2022-02-17 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING City Council Chambers, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM MINUTES ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE PRESENT Commissioner Bill Cassinelli Commissioner Nick Grove Commissioner Andrew Seal Commissioner Maria Lorcher Commissioner Nathan Wheeler Commissioner Mandi Stoddard ABSENT Commissioner Steven Yearsley ADOPTION OF AGENDA - Adopted CONSENT AGENDA \[Action Item\] - Approved 1. Approve Minutes of the February 3, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ITEMS MOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA \[Action Item\] ACTION ITEMS 2. Public Hearing Continued from February 3, 2022 for Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage (H-2021-0085) by Gurnoor Kaur of Amerco Real Estate Company, Located on Parcel R8257510015 and at 1230 and 1270 E. Overland Rd., Near the Northwest Corner of E. Overland Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. Project Requires Continuance A. Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow self-storage, ancillary retail, and warehousing and vehicle and equipment with outdoor display. - Continued to March 3, 2022 3. Public Hearing Continued from January 20, 2022 for Jamestown Ranch Subdivision (H-2021-0074) by Walsh Group, LLC, Located Near the Southeast Corner of the N. Black Cat and W. McMillan Rd. Intersection at 4023 W. McMillan Rd. and parcels S0434223150, S0434212970, S0434212965, and S0434212920. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 80 acres of land with a R-8 zoning district. B. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 294 building lots and 25 common lots. - Recommended Denial to City Council 4. Public Hearing for Vanguard Village (H-2021-0081) by Meridian 118, LLC, Generally Located 1/4 Mile South of W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd. A. Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #110115738) to replace it with a new agreement for the proposed development. B. Request: Rezone of 7.06 acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district, 17.38 acres from the C-C and H-E zoning districts to the M-E zoning district, 40.33 acres from the R-40 and C-C and M-E zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district, and 1.10 acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district. C. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 8 building lots and 6 common lots on 115.26 acres of land in the R-15, C-C, H-E and M-E zoning districts. D. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 552 dwelling units on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. - Continued to March 17, 2022 ADJOURNMENT - 7:19 p.m. Item 1. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting February 17, 2021. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of February 17, 2021, was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chairman Andrew Seal. Members Present: Chairman Andrew Seal, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, Commissioner Nick Grove, Commissioner Maria Lorcher, Commissioner Nate Wheeler and Commissioner Mandi Stoddard. Members Absent: Commissioner Steven Yearsley. Others Present: Adrienne Weatherly, Kurt Starman, Bill Parsons, Alan Tiefenbach and Dean Willis. ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE X Nate Wheeler X Maria Lorcher X Mandi Stoddard X Nick Grove Steven Yearsley X Bill Cassinelli X Andrew Seal - Chairman Seal: Okay. Good evening. Welcome to the Planning -- Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for February 17th, 2022. At this time I will call the meeting to order. The Commissioners who are present for this evening's meeting are at City Hall and on Zoom. We also have staff from the city attorney and clerk's offices, as well as the Planning Department. If you are joining us on Zoom this evening we can see that you are here. You may observe the meeting. However, your ability to be seen on screen and talk will be muted. During the public testimony portion of the meeting you will be unmuted and, then, be able to comment. Please note that we cannot take questions until the public testimony portion. If you have a process question during the meeting, please, e-mail cityclerk@meridiancity.org and they will reply as quickly as possible. If you simply want to watch the meeting we encourage you to watch the streaming on the city's YouTube channel. You can access that at meridiancity.org/live. This evening we are also welcoming a new commission member, Mandi Stoddard, and we are also saying farewell to Commissioner Bill Cassinelli. All right. And with that we will do roll call. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Seal: First item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. This evening we have Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage, H-2021, and Vanguard Village, H-2021-0081. They will be open for the sole purpose of continuing to a regular scheduled -- regularly scheduled meeting and they will be open for that purpose only. So, if there is anybody here tonight to testify on these particular applications we will not be taking testimony for Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 5 Page 2 of 24 them this evening. We will be moving the Vanguard Village up to Item 3 on the agenda to expedite tonight's proceeding. Can I get a motion to adopt the agenda? Cassinelli: So moved. Lorcher: Second. Simison: It's been moved and seconded to adopt the agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. CONSENT AGENDA [Action Item] 1. Approve Minutes of the February 3, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Seal: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and we have one item on the Consent Agenda to approve the meeting of the January 3rd, 2022, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Can I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented? Cassinelli: So moved. Wheeler: Second. Seal: It has been moved and seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. ITEMS MOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA [Action Item] Seal: At this time I would like to briefly explain the public hearing process. We will open each item individually and begin with the staff report. Staff will report their findings on how the item adheres to the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Code. After staff has made their presentation the applicant will come forward to present their case and respond to staff comments. They will have 15 minutes to do so. After the applicant is finished we will open the floor for public testimony. Each person will be called on only once during the public testimony. The Clerk will call the names individually of those who have signed up on our website in advance to testifying. You will, then, be unmuted in Zoom or you can come to the microphones in chambers. Please state your name and address for the record. You will have three minutes to address the Commission. If you have previously sent pictures or a presentation for the meeting it will be displayed on the screen and our Clerk will run the presentation. If you have established that you are speaking on behalf of a larger group, like an HOA, where others from that group will allow you to speak on their behalf, you will have up to ten minutes. After all those who have Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 6 Page 3 of 24 signed in advance have spoken we will invite any others who may wish to testify. If you wish to speak on the topic you may come forward in chambers or in Zoom, please, press the raise hand button in the Zoom app. If you are only listening on a phone, please, press star nine and wait for your name to be called. If you are listening on multiple devices, such as a computer and a phone, please, be sure to mute those extra devices, so we do not experience feedback and we can hear you very clearly. When you are finished, if the Commission does not have questions for you, you will return to your seat in chambers and be muted on Zoom and no longer have the ability to speak and, please, remember we will not call on you a second time. After all testimony has been heard, the applicant will be given another ten minutes to come back and respond. When the applicant is finished responding to questions and concerns we will close the public hearing and the Commissioners will have the opportunity to discuss and, hopefully, be able to make final decisions or recommended -- recommendations to City Council as needed. ACTION ITEMS 2. Public Hearing Continued from February 3, 2022 for Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage (H-2021-0085) by Gurnoor Kaur of Amerco Real Estate Company, Located on Parcel R8257510015 and at 1230 and 1270 E. Overland Rd., Near the Northwest Corner of E. Overland Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. A. Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow self-storage, ancillary retail, and warehousing and vehicle and equipment with outdoor display. Seal: Okay. At this time I would like to open the public hearing -- or continue the public hearing for Meridian U-Haul Moving and, Storage, H-2021-0085, for continuance. Anybody? Grove: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Grove, go ahead. Grove: Are we moving this one to March 3rd? Is that the date? Seal: Oh, sorry. I think that's the dates --yeah. March 3rd for this one and, then, probably March 17th for the next one. Grove: Okay. Seal: Great question. Grove: Wanted to just double check. All right. All right. Mr. Chair, I move to continue Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage, File No. H-2021-0085 to the hearing date of March 3rd, 2022. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 7 Page 4 of 24 Seal: It is moved and seconded -- Lorcher: Second. Seal: Oh. Thank you. Yes. Yes. It's been moved and seconded to continue Item No. H-2021-0085 to the date of March 3rd, 2022. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. 4. Public Hearing for Vanguard Village (H-2021-0081) by Meridian 118, LLC, Generally Located 1/4 Mile South of W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd. A. Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #110115738) to replace it with a new agreement for the proposed development. B. Request: Rezone of 7.06 acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district, 17.38 acres from the C-C and H-E zoning districts to the M- E zoning district, 40.33 acres from the R-40 and C-C and M-E zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district, and 1.10 acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district. C. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 8 building lots and 6 common lots on 115.26 acres of land in the R-15, C-C, H-E and M- E zoning districts. D. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 552 dwelling units on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning Seal: Now open the -- or sorry. We will now -- we will now open the public hearing for Vanguard Village, H-2021-0081, for continuance to March 17th. Lorcher: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Lorcher, go ahead. Lorcher: I move that Vanguard Village, H-2021-0081, for the continuance of March 17th to review and address items for ACHD. Wheeler: Second. Cassinelli: Second. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 $ Page 5 of 24 Seal: It has been moved and seconded to continue Vanguard Village, H-2021-0081, to the date of March 17th, 2022. All those in favor? Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. 3. Public Hearing Continued from January 20, 2022 for Jamestown Ranch Subdivision (H-2021-0074) by Walsh Group, LLC, Located Near the Southeast Corner of the N. Black Cat and W. McMillan Rd. Intersection at 4023 W. McMillan Rd. and parcels S0434223150, S0434212970, S0434212965, and S0434212920. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 80 acres of land with a R-8 zoning district. B. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 294 building lots and 25 common lots. Seal: Now we would like to continue the public hearing for Jamestown Ranch Subdivision, H-2021-0074, which was continued from January 20th, 2022, and we will begin with the staff report. Tiefenbach: Good evening, Commissioner -- Commissioner Seal and Members of the Commission. Alan Tiefenbach, planner with -- with the City of Meridian. So, yes, this was continued originally from November 18th. This is an annexation with the R-8 zoning district and a preliminary plat to allow 294 lots on 80 acres. Just to real quickly, again, reorient you with the property. Again, it's about 80 acres of land. It's zoned RUT right now. It's located at the southeast corner of the North Black Cat, West McMillan intersection, recommended by the Comprehensive Plan for medium density residential, which is three to eight dwelling units per acre. So, again, this is a -- this was a -- that the original request was an annexation with the R-8 zoning district and a preliminary plat to allow 294 building lots. It's presently two single family residences on the property. It's recommended for three to eight dwelling units per acre. Minimum lot size that is being proposed is just a little under 5,000 square feet. These are comparable to the adjacent subdivisions and this particular subdivision proposes five points of access. At the November 18th Planning Commission meeting the Planning Commission continued this application. They did this for the applicant to consider the following: To consider reducing the number of common driveways. To cooperate with ACHD in aligning the collector street with North Joy Street. Originally it was offset to the middle. The consensus was to look at lining it up with North Joy Street, which I will show you in a minute. They wanted to be able to receive an analyze the ACHD staff report. We didn't have that at the time of the hearing and they also wanted the applicant to consider realignment of the micro pathways. What I have here was provided by the applicant. This is a description of what the changes have been. But, in general, it's the addition of five knuckles. That's what you see plotted there, rather than the -- the common drives. They made these knuckles so that's reduced the number of common drives. They have added some pedestrian pathways. You can see some of those circled right here. Connections. They have Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 191 Page 6 of 24 adjusted the rural alignments, but this was the road here that the Planning Commission had the issue with. North Joy Street is roughly -- I'm guesstimating -- right about over here. So, there was discussions about shifting this to the east. So, that's not occurred. The applicant has still not done that. They have removed one residential lot and two common lots have been added. They have added some additional landscaping. They have added some additional pedestrian access and the open space has increased. It was 14.5 at the last meeting. It's now been increased to roughly 16 percent. To go on a little bit, here is a -- the conceptual drawing of the subdivision. Real quickly I want to talk about what happened with the ACHD staff report. The first thing I will make a point of clarification in the memo that I wrote. I commented that the ACHD staff report said that McMillan Road from the site to Ten Mile is presently a level of service F. It was brought to my attention before the hearing it actually said -- which is correct -- it's a level of-- level of service D, but it would be F with the addition of this project. So, it's not functioning at F yet, but ACHD found that it would be if this project were done. The reports show that the intersection of West McMillan and North Black Cat is scheduled for the installation of a traffic signal in 2022. West McMillan Road -- it's listed to be widened to three lanes from Black Cat to Ten Mile. Now, the ACHD comments that the applicant's traffic study recommends five lanes, but ACHD responded that five lanes is not going to happen. It's only going to be three lanes. That's due to numerous things, not the least of which would be just geographically speaking they have got a pinch point there they can't fit five lanes in. North Black Cat is listed to be widened to five lanes from Ustick to West McMillan between 2031 and 2035. The applicant will be required to construct a westbound left turn lane on McMillan at -- and Grand Lakes Way. ACHD did support the offset of Grand Lakes Way. So, ACHD was supportive of the road being shifted to the west. ACHD has commented that they would also support the alignment of the road to North Joy Street. So, they didn't have a strong opinion either way. They could be okay with it towards the center. They would be okay with it lining up with Joy Street. With that that is all the updates that I have. Staff has received two letters of testimony. One was from -- well, there is two letters that were received from Mike Wardle with Brighton. He originally had some concerns about the offset, but my understanding is that those concerns have been satisfied. There was also a letter of testimony that we received in regards to the people that live directly across from where that new access would be. They also brought this issue to the Planning Commission at their meeting about that the -- the traffic would be pointing directly at their house, basically, if the alignment was changed as it is proposed. With that those are all of the changes and staff's analysis. If you have any questions. Starman: Mr. Chairman, before we get into the questions -- before we get into questions or testimony from the applicant or the public, I just want to mention for the record that we -- I had spoke with Commissioner Stoddard before the meeting and the chairperson took part in that as well. So, Commissioner Stoddard acknowledged she did not participate in the previous discussions relative to this project, but she has reviewed the record in total and that she feels comfortable participating this evening. I just wanted to get that on the record and I would invite Commissioner Stoddard to affirm that and, then, we can proceed from there. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 Flo] Page 7 of 24 Stoddard: Yes. I have reviewed it up to this point and feel comfortable participating tonight. Seal: Thank you very much. Okay. And at this point would the applicant like to come forward and state your name and address for the record and the floor is yours. Koeckeritz: Thank you. Elizabeth Koeckeritz. I'm with Givens Pursley for the applicant. 601 Bannock Street, Boise. I have a presentation coming up. Thank you for having us here tonight. I am pleased to present part two of the Jamestown Ranch Subdivision. I was not here for our first meeting on November 18th, but it sounds like quite a few also were not and have been -- there has been a lot of switches and moves since then. What Jamestown Ranch really is is a really high quality development. It's multi-generational. It has a 55 plus component, 283 lots, and it's really just a great -- it's become an in-fill location within the city of Boise in this rapidly developing, high priority area of -- I apologize. I said Boise. Of Meridian. Last time we were here, as was just mentioned, we were asked to look at reducing the number of common drives. We also made a few plat updates at that time. There was also a question about the division of open space between the over 55 component of the project and the market rate area and there was a big discussion about the location of the collector road, Grand Lakes Way, and, then, also, as mentioned, we just didn't have the ACHD staff report, so it was difficult to really discuss what they were suggesting at that time. So, since then we have received the preliminary plat. We have taken all of the comments really to heart that we received from the city -- from the council -- from the commissioners and we have made some pretty -- we have made this a much better -- we think a much more walkable, better environment for all of the future residents and residents of the City of Meridian. As you can see in yellow on this we removed five common drives and replaced them with knuckles. So, that really does eliminate the number of the common drives. That leaves seven common drives remaining on this lot. However, four of those common drives are used now as pedestrian pathways and so they are a dual purpose. They are a pedestrian pathway and the common drive and only three of -- and three of the common drives are really short, they only have a couple homes on them. They really are minimized. One of the other questions that came up last time was do common drives make good neighbors and there was some discussion about--well, I don't know, if you have got the trash collector backing down the common drive, that seems like a terrible situation for a neighborhood. Well, that's not actually the way it works -- is the trash collector, the mail, all of that, they -- they are out on the streets and so you don't actually have trash -- just all of that backing up down these short driveways, but, rather, the residents drag out their trash, recycling, that sort of thing, to the main road. There is also -- the question came up about the parking and historically there has not been, in the Walsh Group's experience, an issue with individuals parking on the private drives. They are pretty -- they are wide, but they are not so wide that you would feel comfortable necessarily parking there, but also as a term in the HOA, a condominium declaration, it does talk about no parking is allowed on those private drives and so that really reduces any issues that they have historically ever experienced. They just feel like that's not been something that's come up in the past. In addition, there are two new grassy open spaces. You will see one up in the northeast area where the green -- where the house remaining is located. That was a residential lot Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 Fill Page 8 of 24 before, it is no longer. There is also one over on the western side that also at one point was a residential lot, but now has become additional green space. In speaking with ACHD they felt that the roads are too straight and so they have put in these -- not knuckles, these bulb outs, which are depicted in purple, which will really help slow down the traffic and, then, what's nice -- and you don't necessarily see it on this one, but where all those knuckles are, then, there -- where all those bulb outs are, then, there is grassy space connecting across through them, either to the south or directly horizontal, but it makes just a really nice connected community. Also in the blue we did add four additional pathways and so it just really adds a much more connected community based on all of your recommendations last time. And, finally, in the orange is -- the clubhouse has revised parking. Last time we were here the parking just backed directly out onto the streets and ACHD said no, so we said sure and we move the parking into parking lots in the over 55 section. There is four spaces. It's a pretty small area. We don't anticipate a lot of people would be driving there. There is a little bit bigger parking over in the free market, which is -- there is five spots in that one. Okay. The open space and amenities. Last time there were just sort of questions about -- and it was really hard to tell how much open space was associated with each of the different areas, because it was all depicted in green. Here you can really see the breakout of the open space, what's also just pathways that don't count as open space, but are still there and provide a nice amenity for the neighborhood. So, there were the additional four pedestrian accesses, two additional common lots that are grassy parks and, then, at the age 55 plus there is now 17.32 percent of total qualified open space and that's depicted in the blue. The amenities there include, excuse me, a swimming pool, a clubhouse and restroom, a pickleball court, and, then, there is sort of pathways throughout that area. Plus there is the four parking spaces we mentioned. There has also been in the single family, which is the red and green, we have parkways going along all of the streets, which just makes it feel like a much nicer, more open areas to have those wide eight foot wide pathways with the trees and between the pathways and the clubhouse, the open space, the grassy areas for the market area, it comes to 15.78 percent total qualified open space, which equals overall 16.05 percent open space. Okay. The collector. So, last time we were here there was a lot of discussion about the collector and should it be moved and how does this best align and the development team really took this to heart and went back and reworked through this and thought about it and talked about it and ultimately came up with --for this development the collector, where it is -- was currently located remains the best place for the collector to be. This is in large part because the collector--well, because after talking with ACHD we were told that you could only have one access onto McMillan and so we were going to be unable to have just a small local road access in the middle of the development there going up to McMillan and so it really became this far eastern straight road going straight up to McMillan and the way just traffic flows and traffic patterns are throughout the development, it's either going to force some traffic -- more traffic to Black Cat or you end up in this big snarl of traffic throughout the subdivision trying to get over to the collector. It also results in creating this super highway down the side of the development and per ACHD policy they recommend that on residential collectors that they be designed to not exceed speeds of 30 miles per hour and here we have more than 1,200 feet straight line raceway roadway, whereas the collector that we have remained with the big S jog through it, that has those passive traffic calming just by virtue of how Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F12 Page 9 of 24 it's built and so it really does slow down the traffic. One other thing with this is if we were to go with this out -- with this location, then, we would also have to consider putting in an additional road leading into -- sort of bisecting across to the age restricted from -- from the street that runs north-south over next to it. I apologize. But just kind of cutting across there and that would, then, result -- in order to have the traffic flow correctly -- and that would, then, result in really probably losing the age-restricted area, because the whole point in the age-restricted area is that it is a little bit more separate, it's a little bit more closed off and you don't have all of the rest of the development just racing through there and so it really was felt that where it was was the best location. We also have a little bit more here. There is a lot going on, but let's look at the bottom one first -- is that this map depicts where all of the roads are coming up onto McMillan and it really is a much better spacing between the various roads to have this not align with Joy, because, then, you start having between Vicenza Way, San Vito Way and, then, the Joy -- the Grand Lakes collector, that those are really really close together, which creates even more traffic problems on McMillan. So, by leaving it where it is it just spaces that traffic out as the traffic comes onto the road. Also Joy is a small road that essentially leads to nowhere. It goes into this one little sort of small development and, then, all surrounding it, even to -- at the places where it connects through, it's not the way that if you just think about the way traffic would flow how traffic would actually come out. So, it really is a pretty small, pretty minor road right there and so it doesn't necessarily -- there isn't a big reason to have to align these two, that there is going to be traffic going across McMillan and continuing up Joy. And, then, finally, on this, the -- the top one shows -- if you remember there is one in holding parcel that's going to remain. It is part of the plat, but is not owned by the development team and that's on that northwest -- northeast corner. In order to develop the road going right through there they would have to purchase the whole property that's in the red and also --which is approximately one third of an acre and, then, also would have to move that power pole that was discussed at length last time. That power pole is located in the right of way and it would need to be -- ACHD would require it to be moved. Based on spacing of the power poles it could happen, but the ideal spacing is really where it's at right now and so we would prefer to leave it where it is right now. One of the big things we are waiting for was the ACHD review and that has now come back and the ACHD -- ACHD review essentially found that except for the section of McMillan between this development and Ten Mile Road, all of the intersections and the roads are going to be acting under appropriate conditions. The ACHD -- the Ten Mile to the site will be -- exceeding the conditions, will be acting in an LOS of F during the peak hours between 5.00 and 6.00 at night, but when that happens they do look at what happens in the shoulder hours. When you consider the shoulder hours it does meet the LOS thresholds and so they are -- they didn't really have -- it's -- other than suggesting that this become the three lane road, that was their primary improvement for this area. The development team is in agreement with all of the ACHD recommendations. They are intending on putting in that westbound turn lane on McMillan. One of the things that was suggested by ACHD was bicycle lanes on the frontages on the roads. What the developer -- developers are suggesting is they are going to do a ten foot wide pathway along the sides on those two main roads and so there will be plenty of room for mixed use and bicycles on those roads. ACHD has asked them to contribute to any future pedestrian crossing features, which they are welcome to -- they are certainly open to doing. At this Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F13 Page 10 of 24 time none has been specifically requested, but they would do that. There is also -- they are agreed to put on the yellow three inch retro reflective sheeting to the black plates of the intersections and just so you know, that's the bright yellow. It goes around the traffic signal. We had to look it up. And, finally, on traffic, we know that traffic has been a big issue and a lot of discussion here in the recent past. One of the things that I think this development has going for it is the fact that there is a large 55 plus component. This is a demographic that tends to drive less. They have down -- so many of them have -- they are downsizing their homes, they are not going to work or school every day necessarily and many of them only have one vehicle, many households in this demographic. So, that does help lessen the traffic impacts. Also Black Cat and McMillan is scheduled to be signalized this year and in the future ACHD intends to put a roundabout in it. We also, as mentioned here, are going to put in the left turn lane. Last time -- and, then, also the neighbors across the street where we are proposing that collector road be, mentioned -- had concerns about the lights from individuals leaving the development and their street lights getting into their -- getting into their -- street lights interference. As you can see from this picture, their house is offset. That is a shed that directly fronts and there is also a nine foot high security fence along that entire way with really tall trees and bushes right there. And on that, in conclusion, we are really excited to bring this development to Meridian. We think that it's a great location. It's a great high priority area. Good use of an in-fill space and we will stand for questions. Seal: Okay. Thank you very much. Are there any questions for the applicant or staff? Wheeler: Mr. Chair? Seal: Mr. Wheeler, go ahead. Wheeler: Hi, Elizabeth. I had a question for you on the -- you mentioned the power pole, that it would need to be moved if Joy Street was aligned. Koeckeritz: Yes. Wheeler: So, your plan is that with the --the lots that--that butt up next to McMillan Road that that power pole would stay right there? Koeckeritz: The power pole can stay there if the road doesn't go through. Wheeler: Okay. All right. So, all -- so -- but that lot -- this -- the housing lot, right, a residential lot -- Koeckeritz: No. It comes out right -- so, it really comes out -- on this map right as you come out-- it would jog a little bit to the left and it would come out next to -- on the western edge of that bigger in-fill lot, the lot that's remaining. Wheeler: Okay. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F14] Page 11 of 24 Koeckeritz: And so there is a power pole there. So, there would remain one across -- sort of kitty corner behind the one residential lot, but not -- but it wouldn't be blocking it. Wheeler: Okay. And, then, one other question on aligning up Joy. You mentioned that you would have to take your extra third of an acre into -- in order to make that happen and that would be on to the next property; is that right? To the -- Koeckeritz: It would be on -- I apologies. So, in this one you can see there is this large corner lot. It is part of the plat, but it's not owned by the developers and so it would be a section -- it would be the western most boundary of that -- the western most third acre of that property is where Joy would come out -- where this collector road would come out. Wheeler: Okay. And at the same time, though, I think your drawing showed that it would go just due south almost -- and tie into the street below that, if I remember right. It would be more like just a straight road; correct? Koeckeritz: Yes. There has to be other alignments going on. The other map we show doesn't have all the properties. It's really showing where our current collector is coming up straight, instead of making that jog. Wheeler: Okay. Is there -- did your developers take a look at possibly taking Joy and aligning it with the street -- or across the street and having it come in and start to bend -- I wouldn't say sharply, but quickly into what you already have here as a plat and, then, resume? Koeckeritz: Well, what the issue becomes is -- is that age 55 -- is in the coming in and going to the -- Wheeler: I think it's called Sunday Loop? So, quickly in -- Koeckeritz: Yes. That is -- I apologize. Wheeler: No. No. No. You are fine. You are totally fine. Koeckeritz: That is the age 55 component of this development. I can scroll down here and just show you how it's sort of -- we have the extra one. So, what's in red is the 55 component and so that just isn't, in our opinion, is really appropriate for the collector road to go right through that section, which is purposely its own area. It's not going to be gated off, so that there can be some kind of connection between the areas, but it just doesn't make sense to run traffic through there or it's not ideal. Wheeler: Okay. Okay. Thank you. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Cassinelli -- oh. Alan, real quick. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F15] Page 12 of 24 Tiefenbach: Just one point of clarity. Alan Tiefenbach. Associate planner. One point of clarification is -- is staff didn't analyze this as being 55 plus, because unless there is a deed restriction there is really no way we can enforce that. So, it would purely be upon the -- the applicant to say they are going to keep it 55 plus, unless they are willing to deed restrict it. So, if there is the -- really is the -- if the Planning Commission really is inclined to go that way on traffic, we can't enforce that unless they do restrict it. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Well, I had a couple of questions, but I might as well, then, ask -- ask the first one. Will it be deed restricted? Koeckeritz: I do not -- it will be in the -- I believe it will be in the HOA rules and requirements. I do not believe it would be deed restricted and it would be following -- this is something I know has come up between the attorneys. It would be following the housing for older-- whatever is. It's not strictly 55 up, whatever the act is, because many individuals in the 55 and up have -- maybe you are 56 and you have a younger spouse. maybe you are 70 and you need your son to come live with you. So, there is some movement in there, but it would follow the requirements set forth in that act. Cassinelli: Okay. And, then, I have -- I have got a couple others. Seal: Go right ahead. Cassinelli: The -- the parking on the private drives -- Koeckeritz: Yes. Cassinelli: -- talk about that issue. Will it be signed that there is to be no parking -- Koeckeritz: It is -- in their experience it historically has not needed to be signed. That's something that could certainly be considered. We have a picture in here of what it looks like. This is one of the short drives in one of their other developments. Although on ours most of them will go through as pathways, but just how that is -- there just typically hasn't been a need, but it's something that they could certainly consider -- would consider. Cassinelli: Okay. And, then, with -- with the ones that go through with the pathways, are there going to be other -- can traffic get through or will those be bollard off in the center? Koeckeritz: They will be -- they won't -- they will not be able for traffic to go through. Cassinelli: Okay. So, it will narrow down to just a pathway? Koeckeritz: Right. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F16 Page 13 of 24 Cassinelli: Okay. So, you have to approach the homes on either side from those -- their respective sides; is that correct? You can't get through -- so, like in this case -- Koeckeritz: The one where you can come in from both ways? Cassinelli: You can't -- yeah. You can't get -- Koeckeritz: You can't drive through. Cassinelli: You can't get to one house from the other side. Koeckeritz: Right. Cassinelli: The -- with the 55 plus area, are those amenities to be shared by the entire community? Koeckeritz: No. Those are for that community. Cassinelli: Okay. That's -- that's what I have right now. Thank you. Seal: Thank you. Any other questions? Commissioner Grove? Grove: Mr. Chair. With the micro pathways that you added, one of the concerns that we had last time -- or at least one of the concerns I know I had was with the lack of connection from the furthest east properties, being able -- there is no pathway connection from those properties to the rest of the development, you have to go all the way down to the -- the street in the far southeast corner to be able to access any of the other pathway system. Could you explain why there is no pathway connecting those houses to the greater pathway system? Koeckeritz: You are talking about the ones that are on the far east side? Grove: Correct. Koeckeritz: Not coming -- let me double check. No, I do not know why. But it does seem like something where we could shift a portion of the new open space at the end of that road maybe -- and shift something down in there and be able to create some sort of pathway through there, if that was a condition of approval moving forward. I would have to confirm with them, of course, but it seems like it would work. Grove: Mr. Chair, one other question. Seal: Go ahead. Grove: With the ACHD report coming back and being at an LOS of D, but going to LOS of F, that is going to be a major concern for us. Don't want to speak for everyone, but just Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F17] Page 14 of 24 -- I know that that is going to be a point of contention. So, you addressed it earlier, but can you address it further in terms of how this will impact this development and the -- the surrounding developments as they -- as we look forward on this? Koeckeritz: Well, one of the things -- I mean they are willing to do -- there is a couple things -- is first there are going to be improvements. They are going to be widening this road sometime in the -- I believe it was in 2030, 2031, in that time frame the road will be being widened to the three lanes, which will help reduce some of that. Also I understand -- like there is only--there is only so much -- part of the reason that--what spurred ACHD developing these roads, widening these roads, is the development coming and the impact fees being paid to help pay for those improvements to the roads and so they don't tend to do the widening of the roads, they don't tend to make those improvements until the development's already there and so I do understand that these roads will continue to have more people on them, but that's why there is the other exit out to Black Cat, which is going to be a five lane road and the truth is there just isn't much more along this corridor of McMillan that will be left to develop after this. There is just a small area directly to the north. Grove: Thank you. Seal: Anybody else? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Cassinelli, go ahead. Cassinelli: Elizabeth, can you -- can you repeat what you said in your presentation? You broke out the open space between the -- Koeckeritz: Yes. Cassinelli: -- the 55. Can you give me those numbers again? Koeckeritz: Yes. Cassinelli: Please. And, then, in addition to that -- kind of a follow-up to my earlier questions, how are you going to separate -- how are you going to prohibit those that aren't in the 55 community to what -- what means do you have to -- to prohibit the people from using that pool and other things? Koeckeritz: Okay. The age 55 plus is 17.32 percent open space and the single family is 15.78 percent, for an overall 16.05 and it does make sense to have a slightly higher percentage in the over 55 area, simply because they are home more, more likely to use it, kids are going to school, kids are playing, other places. So, the way that it would be restricted is there will be separate HOAs for the two areas. So, that would be one way. I'm sure there are other ways. If it becomes a problem there are other ways that the HOA Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F18 Page 15 of 24 can maintain that separation. They can do like the local police -- not the police force, but their local internal policing of the areas, making sure that the people are in the pool -- the only people in the pool are the people that should be there. Cassinelli: And, then, can you -- what are the other -- besides the two separate parks with pools, where are the other amenities in each area? Koeckeritz: So, there is the pool with the clubhouse and with the clubhouse restrooms, changing area, as well as the pickleball courts and the lineal open space throughout the 55 plus area. The big grassy areas. And, then, also in the open market there is the clubhouse, the pool, the large grassy areas and quite a few just of those smaller parks throughout, as well as the pathways along the perimeter of the development. Cassinelli: Okay. Mr. Chair, can I ask one more question? Seal: Go right ahead. Cassinelli: For staff. If there is separate HOAs between the 55 plus and the regular community, do we have to look at the number of amenities independently or are we looking at it together? Tiefenbach: Mr. Cassinelli, Members of the Commission, we don't have anything in our code that says we look at it separately based on HOA. It's just based on the square footage and based on the number of units we look at whether or not there is required amenities. It doesn't say you have to have X amount of amenities for 55 plus, Y amount amenities that aren't. This square footage -- or sorry. This acreage, this many units, this is what you need to provide. Now, our new code does have different types of amenities for different types of categories, but it's still all based on the development, not just each HOA. Cassinelli: Okay. Thank you. Seal: Anyone else? All right. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Okay. At this time we will take public testimony. Madam Clerk, is there anybody signed up? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, there is not. Seal: Okay. Anybody in the audience like to come forward and testify? Anybody online raise the -- oh. We have got one person coming up. Good evening, sir. Please state your name and address for the record and you have three minutes. Pachner: Joe Pachner. 5725 North Discovery Way. I represent the developer. I'm an engineer with KM Engineering. One of the things that I wanted to discuss with you is just a little bit more on the traffic and what ACHD's recommendations were. Part of the --well, one of the first steps in correcting the issues along Black Cat and McMillan is moving the -- the current irrigation lines, especially along Black Cat, is right at the shoulder. It's a Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 Fig] Page 16 of 24 safety concern. If you have looked in that area that road rolls off and it drops right into that -- the lateral that goes through there. Part of this project is tiling those ditches and moving them far enough away, so that not only does it, you know -- you know, create -- removes that safety concern, but it provides room necessary for the future right of way expansions. This is well over a million dollars worth of irrigation work just to get that pipe out of the way. These are large laterals. You know, the one is a 48 inch and the other one is a 60 inch. One of the other things that we were looking at was, you know, we have actually drawn up -- went through the whole process of realigning the plat to try to get a Joy alignment to work, but one of the problems that we have is -- and ACHD recognized this as well -- is that the traffic will not -- it's not -- it will not travel north onto -- you know, across our -- across McMillan north to Joy Street. It will go an east-west direction, because Joy Street does not lead to the destination they want to go to. So, the traffic going east-west, what they found is if you offset those, then, they are not conflicting. If they are -- if you are -- if everyone's been at a four way stop sign and you get that -- you come, no, you stop --you come. When you are offset by-- especially when you are offset by about a thousand feet, those traffic turns move more smoothly to allow that to go through. The other thing was, you know, the level of service it will be an F only during those peak hour times. The rest of the time, you know, ACHD has -- their staff report has stated that it will function as -- you know, as, you know, we anticipate it and that's -- you know, again, in these, you know, age restricted developments that component -- that's -- they love it, because they don't have to go to work right at 8:00 o'clock. In fact, they can stay -- you know, they can determine their times whenever it's more -- you know, it's convenient to them and so with that it does lessen the burden on the traffic system all at the same -- all that the peak hour. But when you try to move all the traffic right through that age restricted, it ruins that -- the characteristics that we are looking for to provide an age restricted component. With that I will stand for questions. Seal: Thank you. Do we have any questions? No? Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Anybody else in the audience who would like to come forward? Go ahead and state your name and address for the record. Watts: Rachelle Watts. 4376 West McMillan Road. And we are the ones they are referring to directly across the street from this entrance. The collector road was an issue for us also with connecting with Joy and when I testified the last time I did point out all the developments north of McMillan between Daphne Square, Brody Square, now there is Pera Place and there is another one that is directly across from the James parcel that they are maintaining. They did own all of this. And, then, they decided to keep the one home and shop that was his father's that passed away in August of '20 and, then, the developer has purchased the rest. So, it is the same Mr. James that is involved in this. The five acres that's directly across, they have already torn down the house that's owned by a gentleman who has now proposed to put in another subdivision. You don't have that yet, but I'm sure it's coming, because there was a neighborhood meeting for that. So, our concern is, first of all, obviously, it's directly across the street from us. It is not a nine foot security fence. We did many years ago put in a berm with some landscaping, trees -- leaves are not on the trees during the wintertime. It is six foot wood, but there is always lights that shine through the slats and I --when they widen that that will come out, because Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F20 Page 17 of 24 they are going to widen to the north and starting in 2031. So, that will come out and we will have to either sell or start over or something. So, it is developing all around there. But there is the one I was talking about that with the pickleball court, that's directly across -- okay. Right or left arrow up or down. Where is the arrow at? I'm not sure. Up or down. Page down. I'm sorry. Page up. Okay. You scroll. Okay. There is only a couple of pictures. But I wanted you guys to visualize this. If you can go back. Okay. There is -- there is the picture from the -- the remaining property that was James that he is keeping. So, the back of that there is the -- is the shop and the home is to the right. There is the power pole over there on McMillan that they are talking about would have to be moved for Joy Street -- because of Joy. There is the acreage on the right that is now proposed for pickleball street -- or pickleball court. I'm sorry. It's not developed yet and this abuts up next to Bridgetower West. So, if you can scroll again to the next one. Oh. Well, they are kind of out of order. But this is where they are in the construction right now for the entrance. Now, they have mentioned that they would have to move a power pole, that there is a lot of power poles and lines in the way. This is where the entrance is at now, directly across the street from our house that they are in the process of constructing. To start at the beginning of January. There is the power pole that they have talked about having to move. When that development goes in directly across the street, if it's approved on that five acre parcel that's where the fence is down and the house has been torn down, I'm assuming that will -- they will have to go back on McMillan and, then, over on Joy. Now, the developments that Joy runs into -- and Joy does dead in, but it goes into another development and it goes into Daphne. Daphne, then, goes down Pera Place goes -- is now going to be developed and flow onto there -- Daphne Square flows in and rounds about where Brody Square is and, then, if you guys remember, they moved -- they are in the process of moving Daphne so it's not straight through. So, they are either going to have -- all that traffic is going to either have to go out onto Black Cat or it's going to have to come down Daphne to Joy and out. So, for us, obviously, we have a stake in this, but we are not the ones developing the property. Mr. James is. He doesn't live there. He -- it's a -- one of the commissioners that had made a comment I heard on one time was, ah, they want their cake and eat it, too. Well, we are not the ones in the middle of development. When we met with them in July when they had that neighborhood meeting that was held here, we expressed our concern to the developer about that collector road. They have never reached out to us, they have never done anything and we have -- so, anyway, the pictures that I'm showing you are basically showing this is directly across from that property on the north side of McMillan right at the edge of Joy Street and that's where that pole is where they are in the process of constructing this directly across from our house. Now, somehow they don't have to move that pole and those lines, but they have to move the other one. I think it's a preference is what I think. And I have not seen a specific study that states that they would not be able to do it. Here this is the overlay to show you McMillan and that shows Daphne Square on the left, Brody Square up there and -- and Daphne Road that follows through the middle of that is now for Brody Square going to wind through the subdivision and rerouted it. Pera Place is in the -- has not started development, but it's been approved by -- by the commission and, then, pickleball -- pickleball court is probably coming. So, I guess what my -- what I would like to say is you have the opportunity now to make sure that we have the correct alignment that should be the collector road, the master street map from Ada County Highway District, and they Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F21 Page 18 of 24 were not opposed to it. I know I'm out of time. According to this it was saying that they would -- they would -- is also supportive of aligning that Grand Lakes Way with Joy Street on McMillan. Okay. I would just like you to consider it. Seal: Thank you. Okay. Would anybody else like to come up? Come on up, sir. Please state your name and address for the record and the floor is yours for three minutes. Walsh: Great. My name is Ron Walsh. I -- address 12 -- Post Office Box 1297, Eagle. I'm the developer. My son and I are the developers. Walsh Group. I was wondering if you could -- Alan, if you could put Elizabeth's jump drive back in with our exhibits. appreciate all of the concern about the alignment and -- and I wanted to tell you while we are getting this up that we --we just did the Village Bungalows on Ustick near Eagle Road, about 74 55 plus homes, and when we went through the approval process the city asked us -- told us they did not want to monitor the 55 plus designation in there and so we put those in our HOAs and record them with the HOA, so they technically are a deed restriction and they are -- we have to comply with a federal law called HOPA and they monitor us. We have to have a questionnaire filled in and signed by every resident that they meet the HOPA guidelines and the HOPA guidelines are fairly simple. It's just one of the residents needs to be 55 years or older until -- unless -- you can't go less than 80 percent of the total amount of residents in there that aren't 55 or you don't meet that. So, we do monitor it and it is somewhat of a deed restriction, because of the recorded CC&Rs and it would take a unanimous vote by all of the residents to remove it and -- and, then, they would be in violation of the HOPA -- HOPA guidelines, which is federally monitored. But I wanted to see if you could page down through her -- keep going. One more. One more. Oh, I wanted to -- one -- back up. On this particular -- okay. Keep going down. I'm sorry. I didn't know the number. I didn't watch the number. Oh, there you go. Yep. This has gotten really confusing on this Joy Street alignment and I can tell you that we don't -- we actually spent more money to put this curved roadway in to calm traffic. We created our bungalows -- Village Bungalows to create a community that's all kind of encompassed inside itself and so we are really protective of that and this -- this -- this driveway -- or this roadway right here is a really calming roadway. If you will notice to the south where this roadway exits us and goes into Quartet Subdivision, they have a curve right there that has a big arcing curve that heads over to Black Cat. So, they didn't want a -- a straight road there, neither did ACHD. And, then, when we straightened this road out it's -- it's 1,200 feet of wide straight road. It's just going to be a nightmare to go too fast. We did not want this -- our roadway to enter into the front door of the neighbor's house. If you will notice that road exits out onto McMillan right on the property line between her and her neighbor and her neighbor has a heavily treed home that you can't even see the home from the -- the McMillan Road and, then, the road -- the house to the right that's concerned about our headlights has a three foot berm and a six foot fence and, then, where the roadway comes out is on -- on our property line and there is no building there, it just barely catches the edge of one of the outbuildings, definitely not her home, so we just feel like it's just in the best interest of the city to have this roadway aligned this way, rather than a straight -- a straight roadway and, then, cutting off any traffic out to McMillan, other than the -- the arterial --just creates a -- kind of a nightmare traffic flow inside the subdivision. So, we just don't think it's a prudent use of, you know, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F22 Page 19 of 24 our money or the city's time and the -- ACHD's efforts. So, we didn't pick it, because it saved us money, we just picked it because it makes the most sense for what we think is a well done subdivision. Thank you for your time. I will stand for questions. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Cassinelli, go ahead. Cassinelli: Did you -- did you discuss anything to be done with the neighbors or -- I think -- believe it's the Watts to -- it sounds like their concern is -- is headlights and whatnot. So, did you discuss any -- anything as far as additional vegetation, anything? Walsh: No. You know -- and we have -- we have had situations like this we have developed in our Village Bungalows and what we did is we actually paid for additional foliage on their property, because, obviously, we can't put anything between our roadway and McMillan. But I would have no problem as a condition of approval putting whatever kind of planting she -- that they want in there to -- because we don't want to disrupt any of our neighbors. But, yeah, that could be a condition of approval. We think we could do a great job by doing that, because we just -- my son and I just drove it, took pictures, because we knew it was one of your only concerns and I think we could shield her a hundred percent from any kind of lighting. Seal: Okay. Any other questions? All right. Thank you very much. Walsh: Thanks for your time. Seal: Do we have anybody in the audience who would like to come up and testify? Madam Clerk, do we have anybody online? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, not raising their hand. Seal: Okay. At this time I will close the public testimony. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, I move we close the public testimony. Starman: Chairman, before we close did you want to invite the -- we had the applicant actually maybe three or four times come up to the podium, but did you want to give the applicant an opportunity to close? Seal: Yes, we would. Yeah. If you would like to come back forward. Thank you. Sorry, I got -- I got out of time on my script. Thank you for notifying me. Koeckeritz: Just one other thing. Thank you for having me back up here. I did confirm we can put in with no problem on this one -- right at -- the concern about the pathway going across to the east. We can absolutely put one in right sort of where Grand Lakes Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F23] Page 20 of 24 Way curves to go south, we can put one in across there. And with that I will stand for any more questions. Seal: Thank you. Any other questions? No? All right. Thank you very much. Okay. At this time can I get a motion to close the public hearing for item number H-2021-0074. Lorcher: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. Seal: Okay. It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing for Item No. H- 2021-0074. All in favor say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: Who would like to jump in first? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Cassinelli, go right ahead. Cassinelli: Commissioner Grove brought it up in his questioning and that was the -- the ACHD staff report and their numbers. One thing that I had noticed on the staff report is the McMillan numbers were from 2018. So, it's almost a four year old traffic count. So, I don't know where that would put -- you know, if it's -- I think shoulder hours or a D right now. I mean if we were looking at today's numbers I don't know where that would be. The other thing that we are not-- unless I'm reading the reports incorrectly and somebody, please, correct me if I -- if-- if I am. They are not looking at -- I mean two weeks ago we saw Quartet South and we are not -- I mean we are not even -- this isn't even factoring in their numbers. ACHD numbers aren't even factoring in all of Quartet, if that's -- it looks like you guys are nodding your head. So, it's going to be even worse than F. If -- if they have a scale that goes to Z we might be down there. I don't know, but-- but I mean that's -- and I hate to put that all on the applicant. It's -- it's on ACHD. But we are looking at -- and they are not even going to five lanes on that. All they are doing on -- on McMillan is putting in a center turn lane the full width of -- I mean from -- I think like Locust Grove to -- to the -- to Ontario or something. It's not going to be five lanes. And so it's -- it's bad now, it's going to be bad -- it's going to be worse later. That center turn lane isn't going to do a whole lot. It -- the report also doesn't factor in -- it's only -- they only show traffic levels for McMillan and Black Cat. Some of that might feed all the way down to Ustick. I mean it's -- it's -- it all -- this is all going to be one substantial subdivision when you put this in with Quartet. So, I have got -- I have got a lot of concerns with that and what I would like to do is bring in ACHD and beat them over the head, but we don't have that -- that luxury to do that, but that's -- that's the issue and that's -- and I don't know how the applicant can solve that. But those roads out there right now in -- during peak hours are -- they are already difficult and it's only going to get worse. But I don't know what the answer is, unless ACHD is willing to do more on McMillan, but they are saying they can't. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F24] Page 21 of 24 1 mean I don't know where to go. Those are my thoughts right now. I will probably have some more later. Seal: Okay. And I will jump in. I mean as far as the traffic -- traffic issue is concerned, we -- I mean we all kind of suffer the -- you know, the -- the same fate here where there is several times we may not agree with, you know, what ACHD is saying on the opposite side of this where -- saying that the level of service is acceptable -- we are all kind of scratching our head going how can that be where here we have the level of service is not acceptable. So, I mean, you know, ACHD owns the roads, we -- they give us a report and we are supposed to act on those on the best interest of the city. I mean seeing that and -- and like the application that we did have two weeks ago, that is, you know, right in the same location, we are faced with a similar thing where as -- you know, my opinion is knowing that the level of service at peak hours is -- is not going to be acceptable, knowing that the data is four years old and also understanding that there is that limitation from, essentially, Locust Grove all the way through where these power poles are, something is going to have to be done in the future to help accommodate that. More than likely it's going to be that they are going to overbuild Black Cat like they have done with Ten Mile. I mean that was brought up earlier, so -- but we are not there yet. We are literally ten years away from even that happening and as a person that lives in that area and has to drive these roads on occasion, there is never a time when there is not a lot of traffic in that area already and they are -- you know, we are just getting warmed up with subdivisions in there. So, I mean it's -- it's tough. I wish ACHD would do something about the roads in there in a timelier fashion, but they have to take our entire area of impact and prioritize projects in there. Unfortunately, this has the prioritization of doing it in 2031 , instead of 2022. Anybody else like to chime in? Commissioner Lorcher. Lorcher: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Go right ahead. Lorcher: If Commissioner Yearsley were here he would say something to the fact that you are taking a parcel of land and putting as many houses or, you know, products on as you possibly can that cannot accommodate the space that is already there. I think that there should be a subdivision here. It's definitely residential. But looking at the density of this particular corner, especially when it's McMillan and Black Cat. The roundabout is not scheduled, although the light will help. Our infrastructure is not ready for a project like this. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Anybody else? Commissioner Grove, go ahead. Grove: Thanks, Mr. Chair. Where to start? The -- the improvements to the site plan make this a little bit easier. The pathways, the reduced common drives are great. The -- the traffic is going to be a concern. There is no way around that. I think the offset of the collector is probably the only thing that could potentially save it, actually, just from a -- a flow standpoint. I don't think lining these up would make this better with the restrictions that McMillan is going to have. If it were to be a five lane road I would probably Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F25 Page 22 of 24 really strongly want those roads to line up, but with it only going to three it -- I don't think having the road line up actually improves the situation. I think that we would probably be creating more problems by fixing the one problem. The ten year -- are nine years to -- what is it -- 13 years out for this road improvement gives me extreme reservations about being able to move this forward. If this was in even a five year outlook, you know, with the ability to move it up a couple of years with -- with the impact fees and things like that, I would be much more inclined to say, yeah, let's -- let's take a look at how does this, you know, phase in, you know, by the time, you know, things get platted, things get moving. I think with the --with where ACHD is at with the Black Cat and with McMillan, this is even more problematic than the one that we had last time where it was on the south end of this block where you had Ustick and Black Cat. At least there the ability to extend the roads is possible, whereas McMillan is really landlocked and I don't know how to fix this. I don't really even know where I'm at. I think if I were to say right now I would probably say to deny based on the roads and how far out the ability to fix this problem is. So, that's -- that's kind of where I'm at right now. Seal: Okay. You know, I think there is a little commonality among there -- those things. I mean as far as the density goes, I mean it is appropriate. You know, considering -- essentially considering all the zoning and the future land use map and all that, the zoning that's in here is appropriate. Otherwise, the staff would have called that out I'm sure for the mass of land that it's on. I do like what you have done with the bulb outs. You know, I still just hate common driveways, because it's not a --the common driveways are not an issue of any -- all the service vehicles or anything backing into them, the problem is -- especially when they are on corners, when it comes trash day, instead of a couple of cans on the side of the road, you have about 12 and you get to play Mario Kart through them if you are trying to drive through there at any point in time. So, there is two of them that I have to drive through regularly and it's horrible. So, shared driveways are just really sketchy as far as that goes, so -- it can create all kinds of issues, especially for service vehicles. Some of the improvements that you have done through here I really like. I like the bulb outs. The age restricted community -- it's interesting, I can -- you know, I mean we have a scenario where I can definitely see, you know, you are living in here, you have an age restricted, you know, mother, father, grandparent, whatever that is, living in the age restricted piece of it. So, you know, the ability for you or grandkids or whoever to go visit and, you know, basically, will ride a bike or cross the street is actually nice. It's a nice feature I think to have something like this integrated, because a lot of times we get age restricted communities that stand on their own. So, they are -- they are part and parcel not joined to anything else. So, it's kind of nice to see that. That said, running it through the HOAs, you know, with the CC&Rs, you can change them, so -- I mean it just takes a vote and that's not age restricted anymore. So, the likelihood of that happening would probably be low, but I mean in 20, 30 years who knows what would be there or what would be happening with it. So, there is a lot of positive here. But, again, we kind of come back to the traffic issue and that -- I think no matter how good something coming in here at this point, the roads just aren't able to take that traffic right now and I think putting this in and, you know, accommodating everything else that is being built right there is going to be very very problematic and it's not going to be -- everything else that's being built out there is going to be in there within the next four or five years and, then, you still Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F26 Page 23 of 24 have at least five more years before we get any relief at all there, outside of a traffic light, which is moderately helpful, which is about all it was, moderately helpful on Black Cat and Ustick. Black Cat is going to suffer the same fate. They have the same kind of power poles running down Black Cat. You can only widen it so far. So, I mean it's going to be interesting to see what happens with this area when they do finally develop those roads. Part of me thinks that's the reason that they are pushing it out so far as the 2031 and out. You know, there is a lot of other areas that are going to develop before then. I think this one is very very problematic for them, because you have the power poles there and they can only do so much, but -- it's tough. I mean I like the subdivision itself, but I just don't think it's responsible to move forward with it, considering the -- that the roads already are incapable of handling it. Anybody else? Okay. At some point we got to get a motion or we got to get a question. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, I just -- I had a question -- a quick question for staff on something. Seal: Go ahead. Cassinelli: Alan, that -- that structure that's going to stay there that's almost right across from Joy, is that -- right now it takes access from McMillan. Will that be taking -- if this were to go through will that be taking access -- continue to take access off McMillan or is that going to take internal access there? It's up in the top. Tiefenbach: You are talking about the northeast corner? Cassinelli: Correct. Tiefenbach: Yeah. That's going to be taking access off of that cul-de-sac, not off of McMillan. Cassinelli: Okay. That's what I figured. Thank you. Tiefenbach: Or, sorry, not the cul-de-sac, off of Sunday Loop. You can see the -- Cassinelli: Oh. Okay. Tiefenbach: You see it here. Cassinelli: Okay. But it's internal to the -- Tiefenbach: We wouldn't let some -- we would -- we would not support adding additional entrances without removing them. Cassinelli: I didn't see anything in there, so I -- Tiefenbach: No. You are correct. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 17,2022 F27 Page 24 of 24 Cassinelli: --just wanted to check. Thank you. Tiefenbach: Yes, sir. Seal: Okay. If anybody would like to float a motion. Grove: Mr. Chair? Seal: Commissioner Grove, go ahead. Grove: Before I do my motion, just want to reiterate. I'm not opposed to the design or the density, but the -- the -- the traffic is -- is the issue. So, with that being said, after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of file number H-2021-0074 as presented during the hearing date of February 17th, 2022, for the reason of traffic impact on the arterial roads abutting this project. Cassinelli: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded to recommend denial of Item No. -- I had it in front of me. H-2021-0074. All those in favor of the recommended denial, please, say aye. Any opposed? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Seal: Thank you. Wheeler: Is it your honors tonight, Bill? Seal: Yeah. Can I get one more motion, please. Cassinelli: Final -- final motion. Mr. Chair, I move that we adjourn. Lorcher: Second. Seal: It's been moved and seconded that we adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion carries. Thank you. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7.19 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 3 I 3 12022 ANDREW SEAL - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK Item 1. 3 E IDIAN 'aAHO AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Approve Minutes of the February 3, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission Item 1. February 3,2022 F77 Page 74 of 74 (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 2 117 1 2022 ANDREW SEAL - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK E K IDIAN:--- iuAn Planning and Zoning Presentations and outline Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting February 17, 2022 Item #3: Jamestown Ranch PLANNED DEVELOPMENTZONINGFLUM Changes to Agenda:  Item #2: Meridian U-Haul Moving & Storage (H-2021-0085) – Project requires continuance due to the site not being posted with a public hearing notice sign in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-5A-6D. th  Item #4: Vanguard Village (H-2021-0081) – Applicant requests continuance to March 17 in order to review & address items in the ACHD report that effect the Meridian staff report. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Item #3: Jamestown Ranch Subdivision (H-2021-0074) Application(s):  Annexation with the R-8 zoning district, and preliminary plat to allow 294 building lots on 80.3 acres of land. Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 80 acres of land, zoned RUT, located at southeast corner of the N. Black Cat / W. McMillian Rd intersection. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Medium Density Residential 8-12 du/acre Summary of Request:  Annexation with the R-8 zoning district, and preliminary plat to allow 294 building lots on 80.3 acres of land.  Presently two single family residences on the property.  Recommended for 3-8 dwelling units per acre.  Minimum lot size is 4,952 sq. ft.  Comparable sizes to adjacent subdivisions.  This development proposes five points of access. Updates since Continuance  At the November 18, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission continued this application for the applicant to consider the following: o Consider reducing the number of common driveways; o Cooperate with ACHD in aligning the collector street with N. Joy St on the north side of W. McMillan Rd; o Receive and analyze the final ACHD staff report; o Consider realignment of micro-pathways for easier resident access to the central amenities not in the gated portion. o  Revised plans show the following: o Addition of 5 knuckles to eliminate common drive lots where possible (reduced the common driveways by 5). o Addition of pedestrian pathways to common drive lots and associated easements. o Road alignments adjusted (the collector still does not align with Joy St). o 1 residential lot removed and 2 common lots added. o Additional landscaping added to Phase Two. o Additional pedestrian access added, i.e. Lot 21, Block 2 o Qualified open space has increased from 14.5% to 16.05%  ACHD staff report finds the following: o W. McMillian Rd. from the site to 10 mile is presently LOS “F”. o Intersection of W. McMillan Rd and N. Black Cat Rd is scheduled for the installation of an interim traffic signal in 2022. o W. McMillan Rd listed to be widened to 3- lanes from N. Black Cat Road to N. Ten Mile Road between 2031 and 2035 (it will not be 5 lanes as proposed by applicant). o N. Black Cat Rd. is listed in the CIP to be widened to 5- lanes from W. Ustick Rd to W. McMillan Rd Rd. between 2031 and 2035. o Applicant required to construct westbound left turn lane on McMillian at Grand Lakes Way (the new collector). o ACHD supports the offset of N. Grand Lakes Wy. 980 feet to the west of N. Joy St. o ACHD would also support aligning N. Grand Lakes Wy with N. Joy St. Written Testimony: Staff has received two letters of written testimony from Mike Wardle with Brighton and one letter from Mike and Rachelle Watts. Brighton’s concerns have since been resolved, but the Watts still have concerns regarding the collector NOT aligning with N. Joy St. ‘ Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with conditions. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2021-0074, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of February 17, 2022, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2021- 0074, as presented during the hearing on February 17, 2022, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2021-0074 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item 2. 78 (:> E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing Continued from February 3, 2022 for Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage (H-2021-0085) by Gurnoor Kaur of Amerco Real Estate Company, Located on Parcel R8257510015 and at 1230 and 1270 E. Overland Rd., Near the Northwest Corner of E. Overland Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. Project Requires Continuance A. Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow self-storage, ancillary retail, and warehousing and vehicle and equipment with outdoor display. Item 2. F79 (:�N-WE IDIAN:-- IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Alan Tiefenbach Meeting Date: February 17, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing Continued from February 3, 2022 for Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage (H-2021-0085) by Gurnoor Kaur of Amerco Real Estate Company, Located on Parcel R8257510015 and at 1230 and 1270 E. Overland Rd., Near the Northwest Corner of E. Overland Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. A. Request: Conditional Use Permit to allow self-storage, ancillary retail, and warehousing and vehicle and equipment with outdoor display. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Item 2. ■ STAFF REPORTC�WE IDIANn-=- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A H O HEARING 2/17/2022 Legend w DATE: F• ;eo Lxo:on TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Alan Tiefenbach,Associate Planner SUBJECT: H-2021-0085 Meridian U-Haul Moving and Storage ° LOCATION: 1230 and 1270 E. Overland Rd. and RB Parcel#R8257510015, at the northwest corner of E. Overland Rd and S. Locust Grove Rd. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow self-storage,vehicle and equipment rentals with outdoor display,and ancillary retail on 6.86 acres in the C-G zoning district,by Gurnoor Kaur,Amerco Real Estate Company. A Development Agreement Modification regarding this development was approved by the City Council on February 3, 2022. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 6.86 Future Land Use Designation Commercial Existing Land Use(s) Vacant F Proposed Land Use(s) Self-Storage,Equipment and Vehicle Rental with Outdoor Display,Ancillary Retail Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 3 existing lots Physical Features(waterways, Nine Mile Creek is just off the property to the east. hazards,flood plain,hillside) Neighborhood meeting date;#of October 13,2021;No attendees attendees: History(previous approvals) Annexation AZ-99-018,DA Instr.# 100029704, Preliminary Plat PP-99-015,FP-00-005,CUP 99-033, MDA H-2021-0101 Page 1 Item 2. F81 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) No Access(Arterial/Collectors/State There is existing access from E.Overland Dr; site plan Hwy/Local)(Existing and shows an additional access from S. Labrador Wy Proposed) Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross A cross access easement exists with the property at 1322 E. Access Overland Rd Existing Road Network E. Overland Rd and S.Labrador Wy Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There are existing 5 ft. sidewalks along E. Overland Rd. Buffers and S.Labrador Wy. Proposed Road Improvements None Fire Service • No comments Police Service • No comments Wastewater Comments • No comments Water • Distance to Water Services 0 • Pressure Zone 4 ' • Water Quality No concerns • Project Consistent with Yes Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns • There are no utilities shown in this record.Public Works will need to review and approve the utility plan. • There are no changes to the water infrastructure in this record. • There are existing water stubs along the southern property line that either needs to be used or abandoned. • A utility plan needs to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. Page 2 � m 1 1 1 84 IN m r NONE ■..N■ ■ �_ �� ■I■ NNONE 1 ' *1 1 � fl ; 'p �' - -.I-- tmr, ii 'j MEMO ■ 4 i'11 - {•5 mill ■ 1111111 I!7!mHE—c bit MOORE Ad. 4 ■ �� ■�■ �NHim �a�'x� R ■ �'� �� ■�■ I sin m■■m■ �� �■ ■■■■ on �� ■mill �� ■ ■ ��■■ ■■o mono R ■■■�� rim�lNi■ mono ■i■ �.. son of i Item 2. 83 IV. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 1/18/2022 Notification mailed to property owners within 300' 1/14/2022 Applicant posted public hearing notice sign on site 1/28/2022 Nextdoor posting 1/14/2022 V. STAFF ANALYSIS This is a proposal for a conditional use to allow self-storage,rental and outdoor display of vehicles and equipment, and ancillary retail to allow a U-Haul business. The project includes 8 buildings ranging in size between 117,000 sq. ft. to 1,400 sq. ft. with an outdoor rental display area directly along E. Overland at the south perimeter of the property. A development agreement modification was approved by City Council on February 8,2022. The property consists of three lots totaling 6.86 acres. It was annexed into the City in 1999 as the Overland Storage Annexation(AZ-99-018,DA Instr. # 100029704,Preliminary Plat PP-99-015). The development agreement allows the construction, development and use of only a ministorage facility consisting of eight buildings of various sizes and one caretaker unit pursuant a conditional use permit. A Conditional Use Permit(CUP-99-033)was approved for this use in October of 1999 and a final plat was recorded in 2002(Pack it Up Subdivision,FP-00-005). The approved self-storage facility was never developed. Staff and the applicant have had numerous discussions regarding the location of a new facility,and due to the location, surrounding uses,and C-G zoning this particular location was selected. However, in addition to self-storage,as is typical for a U-Haul facility,the applicant intends to display U-Haul trucks and equipment for rental. A conditional use permit is required for these uses in the C-G zone district.As the existing development agreement is very specific to allowed uses,the applicant has recently received City Council approval on a development agreement modification to allow the outdoor display and ancillary retail,however the amended DA has not been approved and recorded. A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https:llwww.meridianciu.or /g compplan) Commercial—This designation will provide a full range of commercial uses to serve area residents and visitors. Desired uses may include retail,restaurants,personal and professional services, and office uses, as well as appropriate public and quasi-public uses. The subject site is zoned General Retail and Service Commercial District(C-G). This allows a broad range of commercial uses. The property is bordered by a daycare to the east, roofing business and contractor's yard to the west, climbing gym, church and industrial business to the north. There is existing single family residential across E. Overland Rd to the south (Sportsman Pointe Subdivision). The description of commercial in the comprehensive plan does not specifically mention storage or equipment rental. However, the property is already zoned C-G which allows self-storage, and vehicle and equipment rental by conditional use subject to specific use standards. The retail component is a principally permitted use and is not subject to any specific use standards. Page 4 Item 2. ■ B. Zoning The property is already zoned C-G,which allows self-storage, and equipment and vehicle rental by conditional use subject to the specific use standards as listed below. C. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:llwww.meridianciU.or /�compplan): • "Permit new development only where urban services can be reasonably provided at the time of final approval and development is contiguous to the City."(3.01.01F) City services are available and will be extended by the developer to the proposed lots upon development of the site in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Require all commercial and industrial businesses to install and maintain landscaping." (2.01.03B) Landscape buffers and parking lot landscaping is required to be provided with development of this property in accord with UDC 11-3B.As mentioned in the specific use standards section below, staff is also recommending additional perimeter treatment along E. Overland Rd. • Maintain integrity of neighborhoods to preserve values and ambiance of areas(3.05.02). If the applicant complies with the design guidelines outlined in the ASM, conditions of approval listed in this staff report, UDC design standards and specific use standards, staff is of the opinion the proposed use should maintain the integrity of the neighborhood. • Require appropriate landscape and buffers along transportation corridors(setback,vegetation, low walls,berms, etc.) (3.06.02F). The subject property abuts E. Overland Rd. (arterial) and S. Labrador Wy(local). The UDC requires a minimum 25 ft. landscape buffer along arterial roads and]Oft wide landscape buffer along local roads. The landscape plan reflects a 30 ft. wide buffer along E. Overland Rd. and 40 ft. wide buffer along S. Labrador Wy. The landscape plan also indicates a 40 ft. buffer adjacent to the C-C-zoned properties at the north and]Oft. wide buffer to the L-O zoned properties to the west. • Plan for a variety of commercial and retail opportunities within the Impact Area(3.05.01 J). This is an area of Meridian characterized by industrial and commercial uses and residential across E. Overland Rd. Self-storage and equipment rental, sales, and service is allowed by conditional use in this location. • Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools, parks and other community gathering places(3.07.02N). Seven foot wide attached sidewalks currently exist along E. Overland Rd. and S. Labrador Wy. in accord with UDC 11-3A-17. D. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: The property is presently vacant. E. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed uses are defined as"storage facility, self-service", "equipment rental, sales, and service", and"vehicle rental"in the Unified Development Code (UDC). These uses are allowed by conditional use in the C-G zoning district per UDC Table 11-2C-2. These uses are also governed by the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-15, 11-4-3-38 and 11-4-34. The retail use is principally permitted use and is not subject to any specific use standards. Page 5 Item 2. 85 F. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): UDC 11-4-3 lists the specific use standards for self-service storage facilities,vehicle sales and rental,and equipment rental, sales and service. Standards for self-service facilities include storage units not being used as dwelling units, distance between structures being 25 ft., facility being completed fenced,walled or enclosed and screened from public view, and secondary emergency access. Specific use standards for equipment rental, sales and service require repair activities to occur within an enclosed structure, and outdoor display areas are prohibited in the required landscape buffer. In addition,the standards for vehicle rental states inoperable or dismantled motor vehicles shall be stored behind a closed vision fence,wall,or screen or within an enclosed structure and shall not be visible from any street. Storage units will not be used as dwellings, and secondary access will occur on S.Labrador Wy. All repair of equipment will occur at a different location, or within the office. All storage is enclosed within one of the storage buildings. There are several buildings that do not appear to meet the minimum spacing requirement of 25 ft. This includes between the northeast corner of Building C and southwest corner of Building G,between Buildings G and H,and possibly between the northwest corner of Building A and the southern side of Building C.The site plan will need to be revised accordingly. In addition, due to the high visibility of the site and the residential uses directly across E. Overland Rd to the south, staff has concerns regarding trailers and other associated moving equipment being littered throughout the site.Although staff believes display of operable moving vehicles is acceptable along the southern property line, as a condition of approval, staff recommends all trailers and other moving equipment be stored behind a closed vision fence,wall, or screen or within an enclosed structure and not be visible from any street. Screening fences or walls should be designed to be consistent with building architecture in accord with UDC 11-4-3- 33 and details of these walls, fence or screen shall be submitted at time of CZC. G. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The C-G zoning district requires a 25 ft. landscape buffer from arterial roads, 10 ft. buffer from local roads, and allows building heights of up to 65 ft. The landscape plan reflects a 30 ft. wide buffer along E. Overland Rd. and 40 ft. wide buffer along S. Labrador Wy. The landscape plan also indicates a 40 ft. buffer adjacent to the C-C-zoned properties at the north and 10 ft.wide buffer to the L-O zoned properties to the west. The building elevations indicate the highest building is approximately 39 ft. in height. More detailed review will occur at the time of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance(CZC). The property is comprised of three different lots,and it appears the proposed buildings straddle internal lot lines. As a condition of approval,the applicant will be required to complete a parcel boundary adjustment to merge all lots into one property. H. Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): The Pack It Up Subdivision Plat allows access via a shared drive from E. Overland Rd and there is a second access proposed at the end of a"knuckle"on S. Labrador Wy. The site plan reflects these two accesses. Meridian Fire supports this configuration,and staff has not received comments from ACHD. I. Parking(UDC 11-3C): UDC 11-3C-6 states in all commercial districts self-service storage facilities shall only require parking based on the gross floor area of the office space. With the office and retail area being Page 6 Item 2. 86 shown at 3,000 sq. ft., 6 parking spaces are required,whereas the site plan shows at least 26 parking spaces along the south perimeter and 10 more directly adjacent to the office. J. Pathways ( UDC 11-3A-8): No pathways are shown on the master pathways plan for this site or provided with this development. K. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): There are already 7 ft. wide attached sidewalks along E. Overland Rd. and S. Labrador Wy. L. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): As mentioned above,the landscape plan reflects a 30 ft. wide buffer along E. Overland Rd. and 40 ft.wide buffer along S. Labrador Wy. The landscape plan also indicates a 40 ft.buffer adjacent to the C-C-zoned properties at the north and 10 ft.wide buffer to the L-O zoned properties to the west. This exceeds the landscape buffer requirements of UDC-11-313. It does appear that the parking spaces shown along the southern perimeter exceed 12 spaces without a landscape planter of at least 50 sq. ft. and planting area of no less than 5 ft. in dimension per UDC 11-313-8-C-2. The subject property is located directly on E. Overland Rd. in a very visible location with established residential directly across E. Overland Rd to the south(Sportsman Pointe Subdivision).Accordingly, staff believes this development should reflect high quality design. Staff also has concerns regarding the impacts to adjacent residences associated with the headlights from moving trucks during early morning picks-ups as well as security lighting for moving equipment. As a condition of approval,staff recommends a combination of a landscaped 4 ft. high undulating berm,decorative walls and evergreen shrubs along the entire front perimeter of the property. Staff also recommends all pole lighting along the front of the property be limited to 12 ft.in height and directed to the north, away from adjacent residences. The site plan indicates a concrete irrigation structure along the southern property line.Per UDC 11-3B-5-J,if any utility easement precludes required trees,the width of the required buffer shall be increased five feet to accommodate the required trees. M. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): As mentioned in the specific use standards above,UDC 11-4-3-34 requires outdoor storage of equipment(other than operable vehicles)to be incorporated into the overall design of buildings and site landscaping so that the visual impacts of these functions are fully contained and screened from view of adjacent nonindustrial properties and/or public streets by a solid fence and/or wall with a minimum height of six(6) feet. Such fence and/or wall shall be constructed of complementary or of similar design and materials of the primary structure. N. Utilities (UDC 11-3A-21): The Pack It Up Subdivision Plat and provided site plan shows a 40 ft.wide sewer easement along the north and east property lines which presently contains a sewer main, as well as irrigation easements. The applicant should coordinate with public works to ensure a service road is maintained within this area. The plat also reflects a 20 ft.wide sewer easement bisecting the property through the middle as well as east—west at the southern portion of the property. The site plan reflects buildings encroaching into these easements. As a condition of approval,the applicant shall vacate or relocate these easements as approved by Public Works. If these easements are not recorded under separate instrument numbers,vacation through a public hearing at City Council is required. Page 7 Item 2. 87 As mentioned in the landscaping section,if the irrigation easement along the southern property line precludes required trees,the width of the required landscape buffer shall be increased 5 feet to accommodate the required trees in accord with UDC 11-3B-7. O. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The applicant has submitted building elevations for all 7 buildings. The elevations include materials such as cement board, stucco,brick and metal paneling for accents. Overall, staff does believe the combination of materials,colors,canopies, columns and fenestration results in a storage facility that is of higher quality. However, staff believes there could be some elements that do not meet the requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM). ASM 3.lB requires buildings to have horizontal modulation every 30 feet or 50 feet, depending on whether the building is greater than or less than 150 feet in length. Based on the site plan, staff is unsure all sides of the buildings visible from a public street meet modulations requirements. Also,ASM 3.2A requires for at least 30%of applicable facades use any combination of concrete,masonry, stone, or unique variation of color,texture, or material, at least 10-inches in height,around the base of the building. Staff is also unable to ascertain if this is satisfied. Complete design review will occur at time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance. Due to the high visibility of this project from E. Overland Rd. and the existing residences at the south, staff believes there should be additional design considerations. Staff has concerns with the exposed stairs on the south side of Building A both for visual impacts and potential maintenance issues with these stairs being exposed. Staff recommends either the stairs be removed from southern and eastern locations visible from E. Overland Rd., or screened in a stairwell or similar architectural element comprised of materials consistent with the exterior field materials of the building. Also, staff recommends the roll up doors on the south and east sides of Building A and south side of Building be better integrated into the building design through use of color, architectural detailing, overhangs, door frame treatments, etc. Also,the applicant has only submitted elevations for Buildings A&B. Full elevations of all four sides of all eight buildings will be required at time of certificate of zoning compliance and design review. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the conditions noted in Section VIII. per the Findings in Section IX. Page 8 Item 2. F88 VII. EXHIBITS A. Site Plan(date: 8/12/2021) ✓' IT I R LI LL E - EL E 0 ETE I E rEDE• - ICE V. D E L= l D I E .. ;�,AL a I ' IL.I.. 7 rr Ek I 0 I �I - E R E r Qi 5,iI l'S I .. .... .. ELL I - _ ["'EL 0 ETE I I-TM Page 9 Item 2. F89 B. Landscape Plan(date: 8/12/2021) 'i4iliitiii •k_ +1 TAT" R'EL WYWzzzzzzzzz -4 r - f � I�5 _i q EL III w q I F I r- tI, r I ram'P I y O� TF IT 1=. 'EL I E L- -.. ,:,,,, n. it E.. I E . _. 1j "IP ! .sue-cry�re,� •J - Page 10 Item 2. 90 C. Building Elevations(date: 6/1/2021) w r� ILaal•FL]�AY`Ca�NO RIf MIXWlW,lY new{ T • EAST ELEVATION:HU ILHI NG A p'111�E-W u 6fO1V1U[ �•9:177"IN,:' 11 SOUTH ELEVATION:BUILDING A NORTH ELEVATION:BUILDING A SeeM:V-25' Scapa:�'-25' ® LS—LLI_LJ UTT-M W E%[ELEVATIO N__8 UI L D I N G A _ !A E Page 11 Item 2. -DRNE-UP 91 STORAGE BOUTH ELEVATION:BUILDING B EAST ELEVATION:BUILDING B stele:i•=zo' stele:i'=so' DRIVE-Up STORAGE NORTH ELEVATION:BUILDINGS WEST ELEVATION:BUILDING B score:r=zo sce�:r=zo• Page 12 Item 2. 92 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING CONDITIONS 1. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and administrative design review application is required to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to submittal of building permit applications. The applicant will either meet all architectural requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual(ASM)or apply for a design exception as part of the CZC submittal. A CZC and DES application shall not be submitted until the amended DA is executed as approved with H-2021-0101. 2. The Applicant shall have a maximum of two (2)years to commence the use as permitted in accord with the conditions of approval listed above. If the use has not begun within two (2)years of approval, a new conditional use permit must be obtained prior to operation or a time extension. 3. The site plan prepared by AMERCO Real Estate, dated August 12 2021, is approved as submitted,with the revision that all buildings shall maintain at least 25 ft. of separation per UDC 11-4-3-34. 4. The landscape plan prepared by Kimley Horn, dated November 12,2021, is approved as submitted,with the revisions that in addition to the required landscape buffer per UDC 11-2B-3, a combination of a landscaped 4 ft. high undulating berm, decorative walls and evergreen shrubs shall be installed along the entire front perimeter of the property. Details of all walls and/or screen fencing shall be submitted at time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance/Design Review. 5. Outdoor storage of materials, equipment, inventory, and/or supplies shall be incorporated into the overall design of buildings and site landscaping so that the visual impacts of these functions are fully contained and screened from view of adjacent properties,the railway corridor, and public streets by a solid fence or wall with a minimum height of six(6) feet. Such fence and/or wall shall be constructed of complementary or of similar design and materials of the primary structure as required by UDC 11-3A-14. 6. Per UDC 11-3B-7,where the required street landscape buffer is encumbered by easements or other restrictions,the buffer area shall include a minimum five-foot wide area for planting shrubs and trees. 7. The elevations prepared by A&M Associates on December 3, 2021 shall be modified as follows: a. All stairs that are visible from E. Overland Rd. shall be within the building or screened in a stairwell or similar architectural element comprised of materials consistent with the exterior field materials of the building. b. Roll up doors that are visible from E. Overland Rd. shall be integrated into the building design through use of color, architectural detailing, overhangs, door frame treatments,etc. 8. Elevations for all four sides of all buildings shall be required at time of CZC and DES. Elevations should be architecturally consistent with the approved elevations for Buildings A&B. 9. Operable moving vehicles may be displayed along the south perimeter of the site,outside of the required landscape buffer.All trailers and other moving equipment shall be stored behind a closed vision fence,wall, or screen or within an enclosed structure and not be visible from any street. Screening fences or walls must be designed to be consistent with building architecture. Page 13 Item 2. 93 10. All pole lighting along the E. Overland frontage of the property shall be limited to 12 ft. in height and directed to the north, away from adjacent residences. 11. If any structures encroach into platted easements,the applicant shall submit a vacation application for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. 12. The development shall comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-15 for equipment rental sales and service,UDC 11-4-3-34 for storage facility, self-service and UDC 1I- 4-3-38 vehicle sales or rental and service. 13. The project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and previous conditions of approval associated with this site (AZ-99-018,Preliminary Plat PP-99-015,FP-00-005, CUP 99- 033,MDA H-2021-0101) B. PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. A public utility plan must be submitted for review and approval prior to any construction of utilities. 2. There are existing water service stubs along the southern property boundary that must be utilized or abandoned. 3. A site geotechnical should be provided for review with the first building permit application. 4. No permanent structures can impede on a new or existing utility easement including but not limited to trees, shrubs, fences,buildings, carports,trash enclosures,infiltration trenches,etc. General Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet,if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Per Meridian City Code (MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 3. The applicant shall provide easement(s)for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility,or 30-feet wide for two. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works),a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances(marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. 4. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 9-1-28.C). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, Page 14 Item 2. 94 the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 5. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 6. All irrigation ditches,canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 7. Any wells that will not continue to be used must be properly abandoned according to Idaho Well Construction Standards Rules administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. The Developer's Engineer shall provide a statement addressing whether there are any existing wells in the development, and if so,how they will continue to be used, or provide record of their abandonment. 8. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 9. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. 10. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 11. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 12. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 13. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 14. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 15. The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 16. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. Page 15 Item 2. ■ 17. At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 18. A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.oMIpublic_works.aspx?id=272. 19. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond.Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. NAMPA MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT https:llweblink.meridiancily.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=250047&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC ity D. ACHD https:llweblink.meridiancily.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=250801&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC ky E. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY https:llweblink.meridiancily.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=249448&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC fty IX. FINDINGS A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(UDC 11-5B-6) The Commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. The site meets all dimensional and development regulations of the C-G zoning district. The site already contains landscape buffers,parking is adequate, and the parking area will be landscaped as required by UDC 11-3B-8. Staff finds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. As analyzed in the Comprehensive Plan section above, Staff finds this proposed will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan per the analysis in Section V of this staff report. 3. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Page 16 Item 2. 96 The subject site is within an industrial and commercially zoned area. Single family residential exists to the south across E. Overland Rd. If staffs recommendations are followed, stafffinds the proposed use should not change the character nature of the area. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. If staffs recommendation regarding additional landscape treatment, screening of rental equipment and additional architectural requirements are followed, staff finds the proposed use should not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools,parks,police and fire protection, drainage structures,refuse disposal, water, and sewer. The proposed use will be served adequately by all public facilities and services. 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds the proposed use should not create any additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. The proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke,fumes, glare or odors. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is unaware of any natural, scenic, or historic features on this site; thus, Staff finds the proposed use should not result in damage of any such features. Page 17 Item 3. 97 (:> E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing Continued from January 20, 2022 for Jamestown Ranch Subdivision (H-2021-0074) by Walsh Group, LLC, Located Near the Southeast Corner of the N. Black Cat and W. McMillan Rd. Intersection at 4023 W. McMillan Rd. and parcels 50434223150, 50434212970, 50434212965, and 50434212920. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 80 acres of land with a R-8 zoning district. B. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 294 building lots and 25 common lots. Item 3. F98 (:�N-VE IDIAN:-- IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Alan Tiefenbach Meeting Date: February 17, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing Continued from January 20, 2022 for Jamestown Ranch Subdivision (H-2021-0074) by Walsh Group, LLC, Located Near the Southeast Corner of the N. Black Cat and W. McMillan Rd. Intersection at 4023 W. McMillan Rd. and parcels SO434223150, SO434212970, SO434212965, and SO434212920. A. Request: Annexation and Zoning of 80 acres of land with a R-8 zoning district. B. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 294 building lots and 25 common lots. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Item 3. F99 February 8, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan Tiefenbach, Associate City Planner RE: Jamestown Ranch-AZ, PP - H-2021-0074 At the November 18, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission continued this application for the applicant to consider the following: 1. Consider reducing the number of common driveways; 2. Cooperate with ACHD in aligning the collector street with N. Joy St on the north side of W. McMillan Rd; 3. Receive and analyze the final ACHD staff report; 4. Consider realignment of micro-pathways for easier resident access to the central amenities not in the gated portion. The applicant has provided revised plans. The applicant outlines the following changes: 1. Addition of 5 knuckles to eliminate common drive lots where possible (reduced the common driveways by 5). 2. Addition of pedestrian pathways to common drive lots and associated easements (see pre-plat note 9). 3. Road alignments adjusted(the collector still does not align with Joy St). 4. 1 residential lot removed and 2 common lots added. 5. Additional landscaping added to Phase Two. 6. Additional pedestrian access added, i.e. Lot 21, Block 2 7. Qualified open space has increased from 14.5%to 16.05% ACHD has submitted a staff report dated January 21, 2022. The staff report made the following findings: • N. Black Cat Rd. is presently 2 lanes along this area(one lane each direction). • W. McMillian is presently 2 lanes (one lane each direction). • W. McMillian Rd. from the site to 10 mile is presently LOS "F". • The intersection of W. McMillan Rd and N. Black Cat Rd is scheduled for the installation of an interim traffic signal in 2022. Community Development Department . 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-884-5533 . Fax 208-888-6854 . www.meridiancity.org Item 3. Page 2 Fool • W. McMillan Rd is listed to be widened to 3- lanes from N. Black Cat Road to N. Ten Mile Road between 2031 and 2035. • N. Black Cat Rd. is listed in the CIP to be widened to 5- lanes from W. Ustick Rd to W. McMillan Rd Rd. between 2031 and 2035. • The intersection of W. McMillan Rd. and N. Black Cat Rd. is listed to be widened between 2031 and 2035. • Applicant required to construct westbound turn right turn lane on McMillian at Grand Lakes Way(the new collector). • Applicant will be required to construct 10 ft. wide pathways along both arterials. • ACHD supports the offset of N. Grand Lakes Wy. 980 feet to the west of N. Joy St. • ACHD would also support aligning N. Grand Lakes Wy with N. Joy St. Attachments Revised Narrative https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252074&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Revised Plat https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252077&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Annotated Revised Plat https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252075&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Revised Rendering https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252073&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Revised Open Space Exhibit hops://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252071&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Revised Landscape Plan hops://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DoeView.aspx?id=252072&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Revised Common Drive Exhibit https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252076&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity Item 3. 1 01 January 18, 2022 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Alan Tiefenbach, Associate City Planner RE: Jamestown Ranch-AZ, PP - H-2021-0074 At the November 18, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission continued this application for the applicant to consider the following: 1. Consider reducing the number of common driveways; 2. Cooperate with ACHD in aligning the collector street with N. Joy St on the north side of W. McMillan Rd; 3. Receive the final ACHD staff report 4. Consider realignment of micro-pathways for easier resident access to the central amenities not in the gated portion. The applicant has provided revised plans. The applicant outlines the following changes: 1. Addition of 5 knuckles to eliminate common drive lots where possible (reduced the common driveways by 5). 2. Addition of pedestrian pathways to common drive lots and associated easements (see pre-plat note 9). 3. Road alignments adjusted(the collector still does not align with Joy St). 4. 1 residential lot removed and 2 common lots added. 5. Additional pedestrian access added, i.e. Lot 21, Block 2 Please note staff did not receive ACHD's staff report or updated documents from the applicant until late morning January 18, 2022. Staff has had limited time to review the changes. The Planning Commission should determine whether they have had adequate time to ascertain if all their concerns have been met. Community Development Department . 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102, Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-884-5533 . Fax 208-888-6854 . www.meridiancity.org Item 3. ■ STAFF REPORTC�WE IDIANn-=- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A H O HEARING 11/18/2021 Legend I DATE: F�;ev•LcoflTion TO: Mayor&City Council AIWI FROM: Alan Tiefenbach - d� 208-884-5533 M MU SUBJECT: AZ,PP -H-2021-0074 Jamestown Ranch Subdivision --------} LOCATION: Parcels 50434223150, 50434212970, SO434212965, SO434212920, and 4023 W. McMillian Rd, located at the ;--- southeast corner of the N.Black Cat/W. ----- McMillian Rd intersection. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Annexation with the R-8 zoning district,and preliminary plat to allow 294 building lots and 25 common lots on 80.3 acres of land. IL SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Acreage 80.3 Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential 8-12 du/acre Existing Land Use(s) Vacant and 2 single family residences Proposed Land Use(s) Single Family Residential Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 294 building lots,25 open space lots, 15 access lots Phasing Plan(#of phases) 2 phases Number of Residential Units(type 294 of units) Density(gross&net) 3.66 du/ac gross,6.17 du/ac net Open Space(acres,total 11.63 acres of qualified open space(14.5%) [%]/buffer/qualified) Amenities Two large parks,each with a swimming pool and clubhouse,a pickleball court, several pocket parks and internal landscaped trail connections. Physical Features(waterways, Lemp and Creason Lateral run along the western property hazards,flood plain,hillside) line,Lemp Lateral also runs along the northern property line. Neighborhood meeting date;#of July 21,2021 —5 attendees attendees: Page 1 Item 3. F103 Description Details History(previous approvals) None B. Community Metrics Description Details Ada County Highway District Report Pending,preliminary comments submitted • Staff report(yes/no) Yes Access(Arterial/Collectors/State N. Black Cat Rd and W.McMillian Rd Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross Three internal connections—two aligning with N. Access Bartok St. and N. Grand Lake Wy. at the Quartet Northeast No 2 subdivision to the south,and one aligning with W.Viso St. from the east through the Volterra Heights subdivision. Existing Road Network N.Black Cat Rd.and W.McMillian Rd Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ None along the subject property.There is a 25 ft.wide Buffers buffer and 5 ft.wide sidewalk on the west side of N.Black Cat Rd installed with the Oak Creek No 3 Subdivision. Proposed Road Improvements No right-of-way dedication is required along W. McMillian Rd as it will be offset to the north when widened in the future.ROW dedication of 50'from centerline will be required from N.Black Cat Rd. The applicant will be required to construct westbound turn lane on McMillian at the collector. Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station 2.7 miles to Fire Station 5 • Fire Response Time >5 minutes • Resource Reliability >80% • Risk Identification 2,resources are not adequate • Accessibility Yes • Special/resource needs Aerial device will be required • Water Supply 1,000 gpm required • Other Resources None Police Service • Distance to Police Station 7.4 Miles • Police Response Time P3 4:11 P2 8:16 P1 12:57 • Calls for Service IL 792 • %of calls for service split %of P3 CFS 1.4% by priority %of P2 CFS 72.2% %of P1 CFS 25.5% %of PO CFS .9% • Crimes 59 • Crashes 27 Page 2 Item 3. 104 Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Directly Adjacent Services • Sewer Shed North Black Cat Trunkshed • WRRF Declining Balance 14.22 • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Comments • Flow is committed • Do not have mains in common driveways.There are multiple common driveways for 2 or 3 lots. These should all have sewer services run from the main in the street. • Do not extend sewer main outside of Right-of-Way. Instead run services from main that reside in the road to each lot. • Sheet PP2.3 at the bottom left corner has a sewer line running through a common lot and part of a residential lot. The City does not want sewer in common lots or residential lots.Reconfigure so sewer is in Right-of- Way. • Angle of pipe going into/out of manhole in the direction of flow needs to be a minimum of 90 degrees. This is not the case for manhole at intersection of Doctor Brunn Ln and Cattleman Way. • Applicant to ensure that no sewer services cross infiltration trenches. Water • Distance to Water Services Directly Adjacent • Pressure Zone 1 • Water Quality No concerns • Project Consistent with Yes Water Master Plan • Comments • Remove water mains in common driveways and run services to the lots,place meters in Right-of-Way. • There are no water main sizes listed on the plans. Make sure that the water main in N Grand Lakes Way is 12". • Remove the water main in the alley in Sunday Loop. Place water meters at the Right-of-Way and then run water services to houses in the alley. Each phase will need to be modeled to make sure minimum pressure is met at each phase Page 3 Item 3. 105 Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend 0 Legend CEM-0ff t leiF-aject Laoaion I P�ajec'Lccafion F. LJ -vW r r rvx iL WOW &. amp Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend eegend [CF:eject Laeafan R. 0PAaJJec*Loeaiian R T R-4 + City Lnwt U� R — K3prned Pamea s _ liar Up 'RUT p I r i IR-8 RUT _ v ., Applicant Information A. Applicant Representative: Stephanie Hopkins,KM Engineering LLP 5725 N. Discovery Way,Boise,ID 83713 B. Owner: Walsh Group—PO 1207,Eagle,ID 83616 Page 4 Item 3. F106 III. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 11/2/2021 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 10/27/2021 Nextdoor posting 11/28/2021 Sign Posting 10/29/2021 IV. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Annexation: The proposed annexation area is contiguous to City annexed property and is within the Area of City Impact Boundary. To ensure the site develops as proposed by the applicant, staff is recommending a development agreement as part of the annexation approval. B. Future Land Use Map Designation(https:llwww.meridianciU.or /g compplan) This property is designated Medium Density Residential on the City's Future Land Use Map (FLUM)contained in the Comprehensive Plan. This designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of three to eight dwelling units per acre. Density bonuses may be considered with the provision of additional public amenities such as a park, school, or land dedicated for public services. The annexation area is near existing public services and is surrounded on three sides by the City limits. The proposed land use of single family residential is consistent with the recommended uses in the FLUM designation. The proposed project has a gross density of 3.66 du/ac, meeting the required density range listed above. Therefore, Stafffinds the proposed preliminary plat and requested R-8 zoning district to be generally consistent with the Future Land Use Map designation of Medium Density Residential. The City may require a development agreement(DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. In order to ensure the site develops as proposed with this application, staff recommends a DA as a provision of annexation with the provisions included in Section IX.A. The DA is required to be signed by the property owner(s)/developer and returned to the City within 6 months of the Council granting the annexation for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. C. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:llwww.meridiancioy.or /g compplan): • Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs,preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents. (2.01.02D) The proposed traditional single-family detached and alley-loaded homes will contribute to the variety of residential categories in the City; however, there is no variety in housing types proposed within the development. Daphne Square Subdivision (zoned R-15)and single-family homes in the County(zoned RUT) are across W. McMillan Rd. to the north. To the south is the Quartet Subdivision (zoned R-8). To the east is the single family detached Volterra Heights Subdivision (zoned R-8)and across N. Black Cat Rd. to the west is the Oakcreek Subdivision (zoned R-8). Given the property is completely surrounded by single-family detached, single family detached with comparable lot sizes is appropriate for the subject property. Page 5 Item 3. ■ With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathway connections, easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools, and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities."(2.02.01A) The proposed plat depicts 5 ft. wide detached sidewalks on both sides of roads internal to the subdivision. There are also S ft. wide detached sidewalks along N. Black Cat Rd. This is the same width provided along N. Black Cat Rd. by the Quartet Northeast No 1 Subdivision to the south and the Daphne Square Subdivision to the north. 10 ft. wide pathways are provided along W. McMillian Rd, which is consistent with the pathway alignment shown on the Pathways Master Plan, and along one side off. Grand Lakes Wy(the internal collector). Staff does believe there are portions of the development where there could be more direct non- motorized connectivity to the amenities and common open space within the development as well as to the detached sidewalk along N. Black Cat Rd. Staff has red-marked these recommended connections on the landscape plan below. As will be mentioned in the Qualified Open Space and Amenities Sections below, the applicant proposes several connected common open space areas and amenities throughout this development. • "Require pedestrian access in all new development to link subdivisions together and promote neighborhood connectivity."(2.02.01D) As mentioned above, 5 ft. wide detached sidewalks are provided along all internal roadways, along N. Black Cat Rd, and 10 ft. wide pathways are provided along W. McMillian Rd and N. Grand Lakes Way. Staff is recommending several additional micro pathway connections as a condition of approval. "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval, and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) The development can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services. Water and sewer will be extended along W. McMillan Rd. to the south. • Ensure that new development within existing residential neighborhoods is cohesive and complementary in design and construction. (2.02.02F) Daphne Square Subdivision (zoned R-1 S)and single-family homes in the County(zoned RUT)are across W. McMillan Rd. to the north. To the south is the Quartet Subdivision (zoned R-8). To the east is the single family detached Volterra Heights Subdivision (zoned R-8)and across N. Black Cat Rd. to the west is the Oakcreek Subdivision (zoned R-8). These subdivisions have comparable densities to what is being proposed. This development proposes architecture consisting of one and two-story homes with pitched roofs, stone bases and/or lap siding with gabled roofs and dormers comparable to what has been approved with adjacent subdivisions. In order to ensure compatibility and quality of design with existing and approved residential uses surrounding the property,staff recommends a condition that rear and/or sides of 2-story structures on facing W.McMillan Rd,N.Black Cat Rd. and N. Grand Lakes Wy. incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following:modulation (e.g.projections, recesses,step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches, balconies, material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines.Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. Planning approval will be required at time of building permit. Page 6 Item 3. Fo8l • Reduce the number of existing access points onto arterial streets by using methods such as cross- access agreements, access management, and frontage/backage roads, and promoting local and collector street connectivity. (6.01.02B) There are presently 3 accesses off of W. McMillian Rd., two of which are being used by existing single-family residences. There is one access on N. Black Cat Road at the south property line. This proposal would remove two of the W. McMillian Rd. accesses and provide a new collector access approximately hal6vay between the east and west property lines. The N. Black Cat Rd access would be shifted to the north to align with W. Quintale St. in the Oak Creek Subdivision. There are three internal accesses—two aligning with N. Bartok St. and N. Grand Lake Way.from the Quartet Northeast No 2 to the south, and one aligning with W. Viso St.from the east through the Volterra Heights Subdivision. D. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are two existing single-family residences on the subject properties. One residence(4023 W. McMillan Rd.)is proposed to remain on a 76,888 sq. ft. lot. E. Proposed Use Analysis: Single-family detached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 zoning districts in UDC Table 11-2A-2. F. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The preliminary plat and future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6 for the R-8 district.All proposed lots and public streets appear to meet UDC dimensional standards per the submitted preliminary plat. This includes minimum lot size of 4,000 sq. ft., and required street frontages of at least 40 ft. Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3. UDC 11-6C-3-regulates block lengths for residential subdivisions. Staff has reviewed the submitted plat for conformance with these regulations. The intent of this section of code is to ensure block lengths do not exceed 750 ft,although there is the allowance of an increase in block length to 1,000 feet if a pedestrian connection is provided.No block length exceeds 750 ft. Eleven common driveways are proposed with this subdivision. The applicant has provided common drive exhibits which demonstrate no more than 3 units are served whereas a maximum of 4 units are allowed. The common driveway meets the minimum width of 20' and does not exceed the maximum length of 150'. Solid fencing adjacent to common driveways is prohibited, unless separated by a minimum five-foot wide landscaped buffer. G. Access(UDC 11-3A-3): W. McMillian Rd along the property frontage is 2 lanes with no curb,gutter or sidewalk.N. Black Cat Rd is 2 lanes with a 5' detached pathway on the western side(Oak Creek Subdivision). This development proposes five points of access. The primary access will be a collector street off W. McMillian Rd. (N. Grand Lakes Wy.) approximately midway between the east and west property lines,making an"S"curve through the property and connecting into Quartet Northeast No 2 at the southeast corner of the property. The other three accesses would be local streets-one is a western access to N. Black Cat Rd. which aligns to W. Quintale St., an eastern access which Page 7 Item 3. ■ connects to W.Viso St. from the Volterra Heights Subdivision, and an additional southern access which connects to Sunnyside Ave.,also in the Quartet Northeast No 2. N. Grand Lakes Way(the collector)does not align with N.Joy St. to the north as is shown on the ACHD Master Street Map. Instead, it is offset approximately 985 feet to the west. This offset occurs because there are existing utility poles obstructing the ACHD-preferred alignment with N. Joy St. During preliminary discussions ACHD has responded that they support this proposed alignment. Although ACHD is still working on a staff report, staff has been in communication with them regarding this project.All roads in this development are proposed to be built to ACHD standards. ACHD will not be requiring any additional dedication along W. McMillian Rd.because it will be shifted to the north during a future widening project. ACHD is requesting ROW dedication along N. Black Cat Rd. of 50 ft. from centerline. The applicant will be required to construct a westbound turn line at the intersection of the collector with W. McMillian Rd. Staff is recommending as a condition of approval that required frontage improvements along N. Black Cat Rd and W.McMillian Rd including pathways, landscape buffers,detached sidewalk and left turn lane shall be constructed with the first phase of development. The applicant proposes pavers on the local roads instead of standard pavement. The applicant states pavers will not only help to alleviate some of the challenges associated with the high groundwater present in the area,but will foster an exclusive and high-quality charm for future residents. ACED is still discussing whether they will support this alternative. H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11- 3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Future development should comply with these standards. 1. Pathways ( UDC 11-3A-8): A 10 ft.wide detached pathway is reflected along W. McMillian Rd. which is consistent with the alignment shown on the Pathways Master Plan.There is also a 10 ft. wide detached pathway along one side of N. Grand Lakes Way. (the internal collector)which connects to the W. McMillian Rd.pathway. Several micro-pathways are reflected providing connectivity to internal portions of the development. As mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan analysis above,to improve more direct pedestrian connectivity, staff is recommending additional micro-pathway connections(red-marked on the landscape plan below). J. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): Five-foot detached sidewalks are proposed along internal streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 (except for a 10 ft.wide pathway along one side of N. Grand Lakes Way). There is also a 5 ft.wide detached sidewalk provided along N. Black Cat Rd. This 5 ft. width is consistent with the width of the sidewalk along N. Black Cat Rd. provided by Quartet Northeast No 2 to the south as well as the Daphne Square Subdivision to the north. K. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): Parkways are provided between the detached sidewalks and road on both sides of all local roads except for Sunday Loop (Lot 1-27,Block 5). All parkways meet the requirements of 11-3A-17 and 11-313-7 including at least 8 ft. in width and landscaped with at least 1 tree per 35 feet. Page 8 Item 3. 1 10 L. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): UDC 11-2A-6 requires 25 ft. wide buffers along arterial roads(N. Black Cat Rd. and W. McMillian Rd.)and 20 ft.wide buffers required along collector roads (N. Grand Lakes Way). The landscape plan reflects a buffer from the N. Black Cat Rd. edge of pavement ranging in width from between 70 ft. from the at the south to 120 ft. wide at the north. The Creason Lateral and the Lemp Lateral as well as a maintenance road are both located within this buffer, although there is an additional landscape strip width of 25 ft.wide between the laterals and the exterior property fences.Along W.McMillian Rd.to the north,there is a buffer ranging in width from between 64 ft. and 80 ft. in width. The Creason Lateral is also located in this buffer;there are landscape strips of at least 25 ft. in width between this lateral and the exterior property fences. Both arterial buffers meet the minimum requirement for at least one tree per 35 ft. in width; the areas containing laterals are shown to be sod. Buffers of at least 30 ft. in width are provided along N. Grand Lakes Way(20 ft. is required). 8 ft wide landscaped parkways are provided along most of the internal local streets with the exception of the Sunday Loop at the NE portion of the site. The landscape plan includes 11.63 acres of qualified open space(14.5%)as will be discussed in the Qualified Open Space and Amenities sections below. The landscape plan indicates there are no healthy existing trees meeting the preservation requirements on the property. M. Qualified Open Space (UDC 11-3G): 14.5%(11.63 acres) of qualified open space is shown. This includes 1.19 and 2.42-acre neighborhood parks, several smaller pocket parks, landscaped pathways, 8 ft.parkways and 100% of the collector buffers. The common open space exhibit indicates the arterial buffers as"non-qualified open space" whereas '/z of this area can be counted as qualified open space per UDC 11-3G-3. N. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G): Based on the area of the proposed plat(80.3 acres),4 amenities are required(one for the first 5 acres, one for each additional 20 acres). The subdivision provides two large parks,each with a pool and clubhouse(counting as six amenities because the parks are at least 20,000 sq. ft. in excess of the minimum 5,000 sq. ft. requirement). A pickleball court is provided within one of these parks (Lot 7,Block 5). There are two pocket parks(Lot 6,Block 9 and Lot 46,Block 2). There is also an additional 4%of open space beyond the required 10%and internal pedestrian and bicycle pathways bisecting several of the blocks which are not required pathways. The proposed development exceeds the minimum requirements. O. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-6): The Creason Lateral runs along the western property line paralleling W. McMillan Rd. and connecting through the Quartet Subdivision to the south. The Lemp Canal adjoins with the Creason Lateral along the property's frontage adjacent to McMillan and continues to travel south along Black Cat Road. Both laterals will be piped per UDC 11-3A-6. Maintenance roads are indicated along both laterals. Coordination will be ongoing with the irrigation districts managing the waterways to meet their requirements. P. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): The landscape plan includes a fencing plan. 6 ft.high solid vinyl fencing is provided along the entire perimeter of the property and along the sides of most residential lots that are adjacent to detached sidewalks(with visibility from the road maintained). 5 ft.high open vision fencing is provided around the open spaces, a 6 ft.high open style fence is provided around both pools, and Page 9 Item 3. F-1111 there a 4 ft.high open style fence is provided around the pickleball court. The fencing appears to meet the requirements of 11-3A-6 and 11-3A-7. Q. Utilities (UDC 11-3A-21): Public services are available to accommodate the proposed development. Water and sewer will be extended along W. McMillan Rd to the south. There appears to be an Idaho Power utility easement indicated on the public utility plan that is not shown on the plat. All easements should be shown on the preliminary plat and only Class I trees may be planted within these areas per UDC 11-313-5. R. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant has submitted a large number of elevations of the single-family homes for this project as well as the clubhouses(see Section VI.F below). The single-family homes are depicted as one and two-story structures with attached garages, and a variety of architectural elements and finish materials including gabled roofs,covered porches, dormers, stone wainscoting, and lap siding. The submitted sample elevations appear to meet design requirements for single-family homes but do not include elevations of the sides or rears of structures. As noted in the Comprehensive Plan section, a large number of the houses will be very visible from W. McMillian Rd.N. Black Cat Rd. and N. Grand Lakes Wy. Therefore, staff recommends a condition that the rear and/or sides of 2-story structures that face W. McMillian Rd. and N. Black Cat Rd. incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies, material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. Planning approval will be required at time of building permit. V. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested annexation, zoning and preliminary plat with the conditions noted in Section IV.per the Findings in Section VIII. Page 10 Item 3. 112 VI. EXHIBITS A. Annexation and Rezoning Exhibit(date: 9/17/2021) September 17,2021. Project Nul 21-048 Jamestown Ranch Subdivision Exhlbit A City of Meridian Annexation Legal Descriptian A parcel of land being all of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 7/4 of Section 34,Township 4 North, }Range I West, Boise Meridian,Ada County, Idaho,and being more partitularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a found brass cap m arking the Northwest corner of said Section 34,thence following the northerly line of said Northwest 1/4, 589°35'51"E a distance of 2,653.92 feet to a found aluminum cap marking the North 1/4 corner of said Section 34; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly line of said Northwest 1/4,500'43'47"W a distance of 1,323.32 feet to the Center North 1/16 corner of said Section 34; Thence leaving said easterly line and following the southerly line of said North 112 of the Northwest 1/4, N89°26'06"W a distance of 2,647.62 feet to the North 1/16 corner of Section 33 and said Section 34; Thence leaving said southerly line and following the westerly line of said Northwest 1/4, fv00`27'24"E a distance of 1,315.80 feet to the POINT OF BIG INNING. Said parcel conW1 ns 80.299 acres,mere or less,and is 5ubject to a I I existing easements and/or rights-cF-way of record or imp?ied- Attached hereto is Exhibit 8 and by this referehCe is hereby made a part hereof. P.l L A No S 0CE"$e0 q � t 16662 Un Y KE Page 11 Item 3. 113 POIiNT OF BEGINNING VOLIND ALUMINUM CAP FOUND BRASS CAP N 1/4 CORNER SECTION 34 NW CORNER SECTION 34 W. McMillan Rd. 28 2T BA515 OF BEARINGS S89'35'51"E 26 53.92' �7 33 34 34 ao „� -ZD LO = "} ; { 4- M u V w u � n1 fti 2 � � N 1/16 CORNER, FOUND ALUMINUM CAP � SEGTION!� 33 AND 34 C-N 1/16 CORNER SECTION 34 33 N89'26'46"W 2647.62' 34 Nseq LEGEND a r� - — 1 662 FOUND ALUMINUM CAP (k FOUND BRASS CAP 250 500 1000 � E �� A CALCULATED POINT �t or — — — SECTION LINE Y Plan Scale ANNE)WION BOUNDARY d 1 — ————— — —SURVEY TIE LINE Page 12 .. . . ------------ p _-_-_----------- -_---_-- _____---- ---------- ___-_-____--_---- mm ® II -al — — = — _: _ - -___ _____--_=_-: -------------------------------------- __ ____ -------- ........------ moll I m - Mkw 40 IL ems! aim Pit :. i Item 3. 115 D. Landscape Plan Marked Up with Recommended Pathway Connections(date: 9/9/202 1) tIO—WO 4= 1 W kill Ike I %L161L11.11 �4 -v oo S v co n A. tot E. Fence Exhibit(date: 9/9/2021) ii, ND 6 S 8 S tR 8 0 0 C9 Q� 9 IEP P REU MIN ARY PLAT FENCE EXHI BIT -Tir Page 14 Item 3. Fl 16 F. Common Open Space Exhibit(date: 9/9/2021) ' � —a+ V' n� �r—R+—�w— - .nRYN k+ M� V� nNrN�n, .n- •.�. —... W k1Gl16fRN�D .• ISM _ �IEklk ulBoll r'v _ - li — I C«I C� Cw C � '� � 0U C 9CO)C i k s glkkml W u mll.fnl Ilk u: woulrruks 9 elntlli _ �♦ OTrM �1 rl Q Q 0 Q !a C+ r" •I I �� � � � � k'� � O lfllYi � V � V i_J V:' � � YJ V L' V � 5 6 r � � 'til FlUM 1REF LYIk ■r l FwtlA TIEE IAIkF -[' S csrx w uhnA�— guar urek.� —� DWIXwMa a7' LEGEND�� Yra.�RW dCl-0F _ nN6 I�1� PARKWAY (OUAUFIE6 OPEN SPACE) COMMON LOT (QUAUFIEO OPEN SPACE) COMMON LOT (NOT SuIAURE❑ OPEN SPACE) Page 15 Item 3. F117 G. Common Drive Exhibits •L W N � r R R EA, REaR + EAR I —1 FREAR L � Iw N I� I N IN Ire T V IN l IN V 1 L A V v n v o P.n 6 n !n 0 m 8LOC101 m� rn � m m �, b. I.�-.5• P.�5• S.�.J •` �5 y T 5T 12 Ing " �ARAOE r N GARRGE ��c^` + BLpCR 1 o� FRQN—TI Nut 20 COMMON' L. 4 KENNEDY W kENNEDY LN COMMON L c5m q; 11 sD'—�I O DRIVE ." 1.1—SIDE J DRIVE O ` 3. � ils L L sTDE J _ DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 8 pklvEWar FOR LOT 12 BLOCK 1 TO RE SIDE �'� BLOCK 1 TO THE LCCATEP ON THE 10 SIDE _LOCATED ON lHE ppPp51}E SIRE OF OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SHARED •af f THE SHARED WMMOn 1 + � DRIVE PROPERTY LINE COMMON DRIVE 77 I PROPERTY LINE 20, 1 I 'r' 20' -I' � LOT g IS A LfiT 15 IS A 4 10' SIDE L SIDE 1D NON-301LDABLE NON-R❑ILOARLE COMMON �+ I ] l COM4AON LOT WITH A Lpr WITH A BLANKET BLANKET INGRESS/-R— N g a IGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF 3 EOSEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS 13i 14 AND 1fi, „r LOTS 5,7 AN P 8, BLOCK 1 DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 17 BLOCK} BLOCK I TO 8E LQC 7ED RM-DINO 04 THE QPHO$ITE SIDE ENVELOPE, OF THE 5HARED COMMON TYPICAL BOILDINP ErWELQM ORNEWAT FOR LOT 4 PRIME PROPERTY uNE TYPICAL 9LOCK I TO BE LOCATED ON THE OPPOSITE 510E OF THE SHARD]COMMON DRIVE PROPERTY LINE LOTS 4-9,BLOCK 1 LCIT512-17 BLOCK 1 i C C 40 8G 12Q D 4O BO 120 Plan 5-1,_1"=40' P'ian Scale=l"=40' N r Y REAR rREAR T REAR�� fREAR + I—KEIVR + EAR I i r T M M Irn M 4 m g• 5' � 5' S'� 33LOCR1 � _ dye 6LOCK1 � f L AAGE FROMY f w LRPNT 16— COMMON (GENNE➢YLN KENNEDY LN m10, COMMON tD' s C I J DRIVE 'T1- W, DRIVE O `_�_s1Ds DRIVEWAY F9fl LOT 44 OLOCK 1 TO BE DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 47 SIDE ��yJ ' LOCATED ON THE QLOGK i Tp HE L9GATEP C'-d SZOE A� 12� gg7 OPPOSITE 51OE OF ON THE OPPOSITE 510E CC'x h THE SHARED COMMON OF THE SHARED DDMMON J DRIVE PROPFRIY LINE DRIVE PROPHUY LINE 1� 20' i12. LOT 41 IS A 10, E NON-BOILG I_E COMMON LOT 50 IS A �." LOT WITH A BLANKET NON-BUILDABLE COMMON - NGRE55/EGRESS LOT WITH A BLANKET 20' EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF INGRESS/EDRE5S EASEMENT 1L LOTS Q.42 AND 43, IN FAVOR OF LOTS 45,49 SIDE 1 -' — ° W BLOCK I A.N7 51,BLOCN 1 .. +. o DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 79 DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 51 �^ ' n BLOCK I TO BE LOCATED BLACK I TO BE LOCATED o ON THE OPPOSITE S1DE ON THE ORPGSITE SIDE OF 11 TYPICAL. ENVELOPE_ THE SFWRED COMMCN 'TYPICAL. m OF THE SHARED COMMON p QRNE PROPERTY LINE DRIVE PROPERTY uNE QQIIAI NG EM1NELAPE, — TYPICAL. LOTS 39-44 BLOCK 1 LOTS 47-52 BLOCK 1 4❑ 80 I2D ❑ 40 80 12O Plan Scale:L"=4❑' PFan Scale:Y"=40' Page 16 LOT 29 15 A NON-BUILDABLE BLOCK 2 TO BE LOCATED COMMON LOT WITH A BLANKET ON THE OPPOSTIE 510E OF 118 INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT THE SHADED COMMCKJ IN FAVOR OF LOTS 26. 27 DRIVE PROPERTY LINE + , AND 2B, BLOCK 2 Q - wJa Y y ` 5' DRIVEWAY FOR LOT O0 M SIDE I �_4 REAR BLOCK 2 1p BE LOCATED �Mi, :f20•O� 1 ON THE OPPOSITE 51DE OFTHE ON SI.00K2 Np w DRNE RED PAROPERTYMLIINE ' 11 �12' 12 L Q q GARAGE L 1 FRONT A 51 Tn I I •� � SIDE _ � r Y SItlE 4 �— — oo SUN DAY LOOP 10, v <2� �4f I F f•1 ICE t�•� _ 0 0 - 4iAM� 4 O �' 26 �1p' z �OI,Ir _ - F 3 L SIDE a m❑ m❑ LIm 51aE J . ? In� " _ + SIPE 2p. SUNI]AY LOOP •� ^,12 f o�fl DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 7 _ IZCK 2 TO RE SIDE ��n BLOCK2 w' _ _ ]`! LOCATED ON THE O 8 '��g� 2 iq '• ,� OPP051TE ROE OF Pi `;1 L J Z THE$HARED COMMON n Sf DRIVE PROPERTY UNE _ `13UILp ING ENVELOPE. LOT n INON sBUILOABLE GOMMON `IF---_�— J 519E TYPICAL. p _LOT WITH A BLANKET40' DRVEWAY FOR LOT 3 INGRESVEGRE55 EASEMEM BLOCK 2 TO IRE LOCATED IN FAVOR OF LOTS 4 AND + � ON THE 0 FOSRE SIDE 5, BLOCK 2 OF THE SHARED COMMON DRIVE PROPERTY UNE -: v r C� N GRAND LAKES WAY W 4 BUILDING ENVELOPE- m ` TYPICAL- ' •. LOTS 3-7,BLOCK 2 �n LOTS 25-30, BLOCK 2 0 40 so 120 40 s0 120 Plait Scale 1"=40' Pl-Sale:1"=40' 3 COMMON➢RIVE PROPERTY LINE c LOT 14 IS A NON-BUILDABLE ¢ GOtlMDk LOT WITH A LOT 22 IS A NON-BUILDABLE Pd BLANKET INGPi65lEGRESS COMMON LOT WITH A Q EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS BLANKET INCF?=JEGRESS 13 AND 15, BLOCK 6 EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS 2 PT!ANfl 2$, BLOCK B DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 1fi DRIVEWAY FUR LOT iB OLOCK 6 TO OE LOCATED 6L.00K 6 TO RE LOCATED r — SO' ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE ON THE DPPOSITE 51DE - 2D: TSIOE ,yi pF THE SHARER COMMON OF THE SHARED CD41bFDN I� DRIVE PROPERTi LIRE DRIVE PROPERT LINE _ _ 12, SIDDA — — �,� Q HAYFIE LDST FIAYFI E LD ST SIPE _ _ _ 20' 12 10' rn 2 ANT _ - - FROM 1p' GARAGE GARAG C-m I co uo I'1 0 p I =1 la Nr Nr z A LIB _ 1 IDE SIPtl —FIR 16 a FRONT _ — SIDE ONT STOCK 6hAoarF 6 a c _ JGARgGE 6LOCK 6 - o �r 12 12' 15 l �5 — — s� �5, I� L SIDE RERR — y SIUE Y Y t LOTS 12-16, BLOCK 6 LOTS 19-23,BLOCK 6 0 40 so 120 - 40 S° 126 Plan Scale:l"=43, Pl..S,a I,r=4D' Page 17 — Item 3. Fl 1-9 1 Ovii-DNG ENYELDPE, PRIVEWAY FOR LOT�9$LOCK BUILDING ENVELOPE. TYPICAL 6 TO BE LOCATED ON THE TYPICAL CPPO ITE SIDE OF THE SHARED COMMON PRIVE PROPERTY LINE c LOi 30 IS A NON-941LpRBLE ❑ COMMON LOT WITH A BLANKET INGRESS/ECRESS m EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS 29 AND 31,BLMK 6 _ DRIVEWAY FOR LOT 32 BLOCK 6 TO RE LOCATED 1p' ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE d r' _ •n_ W y y w °1 �� OF THE SHARED COMMON �2•� SIDE`- 12'T ?g 1 DRIVE PROPERTY LINE � � HAVP]ELQ ST ]9 �12' tea' SIDE 'T Zoe 130 LL � GARAGE n _ I 5 FRONT 12 `-' C 3RACE - SICE IO' n a gg w Fy c a GARAGE ,FRONT 0 g ° _ -i SIDE ZD FRONT I + SIDE FARM TREE NE n BLOCK E GARAGE _ I _ SInEDRIVEW tll BLOCK FOR OT 18 JJ ON THE $Yp BE SIDE ON THE OPPOSSHARED E SIDE "' ^I �` `TII BIZ 22 pF THE SHARED C4UMPN L LR DRIVE PROPERTY UNE 20 516E $ N REAR L — — E=11'E 10 CO 26 IS A NON-HPILORR LE .. - ODMMOk LOT WITH A _ y;yj T^a _ q�_�B3 S • + BLANKETINGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS 19 AND 21.BLOCK B 4 PkIVE a FOR LOT 22 K a ON THE $TO BE LOOATEP ON THE OPP04TE SIDE OF '� THE SHARED COMMON 2 DRIVE PROPERTY HNE 2 n *. LOTS 28-32,BLOCK 6 { l LdT518-22,SLOCK S = Io as Bo _D PI—SIEW-1"=40' `LY Plan Scale I" 4U' "IVEWAY FOR LOT 9 BLOCK 10 TO BE LOCATED ON THE OPPCSTTE SIDE OF THE SHARED LOT 12 IS A NON-PUILDARLE BUILDINO ENVELOPE, COMMON DRIVE PROPERTY LINE COMMON LOT WITH A G TYPICAL. BLANKET INGRESS/EGRESS �? LOT 12 IS A NON-BUILDABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOTS r- T 1 AND 13, BLOCK 9 COMMON LOT WITH A ,n T - BLANKET INGRESS/EGRESS - SIDE IN FAVOR OF LOTS EASEMENT DRIVEWAY FOR LOT,A 1O AND 1l, BLOCK 7O -, 1. 10' BLOCK 9 TO RE LOCATED + ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SHARED MON DRIV COM ` EWAY FOR LOT 1-3 s 1 1 � '�12, DINE PRORElll LINE :O ' - BLOCK 10 TO BE LOCATED $ ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SHARED COMMON yI COMMON � 2O' BIllE DRIVE PROPEFEY LINE f, 'J, I.E DRIVE DAVEYSTZ " r QAYEY ST � / f4�slue 10, �I� 26' FIZOR7� GTx" ry 6LOCK9 .,1 DNRI.. 17 o fGARA,+III 12 8 RA �}1 _ 5'IUE 1 B 5. 9 — — ��SI rFRONT DE �I GARAGE BLOCI.Z IO m a o I ( 11 Im (REAR N N SIDE .. J o- LOTS 11-14,BLOCK 9 LOTS 9-13,BLOCK 10 ❑ 4O d0 120 0 40 80 120 P an SEaie�1'=40' Plan Scdle=1"=40' _ Page 18 ■ LY � F120] H. Conceptual Elevations Val d a ---mow • !M4 I� NOW Ju Qw Page 19 1 - , 1 A Page 20 I ` � I - t. .' ;. ------- � �A '•'` •"• -� .:�fi�.F;.a;�,.>.,-.� .Sri _ � �'. i a � C Page 21 F123] H. Clubhouse -L WIN soon is IS -; nWL r i = F ■ ". . Item 3. 124 VII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. A Development Agreement(DA)is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to approval of the annexation ordinance, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian,the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption,and the developer. Currently, a fee of$303.00 shall be paid by the Applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six(6)months of the City Council granting the annexation. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the preliminary plat,landscape plan and conceptual building elevations for the single-family dwellings included in Section VI and the provisions contained herein. b. The rear and/or sides of 2-story structures that face N.Black Cat Rd. ,W. McMillian Rd and N. Grand Lakes Wy shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. Planning approval will be required at time of building permit. c. Required frontage improvements along N. Black Cat Rd and W.McMillian Rd including pathways, detached sidewalk,landscape buffers and left turn lane shall be constructed with the first phase of development. 2. The Preliminary Plat included in Section VI, dated 9/9/21, is approved with the following revisions: a. All utility easements reflected on the utility plan shall be included on the plat. b. All pathways and micropathways shall be within a separate common lot or easement as required per UDC 11-3A-8. 3. Prior to final plat,the Landscape Plan included in Section VI, dated 9/9//21, shall be revised to reflect the red-marked pathway connections as illustrated in Exhibit D. 4. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy/signature on the final plat by the City Engineer, the applicant shall submit a public access easement for the multi-use pathway along W. McMillian Rd and N. Grand Lakes Wy. to the Planning Division for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. 5. The applicant shall construct all proposed fencing and/or any fencing required by the UDC, consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11-3A-6B, as applicable. 6. The existing residences being retained will be required to abandon well and septic systems and connect to City water and sewer with development of the property. Page 23 Item 3. 125 7. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of 11-3A-3 with regard to access to streets. 8. The development shall comply with standards and installation for landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-313-5 and maintenance thereof as set forth in UDC 11-3B-13. 9. The ditches to the west, south and north shall comply with the provisions for irrigation ditches, laterals, canals and/or drainage courses, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6. 10. Pathway and adjoining fencings and landscaping shall be constructed consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7A7, 11-3A-8 and 11-3B-12C. 11. The development shall comply with all subdivision design and improvement standards as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to driveways, easements,blocks, street buffers, and mailbox placement. 12. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. 13. All common driveways shall meet the requirements of 11-6C-2-D including a perpetual ingress/egress easement being filed with the Ada County Recorder,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. 14. The Applicant shall have a maximum of two (2)years to obtain City Engineer's signature on a final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 15. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of ACHD. B. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1. Sewer mains should not be run in common driveways or out of Right-of-Way to serve building lots. Mains should be constructed in Right-of-Way and service lines extended within common drives or through Right-of-Way to serve each lot. 2. Sheet PP2.3 shows a sewer main being extended through a common lot and part of a residential building lot. Sewer mains should not be extended through these areas.Reconfigure so sewer mains are located in Right-of-Way. 3. Angle of pipe going into/out of manholes,in the direction of flow,need to be a minimum of 90 degrees. The manhole at the intersection of Doctor Brunn Lane and Cattleman Way currently does not meet this requirement. 4. Sewer service lines should not run through infiltration trenches. 5. Water mains should not be run in common driveways to serve building lots. Mains should be constructed in Right-of-Way and service lines extended within common drives or through Right-of-Way to serve each lot. 6. Water main sizes are not listed on the plans. The water main in North Grand Lakes Way should be 12" diameter. 7. Remove water main in Sunday Loop(alley). Place water mains in the Right-of-Way and run service lines to each house in the alley. Page 24 Item 3. F126] 8. Each phase will need to have water modeling completed to verify minimum pressure is met for each phase. General Conditions of Approval 1. Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department,and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 3. The applicant shall provide easement(s)for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 4. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 9-1-28.C). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 5. All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 6. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42- 1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 7. Any wells that will not continue to be used must be properly abandoned according to Idaho Well Construction Standards Rules administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. The Developer's Engineer shall provide a statement addressing whether there are Page 25 Item 3. F127] any existing wells in the development, and if so,how they will continue to be used,or provide record of their abandonment. 8. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 9. Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 10. A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing,landscaping,amenities,etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 11. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 12. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 13. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 14. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 15. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 16. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 17. The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 18. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 19. At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 20. A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A Page 26 Item 3. 128 copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridianciU.or"lublic_works.aspx?id=272. 21. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit,cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 22. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond.Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. MERIDIAN FIRE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridianciU.oL-glWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=239381&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC fty D. MERIDIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancily.or /WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=239381&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC E. SETTLLERS IRRIGATION https://weblink.meridiancily.or /WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=239143&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC F. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT https://weblink.meridiancily.org/WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=240462&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty G. COMPASS https://weblink.meridiancily.org/WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=240472&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC H. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY https://weblink.meridiancily.org/WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=239400&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC iv Page 27 Item 3. 129 VIII. FINDINGS A. ANNEXATION AND/OR REZONE (UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds annexation of the subject site with an R-8 zoning designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan MDR FL UM designation for this property, if the Applicant complies with the provisions in Section VII. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds the lot sizes and layout proposed will be consistent with the purpose statement of the residential districts in that housing opportunities will be provided consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Commission finds that the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Staff recommends the Commission consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city Stafffinds the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City if the property is developed in accord with the provisions in Section VII. B. PRELIMINARY PLAT(UDC 11-6B-6) In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15- 2005) 1. The plat is in conformance with the comprehensive plan and is consistent with this unified development code; (Ord. 08-1372, 7-8-2008, eff. 7-8-2008) Staff finds the proposed plat is generally in conformance with the UDC if the Applicant complies with the conditions of approval in Section VII. Page 28 Item 3. F130] 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds public services can be made available to the subject property and will be adequate to accommodate the proposed development. 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the city's capital improvement program; Staff finds the proposed plat is in substantial conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's CIR 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development. 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and Staff finds the proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. (Ord. 05-1170, 8- 30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) There are several laterals along the property that will be piped, but are not natural features. According to the landscape plan, there are no healthy trees onsite meeting the requirements for preservation. Page 29 E IDIAN;--- Applicant Presentation Jamestown RanchPlanning and Zoning Commission Annexation, Zoning and Preliminary Plat P&Z ReportReview ACHD Final locationGrand Lakes Way and 55+ developmentOpen space and amenities throughout both market plat updates–Reduce common drives Requests and Updates Preliminary Plat updated- Open Space and Site Amenities Collector Location No 55+ Too far easttraffic calmingspeedingstraight road Long Central location Proposed Alignment Power poleLand ownershipRoad to nowhere–Joy Street street designpassive –Traffic Calming Yes 55+Optimal street spacing ACHD Review at Ten Mile and McMillan Roadbackplatessheeting to retroflectiveinch yellow -3Contribute to pedestrian crossing featuresmultiuse path–Bicycle lanes on frontage bound turn lane on McMillan-Dedicated west Traffic Left turn laneabout in future-roundsignalized this yearBlack Cat & McMillan 55+ less impact Thank you. Schools Schools 50 school age phase 1approx55 plus in Phase 1. Built first. Plus 95 market rate. • Common Drives Common Drives Project Location & Information Future Land Use Map LDRC-MXNR-MXMDRMDRMDRMDRJamestown Ranch Zoning Map 8 Zoning-RJamestown Ranch3-R Access and Connectivity Joy Street Alignment Community Integration Single Family ResidentialTypical Home Elevations (Traditional) Single Family ResidentialTypical Home Elevations (Contemporary) Single Family ResidentialTypical Home Elevations (Farmhouse) Age RestrictedTypical Home Elevations C E IDIAN�-- Public Presentation(s) 4 '� � . .. ^ � jot � � S+Jsn, ,. " H .iil' .. . ult '` _ _ � Itl .u': . . a. n,lila r' N 1 y •r -_ *' "fib,' ' ''- ,, m p�; k. l In __yyW� ro y .w nl ,hl l'') �R II' 1ij1 � 1 _i',y..':�`�1' Wl IN '! 'I' I. '� llf:fm.n L Y41 `7, n 1 hl ` ' I. h1 '1' ,b11' r : i1 . Ylm1 t� ,jI " , Lip . mile1y r it � INi I nl 1 ,ilp I y -NI AI• "1 11 Idol IF ul . - 9 1 . it I Ili u u HUH I � of 1yR ,� �f: � , . 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L All r� e i " � 4.i ROOM Oco � a �9 't*9 01, ZO .00S V) o _ �/�rum ��'. tn� a ,tea o4 V) LIM LAW V) V) S� .�C Oco UM aq rn , t , > c� v bon _ V) co Go I cb 1h p rn 4WOL , oL699 �► �z £ t N dft Cm to cn Age cft f I ,0091 ,00 '*9 , 9 t9 Q° � U � z � o0 up) z M � N ao ao .— �� N INS cn �. rn 'o �..-+,J •- � r ono CD VIIIIIIP 9 DO (dr) w a co Do C14 ,j �J oo 70 :1 471 Su_ 04 V) Lcn7 c+, d� 'arcs �? N r...� , ZL' ZeV 9t ' 601 00 �9 ,00'*9 , L£'*9IQ U pppp i u OUN v t!� tl� 6ummeN d N in LO co II II pails rUD .� mi LO CD � O NveeeeeN ►h to IIIIIIIIIJ LLL ;t eel � R\hrIll jRic. >l i 1'A1 7q 7t ' r"i• � " . �'r1 ! ryI i r A. dR • I \ �. aimM.TI id; y /I.F / . 4 Clly' .A' y!wff ��y' ,rolo� " u rrr wan....-� ���' �\ • '� � G0�1N ,�► .lf All. IPA A`. • � Fry �-��. All "Pal. tw't ;2fr ;A, t� �y .I i Itoo I. c ♦. ' ti w - r /A a . wo ZL Ijr - Item 4. L148 (:> E IDIAN*-----, AGENDA ITEM ITEM TOPIC: Public Hearing for Vanguard Village (H-2021-0081) by Meridian 118, LLC, Generally Located 1/4 Mile South of W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd. A. Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #110115738) to replace it with a new agreement for the proposed development. B. Request: Rezone of 7.06 acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district, 17.38 acres from the C- C and H-E zoning districts to the M-E zoning district, 40.33 acres from the R-40 and C-C and M-E zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district, and 1.10 acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district. C. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 8 building lots and 6 common lots on 115.26 acres of land in the R-15, C-C, WE and M-E zoning districts. D. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 552 dwelling units on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. Item 4. F149] (:�WE IDIAN:--- IDAHO PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Staff Contact:Sonya Allen Meeting Date: February 17, 2022 Topic: Public Hearing for Vanguard Village (H-2021-0081) by Meridian 118, LLC, Generally Located 1/4 Mile South of W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd. A. Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #110115738) to replace it with a new agreement for the proposed development. B. Request: Rezone of 7.06 acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district, 17.38 acres from the C-C and H-E zoning districts to the WE zoning district,40.33 acres from the R-40 and C-C and WE zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district, and 1.10 acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district. C. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 8 building lots and 6 common lots on 115.26 acres of land in the R-15, C-C, H-E and WE zoning districts. D. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 552 dwelling units on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. Information Resources: Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Item 4. ■ STAFF REPORTC�,WEIIDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .►A H O HEARING February 17,2022 �� DATE: Project Lorca Dior. TO: Planning&Zoning Commission lei FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 SUBJECT: H-2021-0081 Vanguard Village—MDA,RZ,PP, CUP LOCATION: Generally located 1/4 mile south of W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd.,in the middle of Section 15,T.3N. R.l W. a I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant has submitted an application for the following: • Modification to the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #110115738)to replace it with a new agreement for the proposed development; • Rezone of 7.06-acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district; 17.38-acres from the C-C&H- E zoning districts to the M-E zoning district; and 40.33-acres from the R-40, C-C and M-E zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district; and 1.10-acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district; • Preliminary Plat consisting of 8 building lots& 6 common lots on I I5.26-acres of land in the R-15, C-C,H-E and M-E zoning districts for Vanguard Village subdivision; and, • Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 552 dwelling units on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning district for Vanguard Crossing. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 115.21 acres overal Existing/Proposed Zoning R-40,M-E,C-C and H-E(existing)/H-E,M-E,C-C and R- 15 (proposed) Future Land Use Designation Mixed Use—Commercial(MU-COM);Medium High- Density Residential(MHDR);Mixed Employment(ME); High Density Employment(HDE) Page 1 Item 4. 151 Description Details Page Existing Land Use(s) Vacant/agricultural land Proposed Land Use(s) Multi-family residential,vertically integrated residential, light industrial,commercial/retail,research and development and other uses. Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 8 buildable lots/6 common lots Phasing Plan(#of phases) 4 phases(plat);2 phases(multi-family development) Number of Residential Units(type 552 multi-family apartment units of units) Physical Features(waterways, The Williams gas pipeline bisects this site hazards,flood plain,hillside) Neighborhood meeting date;#of 8/17/21 attendees: History(previous approvals) AZ-09-008 Meridian Crossing(Ord.#10-1467;DA Inst. #110115738);ROS#7623 (Inst.#106170019 2006) B. Community Metrics Description Details P Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Not yet • Requires ACHD No Commission Action A Traffic Impact Study(TIS)was submitted. es/no Access (Arterial/Collectors/State Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Traffic Level of Service Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Gros s Access Existing Road Network Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ Buffers Proposed Road Improvements Fire Service • Distance to Fire 2 miles Station • Fire Response Time Falls within 5:00 minute response time area-nearest station is Fire Station#2—can meet response time goals • Resource Reliability 85%-does meet the target goal of 80%or greater • Risk Identification 4—current resources would not be adequate to supply service (risk factors include fire-fighting in multi-story buildings&a large gathering of people in a single location) • Accessibility Project meets all required access,road widths and turnaround. • Special/resource Project will require an aerial device;can meet this need in the needs required timeframe if a truck company is required. • Water Supply Varies as there are multiple size buildings in which some will require fire sprinkler systems. Page 2 Item 4. 152 Description Details P • Other Resources West Ada School District • Capacity of Schools Approved prelim Approved MF Projected plat parcels per units per Students from Enrollment Ca aci attendance area attendance area Approved 0ev. • #of Students Enrolled Chaparral Elementary 552 700 730 1549 209 Meridian Middle School 1070 1250 800 1798 136 Meridian High School 17S9 207S 3343 2300 527 School of Choice Options Chief Joseph Elementary-Arts 498 700 N/A N/A Barbara Morgan STEM Academy 414 500 N/A N/A • Predicted#of students 83 generated from proposed development Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services • Sewer Shed • Estimated Project Sewer ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance • Project Consistent with WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/concerns • Flow is committed • See Public Works Site Specific Conditions in Section VII.B Water • Distance to Water Directly adjacent Services • Pressure Zone 2 • Estimated Project See application Water ERU's • Water Quality None Concerns • Project Consistent Yes with Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns • Complete plans for water must be reviewed by Engineering before final plat approval of any phase,the plans provided are not adequate for a full review. • See Public Works Site Specific Conditions in Section VILB Page 3 Item 4. F153 C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map ffeegend hAead�High ffL��egend IPrnje t Laca�an a n ` J`Prnject LaeafK:m a.i...... side i t y Hig - esidenfi I -Res `�..'q w D,..�ensi idl<ntial $ _Ni # , . Medium ens,tyr %esidenf& Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend _g T Legend 1 - fPrnje-! Umc nor Prnjent Luc o'or. I I C R:15 C-N +_ fi R-1 R- 5 — Pk3nned Pflroe', lM1 M1 R. - RUT ` V-C C-C TZP RR Rt it A. Applicant: Airalea Newman,Insight Investment Partners—3005 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Ste. 141, Henderson,NV 89052 B. Owners: James Zeiter,Meridian 118,LLC—3005 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Ste. 141,Henderson,NV 89052 Page 4 Item 4. F154 C. Representative: JoAnn Butler,Butler Spink, LLP—967 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Ste. 313,Boise, ID 83706 III. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 2/1/2022 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 2/1/2022 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 2/5/2022 Nextdoor posting 1/31/2022 IV. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS(Comprehensive Plan and Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan) Land Use: The Future Land Use Map(FLUM) contained in the Comprehensive Plan designates the northern 28.5+/-acres of this site as Medium-High Density Residential(MHDR);the northeast 21+/- acres as Mixed Use—Commercial(MU-COM); the southwest 20.5+/-acres as Mixed Employment (ME); and the southeast 45.5+/-acres as High-Density Employment(HDE). There is also a school site designated on the FLUM in this general area. This site is within the area governed by the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan(TMISAP). A school site is not included in the proposed development plan. The school district states they don't currently own a site in this area and don't have any prospects of land to purchase in this area at this time; if a developer desires to donate a site in this area,the school district would consider it. MHDR: MHDR designated areas should include a mix of relatively dense multi-family housing types such as row houses,townhouses, condominiums and apartment buildings and complexes with a density ranging from 8-15 units per acre with a target density of 12 units per acre. These areas should be located around or near more intensively developed areas such as Mixed Use—Commercial or Employment areas in order to provide convenient access to these activity and employment centers to the greatest number of residents. A mix of multi-family residential housing types consisting of townhomes, flats and garden style apartments is proposed to develop on the northern 40 acres of the development area which is designated as MHDR,ME,HDE and MU-COM on the FLUM.A gross density of 13.63 units/acre is proposed,which falls within the desired density range in the MHDR designated area. Because the existing ME,HDR and MU-COM designations abutting the MHDR designation on this site consist of less than 50%of the site,the Applicant proposes the MHDR designation apply to the entire 40-acre portion of the site as allowed in the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-9). The proposed R-15 zoning encompasses approximately 12 more acres than is currently designated MHDR on the FLUM and 23+/-acres more than currently zoned R-40. See Pg. 3-6 in the TMISAP for more information on the MHDR designation. The proposed multi-family development is located in close proximity(directly to the north and west) to MU-COM,ME and HDE designated land which is proposed to and anticipated to develop with higher intensity commercial and employment uses. The proposed residential uses will provide housing options in close proximity to these uses with convenient pedestrian access between them, Page 5 Item 4. Fl-551 which should reduce traffic in the area.This development will provide a transition between the higher intensity uses and existing single-family homes to the north in Baraya Subdivision. ME: The purpose of ME designated areas is to encourage a diversity of compatible land uses that may include a mixture of office,research and specialized employment areas,light industrial including manufacturing and assembly, and other miscellaneous uses. These areas generally do not include retail and consumer service uses serving the wider community. However, a small amount of retail and service establishments,primarily serving employees and users of the ME areas or nearby industrial areas, are allowed. ME areas should provide a variety of flexible sites for small,local or start-up businesses, as well as sites for large national or regional enterprises. ME areas should be designed to encourage multimodal travel and convenient circulation to supporting uses located within the area. It's anticipated that buildings will range in height from 1-4 stories,have total floor areas of 10,000- 1,000,000 square feet, and that FAR will exceed.75. The ME designated area is intended to develop with a mix of flex uses,which may include office, light industrial and other uses, along with a 410,000 s.f.research and development component. Building heights will range from 2 to 4 stories. This area is located at the southwest corner of the development and abuts Mixed Employment designated land to the west and I-84 to the south and will have access to a collector street as desired. Medium-high density residential uses are proposed to the north and high-density employment and commercial uses are proposed to the east with this application. The proposed M-E zoning encompasses approximately 8 more acres than is currently designated ME on the FLUM and 4 acres more than currently zoned M-E. See Pg. 3-11 in the TMISAP for more information on the ME designation. MU-COM: The purpose of MU-COM designated areas is to encourage the development of a mixture of office,retail,recreational, employment and other miscellaneous uses,with supporting multi-family or single-family attached residential uses. This designation requires developments to integrate the three major use categories—residential, commercial and employment. Traditional neighborhood design concepts with a strong pedestrian-oriented focus are essential. Development within these areas exhibit quality building and site design and an attractive pedestrian environment with a strong street character. The MU-COM designated area is proposed to develop with a mix of uses including a vertically integrated residential project and commercial/retail uses. The proposed C-C zoning is located along the northern portion of the east parcel abutting the Mixed Use—Commercial designated property to the north at the entry to the development with access to a non-residential collector street as desired. High-density employment uses are proposed to the south and mixed employment uses are proposed to the west with this application. The proposed C-C zoning is approximately 3 acres fewer than is currently designated MU-COM on the FLUM and is 30+/-acres less than currently zoned C-C. See Pg. 3-9 in the TMISAP for more information on the MU-COM designation. HDE: HDE designated areas are recommended as predominantly office,research and specialized employment areas and generally do not include retail and consumer service uses serving the wider community. Limited retail and service establishments primarily serving employees and users of the HDE areas are encouraged. HDE areas should provide a variety of flexible sites for small, local or startup businesses, as well as sites for large national or regional enterprises. They should be designed to encourage multimodal travel and convenient circulation to supporting services located within the area.Whenever possible,HDE areas should provide restaurants,lodging and other services in support of the employment uses. High Density Employment areas should be designed as compact urban centers rather than lower density suburban-style development. Buildings are anticipated to range in height from 1-6 stories,have total floor areas of 10,000-1,000,000 square feet with a FAR exceeding 1.0. Designs that promote open space and parks are strongly encouraged. Structured parking is also allowed. Page 6 Item 4. F156 This area is intended to develop with non-residential uses such as a corporate campus,business and professional office space,research and development, and limited retail and service uses (approximately 380,000 square feet). The proposed H-E zoning is approximately 20+/-acres fewer than is currently designated HE on the FLUM but is only 1.6+/-acres more than currently zoned H-E. See Pg. 3-11 in the TMISAP for more information on the HDE designation. Overall,the development area associated with the MHDR designation has increased 23+/-acres with R-15 zoning,the ME designated area has increased 4+/-acres with M-E zoning,the MU-C area is 3+/-acres less with C-C zoning, and the HDE area is 20+/-acres less with H-E zoning. Because the FLUM is a guide and not parcel-specific, adjacent abutting designations,when appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application,may be used with some exceptions(see pg. 3-9 Comprehensive Plan for more information). All of the changes fall within the guidance provided;therefore, Staff is in general support of the proposed development and zoning. Transportation: The Transportation System Map in the TMISAP depicts collector streets through this site that connect to S. Black Cat Rd.,W. Franklin Rd. and S. Ten Mile Rd., adjacent arterial streets. The collector street network depicted on the proposed development plan is generally consistent with the Transportation System Map(see pg. 3-18 in the TMISAP). The Street Section Map depicts Street Section D(residential collector)as being appropriate to serve the local access needs of residential, live/work, and commercial activities within a residential neighborhood or mixed-use residential area. g.. ar� PaWng lane 5V Lane P Street Section ❑ 6A4o-NrbMiam The collector streets(i.e. Coral Reef Way& Sunset Point Way) in the multi-family portion of the development in the northern 40 acres of the development should be constructed in accord with this street section. Streetlights should be placed in the dry utilities corridor on either side of the street. The Street Section Map depicts Street Section C(major collector)as being appropriate to provide access from adjacent arterial streets(i.e. Black Cat,Franklin&Ten Mile Roads)into the employment area. Streetlights should be located in the tree lawn area and should be of a pedestrian scale. Street Section C Page 7 Item 4. F157 The collector streets(i.e. Vanguard Way&Umbria Hills) in the commercial mixed-use area in the southern portion of the development should be constructed in accord with this street section with the following exceptions as required by ACHD: (3)travel lanes instead of(2); and 10-foot wide detached sidewalks/pathways instead of 6-foot wide detached sidewalks in lieu of on-street bike lanes. Design: The TMISAP emphasizes the quality of the built environment and includes recommendations on the location, scale, form,height and design quality of public and private buildings in the form of building placement, orientation,and massing; types and design treatments for building frontages; as well as recommendations for the incorporation of art in public and private projects. The design elements in the Plan are intended to serve as the basic framework on any given project within the Ten Mile Area. The primary components that the design elements address include: architecture and cultural heritage;building placement whereby build-to lines are identified; heights and step backs;the definition of a base,body and top; and frontage types. The proposed development should be designed in the accord with the TMISAP (see pgs. 3-31 thru 3-51). See the Application of the Design Elements table on pg.3-49 to determine specific design element requirements according to the associated FLUM designation.Future development applications should include the applicable design elements. Comprehensive Plan Policies: The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval, and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) City water and sewer service is available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Encourage diverse housing options suitable for various income levels,household sizes, and lifestyle preferences."(2.01.01) The proposed multi family development will include a mix of apartments,flats and townhome-style units with choices between 1-, 2-and 3-bedroom units.A variety of amenities are proposed for different preferences. • "With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathways connections, easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools, and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities."(2.02.01A) Several multi-use pathway segments are proposed within this development for interconnectivity between the residential and commercial and employment portions of the development and open space and site amenity areas. • "Encourage the development of high quality, dense residential and mixed use areas near in and around Downtown,near employment, large shopping centers,public open spaces and parks, and along major transportation corridors, as shown on the Future Land Use Map." (2.02.01 E) The proposed project provides high quality, dense residential units that complement and provide a transition between the commercial and employment areas to the south and the single-family residential to the north and is located along 1-84, a major transportation corridor. • "Encourage and support mixed-use areas that provide the benefits of being able to live, shop, dine,play, and work in close proximity,thereby reducing vehicle trips,and enhancing overall Page 8 Item 4. Fl-581 livability and sustainability."(3.06.02B) The proposed residential uses will provide housing options in close proximity to employment, shopping, dining and other commercial uses which should reduce vehicle trips and enhance livability and sustainability of the area. • "Encourage the development of supportive commercial near employment areas."(3.06.02C) The proposed commercial and retail uses should provide supportive uses for the proposed employment area. • "Require pedestrian circulation plans to ensure safety and convenient access across large commercial and mixed-use developments."(3.07.02A) A pedestrian circulation plan is included in Section VII.C.3 for the southern portion of the development and in Section VIII.D for the northern portion of the development which provides safe pedestrian connectivity throughout the development. • "Ensure development is connected to City of Meridian water and sanitary sewer systems and the extension to and through said developments are constructed in conformance with the City of Meridian Water and Sewer System Master Plans in effect at the time of development." (3.03.03A) The proposed development will connect to City water and sewer systems; services are required to be provided to and though this development in accord with current City plans. • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval, and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) City water and sewer services are available to this site and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. The emergency response times for Police Dept. and Fire Dept. meets the established goals. • "Where feasible,encourage large transmission and pipeline utility corridors to function as transitional buffers,parkland,pathways, and gathering places within and adjacent to their right-of-way."(3.07.01E) The Williams pipeline crosses this site; within the easement, a landscaped common area with a meandering multi-use pathway and seating areas are proposed. • "Require appropriate landscaping,buffers, and noise mitigation with new development along transportation corridors(setback,vegetation,low walls,berms, etc.)."(3.07.01C) A SO foot wide landscaped street buffer is required to be provided along the southern boundary of the site adjacent to I-84;Staff recommends a berm is included in the buffer. • "Encourage the integration of public art as an integrated component with new development." (5.03.01B) Public art is proposed along the multi-use pathway in the center of the project, which will take the form of sculptures that create points of interest along the pathways and speak to the nexus of the region's heritage and its future. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks,water and sewer utilities."(3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks are proposed as required with this development. Page 9 Item 4. ■ In summary, Staff believes the proposed development plan is generally consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan for this area per the analysis above. V. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS (UDC) A. Development Agreement Modification(MDA): The existing Development Agreement(DA)was approved with the annexation of the property in 2009 (Meridian Crossing AZ-09-008; Inst. #110115738); the provisions of such and the approved conceptual development plan and sample building elevations are included below in Section VII.A. The Applicant proposes a modification to the DA to amend and restate the DA with a termination of the existing DA.All property governed by the original DA will be governed by the amended and restated DA. A new conceptual development plan is included in Section VII.A.3 for the proposed development and new recommended provisions for the agreement are included in Section VIII.A.I based on the analysis of the project below and applicable UDC and TMISAP provisions. Some of the existing DA provisions that are still applicable are also recommended to be included in the amended and restated DA. B. Rezone(RZ): A rezone is requested of 7.06-acres from the C-C to the H-E zoning district; 17.38-acres from the C-C &H-E zoning districts to the M-E zoning district; and 40.33-acres from the R-40, C-C and M-E zoning districts to the R-15 zoning district; and 1.10-acres from the H-E to the C-C zoning district as shown on the zoning map exhibit in Section VII.B. A conceptual development plan and elevations are included in Section VII.A.3 and AA that shows how the site is anticipated to develop. All of these zoning districts currently exist on the site except for the R-15 district which is proposed to replace the R-40 district. The rezone proposes to reconfigure the boundaries of these zoning districts into more developable areas consistent with the proposed road layout and concept plan. The existing zoning consists of 27 acres of H-E, 25 acres of M-E, 16.83 acres of R-40 and 48 acres of C-C zoning. The rezone will result in 28.6 acres of H-E(an increase of 1.6 acres), 29.07 acres of M-E(an increase of 4.07 acres),40.33 acres of R-15 (an increase of 23.5 acres of residential) and 17.27 acres of C-C (a decrease of 30.73 acres)zoning overall. The proposed R-15 zoning is located on the northern 40 acres of the site,which abuts Baraya Subdivision and R-15 zoned single-family residential properties. Medium-high density residential uses are planned to the west and the property to the east is designated Mixed Use—Commercial. Mixed employment and commercial uses are proposed to the south with this application. A multi- family development containing 552 dwelling units at a gross density of 13.63 units/acre is proposed to develop in the R-15 zone. This development will provide a transition between mixed employment uses to the south and lower density single-family homes to the north. The residences proposed for this site will allow people to live and work in the nearby existing and planned commercial and employment areas in the vicinity,thus reducing traffic on area roads by allowing employees to walk or bike to work, shopping and services.Note: The existing R-40 and C-C zoning districts allow a multi family development with a conditional use permit; however, Staff requested the Applicant rezone the overall area to a zone (i.e. R-1 S) that better represents the land use. The proposed C-C zoning is located along the northern portion of the east parcel abutting the Mixed Use—Commercial designated property to the north at the entry to the development with Page 10 Item 4. F160] access to a non-residential collector street as desired. High-density employment uses are proposed to the south and mixed employment uses are proposed to the west with this application. Allowed uses in the C-C district should be larger scale and broader mix of retail, office,and service uses. This area is proposed to develop with a mix of uses including a vertically integrated residential project and commercial/retail uses. The proposed M-E zoning is located at the southwest corner of the development and abuts Mixed Employment designated land to the west and I-84 to the south and will have access to a collector street as desired. Medium-high density residential uses are proposed to the north and high-density employment and commercial uses are proposed to the east with this application. Allowed uses in the M-E district consist of offices,medical centers,research and development facilities, and light industrial uses with ancillary support services. This area is intended to develop with flex uses, which may include office, light industrial and other uses, along with a 410,000 s.f.research and development component. The proposed H-E zoning is located along the southeast portion of the site adjacent to 1-84, in close proximity to Ten Mile interchange, as desired. Mixed employment uses are proposed to the west and commercial uses to the north with this application; l-84 borders the site on the south. Allowed uses in the H-E district consist of corporate headquarters, office complexes,research and development facilities and complementary services such as conference centers and hospitality uses with limited retail. This area is intended for non-residential uses such as a corporate campus, business and professional office space,research and development, and limited retail and service uses(approximately 380,000 square feet). Proposed Use Analysis: A variety of uses are proposed including a multi-family development, a vertically integrated residential project,retail, office, flex space, light industrial,research and development, and other uses; see UDC Tables 11-2A-2 and 11-2B-2 for allowed uses in the applicable zoning districts. Compliance with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-7 and 11-2B-3 is required, as applicable. The proposed zoning and uses are generally consistent with the associated FLUM designations as discussed above in Section IV. C. Preliminary Plat(PP): The proposed preliminary plat consists of 8 building lots&6 common lots on 115.26-acres of land in the R-15, C-C,H-E and M-E zoning districts for Vanguard Village subdivision. The subdivision is proposed to develop in four(4)phases as shown on the phasing plan in Section VI.C1. The multi-family development on the north end of the site zoned R-15 is proposed to develop first with the M-E second,the H-E third and the C-C zoned area last. The Applicant requests they are allowed to apply for building permits in the multi-family portion of the development prior to recordation of the final plat.The following condition is proposed,"Prior to applying for building permits,the following minimum items shall be completed: street signs are to be in place,the installation of sanitary sewer and water systems(with the water system being fully activated),a compacted road base capable of supporting an 80,000 lb.fire truck shall be approved by design engineer,with written confirmation of such approval submitted to the Meridian Building Department." Staff is not in favor of allowing Certificate of Zoning Compliance&Design Review applications to be submitted and building permits issued prior to recordation of the final plat as the necessary infrastructure for development,including roads,should be in place first and lots established for development. Therefore, Staff is not supportive of the request. Page 11 Item 4. 161 Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are no existing structures remaining on this site. Dimensional Standards: Development of the proposed lots is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R- 15 zoning district in UDC Table 11-2A-7 and the C-C, M-E and H-E zoning districts in UDC Table 11-2B-3, as applicable. A minimum building setback of 10-feet is required in the multi- family portion of the development unless a greater setback is otherwise required,per UDC 11-4- 3-27B.1. Separation between buildings should comply with Building code. A reduced building setback from 20-to 14-feet is requested for the multi-family structures proposed along Sunset Point Way and Coral Reef. However, a recent code amendment(ZOA- 2021-0003) allows a reduction of the collector street setback to be granted for homes that front on a collector street when on-street and required off-street parking is provided(UDC Table 11-2A- 7);the required 20-foot landscape buffer easement is measured from back of curb and the dwelling setback shall not be less than 10-feet from the back of sidewalk along the collector street. Staff recommends the street sections for Sunset Point Way and Coral Reef are constructed consistent with Street Section D in the TMISAP(see pg.3-21),which requires 11-foot travel lanes,6-foot bike lanes,8-foot parallel parking,8-foot parkways and 6-foot wide detached sidewalks.The 20-foot wide street buffer may be placed in an easement rather than a common lot in accord with UDC 11-313-7C.2a.The building setback must be at least 10-feet from the back of sidewalk,which achieves the ultimate setback desired. This accomplishes the street-oriented design desired in urban environments for a more walkable neighborhood and creates a more consistent edge to the public space in accord with the TMISAP. Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3): Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3. The proposed subdivision appears to comply with these standards. Access(UDC 11-3A-3) Access is proposed to be provided from the northern boundary of the site from W. Franklin Rd. via S. Sunset Point Way and S. Baraya Way and from the east from S. Ten Mile Rd. via the extension of Vanguard Way. Coral Reef Way, Sunset Point Way,Umbria Hills and Vanguard Way are all designed as collector streets in accord with the Master Street Map and the Transportation System Map in the TMISAP. Stub streets are proposed to adjacent properties for future extension. Streets: Sunset Point Way and Coral Reef Way should be constructed in accord with Street Section D(residential collector street) in the TMISAP,which requires (2) 11-foot travel lanes, 6- foot bike lanes, 8-foot parallel parking, 8-foot parkways and minimum 6-foot wide detached sidewalks (see pg. 3-21 and 3-23). Streetlights should be placed in the dry utilities' corridor on either side of the street. The plat should be revised consistent with Street Section D. Vanguard Way and Umbria Hills should be constructed in accord with Street Section C (major collector street)in the TMISAP,which requires (2) 11-foot travel lanes, 6-foot bike lanes, 8-foot parkways with streetlights at a pedestrian scale and minimum 6-foot wide detached sidewalks (see pg. 3-20, 3-22, 3-23). The Applicant proposes a modification of the street section with(3) 11-foot travel lanes, 8-foot wide parkways and 10-foot wide detached sidewalks/pathways in lieu of bike lanes,which is required by ACHD. Staff is supportive of this change. All streets should be constructed as complete streets as defined in the TMISAP(see pg. 3-19& 3- 20). Page 12 Item 4. F162] Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): Ten(10) foot wide multi-use pathway are proposed on the site in accord with the Pathways Master Plan. One segment follows the Williams pipeline easement diagonally across this site; another segment runs along the southern boundary within the street buffer along I-84. The Park's Dept.has requested a pathway connection be provided between the Purdam Drain pathway and the pathway within the pipeline easement(see Section VIII.G). A 14-foot wide public use easement for all multi-use pathways shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to submittal for City Engineer signature on the final plat(s).If the pathway will be located entirely within the right-of-way, a public pedestrian easement is not needed. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-1 : The UDC requires minimum 5-foot wide sidewalks to be provided adjacent to all streets with detached sidewalks along collector streets and attached or detached sidewalks along local streets. However,the guidelines in the TMISAP for the collector street sections(i.e. C and D) depict 6-foot wide sidewalks,which should be provided within the development at a minimum. Sidewalks,walkways and pathways should include dedicated crosswalks at the intersection with all streets within commercial activity centers with changes in color,markings, materials,texture and/or surface to distinguish them from the surrounding pavement as set forth in the TMISAP(see pg.3-28,Crosswalks). Pedestrian Circulation: A pedestrian circulation plan is included in Section VII.C.3 that depicts all sidewalks and pedestrian pathways planned throughout the site in accord with the TMISAP for mixed use areas. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-1 Parkways are recommended along all streets within the development in accord with the TMISAP, planted with street trees and landscaping per the standards in UDC 11-3B-7C. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): Street buffers are required to be provided as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-7.A minimum 10-foot wide street buffer is required along all local streets (i.e. Vantage Point Way,Vanguard Trail) in commercial districts. A 20-foot wide street buffer is required along all collector streets(i.e. Vanguard Way,Umbria Hills, Coral Reef Way and Sunset Point Way)—the buffer may be placed in an easement rather than a common lot in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C.2a; the building setback must be at least 10-feet from the back of sidewalk in the R-15 district as set forth in UDC Table 11-2A-7. A minimum 50-foot wide street buffer is required along I-84, landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C.3,which requires a variety of trees, shrubs,lawn or other vegetative groundcover(see updated code for specifics).A 20-foot wide street buffer,instead of a 10-foot wide buffer,is required along Umbria Hills,a collector street.One(1) additional tree should be added within the street buffer along Umbria Hills (east)per the minimum standard. Landscaping is required within parkways per the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 and 11-3B- 7C. Class II trees shall be provided in parkways in accord with UDC 11-3A-17E; Class III trees may be considered if the parkways are widened to 10 feet—revise the landscape plan accordingly. Landscaping is required along all pathways per the standards in UDC 11-3B-12C.A 5' wide landscape strip is required on both sides of the pathway planted with a mix of trees, shrubs, lawn and/or other vegetative ground cover. If trees are not allowed within the pipeline easement, an additional 5-feet should be added to the common area outside of the easement to allow for trees; or, alternative compliance may be requested to the planting requirement. Page 13 Item 4. F163] Mitigation is required for all existing trees 4"caliper or greater that are removed from the site in accord with the standards in UDC 11-3B-1OC.5. Mitigation calculations are depicted on the landscape plan in accord with UDC standards(i.e. 185 trees at 2.5 caliper inches each for a total of 462.5 caliper inches). The location of mitigation trees shall be depicted on a revised landscape plan submitted with the final plat application. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. Design and construction is required to follow Best Management Practices as adopted by the City. The Applicant submitted a Geotechnical Evaluation for the subdivision. Pressure Irrigation(UDC 11-3A-151: Underground pressurized irrigation water is required to be provided for each and every lot in the subdivision as required in UDC 11-3A-15. Utilities(UDC 11-3A-21): Utilities are required to be provided to the subdivision as required in UDC 11-3A-21. Waterways(UDC 11-3A- : The Marvin Lateral runs along the west boundary of the site and the Purdam Drain crosses near the northeast corner of the site. If an easement for either of these waterways lies on this site, the easement(s) shall be clearly depicted on the plat.All waterways on this site shall be piped as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6B unless otherwise waived by City Council. Williams Pipeline: The Williams pipeline crosses this site diagonally within a 75-foot wide easement(Inst. #390283,#8018289,#8103052, and#8048122). Development within the easement should comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6 and 11-3A-7)• All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7.No fencing is proposed on the landscape plan. D. Conditional Use Permit(CUP): A Conditional Use Permit is proposed for a multi-family development(i.e.Vanguard Crossing) consisting of 552 dwelling units with a mix of 3-story apartments and 2-story flats and townhome-style buildings ranging from 758 to 1,693 square feet(s.f.) on 40.33-acres of land in the R-15 zoning district. A 9,368 square foot single-story clubhouse is proposed with amenities along with two(2) other amenity buildings. Nine(9) garden-style apartment buildings containing a total of 216 units and 51 flats and townhome-style buildings are proposed containing a total of 336 units with a mix of 1-,2-and 3- bedroom units. See site plan and associated exhibits in Section VII.D. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): The proposed use is subject to the following standards: (Staff's analysis/comments in italic text) 11-4-3-27: MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: Site Design: 1. Buildings shall provide a minimum setback of ten feet(10')unless a greater setback is otherwise required by this title and/or title 10 of this Code. Building setbacks shall take into account windows, entrances,porches and patios,and how they impact adjacent properties.As noted above in Section V.C, if the required street buffers along the collector streets are placed in easements rather than common lots, setbacks can be Page 14 Item 4. ■ reduced to 10 feet measured from back of sidewalk with streets constructed per Street Section D in the TMISAP. 2. All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas,waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. The plans submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application should demonstrate compliance with this standard. 3. A minimum of eighty(80) square feet of private,usable open space shall be provided for each unit. This requirement can be satisfied through porches,patios,decks,and/or enclosed yards. Landscaping, entryway and other access ways shall not count toward this requirement. In circumstances where strict adherence to such standard would create inconsistency with the purpose statements of this section,the Director may consider an alternative design proposal through the alternative compliance provisions as set forth in section 11-5B-5 of this title. The floor plans all depict at least 80 sf. of private usable open space(i.e.patios or balconies)for each unit except for Buildings 3, 5 and 6— Unit C's—the Applicant states these units will all have 84 s.f patios on-grade. Floor plans for each unit should be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application that demonstrate compliance with this standard. 4. For the purposes of this section,vehicular circulation areas,parking areas, and private usable open space shall not be considered common open space. These areas were not included in the common open space calculations for the site (see common open space exhibit in Section VII.D.5). 5. No recreational vehicles, snowmobiles,boats or other personal recreation vehicles shall be stored on the site unless provided for in a separate,designated and screened area. The Applicant should comply with this requirement. 6. The parking shall meet the requirements set forth in chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts", of this title. The proposed parking meets and exceeds UDC standards (see parking analysis below). 7. Developments with twenty(20)units or more shall provide the following: a. A property management office. b. A maintenance storage area. c. A central mailbox location, including provisions for parcel mail,that provide safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access. d. A directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development. (Ord. 18-1773,4-24-2018) A leasing office, storage area, and a mail&parcel center are depicted on the clubhouse floor plan. The location of the directory and map of the development shall be noted on the site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. C. Common Open Space Design Requirements: 1. The total baseline land area of all qualified common open space shall equal or exceed ten (10)percent of the gross land area for multi-family developments of five (5)acres or more.Based 40.33 acres of land, a minimum of 4.03 acres of common open space should be provided. A total of 8.99 acres is proposed in accord with this standard. 2. All common open space shall meet the following standards: Page 15 Item 4. ■ a. The development plan shall demonstrate that the open space has been integrated into the development as a priority and not for the use of land after all other elements of the development have been designed. Open space areas that has been given priority in the development design have: (1) Direct pedestrian access; (2) High visibility; (3) Comply with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design(CTED) standards; and (4) Support a range of leisure and play activities and uses. Irregular shaped, disconnected or isolated open spaces shall not meet this standard. Although there are some irregular shaped areas, they are all directly accessible by pedestrians with high visibility; the majority of the areas are in compliance with these standards and the overall common open space is twice that required. b. Open space shall be accessible and well connected throughout the development. This quality can be shown with open spaces that are centrally located within the development, accessible by pathway and visually accessible along collector streets or as a terminal view from a street.Proposed open space meets this standard. c. The open space promotes the health and well-being of its residents. Open space shall support active and passive uses for recreation, social gathering and relaxation to serve the development.Proposed open space meets this standard. 3. All multi-family projects over twenty(20)units shall provide at least one(1) common grassy area integrated into the site design allowing for general activities by all ages. This area may be included in the minimum required open space total. Projects that provide safe access to adjacent public parks or parks under a common HOA,without crossing an arterial roadway, are exempt from this standard. a. Minimum size of common grassy area shall be at least five thousand(5,000) square feet in area. This area shall increase proportionately as the number of units increase and shall be commensurate to the size of the multi-family development as determined by the decision-making body. Where this area cannot be increased due to site constraints,it may be included elsewhere in the development. Several common grassy areas are proposed in accord with this standard, which Staff believes is proportionate for the proposed development. b. Alternative compliance is available for these standards, if a project has a unique targeted demographic; utilizes other place-making design elements in Old-Town or mixed-use future land use designations with collectively integrated and shared open space areas.Alternative compliance is not needed; the project meets the required standards. 4. In addition to the baseline open space requirement, a minimum area of outdoor common open space shall be provided as follows: a. One hundred fifty(150) square feet for each unit containing five hundred(500) or less square feet of living area.All units contain more than 500 square feet of living area. Page 16 Item 4. F166] b. Two hundred fifty(250) square feet for each unit containing more than five hundred (500) square feet and up to one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area. 352 units contain between 500 and 1,200 square feet of living area. c. Three hundred fifty(350) square feet for each unit containing more than one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area. 104 units exceed 1,200 square feet of living area. A total of 151,000 s f. (or 3.47 acres) of outdoor common open space is required to be provided per this standard and a minimum of 4.03 acres is required to be provided per the standard listed above in 11-4-3-27C.1 for a total of 7.5 acres overall.A total of 391,590 sf. (or 8.99 acres) is proposed in excess of the minimum requirement as shown on the exhibit in Section VII.D.S. 5. Common open space shall be not less than four hundred(400) square feet in area,and shall have a minimum length and width dimension of twenty(20) feet.All of the common open space areas depicted on the open space exhibit in Section VII.F meet this requirement. 6. In phased developments, common open space shall be provided in each phase of the development consistent with the requirements for the size and number of dwelling units. This project is proposed to develop in two phases; common open space is proposed in each phase in accord with UDC standards for the size and number of dwelling units. 7. Unless otherwise approved through the conditional use process,common open space areas shall not be adjacent to collector or arterial streets unless separated from the street by a berm or constructed barrier at least four(4)feet in height,with breaks in the berm or barrier to allow for pedestrian access. The common open space exhibit in Section MY includes common open space along collector streets; however, the minimum standards for open space are met internal to the development.A berm or a constructed barrier at least 4 feet in height with breaks in the berm or barrier to allow for pedestrian access should be provided within the collector street buffer along Vanguard Way. D. Site Development Amenities: 1. All multi-family developments shall provide for quality of life, open space and recreation amenities to meet the particular needs of the residents as follows: a. Quality of life: (1) Clubhouse. (2) Fitness facilities. (3) Enclosed bike storage. (4) Public art such as a statue. (5) Dog park with waste station. (6) Commercial outdoor kitchen. (7) Fitness course. (8) Enclosed storage. b. Open space: (1) Community garden. Page 17 Item 4. ■ (2) Ponds or water features. (3) Plaza. (4) Picnic area including tables,benches, landscaping and a structure for shade. c. Recreation: (1) Pool. (2) Walking trails. (3) Children's play structures. (4) Sports courts. d. Multi-modal amenity standards. (1) Bicycle repair station. (2) Park and ride lot. (3) Sheltered transit stop. (4) Charging stations for electric vehicles. 2. The number of amenities shall depend on the size of multi-family development as follows: a. For multi-family developments with less than twenty(20)units,two(2)amenities shall be provided from two(2)separate categories. b. For multi-family development between twenty(20) and seventy-five(75)units,three (3)amenities shall be provided,with one from each category. c. For multi-family development with seventy-five(75)units or more, four(4) amenities shall be provided,with at least one from each category. d. For multi-family developments with more than one hundred(100)units,the decision- making body shall require additional amenities commensurate to the size of the proposed development. Based on 552-units, a minimum of 4 amenities are required.Amenities are proposed as follows: a clubhouse with a swimming pool, hot tub and cabanas; an outdoor kitchen and dining area;fitness lounge, lawn games and firepit lounge;pickleball court; children's play area; dog parks; a smaller swimming pool,picnic shelter and fire pit lounge; art; pedestrian walkways; 10 foot wide sidewalks along the collector street(Vanguard); and an amenity area with a BBQ lounge (see Exhibit 6 in Section VI.D below). Amenities are provided from all of the required categories. 3. The decision-making body shall be authorized to consider other improvements in addition to those provided under this subsection D,provided that these improvements provide a similar level of amenity. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) E. Landscaping Requirements: 1. Development shall meet the minimum landscaping requirements in accord with chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts", of this title. 2. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundation. The foundation landscaping shall meet the following minimum standards: a. The landscaped area shall be at least three feet(3')wide. Page 18 Item 4. 168 b. For every three(3)linear feet of foundation,an evergreen shrub having a minimum mature height of twenty-four inches(24") shall be planted. c. Ground cover plants shall be planted in the remainder of the landscaped area. The landscape plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application should depict landscaping on all street facing elevations in accord with these standards. F. Maintenance and Ownership Responsibilities: All multi-family developments shall record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including,but not limited to, structures,parking, common areas, and other development features. The Applicant shall comply with this requirement. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): Street buffer landscaping is required to be provided with the subdivision improvements as noted above in Section V.B. Landscaping is required to be provided along all pathways per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C,which requires a minimum 5-foot wide landscape strip along each side of the pathway planted with a mix of trees,shrubs,lawn, and/or other vegetative ground cover; a minimum of one(1)tree per 100 linear feet of pathway is required. Parking lot landscaping is required to be provided per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B- 8C. Staff recommends a minimum of one (1)tree be provided for every 8,000 square feet of common open space. Parking: Off-street vehicle parking is required for the proposed multi-family dwellings as set forth in UDC Table 11-3C-6. Based on 222 1-bedroom units and 330 2-and 3-bedroom units, a minimum of 993 off-street spaces are required with 552 of those being in a covered carport or garage. Off-street parking is required for the clubhouse and amenity building as set forth in UDC 11-3C-6B.1 for non-residential uses; based on 9,368 s.f. for the clubhouse and 1,800 s.f. for each of the amenity buildings, a minimum of 26 spaces are required. Between the residential units, clubhouse and two amenity buildings, a minimum of 1,019 off- street parking spaces are required with 552 of those being in a covered carport or garage. A total of 1,054 off-street parking spaces are proposed with 665 of those being covered spaces(470 garages/195 carports) in excess of UDC standards. Based on 1,054 parking spaces proposed, a minimum of 42 bicycle parking spaces are required to be provided; a total of 48 spaces are proposed. Bicycle parking facilities should comply with the standards in UDC 11-3C-5C. Bike racks should be provided in central locations for each building and for the clubhouse. The Applicant's narrative states an additional 94 off-site on-street parking spaces will be provided for guests,which totals 129 additional spaced beyond those required. However,ACHD is requesting some turn lanes be provided which will reduce this number. Private Streets: The Fire Dept. has requested private streets are provided for addressing purposes of the multi-family units. All private streets should comply with the standards listed in UDC 11- Page 19 Item 4. F169] 3F-4. The Applicant shall submit a private street application concurrent with the final plat application. Fencing:No fencing is depicted on the landscape plan for this development. All fencing should comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7 if proposed. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual(ASM) I TMISAP): Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed apartment, flat and townhome- style multi-family and clubhouse buildings as shown in Section VII.D.7. Building materials consist of vertical and horizontal hardie plank siding in grey,green and wood colors with cedar posts and beams and asphalt shingles. Per the TMISAP for MHDR designated areas,the design of residential buildings should incorporate street-oriented and human-scale design and be located as close to the property line as possible to create a consistent edge to the public space and make streets more friendly and walkable. The closest the structures are allowed to be per UDC Table 11-2A-7 is 10-feet from the back of sidewalk as proposed in the cross-section below with the collector street buffer placed in an easement. TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONn Structures should incorporate traditional neighborhood design.Front porches with parking behind the buildings are desired. Streetscapes with landscaped parkways with trees between curbs and sidewalks,street furniture and view corridors are key.Primary facades should include an entry into the building; entries should be located so as to provide direct access from adjacent public spaces, streets and activity areas as proposed.Where primary facades face a designated public space and another faces a parking area designed to serve that structure such as proposed,both facades should be designed and detailed as primary facades and both should have prominent usable entries. The space between a building facade and the adjacent sidewalk should be landscaped with a combination of lawns,groundcover,shrubs and trees.Mostly attached low-rise buildings of 1- 3 stories are recommended as proposed. Buildings should be designed with clearly delineated bases,bodies and tops(see pg.3-39). Landscaped buffers should be provided between the proposed development and the existing single-family development to the north. Ground floor elevations should be 18 to 24 inches above sidewalk grade with individual units opening directly onto adjacent rights-of-way with stoop frontage.Pitched roofs should be symmetrical hips or gables with a pitch between 4:12 and 12:12 and have an overhang of at least 12 inches. Public art in a high quality of design should also be provided in shared spaces and incorporated into the design of streetscapes. The proposed conceptual elevations are not approved.Final design must comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual(ASM) and the design guidelines Page 20 Item 4. F170] in the TMISAP for the MHDR designation(see the matrix for Application of the Design Elements on pg.3-49).A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted for approval of the site and building design prior to submittal of building permit applications. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested DA modification,rezone,preliminary plat and conditional use permit per the provisions noted in Section VIII,per the Findings in Section IX. VII. EXHIBITS A. Development Agreement(DA)Modification 1. Existing DA provisions(Planning Dept. only): 5. CONDITIONS GOVERNING DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5.1. Developer/Owner shall develop the Property in accordance with conditions identified in Exhibit B of the staff report for the hearing date of December 8, 2009,which Exhibit B of the staff report is a portion of Exhibit B attached to this Agreement. EXHIBIT B: AGENCY&DEPARTMENT COMMENTS On September 24, 2009, Planning Staff held an agency comments meeting. The agencies and departments present include: Meridian Fire Department, Meridian Public Works Department, Meridian Parks Department, and Sanitary Service Company. Staff has included all comments and recommended actions in the attached Exhibit B. 1. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.1 The legal description and exhibit map for the area contained in the proposed annexation submitted with the application (stamped on August 26, 2009, by Michael Marks, PLS) shows the property within the existing corporate boundary of the City of Meridian (see Exhibit Q. 1.2 A Development Agreement(DA)will be required as part of the annexation of this property. Prior to the annexation ordinance approval, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer. The Applicant shall contact the City Attorney's Office within one year of Council approval to initiate this process. Currently, a fee of$303.00 shall be paid by the applicant to the City Attorney's office prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. An encroachment permit is required for any improvements proposed within the pipeline easement. A copy of the executed encroachment agreement shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any Certificate of Zoning Compliance for this site. Uses such as daycares, schools,hospitals, assisted living facilities, etc. where occupants are not able to leave the area quickly in case of an emergency, are discouraged in the vicinity of the pipeline. Page 21 Item 4. 171 b. Street buffer landscaping, internal parking lot landscaping, landscape buffers to adjoining residential uses, and mitigation for existing trees 4-inch caliper and larger that are removed from the site,will be required with development of this site and shall be installed in accordance with City of Meridian ordinances in effect at the time of development. c. Development of this site shall be consistent with the concept site plan shown in Exhibit A.2 and the concept pictures shown in Exhibit A.3. Further, future development shall be consistent with the vision of the Ten Mile Specific Area Plan, the Design Manual, and City of Meridian ordinances in effect at the time of development. d. Development in the R-40 district shall be consistent with the overall density and development standards contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan for Medium High Density Residential(MHDR)designated areas. e. Development in the C-C district shall be consistent with the development standards contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan for Mixed Use Commercial (MUC) designated areas. Uses within the C-C district shall be comprised of a mix of uses(i.e. office,retail,recreational, employment, and other uses,including residential uses) as defined in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. f. A 10-foot wide segment(s)of the City's multi-use regional pathway system shall be constructed on the site in accordance with the Master Pathways Plan in the general locations noted on the plan included in Exhibit A.4; exact location of the pathways shall be determined by the Planning Department and Parks Department at the time of development. Said pathway shall be primarily located within the pipeline easement and provide connectivity to the planned pathway in Baraya Subdivision at the northwest corner of the site. Pathway stubs shall be provided at the west boundary further to the south and to the east boundary on the north end of the site for connectivity with future segments of the pathway. g. The applicant shall submit a Certificate of Zoning Compliance application to the Planning Department for approval of all future uses on the site to ensure compliance with the Unified Development Code, Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan, Comprehensive Plan,Design Manual, and provisions of the development agreement contained herein,prior to issuance of building permits for any structure(s)within this site. Link to complete Development Agreement(Inst. #110115738): hgps://weblink.meridiancity.orglWebLink/Doc View.ay x?id=76898&dbid=0&redo=MeridianCitX Page 22 Item 4. F172] 2. Existing Approved Conceptual Development Plan&Elevations: PARCEL R-1 _ PARCEL PARCEL 0.9 .... PA M8 AR u .,.. RCEL ... _w PARCEL M-1 e_ q W PARCLLO.1 -k""T,;,`--' .x"-`� PARCEL M-7 2 PARCELO. PALM-2&�M�_ ... ... ... m«i. PARCEL 0-3 _ — PARK RESTAURANTA P_AEL_RC O:� .s P_A_RCEL M-4 a� PARK RESTAURANT6 r .j5 L— � +' PARK RESTAURANT C PARCEL O-5 _ .... x Ya...... __. _ ..s ... PARCEL M-5 PARK RESTAURANT O YY PA_RCEL O£ - -- BOUTIQUE RETAIL :i6 - PARCEL 0-7 e _ I x �x. i� R � n5 1 A�" w M p Page 23 Dm¢ F173] & Proposed Conceptual Development Plan !< � � � �� | ■ ■ � JA � 2 � ■ @-A _ , ■ f- ■ � •% %} r% �\�� � ■• e @ .V%k to •WO*I%% %. . , . m% e■�■, ■.,$ - -® �.@•,■� �� .. �f �a■ 1.94 Page 24 4. Proposed 1 1 Building 1s/Design - T Examples 1 Use Commercial/Retail1 Jur 16 Z,"INO t r � PRODUCT CONCEPT STUDY Examplesof Vertically Integrated Residential Design •g_ 25 Item 4. 175 I` i M-E PRODUCT CONCEPT STUDY Examples of Mixed Employment Design r. 00 00 . �• tI p� I � �. .zs L ;� � it�• j� - ."': Yam RWIF -7 Oil . i.= ot WE PRODUCT CONCEPT STUDY Examples of High Density E[nploymcnt Design Page 26 Item 4. 176 B. Rezone—Legal Descriptions & Exhibit Maps : '�,T JE 5 d � 0 y t Y� P o f I 9 �I ii UD w� a H a o s N, Z o„E u u O nEM rv, v �� o '�� N 4 -- _ j 7 ®Z�MG EYHIBIT y7 � Page 27 Item 4. 177 EaT-O ENGINEERS Project No: 1905aO {late.December 15,2021 Page 1 of 1 MERIDIAN 118 H-E ZONING A parcel of land located in portions of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4,and the NW114 of the SE114,of Section 15,Township 3 North, Range 1 West,Boise Meridian,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Center East 1/16 Corner of said Section,from which the Center 1/4 Corner of said Section bears N.69°14'39"W., 1321.43 feet;thence along the east boundary of said NW1/4 of the SE114, A) S.00°33'33"W.,419.50 feet;thence, B) S.681120'35"W.,422.37 feet;thence, C) 5.06°13'49"W.,104.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,thence continuing, 1) 5.06013'49°W.,46.04 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve;thence, 2) Southwesterly along said curve to the right,having a radius of 125.D0 feet,an arc length of 96.48 feet,through a central angle of 44°13'28"and a long chard which bears 5.28120'33"W., 94A1 feet;thence tangent from said curve, 3) S.50°2717"W.,698.92 feet;thence, 4) N.39°32'45"W., 589.58 feet;thence, 5) N.66°0605"E.,97.09 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve;thence, 6) Northeasterly along said curve to the right,having a radius of 1000.D0 feet,an arc length of 430.30 feet,through a central angle of 24139'16"and a long chord which bears N.78'25'43"E.,426.99 feet;thence tangent from said curve, 7) 5.89°14'39"E„456.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING:7.06 acres,more or less. 'Bearings and distances are based on the record zoning descriptions included in the Development Agreement recorded as Instrument No. 110115738,Official Records of Ada County, Idaho. P� 13765 OF 1�F 332 N.Broadmore Way Nampa.ID8369�I P:208.442.6300.to•engineers_tom MJR�,� Page 28 Item 4. F178] ©2024 T-O ENG1`IEERS.THIS INSTRWENT LS THE PROPERLY OF T-0 ENGINEERS.ANY REPRODUCTION,REUSE OR%WIFICATION OF THIS INSTRUMENT OR ITS CONTENTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC ViRTTEN PERMISS ION OF T-O ENGINEERS IS STRICTLY PROHISITE I EXHIBIT SKETCH- H-E ZONING LOCATED IN PORTIONS OF THE NEI 4 OF THE SWI/4 AND THE NVV114 OF THESE 1/4 OF SECTION 15,TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST BOISE MERIDIAN,CITY OF MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 2Q2t LINE TABLE CW1116 N89'14'51"W C114 BASIS OF BEARINGS .�_ N89'14'39"W 1321.43' CE1116 LINE BEARING DISTANCE 1322-76' _ -- 0 L1 SO6'13'49"W 104.18' m a L2 S06'13'49"W 4-6.04' 3 (C-Q L3 N66'06'05"E 97.09' n I� I rry Id a LEGEND POINT OF S88.2b'35"W 422.37' BEGINNING _ NEW ZONE BOUNDARY \ C2 _ o- S89'14'39"E r 455.97' � -- - EX15T1NG ZONE BOUNDARY V3 G I a RECORD ANGLE POINT �`SECTION LINE 51215427850 y� H-E (GC] EYISITING ZONING \ 7.06 Ac. /oyL S1215427850 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No. (N E) �5�� !1116 (N NOTES 1. ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE BASED ON RECORD ZONING DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No.110115738, +Vzr+tsTnTl OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. - - 2. THE PARCEL SHOWN WILL BE REZONED FROM U 150, 300, 600, C-C TO H-E, IIti. LA p SCALE',1"W 300' �S CURVE TABLE �- o CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA BEARING CHORD' 4 13765 A anT-O E N G 1 N E E R S s 1 y�lGr/z( Cl 125.00' 96.48' 44'33'28" S28'20'33'W 94.11 2 332 N.BROADMORE WAY C2 1000.00' 430.30' 24'39'16" N78'25'43"E 426.99' f OF A NAMPA,IDAHO83687 BO'MA PHONE:(20B)44Z-6300 WWW.TD-ENGINEERS.COM [-FILE:190580-VxB ZONING H-E DATE.1211512021 JOB:*35N Page 29 Item 4. 179 T 0 EIMGMEERS Project No: 1905W {date: December 15,2021 Page 1 of 2 MERIDIAN 110 M-E ZONING A parcel of land located in portions of the NE114 of the SW1/4 and the NW114 of the SE1/4,of Section 15,Township 3 North,Range 1 West.Boise Meridian,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho,being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Center 1/4 Corner of said Section 15,from which the Center East 1116 Corner of said Section bears S.89°14'39"E.,a distance of 1321.43 feet;thence,along the north line of said NE114 of the SWIM, A) N.89014'51°W.,291.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.;thence, 1) 5.39"31'08"E.,747.95 feet to the beginning of non-tangent curve;thence, 2) Southwesterly along said curve to the left,having a radius of 1000.00 feet,an arc length of 185.66 feet,through a central angle of 10°38'16"and a long chord which bears S.71°25'13"W., 185.40 feet;thence tangent from said curve, 3) 5.66°06 05"W.,231.67 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve;thence, 4) Southwesterly along said curve to the right,having a radius of 750.00 feet,an arc length of 322.73 feet,through a central angle of 24°39'16"and a long chord which bears 5.78°2543°IN, 320.24 feet;thence tangent from said curve, 5) N.89"14'39"W.,51.86 feet;thence, 6) S-00°45'21"W.,393.63 feet to the north right-of-way of interstate Highway 84; thence along said right-of-way, 7) N.81-24'57"IN.,352.28 feet;thence, 9) N.85023'09"W.,21.65 feet,thence depaf Ling said north right-of-way, 9) N.09"28'05"E.,86.37 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve,thence, 10)Northeasterly along said curve to the right,having a radius of 150.00 feet,an arc length of 107.30 feet,through a central angle of 40059'02"and a long chord which bears N.29157'36"E., 105.02 feet;thence tangent from said curve, 1 332 N.Broadmore Way'Nampa-I0 83687 R 208442 6300 to-engineefs.rom Page 30 Item 4. 180 an T-O ENGINEERS Project No:190580 Date: December 15,2021 Page 2 of 2 11)N.50°27'07"E.. 357.09 feet;thence, 12)N.3903245"W.,918.69 feet to beginning of a tangent curve;thence, 13)Northwesterly along said curve to the right,having a radius of 150.00 feet,an arc length of 39.04 feet,through a central angle of 14°54'48"and a long chord which bears N.32°05'21"W., 38.93 feet to the north boundary of said NE114 of the SW114,from which point the Center West 1116 Corner of said Section bears N.891114'51"W.,a distance of 115A6 feet;thence, 141 5.89°1451"E.,915.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING.17,38 acres,more or less. 'Bearings and distances are based on the record zoning descriptions included in the Development Agreement recorded as instrument No. 110115738,Official Records of Ada County,Idaho. N rr- 13765 �r OF I'D MA�ti 2 332 N_Broadmam Way Nampa,M 81687 R 208.442.63CKQ to eng�rwersxom Page 31 Item 4. 181 ©Z021 T-O ENGINEERS.THIS INSTRUMENT IS TI-E PROPERTY OF T-O ENGINEERS.AKY REPRODUCTION,REUSE OR VOOIFICAPON OF Tn151NSTROMENT OR ITS CONTENTS'MTHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION OF T-O ENGINEERS IS STRICTLY PRCHIBITEI EXHIBIT SKETCH-WE ZONING LOCATED IN PORTIONS OF THE NEL4 OF THE SW V4 AND THE NW11L OF THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 15.TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST BOISE MERIDIAN,CITY OF MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 2021 CW1116 L5 _ 589'14'51"E 915.97' N89'14'51"W C1I4 BASIS OF BEARINGS -�--- - - __ S89'14'39"E 1321.43' CE1116 POINT OF_/,"V 291.63' --- --- ----�fl BEGINNING S \` (C-C) Q' 150' 300' 600' S1215427850 M-B \ SCALE:1—300' 17.38 AG. {c-c) LEGEND A NEW ZONE BOUNDARY EXISTING ZONE BOUNDARY r 13765 ' ���:a --- SECTION LINE s�/L�j`�Z(�o �yOQ o RECORD ANGLE POINT lF-! OF I {N!-E) EXISITING ZONING 0'MAI��` Mlo ( E) 51215427850 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No. P o 1 I u) L -352 78`- NOTES N8r�457»W 1�1r.Ei5itiLN4 1. ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE BASED ON RECORD ZONING DESCRIPTIONS INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT LINE TABJ86' CURVE TABLE RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No.110115738, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, LINE BEARING CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA BEARING CHORD 2. THE PARCEL SHOWN WILL 5L REZONED FROM L3 S66'06'05"W C1 1000.00' 185.66' 10'38'16" S71'25'13"W 185.40' C-C AND H-E TO M-E. L2 N89'14'39"W C2 750.00' 322.73' 2439'16" S78'25'43"W 320.24' L3 N85'23'09"W C3 150.00' 107.30' 40'59'02" N29'57'36"E 105.02' T-© ENG1NEERS L4 N0928'05"E C4 150.00' 39.04' 14'54'48" N32'05'21"W 38.93' 332 N.BROADMORE WAY NAMPA,IDAHO 83687 L5 N89-14'51"W PHONE:11209)442.6300 WWW.TO-ENGINEERS.COM E-FILE.19M-VAE,ZONING -E DATE.1?J 5i2021 J067 1905N Page 32 Item 4. 182 T-D EIVCy11VEER5 Project No: 190580 Date: December 15,2021 Page 1 of 1 MERIDIAN 118 R-15 ZONING A parcel of land being all of the SE114 of the NW1/4,of Section 15,Township 3 North,Range 1 West, Boise Meridian,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho,being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Center 1/4 Corner of said Section 15,from which the Center Fast 1116 corner of said Section bears S.89°14'39"E.,a distance of 1321.43 feet;thence along the south boundary of said SE1/4 of the NW114, 1) N.89°14'51"W. 1322.76 feet to the Center West 1/16 Corner of said Section;thence along the west boundary of said 5E114 of the NW114, 2) N.00°39'49"E. 1328.76 feet to Northwest 1116 Corner of said Section,thence along the north boundary of said SE114 of the NW114, 3) S.890'15'14"E. 1321.52 feet to the Center North 1116 Corner of said Section,thence along the east boundary of said SE114 of the NW1/4, 4; S.OT36'37"W.132&91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING:40.33 acres„more or less. 'Bearings and distances are based on the record zoning descriptions included in the Development Agreement recorded as Instrument No.110115738,Official Records of Ada County, Idaho. a 1765 �a �TFQFIV ¢'MA1. 1 33?N,Binanmere Way Nampa.0 83687 P.208.442.6300 i ta-engirwe",enm Page 33 Item 4. F183] ©2021 T-OENGINEERS.TH€S INSTRUMENTIS THE PROPERTY OF 7.0 ENGINEERS,ANY REPRODUC11014,REUSE OR NIGOFICAIION OF THIS INSTRUMENT OR ITS CONTENTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC}VRITTEN PERMISSION OF 7-0 ENGINEERS IS STRICTI-Y PRONEITE! EXHIBIT SKETCH-R-15 ZONING ALL OF THE SE114 OF THE NW114 OF SECTION 15.TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST BOISE MERIDIAN,CITY OF MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 2021 NW1116 S89'15'14"E 1321.52' CNN16 LEGEND NEW ZONE BOUNDARY r r I - - EXISTING ZONE BOUNDARY ISECTION LINE r I o RECORD ANGLE POINT I I (R-40) I (M-E) CALCULATED POINT S1215244200 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No. �I � I- I I c6 S1215244200 : +N I,I Ip-15 I M NOTES ml 40.33 Ac. +rl I n M 1. ALL. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE 'oM I r BASED ON RECORD ZONING DESCRIPTIONS ZI (M-E) Io INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT I RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No.1 1 011 573 8, I OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. 2. THE PARCEL SHOWN WILL BE REZONED FROM R-40, M-E, AND C-C TO R-15. (C-q I h�h r CW1116 N89'14'51"W 1322.76 Gva S&9'14'39"E 1321.43' CE1116 A p}kl�L A N . NS 9 fi AL 13765 p 0 T-O ENGINEERS 0' 150' 300' 600' a, I? /Z Q. T ' 332 N.BROADMORE WAY SCALE:1"=3OC' 'lF OF ��! NAMPA,IDAHO 83687 ��8o'mA� PHONE:�208)442-6300 WWW.TO-ENGINEERS.COM E.FILE 1MW-V-X8 ZONING R-15 DATE.lV02021 JOB,1WMO Page 34 Item 4. 184 T-O EhAGINEERS Project No:190580 Date: December 16,2021 Page 1 of 1 MERIDIAN 118 C-C ZONING A parcel of land located in a portion of the NWI/4 of the SE114 of Section 15.Township 3 North,Range 1 West,Boise Meridian,City of Meridian,Ada County, Idaho,being more particularly described as follows. BEGINNING at The Center East 1116 Corner of said Section 15,from which the Center 114 Corner of said Section bears N.89°14'39"K, 1321.43 feet;thence,along the east boundary of said NWI/4 of the S EV4, A) S.00`33'33W,419.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;thence continuing along said east boundary, 1) S,OY33'33"W., 121.49 feet;thence leaving said east boundary, 2) N.89`14'39"W.,432.35 feet;thence, 3) N.06°13`49"E.,104.18 feet;thence, 4) N.88°20'35"E.,422.37 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING: 1.10 acres,more or less. 'Bearings and distances are based on the record zoning descriptions included in the Development Agreement recorded as Instrument No. 110115738,Official Records of Ada County, Idaho. _ r r•` J 4 EHS CIA 13765 4r OF AS 0,MAt-� 1 382 dd.5roadmore Way Nampa.1D 83687.P•208.442.63W;tQ engineers.corn Page 35 Item 4. Fl 85 ©2021 7-0 ENGINEERS.THIS INSTRUMENT IS TFE PROPERTY OF T-0ENGINEER6,ANY REPRODUCTION,REUSE ORMODIFICA1i0N OF THIS INSTRUMENT OR ITS CONTENTS WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERM{SSION OF T-0 ENGINEERS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEI EXHIBIT SKETCH-C-C ZONING LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE NW114 OF THE SE114OF SECTION 15.TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST BOISE MERIDIAN,CITY OF MERIDIAN ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 2a21 Cw1l16 y N89'14'51"W 1322.78'J� C114 _ BASIS OF BEARINGS --- L-- --- _--_ o --- N BASIS 4'39"W 1321.4 CE3116 p ul LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE rC-C} I M L1 SOO'33'33"W 121.49' L2 N06'13'49"E 1D4.18' 0' [50• 30a• 6G0• POINT OF E t'=3O0' BEGINNING scn _N88-20'35"E 422.37'Y S1215427850 LEGEND J 10c J (C-C) 1 iO AG. -- NEW ZONE BOUNDARY N89-14'39-W 432.35' EXISTING ZONE BOUNDARY --- SECTION LINE I � RECORD ANGLE POINT I (H-E} EEXISITING ZONING S1215427B50 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL No. NOTES p EN 1. ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ARE BASED ON RECORD ZONING DESCRIPTIONS o INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 13765 am T-O ENGINEERS RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT No.11 011 57 38, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ADA COUNTY, tDAHO. Z/I(0/21�c fpF �o! 332 N.BROADMORE WAY 2, THE PARCEL SHOWN WILL BE REZONED FROM �0 OF �y NAMPA.IDAHO 83687 H-E TO C-C. PHONE:(208)442-63DO W WW.TO-ENGINEERS.COM ETILE,19)580-V-80 ZONIi DATE:IV1=1 JOB-IMD Page 36 Item 4. F186] C. Preliminary Plat 1. Preliminary Plat&Phasing Plan(date: 11/17/2021) I VAFJCVARo ILLAGE 3V6gIVISIOH ,rpemw cnoxu , g( i Q e F 1b 14 � O I Mwl � �Fi I�Pot&�-4� 4-A'-wht10rav ••• P Q U LU - r �ro nwc c fyll - e mac. E 7 co 0 ID I � ,♦ I I Eli I ® II E I I A -- Page 37 Item 4. 187 WA -- ` , oI z S \ I __-__--_ \ \ F - \ ` ` asesE�da C12 ® O sEFs�.Eras � U "b¢GWJ`c gill N � � I If w J ogOZO __ � Y ❑ W ------s-I - C1.3 Page 38 Item 4. Fl 88 i i ® O �56 n U 01 i 7 o ___--------,;I � .�...rw, ----------------- ----------------- I I pl i J I -- a, 5 vO LU - ❑ W � (70 -------- z r Ir � h —--I i irvrexsrnrEee 4i__�__�_rv®w•eis+a --�--�-4�� seoa�-_a __ 0 C1.4 p ass z o� MINE 0 z i rc u � v i .J og � J h d > w � z5 � < w wZ0 SUNSETT�W anO C2.3 Page 39 Item 4. F189] I IS �0., s 4 v W � z = C2A Updated: MAI TYPICAL CRO55TYPICAL woo, Page 40 Item 4. Fl—9o UL,I I I > ---------------------------- PH0.4E3 4 I H H o € ❑ M S I Page 41 Item 4. 991 1 2. Landscape Plan (date: 2/13/2022) `[' � I e- �1 i'��• m p� VF�.GUARD WAY a^w 9 0 SHEET INDEX O a eox�arvn,ox,v.�e,u.aaoouer unrvuer _,.... �,.., L1.00 uNoscwEr.,�wuncNs uNosc.wE cucuuncNs '� v tea, E' N 3 KENT � t 5. s Z -4, 6 z /�1�.,mcwEcxann�s roo«a�xE E,o�r s �zoD Page 42 - Item 4. 192 i GROUND MATERIAL SCHEDULE �eq - L6.13 L6.14 � u J jhI SYMBOL SCHEDULE \ V Q F � 66.075 z L6.06 ' L6.03 _ [ _ g w z L6.02 0 L6A8 ' g > z L6.07 Q Nff j +: a 7 r�C'li'i I > C7 �C4NHIFH Wkl'� ¢ Z w f _ L6.00 Link to complete plan set: https:llweblink.meridiancit E.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=252515&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitE Page 43 Item 4. 193 3. Circulation Plan NV GRGRATION SCHEDULE e.6 Q - No I I z - 8 j WZ m g a j �HHNHL® - i > F Ufa® z 0 d5WRA 5a � _ o�bp HHIeiH� �s O NNH p OIIHIIIDIFlIIIO %RHIHIH.HkHHI% v HH N�41N HWNNO u Ih� ¢ z QiHHOHryI�pd c � 0.01Hto 0 lo_ > uj „. I�NNHNOHHIHIIQ gym?:- �� � a ®MATERW_S N!�SRE CIRCULATIQN PL0.N - L5.0 Page 44 Item 4. F194 D. Conditional Use Permit 1. Site Plan (dated: 10/6/21) MOU Oc All : • o� —M.innin urlE� "..e — w. ��aoi.ow.� Y 1.2 o o a 41r Lu � � W zi -------- it _ Q z Q m �I Page 45 Item 4. Fl-951 2. Phasing Plan THE VANGUARD CROSSING Pu;iNGIEGfND �' LDKMERIDIAN, IDAHO E1 = A E2 Ll - i r 9111LgNG IYPf Lf AJG• - 0" -GAPMAPAVMEN15 91OTAl II CLIA HOiJSE -CLV9HO�SE 1TOTAL MIE -An1BYOU LUDNG 2TOT&a THA3 -1OWN HOME WIRING 93 18 TOTAL RI RI -TOWN HOME RUIMING 04 11 TOTAL RIBS -TCA4NHOMEPIIIUDINGN5 19 TOTAL rHR6 -1pwN HOME OUILGING•6 OS TOTAL THA] -IOWNHOMEBIIIMINGN] 01TOTAL PROJECT DATA FOR VANGUARD CROSSING BUILDINGS AND UNIT TYPES UNIT SQUARE FOOTAGE PRIVATE OPEN SPACE GARDEN APARTMENTS TH-BUILDING#3 114 BUILDING N4 TH-BUILDING#S TH-BUILDING 06 TH-BUILDING N7 TOTAL TOTAL#OF BUILDINGS OVERALL 9 18 11 13 5 4 60 TOTAL #OF UNITS PER BUILDING 24 6 B 8 4 4 552 PHASE I-11 OF 81111DINGS 9 12 6 13 4 ❑ 44 UNIT TYPE-I BED-FLAT 7585E 805G 12 O 0 0 0 ❑ 108 UNR TYPE-2 RED FLAT SG555F 805E 12 ❑ 0 0 0 ❑ 108 UNIT TYPE IT FIAT 86S IF 845F 0 2 2 2 0 2 62 UNITTYPE-BUNK-THFIAT 11985E 915F ❑ 2 2 2 0 2 62 UNIT TYPE-C U NIT_ TH 2 STORY 16935E 945F 0 2 0 4 4 ❑ 92 UNIT TYPE-D UNIT-TH FLAT 8505F Lo25F 0 0 2 0 0 ❑ 12 UNFTTYPE-E UNIT FIAT 13455F 9115F 0 0 2 0 0 ❑ 12 dues noI ildrde Pomges CLUBHOUSE-1 STORY 913685F (1)AMENITY BUILDING-1 STORY 1800SF TOTAL 459 PHASE II-#OF BUILDINGS 0 6 5 0 1 4 16 UNR TYPE-A UNIT-TH FLAT 8695F 14SF ❑ 2 2 2 0 2 30 UNITTYPE-BUNIT-TH FIAT 1198SF 915E 0 2 2 2 0 2 30 UNIT TYPE-C UNR-TH 2 STORY 16935E 845F 0 2 0 4 4 ❑ 16 UNIT TYPE-D UNR-TH FLAT 85OSF 1025F 0 0 2 0 0 ❑ 10 UNRTYPE-E UNIT TH FLAT 1341 SF 915F ❑ 0 2 0 0 O 10 d--1 ixrtde parq s (1)AMENITY BUILDING-15TORY 180OSF TOTAL 96 •au aaaAFrrovn are�sraer 'A11 MLA4 TOWN HOAleSAAEl SEORV `l LOK TW WMED M&1= Page 46 Item 4. 196 3. Parking Calculations Parking non- Parking non- :total non- total Total Units lhed 1.S,du nit covered coveretl : 2-3 hed 2junit coveretl covered :coveretl coveretl Garden Style 24 12 18 6 12 12 24 12 L2 18 24 b-w- s �. 6 ... ..2. .. 3 .. 1 ..2. .. .. .. 4. .. 8 4 .. .. 4.... 5 6 ... .. .. ...I . bui mg4 ■. 8 ■ ...... ....4 6 2 4 4 8 4 .. 4... 6 B ... .. .. ... I ... .. ... ... bwldmg5 B 2 3 - 1 2 6 12 6 '.. 6 7 8 bwltling6 _4 ■ _ ....0 0 0 0 4 84 __. 4 _.4 4 ......... ..I.:::::: ..... ......... building? 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 Required Required Required Provided ovided Provided Pr AOA bike Required Required ProvidedF-ry.—ts PHASE L buildingtype No_of hldgs Tvtal UnitsGuest AOA Hike non- ded ProvidedNon-Covered Covered Garages Covered Parking Stalls Parking covered stalls Parking ... .. ... d ... .... .......... Garden 9 216 162 fi 3 12 72 D 4. ...6 48 ....3fi .... a ...... ^, ...._5.. 13 109 91 6 4 lfi .... ...................................... ..... 362 d ...' .. .......................... .................... ..... ...... TOTAL PHASE 365 456 45.6 17 313 557 18 40 Phase over Required Required Required Provided Provided Provided Required Required Provided Provided Provided PHASE building type Nv_vf hldgs Total Units Guest AOA Bike non- AOA Bike Nor-Covered Covered Garages Carports Covered Parking Stalls Parking covered stalls Parking ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................. 3 6 36 30 36 ......................................:....................................................................:...............................................................:.............................:........................... .................. 4 5 40 30 40 .................................................................................................................................................;................................................................................. .................. 6 1 4 4 4 .... ...... .......... ... ... .... ... ... 7 4 16 12 16 .... ...... .... .... .... I ... TOTAL PHASE 2 76 96 9b 3 7... 76 LOB •.... 4 .....8 . Phase 2 Page 47 Item 4. ■ 4. Landscape Plan (dated: November 2021) SECTION 05 TREE SPECIES MIX TREES LINEAL FEET OFSTREET FRONTAGEEQ 5,496 SorosEoi TREE MITIGATION ALL EXISTING TREES REMOVED TO RE MITIGATED AT 1:1 RATIO NO EXISTING TREES ON SITE FOR REQUIRING MITIGATION PROPOSED TREE SPECIES MIX CONIFERIu9 TA— CLASS I-557 Treea II AMELIN HIERXGRAND=%QRA AUTUMNBRILLIANCE 75e CLASS II-162 Tree. I. CLASS Illu 157 Trees GRODONDRONTUUN ERA40% PROPOSED TREE KEY Q CONIFER CLA5511 •CLASSIII O p®p VANGUARD VILLAGE.I Meridian,ID I Condidoeal Use Permit I July 2021 GGLO l3 SECTION 05 TREE SPECIES MIX&ADDITIONAL DETAILS CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III COWERS `11�..✓ V. c 1% Amelinchierxgrand itbra"AYtUmn Brlllianca' Setula nigra'Heritage Gymnoclad.Sdioic PinuafleAHR Sr i-th.11y ✓Yves Birch Kentucky Coffee Tree U.N.,Pine Height:15-25' Height:35-50' Helghr.50-60' Height:4060' Spread:15-25' Spread:30-40' Spread:35-45' Spread:25-40' Water:Medium Water:Medium Water:MINI— Water.Medium MaiMenana:Low Maintenance:Law Maintenance:tow Maintenance:Low lik Ace IRDUm Lidodendranlulipifcra Red Maple T.IIp Tree Height:35-45' Height:50-80' Spread:25-35' Spread:35.45' Water:Medium Water:Medium Maintenance:Low Maintenance:Law VANGUARD YIUAGE.I Meridian,0 1 Corditiwul Use Permd I July M21 GGLO I-T Page 48 Item 4. Fl-981 SECTION 07 PLANTING ZONES aas�oEnt.r oRAssr ueeANDs uxsnlNE saeua... FORESTED MOUNTAIN ■ ALRALIN€SNRURLANOS ' ■ GRASSY UPLANDS lTREASURE VALLEY 9 NOTE Build ag elevations shown on Nese sections are for ®® reference only and are not in—le.Please see archit;Lmm I ecture section for proposed huilding plans,elevations and sections. I I I SECTION X 'GAS FAS ENT ALEALINE5HRUBLANDS GRASSY UPLAND5 RESIDENTIAL _... p I I I I I I I I I I I SECTIONX i I I � I I I I I . GAS Ers€M€Nr I I I I I x RESIDE—A, ALRAIINF FNFVFLAHM FORESTED MOU NTAIN r�;S s[{ u W I I I SECTIONX I I I I G0.5 EASEMENT ' VANGUARD VILLAGE.I Meridian,ID I Conditional Use Permit July 2021 GGLO L-ID Page 49 Item 4. 199 1 5. Qualified Open Space SECTION 03 1 OPEN SPACE DIAGRAM I I I I I PHASE 1 1 _ •91 r I L---J 1 I O• WAY I I PHASE 2 1 FC I I QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE I I I 1 I _ 1 I f J 1 QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE CALCULATION _ L I MIN.AREA-400 SF, MIN.DIMENSION=20 FT.IPER UDC 11-4-3-2]C) 1 J F ^T - TOTAL SITE AREA 1]26,B]3 IF I I I .�� �.-•. R I_ I � rr �1 PHASEI UNITS BETWEEN 500 SF&12DO SF 352 UNITS(S 250 IF REQ.OPEN S PACE)-BB,000SF I I I — + UNITS GREATER THAN 12005F: 104 UNITS)%350SF RED-OPEN SPACE)-36 400SF TOTAL REF.OPEN SPACE=124,4005E TOTAL OPEN SPACE PROVIDED=3,41,5]6 IF I 1 PHASE2 UNIT56ETW EEN SOO SF&12DD SF: 1 - - •: I 70 UNITS IX 25CSF RED.OPEN SPACE)-17,5DOSF 1 Ili 1 . UNITS GREATER THAN 12GO SF: 26 UNITS(I 350SF RED,OPEN SPACE)-9 1DOSF _ J y N TOTAL RED.OPEN SPACE=2fi,fiDOSF I J. I TOTAL OPEN SPACE PROVIDED=50,D14 IF w 1 w - n 1 L�_'___ __ — _—_ -. _�` _ wore -"'"------------�:r_ � FOR PRIVATE oPEN snAOE C.—CATION 5£E ARCHITEc1uRA1 PROTECT onrA - YAHGILRO - - -- Address.I Melidlan,ID I Conditional Use Permit 111.11.2021 GGLO L-3 Page 50 Item 4. F200] 6. Site Amenities SECTION 02 ILLUSTRATIVE LANDSCAPE PLAN SITE AMENITIES — 1.COMMON CENTRAL AMENITY AREA WITH NATIVE GRASSES, MULTIPURPOSE TRAILS,SOCIAL GATHERING NODES AND SEATING )'LOCATED ATOP GAS EASEMENT.NO TREES OR FOUNDATIONS PERMITTED) 2.C W B HOUSE AMENITY-SWIMMING POOL,HOT TUB,CABANAS AND PRIVACY FENCES 3.OUTDOOR KITCHEN&DINING 4.FITNESS LOUNGE 5.LAWN GAMES&F{REPIT LOUNGE 6.PICKLE BALL COURT 2.CHILDREN PLAY AREA B.DOG PARKS } 9.RESIDENTIAL AMENITY AREAS WITH SWIMMING POOL,PICNIC SHELTER AND FIRE PIT LOUNGE III, 10,ART&STORM WATER FACILITIES 11.PUMP BUILDING 111 12.RESIDENTIAL AMENITY AREA WITH PLAY AREA AND HBO LOUNGE 13,6D'-0"SETBACK'25'STREETSCAPE PLANTING+35-IRRIGATION EASEMENT) � ..R 14,5.-D'MIN PARKING LOT PERIMETER LANDSCAPE STRIP itI 15.BUFFER PLANTING AT DIFFERENT LAND USES 16.COVERED PARKING 1].ADA PARKING 18.213'STREET BUFFER 19,5'RESIDENTIAL BUFFER 2D.TRASH LOCATIONS(TYP.SEE IF&ARCHITECTURE SHEETS FOR TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAILS) F, Y �F1 L�RII �\. . � 21.SITE TRIANGLE (BP)BICYCLE PARKING(SEE PARKING CALCULATION ON CIVIL SHEETS) it FFPMS.PARKING AND O 0®0' SIFE. IGN AREAS,SiGN5,5TREEr FURNITURE OA OTHER T.MAN-MARE OR.ELEMEAT NTS ON VANGUARD VILLAGE.I Meridian,ID I COMM Permit N—b,,2021 GGLO L2 Page 51 Item 4. ■ Building Elevations (dated: September 27,2021) Link to complete plan set, including floor plans: https://weblink.meridianciN.oLy WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=252430&dbid=0&repo=Meridi anCi FRONT ELEVATION APARTMENT LE ELEVATIONS. U VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY ti Q HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING GREEN HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING WOOD Q HARDIE PLANK SOFFIR MATERIAL © ;EDAR POSTS&BEAMS m_P O ASPHALT SHINGLES d ob b a BACK ELEVATION S€DE ELEVATION OWP 17—: A201 BUILDING 3 ELEVATIONS. FRONT ELEVATION VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY ® HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREEN ® HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD Q HARDIE PLANK SOFFIT MATERIAL CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS I ,. Q ASPHALT SHINGLES O O 1111 BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION s 11— IU14 6MrA li e,K m� O O '0 © O WK ns�r�xoa - A301 Page 52 Item 4. ■ BUILDIN� 4 ELEVATI NS. FRONT ELEVATION vs•=r-o• 0 VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY 0 HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREEN „R 0 HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD 0 HARDIE PLANK SOFFIT MATERIAL 0 CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS m.P Q ASPHALT SHINGLES BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION va-=r-o.. A401 BUILDING 5 ELEVATI NS. FRONT ELEVATION t/s•=r-o• 0 VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY 0 HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREEN � © HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD Q HARDIE PLANK SOFFIT MATERIAL 6 p Q CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS 0 ASPHALT SHINGLES BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION z7-- Page 53 Item 4. F203] BUILDING 6 ELEVATIONS. FRONT ELEVATION Us=r-o- Q VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY © HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREEN © HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD 0 HARDIE PLANK SOFFIT MATERIAL CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS 0 ASPHALT SHINGLES BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION 711171 "111 -p000 00 � TEMa�oz, A601 BUILDING 7 ELEVATIONS. FRONT ELEVATION O VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREY Q HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-GREEN © HORIZONTAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD 0 HARDIE PLANK SOFFIT MATERIAL © CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS 0 ASPHALT SHINGLES BACK ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION zz A701 �roneexzm Page 54 Item 4. F 04 ---z CLUBHOUSE ELEVATIONS. -- -- - Q VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-WOOD a A VERTICAL HARDIE PLANK SIDING-BEIGE © STONE VENEER BACK ELEVATION 0 PAINTED METAL TRIM Q HORIZONTAL SLAT SHADE Q CEDAR POSTS&BEAMS Q STANDING SEAM ROOFING SIDE ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION 2 PTE—o, A801 CLUBHOUSE. FMffr A. 1 �SEPTEMBER 2021 A802 Page 55 •. 14 1 Page • Item 4. F206] VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. Development Agreement Modification: 1.1 The existing Development Agreement(DA) shall be terminated and a new amended and re- stated DA is required as a provision of the proposed modification which shall at a minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. Development of the subject property shall be generally consistent with the site plan, qualified open space exhibit, site amenity exhibit,pedestrian circulation plan,preliminary plat,phasing plan, landscape plan and conceptual building elevations submitted with the applications contained herein. b. All future development, site design and building design shall comply with the guidelines in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan and the standards in the Architectural Standards Manual, as applicable. c. An encroachment permit is required for any improvements proposed within the Williams pipeline easement. A copy of the executed encroachment agreement shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of any Certificate of Zoning Compliance for this site.Uses such as daycares, schools,hospitals,assisted living facilities, etc.where occupants are not able to leave the area quickly in case of an emergency, are discouraged in the vicinity of the pipeline. All development within the Williams pipeline easement shall comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook. d. The street sections for Sunset Point Way and Coral Reef Way shall be constructed in accord with Street Section D(residential collector street)in the TMISAP,which requires 11-foot travel lanes, 6-foot bike lanes, 8-foot parallel parking, 8-foot parkways and minimum 6-foot wide detached sidewalks (see pg. 3-21 and 3-23). e. The street sections for Vanguard Way and Umbria Hills shall be constructed in accord with Street Section C (major collector street)in the TMISAP with a modification that allows (3) 11-foot travel lanes, 8-foot parkways and detached 10-foot wide sidewalks/pathways in lieu of on-street bike lanes as required by ACHD. Streetlights are required at a pedestrian scale(see pg. 3-20, 3-22, 3-23). f. Sidewalks,walkways and pathways shall include dedicated crosswalks at the intersection with all streets within commercial activity centers with changes in color,markings, materials,texture and/or surface to distinguish them from the surrounding pavement as set forth in the TMISAP(see pg. 3-28, Crosswalks). g. Development in the R-15 district shall be consistent with the development guidelines contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan(TMISAP) for Medium High Density Residential(MHDR)designated areas. h. Development in the C-C district shall be consistent with the development guidelines contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan(TMISAP) for Mixed Use Commercial (MU-COM) designated areas. i. Development in the M-E district shall be consistent with the development guidelines contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan(TMISAP)for Mixed Employment(ME)designated areas. Page 57 Item 4. ■ j. Development in the H-E district shall be consistent with the development guidelines contained in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan(TMISAP)for High-Density Employment(HDE)designated areas. k. Public art in a high quality of design shall be provided in shared spaces and incorporated into the design of streetscapes as set forth in the TMISAP(see pg. 3-47). 1. Design elements shall be provided within the overall development as required in the Application of the Design Elements matrix on pg. 3-49 of the TMISAP. in. The subject property shall be subdivided prior to submittal of any Certificate of Zoning Compliance application and/or building permit application. n. The applicant shall submit a Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application to the Planning Division for approval of all future uses on the site to ensure compliance with the Unified Development Code,Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan, Comprehensive Plan,Architectural Standards Manual, and provisions of the development agreement contained herein,prior to issuance of building permits for any structure(s)within this site. 2. Preliminary Plat: 2.1 Future development of the proposed lots is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-15 zoning district in UDC Table 11-2A-7 and the C-C,M-E and H-E zoning districts in UDC Table 11-2B-3, as applicable. A minimum building setback of 10-feet is required in the multi-family portion of the development unless a greater setback is otherwise required, per UDC 11-4-3-27B.1. The 20-foot wide collector street buffer may be placed in an easement rather than a common lot in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C.2a. Separation between buildings shall comply with Building code. 2.2 The final plat shall include the following revisions: a. Depict the easements for the Marvin Lateral and/or the Purdam Drain on the plat if they encroach on this site. b. Include a note prohibiting direct access via the collector streets other than the access points approved by the City and ACHD with this application. c. Depict street sections for Sunset Point Way and Coral Reef Way consistent with Street Section D in the TMISAP (see pg. 3-21). d. Depict street sections for Vanguard Way and Umbria Hills consistent with Street Section C in the TMISAP with a modification that allows(3) 11-foot travel lanes, 8-foot parkways and detached 10-foot wide sidewalks/pathways in lieu of on-street bike lanes as required by ACHD. Streetlights are required at a pedestrian scale(see pg. 3-20, 3-22, 3- 23). e. Depict required street landscape buffers in common lots or on permanent dedicated buffer easements,maintained by the property owner,homeowner's association or business owners' association, as applicable, as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.2.A reduction of the collector street setback may be granted for homes that front on a collector street when certain conditions exist as noted in UDC Table 11-2A-7, note#L 2.3 The landscape plan submitted with the final plat shall be revised as follows: a. Depict one(1)additional tree within the street buffer along Umbria Hills(east)per the minimum standard listed in UDC 11-3B-7C.3b. Page 58 Item 4. ■ b. Widen the street buffer along Umbria Hills to 20-feet as required for a collector street in UDC Table 11-213-3. c. Depict landscaping within required street buffers in accord with the recently amended standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. d. Landscaping is required within parkways per the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 and 11-313-7C. Class II trees shall be provided in parkways in accord with UDC 11-3A-17E; Class III trees may be considered if the parkways are widened to 10 feet. e. Sidewalks,walkways and pathways should include dedicated crosswalks at the intersection with all streets within commercial activity centers with changes in color, markings,materials,texture and/or surface to distinguish them from the surrounding pavement as set forth in the TMISAP(see pg. 3-28, Crosswalks). £ Depict minimum 6-foot wide detached sidewalks along all streets in accord with the street sections(i.e. C and D)in the TMISAP. g. Depict a berm in the street buffer along I-84 in accord with the TMISAP for street buffers along transportation corridors (3.07.01 Q. h. Mitigation trees shall be depicted on the plan(185 trees at 2.5 caliper inches each for a total of 462.5 caliper inches). i. If trees are not allowed within the pipeline easement, an additional 5-feet should be added to the common area outside of the easement to allow for trees; or, alternative compliance may be requested to the planting requirement for pathways and open space. 2.4 All streets shall be constructed as complete streets as defined in the TMISAP (see pg. 3-19 & 3-20). 2.5 All waterways on this site shall be piped as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6B unless otherwise waived by City Council. 2.6 A 14-foot wide public use easement for the multi-use pathways within this site shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to submittal for City Engineer signature on the final plat(s). 2.7 A private street application shall be submitted with the final plat application for the multi- family development as required by the Fire Dept.All private streets shall comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3F-4. 3. Conditional Use Permit: 3.1 Comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27 for multi-family developments,including but not limited to the following: (revise the site plan and/or landscape plan accordingly) a. All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas,waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street as set forth in UDC 11-4-3- 27B.2. b. A minimum of eighty(80)square feet of private,usable open space shall be provided for each unit as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27B.3. This requirement can be satisfied through porches,patios, decks, and/or enclosed yards. Floor plans shall be submitted for all units that demonstrate compliance with this standard. Page 59 Item 4. F209] c. Depict the location of the property management office,maintenance storage area, and central mailbox location(including provisions for parcel mail)on the site plan that provides safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access and the location of the directory&map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27B.7. d. Depict a berm or a constructed barrier at least 4 feet in height with breaks in the berm or barrier to allow for pedestrian access within the street buffer along the north side of Vanguard Way in accord with UDC 11-4-3-27C. e. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundation that meets the minimum standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27E.2. f. All multi-family developments shall record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including,but not limited to, structures,parking, common areas, and other development features as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27F. A recorded copy of said documents shall be submitted prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the development.\ 3.2 Include a detail for the bicycle parking facilities that complies with the standards in UDC 11- 3C-5C. Bicycle racks should be depicted in central locations for each building and for the clubhouse. 3.3 Depict landscaping along all pathways per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C,which requires a minimum 5-foot wide landscape strip along each side of the pathway planted with a mix of trees, shrubs,lawn, and/or other vegetative ground cover; a minimum of one (1)tree per 100 linear feet of pathway is required. 3.4 Parking lot landscaping is required to be provided per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-8C. 3.5 A minimum of one(1)tree shall be provided for every 8,000 square feet of common open space. 3.6 The space between building fagades and adjacent sidewalks should be landscaped with a combination of lawns, groundcover, shrubs and trees as set forth in the TMISAP. 3.7 A landscaped buffer should be provided between the proposed development and the existing single-family development to the north as set forth in the TMISAP. 3.8 Include a 10-foot wide pathway connection between the pathway along the Purdam Drain and the pathway within the pipeline easement. 3.9 If trees are not allowed within the pipeline easement, an additional 5-feet should be added to the common area outside of the easement to allow for trees; or, alternative compliance may be requested to the planting requirement for pathways and open space. 3.10 All structures shall comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM)and the design guidelines in the TMISAP for the MHDR designation(see the matrix for Application of the Design Elements on pg. 3-49). 3.11 A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted for approval of the site and building design prior to submittal of building permit applications. Page 60 Item 4. F 10 B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1. Applicant shall be required to re-rout the existing water and sewer mains into the proposed roadway extensions of E. Oakcrest Dr. and N. Dixie Ave. 1.2. The geotechnical investigative report prepared by GeoTek,Inc indicates some very specific construction considerations. The applicant shall be responsible for the adherence of these recommendations. 1.3. All mains outside of right-of-way require a 20-foot-wide easement at minimum. For sewer mains of depths 15 feet—30 feet require a 30-foot-wide easement. 1.4. No permanent structures shall be within the footprint of a City utility easement including but not limited to buildings,carports, fences,infiltration trenches,trees, shrubs, light poles, etc. Based off the currently landscape plan, some trees will be in conflict with easements. 1.5. The angle of sewer main into and out of manholes must be a 90-degree minimum. Where the proposed sewer main connects to the existing 36-inch sewer main,this requirement is not met. 1.6. All water main north of Vanguard way should be 8-inch diameter. 1.7. A water main extension is required to the northwest corner of the development for future connection to the west. 1.8. Water main in West Navigator should be 12-inch diameter from the east boundary to the west boundary. 1.9. A 12-inch diameter water main shall be extended to the west property boundary on the south side for future connection. 1.10. It is unclear by the provided plans how buildings will be served and how fire protection will be provided. An additional water loop around the buildings might be required to provide fire flow. A complete water plan will be required to be submitted and reviewed by Public Works Engineering before any final plat is approved. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of Page 61 Item 4. F211] the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 9-1-28.C). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42- 1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any wells that will not continue to be used must be properly abandoned according to Idaho Well Construction Standards Rules administered by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. The Developer's Engineer shall provide a statement addressing whether there are any existing wells in the development, and if so,how they will continue to be used, or provide record of their abandonment. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing,landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC I I-5C-3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. Page 62 Item 4. F212] 2.16 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.17 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.18 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.19 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.20 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting.A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridianciny.or�ublic_works.aspx?id=272. 2.21 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancitE.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=2521 SI&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty B. MERIDIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridianciU.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=251147&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty - The Police Dept. requests further discussions with the Developer on plans for emergency police access into each building entry point using a multi-technology keypad. C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridianciU.org WWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=249959&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC Lty Page 63 Item 4. ■ D. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=250049&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC Lty E. WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT(WASD) https:llweblink.meridiancity.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=252295&dbid=O&repo=MeridianC hty https:llweblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=252296&dbid=0&repo=Meridian C hty F. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252341&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC hty G. PARK'S DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.orgj ebLink/DocView.aspx?id=252519&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC iv H. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) Not yet received. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone (UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: l. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment and subsequent development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Stafffinds the proposed map amendment will allow for the development of a mix of residential, commercial/retail, light industrial and employment uses which will provide for the retail and service needs of the community consistent with the purpose statement of the commercial districts in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Page 64 Item 4. F214] Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. This finding is not applicable as the request is for a rezone, not annexation. B. Preliminary Plat Findings(11-6B-6) In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed plat is in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use and transportation. (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds that public services will be provided to the subject property with development. (See Exhibit B of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Staff finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc). (See Section VIII for more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. C. Conditional Use Permit Findings(UDC 11-513-6E) The Commission shall base its determination on the Conditional Use Permit requests upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Page 65 Item 4. ■ Stafffinds that the subject property is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and dimensional and development regulations of the R-15 district (see Analysis, Section V for more information). 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this Title. Stafffinds that the proposed use as a multi family development is generally consistent with the future land use map designations for this property and is allowed as a conditional use in UDC Table 11-2A-2 in the R-1 S zoning district. 3. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff finds the proposed design of the development, construction, operation and maintenance should be compatible with the mix of other uses planned for this area and with the intended character of the area and that such uses will not adversely change the character of the area. 4. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Stafffinds that if the applicant complies with the conditions outlined in this report, the proposed use will not adversely affect other property in the area. The Commission and Council should weigh any public testimony provided to determine if the development will adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal,water,and sewer. Stafffinds that essential public services are available to this property and that the use will be adequately served by these facilities. Page 66