Chateau Park Change Order 1Meridian Parks & Recreation Memo From: Date: Re: Mayor Corrie I City Council Tom Kuntz July 19, 2002 RECEIVED JUL 1 9 2O02 CITY OF MERIDIAN CITY CLERK OFFICE Consent Agenda Items for July 23, 2002 Meeting The Parks Staff is requesting three change orders for your approval under the consent agenda for your July 23, 2002 meeting. 1. Chateau Park Change Order #1- $7226.89 The odginal plans from our architects called for a water tap near the fire hydrant in Chateau Park. After final review the fire department inform us that the tap would not be permitted. Item lA on the attached change order covers the addition of 460 Lf of 4" water pipe and a deduction of 140 Lf of 2" water line for a net increase of $5290.00. Item lB reflects a decrease for the concrete curbing around 'the playground area and an increase in the concrete curb, gutter, and flat work for a net increase of $1936.89. This will be the only change order since the park is complete. 2. Settler's Park Change Order ~4 - $5802.00 When the water line was being installed in Meddian Road, ACHD inspectors found the native soils in the water line trench to be unsuitable for replacement. The change order covers the cost of replacing the soils with pit run. We plan on recouping one half of the total cost through the latecomer's agreement with Sundance Subdivision since this water line benefits their development. 3. Settler's Park Change Order #5 - $168,059.00 This change order covers the cost of building the second portion of the parking lot along Meridian Road. The original estimate of $125,000.00 was provided prior to design specifications. David Moe of the CM Company and Keith Bird our Council Liaison have reviewed the cost difference between the Page1 odginal estimate and the new proposal and found the costs to be fair and acceptable. The largest increase is the result of additional pit run material necessary to be imported for the parking lot base. To date this change order brings the total construction of Settler's Park to $1,097,996.00. The architect's estimate for phase 1 was $1,300,000.00 and our total budgeted amount for the project was $1,500,000.00. With the attached change orders we are still under budget. · Page 2 .i~..--- ~ "'~' KJ Corporation,' !ac;. . . ~P' 'I....~l /2316 .N. Cole' Rd,, .Suite D · Boise, Idaho 8!1.704' Ph; (208)'~78-8713 ', Fax. (208) 378-9567 ' "" ·Meridian ParkS.and Recreation· : 11,'Bower S~eet' ·. ', fidian, ID 83642'"" · Mc : ' :'; ", SUBJECT: . ATTN: .. Dear TOm~. Chateau 'park 'DeVelopment .change Order ~,l ., ' ' Tom Kfintz .' ':.."..The following'is KJ .cOrporatiOn's request for Change Order # !-. .' 'Total Change order"#1 recluest: ' $7,22~;.$fl ' '., ": '....please. . See' folloWing:'dO:¢umentafi°n for'baCkup. ....-. ...... ' ..".' ' ;". If.YOu have., any questions please' d, 0n't..hesitate tO. call,'. .~: Sincerely;' "' ..... .. ..... ,',Enclosures:' Change' Order"l.A and 1BdocUmentati0n . . '.change'.Ordei' Item #iA:'..' water lifie-ChangeS .s illmU~d On C'TA:s'.drawing ' C201, revisiOn#3 :.:' · ..". ': ." . ....... " . .... "'.... ', '.' '. "'Amounti.' :5""' '$5,290:.b0' ' . '..'..' "".. · ..(K4' Corporauon has not'applied any'markup.t° this direct'cOst)'. : -' Change Order Item '#1 B:.'..Di'ffering' aCtua! quantities ..vetsm' bid. quantitie% bid. : .items'9 10'andll .. '. ? ":"""'. '. ' ..'..." .. .:.,'..' .'i .' " ~. · '. !~."~.~.~'-~',?..,":,:' eL',:'::..- ~ '. . . , . · , " "' . "i: ,,': '";,~' *', ,"' "~:'.:':: 5 ':":',' :: L:"' '::". ! ~ :.~5~ ::'7' .':!'~ .'~!:~;.i' f:': :"'i ': 7..' ~.'. ', ', ~ .'., -'-" <:.'l I . ', ' ': ' '%""','~-L"~':,';~:~.,::-~' ' ':.',%,',,.~-;;;','"";.' 'i" "~ :'¢.'.':,,',.',c.;h~ ..:-.".'"!~ ' '.:..', J. ...... '-...,'.,',"~':'T" ;:':~ :,: ..... : . .. .... BO..l'.illj:'.:i~ .:~..J.:' ..... :..'..~:; ... :::.~..'.:~.,~,.,.,:.... ?..". :.~:.:.~.-':? .. ~:; ' ' · ' '~":' .: i,',:. '.:: :'.h:.:;?:,/,: ,~:'.Ou.~, ,::?. ' :. ~..' . '..r::.~:,'.!'. ~' .: ,.,~:; . . ' ..... : Request For Change Order DATE ACCePTeD REPRESENTATIVIE KOCKY MOUNTAXN P&VZN{3, INC. 10 11 Description All labor and materials associated with installation of sanitary sewer system within the park site per 131ans and specifications, Est. QuantR¥ Unit 1 LS All labor and materials. associatecl with installation of potable water line, I LS within the park site per plans and specifications. All I~bor a~d materials a~sociated with installation 1 LS of telephone se~ice within the pa~ site. Ali labor ancl materials associated with new concrete curb around LF playground area. unit Pric.: All labor and materials associated with concrete curb and guffer and valley ~ LF gu~er relative to new parking area, Unit Price: ~',,~,.^ All labor and materials associated with concrete sidewalks and flatwork,' exclusive of basketball courts, I Uni[ Price: ~-- 'T'L,oO 3,9~0 - SF 10 Unit Total Bici Price Price Dollars and ~ Cents Dollars and ~ Cents Dollars and Dollars and ~2~ Cents @<3 Cenls and ~"7- Ceres