Meridian Settlers Change Ord 5 Meridian Parks & Recreation Memo RECEIVED , ,0 }f'Ci .,; _ _ - >oJ _.. .... To: From: Date: Re: Mayor Corrie I City Council T om Kuntz "f lL July 19, 2002 Consent Agenda Items for July 23,2002 Meeting CITYOF MERIDIAN CITY CLERK OFFIf:F The Parks Staff is requesting three change orders for your approval under the consent agenda for your July 23, 2002 meeting. 1. Chateau Park Change Order #1- $7226.89 The original plans from our architects called for a water tap near the fire hydrant in Chateau Park. After final review the fire department inform us that the tap would not be permitted. Item 1A on the attached change order covers the addition of 460 Lf of 4" water pipe and a deduction of 140 Lf of 2" water line for a net increase of $5290.00. Item 1B reflects a decrease for the concrete curbing around the playground area and an increase in the concrete curb, gutter, and flat work for a net increase of $1936.89. This will be the only change order since the park is complete. 2. Settler's Park Change Order #4 - $5802.00 When the water line was being installed in Meridian Road, ACHD inspectors found the native soils in the water line trench to be unsuitable for replacement. The change order covers the cost of replacing the soils with pit run. We plan on recouping one half of the total cost through the latecomer's agreement with Sundance'Subdivision since this water line benefits their development. :H:- 3. Settler's Park Change Order #5 - $168,059.00 This change order covers the cost of building the second portion of the parking lot along Meridian Road, The original estimate of $125,000.00 was provided prior to design specifications, David Moe of the CM Company and Keith Bird our Council Liaison have reviewed the cost difference between the Page 1 original estimate and the new proposal and found the costs to be fair and acceptable. The largest increase is the result of additional pit run material necessary to be imported for the parking lot base. To date this change order brings the total construction of Settler's Park to $1,097,996.00. The architect's estimate for phase 1 was $1,300,000.00 and our total budgeted amount for the project was $1,500,000.00. With the attached change orders we are still under budget. . Page 2 2000 Edition - Electronic Format AlA Document G701- 2000 Change Order PROJECT: (Name and address)l\/\eridian 58 Acre Park Phase One CHANGE ORDER NUMBER:05 DATE: July 9. 2002 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 01028 CONTRACT DATE: March 28. 2002 CONTRACT FOR: Site Development & Landscape TO CONTRACTOR: (Nameandaddress)American Pavina PO Box 395 Meridian. Idaho 83680 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where apphcable, any undisputed anJOunt attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives,) South parking lot addition per approved set drawings dated 5/14/02. The original (Contract Sum) (Cuafflllteed MWcim.\:Iffi Price) was $ 833 .165,00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $96.772,00 The (Contract Sum) (CwlfllFlteed Maxim\:lffi Price) prior to this Change Order was $929.937.00 The (Contract Sum) (C\:IaraFlteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (\:IFlcB.aFlged) by this Change Order in the amount of $168.059.00 The new (Contract Sum) (Cuai"afltecd Maximum ~ including this Change Order will be $1.097.996,00 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (\:IFlcB.iHlged) by (~) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 10/29/02 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive for which the cost or time are in dispute as described in Subparagraph 7.3.8 of AlA Document A20l. Not valid until siRned by the Architect, Contractor and Owner. The Land Group. Inc. American Pavina Co. City of Meridian OWNER(1)ped nanle) (Signature) 9AJIr:J ~ BY 1Ili: ~ 4i'ooY. o.l$Y It. 7/tO/Q:J- oJ/fa 02- DATE' DATE ( I BY DATE @ 2000 The Amencan Institute ot Architects, Reproduction ot the matenal herem or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AlA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U,S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AlA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. User Document: changeorder5.aia -- 7110/2002. AlA License Number 1116865, which expires on 5/31/2003. OWNER 0 ARCHITECT 0 CONTRACTOR 0 FIELD 0 OTH ER D AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALL Y DRAFTED AlA DOCUMENT MAYBE MADE BY USING AlA DOCUMENT 0401. @ 2000 AIA@ AlA DOCUMENT G701-2000 CHANGE ORDER The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.w. Washington, D,C. 20006-5292 * * American Paving Co. Telephone: 888-7988 Fax: 888-5020 P.O. Box 395, Meridian, Idaho 83680 Idaho PW #12145-AAA-2-4(43) Oregon GGB # 137240 July 16. 2002 The Land Group Attn: Dave Kosa 128 S Ea&le ReI Easle. Idaho 83616 Re: Meridian S8-Aa'e Put Phase I American Paving Co. lob#1248 The followiDa is a request for c:Jumae order for 1he South ParkiDa Lot Addition. Total revised l'eCluest :fi)r chaa.ge order- (acid)................................................................................ SI68.0'9.00 If you should require any fUrther information. please don"t hesitate to call oW' office. Sincerely. zco, Tit!i Vice PresideIit n./tk Authorized Signature Required Date 1241-llCO-s pdiDalddit:i.aD moised 1-16 Telephone: 888-7988 Fax: 888-5020 P.O, Box 395, Meridian, Idaho 83680 Idaho PW #12145-MA-2-4(43) Oregon eeB # 137240 1uly 9, 2002 The Land Group AUD.: Dave Rosa 128 S Ea8le ReI Ea8le, Idaho 83616 Re: Meridian 58-Acre Put Phase I American Paving Co. Jobf#1248 The following is a revised request for chaqe order as per our letter dated .July 9. 2002. American Pavina Co. is providing a cost breakdown of the south paddng addition. This leQUest is revised as per our previous letters dated 1uly gat and .July 2'f4. Cost breakdown as Ibllows: Earthwork by American Paving Co (July 911L1etter). .................................................. $47,980.00 Asphalt JlII'ViDa by AmericBD. Paviu.s Co.....................................................................12',330.00 S1;c)rm. dmiD. by AmmClll Pavina Co. .........................................................................127 ..2SO.00 Dumpsler' I1ab & :rb1lDd8lioD. by T~ CODSllllc:tion...................................................$3.1'0.00 I-and1C8J)iD.s by Me1:caIfLmd~ (July ~ 1e'tter) ..................................................129.224-.00 Concfe'te by Top CoIlaete ........................................................................................... S2.2.14'.00 E1edrica1 by Ro_ Blecaic ............................................................................................1800.00 Fencing by 81oaa. Fmee................................................................................................. $3.83'.00 StakiDa 'by Azrow BaaiDeeriaa ......................................................................................13.1 SO.oo _iD.s by AA. SVipiD.s................................................................................................. Sl.4SO.00 Bondia.a & m-c:e ..................................................................................................... S3.74S.oo Total cost for So1l1h. 'p.tiq IIJt additioD. ..................................................................1168..0'9.00 Total reviBCd raauest - cbaoae order (.td) ................................................................................ $168.0'9.00 If you , should require any 1brIb.er in1brmaticm. please don"t hesitate to call our oftlce. Sincerely, American Paving Co. ~~~~. _J Bob Polley Estimator TIAk Authorized SignatUIe Required 1248-ROO-s...... edditic. __eel 7-11 Date .JU.l. 1:5 02 01: 14p the land group inc 2089394445 p.2 E 8lIIl!I SETTI.ERS 68 ACRE PARK S PRKNG /tlX) US1'ICK RD & MERI*N RD LAND GROUP LAN) GROUP R) PLNIS D.\lm) &'14'02 REWEDPROPOUL 7111_ 4_.00 CY CY c:t PIlIIa 2 $ :w.~7,W~~ ;~~%~~x.w..W8;;(.$~Y.%.t>>Wh$$~~Wt!J)W!,R:~W'5y,;5))~W$/.4wm%, ;<<;5~)::Wh">>::mmM ;$ili<<<<$.ili5W9 ))~M~WJmm)mm 'lJNij/./J.il.1lHJ 1JJ.iJ.iJ.WJ).BjjJJjjjJ:.iJ.liiJ.JJJJ:J.ijJ)>>))l;j))~~ijjJjjjJ1lllIJlOJJjJ.iJjJjj; ij-jJjIJJJJ.IIi:tiIJJff.t/:tJ lij))~Wj((WI.WJ) WJ)jlJJ./;iJjj)JJ.OJ:!.Ii;)) _.DO SF cr cr 8850 SF cr 310 C'( 396 at 226 Jul 15 02 01: 14p the land g~oup inc 2089394445 p.3 Slum Drain $ - i BIIds 2 E:xalYaIICIn C'i 310 $3.00 $ 1.170.00 , 2" CR t:( 8D $15.00 $ 1,2OD.oo 6 C33 SIRI at 30 $11.00 $ _.00 6 RIl art C'i ,. S&JIO $ 7OD.ao & FIIbI1C rtt - 11.25 $ 575.OD 6 Geo GrId fit 380 51.25 '5 475.GO 6 Inl1IIrBfars EA M) S20.oo $ 1 6 End PIIt8s EA S . 6 Perf' PID8 LF 37 $10.00 S 370.00 6 P8rf' PlD8 LF $ . 6 PerfPlDe LF S . 6 ~ PIEB LF 27 $10.00 $ 27O.GO 6 SOUd PIDe LF 1 - 6 SdId PIDe LF 1 - 6Tees EA :S . Ii OBI OUt EA S . i EJbcMB SA $ . ,.V'tf' ..... 1 $7UD $ 15.GO 8 'C8Ds fA 1 $75JlO S '7I.OD II UIII C3fII sao T... M 1 $1.-.00 $ 1.!OO;OO 6 1 5QD Gel saG TrIPI EA $ . 6 1l3-1 BalE fA S . 6 MenhaleB M S . 6 CIk:h Be5lns EXO\VATE & BAOCFIU. M 1 S2QD.QD $ ,2QO.OO PhIIlt 6 & GJa:Ie AInaA EA 2 $5O.ClO $ 1DO.OD S 27.2A7.oo 1ofONI1CRINIJwal.8 ..... 1 $ICID.oo $ IOO.GO CCJNCReTECCXJ.MS EA 1 S2IO..oo 1 2IOJJD 111! INTO SEEIWE lIED M 1 11.870JD 1 1.670.00 $ - DRAINAGE TRENCH FILL &xC C'I 44 S3JD s 132.00 DRAltWJETRENCH FUC3I8AND at 41 $15.00 $ 73S.CJD Jul 15 02 01:15p the land croup inc 2089394445 8 AC · SInI8l& SF TN I . 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