2022-01-06 Events & Outreach Subcommittee To develop, advance, and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors EVENTS & OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Meeting Room A, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, January 06, 2022 at 5:00 PM All materials presented at public meetings become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities should contact the City Clerk's Office at 208-888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Agenda VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS To join the meeting online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MTBjZmZkZDEtMmFhNy00ZGRjLWJlZTgtNGI0ZmU5MWFiZTg4%40t hread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b844df29-8272-41a9-9862- 5a8e63e5f93a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2241e2fc1d-e723-4cd9-9cd3- c847775577fe%22%7d ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE _____ Leslie Mauldin, Chair _____ Thomas Vannucci _____ Maria Tzompa _____ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams _____ Michelle Brotzman APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Minutes from October 13, 2021 Subcommittee Meeting ACTION ITEMS 2. Approve Dates for 2021 Events: Concerts on Broadway and Art Week REPORTS 3. Recap: 2021 Christmas in Meridian Ornament Drop NEXT MEETING - February 15, 2021 4. Upcoming: Planning Art Week Outline and Partnerships ADJOURNMENT EVENTS & OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Meeting Room A, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, January 06, 2022 at 5:00 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS To join the meeting online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MTBjZmZkZDEtMmFhNy00ZGRjLWJlZTgtNGI0ZmU5MWFiZTg4%40t hread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b844df29-8272-41a9-9862- 5a8e63e5f93a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2241e2fc1d-e723-4cd9-9cd3- c847775577fe%22%7d ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE ___X__ Leslie Mauldin, Chair ___X__ Thomas Vannucci __X___ Maria Tzompa __X___ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams _____ Michelle Brotzman ACTION ITEMS 2. Approve Dates for 2021 Events: Concerts on Broadway and Art Week Dates for Concerts on Broadway and Art Week were reviewed. In the past, the concerts were held on the last Saturday weekend of August and then two weeks and four weeks after that. To follow that pattern, the following dates were proposed: August 27th, 2022, September 10th, 2022, September 24rd, 2022. Art week has generally been the Wednesday - Saturday following Labor Day. The proposed weekend following that pattern is September 7-10. L. Mauldin express agreement with that schedule. C. Schiffler also noted that the dates had been tentatively reserved on the through the City calendar. M. Tzompa made motion to approve the dates, seconded by J. Caveness-Williams. All ayes. REPORTS 3. Recap: 2021 Christmas in Meridian Ornament Drop A. Belnap recapped the Ornament Drop event, which was well attended, though not as many people attended as in some past years. This was attributed to the freezing weather. The event was posted on social media. The consensus was that, even though participation was lower than past years, the event was still a success. NEXT MEETING - February 17, 2022 4. Upcoming: Planning Art Week Outline and Partnerships Next month’s meeting will have an agenda item to start planning Art Week. L. Mauldin and C. Schiffler will get together to plan and discuss the performer selection and then bring to discussion in the next subcommittee meeting. ADJOURNMENT M. Tzompa made motion to adjourn, seconded by T. Vannucci. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 5:21 pm. MEMO TO EVENTS AND OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE Topic: Overview of Past Projects, Partners, and Possible Additional Programming 5 Item 2. MEMO TO EVENTS AND OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE Topic: Email Notes from Treasure Valley Fine Arts Festival Director Hi Cassandra and Bonnie, It was great to chat with you some last week about the Treasure Valley Fine Arts Festival, your new role Cassandra with the City, and the Meridian Arts Commission. Thank you so much for reaching out to get the conversation started. The purpose of this note this morning is mostly to outline what we spoke about, and list a next step or two. Please let me know of any additions or if I misunderstood any of this. 1. The Meridian Arts Commission can place one or two judges (at its discretion) on the Festival's judging panel to determine the Best of Show at the Festival. Judging to occur the morning of Saturday, June 4. The panel may include one other member, to have a maximum of three judges. The categories to be judged may be expanded to include overall Best-of Show, Best of 2D, and Best of 3D. 2. The Meridian Arts Commission will be allocated an expo-style booth space at the Festival, to be placed under the A1 picnic shelter of the Festival, beside or near the Festival operations area. The Commission will set up, provide all materials, and operate this booth during Festival hours, and determine the programming within, with the Festival's agreement. The Commission will make best efforts to determine the programming by April 1, 2022 so the Festival can include it in the print marketing materials of the Festival. 3. The Festival is willing to include Commission copy, messaging and logo inclusion in its print and electronic marketing materials at the Commission's desire. The Festival may also recognize the Commission as the "Official Judging Entity" (or similar) of the Festival if both parties agree. 4. The Festival requests assistance by the Commission in promoting attendance to the Festival. This could include logo and copy placement on the Commission website, inclusion in already-scheduled mass mailings and email blasts, inclusion on social media posts, and other means that can be agreed upon. Ideally this would start in April and ramp up in May. Does all of this sound OK so far? You noted the Commission would need to meet and approve this, so I simply wanted to get all of our notes on one page so they can review. We're very open to a continued discussion. Thank you again. Art Daves Festival Director 6 Item 4.