 5-minutes. Franklin Road is widened to its ultimate width in this location adjacent to the site and the Applicant is required to extend Lanark Street through the site to its east boundary. The subject development is only allowed an emergency access to Franklin because access to Lanark will be available. The required access to the public street network helps appropriately disperse vehicle trips for the subject site and the nearby uses as well. "Preserve the industrial base within designated industrial land use areas by discouraging non- industrial uses and focusing on light manufacturing,distribution,flex-space, and base- employment."(3.07.01D). The subject development does not propose non-industrial uses by proposing self-storage and flex space which are uses supported by the future land use designation as a whole and by this specific policy. "Require appropriate landscaping,buffers, and noise mitigation with new development along transportation corridors(setback,vegetation,low walls,berms, etc.)."(3.07.01 Q.As noted above, the Applicant is required to provide landscaping adjacent to the existing residence to the east but additionally the Applicant is required to provide a 35 foot landscape buffer along Franklin, an entryway corridor. Furthermore, the required E.Lanark extension is a collector Page 5 Item 2. ■ roadway which requires a minimum 20 foot landscape buffer with detached sidewalks. The Applicant is depicting both of these buffers and, as shown, should provide noise mitigation and buffer the transportation corridors from the proposed development. With the recommended revisions,Staff finds this development to be generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Annexation: The Applicant is proposing to annex approximately 5.64 acres of land which is larger than the property size of 4.93 acres. This discrepancy is due to the Applicant being required to annex land to the centerline of adjacent right-of-way. In this case, this area includes Franklin Road right-of- way south of the property and railroad right-of-way north of the property. With previous applications north of the subject site, Applicants did not annex to the centerline of the railroad right-of-way which was a mistake and the City did not catch it. In light of this, Staff is asking the Applicant to revise their annexation and zoning request to include the full railroad right-of-way instead of just to the centerline. Staff has included this comment within the conditions of approval. D. Access(UDC 11-3A-3): Main access to the project is proposed via two driveway connections to the extension of E. Lanark, an industrial collector street. According to the submitted plat that depicts the proposed layouts for each use, each property is proposed to have one driveway connection to Lanark in alignment with each other located approximately 45 feet west of the east property line(measured from property line to center of driveways).No other access is proposed for the flex building on the north property. The south property containing the self-storage use is proposed to have an emergency only-access to Franklin Road; a secondary access is required to satisfy the specific use standards of the proposed use. Lanark is stubbed to the subject property's west boundary and is required to be extended into and through the property. Lanark is not able to be extended further than the subject property so the Applicant is required to terminate Lanark in a temporary cul-de- sac near the east boundary, according to the ACHD staff report. However, because the timeline of extension is not known and temporary cul-de-sacs require a large amount of area, the Applicant has proposed an alternative temporary turnaround by incorporating the needed space for a hammerhead type turnaround within the Lanark right-of- way and the driveways proposed to Lanark. This alternative was proposed after the ACHD staff report was issued so Staff is not aware if ACHD will approve this alternative. The Applicant should continue working with ACHD on the type of temporary turnaround allowed. The Meridian Deputy Fire Chief have given their approval of the alternative temporary turnaround shown on the submitted plat with the requirement that Lanark be signed "no parking"on both sides; the Applicant has agreed to this. Therefore, Staff finds the proposed alternative to be sufficient for approval by the City but understands revisions may occur to satisfy ACHD. These revisions would not affect the layout but would only increase the amount of asphalt on the property. Because the Applicant has to obtain final approval from ACHD on the proposed alternative turnaround and Staff includes a general provision to comply with ACHD conditions of approval, Page 6 Item 2. 23 Staff does not find it necessary to include a specific condition as part of this application and will confirm the outcome of the temporary turnaround at the time of final plat submittal. No other accesses are proposed or required with the submitted plat or proposed uses and each access complies with UDC requirements. E. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: No existing structures or site improvement appear to be present on the subject site. Two curb cuts exist to Franklin Road and both are proposed to be removed in lieu of the emergency access to Franklin for the proposed self-storage use. The Applicant is required to construct vertical curb, gutter,and repair any sidewalk while closing the two existing curb cuts. F. Proposed Use Analysis: The Applicant is proposing two industrial type uses, self-storage and flex space. Both uses are permitted use in the requested I-L zoning district,per UDC Table 11-2C-2. Self-service Storage Facilities are subject to specific use standards outlined in UDC 11-4-3-34 and Flex Space is subject to the specific use standards outlined in UDC 11-4-3-18. Although self-storage is an anticipated use on the subject property, Staff has expressed that more flex space and less storage is preferred in order to help provide more employment opportunities and contribute to the overall need of flex space in the Valley. Commission and Council should also determine if the proposed mix of uses is preferred by the City. According to the submitted plans,Staff finds the proposed self-service storage facility complies with all specific use standard except for the requirement to screen the property and the minimum 25 foot buffer to any residential use.It is unclear on the submitted plans whether any fencing is proposed. The Applicant should clarify this and provide an exhibit showing the type of fencing/wall proposed to satisfy this requirement.As noted above, the Applicant is proposing a 15 foot buffer adjacent to the residential use along the east boundary.Reducing a landscape use buffer requires a City Council waiver and is not eligible for Alternative Compliance,per UDC 11-5B-5.According to the resident's child to the east, it is not anticipated for their parents to be in this location long-term and this property is also shown as industrial on the future land use map. Staff is recommending denser landscaping is proposed along the first 150 feet of this buffer measured from the back of the required street buffer(185 feet from back of sidewalk). Further, the Applicant is required to provide a solid fence/wall to satisfy the specific use standards. With Staffs recommendation, the specific use standards, and the fact the property to the east is planned to be an industrial zoned property,Staff is supportive of the reduced buffer. Future development applications that show the floor plan of the proposed flex building will determine compliance with the flex space specific use standards in UDC 11-4-3-18. Staff typically verifies code compliance for flex space buildings at the time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC)which is a required approval prior to submitting for building permits. Staff notes, all buildings on the subject property will be required to obtain CZC and Design Review approval prior to building permit submittal. G. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The proposed building lots meet all UDC dimensional standards for the requested I-L zoning district for setbacks,building height, and proposed use. All subdivision developments are also required to comply with Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3). This applies to the subject development because a preliminary plat was submitted. Staff finds the proposed plat complies with the standards outlined in UDC 11-6C-3. Page 7 Item 2. ■ H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table II- 3C-6B for nonresidential buildings based on the gross floor area of the flex building and the area of the office for the self-storage facility at the ratio of 1 space per 2,000 square feet. Staff will confirm code compliance with this code section at the time of CZC and Design Review submittal. However, initial review of the submitted landscape plan depict parking in excess of code requirements on each site and for both uses. I. Sidewalks&Pathways (UDC 11-3A-17& UDC 11-3A-8): 5-foot wide detached sidewalks are required along the E. Lanark Street extension per UDC 11- 3A-17C. There is existing 7-foot attached sidewalk along the Franklin Road frontage that is proposed to remain. The proposed sidewalks comply with UDC requirements and the existing sidewalk along Franklin is required to be maintained or repaired should it sustain damage during construction. A multi-use pathway segment is shown within the railroad corridor north of the subject property. Per the Meridian Parks Department,the City is requiring a 14-foot wide pedestrian easement along the north property boundary for the preservation of a potential regional pathway segment along the rail corridor consistent with the Master Pathways Plan.According to the submitted plat, the Applicant is showing the required 14 foot easement along the north property line. J. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A minimum 35-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to E. Franklin Road, an arterial street and labeled as an entryway corridor. This buffer is required to be landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. According to the submitted plat and landscape plans, a minimum 35- foot landscape easement is depicted adjacent to Franklin,measured from the back of sidewalk. The submitted landscape plans confirm the minimum width of the landscape buffer but do not appear to show code compliant vegetation. Per UDC 11-3B-7C.3, no more than 65%of the landscape buffer area shall be comprised ofgrasses and additional landscape design is required along entryway corridors. Therefore, additional vegetative ground cover beyond that of grasses and additional landscape features are required to meet UDC standards. For example, as outlined in code, landscape features may include berms of no less than four to one(4:1)slope at a three- foot minimum height, decorative landscape walls (no greater than three(3)feet in height), decorative open vision fencing(no greater than four(4)feet in height), or a dry creek design with river rock, boulders, etc. are acceptable to meet this standard. Staff has included a condition of approval to comply with this standard.However, there are existing power poles along the Franklin frontage so the Applicant will be limited to Class I trees only; this does not preclude the Applicant from meeting the maximum ground cover percentage noted above. A 20-foot wide landscape buffer is required on both sides of the E. Lanark Street extension, an industrial collector street—the submitted plat depicts at least a 20 feet wide easement on both sides of this road extension measured from approximately the middle of the detached sidewalk. Therefore,the parkway strips between the sidewalks and back of curb for Lanark are not shown as part of the landscape easement. Staff has concerns with the parkways strips not being included within the landscape buffer easements along Lanark and the lack of any vegetation shown within these parkways on the submitted landscape plans. Staff recommends the landscape buffer easement be extended to the back of curb to comply with the UDC and to revise the landscape plans to show additional grasses within the parkway strip. Further, the landscape buffers along Lanark do not show the required vegetative ground cover, similar to the Franklin buffer. Therefore, Staff is also including Page 8 Item 2. ■ a condition of approval to add additional vegetative ground cover beyond grass to comply with UDC 11-3B-7C.3. K. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-7): All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7 and those areas applicable to the specific use standards for the proposed self-service storage facility(UDC 11-4- 3-34). No fencing is shown on the submitted landscape plan but fencing is required per the specific use standards for the proposed self-service storage facility use adjacent to the existing residential use to the east. Staff is including a condition of approval to include code compliant fencing along the entire east property boundary. L. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The applicant has submitted conceptual elevations of the proposed storage buildings and flex space building. All new nonresidential buildings require Administrative Design Review(DES) approval prior to building permit submittal.DES was not submitted concurrently with these applications so the Applicant will be required to submit for this with the future Certificate of Zoning Compliance(CZC) application. The conceptual elevations submitted depict 17 foot tall storage buildings at their highest and a 21 foot tall flex building. The storage buildings vary in overall size but appear to show varying roof profiles and finish materials facing relevant areas (roadways and the residence to the east). However, it is not entirely clear if the paneling shown facing the residence is metal or otherwise; metal paneling will not be allowed as a future field material. Overall, Staff finds the conceptual elevations should comply with the relevant standards but will review it in more detail at the time of CZC and Design Review submittal. M. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-6): The Evans Drain runs along the north property line with a majority of its easement on the subject property.No floodplain exists on the subject site nor along the Evans Drain in the vicinity. According to the submitted plat,this drain is proposed to be piped compliant with UDC 11-3A-6. Because this area of the plat is adjacent to a vehicular use area around the Flex building, parking lot landscaping is required per UDC 11-3B-8 and should include trees and other vegetative ground cover. The submitted landscape plans do not depict any trees within this area as the irrigation easement does not allow trees. Further, the Applicant will need to obtain a license agreement with the irrigation district in order to construct what is shown on the landscape plans. Staff does not find what is proposed on the landscape plans to comply with the minimum code requirements discussed. The Applicant should submit for Alternative Compliance with the future final plat to propose an equal or superior means of complying the landscaping outlined in UDC 11-3B-8 within or adjacent to the Evans Drain easement. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the Applicant's request for annexation&zoning with the requirement of a Development Agreement and the preliminary plat request with the conditions noted in Section VIILA per the Findings in Section IX of this staff report. Page 9 Item 2. F26] VII. EXHIBITS A. Annexation&Zoning Legal Description and Exhibit Map ot� ' rfcs �ACCURATE 2 AwSURVEYING & MAPPING '4 SERy10E Job No.19-274 Land Description Annexation/Rezone A parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 3 North,Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian,Ada County,Idaho being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the found aluminum cap monument at the Quarter Corner common to Sections 9 and 16,T3N,R1E as perpetuated by document 113006165,Records of Ada County,from which the found aluminum cap monument at the corner common to Sections 9,10,15 and 16, T3N,R1E as perpetuated by document 11084522,Records of Ada County bears S 89'20'44"E a distance of 2702.61 feet;thence S 89'20'44"E along the section line for a distance of 639.62 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence N 00'34'57"E for a distance of 1148.13 feet to the centerline of the railroad right-of- way; Thence S 88'27'42"E along said centerline for a distance of 214.12 feet; Thence S 00'34'S5"W for a distance of 1144.83 feet to the section line; Thence N 89'20'44"W along said line for a distance of 214.10 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel contains 5.635 acres,more or less. ND 15 1 1 4.63 1,10 0 y 9rff or toP"G ��'•9N J.DAB i 1520 W.Washington St., Boise,ID 83702 Phone.205-488-4227- www.accuratesurveyors.com Page 10 Item 2. F 7 EXHIBIT MAP ANNEXATION AND REZONE FOR HATCH DESIGN ARCHITECTURE A POR77ON OF THE SW 114 OF THE SE 114 OF SECTION 9, T.3N., R.1E., B.M. COUNTY OF ADA—STATE OF IDAHO _ S 88'2742"E L RAILROAD o 214.12' Ct o RIGHT-OF-WAY Q -ROW ~ROW ROW i7A ROW BASIS OF BEARING S 83 20'44" E BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AT THE THE SOUTH 114 CORNER AND SOUTHEAST SCALE: 1"=200' CORNER OF SECTION 9 COMMON TO SECTIONS 9 & 15. LEGEND ANNEX AND REZONE BOUNDARY LINE PARCEL LINE Row RIGHT—OF—WAY SEC77ON LINE FOUND ALUMINUM CAP J IN ASPHALT ZO co ni x Q • FOUND 5/8"IRON PIN, IWTH PLASTIC CAP, PLS 7861 OM M OR AS N07ED (Ll o o 0 FOUND 112" IRON PIN, WITH � 51109438871 y WITH PLASTIC CAP, PLS 7881 LINE TABLE 224,0441 S.F. O SET 5/8"IRON PIN WITH 5.143E AC. 2"ALUMINUM CAP, PLS 12720 LINE BEARING DISTANCE A CALCULATED POINT 0 IS 00-34 57 W 42.00 L2 IN 00'34 55 E 42.00 114 CORNER SECTION CORNER CP&F No, 113006165 CP&F No. 11084522 3" ALUMINUM CAP W 2 712" ALUMINUM MONUMENT WELL, CAP IN ASPHALT; PLS 1029 ROW ROW PLS 13551 9 639.621� 214.10' �j 206_2.99' 9 10 16 N 89'20 44" W 2702.61' 16 15 BASIS OF B&MNG W. FRANKLIN RD. L ANp ilf 11463 , s`v 1.10OF 97� ,OQ O 1520 W. Washington 'L G V1 c Boise, Idaho 83702 N J.DPN +►1` (208) 488-4227 www.accuratesurveyors.com DATE: JAN. 2022 JOB 19-274 Page 11 Item 2. F 28 B. Preliminary Plat(dated: December 21, 202 1) SITE 7j L L BLOCK 2 Yfl ---------- Lrrl L Cz LN ����. Wye- In PRE-1 Page 12 Item 2. 29 s � :. i - dy � 1 44 5 a f � cs i ry awn€ w s ' _ ......... 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[32 A Conceptual Building Elevations(full file linked here) KEYNOTES E%TERIOR FINISH ©°s"reF-HI,...E SPEC I FI C A T1O NS 1EA_1RIM S,FINISH EL51AE115 - uvn yr eavo 11 -INAIIED MCR COPING —TER,FASCIA. J mac.coP�vc aP. CO.OR',CHhRCOA_GPAY ��vv��oN c„eu ruA.I MrPREENISHED MEA_PANEL,^.1bCI PtD 16 PAN LORAPPR V N CGUti co ou.sAnm E'A ��crrsu.mr�mTu.cnnrvc- .M3:ME'A_=1NISH ELEMENTS MCInL f•A_N1CD DDOz STE{L C�LL,nnV- �,P,trvanNl,�vtn'v3.n, CU::R'.BRUN'N SIUNE 3:?. �S ^'ii`�' nrnx,xavinrv. M4 PREFINISHED A RTIC 4L N EFAL PA NEL .33 n»nE�m�a1 u— -Cl-STERNI 16 PANEL O R i _.` ® AWYOV,D GOAL l E CO_CR',ER..N SFOHE MS�RIIC:ALAiCIFL WALL PRE INIiHED MEA_JD'NNSPU:IT, I MAGINI C�BROWN STONC �__ __ 5".SIUCCU YVPLLFNLH STUCCO FINISH CD OE DGHI SIDNE NCIVG F 1I1H STUCCO ADDLE— DH IFS: MRI_M I LROCFPlh I D O n.=nwrrT �Pswrrr aw��R I. `'X� - nww.k UE UI PA—I)C nt W _ a r od D('uAL De OR FA IV ALL PER _MI. C LREk Lo R QUIRE\EN1S. _. CO P CHkTCO�GRAY 0 °..o sa r.a swo r,>„sn Tr,,,ue CI U Y H MAN C R=R:BASANTE. O PR J-�GE_SPL MU-FACF G . SOUTH ELEVATION - BUILDING 1 NORTH ELEVATION - Bl11LDING IJ D.72. LL a co�ERHE"" , o }uLe.i .o .cai E. -fit. MEI�`�L.,RE EF I, S H YJ � DOOP PER PE�rIE M;�h L=.SEEP I,NS?. — SCHEDULE. Z FanF%AII F M1�Fr,N H RCl cA"AFNI J CCLOR MARCH AD ACENT—L PANEL FINISE_ �. Q u M. EAST ELEVATION- BUILDING 1 ..-"" ERTERICR WEST ELEVATION - BUILDING 1 ELEVATIONS A-4.0 Page 16 Item 2. F33 KIFYN�TFS GENERAL NOT" SOUTH ELEVATION BUILDING 3 NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING 3 E3 I-E V < o C3 71 EAST ELEVATION- BUILDING 3 c w Z l < ff LL E,p4.,, ........... AFF ''I...... ...... .....M' WEST ELEVATION BUILDING 3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-4.2 Page 17 Item 2. 34 KEYNOTES . ...... .....nice. A9 0 T GENERAL N CTES m::::::MI Mil"'ELM WEI NORTH ELEVATION-BUILDING 5 SOUTH ELEVATION BLI ILDINU 5 L9 o IE— fFff[7T[[T[[Iii-]T[TT[[[T[TUFF[[FM 111111111111111111,11111 1 1111 1 11 1 1 11 1 1111 1 1111 1 1111 1 11 1 1 11 1 111 En L FF I I I z im rl ' EAST ELEVATION BUILDING 5 J1, LL A."o ;4 F io ate. EAST ELEVATION BUILDING 5 FEl-fVATCM A-4.4 Page 18 Item 2. F 5 KEYNOTES o m= ,� s s�cccRoccsrrForrvo. aJikx��-- GENERAL NOTES - �..-- -3 t. 4' r cx Fn� r.n. w FavF LJ a BUILDING#5 ° r, P BUILDING#1 NORTH ELEVATION - LANARK ST. FACADE ❑ k Ill a Z � IA— r l r j 1 o Li BUILDING#2 BUILDING 43 BUILDING#4 - SOUTH ELEVATION - FRANKLIN RD. FACADE E6AS Page 19 Item 2. F36 KEYNOTES Q.n,,.`rn,ra.n„�Hm Mn.,.nrr IT GENERAL NOTES Zll� LLJ NORTH ELEVATION-FLEX BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION-FLEX BUILDING 19 < 11 1 1 ti I liti Iiiii I Lr) z ...... ... ... ... WEST ELEVATION-FLEX BUILDING z < [Z =i4r All 1 111111 1111 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 Ill� I Ilil Filill!7777-Ti P 4:14 EAST ELEVATION-FLEX BUILDING ELEVAMNS W4.5 Page 20 Item 2. F37 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS A. PLANNING DIVISION Please submit a revised annexation legal description and exhibit map 15 days prior to the City Council hearing that includes the full width of the railroad right-of-way north of the subject site. 1. A Development Agreement(DA) is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to approval of the annexation ordinance, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian,the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer; a final plat will not be accepted until the DA is executed and AZ ordinance has been approved. Currently, a fee of$303.00 shall be paid by the Applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six(6)months of the City Council granting the annexation. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. Future development of the subject site shall be substantially consistent with the proposed concept plan,preliminary plat,landscape plan,and conceptual building elevations included in Section VII and the provisions contained herein. b. Prior to issuance of any building permits,the applicant shall subdivide the property in accord with UDC 11-6B. c. The uses allowed on this property are those listed in UDC Table 11-2C-2 for the I-L zoning district. d. The Applicant shall comply with the ordinances in effect at the time of application submittal. e. Applicant shall comply with the specific use standards outlined in UDC 11-4-3-34 and UDC 11-4-3-18 for the proposed uses of Self-service Storage Facility and Flex Space Building,respectively. £ The Applicant shall comply with the Commercial architectural design standards in the City of Meridian's Architectural Standards Manual(ASM) at the time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review submittal for the elevations facing Franklin and the east elevations of the two storage buildings adjacent to the existing residence on Parcel S 110943 8907. Preliminary Plat Conditions: 2. The preliminary plat included in Section VII.B,dated December 21,2021, shall be revised as follows at least fifteen(15)days prior to the City Council hearing: a. Show the required landscape easements adjacent to E. Lanark Street to include the parkways along Lanark and start at the back of curb. 3. The landscape plan included in Section VII.D, stamped on March 16,2022, shall be revised as follows at least fifteen(15) days prior to the City Council hearing: a. Per UDC 11-3B-7C.3, depict no more than 65%of the landscape buffer area to be comprised of grasses for all required landscape street buffers(adjacent to Franklin and Lanark). Page 21 Item 2. 38 b. Per UDC 11-3B-7C.3 for development along entryway corridors, depict additional landscape features within the 35-foot buffer along E. Franklin Road. c. Include additional trees and show they will touch at maturity along the east property boundary for a minimum of the first 185 feet measured from the back of the existing sidewalk for additional screening. d. Depict the proposed type of fencing on a sheet within the landscape plans to ensure compliance with UDC 11-3A-7 and the applicable specific use standards. Chainlink fencing with or without slats does not qualify as a screening material in accord with UDC 11-3B-5M. 4. The Applicant shall comply with all ACHD conditions of approval. 5. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-613 for nonresidential uses in the I-L zoning district. 6. Prior to City Engineers signature on a final plat,the applicant shall submit a public access easement for the multi-use pathway segment along the north boundary to the Planning Division for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. The easement shall be a minimum of 14' in width(10' pathway and 2' shoulder on each side). 7. Comply with the outdoor service and equipment area standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A- 12. 8. Provide a pressurized irrigation system consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC I I- 3A-15,UDC 11-313-6 and MCC 9-1-28. 9. Upon completion of the landscape installation, a written Certificate of Completion shall be submitted to the Planning Division verifying all landscape improvements are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14. 10. The preliminary plat approval shall become null and void if the applicant fails to either: 1) obtain the City Engineer signature on a final plat within two years of the date of the approved findings; or 2)obtain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-6B-7. 11. Applicant shall tile all irrigation facilities within the development area per UDC 11-3A-6, unless waived by City Council. B. Public Works Department Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. City utility easements must be clear of any permanent structure including but not limited to buildings, carports,trees, shrubs,fences,infiltration trenches, light poles, etc. There appears to be a fence separating the property from Franklin Road which will need to be removed to allow for a water crossing and easement. 2. The water main in East Lanark Street must end in a blow-off for future extension. 3. Sewer must be extended to the southern boundary at Franklin Road. 4. Easements must be a minimum of 20-foot-wide per utility, or 30-foot-wide for combined utility easement, as long as the minimum separation is maintained between water and sewer mains. The depicted easement going south is currently shown as 25-foot-wide,which does not meet this requirement. Page 22 Item 2. 39 5. No permanent structures can be within a City utility easement including but not limited to buildings, carports,trash enclosures,trees,bushes,fences, light poles, infiltration trenches, etc. 6. Ensure no sewer services cross infiltration trenches. General Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 3. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 4. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 9-1-28.C). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 5. All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 6. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42- 1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 7. Any wells that will not continue to be used must be properly abandoned according to Idaho Well Construction Standards Rules administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. The Developer's Engineer shall provide a statement addressing whether there are any existing wells in the development, and if so,how they will continue to be used, or provide record of their abandonment. Page 23 Item 2. 40 8. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 9. Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 10. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 11. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 12. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 13. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 14. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 15. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 16. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 17. The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 18. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 19. At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 20. A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.orglpublic_works.aVx?id=272. 21. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, Page 24 Item 2. 41 which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 22. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond.Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. Ada County Highway District(ACHD) https:llweblink.meridiancity.ory/WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=260239&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC Lty D. Nampa&Meridian Irrigation District(NMID) https://weblink.meridiancity.org,/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=258728&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty IX. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC 11-513-3E): Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Stafffinds annexation of the subject site with an I-L zoning designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan General Industrial FL UM designation for this property(see Section V for more information). 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds that a map amendment to the I-L zoning district is consistent with the purpose statement for the industrial districts in UDC 11-2C-1. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds that the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Staff finds the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City. Page 25 Item 2. 42 B. Preliminary Plat(UDC 11-6B-6): In consideration of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat, the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed plat is in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds that public services will be provided to the subject property with development. (See Section VIII of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Staff finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers(i.e.,Police,Fire,ACHD, etc). (See Section VII for more information.) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 26 Item 3. 43 (:> E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing for Timberline North (Timberline Sub. No. 2) (H-2022-0024) by Riley Planning Services, LLC, Located at 655 and 735 W. Victory Rd. A. Request: Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for the purpose of subdividing phase 2 of the Timberline Subdivision (H-2017-0140, DA# 114007668) that has since expired. Item 3. F44 (:�N-WE IDIAN:-- IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Joseph Dodson Meeting Date: May 5, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing for Timberline North (Timberline Sub. No. 2) (H-2022-0024) by Riley Planning Services, LLC, Located at 655 and 735 W. Victory Rd. A. Request: Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for the purpose of subdividing phase 2 of the Timberline Subdivision (H- 2017-0140, DA# 114007668) that has since expired. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing i PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: May 5, 2022 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 3 PROJECT NAME: Timberline North (Timberline Sub. No. 2) (H-2022-0024) Your Full Name Your Full Address Representing I wish to testify (Please Print) HOA? (mark X if yes) If yes, please provide HOA name 1 'JA,% t W -C- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Item 3. C� fEl IDIAN�-- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A H O HEARING 5/5/2022 Rr4' DATE: Legend0 Project Location R-a C_G TO: Planning&Zoning Commission RUT R't FROAM: Joseph Dodson,Associate ° R=4 R=4� Planner Rl FFFFq ® C-G 208-884-5533 ° ® SUBJECT: H-2022-0024 ® RUT R-15 Timberline North(Timberline No. 2)PFP R-8 LOCATION: The site is located at 655 and 735 R=4 R-8 W. Victory Road, in the NE1/4 of RUT Section 25,Township 3N.,Range 1 W. R-40 RUT �R�g, . RUT R-15 RUT I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Combined Preliminary and Final Plat for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district for the purpose of subdividing phase 2 of the Timberline Subdivision(H-2017-0140,DA# 114007668)that has since expired. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Applicant: Penelope Riley,Riley Planning Services—PO Box 405,Boise,ID 83701 B. Owner: Mark Bailey, Bailey Investments— 13501 5 1"Avenue NE,Marysville,WA 98271 C. Representative: Same as Applicant III. STAFF ANALYSIS The subject property, approximately 9.8 acres, was originally platted in 2017 under Timberline Subdivision(H-2017-0140)but was annexed in 2013 as part of a City initiated annexation from RUT to the R-8 zoning district (AZ-13-014, DA# 114007668). The approved preliminary plat was to be completed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of 24 single-family residential building lots and has been recorded and fully constructed with homes,open space,etc.Phase 2 received final plat approval for 33 single-family residential building lots and 4 common lots in March 2020 and was set to expire on May 1,2021,two years following the City Engineer's signature of the phase 1 final plat consistent with City code.Due to unfortunate timing and circumstances,the Timberline No.2 final plat did not receive City Page 1 Item 3. 46 Engineer signature by the deadline and no time extension was submitted in accord with UDC standards. Therefore, the phase 2 final plat expired which subsequently made the original preliminary plat approved in 2017 expire. The Applicant is required to re-plat the phase 2 area in order record phase 2 of the final plat. Currently phase 2 of the development is constructed per the previous approval including the open space, fencing, utilities, sidewalks, and public roads. Because the all of the subdivision improvements are constructed, the Applicant has submitted the previously approved final plat documents from the previous application and an Alternative Compliance(ALT)application to allow the existing open space approved with the original submittal to remain as is without requiring the plat to comply with the current open space and amenity standards. Due to the unique circumstances behind the expiration of the plat and the fact that the improvements are all done, staff believes additional open space and amenities are not necessary. Below is staff s analysis the ALT request. PLAT DATA: The two phases of Timberline Subdivision totaled 57 single-family residential building lots on approximately 17.3 acres of land. The subject phase 2 area proposes 33 building lots and 4 common lots on 9.8 acres which constitutes a gross density of 3.26 du/ac for this phase,consistent with previous approvals and the comprehensive plan designation of Medium Density Residential (MDR). 33-foot wide local streets with 5-foot wide attached sidewalks are constructed throughout the development which allows for on-street parking where no driveways are present. The subject plat contains approximately 0.7 acres of qualified open space(common lots and half of the Victory Road buffer)and the overall Timberline Subdivision is approved for approximately 1.9 acres of qualified open space which amounts to approximately 11%, above the previous requirement to provide a minimum of 10% qualified open space. The amenities exist within the phase 1 area and include a child's play structure and play area and a shaded picnic area. Because the submitted plans match the previously approved phase 2 final plat,Staff has included those previous conditions of approval as the conditions of approval for this application. Public Works has no comments on the subject application as all improvements have been constructed in accord with the approved construction drawings. Staff finds the proposed combined preliminary/final plat meets all UDC dimensional standards and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as previously approved. ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE FINDINGS (UDC 11-5B-5D: Applicant is requesting Alternative Compliance to the Common Open Space & Amenity standards outlined in UDC 11-3G-3 which require projects within the R-8 zoning district to have a minimum of 15% qualified open space. As discussed, the proposed combined preliminary/final plat is for an area that has received previous preliminary and final plat approvals but did not receive final plat signature prior to the plat expiring despite having all open space, roadways, sidewalks, and utilities fully constructed. Because of the described circumstances, Staff recommends approval of the Alternative Compliance request because strict adherence of the requirements is not feasible as described below. Specific findings to the subject request are as follows: 1. Strict adherence or application of the requirements are not feasible; or Stafffinds strict adherence of the open space and amenity requirements is physically feasible but would be burdensome on the Applicant to comply because the development's foundation of roadways and utilities are already in place for both phase 1 and phase 2 of the project area. Requiring additional open space to meet the minimum 15%overall would require the loss of building lots to add approximately 0.7 acres of additional qualified open space. Staff does not find strict adherence to this standard necessary as the building lots within this phase of Timberline have an average lot size of approximately 8,000 square feet(minimum lot size for R-4 zoning district) which allow for larger private yards for recreation. Furthermore, the Page 2 Item 3. ■ phase I area contains a large open space lot linked with adjacent open space in the Jocelyn Park Subdivision to the east where all Timberline residents would be able to enjoy and utilize open space. 2. The alternative compliance provides an equal or superior means for meeting the requirements; and The alternative means does not exceed the minimum open space requirements of the current open space code but Staff finds the previous approvals for approximately 11%qualified open space overall to be an equal means of meeting the requirements when all development criteria are taken into account: lot sizes,pedestrian access, adjacent open space, and area of open space lots in phase 1. 3. The alternative means will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or impair the intended uses and character of surrounding properties. Stafffinds the proposed open space will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or impair the intended uses and character of surrounding properties. The Director has granted approval of the subject Alternative Compliance request per the findings above. IV. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the subject combined preliminary/final plat per the conditions of approval in Section VI and the findings in Section VII and the Director has approved the alternative compliance request per the Findings above. Page 3 Item 3. 48 V. EXHIBITS A. Approved Preliminary Plat(December 2017) I . LamLd T4 -., ' il7?lr- arab*, I --- . �;N go-; I i � 3 Ili AMP fiwr �.•I i - I y .er�wlolwo "'�.,.�#K��� woac;��ervr�. .. Page 4 Item 3. F49 B. Combined Preliminary/Final Plat(stamp date: January 12,2022) 1 N 0 M28' 5. STODD_--- ---- '- -o� -- ----y ] £50.5.23' y TODDARO RD. z 1 Rrv1„ g q 1 15s IYT aar o d irNs_—_____—_� m - C --------------- p —4$ m 7 N ES S.VOLIINTRER PEACE 'Y ep G ,5sa' y y rxar � ZE m --------------- IL_ "— " g rn �� - — ---` u----�' Y k'� .yL o hl QI� f bid p " I FN+bLA \ W FS ---- --- c O Cq fn i� 4� g G a z rn �o s s. O c ZE WAY 21 pp � f 3 R� G it AA U A yey P 6� xq ppp vy y x g5 '�� �� E _5, dlRRIDL4N RD. M! q IN 0 Page 5 Item 3. F50 TIMBERLINE SUBDIVISION NO. 2 a Sr4U LOCATED IN THE NW 114 OF OF THE NE I14 OF SECTION 25, T.3N.,R.I W.,B.M., OF MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 2021 �J BASIS OF HEARING ]s ........... ....... _.._... __.._-5 89°22'15"E 2639.60'.. _.__. _.......... . __ ____ 599°2T15'E 852.49' T. VICTORY ROAD 1�J11 —_��_ _ wT P:1�BEidA°NG i70T°' -�ai .m- �'9' W519271 m r` n R31 p)R,RLZ,d3019-Df JLLEAE'[E LYIR WEC 3'1°IA1151£4 Sto9°Zx'IS'E .314.J3' G8r]]'15"£344,33' /0. _ tty.'7� 404a1i Ig ,�E N9rY1'1rW x38.6Y A4/ �j 7r__5p,°p•__� 3{Q'gy--� i]lll' I xip]' S \ dN6! °C , r , St.BJ' I�BLOCK I ��� 2 �z.co'.--� i � azocx3 til c3 �" e1x1c 7 LpN 1 35 % 3 37 38 39 �i 1 w `'I R A r ry l9(v��`3 3 w q � I� 1 Y r�f�Y " �qE� 1fi.qy `-44:91r 1 lags' 1 $ ry W.,CONTENDER'DR. �--------F "` n N89°]3'xrW ]dt.�� NePd'15'W 3°A6E' W. CONTEND 299.�'MpfE 3 I I ry 1 SLV 1 8sesl• A 4s R D 3 1�'i xo�vo• f°z]c' y 33 I ' s894rirE z177/' "�� g`1 ----59r22'IrE 14a _'\ N25 II I , 5 IF WIC__--------- ]3°s __., �J �i f1 .. 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Landscape Plan(dated: January 2020) I I I I I I I I LANDSCAPE NOTES. VIGINITr MAP. m.o.•a.=mrcoxi.w+s�a zee ��..rnr .,xu.e.c,x�.n�er.m .. GROUP 5. _. ...m.. �.. _:...i..:. .may d ru.ae nwnne �nv.nn + Win* - OVERVIEW MAP / LANDSCAPE RECUIREMENT$: a r ——————— r -----�.} ----- I LD l Z �- w as I L I I I ED m .. BALL - - LU z - LL AND BURLAP TREE PLANTING MITIGATION INFORMATIONEo• ' { ` a] PLANT SCHEDULE . O I1 f 1 \ F LANDSCAPE OVERVIEW I L1 00 Page 7 Item 3. 52 P-TSCHEDULE ------ -------------------- --- ------------- ........... ------- ------- -------- - ----- -------- ------- O-C . ........ ..........Tr ---------- ------- ------- L -—------ ------ ---- - ----- - ------ ------ --- --- --- ------- ---- f LANDSCAPE PLAN- ARE 1 ------------------------------ -------- L 1.02 Page 8 Item 3. ■ PLANT SCHEDULE SGT rsCK EOCK .,. - — --- — ———— -- ——— ———— ——— ——--j - } I _ -- � � I '� it - --- - -- I-- --- --- ---- - � � III - I � s --- -- -- --- iV I zi w zi I r I - - --- , i Ii LANoscAaE I I AREA E42 �Z� =I•.. A,.a L1 03 Page 9 Item 3. ■ VI. CONDITIONS A. Planing Division Conditions 1. The applicant shall comply with all applicable conditions of approval associated with this site (AZ-13-014 and recorded development agreement instrument#114007668). 2. The preliminary/final plat approval shall be null and void if the Applicant fails to either: 1) Obtain City Engineer's signature on the plat within two years from the day City Council grants approval of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law for this project,Timberline North (Timberline No. 2); or,obtain approval for a time extension in accord with UDC 11-613-7. 3. The final plat prepared by Sawtooth Land Surveying,LLC,with a stamped date of January 12, 2022, shall be revised as follows at the time of Final Plat Signature submittal: a. Note#5 shall be corrected to show read"...Title 11 of Meridian City Code..."instead of "Title II..." b. Note#14—add applicable instrument number. c. Add ACHD R/W Instrument number on final plat where ultimate right-of-way is shown. 4. The submitted landscape plan prepared by Stack Rock Group, dated 0l/14/2020 shall be revised as follows at the time of Final Plat Signature submittal: a. With submittal of the final plat Mylar application,the applicant shall provide a revised landscape plan per UDC requirements and standards set forth in 11-313-7C.5a: "If the unimproved street right of way is ten feet(10')or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the developer shall maintain a ten foot(10') compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of the transportation authority and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover. (Ord. 16-1672,2-16-2016)."This condition shall be applied to the Northwest corner of the property abutting W.Victory Road. 5. Four(4)type 1 streetlights are required along W.Victory Road. Davit poles may be used if there are conflicts with overhead power lines. 6. Prior to signature of the final plat by the City Engineer,the applicant shall provide a letter from the United States Postal Service stating that the applicant has received approval for the location of mailboxes. Contact the Meridian Postmaster, at(208) 887-1620 for more information. 7. Staff s failure to cite specific ordinance provisions or conditions from previous approvals does not relieve the applicant of responsibility for compliance. 8. The applicant shall construct single family detached dwellings in accord with the recorded development agreement. 9. The rear and/or sides of homes abutting all arterial and collector roadways shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections, recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. 10. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6 for the R-8 zoning district. 11. Prior to release of Certificate of Occupancy by the Planning Division,the plat shall be recorded. Page 10 Item 3. 55 12. The Director approved alternative compliance in accord with UDC 11-5B-5 regarding the common open space and amenity standards outlined in UDC 11-3G-3 & 11-3G-4. B. Ada County Highway District(ACHD) https:llweblink.meridiancity.or lWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=260030&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC i &cr--1 C. Nampa&Meridian Irrigation District(NMID) https:llweblink.meridiancity.orzlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=259180&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC iv D. Boise Project Board of Control(BPBC) https:llweblink.meridianciU.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=258882&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC ky E. Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ) https://web link.meridian city.oLy WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=259062&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC iv Page 11 Item 3. 56 VII. REQUIRED FINDINGS A. In consideration of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the comprehensive plan and is consistent with this Unified Development Code; Stafffinds the proposed combined preliminary and final plat is consistent with the comprehensive plan and the UDC as outlined in Section IV of this report. 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds public services are already in place and activated for this development; therefore, public services are adequate to accommodate the development. 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the city's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities are already in place and have been provided by the development at their own cost, Stafffinds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Stafffinds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.). (See public record for more information). 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health,safety or general welfare; and Stafffinds the proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 12