2021-12-21 Allison Shafer Charlene Way From:Allison Shaffer <shaffe2k@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 21, 2021 5:54 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Comments re: Alpha development R-15RDA H2021-0094 External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. To: City of Meridian, I am in favor of developing the parcel (S0427438410; north side of west McMillan Rd. Between N San Vito and N Vicenza Way) for residential purposes, however, I am opposed to the proposed number of units (249 units; Alpha Development, 2021), primarily due to the number of occupants this number of units will bring to the area. This number of occupants will further over-stress public infrastructure and utilities in the area, including schools, roads, and landscape irrigation. In order to reduce the number of units, I would request that the City not allow the current proposed site plan, rather, alternative dwelling types within R-15 guidelines, such as townhomes. I believe townhomes would limit occupants and better allow for architectural consistency with the adjacent Bridgetower West community, consistent with the City’s design considerations for R-15. Understanding this is only one part of the City’s permitting process, I am concerned about the potential short-and- long term impacts to the existing surrounding community, and would like to provide proposed/requested mitigation to minimize those impacts. Based on the content provided on the City’s site for the project (https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/browse.aspx?id=244493&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity &cr=1), I would like to enter into record the following into record, for consideration. 1. Schools: A letter from West Ada School District has been provided in record, and it notes that the current development could bring approximately 92 school-aged children to the area. Based on the numbers in the letter, there is a potential for zoned schools in this area to exceed capacity soon. There are options re: how to deal with exceeding capacity (i.e. housing trailers, bussing, or requesting taxpayers to levy a bond). Those options are unacceptable and overcrowding is a concern for parents with children in the existing developments zoned for those schools. I would request that a more in- depth study be performed by West Ada and the City re: existing infrastructure and capacity, and should the conclusion state additional facilities be needed, I would request the developer provide an development impact fee ( amount to be determined by the City) prior to construction that would contribute to a fund for planning and development of a new school(s). At a minimum, I would request that the City and County provide first enrollment option for existing residents surrounding the school. 2. Irrigation: A letter from Settlers Irrigation District, has not been provided to date. I would request that Settlers provide a letter (available to the public) documenting current irrigation capacity, potential water needs for the new development, and if any new infrastructure is determined necessary. Bridgetower West’s irrigation pressure is already strained during irrigation months, and existing 1 residents are encouraged/forced to scatter lawn watering times; those times do not always coincide with responsible watering times (i.e. mid-day, when there is more pressure) in the summer. I would request that if new infrastructure is needed for the proposed development, it be identified by the District and funded by the Developer prior to construction. 3. Transportation: During neighborhood meetings, the Developer noted additional acel/decel lanes north of McMillan, two points of ingress/egress along San Vito, and a new light at the San Vito/McMillan Bridgetower West entrance would be required by Ada County Highway District documents. There is no documentation on the City’s website from ACHD requiring these design features. I request this information be provided to the public on the City’s website listed above, or a link be provided if it’s already online, hosted by a different department. Additionally, the Developer stated that ACHD or City may require the current fence be removed along San Vito. There was a concern among residents during the neighborhood meeting that this would increase parking along San Vito and cause narrowing of the road. I request this fence not be removed. 4. Hazardous Materials: Request that the City make available on its website listed above the Developer’s Environmental Site Assessment(s) with conclusions re: Recognizable Environmental Conditions and all supporting documentation. 5. General Waste: The current plans show ingress/egress at San Vito (NE corner). These new residents will surely use Gondola to walk, walk dogs, etc. I request that the developer discuss with residents along that road and the City an option for waste bins and collection along this road to ensure animal waste is collected and disposed of properly. 6. Schedule. Per Alpha Development’s letter (11/10/21), the project may be constructed in phases. I request that the City make available on its website listed above Alpha Development’s proposed schedule and request that development along the perimeter occur first (along San Vito) to limit visibility of future interior phases or phases closest to Walmart. 7. Fencing: I request a permanent fence (type, to be proposed) be installed along the northern side of the new development in order to ensure the open space in Bridgetower West (area east of the pond) be retained for Bridgetower West’s use. Should the City proceed with a development agreement modification, I would request the City integrate the following measures to be followed by Alpha Development and its subcontractors during construction: 1. Dust Control Mitigation. Combined unabated fugitive dust from the construction of the Cadence project north of Keith Bird Legacy Park and the CBH project west of Black Cat is persistent and a nuisance to health and outdoor recreation/enjoyment, especially in summer months. Additionally, due to indirect effects from increased number and severity of wildland fires in the west, there are increasing numbers of days with poor air quality (often affiliated with PM 2.5) where sensitive receptors (including children) are recommended to stay indoors. Finally, the Bridgetower West open area and Pool is located immediately adjacent to the proposed construction area and will be directly affected by construction dust. Because of this, I have the following requests during construction; a. The City require fugitive dust be controlled through regular application of water from trucks during grading; watering and/or stabilization of spoil piles; installation and use of a temporary rock apron at the point of ingress/egress to minimize sediment track-out to paved roadways. In the event that sediment is found on paved roads, employ personnel to manually sweep track- out. 2 2. Trash. In our neighborhood, we are constantly picking up trash from construction. Request that the City require trash containment for all waste at the site. Containment would not only include the standard plywood trash containment, but would also include covering of the containment to minimize trash movement off-site. 3. Noise. Request that the City require adjacent residents be notified 48 hours in advance of any variances issued by the City to work outside of normal hours permitted in the City’s noise ordinance. Thank you for your consideration of the above. Allison Rice 3