2006 01-19 Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting January 19. 2006 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of January 19, 2006, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Michael Rohm. Members Present: Chairman Michael Rohm, Commissioner Keith Borup, Commissioner Wendy-Newton-Huckabay, Commissioner David Zaremba, and Commissioner David Moe. Others Present: Bill Nary, Jessica Johnson, Craig Hood, Josh Wilson, Joe Guenther, Mike Cole, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Wendy Newton-Huckabay X Keith Borup X David Moe - Vice Chairman X David Zaremba X Michael Rohm - Chairman Rohm: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to open this regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning meeting for January 19th, 2006, and begin with roll call of Commissioners. Item 3: Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of January 5, 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: Rohm: Thank you. Before we adopt the agenda, I would first like to ask if there are any changes to the Consent Agenda. Moe: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: A couple things that I noticed on the meeting minutes from January 5th. On the first page under the roll call point where it talks about the chairman, they are noting that as Dave Zaremba. That, actually, should have been Michael Rohm, I do believe. Zaremba: My comment was going to be that that was his first meeting as chairman and I thought the transition went smoothly and he should get credit for it. Moe: Absolutely. Rohm: All right. Well, we better make that change. --oIIIIIIIIIII Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 2 of 92 Mae: And, then, also on page 19, down towards the bottom -- actually, the last paragraph Moe is speaking, I think two points above that where it says More, I think that should have been Moe that said yes. That would be the end of my comments. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, of course, I have one other. Rohm: Okay. Zaremba: On page two there is a lengthy paragraph, of course, where I'm speaking. About the third line up from the bottom, the last name begins with an A, not an E, and I'm not sure that the second B, bravo, should be there. And, actually, that should be a D, delta. And the only reason I make a point of that is since his first name is Bob, I was not suggesting that it should be Bo, without the second B, bravo, but suggesting that his last name didn't have the second D, delta, in it and I'm not sure of that, but it certainly was not a B, bravo, it was a D, delta. Only comment. Rohm: Thank you. Any other recommended change to the minutes? Okay. With that I would entertain a motion to accept the minutes. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I move we accept the Consent Agenda as amended. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Looks like we have got an accepted Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda: Rohm: Before we start tonight's meeting, there are a couple of changes to the agenda tonight and for those of you that may been here for Items 10 and 11 on the agenda, which would be the Bryce Canyon Subdivision, that application has been withdrawn and so it will not be heard tonight in any part. The second change, on Item 12, Public Hearing AZ 05-060, for the Ada County Highway District Ustick Road property, will not be heard tonight, because of improper -- well, the lack of posting. And so those changes and the Sharp project -- okay. I'm going to open it. Okay. The last item on the agenda, AZ 05-062 and PP 05-062 for Sharp Estates Subdivision, will be continued to February and I didn't get the -- the 2nd. Zaremba: 2nd. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 3 of 92 Rohm: 2nd. February 2nd, 2006. So, with those changes -- I know of no others at this time. Before we open any hearings here tonight, I'd like to speak a little bit to the process from which we go through here. When a project is first opened up we -- Newton-Huckabay: Sorry. Excuse me, Mr. Chair. Rohm: The first thing we do is we ask the staff to present the project. The staff presents the project as it adheres to Comprehensive Plan and/or ordinance. The staff doesn't have a -- they are kind of a neutral presentation. And, then, the applicant has an opportunity to sell the project, if you will. Once the staff has made their presentation and the applicants have made theirs, then, the project is, then, opened up to the public for you to offer your testimony. In certain cases as a group of people will have a spokesman, like the president of a homeowners association, and if, in fact, there are those in the audience that are relinquishing their right to speak based upon turning it over to that representative, then, that person will have an additional length of time to speak for or against the project and so -- and, then, once we have heard from everybody, we will close the public testimony and have our discussion amongst ourselves and, hopefully, be able to either make a recommendation to Councilor continue to a later date. Item 4: Continued Public Hearing from January 5, 2006: CUP 05-055 Request for modification to existing Conditional Use Permit for a 40-unit congregate care facility in Phase II of Grace Retirement Center in a R-15 zone for Grace at Fairview Lakes by Grace at Fairview Lakes, LLC - 824 East Fairview Avenue: Rohm: With that being said, at this time I would like to open the continued Public Hearing from January 5th for CUP 05-055, AZ 05-050, and PP 05-051. All three of these are related to the Reserve Subdivision. Oh, excuse me. There is one -- pardon me. The first one we are going to open is CUP 05-055 and this relates to Grace at Fairview Lakes and that's the only one that will be opened at this time. And at this time I'd like to get testimony from staff. Guenther: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Commission. Grace at Fairview Lakes is a modification of an existing Conditional Use Permit in 2004. The applicant was before you for an assisted living center, an Alzheimer's center, and individual units that were for retirees. They are proposing to change the units for the retirees to a -- I have got two numbers here. One says 38, one says 39 units. The applicant might clarify -- 39 unit site for -- to mimic the existing assisted care facility. There is no change to the landscape plan or to the existing drive aisles or public streets. As you can see, the site is located off of North Lakes Drive, which is immediately off of Fairview -- north of Fairview. The site has been developed since this aerial photo. The Alzheimer's facility is to the western portion here. The assisted care facility is in the center and the new site would be to the eastern portion of this site. As you can see, this is the third phase. This is the 39 unit assisted care facility to be constructed alongside the existing. As you can see, there is elevations. It will be a two story building, which Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 4 of 92 would be very similar construction to the existing buildings as well. And with that, staff has recommended approval with the conditions as listed in the staff report, which, essentially, do carryover the conditions of the previous conditional use permits for fire, most of the Public Works comments, as well as the ACHD comments, because this has not changed a lot of the different layout of the site. With that, I will stand for questions. Rohm: Thank you. Any questions of staff? Zaremba: Yes, I do have one. If we could go to the site plan. Actually, a couple of questions. I may be remembering this wrong, which I do on occasions, but you're saying that there is no change to the original plan. My recollection was that after much public testimony, particularly from the people who lived along the north property line, the decision was that there would be a landscape buffer and, then, a road all the way through before -- and, then, a setback before we got to any buildings and I -- to be honest, I don't remember seeing a change of that plan since then. Did we approve something different in between? Or did the City Council change our recommendation? That also happens sometimes. Guenther: Okay. Let me show you -- I got to -- let me show you the existing -- technical difficulties. I'm trying to bring up the projector quick here. Zaremba: What I'm remembering is way back when this portion was going to be residential -- and there may have been an iteration in between that I'm not remembering, but -- Guenther: There was a fairly extensive number of applications that came through with this site. One of them was an R-40 development, which was reduced to this R-15 development. As you can see, the units were along the portion -- along this side, as well as closer to the existing facility, and the road here, the services through here, as well as just some more parking would be included in there. But this was the approved site plan from 2004. These two phases have not changed and this one is the one in question. Zaremba: Okay. Thank you. Maybe I'm glad they are building an Alzheimer's facility. Rohm: Anymore questions of staff? At this point I'd like to have the applicant come forward, please. Tamura: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, my name is Doug Tamura, I'm representing Grace at Fairview Lakes. My office is at 499 Main Street in Boise, Idaho. Commissioner Zaremba, one of the things -- clarifications I have is -- well, first, I concur with all the conditions of approval from staff. The one clarification I want to make, though, is your memory is partially right, that we had a discussion about that emergency vehicle access hammerhead on the west end and what we did was -- the Commission and, then, Council granted us a waiver where we move that to a 15-foot setback versus the full 20-foot setback, to allow more landscaping against the buildings. And so in my Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 5 of 92 application letter on this modification, I asked for that same 15-foot relief, so that we could match the service drives on both sides of the buildings, but, you know, we did have a discussion about setbacks and our site plan shows that, but I thought that I'd at least point that out, that we are proposing a 15-foot setback around the perimeters. We have installed a real nice six foot vinyl fence. The one other exception that if the Commission saw fit, would be on the hammerhead on the east end where it falls in that kind of northeast corner, if it's possible, we'd like to move that to a five foot setback, just so we could go ahead and provide more landscaping against our building. The resident that's just to the east of that property line, his garage is on the end of his house and so I think the impact to that neighbor and knowing that's just a fire truck turnaround, I think that the use of that is going to be, you know, very minimal. But other than that, that's the only comments I have. Zaremba: Thank you. Is it still your plan to have bollards at the end of Clarine Street? Tamura: Yeah. So, it's our intent-- Zaremba: So, it's not really an access, except for emergency services. Tamura: Emergency vehicle access only. Zaremba: Would you do one other thing for me -- and this is, again, a memory with all the iterations that have gone on here. At one time the regional pathway went through an open courtyard between buildings along -- I think it was a drain or something that was going to be a nice feature. I realize it's moved, but can you indicate for me where the regional pathway goes now? Tamura: What we did was -- part of the city's plan was to have a regional pathway that follows the Jackson Drain and one of the compromises that we made is knowing that the Jackson Drain crossed underneath Fairview Avenue, is we were going to install a signal light at the intersection of Lakes and Fairview, that we had staff move it, so that the pedestrian path goes down Fairview, across Fairview Lakes and, then, goes up the east side of our development to this point right here. And since we have got this large retirement center, we have got a ten foot pathway that follows along the south edge here, turns the corner here, and it goes up and, then, we have extended this pathway and, then, moved the fences and, then, filled in the Jackson Drain through the mobile home park and it connects into the pedestrian pathway that goes through the subdivision just north of the mobile home park. So, all of this has been completed and connected through now, so we have got a public access that goes all the way from our Fairview frontage all the way through our project and, then, ties into the subdivision to the north. So, now it gives both the mobile home park and the residence to the north of us access into our commercial development. Zaremba: Great. Thank you. Tamura: Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 6 of 92 Rohm: Any other questions of the applicant? Tamura: Thank you for your time. Rohm: Okay. I guess at this time I just have a question of staff. The applicant's request to modify the hammerhead up in the northeast, is that something that would be acceptable to staff? Guenther: Mr. Chair, at this time, that -- or at the time of the original application the Meridian City Code applied. With the new UDC, both these districts are residential to residential, which would only require a five foot landscape buffer at this time. Craig and I had discussion and it seems that the original CUP would dictate the landscape buffer, unless this Commission changed their mind and allowed them to apply the UDC to that -- to that side of that hammerhead. So, staff would support it, because the Unified Development Code does support that, but the Commission -- Rohm: And it's only because this application is an amendment to something that was presented prior to the adoption of the UDC, is the only reason that it would have to be an exception. Guenther: A Commission exception. That's true. Rohm: There you go. Makes sense. And is that -- having not read the staff report in its entirety, is that listed that way in the staff report? Guenther: It is not. You would have to include in that your motion. Rohm: Okay. Any further discussion on this application by the Commission? Oh, excuse me, I better open it up to public testimony. Patty Sprout. Oh, she's just watching the proceedings. Thank you for your comments. There are no other -- there is nobody else signed up for it, but this is the time that if you feel so inclined you may come forward and testify on this hearing. There is no additional public testimony, so at this time we will just discuss it amongst the Commission and see where we go from there. Commissioner Zaremba, do you have -- Zaremba: My personal opinion is that it's pretty straight forward and it's in a series of things that we have had on this property and it's not surprising that this is the next in line for their request and I think what they have been doing so far is fine and this is a good addition. Rohm: Thank you, Commissioner. Any other comments? Newton-Huckabay: I have none. Rohm: Okay. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 7 of 92 Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I move we close the Public Hearing on CUP 05-055. Borup: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we close the Public Hearing on CUP 05- 055. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: I move to approve file number CUP 05-055 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 19th, 2006, and the site landscape plan dated August 16th, 2004, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval: The only modification would be that we agree to a five foot landscape buffer in the neighborhood of the hammerhead that meets -- what previously was a hammerhead and no longer is -- that meets Clarine Street. I further move to direct staff to prepare an appropriate Findings document to be considered at the next Planning and Commission hearing -- Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on February 2,2006. End of motion. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we approve CUP 05-055. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 5: Continued Public Hearing from December 8, 2005: AZ 05-050 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 5.0 acres from RUT to R-4 zone for Reserve Subdivision by Dave McKinnon with Conger Management Group, Inc. - west of North Locust Grove Road and south of Chinden Boulevard: Item 6: Continued Public Hearing from December 8, 2005: PP 05~051 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 12 single-family residential building lots and 5 common lots on 5.0 acres in a proposed R-4 zone for Reserve Subdivision by Dave McKinnon with Conger Management Group, Inc. - west of North Locust Grove Road and south of Chinden Boulevard: Rohm: Okay. At this time I'd like to open the public hearings on AZ 05-050 and PP 05- 051. Both of these relating to Reserve Subdivision and begin with the staff report. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 8 of 92 Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. As you may recall a few weeks ago this item was before you and the staff's recommendation was for denial. You made a motion to remand this back to staff to come before you with Findings for approval and conditions of approval as well. I have since amended the staff report to reflect that request and I'm just going to touch on a couple of the conditions briefly. There was one of the conditions regarding fencing that asked the applicant to address at this hearing tonight how they intend to fence the perimeter. There was no fencing discussed in the application or on the landscape plan. We do have certain fencing provisions required by the Unified Development Code, specifically adjacent to micro- paths. It is conditioned as such in the staff report. I just would like to see if the applicant has any idea of what type of fencing material they are going to use. I might point out, too, that the police department did require along the north property boundary that either a six foot open vision or a maximum four foot solid fence be constructed along the north boundary of those lots, due to the school being directly north. I just wanted to point that condition out as well. I think it's underlined in the staff report as well. Also -- and I'm going to jump to the site plan here and talk about a couple of the other conditions. There is a roundabout here coming in off of Commander. This conceptual plan shows conceptual driveways, too. One of the conditions from the Ada County Highway District was that you cannot have any driveways taking access to this roundabout area. Staff has continued that condition into the city staff report, as well as no parking around the roundabout. So, no parking or driveways around the roundabout. Also, this street -- they do have a temporary turnaround here that can be vacated once the street is extended to connect up with Jericho, but until such time there is a temporary turnaround easement that needs to be on the plat and they do need to work with the fire department on appropriate signage and striping, just to make it clear to everyone that this is not a driveway to be parking in, it is for emergency vehicles primarily and sanitary service vehicles, large vehicles, buses, that may go down there and cannot back all the way back up. So, it's their turnaround area. Also, the fire department and SSC did not want to see parking directly across the street from that, because that effectively takes away their turnaround area. So, that is also a condition in the staff report. I think those are the main ones that I wanted to touch on. If you have any other questions, I can sure stand -- or if you'd like more history, I guess I can tell you that there are 12 building lots on the five acres that are before you tonight. There is a lot of history with this application, so I don't think I will belabor anymore of the staff's report, unless you have any questions of me. Rohm: Any questions of staff before we move forward? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I do have one observation. Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: The staff report apparently was written by a Mr. C. Caleb Hood and I would ask whether that change is a function of your recent marriage or would you prefer to be referred to as Caleb? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 9 of 92 Hood: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Zaremba, all the Commissioners, I have recently gone to my middle name. It was a function of multiple things. A new year, a new life, and I do just prefer my middle name to my first name. Either one is okay. I'm just trying to -- and the new title, too, I guess, that I recently received, so I thought it was just a good time to kind of -- Zaremba: A lot of life changes. Hood: A lot of changes. So, I thought get more comfortable and -- Zaremba: All of them good, as far as I know. Hood: So far so good, too, so -- but either way I will answer to pretty much anything, so -- Zaremba: Okay. Thank you. Moe: Be careful what you say. Rohm: Okay. With that being said, at this time I'd like to ask the applicant to come forward. McKinnon: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Dave McKinnon, 735 South Crosstimber. Happy to be here tonight. I think we got through all the heavy lifting the last time we met and talked about this project. I won't belabor the history like Craig did. I think he mentioned he would not either. We have got a project tonight, it's just five acres. They are relatively large lots, from ten and a half thousand, basically, to sixteen and a half thousand square feet, larger than your average lot in Meridian. Craig just barely touched on those elevations. If we can go back to those elevations. Larger homes are slated for development on this lot -- on this subdivision. Craig asked me to address just a few things, fencing being the first. We have no problem meeting the fencing requirements. The new UDC requires the fencing to be included with the landscape plan. When this was submitted the UDC wasn't adopted, but just so you know, we will continue the chain link fence along the north where the school site is and the remainder of the subdivision would be in cedar fencing. So, Craig, if you can go back and just point that out. Just continue the chain link fence along the school site and, then, a wood fence around the remainder of six feet. On the pathway that goes up to the school -- it's not represented well here. Craig -- oh, there it is. Right through there. We will do a four foot tall solid wood fence through there to comply with the landscape ordinance. This is a representation. It's not the way it's going to be built. As you remember, we talked about this at the last hearing. We understand that that's not going to be able to work that way and we don't intend for it to be that way, it's just a graphical representation that someone did for us. They didn't understand the reasoning why or how we wanted the driveways at this location. We didn't give them great direction. It's just to give you an idea of what the subdivision will look like in the future. There is a stub street to the west. There is a stub street to the south. And ask if you ....~ Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 10 of 92 have any questions of us at this time. We have read through the staff report and we can live with and agree with the conditions of approval. Rohm: Good. Makes things a lot easier that way. Thanks. McKinnon: Yes, it does. Thank you. Rohm: Any questions of Dave from the Commission? Zaremba: Thank you. Rohm: Good. Thanks, Dave. We do not have anybody signed up to testify for this hearing, but if -- at this time if anyone would like to come forward, this is your opportunity. Seeing none, I think at this time I will just turn it back to the Commission. Do you have any questions of staff before we close the Public Hearing, anyone of the Commissioners? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I would make another observation. I thank the staff for their preparation, but also note that the staff recommended denial last time and this time they have phrased it that they have complied with what the Commission asked them to do, but their recommendation is still denial. And in the Findings of Fact they have a list of things the Commission must find and I notice that in other applications those are findings that the staff takes ownership of and they, clearly, are not taking ownership of it this time. So, if the Commission is making these Findings and going against the staff's recommendation, it's clearly entirely on us. Rohm: That happens from time to time. Zaremba: I would make one further comment. When we had this before us originally, I made a long comment about Mr. Centers' motivation and, again, I'll repeat I don't know Mr. Centers personally and in thinking about it, I was out of place in my assumption of what his motivation might be and making the comments about it and I would apologize for taking the Commission's and the applicant's and staff's and everybody else's time for my long dissertation. It's irrelevant what his motivation is or my opinion about it and I'm sorry to have taken the time to express it. That being said, however, it doesn't make any difference why this doesn't connect to Jericho. It's been known all along-- and, again, I believe we promised to the people of the Arcadia Subdivision, even those that didn't live there yet, that there would be direct access to Locust Grove. And it's irrelevant why that isn't happening. Whether there is good reasons or bad reasons, the difficulty is this creates a problem for the City of Meridian, that it may be forever trying to solve. To be honest, I have no problem with the presentation, but as staff has pointed out, this fits into an area, not just one five acre parcel, and that area needs to have connectivity and both ACHD and the city, I believe, are within their rights to insist on the connectivity and I still have to comment that I don't think it's in the city's best interest to take on this problem in this way. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 11 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair? Rohm: Commissioner Newton-Huckabay. Newton-Huckabay: I am going to change my opinion from the last time we spoke. I have thought a lot about this one after the original hearing and after reading back over it and I have to agree with Commissioner Zaremba, the connectivity is needed there. We all know how strongly I feel about the way Jericho developed with that big county sub, but I think, if nothing else, thinking through the fact that it may not -- I mean there is a possibility that we won't get that connectivity, I'm not sure that the way the emergency turnaround at the end of this development -- it looks temporary and there is just a very real possibility, if this is approved, it may be permanent and I don't think that -- I think it's awkward and I think it's -- a temporary solution would probably be appropriate, but as a permanent -- a potential permanent solution, I don't think that it would be the way I would like to see it developed. Again, generally, I do tend to agree with Commissioner Zaremba, not in the best interest at the time -- at this time, because the connectivity, I do agree, is going to be critical in that area. End of my comments. Rohm: Thank you, Commissioner Newton-Huckabay. Any additional comments from the Commission? Borup: Mr. Chairman, maybe just one. I think -- I think those are both good comments, but I think it makes an assumption that that parcel to the west is never going to develop, that it's going to stay an undeveloped piece of property. Given the way things are happening in Meridian right now, I don't know if that's a realistic assumption. I mean it could happen and that's the assumption we are making, that there is never going to be any connectivity, but if that parcel ever develops, of course, there would be at that time. I'm sure that every department is going to have that as a requirement. Rohm: Well -- and along that line, the access road to the west at the end of this subdivision takes you right into that acreage that would ultimately have the potential to tie into Jericho and so that's, I guess, the other side of the coin from which Commissioner Zaremba and Newton-Huckabay spoke. So, I kind of see where you're coming from, too. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair? Rohm: Yes. Newton-Huckabay: I'm not -- don't want it to be thought that I'm making the assumption that piece of property is never going to develop. I am making an observation that in the event if it does develop in a way that would block Commander Street, given the history of this, that it was included and, then, it wasn't included, that it would block Commander Street from being an access to the west, then, the emergency access point -- a temporary emergency turnaround becomes permanent. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 12 of 92 Moe: Mr. Chair? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: I think in our past discussions of this property it's been well noted that if that property was to develop, that street would have to be connected back over to the west. They wouldn't have an option not to do that. Therefore, that would have to go in. Beyond that, a couple things -- and I have gone back and forth on this property as well and because this property -- this whole area has quite a history within this Commission, you know, the owner has sold off this property to where now he does not own that property to the west and he is trying to develop his property only, the opportunity for connectivity is still there at some point. So, quite frankly, I'm in favor of going forward with this, because I don't see the need to not -- basically to penalize this owner for not being able to do something with the other property. He has, indeed, sold that property to others. Rohm: Before we move forward, I have a question of staff. Because the property to the west will now be adjacent to annexed property if a motion is made and carried forward to the Council and them approve it as well, isn't there a requirement that any properties that develop that are adjacent to city property have to adhere to city standards, as in take city services via city water and sewer, and cannot develop as an out parcel with septic and their own private well? Hood: Mr. Chair, yes and no. There are provisions for county parcels that are within 300 feet of city services. The DEQ will not issue their septic permits if they are within -- close enough to city services, then, they will not issue a permit for a septic system. So, you could still develop that piece in the county, whatever the county regulations will let you do for the zoning, but you would have to address the city's Public Works Department and get our services. So, really, in effect, it is difficult to develop that piece in the county. There is no mechanism to initiate the annexation on the partial that's over five acres in size if it doesn't have our services. So, not to muddy things more, but if they are within a certain distance, then, we can -- they are required to obtain city services. Rohm: Okay. All right. Thank you. Newton-Huckabay: I just want a clarification. My thoughts were going in the -- because it's surrounded on at least two sides by already annexed -- will be annexed -- or annexed. You can't force -- force it to annex into the city, is that what you're saying? Hood: I may look at Counselman Nary or -- Newton-Huckabay: Maybe force is not the word I want to use. Hood: Yeah. There are provisions in state code where the city can initiate and annex properties. One of the outs for property owners is if they have more than five acres. If Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 13 of 92 they own more than five acres, the city cannot force them to come into the city. So, if you have more than that -- there are several provisions, though -- and I'm just going off of memory of what I remember that to be. If you are larger than five and you are receiving city services, then, you have consented to annexation in the future. So, there are some if this, then -- there is other circumstances, it's not just if you're five acres or more. This map does not accurately represent the entire city limits either, because just to the north is Westborough square, Westborough Subdivision, that has been recently annexed into the city. So, that five to the west, actually, has city limits on three sides, the north, east, and the west. So, we try to update our maps, but this one isn't totally up to date. It will be somewhat of an enclave, but there are some properties to the south that have not annexed yet and are still in the county. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Newton-Huckabay: The Jericho Road properties are in the county still? Hood: No. All of the-- Newton-Huckabay: Those get annexed? Hood: Everything on the east -- or, yeah, east side of Jericho is within the city limits. Everything on the west has not come into the city yet. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Rohm: Dave, I'd like to hear what your thoughts are on this, please. McKinnon: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, just a couple of thoughts and some rebuttal. Just for the record, Jake Centers no longer owns this piece of property. It's not typical for the city to require a property owner to come in and purchase a piece of property to build a road all the way through. When Arcadia was built it had one access, this stub street to Lochsa -- I mean to Saguaro was not built at that time, so secondary access was not available. Furthermore, access to Leeshire was not available at that time. There was not a requirement for Arcadia to be built -- for Arcadia to provide access all the way out to Locust Grove at this time. Jake does not own this piece of property. This property is owned by Mr. Luchini. Not For Sale, LLC, with Jake Centers being the head of that. And, then, Go Properties owns this piece of property. We have no authority to provide anything through here. Commissioner Zaremba, you made an assumption saying that ACHD and the city would require this to connect all the way through. ACHD in their staff report was satisfied with the stub street to the west and the stub street located at this point. In the future this property, if and when it develops, will provide an access road through here. If this property were not to develop at anytime in the future, we wouldn't have this access road. The city can promise anybody that this -- the city has made no promises that this would continue all the way through, because the city has no ability to promise that. What they can promise is that when these properties develop in the city, that a road will come all the way through Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 14 of 92 there. When this property was purchased it was two parcels of ground and those were both build-able parcels of ground in the county. A property status report was issued by the planning and zoning of Ada County stating that those are two build-able parcels of ground. If someone wished to purchase these properties, they could build two homes on these parcels and you would never have an access through there. At this point, this five acres -- or the four acres, plus the one acre, provides an access to this point, bringing us that much closer to this point. Is it in the best interest of the city not to provide any access through here in the future and not to provide a stub street that would provide access here? I don't know if it's in the best interest of the city to say you cannot build this until everything is built. This would provide at least part of that stub road that would connect all the way through Arcadia. If you say no to this project, then, you have got a project that can't come forward, you have hamstrung both property owners, because this property owner can't come in unless he comes in with Jake. And so what you have done is create a situation that only -- if these are properties are developed, they could only be developed together and they are different ownership and I don't believe that you can make one property owner do one thing at a different time. And just for clarification, Jake does not own that piece of property and ACHD has made it a requirement to provide a stub street to that property, just as it is a city requirement. Borup: I think we all understood that. McKinnon: Yeah. I just wanted to make sure it got on the record from me. Rohm: Thanks, Dave. McKinnon: Thank you. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, I think considering this property, without considering the background that went along with it, is asking us to make a decision in a vacuum, assuming we know nothing about what might happen, and I think that that -- that that's inappropriate in that instance. But, again, my big complaint is it would be -- if we moved forward, I would like to see the emergency access put in this development in a way that if it -- at some point in the future it becomes permanent, it's appropriate for a permanent emergency access. Does that make sense what I'm requesting? Rohm: If you want to put that in the form of a motion, then, we will see where it goes. Newton-Huckabay: Well, I would like to know the opinion of the rest of the Commissioners on that. If I stand alone in that opinion, then, I will end my comments and we will move on. Borup: Question, then, if that's what you're asking. What makes it a permanent turnaround that's any different than it is now? Newton-Huckabay: Well, this one had all the required -- the no parking requirements, can't park across the street. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 15 of 92 Borup: Right. Newton-Huckabay: That type of thing. They need to make it wide enough, I would guess. I mean I'm not a -- Borup: I don't know that this -- Newton-Huckabay: That's not my area of expertise. Borup: Okay. But it is an engineer and planners. Newton-Huckabay: I just need to have an opinion. Borup: If it didn't qualify as a turnaround, it wouldn't be approved as it is now. I mean whether -- Rohm: That's a good point. Borup: -- it's temporary or permanent; it still has to have the same specifications, to my understanding. Rohm: A temporary solution has to adhere to permanent -- Borup: Standards. Rohm: -- permanent standards, even being temporary, because there is no assurance that at some point in time down the road that it will be carried forward. So, I think, Commissioner Newton-Huckabay, although your comments are well taken, the staff recommendation addresses those and by elimination of parking and things such as that, the emergency vehicle traffic has been addressed with this application and staff report, as I understand it. Newton-Huckabay: I think it's great that nobody will park in a no parking zone in that neighborhood ever. Zaremba: My question to staff would be what constitutes a temporary turnaround. It would be sufficient to roll four inches of asphalt over bare ground, wouldn't it, for a temporary? And a permanent one would be a full road section. Hood: The fire department still has standards, as was mentioned earlier. They do allow -- it's not quit the same. Generally, it's going to be dedicated to the public and, therefore, in ACHD's right of way. Here you have just got an easement across a build- able lot. But as far as the cross-section of what's actually underneath that, it's going to be similar. It still has to support a fire truck. The radiuses still have to be the same. It is a little misleading and it isn't the ideal situation. I mean a cul-de-sac or a snoopy that Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 16 of 92 is right of way clearly defines those areas, but your -- I. mean everyone's -- it does still function as a turnaround and it has been approved by the emergency services as such. It's kind of a -- for a truly temporary use of something like this would work just fine, generally. And you never really know how long a temporary turnaround is going to be needed for. The idea is that you can use more of that area if you don't have to do a full- blown cul-de-sac or a snoopy. I mean there is more build-able area there for lots. In that instance that's nice for the development. You don't have, you know, a cul-de-sac and if it does get punched through, then, you have got a bunch of asphalt you don't need in the future. But either way it functions -- again, it's not the most ideal situation for staff, but if emergency services is going to sign off on it and it meets their requirements -- but there are differences between a full-blown permanent turnaround in the right of way and something that's just temporary and 20 feet wide -- Rohm: Thanks, Craig. At this time I would like to have one of the Commissioners make a motion to either close -- Borup: Mr. Chairman, I move we close the Public Hearing. Zaremba: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we close the Public Hearing on AZ 05-050 and PP 05-051. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Borup: Oh, am I doing a motion? I just closed it. Newton-Huckabay: I won't be doing a motion. Rohm: Okay. Would somebody like to make a motion? Borup: Okay. Well, I'd like to move on, so I guess I'll do it. Mr. Chairman, I move we recommend approval to City Council of file numbers AZ 05-050 and PP 05-051, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 19th, with the following clarification and that was the applicant was asked to clarify the perimeter and micro- path fencing. The applicant made the statement that the north fence along the school would be a continuation of the chain link fence I think the school presently has; that the fencing around the rest of the perimeter would be a six foot high wood fence and the micro-path fence would be four foot or within city standards. End of motion. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we forward onto City Council recommending approval of AZ 05-050 and PP 05-051, both related to Reserve Subdivision. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? There are three in favor and two against. Motion carries. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 17 of 92 MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO NAYS. Item 7: Item 8: Item 9: Continued Public Hearing from December 15, 2005: AZ 05-051 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 12.84 acres from RUT to R-15 zone for Ellensburg Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC - northwest corner of North Ten Mile Road and West Pine Avenue: Continued Public Hearing from December 15, 2005: PP 05-052 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 41 building lots and 4 common lots on 12.84 acres in a proposed R-15 zone for Ellensburg Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC - northwest corner of North Ten Mile Road and West Pine Avenue: Continued Public Hearing from December 15, 2005: CUP 05-047 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Development for multi-family residential units with a request for reductions to the street frontage requirements for Ellensburg Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC - northwest corner of North Ten Mile Road and West Pine Avenue: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the continued Public Hearing on AZ 05-051, PP 05- 052 and CUP 05-047. All three of these items relate to Ellensburg Subdivision and at this time I'd like to hear the staff report. Wilson: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. You may recognize the name Ellensburg Subdivision. It has been on the agenda a couple times before. It was originally scheduled for the November 3rd, 2005, hearing. ACHD had not reviewed the project and I think the traffic impact study was a little behind. So, it was continued from that date to December 15th, 2005, for that hearing. The site was not adequately posted, so, then, the item was continued to tonight. The project is located at the -- what is presently the end of this section of Pine Avenue along Ten Mile Road. It is located at the northwest corner of Pine and Ten Mile. The -- let's see. This will show the boundaries a little more clearly. It is a triangular piece of property with pretty limited frontage on Ten Mile Road and, then, quite a bit of frontage on what would be the Ten Mile Avenue. The site is this one here in white. Currently the site is vacant. There has been some recent development since this aerial photo, but this site does still remain vacant. The surrounding land uses to the south -- there are some existing rural properties on large lots. To the north there is Mosers Farm Subdivision, zoned R-8, as indicated here with some -- it looks like fairly typically sized R-8 lots and, then, also to the north and a little bit more west is a park and an elementary school that is Chaparral Elementary School and a park that is owned by the West Ada Recreation District, not by the City of Meridian. To the east there is the recently approved -- I guess Somersby -- I think it was year before last or last year, with some limited office at the corner of Pine and Ten Mile and, then, some higher density residential developments around that. The general area of the project is -- is a mix of rural areas and developments. Staff does - Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 18 of 92 anticipate this area will rapidly change when the Ten Mile interchange on 1-84 begins construction and is completed -- scheduled right now for 2008 to begin construction and completed a year or so after that. The City of Meridian's Comprehensive Plan does list the area to the south of here mixed use regional and the area will be -- will be vastly different than it is today. The proposal before you is for 164 multi-family units, consisting of -- in four-plexes. There are 41 four-plex buildings and four common lots on 12.84 acres. Currently zoned RUT in Ada County. The applicant has proposed annexation to the R-15 zone. It doesn't look like we got a plat in here. The applicant has submitted an annexation application and preliminary plat application and also the CUP is for a planned development, an addition to the multi-family buildings. The planned development does ask for reduced frontages. And I apologize for not having a plat. The building lots are, basically, the footprint of the four-plex buildings and do not have any frontage on a public road, therefore, needing the planned development for those reduced frontages. It's important -- and I should have mentioned this first thing -- is that this application, because it has been continued a couple times, was submitted under the old code. This is being considered under Titles 11 and 12 of Meridian City Code. It was submitted prior to September 15th, 2005, when the Unified Development Code was adopted. This may be the last project you see under the old code, because it has been continued twice. Most of the others have ran their course through the Commission. Some key items to touch on. Really, topic of the most discussion is the Unified Development Code, when it was adopted in September, did adopt some fairly stringent new standards for multi-family developments and that deal with amenities. It deals with amount of open space. It deals with also some architectural features. This application is not subject to those requirements, because it is under the old code, but as a Conditional Use Permit, the Commission does have the ability, as they see fit, to impose any of those requirements that they feel are necessary or would approve the project on the project. So, as part of the staff report, I did include analysis of those newer items that are in the Unified Development Code and I will go through those now. As part of the Unified Development Code there was -- for units of 20 -- actually, this one falls in the over one hundred units category. For units over one hundred units they are required to provide four amenities and also any others that the Commission feels are commensurate with the size of the development. They also are required that they provide an amenity from each category. The category is defined in the new Unified Development Code as being recreation, quality of life, and open space. Staff feels that the applicant has met this requirement as submitted. They do have the amenities that would qualify under the new code, would be the pool, the walking trails, the clubhouse, the tot lot, children's play area, and grassy area of at least 50 by 100 feet. So, they have satisfied that requirement. The new code also requires that for multi-family developments they are required to provide covered parking. For one bedroom units they are required to give one covered parking space and for two bedroom units or larger, they are required to give two covered parking spaces. The applicant has proposed cover parking, so that is one item where they would not need the new standards. The new code also gets much more specific about the amount of open space that is required for the development. It breaks the units into categories by square footage and gives standards for amount of open space by square feet that are required for each unit. One hundred and fifty square feet of open space is required for each unit Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 19 of 92 from 500 square feet -- or 500 square feet or below. Two hundred fifty square feet of open space is required for each unit that contains the 2,512 square feet of living space. And 350 square feet of common open space is required for every unit above 1,200 square feet of living space. The other stipulations on that open space is that for it to be eligible must be a minimum of 20-by-20 feet. This application does appear to comply with that requirement. I think it's evident from the colored land here. There is a large amount of common open space on the project there by the applicant's calculation. Mae: Mr. Chairman, I have a question of Josh. Wilson: Yeah. Moe: In regard to the open space within your notations you speak of the common space out there by the collector, basically, by Ten Mile Road. Wilson: Okay. Moe: As far as fencing, per se, have we got anymore information on the applicant, what they are going to provide out there? Wilson: I have not received anymore information about fencing. Moe: Hopefully, we will be hearing from -- Wilson: I will ask the applicant to address that. I did find my figure here. They have provided 13 percent of the site as open space and that is outside of any required street buffers and, therefore, qualifies as open space. There is the large one in the northwest corner -- there is the large grassy area that will also serve as storm water retention. In the center of the development there is the grassy area with the children's play area, the tot lot, and, then, some grassy area provided by the clubhouse and pool and there is also the large open space out by the intersection of Ten Mile and Pine, in addition to open space provided along the rear of the units. So, from staff's analysis they do apply -- or they do appear to comply with that requirement that the UDC would place on them. An item that staff feels does not comply as submitted is the elevations. The new -- the new multi-family standards do have some fairly specific architectural standards that they are required to meet. There is required to be a mix of materials and articulations on the elevations of the buildings. I think it's probably shown more clearly on Buildings Band C, that they are proposed to be of one material for the entire facade of the building, with some -- with -- there is some projections on the architectural facade here, but they are -- on this building in particular they are fairly minimal and would not meet the requirements of the new architectural section. This building does have a little more modulation in the facade, a little more variation and probably would meet those requirements. Again, it doesn't have that mixed materials that the new code talks about. And this -- this building facade does also have the modulations, but not the mix of materials. The new architectural standards also refer to an appearance of durability of quality of construction and they reference material such as stone, stucco, wood, tile, brick. These --. -,- - Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 20 of 92 buildings are proposed to be stucco, but it does -- they do lack the -- any rock or brick accents that that architectural section does mention as well. It also talks about a variation in roof lines, which I think you could go either way on these. You know, there are some projections that do give some variation, but, then, again, you also have the -- you also have the pretty consistent flat roof lines that mayor may not meet that section as well. I think the -- as noted in the staff report, they really do meet most of these new multi-family standards and I think the applicant has made an effort to provide as many as they can. The main ones that they don't meet being the covered parking and the elevations. The elevations in regards to the site layout are fairly easy to change. The covered parking -- and the applicant should address this -- covered parking may take up a little more space and they may lose a few parking spaces due to the posts that are required for canopies over parking spaces and fitting parking spaces around those. That may require some site redesign and lose some parking on that. But the elevations should be fairly easy to incorporate a mix of materials and just slightly change architectural styles of those without really changing the plat or the site layout too much. I think with that I will end staff's comments and take any questions the Commission has. I do apologize for not having a copy of the plat in the presentation. Rohm: Thanks, Josh. Any questions of staff from the Commission? Borup: I have got one. And not necessarily on this specific project, but are the -- your references in the UDC, are those correct? 11-4-3? Wilson: Are those -- I'm sorry, Commissioner, are the references correct? Borup: Yes. Wilson: Is that what you're asking? Yes. Borup: They are not in my book. I mean -- maybe I have got the wrong one. Zaremba: It does take some interpretation. The entire new UDC is Title 11, so ignore the 11. When you're trying to look one up, you want -- the one you're referencing, 11-4- 3.270, I think, ignore the 11. You need to look for Chapter 4 -- Borup: Okay. Zaremba: -- and, then, within Chapter 4 -- Borup: That's where I was at. Zaremba: -- the paragraph 2700. Borup: I was in Chapter 4. Zaremba: It took me awhile to figure that out. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 21 of 92 Wilson: Commission Zaremba is correct. The 11 is -- the entire UDC is in Title 11 now , but that is the property reference to it, but -- yeah, so ignore the 11, look for Chapter 4. I will -- I will, I'm sorry, correct one code reference. Under the section elevations, under the CUP analysis, it references the elevations as complying with UDC 11-4-3.270D. That should, actually, be E is the section for architectural standards. Zaremba: You're on page nine and you're talking about Roman numeral V? Wilson: Yes. That is Roman numeral V on page nine. Zaremba: Okay. Mr. Chairman, I would make a couple comments, if I may. Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: On page four there is passing reference to the fact that the Comprehensive Plan future land use map designates this -- I can't talk tonight. Designates this property as public-quasi public. At the time that the Comprehensive Plan was being formulated and adopted, there, actually, was no definition of public or quasi-public in the existing ordinance. It was something that the Comprehensive Plan group looked around and said we should have this designation for certain properties. The property that we are talking about at the time, and maybe still is, was owned by a church, which the group call public-quasi public and had a sign visible from Ten Mile at approximately this location, indicating that a church was going to be built on that site. They made no request to become public quasi-public, this is something that the Comprehensive Plan group did. This Commission in previous actions has established the precedent that that designation is not a zoning designation, does not run with the land, it's a use designation and if the use goes away, that designation goes away. It, essentially, evaporates. The applicant doesn't have to do anything to remove a public-quasi public designation, other than change their use. So, I don't know whether or not it's still owned by the church, but if they are proposing a different use than building a church, they don't have to do anything about this designation in the Comprehensive Plan. It does not run with the land. So, I would comment on that. Rohm: Well, I remember that sign being out there and so -- and that's probably how the Comprehensive Plan designated that as such, so I appreciate your comments. Zaremba: I would also comment on another thing that staff has asked us to consider -- and now I'm on page eight, under the new multi-family standards that appear in the UDC, which we would only be able to incorporate if we added it as a condition under the conditional use. But the item four that says developments with 20 units or more shall provide the following: Property management office, a maintenance storage area, a central mailbox location, and a directory and map of the development at a convenient location. I was on what was called the Process Improvement Group that helped develop and write the new UDC. We at various times had experts in different fields come and talk to us, things that perhaps were new to Meridian, but not so new in other -.- -.- .-.--- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 22 of 92 areas. One of the people that came was somebody who has built and managed multi- family developments for many many years and I emphasize the manage part of it, because his expertise was telling us what was wrong with these developments, what did they discover long after they had been built that they should have had in the first place. This paragraph four he was very strong about. All of those things they discovered they should have had and it's difficult for the area to continue its own management, they end up with maintenance materials just stuck out in one of the parking spots and I would suggest that this Commission consider incorporating that somewhere in there. Think about it as we are talking about this project. It was a reason for it getting into the UDC. Rohm: Thank you, Commissioner Zaremba. Commissioner Moe. Moe: Commissioner Zaremba, I would note that I have had the same concern on that same issue. I'm, actually, waiting for the applicant to tell us what they thought of the conditions within this proposal. Rohm: Yeah. And before we hear from the applicant, I would like to say that not only this application, but every application that we have heard since the development of the Unified Development Code we have tried to incorporate the things that we have learned in years past into proposals as they come forward, even though it had not yet officially been adopted. But we made those conditions of approval in other projects and so more than likely we will at least consider that for this application as well. With that being said, I would like to ask the applicant to come forward, please. Nickel: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Commissioners. Shawn Nickel, 839 East Winding Creek, Suite 201, in Eagle, here tonight representing Centennial Development. And I'm going to make this easy for you. I do understand staff's intent of analyzing the new code and we understand that we did submit this under the old code requirement. However, we did look at the new code when designing this to a certain degree. And I believe by looking at what staff has analyzed with the new code that we meet or can meet the majority of those requirements. So, I'm not going to be up here arguing too much about those, I'm just going to get right into it and we can kind of follow along. With that, I'll, first of all, thank staff for laying out the intent of the project. I can get into more detail about that if you'd like, but going specifically to the new standards as suggested by staff, first of all, regarding fencing, we are going to have vinyl fencing surrounding the property, with the exception of the drainage ditch along the north, that will be a chain link fence. Everything else will be -- exterior will be vinyl fencing. As staff has indicated, we do comply with the new standards for setbacks for the service areas, the outdoor storage areas, waste disposal areas. We do comply with the open space standards, old and new. With regard to number four, we do intend to provide a management office within the clubhouse, a maintenance storage area, a mailbox location, and directory location sign within the development. So, if you'd like to make that a condition of approval, we will adhere to that. Zaremba: Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 23 of 92 Nickel: Regarding covered parking, we also intend to provide that within this development, so if you would like to make that a condition of approval, we believe we can handle that within the existing layout without wiping out too many parking -- or required parking spaces within the development. Regarding the amenities, we do comply with those. As you can tell, we have the walking pathway, the clubhouse and pool area, the tot lot, and the green -- or grass open areas, in addition to the green area around the units themselves. So, we do comply with that and those standards of both the old and the new code. That brings us to the elevations. If staff will put those on the screen. I do believe we meet the intent of -- as far as the -- how did he put it here? The offsetting -- the offsetting walls. If you look at all three of these elevations, you can tell that there are offsetting walls within each of the -- each of the three examples. I think what we need to look at is what staff is talking about, the extra treatment. These are all going to be stucco, so we would have no problem. And, if you recall, we did this on Medford Place not too long ago. So, on these elevations, we would have no problem adopting or incorporating elements of brick, rock, something other than the stucco to kind of provide that with an extra -- an extra esthetically pleasing look to those elevations. So, again, if that's something you're interested in putting as a condition of - approval -- I'd prefer to get this moving along, as opposed to coming back with a drawing like Kevin did in the past, but we could provide something more detailed to the City Council based on your recommendations tonight. Rohm: Shawn, before you leave that subject, I want to make sure that you have read through the architectural standards of the new UDC. Nickel: Yeah. I have got them right here. Rohm: And I'm not trying to move this beyond this point -- a conclusion, but I think that as long as what you propose is clear before it goes to Council, then, I think we are -- we can live with that. It's just everybody understands that you have to have different materials and just break it up some and, then, as long as you can respond to that, I think that that's the intent from this Commission. Nickel: Yes, Mr. Chairman. And after your discussions on the Medford development, if you recall, we kind of scribbled in there little cobbles and things. When we took that forward to the City Council, they also wanted us to elaborate on that and so we spent some time with them as well. So, I think in this case we will go ahead and, actually, revise the elevations. So, I don't want to go through that same thing again, but -- yeah. Rohm: Okay. Thanks, Shawn. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, if I may interrupt while we are on the same subject, speaking of the elevations. I see they have provided three different types and let me ask are you providing those because you, eventually, plan to choose one of them and make them all the same or will this project have a variety of the -- of all three? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 24 of 92 Nickel: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Zaremba, we are showing on the site plan or the PD plan three types of buildings and so those represent those three types of buildings. So, they will be intermixed within the development. Zaremba: Great. Thank you. Nickel: Everything else I believe we do meet and I think staff -- I have talked to staff in the last couple of days and I think we are on the same page as far as what's, you know, technically required, because this was submitted with -- you know, under the old code. What their suggesting is and what the applicant is willing to do and provide you with, if you want to condition those, I -- there is nothing in here, really, that we could not live without agreeing to. Rohm: Good. Nickel: So, if you want any other information on the development itself, I will be more than happy to or we can wait and we can let the neighbors talk and I can get up afterwards and talk about that. We can do that. Rohm: Thank you, Shawn. Zaremba: I do have one other question I want to asked before we go to open public testimony and it has to do with the private street -- actually, there is two questions that have to do with the private street. It mentions on the plat that all common areas will be maintain by the homeowners association. Is Lot 2 -- is that what the private streets are? Nickel: Yeah. I believe that's a private street over there. The private street would be contained within Lot 2 and that would be under the -- Zaremba: So, that's a separate lot and the maintenance of it will be done by -- Nickel: Yes. Zaremba: Then, the other question is a reference to the fire department's comments and they are -- let's see. On Exhibit B, fire department comment number nine, they have the concern about the ability to address the project and have all of the addresses visible from the street. I guess my question relating to that is do you have any intention of naming the private streets and addressing off of those or -- just discuss what's going to happen, if you would. Nickel: I will ask staff, as I believe that's the reason they want us to come back with an application for a private road prior to final plat, is so those will be named for the -- so the fire department does have the ability to address those off of a specific street, rather than Pine Street and, then, having unit numbers, they'd rather have the actual addresses. Is that correct, Josh? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 1 g, 2006 Page 25 of 92 Wilson: That is correct. The private streets will be required to have names. The comment from the fire department would have come before the UDC was enacted. The UDC brought about the ability to get these private streets and, therefore, eliminate the need to have that big monument sign out on Pine where every building in that complex would be addressed off of Pine and, you know, Building A, Units A 1, A2, A3, A4, or however they would do it. Now, what the private streets allow them to do is name those streets and address each building off of the private street it's located on. So, it's quite preferable to the old method. Nickel: And, Mr. Chairman and Commissioner, our -- when we originally -- and this has been going on for quite some time, but when we originally laid this out and met with staff and met with the fire department, the intent was to have this as a service drive, which is why it's not labeled with any street names and when we met with Joe Silva, we really met regarding emergency access, turnarounds, circulation. At that point he -- I don't think he was verbally real strong on the addressing. In the last several months that has come up more and more. So, again, we would be happy to apply for the private road and satisfy the fire department. Zaremba: Great. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, I had one question. It seems to me on the Medford Place we went to great pains to insure that the units facing the street, their rear elevations were also architecturally appealing. Are these rear elevations all along Pine Avenue or -- I can't tell by the -- Nickel: It's somewhat different, madam -- or chairman, madam, commissioner. This is somewhat different than the scenario with Medford, because, as you recall, Medford kind of sat down in a hole. It was not -- we were not able to landscape or fence the units from Eagle Road or Victory. In this case, with the flat elevation, with the berming that we are going to have along the boundary and the landscaping, you're better able to hide that and offset those elevations. So, what we are proposing is just those different materials along the front elevations of the development. Newton-Huckabay: I remember the conversation going the other way and that Mr. Amar was making the point that because they sat down low, an argument against architectural detail, in fact. Nickel: I don't recall that, because I know we did agree to -- because of the visibility of Eagle Road and Victory, that we did agree to provide those elevations all the way around the building and that's what I recall from that. Newton-Huckabay: Is there going to be, what, a three foot buffer, landscape berm? Two to three -- is there a six foot fence around -- is that a fence around the perimeter? Nickel: Yes. .----- -.-.-- - --.-- ----,- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 26 of 92 Rohm: I think Commissioner Newton-Huckabay's comments are well taken, though. I mean if, in fact, the architectural elevations are -- the intent is to make the project look better from the front and you have a whole row of them all along the extension of Pine Avenue, it's just as much in keeping to that same architectural review in place on the back side of those as well. I think that was kind of your point-- Newton-Huckabay: Well, I would think from those looking at it from the south -- because it's -- these are all two story buildings, generally, the back of four-plexes are stucco with a deck and a slatted deck -- deck off the top level and -- Moe: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Mae. Moe: Although my memory does fade sometimes, I would, actually, say that I would be in agreement with Commissioner Newton-Huckabay as far as what we had decided on the other development was from the back -- from the street side. If you're looking at the back of these buildings, we just didn't want to see one constant look all the way down the street and that is why we tried to make sure that we did have some esthetics to those other buildings. And realizing we are going to have a fence here and whatnot, we are still going to have, I assume, two story structures going through there, so I, actually, do have a concern that the upper level is just going to look like one solid plane all the way through Pine Street as we go and I would think that you guys may need to kind of review that when you're going through your final before you get to City Council as it goes forward. Nickel: Okay. Rohm: Well, I think that it would be in keeping to make that a condition of approval. So, any other questions of the applicant before we take testimony from the public? Newton-Huckabay: I have none. Rohm: Thank you, Shawn. At this time I'd like to ask Rick Jensen if he'd like to come forward. Jensen: Good evening. My name is Rich Jensen. My address is 3720 West Pine, Meridian, Idaho. It, actually, borders the eastern portion of the boundary of this property. My property line is this property line also. This is my property here. Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, I'd like to go on the record opposing this project, this type of development west of Ten Mile. I believe it's inconsistent with existing single family, fairly expensive homes in that area. I also think that there may be an impact to property values of the land -- of the current landowners in the area west of Ten Mile. I also think that this development -- this building density is too high for the amount of space that's there on that acreage. I would recommend reducing the number of lots that are in that area. And, therefore, my recommendation is that this type of development, basically Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 27 of 92 four-plexes, stay on the east side of Ten Mile where it is consistent with existing four- plex developments and would fit into that plan better. If the project is approved, the applicant has talked about vinyl fencing and I would hope and ask that if the project is approved, that this fencing along this boundary is high enough and stout enough to keep primarily children and other people from trespassing on my property, because I raise livestock in that area, so there is a safety issue there, just keeping out of that property. We'd also be interested in not having two story buildings along that property line to protect our privacy and view. The applicant -- it looks like everything in there is going to be two levels. I'm also interested and concerned about how the applicant is going to maintain privacy of the -- of the private lane. That lane is a dirt lane, as you're familiar with, and its upkeep and maintenance is the responsibility of the landowners in that area and trespass is probably inevitable and I would just like to know a question as to whether the applicant has addressed a way to limit the amount of trespass that will go all the way down Pine Avenue -- our dirt lane. Excuse me. Thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Appreciate your comments. At this time would Lora Wilder like to come forward, please. Wilder: Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, my name is Lora Wilder. I live at 3401 West Pine Avenue, which is the property immediately to the south border of the proposed development. If you would show the aerial view I can point that out. This is our house right here and this is our property line right here. I'm not going to either say that I oppose or support this project. I have concerns and some things that I would like to ask and some questions. First of all, I appreciate the effort the applicant has shown towards complying with the new Unified Development Code. I would urge you to make as conditions of the project the architectural standards. We live on the south side, we will be looking at the rear of those buildings and we realize that anything else that develops in that area will have to adhere to the new standards and that way the project will fit better with the existing surroundings. I feel that that's very important and it needs to be officially made a condition. As well, I would like to see item four on page eight that we discussed with the property management office, even though the applicant has expressed that they are going to do these things, I would like to have it be a condition, so that it's formal and that we are assured that it will be done. In addition to that, I have some questions. As you can see -- well, first, I would like to say for the public record, too, that we raise -- we have an agricultural production operation, which is part of our livelihood. We raise sheep. In addition, my children raise 4H pigs and cattle and the pig pen is very close to the property line, which I showed that to the applicant when we had the neighborhood meeting, and I just don't want to have any trouble. So, we would like to state that for the public record and on the plat we would like to see the Idaho Right to Farm law referenced. We have pretty much accepted the city is growing faster than we had hoped and so for that reason we are not going to oppose the project, but we, too, are concerned about our privacy and the privacy of this road. Applicant will be building their own road just to the north of the existing road and they do state in Exhibit B that it will be prohibited for people to be on the private road, but I would like to know if there is currently a fence to the north of that private lane and we would like to see a fence remain in between what they are extending for Pine Avenue and what is the - Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 28 of 92 private road. Otherwise, I don't know how we will keep pedestrian traffic, children, bicycles, others off of that road and for the safety of our livestock and our privacy, we would like to insure that there is some way that we are going to limit and keep people off of the road. And I'd like to know how that's addressed. Also, on the intersection down here, I understand part of the property is going to widen to the south on the Shawl property and I would like to know a little bit more about how they are going to set up that intersection. So, as I understand it, those of us on the private road will merge onto their new road down there and I'd just like to know a little bit more about how that's going to work. So, thank you very much. Rohm: Thank you for your comments. Is there anybody else that would like to testify on this application? Okay. Seeing none, Shawn, would you like to come forward. Nickel: And, Mr. Chairman, Shawn Nickel. Appreciate the neighbors' comments. We did have a neighborhood meeting -- it seems like forever ago. And I do understand their concerns, specifically with the -- with the roadway kind of a -- Pine Street comes in process again. If you recall, the other side to the west, we had the issues with Pine and EI Gato and everything. And in this case it's the same thing. You have got the existing Pine private lane, which is not on our property, and it's privately owned and maintained and it, actually, aligns up with Pine Street on the other side. We are offset, so at this intersection we are going to have to do a transition and we are, actually, purchasing a small portion of Mr. Shawl's property in order to properly align that intersection per ACHD's guidelines. So, we will have a transition. We are going to be paving a portion of Mr. Shawl's property over here and, then, transitioning their private lane as it comes up and goes -- it comes up -- or, actually, you can kind of see that little triangle right there. So, we will pave to this area right here and, then, it will transition to the gravel road to the west. I think a fence along that boundary is probably a good idea, so we would agree to have fencing along that south boundary to keep people from encroaching on the neighbor's lane. I don't know if we need to work with them, if the neighbors were intending to access our roadway and I will -- and we can work with them at a later date on that and coordinate that -- the location of that fence. So, that shouldn't be a problem. The gentleman -- Zaremba: Mr. Nickel? Nickel: Yes. Zaremba: While we are on the subject of the road, tell me -- I guess the question is what width -- are you building the whole road bed or what would be a half plus 12 or -- Nickel: Yes. Yeah. Zaremba: Okay. Nickel: Enough of a travel way for us to meet ACHD's requirement. But it's going to be completely on our property. We have no access to their -- to their private lane. ---.-. . Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 29 of 92 Zaremba: Okay. Nickel: Regarding the gentleman to the west, there will be a six foot high solid vinyl fence with no gates or accesses to the west. So, it will be a straight shot all the way across there. Regarding the density, we do understand we are encroaching into a rural area, but this is definitely an area in transition and as staff has indicated, the Ten Mile corridor is going to change significantly in the next couple of years with the -- it already has, but once the interchange is complete, there is a combination of mixed use, there is industrial, there is high density residential all the way down to the -- to the interchange and keep in mind that when the new Comprehensive Plan was adopted, transportation was really looked at and this is an area -- this intersection of Pine all the way down to the interstate is an area that high density and mixed use was looked at very -- very intentively and transportation was looked at. There is a designation for a future rail station in this area for future light rail consideration along the railroad track. This particular piece of property, high density, with the park and the school located to the north and the transportation corridor, it's an excellent place for a higher density development and that's one reason we have proposed that. Commissioner Zaremba, you were correct in your definition or your explanation of the public-quasi public designation and that's exactly what staff told us when we initially looked at this property. Regarding the conditions that the neighbors spoke of, we are in agreement to those conditions, as I stated earlier. And we will put the Right to Farm Act on the plat as well. So, that's all I had. If you have any other questions, I would be more than happy to address them. Rohm: Shawn, how many units are along this west line? Nickel: There are six buildings -- kind of hard to see. Josh, can you put the other colored site plan up? There is one, two, three, four, five, six buildings, so 24 units. Rohm: With it being all of similar color here, it's hard for me to outline the specifics of the -- Nickel: Is it shown better on this one here? Rohm: Okay. Thank you. I believe one of the testimonies was a request that they break up that -- that skyscape along that west line, because it's right adjacent to their property and I was wondering if you had considered any change in the building structures along this west line, as compared to the balance of the project? Nickel: Commissioner -- or council member -- Commissioner -- I guess you're chairman. Mr. Chairman. I apologize. Can you put up the aerial again, Josh? I'm butchering everybody's name tonight. One thing we -- one thing we did consider is the location of the house, the existing house of the neighbor. I do understand their concern. We believe that there is enough of a buffer. If their house was closer and these buildings were looking right down onto them, I could see the concern. I believe that with Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 30 of 92 the solid fence, with the landscaping, the setbacks that are required by code, I think we do meet the -- we are compatible -- probably not as much as they would like to be, but I think that we have done what we can to at least look at that. Rohm: Well, I think the fact that not all of the buildings are faced specifically the same direction, there is some break up as you go along that west line and so that's appreciated. Thank you. Nickel: Great. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Nickel? Mr. Chair? It occurred to me -- and I'm looking at this - - that on this five foot pathway, is there any opportunity to -- in that northwest corner to at some point endeavor to meet up with access -- thank you. I mean right here. Access into Fuller Park at some point? Because they have a nice walking path that goes the perimeter of the park and I would just think that somewhere in here would be nice, if that's at all possible, I would just -- Nickel: I would say yes, because, if you recall, some of you, the Chesterfield Subdivision over here and the Castlebrook Subdivisions over here, had the pathway and, the bridge across to the park. So, I think the ability, if the gentleman here was ever to redevelop, I think the ability to connect a pathway through that property to that pathway would be appropriate. We could mention that in an easement somewhere on the final plat, that that is anticipated for connection. Newton-Huckabay: I think given where this is -- I mean there was quite a large development in here going in, that getting across here walking around the outer perimeter and up here into the park through -- this is across the drain; right? Nickel: Yeah. The drain is right there, so -- Newton-Huckabay: But I think that would be really nice in that area to get up into the park through there. Nickel: And also keep in mind that Pine Street eventually will connect. Newton-Huckabay: Right. Nickel: And, then, access to that pathway on this side would be available, as opposed to trying to cross this ditch or that ditch a second time, so -- but, yeah, we can -- we can put some sort of easement recognition in that corner if they -- and you guys will be looking at that -- Newton-Huckabay: Okay. That would be great. I think that would be nice to have that kind of connectivity. Nickel: I'm looking back at my engineer. Do you see any problems with that? .. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 31 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Well, I'm not asking you to make -- to do that, I just -- my -- personally I have spent a lot of time using that park and the path around it and it's quite nice and it would be nice to have that access into what's going to be -- I envision probably fairly commercial area in the future. Nickel: I think that would depend on their layout -- Newton-Huckabay: Right. Nickel: -- but, if not, we would have the access across Pine, eventually, for that. Newton-Huckabay: All right. So, we would be, then, leaving Mr. Jensen more options that he would have otherwise -- Nickel: That's true. Newton-Huckabay: -- when he goes to redevelop his property. Nickel: That's true. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you. Borup: Thank you, Mr. Nickel. Any other questions of the applicant before we move forward? Zaremba: I would ask one more and it's probably a question of staff while Mr. Nickel is still here. Conditions of approval, which is Exhibit B, paragraph one, the planning department, 1.1.6 says other than public street access approved by ACHD, direct lot access to West Pine Avenue is prohibited and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat restricting access to West Pine. I realize this layout doesn't at this time indicate any direct access to Ten Mile, but once it's annexed and somebody comes up with a different plan, I'm just wondering if we should add the statement that there is also no direct access to Ten Mile? Wilson: Commissioner Zaremba, I think that's appropriate and -- Zaremba: And is the applicant comfortable with that? Nickel: Yeah. Zaremba: Okay. That was the only issue I had remaining. Rohm: Good. Thank you, Shawn. Appreciate your comments. Okay. At this time does the Commission have any further discussion or could we entertain a motion to close? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 32 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair -- Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I move we close the public hearings on AZ 05-051, PP 05- 052, and CUP 05-047 relating to Ellensburg Subdivision. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we close the public hearings on AZ 05-051, PP 05-052, and CUP 05-047. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: Thank you. Lots of notes on this one. Zaremba: Yes. I would start by saying I appreciate the applicant's willingness to work with the issues that have been raised. I would comment, in deference to the gentleman that asked that there be lower density, this is an area where this kind of density is really envisioned and, in my opinion, appropriate. As has been stated, the transportation changes that are going to happen in the near future, in the short-term longer future, and way down the road, almost require this area to develop with the heavier densities, so that they have access to transit, which may been there, to the rail line which may be there, and it is one of the ideas to actually pack the density around this kind of area. So, I'm afraid we are not going to be much help on that one. And I believe the applicant has been very cooperative on all the other issues. It seems like a good project to me. Rohm: Thank you, Commissioner Zaremba. Any other comments? With that being said, I would entertain a motion. Newton-Huckabay: I suppose we should kind of tally up the notes that are going to be needed to add to the motion. Borup: Good idea. Newton-Huckabay: For Commissioner Moe, who is getting quite prepared, I might add. Rohm: Commissioner Moe has been taking excellent notes here, might I add. Mae: Oh, I'm so glad you have noticed. Basically, what -- if I was to go forth with a motion, basically, items that I would be looking to include, basically, within the preliminary plat, would be, basically, at 1 ;29, noting that the preliminary plat will have a note to the Right to Farm Act be put on the preliminary plat. As far as the preliminary plat, that's about all I have there. Under the CUP, basically, I'd start off with 1.3.7, to require that all comment -- all items within the multi-family standards in UDC 11-4-3.27B be included within a Conditional Use Permit and, then, a 1.3.8 that the elevations -- the Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 33 of 92 elevation standards within the UDC 11-4-3.27E be required to include both the front and rear of the buildings. Zaremba: I would modify that at least the Pine rears. Moe: Oh, yes. Say Pine Street side only. Newton-Huckabay: Pine Avenue. Zaremba: Pine Avenue. Moe: Okay. Pine Avenue. All right. We will go back over these when I get through the notes. Then, basically, the next item would be 1.38, which would be that the applicant will provide fencing between the private road and the paved road. I did not understand what type of fencing that was to be. Zaremba: Vinyl. Oh, between -- Moe: No, between the private and paved roads. Zaremba: I'm not sure we discussed that. Moe: We did not. That could be a work-with-staff item. Moe: Okay. Newton-Huckabay: What would be an appropriate type of fencing for that use? Zaremba: I don't think vinyl would work well separating two roadways. Just too brittle. Newton-Huckabay: Yeah, that's what I would -- Moe: I would just say to be determined with staff. Zaremba: And work with staff. Moe: That's the end of my notes. Newton-Huckabay: I had a note on an easement for potentially continuing the path on the northwest corner of the property. Moe: 1.39 would be to provide an easement for a walking path. Newton-Huckabay: Path extension. Micropath extension to neighboring property. Moe: To the northwest? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 34 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Northwest. Mae: Okay. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman and Commissioner Moe, back on the plat, site specific requirements 1.1.6 references only not direct lot -- direct lot access to West Pine Avenue is prohibited -- Moe: And Ten Mile Road. Zaremba: I would add Ten Mile. And that should be stated on the plat as well. Moe: Yes. On the plat. Yes. Zaremba: Other than that, I think you have excellently captured the tone of what we are asking for. Rohm: We are ready for a motion. Moe: All right. Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers AZ 05-051, PP 05-052, and CUP 05-047 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date January 19, 2006, and the preliminary plat dated September 13, 2005, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval. Under the preliminary plat, item number 1.1.6, at the end of the sentence where it is noted: A note shall be placed on the final plat restricting access to West Pine Avenue. I would like to add: And to Ten Mile Road. Next item, also under the preliminary plat, a number 1.29 -- 2.9, excuse me, be added to include that the preliminary plat will note the Right to Farm Act on the document. Under the CUP items I would like to add an item 1.3.7, all items within the multi-family standards, UDC 11-4-3.27B be required to comply. And another item would be 1.3.8, that the elevation standards under UDC 11-4-3.27E be complied with, with the addition of the rear side of all lot -- all buildings on Pine Avenue be required to comply as well. That's it. Newton-Huckabay: I think we get the spirit of it. Mae: Next item would be 1.3.9, the applicant will provide fencing between the private road and the paved road at Pine Avenue. The fencing type will be determined with staff. And, then, the next item would be one point -- I think I'm down to 1.4.0, which would be that the applicant will provide an easement to allow path extensions to the northwest of the property. Meridian Planning & Zonin9 January 19, 2006 Page 35 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Can I have a point of clarification? Moe: Yes. Newton-Huckabay: Were the elevation changes going to be made prior to City Council, so that we would have that review? Moe: Yes, they would be. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Moe: So noted. End of motion. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you. Zaremba: Let me ask staff do we need to add what used to be a standard condition, that the new plat will be submitted to staff ten days before the City Council meeting or is that handled another way now? Wilson: If you are proposing changes to the plat -- and I believe you are with the -- with the easements and also the notes, I think that, yes, we should get those prior to City Council hearing. So, that would be another condition. Moe: So moved. End of motion. Wilson: And ten copies to the clerk. Rohm: With ten copies. Moe: With ten copies to the clerk. End of motion. Zaremba: I'll second that. Rohm: That was a fine motion, I will tell you. Okay. Zaremba: Would you read that back? Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we forward onto City Council recommending approval of AZ 05-051, PP 05-052, CUP 05-047, including all staff comments with amendments as noted. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: At this time we traditionally take a 15 minute break and we will reconvene at 9:15. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 36 of 92 (Recess.) Item 10: Continued Public Hearing from December 15, 2005: AZ 05-054 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 94.05 acres of which 49.27 acres is RUT proposed R-8 and 46.30 acres is RUT proposed TN-R for Bryce Canyon Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC - 3935 West Franklin Road: Item 11: Continued Public Hearing from December 15, 2005: PP 05-056 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 475 single-family residential building lots and 62 other/common area lots on 94.05 acres in proposed R-8 and TN-R zones for Bryce Canyon Subdivision by Centennial Development, LLC - 3935 West Franklin Road: Rohm: We are now ready to reconvene our regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for January 19th, 2006. And at this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing on AZ 05-054 and PP 05-056 for Bryce Canyon Subdivision and just request a motion to accept their withdrawal. Moe: So moved. Zaremba: Second. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Zaremba: But I would like to offer a question -- a little discussion before. Rohm: Okay. Zaremba: This is a project where Public Works is desirous of having a sewer easement through. What happens to that or did happen? Guenther: They go around. Zaremba: I didn't hear that. Guenther: They go around. Zaremba: Okay. All right. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we accept the withdrawal of this application for AZ 05-054 and PP 05-056. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 37 of 92 MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 12: Public Hearing: AZ 05-060 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 4.92 acres from RUT to C-G zone for Ada County Highway District Ustick Road Property by the Ada County Highway District - 3595 East Ustick Road: Rohm: The next item is AZ 05-060 for Ada County Highway District Ustick Road property and there has been a request to continue this until the February 16th regularly scheduled meeting of Planning and Zoning, due to lack of posting. Guenther: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Could I get a motion to that effect? Guenther: Mr. Chairman -- Zaremba: So moved. Guenther: -- if you wanted to table it until February 2nd, that would also work. There is a neighboring property that will be heard on the 16th and that is why they -- that item was requested for a month, instead of two weeks. Rohm: I think the 16th is a good date for that to hear the two projects at the same time. So, thank you for your comment, but this -- I think the 16th would be better from my perspective. Would someone like to make a motion to that effect? Zaremba: I'll remake the motion that we continue AZ 05-060 to our regularly scheduled meeting of February 16th, 2006. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we continue AZ 05-060 to February 16th, 2006. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Okay. Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: I'm sorry, on the last one did I also understand there was a notice problem? Are they aware it needs to be noticed? Guenther: They failed to post, so they will have to re-notice, I believe. Zaremba: Okay. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19,2006 Page 38 of 92 Item 13: Public Hearing: AZ 05-061 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 9.55 acres from RUT to C-G zone for Una Mas by Una Mas, LLC ~ 3475 East Ustick Road: Rohm: Well -- and carrying it out to the 16th gives them plenty of time to get that done. Okay. Good. With that, at this time I would like to open the Public Hearing on AZ 05- 061 for Una Mas and start with the staff report. Guenther: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Staff is recommending continuance of this project. However, we would like to hear it. The applicant is here. This is a 9.55 acre parcel. It is approximately 300 yards to the east side of Ustick Road. This site plan -- this is a conceptual site plan drafted by the applicant. The ACHD property that we just continued is this site right here, which is approximately four acres, which is for their new public road connection. This public road is going to be the extension of Records, which is across from where the Sportsman Warehouse is and the Meridian Crossroads project. This road would be the mid block future collector connection, splitting Ustick and Fairview, and that is why the staff was recommending the continuance, is because this site -- the Una Mas project, which is the 9.55 acres immediately to the east of the ACHD project, and the Gateway Marketplace, which is immediately east on the intersection of -- the southwest corner of the intersection of Eagle and Ustick, are all open applications at this time at the planning office. Currently, in front of you tonight would have been the ACHD and Una Mas, which are for annexation only. With that, this application did come in prior to the City Council, essentially, giving better direction to staff that they don't want to see annexations without development proposals. However, this is kind of a unique situation due to the fact that this site for Una Mas does not have a public road access. It does have frontage on Ustick Road, but ACHD has determined that the site would be for a full access point offsite for this project. If you look at -- at the actual site right now, there is a single family residence in the center of this site, which ACHD has granted future construction access point for this site, if it takes a bit for the ACHD project, as well as the undetermined Gateway Marketplace project, to deliver their cross-access to this site. So, currently, this is kind of landlocked due to the fact that ACHD has already improved Ustick Road at this site and they did not give the site an access point and there is no cross-access to the existing points on Ustick Road. Now, that being said, one of the conditions -- or not -- one of the comments, which will be written into the development agreement for this site, would be cross-access to the east to the ACHD site, to the west, which is the Gateway Marketplace, and to the south, which is a commercially zoned Redfeather site. At this time one point to bring up is that the ACHD project is not going to retain all of that project. They are only going to keep what they need for their future collector road. The remainder of that portion, which is requested to be considered as a C-G, general commercial zone, is going to be sold to the highest bidder. Now, if the bidder turns out to be this site, then, this site plan would be completely not inconsequential as a preliminary plat would be filed that would be brought all the way over to the future collector road. Now, there is a lot of what ifs with this site, which is why staff recommends a continuance of this application. However, Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 39 of 92 the applicant is here and wanted to have discussions with this board -- or with the Commission in order to try and get this project moved forward. So, I will stand for questions at this time. Rohm: Did you say that there is existing cross-access to the west or -- Guenther: There is no cross-access at all. Rohm: At all. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Are there any other questions of staff before I ask the applicant to come forward? Okay. At this time -- Rosse: My name is John Rosse, I'm with Hansen Rice representing Una Mas. We are at 1717 Chisholm Drive in Nampa. We are here today for annexation only and I want to point out that, you know, I want to clarify that we have no access to this site at all, which is -- you know, we are working on trying to resolve that, but in the -- currently right now this access right here isn't on our property at all, it belongs to the neighboring -- to the neighboring parcel and the access agreement that is in place right now is for the residential. As soon as we change the -- change the usage of it, that access agreement is null and void we don't have it. However, we do have a verbal approval from Gary Inselman at ACHD to put a temporary access in until such time that the neighboring parcel is developed and according to our discussions with Planning and Zoning that cross-access agreement will be granted north, south, east, west, basically, on all those type -- on all those parcels, which we don't have a problem in doing. You know, we are more than happy to work with the neighboring parcel when their development is -- comes through and is approved. Our understanding right now is that there is a -- that there is a lot of issues with that site that -- that have not yet been resolved and one of the things that we are concerned is we have got -- we have got potential clients for both of -- you know, along the top and the bottom of our site and we would like to -- we can't submit any applications, we can't do anything until we are annexed in and so that we can even submit development applications with -- you know, on what we would like to do. With that said, I want to address this parcel a little bit. Once ACHD does propose and -- or gets their road approved, there is going to be a strip of land in here that, you know, we are hoping that we can be the highest bidder on and make it feasible. However, there is not -- that's not -- that is the what if. Right now all's we'd like to do is be annexed in and we don't see that -- staff denying that or asking for a continuance on the 16th pending getting ACHD in and this parcel in is going to make any difference at this point. We look at it as if the neighboring parcel comes in and they have got a bunch of problems and they are continued or moved off or denied at that point, we have wasted a month that really didn't make any difference to the annexation process. We understand that when we submit our parcel for -- after annexation, we still have our development agreement that still has to go in front of Planning and Zoning again, where we can have conditions put upon us at that point. We will have -- you know, by that time the neighboring developments, ACHD will have been in, and you guys have had time to look at that and we can -- at that point we will know a little bit better on what's going on from all of the other parcels. So, I'm asking for you guys to grant us the annexation tonight and to wait and get our development agreement. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 40 of 92 Rohm: Discussion? Zaremba: Public testimony? Rohm: Before we do that, there is one other person that has signed up, Michelle Broadhead. Would you like to come forward, please? Broadhead: Michelle Broadhead at 2875 Duane Drive. I guess I -- I wasn't sure exactly what would be happening at this meeting. Annexation I don't have a problem with, but we are a neighbor -- that little street that ACHD owns, we back up to that on Duane Drive and mostly our concerns are what is going to happen with this and nobody seems to have any answers, which you can see from the discussion tonight there is lots of what ifs and nobody knows what's happening. So, as a neighbor that's all I'm concerned about is just what that's going to be like when it develops. So, if that's not going to be decided tonight, then, we will come back and wait again. So, thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Is there anybody else that would like to testify on this application? Seeing none, at this time maybe we will have some discussion amongst the Commission. Start down at the end. Commissioner Zaremba, do you have some thoughts? Zaremba: I looked like I was about to speak, I guess. Rohm: You did. Zaremba: Yes. I understand the applicant's desire to get something moving on this property. I'm sure that often makes it easier for them to close a deal on who a future tenant might be. The city, however, has consistently -- and the City Council, specifically, has consistently asked either for a full concept plan or a preliminary plat to accompany annexation requests. One, so that it's confirmed that the annexation request is for the correct district and also so that they can hear the applications at the same time. While I understand the desire to move it along, I agree with staffs request that this probably is going to have a lot of questions hanging over it until some of the neighboring issues are resolved and, again, as the previous applicant on another subject has said, it's hard to hold one property hostage to the neighboring properties, but there are a number of things that need to be resolved and I support the idea of hearing the three subjects together on the one night. Staff? Guenther: Well, the purpose for the continuation request is not as much for the Gateway Marketplace project as the ACHD project. Staff was recommending -- if you got the ACHD staff report, if they had posted the site we would have recommended approval of that site tonight and gone forward with that. But because of their being held up, it seems that this one probably has to be held up as well, which is why the recommendation was the way it is. However, that being said, again, ACHD still has to Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 41 of 92 sell that portion of the property and it's up to this board to determine if this, as an annexation, can just go forward or not, so -- Zaremba: I realize the other piece of property is not actually before us, but we continued that issue, because there was not notice. But would you speculate that the portion that they wish to sell off -- it appears to me to be too small for anything to be built on it and meet any setbacks and that gives me great optimism that this applicant would be successful in the bid, because who else can use something that that's narrow. Is it wide enough to put anything on it? Guenther: It is wide enough to put something on it. It would be a very weird looking project, but it is wide enough to put something on it. Because this road, being a collector road, would require a 20 foot buffer for the entire length of that road, as well as if there is a use buffer between two uses, typically it's a five foot landscape buffer between parking lots. That narrows it down to about 45 feet of build-able area. So, you could have a 45 foot wide something in there, excluding parking. Zaremba: Okay. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, I am in favor of continuing as well. As I have stated before, it's nice to be able to make a decision with the bigger picture and that would be my preference. Especially since I do not want to see a 45-foot wide building come before this Commission in the near future or a strip of property. Rohm: I view this a little bit differently than the rest of you, inasmuch as this application is for zoning, not for specific building structures, and albeit that it is going to be affected by both the property to the east and the west, the zoning itself won't change regardless of what happens with either parcel east or west and from my perspective, the zoning doesn't tie anybody's hand to how this specific nine acres will be developed, it -- that is still yet to be decided by what happens with those adjacent properties and so we are not -- from my perspective, we are not tying the city's hands by moving forward with an annexation with the commercial designation, we are only giving the applicant an opportunity to explore his options, so that when he comes back to us with a preliminary plat or something to present from a construction standpoint, he will have potential tenants, because he already has the zoning to market from and so that's just the other side of the coin to your opinion. Moe: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Mae? Moe: Sorry. Rohm: No. Go ahead. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 42 of 92 Moe: As far as the property to the west, are there any dates set for reviewing that project as well? Guenther: February 16th. Moe: The 16th. Well, I guess my point is that as far as trying to go ahead and looking for the approval as far as this evening, my concern is by letting them go ahead and if it was approved tonight and, then, they go forward trying to work through their development and whatnot, when we still have cross-access agreement situations and whatnot to that other property, I would like to see how they are looking to develop before we get too far along on this property as well, just to make sure that we don't have any conflicts on what -- how they are looking at their property in regard to access to this one as well. So, therefore, I think I would -- I think it would be better to continue this until then, so that we could see that one as well. Did I just confuse you? Borup: No. No. 1-- Zaremba: together. That gives the applicant time to talk to the other neighbors and work Rohm: Commission Borup, you're -- Borup: I think the only question I had -- and I have gone back and forth on this, but the project to the west beyond the 16th, is that going to have a preliminary plat? Guenther: Yes, that is with a preliminary and a conditional use for design. Borup: Okay. So, we will be able to see specific projects. Well, then, I'd think maybe that does make sense. The ACHD property was strictly the annexation only also. So, waiting for that design would really have no effect on this, but perhaps the other one does. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, the Public Hearing is still open and the applicant appears to care to add something. Rohm: Absolutely. Rosse: I just wanted to add, you know -- Rohm: You need to restate your name and -- Rosse: I'm sorry. John Rosse with Hansen Rice. I appreciate, Chairman Rohm, your comment. I mean we are -- we are just looking for the zoning and I appreciate your standpoint. We have talked with the neighbors on both sides. You know, we have had the discussion with the development. The proposal for them to have an access road coming down here, we have talked with them about it, it seems like that's in their Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 43 of 92 development agreement -- in their development application currently, doesn't it show that? Guenther: It shows a service drive. Rosse: A service drive. Which we have issue with. But there is a service drive down that road, which we have talked with them about. We have also talked with them about at the bottom of the south of our project providing cross-access agreement across ours or putting a road in there to connect Eagle up to cross over the alley way. We have had these discussions already with them and they -- you know, it's more of a fine tuning at this point, rather than, you know, trying to come up with something. We have already had the discussion, we are just trying to, you know -- like I said, it's just fine tuning at this point. And I think -- Moe: But please consider we haven't seen any of this, so, therefore, we don't know exactly what you guys have really discussed with the property to the west. Rosse: I understand that, but I don't understand where the -- where the zoning is going to have any affect on that. Guenther: Mr. Chairman, the zoning does have a bit of an effect on that, because once you have your zoning, you still have eligibility for one building permit and you can pull a certificate of zoning compliance and actually put the building down without having cross- access, because when we changed our Unified Development Code, you can have multiple buildings on one parcel in a commercial district. Rosse: But that would be subject to Planning and Zoning approval; correct? And conditions of approval? Guenther: No. It's subject -- by the way the development agreement is written in my staff report, it is conformance with the Unified Development Code, which states that a commercial district that is an approved use, permitted use in a C-G district, would only receive staff level approval and would not have to be heard by this board. Rosse: Okay. Well-- Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Borup: Mr. Chairman, maybe just one other question. If you did receive the annexation and zoning, you're still coming back with a preliminary plat; is that correct? Rosse: We were not -- when we submitted our annexation application, it was not requested for a preliminary plat. We could have provided that. We don't have a problem with that at all. It was not -- at the time when we submitted it wasn't a requirement, otherwise, we would have provided it. I mean it's not -- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 1 g, 2006 Page 44 of 92 Borup: So, the intention was just to receive the zoning and, then, whatever was built on there would comply with -- Rosse: Absolutely. Borup: -- with UDC? So, we would not see anything, then? Rosse: No. Borup: Okay. Rosse: I mean we have got -- we have got two potential clients that would like to pursue a develop application to submit, which we would -- I guarantee we will be at the February 16th meeting whether we are zoned or not, because we definitely have interest in what goes on on the -- our east and our west neighborhood. However, to hold us up a month over zoning when we still have to do our development agreement makes no sense. It seems that we are -- it's just the zoning and we still have to do our development agreement per the code. We still have -- Borup: Thank you. Rosse: All right. Thank you. Rohm: Before we move forward with a motion on this, once we do, I'm wondering if we could go back and reopen AZ 05-060 and rather than continue that to the 16th, go back to the staff's recommendation that we continued it to the 2nd and at least rather than having it a full month out for this applicant -- because I think the consent is that they would continue this and we can continue them both to the 2nd, rather than the 16th. Is there any support for that thought process? Newton-Huckabay: Can I ask a question? Would it be appropriate to ask the city attorney to weigh in on this? I'm utterly confused. Is that appropriate? Borup: Do you want to weigh? Rohm: Well, I think you can always ask a question of counsel, that's why he's here. Newton-Huckabay: Well, there you go. Nary: And your question would be whether -- Newton-Huckabay: I would like your opinion on this. I mean with approving or recommending the annexation and zoning approval of that tonight versus waiting. Nary: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, Chairman Rohm is correct, I mean, certainly, you can consider this zoning application and request for annexation without Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 45 of 92 any project that's planned for it, without any plat. There have been occasions in the last few years that the City Council has reviewed those types of applications and granted that. But as Commissioner Zaremba stated, that isn't as common as having a better idea of the -- either that development application or the surrounding applications. The comfort level of the Council has felt is either that the application or proposed development concept that is being brought forward will be and can be developed or that by the nature of the surrounding uses of the property that the types of development that will occur on the property that's not platted or not -- or doesn't have any proposed uses on it at the time it's being requested to annex, are going to be more limited. Here you have a fairly narrow small piece of property that may have some limitations on uses and I guess my only concern is in looking at the staff report and listening to the testimony is that I'm not really sure what to do a development agreement on, other than to say they were going to limit -- unless you want to limit specific types of uses to try to be compatible. But I think both concepts that the Commission has raised are valid. You certainly are welcome to go forward and consider this matter separately. The idea of having a better sense of the surrounding properties and what is being proposed and how this relates to those certainly gives both you a better picture, as well as the City Council, and certainly the chairman's suggestion of only continuing this a couple of weeks versus a month is probably a fairly reasonable compromise. But I mean the applicant's correct, he can certainly request to go forward, but it may get delayed at the Council level just as well, because, again, their concern is going to be the same as what this Commission is asking is what's the rest of the surrounding areas going to look like, how is this property going to relate to the rest of the property that are looking to develop, even if they are going to be approved to be annexed without any concept plan being proposed. Borup: I think the 2nd's a good compromise. How full is that agenda? Moe: One more thing about that, though. The 2nd would be to hear the ACHD -- Borup: Right. Mae: -- but nothing to the west. That is still planned for the 16th. Borup: Right. I think the only thing we need to make sure there is a cross-access agreement and -- Rohm: Between the ACHD property and -- Borup: No. And to the one on the west, too. Rohm: Well, we can make that a requirement that -- Borup: Right. At that time. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 46 of 92 Rohm: -- when that's heard. You know, we have got a 14 item agenda and this one's significantly longer, so I don't think that's out of the question to add it to the 2nd. Guenther: Commissioner Rohm? Attorney Nary is completely right, though, there is not much in the development agreement, other than to require them cross-access to the other parcels. So, there is not a significant development agreement with this site and it is the same conditions of approval for the ACHD site, that they provide this applicant cross-access. And that's the only conditions that staff has included with that development agreement. Zaremba: On that subject, I'm reading page six of the staff report, item ten analyses, where you say prior to annexation and ordinance approval there will be a development agreement. I don't find the cross-access among the bullets that are listed there. Guenther: It would be on page seven at the absolute last one in the development agreement. It says that in the case of any division of the property cross-access to parcel south and west of the site be granted. I'm sorry. I'm reading the ACHD staff report. It would be southwest. Zaremba: It would a division out of that, regardless of whether it's a whole property or it's divided, there needs to be cross-access among -- Guenther: But the ACHD property will be divided because of the road. That's why I was reading the wrong one. In the Una Mas one it should probably read that it would not be up to ACHD to determine the access points, as well as the limitation on the division. For the annexation it should be cross-access regardless of division or not. Rohm: Thank you. I think it's probably time to move forward and with a recommendation for a continuance. Have we closed yet? Newton-Huckabay: Can I ask a question, Mr. Chair? Sorry. Zaremba: We wouldn't if we are going to continue. Rohm: Oh, that's right. Question? Nary: Mr. Chairman, just as a point of clarification, Mr. Hood reminded me -- when you continued your prior matter, we didn't -- we didn't actually survey if anyone was here to speak on that matter. You did mention at the beginning of the meeting you would be continuing that matter. So, since you already took the action and to back up, you may have a notice problem, because if someone was here to speak on the highway district application, they left thinking it's going to be on the 16th. Borup: Did anybody sign up? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 47 of 92 Nary: I don't know that anybody was even here. But that's the danger of backing up and trying to change something you have already taken an action on. And my concern would be the notice problem of doing that over. Rohm: The only person that signed up is still here and -- Zaremba: On the other matter? Rohm: On the other matter. Zaremba: Uh-huh. Personally, I think that we should still continue to the 2nd and running the risk of not having heard anybody that was hear to speak on that -- on that matter, because there was just the one sign up. So, it's still my desire to see both of these continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of the 2nd. But that's -- I guess we will see if we can get a motion to that effect. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, can I ask my question now? Borup: Absolutely. Newton-Huckabay: Joe, were you saying when you made your comments about the only item that would be in the development agreement being the cross-access as justification for approving the annexation tonight? Guenther: As Mr. Nary had said, there is no use restrictions on this site. It would be general commercial as per the UDC and the only thing that staff would require of this site would be the cross-access. And, then, the standard development agreement conditions, which are mostly Public Works conditions. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you. Borup: I'm not sure what we accomplish by -- Newton-Huckabay: That's what I was just thinking. So, the only thing we accomplish by continuing it is avoiding them having the ability to put one commercial building with access to Ustick Road in compliance with the UDC code, is that what you're saying? Guenther: Well, you can put multiple buildings on a commercial lot under the UDC. So, you're not limiting the number of buildings by -- Borup: But if they have got no access -- Guenther: That's the problem. That's the what if is where are they going to get their access from once they go for their certificate of occupancy and ACHD eliminates the access point to Ustick, if none of the other projects come through in a timely manner. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 48 of 92 Borup: That's-- Guenther: That's the applicant's risk. Borup: Right. Newton-Huckabay: But that's irrelevant to -- Borup: Yeah. We can't control that. Newton-Huckabay: -- annexation. Rohm: That was kind of my point about 45 minutes ago. Newton-Huckabay: Well, you could have been a little more clear 45 minutes ago. Rohm: Okay. With that being said, we have got a motion. Borup: I'm going to do a 180 here. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Zaremba: Well, let me float a motion and we will see if it flies. Mr. Chairman, I move that we continue AZ 05-061 to our regularly scheduled meeting of February 16, 2006. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we continue AZ 05-061 to our regularly scheduled meeting of February 16th. All those in favor say aye. Opposed? Let me do that again. Two ayes. Newton-Huckabay: You have three. Rohm: Okay. It's been move and seconded that we forward -- or we continue AZ 05- 061 to the regularly scheduled meeting February 16, 2006. All those in favor say eye. All those opposed? And I'm going to go with the continuance to the 16th. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO NAYS. Rohm: Okay. Thank you, folks. Thanks for coming in. Newton-Huckabay: February 16th? Rohm: February 16th, 2006. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 49 of 92 Item 14: Public Hearing: AZ 05-063 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 5.03 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Quenzer North Subdivision by Brighton Development, Inc. - north of East Ustick Road and west of North Locust Grove Road: Item 15: Public Hearing: PP 05-063 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 12 building lots and 1 common lot on 5.47 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Quenzer North Subdivision by Brighton Development, Inc. - north of East Ustick Road and west of North Locust Grove Road: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open public hearings AZ 05-063 and PP 05-063. Both of these requests are for Quenzer North Subdivision and begin with the staff report. Wilson: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Quenzer North Subdivision -- I think it's referred to by Brighton Corporation as Quenzer No.1 0 -- is a parcel of land containing an existing residence. You will probably notice that the annexation request is for 5.03 acres to the R-8 zone and the plat is for 5.47 acres. The -- let's see the best way to show this. The triangular property at the bottom has already been annexed and zoned and platted as part of Quenzer No.9. It was platted as an open space lot for that subdivision. So, with this application they are proposing to re- subdivide that lot and, then, also annex the additional properties to the north and subdivide them as well. So, on the 5.47 acres they are proposing a total of 12 lots, for a total density of 2.19 units to the acre and that is gross. The existing home contained on the larger lot to the east is proposed to remain and have a large lot around it. The remainder of this site would, then, be bisected by an extension of -- I think that's Quenzer Way and have some additional build-able lots platted on it. The triangular property that was platted with Quenzer No.9 as an open space lot -- it's a little clearer on the landscape plan. The western portion is proposed to become a build-able lot and the eastern portion is proposed to remain in landscaping within parkways, with street trees on either side of Quenzer Way, with detached sidewalks. A couple of items relating directly to the landscaping for the site. Also, divisions are required to have five percent landscaped open space gross of the subdivision. As proposed the proposal has 2.17 percent. The applicant does need to come up with that additional percentage to meet the five percent. They are required to widen the parkways in accordance with the Unified Development Code to a minimum of eight feet, to contain class two trees, and, then, the applicant has stated that they will also be adding a landscaped common lot on the north side of Leigh Field Drive to make up the remainder of that five percent requirement. I would ask the applicant to address their plans for that in their presentation. That change to the plat we would like to see before the City Council hearing, the same ten days in advance, ten copies. The existing home on the property will retain access from Leigh Field Drive, the existing driveway, which is located at this location. Really, the issues on the proposal boil down to the landscaped open space and the requirement to have the five percent, which the applicant has stated they will address. And, then, also the fact that there are currently horses housed on the property. Horses within Meridian city limits are a topic that the Unified Development Code doesn't really address. So, has part of the development agreement, staff did Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 50 of 92 propose a couple of restrictions and in discussions with the applicant I think they are proposing to modify one of those restrictions and I think we are agreeable to it, if the Commission is as well. It is your ultimate decision. Those restrictions would be that the housing of livestock would be restricted to -- it's Lot 7, Block 31, the existing home that currently houses the horses and that upon vacancy of the property by the current owner, listed as Vanessa Klaus, that those horses would be removed from the property. The restriction that staff had put in was that they would be removed from the property when the current owner vacated it or 2010, whichever occurred first. The applicant did have some concerns about the short time frame of that -- time line of that, proposed that we -- we change that that no new horses be added and limited it to the life of the current horses and I think staff is okay with that. Really, where -- that was kind of a -- really, we just don't want the horses to remain on the property in perpetuity. The 2010 was kind of a meaningless date that was just kind of picked. So, I think we are agreeable to the applicant's proposal, that no new horses be added, be limited to the lifespan of the horses currently on the property, and that -- or if the applicant vacates the property, whichever occurs first. North Quenzer Way is proposed as a reduced street section of 29 feet per the Meridian fire department's requirements. There will be no parking on North Quenzer Way and signed as such. Until North Quenzer Way is extended to the north, there is fire department easement placed on the northern-most lot that is -- it is depicted on the plat and the fire department has approved that turnaround as proposed. When North Quenzer Way was extended with any proposal -- with any proposal for development to the north, that easement would, then, not be necessary and the roadway would continue on and the fire department gain access there. Just some quick housekeeping. This will come up in the next application as well. There is some typos in the staff report. Must have had Ellensburg on the brain this day. There is some references to multi-family on page five under item nine, zoning ordinance item A, it does -- it states that UDC 11-2A-2 lists multi-family developments as a conditional use. There are no multi-family developments proposed on this site. That is a typo. They are single family houses. That error is repeated under annexation analysis, Item 10, Item A. And also again in the preliminary plat analysis. So, I don't think those typos require any action by the Commission, I just would get those in the record and point those out. With that, I think I will wrap up staff's comments on the application. Rohm: Thank you. Any questions of staff? Moe: Yes, Mr. Chairman. Rohm: Commissioner Mae. Moe: Josh, going through -- I think it's probably typos as well or maybe even just give me some information. On page two of the report where you talk about the present Comprehensive Plan designation, you're noting that it is mixed use neighborhood and, then, you got in parenthesis neighborhood center. Should that, actually be there? Wilson: That should, actually, be there. designation. It is the correct Comprehensive Plan Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 51 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Oh, it's right there. That one. Moe: Okay. Newton-Huckabay: Because there is the school. Moe: Then, on page seven under your exhibits, on your drawings, your note in preliminary plat of the 15th of November and on the plan -- and, actually, back on page -- under Exhibit B, your note to preliminary plat labeled and noted as November 11th, 2005, so the plan -- I noted the plan as November 11 th as well and I'm assuming the 15th would be wrong or do you have another plan? Wilson: No. The 15th is incorrect. It is the 11th. Moe: Okay. Okay. And, then, on page eight, under the landscape plan, was that not revised on the 1 st of December? Wilson: Yes. That is correct. That should be the 1 st of December. Moe: Thank you. That's alii had. Thank you. Wilson: Okay. Rohm: Any other questions of staff from the Commission? Zaremba: Yes. Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: And this would be a clarification. I'm not sure I'm quit getting it. What is currently shown as Lot 1 and Lot 11, are they, actually, platted on a previous application? Wilson: They are. They were final platted with Quenzer No.9. Zaremba: And they were platted as usable open space? Wilson: Yes. Zaremba: Do we know whether removing -- well, apparently Lot 1 is still planned to be landscaped open space, but it's removing Lot 11 and the width of the road as well, is the previous application still within -- within the requirements for open space? Wilson: The subdivision overall would be within the requirements and I believe, actually, probably a little bit above once they do add the additional landscaping required Meridian Planning & Zonin9 January 19, 2006 Page 52 of 92 to meet the five percent for this small piece. That will replace what they have taken out, plus some. Zaremba: Okay. And just run me through whether or not this plat can include something that was already platted as part of another plat. That's okay? Wilson: It can. It's can. You can re-subdivide a platted lot in a subdivision, essentially, is what this is doing. Zaremba: They don't have to redo the other application? Wilson: Correct. It just becomes part of this plat. Zaremba: Okay. That was it. Rohm: Would the applicant like to come forward, please. Walker: Thank you, Chairman and Commissioners. My name is Jay Walker. I represent Brighton Development Corporation and my address is 12601 West Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho. 83713. I appreciated staff's comments. In an effort to consolidate her property, Mrs. Klaus did sell this 2.2 acre parcel to us and included annexation of her residency and as part of that grandfathered her livestock, her horses, into that. Both her and her sister obtained that from their deceased father and run a horse outfit there and it probably makes sense to keep their operation conjunctive there as they work together at this effort. I really don't see an issue with her horses. I think that will be resolved here shortly. So, I appreciate your consideration of removing that clause, the or clause in those two locations under the staff report and the preliminary plat analysis, as well as the annexation comments. And also, as Josh has stated, for the overall subdivision we did exceed the common area and landscape requirements -- city requirements and will meet the five percent on this additional annexation and, thirdly, when we platted the original Quenzer Commons Subdivision there was a five foot landscape strip required by ACHD and since that time that has been modified to be eight foot and we would be happy to adhere to that condition put on and I'm open to answer any other questions. I do -- as a part of some neighborly commitments, we have agreed to adjacent property owners to the north and Mrs. Klaus a few things and I want to put them on record, just so that those property owners are heard. First, Laird and Vickie Graham have asked us to continue the private vinyl fencing that Copper Basin currently has. We are more than willing to comply to that. We will also insure that any tail water from Mrs. Klaus' pasture is collected and piped to the discharge location on Mr. Laird's -- or laird Graham's property as he's requested. He's also asked that Lots 6 and 16 have single story structures on them. Residencies. And we will commit also to that. And, then, has a part of some of the recommendations of Mrs. Klaus, you have addressed the one, her retain-age of livestock, particularly the horses, and we appreciate your consideration there. I think other than that, we feel like we can meet all the conditions that you propose. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 53 of 92 Rohm: Thank you. Appreciate that. Before you sit down, see if there is questions from the Commission. Zaremba: I do have two -- actually, three. On the subject of horses, I understood staff to say not that they were removing that, but that there was some agreement to change it that there would be no new horses and that the permission was for the life of the current horses. Is that the way you understood it? Walker: That is the way I understood it. Let me just read what we have in their -- in their staff report that staff recommends that horses should be allowed to stay until either vacation of the property by the current owner, which was part of the purchase and sale agreement that we entered into with Mrs. Klaus, so I would prefer that that be the statement and, then, that January 1 st, 2010, be striked from the record. Zaremba: I don't think that's what staff suggested. The first part of the sentence -- and we have all agreed to -- if she vacates the property, then, that is off. The second we have agreed not to attach that date to it -- Walker: Okay. Zaremba: -- but there was -- the change was the requirement that she not add any new horses and that the existing horses could live out their full life there, but no new horses. Walker: That would be fine. Zaremba: Okay. So, there is still an or clause in there, but it's not that specific date. Walker: Yes. Zaremba: Okay. And the other question -- well, still on the subject of horses, would it be appropriate to put on the face of the plat the Right to Farm Act, which was mentioned earlier, and what I'm thinking of is the people who move into Block 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 may -- we may want to have them notified there may be horses next door to them and I think the Right to Farm Act probably would cover that. Is that an appropriate thing to put on the face of the plat? Walker: I think that would be appropriate. Yes. Zaremba: Okay. Then, new subject. Landscaping. I think I understood staff to say that you're planning to add five feet of landscaping along that property line; is that correct? Walker: That is correct. Mrs. Klaus is agreeable to that. Zaremba: My question on that would be -- thinking a long way down the line, many many years from now, probably -- if Block 7 is eventually subdivided, the access street Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 54 of 92 is likely to need to line up with something View. I can't see the first word of it. Which would mean removing landscaping and stuff. Is that something that's fair to assume? Walker: Yes. And that's Heritage View Avenue. Yes. Yeah, that would -- I think that would be -- that would be a good assumption. Zaremba: Okay. Walker: And you see a problem with that? Zaremba: Then, my question to the staff would be do we need to now have an agreement that even though the current access to the current house is fine, that when there is a change, that that access will be given up and the new access will be -- align with -- or am I nitpicking too much? ACHD would require that. Wilson: Correct. ACHD would require that upon subdivision of this larger re-subdivision of this larger lot, but it doesn't hurt to get that on the record and make it clear that's your recommendation. Zaremba: Okay. And that works for you? Walker: I haven't spoken to Mrs. Klaus, but I'm sure once she vacates the property she probably wouldn't mind -- Zaremba: Okay. Walker: -- what's done with it. Zaremba: Well, I guess my concern is your investment in landscaping; some of it's going to get torn out again. Walker: We don't have a problem with that. Zaremba: Okay. All right. It's probably a small section anyhow. Walker: Yeah. It looks like it. Zaremba: Okay. That was it for me. Nary: Mr. Chairman, just on the question of the Right to Farm Act, the Right to Farm Act wouldn't apply to raising of horses. It applies to livestock that are food products, not -- so not -- so horses don't apply to that. So, you don't have to include that in the plat, since there is no agricultural purpose -- or agricultural uses existing on the property currently that would qualify, you don't have to include that. If you want to give notice that there is horses there, I think there is probably visual notice that's probably adequate, but it wouldn't be necessary to include it on the plat. Meridian Planning & zoning January 19, 2006 Page 55 of 92 Zaremba: Thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Any other questions of the applicant? Wilson: Mr. Chairman, if I could just have the opportunity to address one thing. Rohm: Absolutely. Wilson: Public Works Department did have one concern with a note on the plat that -- and that is note two that reads that all side yard lot lines shall have a five foot drainage and irrigation easement on either side of the lot lines for the front half of the lot to allow for attached garages in the rear. All rear yard lot lines shall have a ten foot utility easement. If Jay could just state on the record whether or not they intend to attach garages on the rear of that -- of these lots. Walker: We do not intend to attach the garages in the rear of the lot. Rohm: Thank you. Walker: Thank you. Rohm: Would Laird Graham like to speak at this time? From the audience he says his concerns have been addressed. Next one is Bev Hooker. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, it may be appropriate to ask if there is a spokesman first before you go through the whole list. Rohm: It's a pretty short list. Zaremba: Okay. Rohm: Bev Hooker indicates that she didn't need to speak. Next one Mike Sweet. Sweet: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, my name is Mike Sweet. I live at 1334 East Loyalty, which is directly to the south where this project is. We live right next to the new development, the project nine, that section of the development. We are members of the homeowners association, the Heritage Commons homeowners association. I just got a bill for our fees to enter that association of 436 dollars for the year. Excuse me. 432 dollars for the year. And we haven't paid that up yet, but we have paid all of our dues that have been assessed prior to this time. We have had considerable -- and throughout the rules and regulations, the laws of the city of Meridian and those of the Ada County Highway District, there is reference -- excuse me -- at several times to the rights of a homeowners association and in this case -- and there is several waivers, there is certain types of activities that the homeowner association can be approached for the homeowners association to take some activity with regard to just Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 56 of 92 matters that you're talking about here. We have been told considerably by Brighton that this homeowners association would be turned over to a number of members of the -- when the ownership of property within the subdivision -- and when we bought our pieces of property, when that reached 80 percent, that we would be entitled to take over the homeowner association, that we would, then, organize -- be allowed to organize and take over that position and this has been done -- oh, last summer there was considerable amount of talk about it. There was a letter written to us that said that anybody who wanted to become -- to run the executive director of the homeowners association would make application and there was a considerable amount of conversation. Subsequent conversation also said that it was going to be done this fall -- the past fall. As these additional properties come in -- we haven't had specific conversations to it, but I would assume that all of these members are going to -- all of this land is going to become -- going to be allowed access to the homeowners association and it's our position that -- and we have been -- there have been several items that we have approached Heritage Commons -- excuse me. We have approached the Heritage Commons Association and the Brighton Industries to try to get some of these matters resolved, certain matters that we have had problems with. And the association has already been to the -- which Brighton is the -- owns and manages the association and they have gone to these different political subdivisions and gotten releases and gotten -- and talked and represented. But it's our belief now that this creates a definite conflict of interest. As you can see, if they are in there representing themselves as a developer, how can they, then, truly represent the people who are paying dues and who are in the association? And there is a considerable number of us, so we have presented a number of petitions and so forth that have considerable signatures and we would have no problem in the area organizing the homeowner association to appear before you and to question and represent these matters. So, in the -- we have no problem with the further development of these lands, but we feel that the association -- and I would assume, although I don't have direct evidence, I would assume that all these people are going to be the owners of new lots and this new portion will be offered positions in the homeowner association, which allows them to use the swimming pool. We have got a very nice area out there and there are certain things that we are paying for in doing that. So, we feel -- Rohm: Sir? Sweet: Yeah. Rohm: I'd like to have you conclude at this time. Borup: And Mr. Chairman or -- is there something that you're asking this Commission to do? Sweet: Yes, there is. Specifically, I'm asking that you, as a part of this -- of this asking - - their application, that a condition be that they release the home -- they release and allow the homeowners to organize and take over the homeowner association part that Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 57 of 92 would present to you and be involved in your discussion here. So, that would be our request. Rohm: Thank you. Sweet: Any questions? Rohm: And we will give the applicant an opportunity to respond to your questions and we will take it from there. Thank you. Zaremba: Well, I would comment on that. The provision in most subdivisions that the developer has control of the homeowners association until there is -- pick a number, usually around 80 percent sold, is a pretty typical thing. That appears in the CC&Rs. The CC&Rs are not an issue that the city regulates. We have nothing to do with the CC&Rs. We encourage subdivisions to have them, but I -- if I'm understanding, your question also is at what -- what counts towards that 80 percent? Are all phases done and that's something we certainly want to ask the applicant, you know, to answer you. But I would say, again, that the city doesn't have anything to do with CC&Rs. It would be interesting to know that answer, but we wouldn't enforce it anyhow. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. And that's appropriately stated. Next person on the list is Rod Westerberg. Okay. From the audience he says he has nothing additional to add. Is there anybody else that would like to speak to this issue? At this time I'd like to -- if the applicant would like to come back forward and respond to comments made. Walker: This is Jay Walker. 12601 West Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho. 83713. We have heard Mr. Mike Sweet's concern there and, obviously, you have heard from him that we are commencing that process, but we, as developers, retain the right to annex additional property and continue with the development and there is a lot of development activity, as you can see, continuing and for that purpose we have retained that. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Any questions of the applicant before he sits down? Zaremba: Thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Okay. Any discussion amongst the Commission before we close this Public Hearing? Zaremba: I would comment that I think most of the questions have been answered and that this is a project that is compatible with the surrounding projects. Rohm: Okay. I would entertain a motion to close the Public Hearing. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, I recommend we close the Public Hearing on AZ 05-063, request for annexation and zoning of 5.03 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Quenzer Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 58 of 92 North Subdivision by Brighton Development, Inc., north of East Ustick Road and west of the North Locust Grove Road. And PP 05-063. And I won't read the details on that one. Rohm: Okay. Borup: Second. Zaremba: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we close the Public Hearing on AZ 05-063 and PP 05-063, both relating to Quenzer North Subdivision. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Newton-Huckabay: Will make the recommendation to City Council, with one -- I need just some clarification on where I would put the notes regarding continuing the vinyl fencing along the west property line -- and it was the west property line. I want to verify that. And, then, there was the water collection comment and I didn't -- I got collect water and that's all the farther my note went. Did any of you get that? Rohm: It is the collector for the water off the large parcel lot. The parcel that the -- where the horses are, they are going to collect the water off of that and take it to proper drainage. Newton-Huckabay: Collect water from -- Rohm: If you could put the plat back up there -- Newton-Huckabay: Josh? Rohm: If you put the plat back up we can designate the lot. It's Lot 7. Newton-Huckabay: Do we need to add a comment to that effect and where would I put it? Wilson: In regards to the fencing? Newton-Huckabay: The fencing and the water and, then, the Lot 6 and 16 agreed only be one story. Borup: Could she just add to the motion that -- to incorporate the comments made by the applicant? Newton-Huckabay: Hey, I'm all over -- I like that idea. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19. 2006 Page 59 of 92 Wilson: You can. Those conditions would go in with the preliminary plat and the applicant did clarify that the fence would be on the north and east property line. Newton-Huckabay: Oh, north. Sorry. Okay. Thank you. Okay. So, I can just say the comments regarding those three items be added to the preliminary plat comments? Okay. Mr. Chair, I move to recommend -- Zaremba: Plus the change about the horses. Newton-Huckabay: Yes. I got that one. Zaremba: Okay. Newton-Huckabay: I move to recommend approval to City Council of file number AZ 05-063 and PP 05-063 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 19th and a preliminary plat date dated November 11, 2005, with the following modification to the conditions of approval: That the statements regarding the continuation of the vinyl fencing along the north property line and that the water collection methods from parcel seven comments and the comment regarding that Lots 6 and 16 will be one story dwellings only, be added to the staff report. And, then, on page six, about halfway down the page, bullet -- the sixth bullet, that should read that livestock shall only be allowed on Lot 7, Block 31 -- am I supposed to change livestock to horses? Wilson: That would work. I think, though, you do need to make sure and modify the condition of approval in Exhibit B, the reference to page six. It is discussed in the body of the staff report, but the actual -- it's a comment, because it's under annexation, but that should be on B 1.1 is where that should be changed. Newton-Huckabay: Oh, changed on B 1.1. Okay. That horses shall only be allowed on Lot 7, Block 31 -- oh, I'm on comment B 1.1 at this point. And the livestock shall cease to be housed on said lot upon either vacancy of the property by the current owner, Vanessa Ann Klaus or for the life of the current horses. Current horses. Whichever occurs first. So, we are striking: Or January 1, 2010. End of motion. Zaremba: Should we tag another sentence on that that says no new or -- new horses or other livestock can be added? Newton-Huckabay: As stated -- please amend as stated per Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: In the same location. Newton-Huckabay: In the same location. Borup: Second. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 60 of 92 Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we forward onto City Council recommending approval of AZ 05-063 and PP 05-063, including all staff comments with the amendments as stated. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 16: Public Hearing: AZ 05-064 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 116.81 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Bear Creek West Subdivision by Tuscany Development, Inc. - south of West Overland Road and west of South Stoddard Road: Item 17: Public Hearing: PP 05-064 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 321 building lots and 34 common lots on 116.81 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Bear Creek West Subdivision by Tuscany Development, Inc. - south of West Overland Road and west of South Stoddard Road: Rohm: Okay. I would now like to open the Public Hearing on AZ 05-064 and PP 05-064 and open with the staff report, please. Wilson: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. We move on to Bear Creek West, located generally west of Stoddard, east of Linder Road and south of Overland in south Meridian, south of the interstate. The applicant has requested annexation and zoning of 116.81 acres from RUT and R-1 in Ada County to the R-8 medium density residential zone, for preliminary plat approval of 320 single family residential lots and 34 common lots. The site is vacant agricultural land and also contains an existing residence on Linder Road. Some of the existing uses -- in this plat -- or aerial photo will be a little outdated. There is the existing Bear Creek Subdivision. It's a little bit hard to tell if that shows a house as being there or not. But there is the existing Bear Creek Subdivision that will be shown better on this vicinity map to the east. To the -- really, to the north, west, and south are a mix again of agricultural lands, a church use, some residences in platted Ada County subdivisions south of the Ridenbaugh Canal and, then some more agricultural land. Unfortunately, these are on their side, but the applicant has proposed preliminary plat approval of 320 build-able lots. I was provided a list just before the hearing of the size of the lots, so I'll go through those. Between 5,100 square feet and 6,999 square feet there are 44 lots. Between 7,000 square feet and 8,999 square feet there are 86 lots. Between 9,000 and 10,999 square feet there are 92 lots. And above 11,000 square feet there are 98 lots. The applicant has proposed a collector road to be named West Kodiak Drive. See if I can get something that shows it a little better. Unfortunately not. Essentially, it -- the Kodiak Drive bisects a portion of the property and, then, is on the north property line of another portion of property. So, on these plats north is to the right, so Kodiak Drive connects to Linder Road and bisects the property here, comes to this point and, then, it is on the north boundary of the property. The portion of the project that Kodiak Drive is on the -- is on the boundary line with is a future middle school site. Kodiak will be a residential Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 61 of 92 collector with detached sidewalks and street buffers along it. And, then, the remainder of the roads are proposed as local streets. ACHD did approve a reduced street section for one portion of the local roadways. The name of that I think is Eggers. The initial proposal did not meet the minimum fire department requirements and ACHD, I believe, did say that that was okay, as long as they did meet the fire department requirements for that reduced street section. If it was the reduced street of 29 foot, it would be the standard no parking comments per the Meridian fire department. So, this will, maybe, show it a little bit better. Okay. Now, north is up, so it may be a little easier -- little bit easier to orientate. Kodiak Drive, the residential collector that bisects a portion of the property and, then, is on the north boundary here, is indicated there. Craig, if you could move that up a little bit. That will work. That will work. There is an existing church property along the northern boundary of the site. Mentioned in the staff analysis, I believe the name is Christian Family Matters and there are representatives tonight that will speak on their behalf. They have a valid Conditional Use Permit with the City of Meridian for an indoor and outdoor church. I will maybe let them get into a little more detail exactly what they do there, but there is outdoor services with a PA system associated with those services. They are concerned about impacts on adjacent properties and concerns of home buyers in this area of the subdivision in regards to their use. They have provided a letter dated December 12 that was in part of your packet that discusses these concerns. In discussions with the applicant, they have addressed these. I didn't get anything in writing. I will let the applicant address those during their presentation, but there are some measures they have taken to mitigate those effects along that -- along that property line. From my recollection those measures are a berm with a fence on top of it, some additional landscape plantings along that property line and an increased setback from buildings -- from those houses to that property line. Also, the possibility of notifying any buyers in this portion of the subdivision that there is an existing church use with a PA on there to prevent those conflicts if you get a homeowner who buys a house there and, then, complains to the city or to the church about that PA system when it was -- it preexisted the houses. Moving south in the subdivision -- and as previously mentioned, this is Linder Road and, then, this is Stoddard Road. Stoddard Road is a half mile collector. Linder Road is currently classified as an urban collector, but it is a -- it is a section line road and with increased development in Meridian it would be anticipated that would become an arterial in future Ada County designations. The southern boundary of the property is the Ridenbaugh Canal with a subdivision in Ada County on the south side of -- I think there is a couple different subdivisions. There is Eggers Subdivision, there is Molla farm Acres, and there is also Pebble Lane Estates on the south side of the property. It's much more apparent on the full size landscape plan that the Commission has, but the applicant has proposed an open space lot along the Ridenbaugh Canal with a ten foot multi-use pathway. That multi-use pathway does connect to Linder, continued through - - through the property along the Ridenbaugh Canal. There is a small portion that the applicant does not control, it is outside of their property boundaries, where there would be a break in the path as proposed, right there in that bend in the Ridenbaugh. The path is, then, picked up again as the Ridenbaugh enters their property and they have the ability to place the multi-use path there. The idea being that they are providing the multi-use path where they can. In the future it could be completed and connected to -- I Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 62 of 92 may need a little help here from Mike or the applicant where the multi-use path comes out of Bear Creek -- the original Bear Creek, but the idea is that in the future those could connect there and, then, continue also on the other side of Linder along the Ridenbaugh. The issues highlighted in the staff report for the Commission are, really, the church use to the north and their concerns about conflicts between their use and the proposed houses in Bear Creek West. As submitted, the subdivision -- the application before you did propose for the existing home on Linder Road to continue their access to Linder Road. We have recommended a condition of approval be that they take access from internal roads. That's consistent with ACHD's analysis of the project and it is also consistent with requirements placed on subdivisions that come before you. We do ask that they take access from internal roads. There is a Comprehensive Plan policy that specifically addresses limiting access points on collectors and arterials and the extension of that roadway to give that lot frontage and, therefore, access from that roadway would rectify that. In conjunction with that, there would, then, be the continuance of the 25-foot required landscape buffer along Linder for the majority of the project, there is, actually, a 35-foot landscape buffer shown along Linder. Only 25 would be required. It seems fairly likely that they would include the 35 there to be consistent as well, unless there is some kind of conflict with the existing house. The provided open space does meet the requirements of the Unified Development Code, with 10.3 percent of the property being dedicated to usable open space, with a -- with a pool and grassy area located in the middle adjacent to the school site. It's kind of centrally located for all the residents in the development. There were some concerns with fencing along the open spaces. The Unified Development Code requires that any solid fencing -- and I guess the applicant could clarify this as well. It's listed in their application materials as vinyl. Usually, we don't see nonsolid fencing that's vinyl. Usually, the nonsolid fencing that's vinyl -- or the nonsolid fencing comes through as wrought iron. So, they have indicated -- they propose a six foot vinyl fence along the boundary of the Ridenbaugh Canal along that common open space lot and also on another common open space lot within the subdivision. Meridian code would limit that to a four foot fence if it was solid or six foot if open vision. Like I said, we typically don't see open vision being vinyl. If that's the case, they are proposing an open vision vinyl fence at that six feet. That would comply with code. They just do need to clarify that. So, the condition reads that the fencing on those open spaces does need to comply with Meridian City -- or with the Unified Development Code. Again, the same housekeeping as in the last report, unfortunately. In the process facts it does list that -- and process facts are on page two under item five. It does say that the subject application will constitute a conditional use. They are not applying for a conditional use, they are applying annexation and preliminary plat. There should be Items A and B that state that the application will constitute an annexation and a preliminary plat as determined by the Unified Development Code. Again, under the zoning ordinance it references the multi- family developments conditional use. There are no multi-family developments with the subdivision, it is all detached single family housing, principally permitted in the R-8 district and it does reference the multi-family again in the annexation and preliminary plat analysis, unfortunately. So, I apologize for that. I want to clean those up. The last item I will touch on is the fact that the ACHD Commission has not approved the project as of tonight's hearing. I did receive a draft staff report that I was able to base my Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 63 of 92 comments on. In the past the Commission has not acted on applications that ACHD has not approved. Because of ACHD's criteria, this application does require a Public Hearing, which will be held January 25th at the ACHD Commission. I did recommend in the staff report that this item not be acted on tonight, that it be continued to the next available date, which would be the February 2nd hearing. At that hearing we can verify that ACHD did approve the project as proposed and limit any new testimony or discussion to those ACHD hearings and the issues that may come up in that. What that does is it insures us that we don't get any surprises at the ACHD Commission that would change the layout of the subdivision or change its compliance with code and staff's findings and we get the majority of the discussion on the subdivision out of the way tonight and, then, at the next hearing we can just verify that it was approved and you can make the motion to approve the subdivision, if that's your choosing. I think with that I will turn it over to the applicant and also ask if the Commission has any questions. Rohm: Any questions of staff from the Commission? Newton-Huckabay: Not at this time. Zaremba: I don't, but I do, actually, have a question of the other Commissioners. As part of my package I was given a letter from Dana O. Armstrong of the Christian Family Matters church addressed to Mrs. McKay and I assume we all got that. Separately from the package, I got a lengthy letter, a well thought out letter, from a Mr. Luke S. Lance and my question is did everybody else get that? Newton-Huckabay: Yes. Zaremba: Okay. Thank you. Rohm: Would the applicant like to come forward, please. McKay: Good evening, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions, 150 East Aikens, Suite B, Eagle. We are representing the applicant on this particular project. So, I'd like to kind of go over the project to familiarize you with it. As Josh indicated, we are referring to this as Bear Creek West. As some of you know, I worked on -- did the planning for Bear Creek in the late '90s, I think it was. It seems like a long time ago. This particular project is the same development team, same planner, and we wanted to continue the same type of homes that they have in Bear Creek, providing a good mixture of different lot sizes, different home sizes. The applicant owned all of this and the school district showed interest in a middle school at this particular site, so that's what you see right here in this area. The school district has purchased that as a future middle school. It's my understanding that that school is probably about four to five years out. It will have to be in the next bond issue, according to the information that Wendell provided me. Take into consideration that -- that that middle school will generate quite a few vehicle trips per day, approximately 1,458 vehicle trips per day, we thought it was in the best interest of this particular area and our development to have a continuous collector. Stoddard is the Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 64 of 92 half mile here and as you know Stoddard goes up and interconnects to Overland and, then, goes south to Victory. We connected here right in alignment with Kodiak Drive. This is one of the entrances, one of two into the primary Bear Creek portion. It comes up -- the collector would come up and intersect here at Linder. This property is unique in the fact that it has some elevation to it. The Ridenbaugh Canal is right here on our south boundary. There is I think approximately 35 feet of fall from this point here down to right in here around the collector and, then, there is about 15 feet of fall from the north portion going south down to this collector. So, we have some real good topography to work with. And in planning some property that has topography like this, we have to run perpendicular to the contours of the property, so as it's sloping this way, we are running perpendicular to that, so the lots are all rising continuously. We don't want lots on one side of the street considerably higher than lots on the other. So, that's kind of one of the driving forces of our design. I decided that a central open space that kind of -- everything flowed into was the best approach on this particular piece of property. This is about 2.85 acres. In the middle here you see a restroom facility, a pool, parking area, a little gazebo, some pedestrian pathways and play equipment. And most of the roadways focus coming into this central area and, then, there is kind of a loop collector here that would wrap around. This area here has it's -- it has one central access with a split median. It comes up here. This is the area that Josh indicated where we had a reduced right of way and that's because we had a single load only on one side of the street with this kind of pocket park here. That type of development was done in like Lexington Hills and some other developments. It creates a nice little open space. We also wanted to make sure that this was pedestrian friendly. On your Comprehensive Plan this is designated medium density residential. It also designates it for a multi-use pathway, one that goes along the Ridenbaugh connecting over to Linder, which we did delineate on our portion that adjoins the Ridenbaugh a multi-use pathway. Now, when we get over to this location here, that we couldn't continue the path on, so I took the path and I'm dropping it into the subdivision through this micro-path right here and, then, down and it would link over, people could go over to the Bear Creek Community Meridian park over here. We also went with an east-west connection. Not only do we have the pathway -- multi-use pathway here, but we have got a pathway coming across linking these pocket parks together. We have play equipment, like a tot lot here. We have one in the primary 2.85 acre park and, then, we have another one here. This particular area was more cumbersome to work with, because the collector did isolate it. The location of this collector was dictated basically by the topography and the site distance and coming in at this location seemed to be the best approach. Therefore, this particular pod is isolated from the primary Bear Creek West, but has it's own open space and that is the focus as you would enter into the development. We also placed a pedestrian pathway coming out the corner, which would, therefore, lead right into the middle school. We have one existing house, as Josh indicated, located here on Linder Road. It's an older farm house. They wanted to retain the home, retain a certain area around that home. I suspected that the staff would be a little bit upset about the direct access to Linder. We did anticipate that and so we thought about providing a driveway out the back of that cul-de-sac and that's why we kind of left it open. However, the staff does want us to bend this down to give them street frontage to take that direct lot access off Linder. We -- I did bring with me a design that does bend Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 65 of 92 that over to demonstrate to the Commission that that is feasible. As I mentioned, this is designated medium density residential. That's three to eight dwelling units per acre, as you well know. What we are proposing here is 2.74 dwelling units per acre. That's our gross density. Our net density is 3.52. So, really, our gross is just a smidge under, but our net is a little over. So, we are on the low end. As Josh indicated our lot distribution, we did provide him with a breakdown this evening. We have -- our smallest lots are located kind of right in this particular area here and I have got a nice pocket park open space lot right there and I think that's got a tot lot in it also. Yes, it does. Those lots -- our smallest one is 5,100. So, from the 5,100 to 6,999 square feet we have got about 13.35 percent of our total lots. In the 7,000 to 8,999 square foot we have 26.875 percent. In the 8,000 to 10,999 we have got 28.75. 11,000 and up -- our biggest lots are around 25,000 square feet. We have 30.62 percent. So, 59.38 percent of the lots that you see there are 9,000 square feet and above. So, these are pretty good size. Concerning some of the other projects that have been coming through the process lately, this is very low density. Our open space total, we have got about 14 percent open space, around 16.386 acres. If you take out the buffers, the mandatory buffers we are at a little over ten percent. We anticipate this to be in five phases, most likely starting right over here and -- with phase one and, then, working our way westward. As far as the utilities, there is water here in Stoddard. There is a city well over here in Bear Creek Park. We will, according to the staff, based on their water model, have to come up to Overland Road, extend a 12 inch line, and bring it into the subdivision and, then, install a pressure relief valve in order to stabilize the pressure due to the elevation change that we have. As far as sewer, this is designated as the Black Cat Trunk. It is not our intent to get into the Bear Creek lift station. It is our understanding, based on Meridian Public Works, that they are diligently working on getting the Black Cat Trunk to the south side of 1-84, which I believe is going to be a 36 inch. So, this is, obviously, contingent upon serviceability by the Black Cat Trunk. It's stated so in our conditions of approval and recognizes that fact. As far as the fencing, I believe that the landscape architect went in and showed vinyl fencing. In speaking with Mr. Johnson, he's indicated that in the open spaces they would probably prefer wrought iron and, then, along the multi-use pathway at the Ridenbaugh it would be wrought iron. The multi-use pathway, they installed some of that with Bear Creek to the east of us and he anticipates doing the same here. Traffic. When we had our neighborhood meeting, that was one of the big questions that kept popping up, you know, what is ACHD's time line for improvements out in this area. Josh, can you put up the vicinity map, do you think? There we go. According to ACHD, what they are going to do in 2007, they will be rebuilding Overland Road from Meridian Road over to Linder and they will -- they will, basically, be creating a seven lane intersection at Meridian Road and Linder and they will be creating a three lane intersection at Stoddard here. They will be signalizing this. And, then, I believe a five lane intersection will be installed here. And some of the residents that own parcels along Overland have indicated that ACHD is in the process of that right of way acquisition at this time. ACHD seemed to feel quite confident that 2007, you know, is when it's going to happen, because it is on their priority list and appears to be funded. As far as trips per day, we are going to generate about 3,100. And, like I said, the school -- middle school at about 1,458. So, about 4,559 vehicle trips per day at total build out. And like we -- we indicate that this will be probably about Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 66 of 92 a five phase project and we would like to go on the record to allow us for some phasing flexibility based on market conditions. We feel that we have taken a lot of time working through this project. I did meet with the church -- I'm not sure what they call -- members here to the north. We walked that north boundary, talked about it, looked at their church facility, I talked to them about the functions that they have. We did receive that letter from the Christian Family Matters. I did respond to them via e-mail, which I don't believe you guys have a copy. I will provide staff with a copy of this. We indicated that we would move Elias Drive, which is this one here, south ten feet, which, therefore, would mean these lots adjoining the church would be between 150 and 155 feet in depth. We would adjust our lot lines to try to shift some lot lines east and west to -- we have got three lots that back up to them right now. We would make that two lots, versus the three. The two lots that would back up to them, would be single level, so that there would be no two -- second story, obviously, overlooking into the church facility. We indicate in our landscape plan we will construct a two foot berm with a six foot fence there to give, obviously, a little more privacy. And the developer said that they would plant some arborvitae there to try to create some type of a vegetative buffer on our side also. One of the other things that we thought was real important is that we would disclose in the purchase agreement that the church facility exists, that outdoor activities are very common there and that these activities are approved preexisting. They recognize that and should in no way be considered a nuisance. Very similar to the right to farm, just recognizing that that particular use does take place. One of the other things I'd like to mention, we have Eggers Subdivision here, one acre lots. There is Ariel Estates over here, they are five acre lots. And, then, there is some -- I think two acre lots in this particular area. And, then, there is kind of a rural lot located here. We did take great care to try to make sure that these lots were deeper, wider, were our largest lots. If you look at our plat, these particular lots are -- this depth here is about 145 feet. This is 164. This is 143. These lots are ranging -- I have got some that are 14, 12, 15, 18, 17, 16 thousand square feet. And in our lot distribution, like I said, all of our largest lots are on this perimeter here, in order to, obviously, create some type of a transitioning. The smallest lots were located right here kind of in a cluster down by the collector. We would ask the Commission to approve this project. We feel it's a good project. We have received ACHD's staff report. We have nothing that we disagree with in the ACHD staff report. I did provide a letter. I apologize for the tardiness of my letter, but I had a death in my family this week and I have got a funeral to go to in the morning and so it kind of took up some time. We are pretty much in agreement with most of staff's conditions. We just mention some corrections that needed to be made mentioned -- I think Josh said the multi-family. The only thing that I found that would -- could be problematic is it talked about requiring us to install all of the sidewalk along Kodiak prior to the issuance of a building permit I think on the first phase. Stoddard, that is reasonable. And I think along Kodiak, for any portion of that collector that is part of the first phase -- if the first phase comes up to here or if it comes up and makes this loop, but I can't extend sidewalk where I don't have a roadway built. So, I think the wording on that needs to be modified. There is reference to the Ten Mile stub drain. I think they meant to say the Ridenbaugh Canal. The only other issue that I wanted to bring up was the fire department. Their condition of approval was very confusing. They talk about a 39 foot measurement and parking restriction and I don't think that is correct. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 67 of 92 You know, an ACHD local street is 36 back to back. They are saying anything 30 -- anything 39 foot or less requires -- and that's from face to face -- requires restricted parking. And that's not a condition that we have seen in the past. I'm not sure if those numbers have been transposed -- maybe Josh can find their memo. But that condition is not accurate. It should read anything less than a 36 back to back, which is a standard Ada County Highway District local street, then, they do restrict the parking. That's the last information that I received from Joe Silva. But not 39 face to face. Because a 36 back to back is 32 face to face. That concludes my comments. Do you have any questions? Rohm: Any questions of the applicant by the Commission? Newton-Huckabay: Linder. I was interested in seeing the modification with the house on McKay: Yeah. I thought you might ask. This is the modification. Right now the cul-de- sac comes out like this. Here is the existing house located on that Lot 38, Block 5. If you stick this in here, it looks like -- not doing a very good job of holding it. It looks like that. So, what we have done, just bent the cul-de-sac down to give it frontage. Still maintaining landscaping, therefore, allowing them to take access off of a local versus Linder. Zaremba: Would you mind making a 360 with that, so, first, the staff and, then, the audience can see it? McKay: Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, yes. It looks like that. The cul-de-sac at this time is shown stopping back here with a couple of flag lots off of it. This takes direct lot access. We are just taking it and bending it down. Newton-Huckabay: Can I ask one more question? If that homeowner wanted -- would that be easy for them to put it into smaller lots at some point if they choose to with that design? This is an awfully big lot that at some point I can see if they sold it they would want to incorporate it more into the subdivision. McKay: They wanted to keep those approximate dimensions at this time. It's about 39,000 square feet. So, it's a little less than an acre. Newton-Huckabay: Right. McKay: If we extended that street there, they potentially could pull it in -- you know, have a driveway. I think your new ordinance allows for up to four dwelling units, single family detached, to share a driveway. So, they have like a common drive coming off there. So, yes, to answer your question it could be re-subdivided in the future without causing any detriment to traffic on Linder. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Great. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 68 of 92 Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Any other questions of the applicant? Zaremba: Yes. Actually, my first comment would be my sympathies to your family. McKay: Thank you. Zaremba: And I appreciate your taking the time to be here tonight to do what must seem like something that's not quite as important to you as your family, but I appreciate you being here. The letter that I mentioned earlier from Luke S. Lance was addressed to us and I don't know if you ever received a copy of that. McKay: I did not, sir. Zaremba: Okay. He lists a number of things that he's concerned about. Maybe he's here tonight to repeat it when we get to public testimony. One of the things that caught my eye is on his page four, I believe it is -- and I'll read it to you. This is about home site statistics. With the proposed zoning of eight homes per acre, this will force the builder to build up to increase size and marketability. This will take away from the view easement of houses on the south side of the Ridenbaugh Canal. And what caught my attention is the view easement. Typically, standard procedure is that nobody is guaranteed a view through their neighbor's property. Are you aware of any view easement that would encumber your property? McKay: No, sir. Not to my knowledge. Zaremba: Okay. If he's here we will ask him about that. Okay. That was it for me. McKay: One thing, I guess, I'd like to mention -- they are sitting up high, this is dropping, keep in mind. Borup: Eight to ten feet. McKay: No. Thirty-five. It's dropping 35 feet down to this point. Borup: I mean just to the road is about eight to ten feet. Just the first road. McKay: Yes. You're correct. Yes, sir. So, because they are on a high point, we are going to be below them. Rohm: Thank you, Becky. Wilson: Chairman Rohm, if I could just maybe clear up that fire department comment a little bit. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 69 of 92 Borup: Please. Wilson: Believe it or not, Craig thinks that that is an accurate condition. What it's specifically referring to is dead end cul-de-sacs of between 500 and 750 feet in length, which there doesn't appear to be any in this subdivision. If I can get to the conditions of approval here real quick. Okay. So, that 3.2 is, actually, specifically, referencing dead end roads between 500 and 750 feet in length do, actually, require those dimensions, the 39 feet in width. But there don't appear to be any on this project and we think that item was probably included in error. Their standard street section comment that references the 29 feet is 3.9, which is probably the appropriate one and 3.2 should probably be stricken. Rohm: Thank you. At this time it's time for public testimony and Don Webber, would you like to come forward, please. Before you speak, is there anybody here that is speaking for a homeowners association or are each of you speaking individually? Okay. Come on forward. Webber: Good evening, Commissioners. My name is Don Webber and I live at 1525 South Calistoga Avenue in Meridian. 83642. I'm here to speak on behalf of Christian Family Matters and, additionally, I am the owner of record of the adjacent property, the 4.3 acre property to the west of Christian Family Matters' property and that particular site is a home end site, it has a contract of sale between myself, Don Webber, and Christian Family Matters. As mentioned in the staff report, we do have some concerns about the adjacent properties to the north to our property. I should preface that with saying that we have no concerns about the project as a whole. I believe they do a very good quality job of developing. It was brought to their attention pretty recently, within the last month -- well, actually, about the last month, that we do exist there. They were unaware of that, so we got our public notice of the neighborhood meeting and we took action and at our request we did meet with Beck McKay, she came to the property, and we gave her a big scope of what do do there. We have a Conditional Use Permit that allows us an indoor and outdoor Bible fellowship use and we are a very active fellowship, so we don't limit to certain hours of the week and certain days of the week, we have many different activities, as well as working with a lot of young people. The real nuts and bolts of the issue is they -- the developer has agreed to make some concessions, we are appreciative of that. They have come some way, but I think the real meat of the issue is that we need to consider -- or asking you to consider that they make the adjacent properties right behind Christian Family Matters an open area and also consider the lots from there going west to be single stories. The reason we ask that -- and that is outlined in the letter from Christian Family Matters that you have -- that Dane Armstrong addressed. You have that in your packet. Is we are concerned that when homeowners do actually purchase the lots and build their homes and want to enjoy their quiet and peaceable enjoyment like any homeowner would, we understand that it would be disclosed to the homeowner, but bear in mind that we do have an outdoor fellowship and we do, weather permitting, most frequently we do meet outdoors. We meet at the southern part of our property, which we developed with code Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19,2006 Page 70 of 92 requirement, landscaping and so on, where we might have 150 plus people sitting facing south. So, we have great concerns that although that's to be disclosed to property purchasers, in all practicality, when it's all said and done and, then, when the two neighbors need to live with each other, us and the neighbors across from us, that they may have real trouble with what we do there, going on at different hours and different times of the day. Of course, we are not there until late late hours. However, we are an active fellowship. So, what I'm asking the Commissioners to consider that they -- the lots directly behind, numbers 18, 19 and 20 be considered open use. Then, lots 12 through 17 be restricted to one story and, then, appropriate landscaping buffers, as they have already proposed. So, I'd ask for your consideration on that. Newton-Huckabay: Why 12 through 17 one story? Webber: Those are -- well, we are considering since we operate a lot on the south -- southern part of our property, that it may pose a conflict with two stories looking back over our lawn and looking at 150 people having an outdoor Bible fellowship. So, we are trying to think about what's best for both parties involved down the road. That's why I'm proposing that. Rohm: Thank you, sir. Any other questions for this -- for Don? Zaremba: I do have a comment and, actually, it doesn't relate to the current application that's before us, but as I previously admitted, my memory is sometimes faulty, but when I saw the discussion in the letter from Dana Armstrong about it expanding into apparently what is your property or property you're selling to the church, first let me say I encourage churches, I'm happy you're there. My recollection is that when this came before us for the CUP that you're referencing, the church was already there as an existing nonconforming use in that parcel. The CUP was required to continue it as a nonconforming use and I believe there was a provision in the CUP that it either expired or voided if there was any expansion. I would ask you to get with staff. I'm just alerting you that there may be a provision that stops you from expanding. I'm not sure. Webber: May I address that, Commissioner? Zaremba: Sure. Webber: That did come up when we annexed into the city about a year and a half ago. What was advised us and we understand that if we do want to expand onto the additional parcel or do other things on the existing Christian Family Matters' property, we have to go through the process of -- the permit process and meeting any requirements to do so. So, while the adjacent property that I'm still the owner of record on is not part of Christian Family Matters' property and we operate our Conditional Use Permit on the existing property, I just thought it would be wise to forewarn the builder that we do come and go on the property, people live on both properties as residents, and we thought it would be best to propose the open area and the single story, some buffer, just landscape buffer, and when this is all said and done and we have to live Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 71 of 92 together as neighbors and the developer is long gone, that we are not going to have issues there. So, it would best for both. Rohm: Thank you, sir. Webber: Thank you. Moe: Actually, I have one question. I'm just curious. Mr. Webber, you made a statement earlier you own the property to the north from the Lots 12 through 17; is that correct? Webber: That's correct. Moe: Okay. I was just -- and you're not concerned with any of the lots to the east of your property as far as Lots 21 and beyond as far as going single story? Webber: No. I don't see that as a problem. Moe: Okay. Webber: I don't see that as a problem. Moe: Thank you. Rohm: Neil Bowl. Bowl: My name is Neil Bowl, 3803 Gemini Circle, Boise, Idaho. 83709. I don't have much to add besides what Don added. We are -- I am in favor of the development. It's a good job. We do -- my concerns are the same as Don's regarding having an open area behind Christian Family Matters. That would be something we'd like you to consider. We don't want to hold up the development. We don't think -- that's not our intent. But we do see that sewer is a ways off and ACHD still needs have their say, so maybe just catch our breath and take a good look at it and not jump to any quick conclusions, but take a good look at maybe putting a common area behind there. That would be -- that's my concern. So, thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Sandy Cisneros? Newton-Huckabay: There was a statement from the audience that she left. Rohm: Oh. Okay. Chuck Rough. Rough: My name is Chuck Rough and I'm the property owner at 2707 South Stoddard Road, which is -- borders the proposed subdivision on the -- kind of the southeast corner. I have a five acre piece of property there. I just have a couple of issues I just want to address or maybe some concerns. I'll just kind of go through them here. One is Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 72 of 92 that the trash that's developed from a subdivision of this size from the builders. From the first Bear Creek that was put in there was quite a bit of trash that gets blown around and it seems to -- some of it ends up on my property and it's kind of a constant thing trying to keep that cleaned up and I'm not sure how, if the -- this Commission can address that in any way, but I would like to just look at how -- when their construction is going on how we can address the trash that's generated from all the contractors that come in. Along those same lines is the dust and noise that's generated also. There will be a significant amount of construction that will border my property and the amount of dust that gets generated from the construction; I'd just like to see how that's going to be addressed. And, then, the property buffers, kind of review that a little bit. Need to look at the final plan that they have submitted and see what the depth of lots will be that adjoin my property and see what kind buffers that they have along there. There is some trees that -- some existing trees that border my property and the subdivision property and I'm just interested on what's going to happen to those trees. Are they going to be taken out and replaced. Since they are right on the property line, need to kind of work through that and find out what the plan is for those trees. The streetlights that are in the current Bear Creek Subdivision are fairly bright and pretty much light up my five acres across the street and if there is lights like that, I'd like to see some type of shielding to be put up, maybe to not flood those bright lights onto my property. I do have livestock. I have five acres. I do have livestock there and it would be good for the homeowners that would be purchasing property adjacent to mine to understand that I do have livestock there and that would be something that they would have to deal with. Just interested in ACHD's comments on the traffic that's going to be generated on Victory and the traffic that's going to be on Overland. Both areas right now is pretty much a mess and adding additional traffic there would just mean that -- to kind of see what their plans are. That's pretty much the comments I have and would like to see how those issues will be addressed as this development moves forward. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you. Rohm: My comment to you, sir, is thank you for your organization. That's very much appreciated. Zaremba: I would make a comment, sir. Of course, the applicant will come back and answer questions as well, but I think our dust abatement and construction blowing stuff -- our ordinances have improved since Bear Creek was begun. There are rules which the applicant has to comply with, standard rules for everything, but I think they have gotten stronger since the beginning of Bear Creek. The other is there are also rules about the down-shielding of lighting, so it's not supposed to be bleeding off onto other people's property and that's not an issue for this applicant if you're talking about previously and across the street, but you could call the police department and ask to speak to the compliance officer at the police department and they will come out and take a look at the lights and see whether they are complying with the down-shielding and no bleed off. Rough: Okay. I will do that. Thanks. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 73 of 92 Zaremba: And we will ask the applicant to answer the other questions. Rough: Okay. Thank you. Rohm: James Prather. Prather: Good evening, Mr. Chairman, Commissioners. James Prather, 2595 South Linder, Meridian. I'll make my comments brief. I appreciate the presentation tonight. I did not make the earlier meeting of a couple of months ago. It's well thought out. It's well prepared. I think they have a few perhaps lose ends that they are taking care of as shown tonight, but more specifically, I live right across the street on Linder to the west. If I can -- correct. Zaremba: In that area? Prather: One south. Right there. Zaremba: Okay. Prather: What I would like to see here -- and I do appreciate, again, the attention of the applicant taking this into consideration, but Ariel Estates is the subdivision that I live in to the west. We are five acre estates and most of us in there -- well, all of us in there have made a pretty substantial investment, along with Eggers Subdivision, which is to the south of the Ridenbaugh, most of those lots in there are between one acre and two acres. And what I would like to see -- and I won't speak for the rest of the owners, but I'm sure -- if there could be a little bit more attention paid to the transition. Eggers is probably 25 to 30 years there and Ariel Estates I think are about 12 years old. What we would like to see is perhaps those lots that were enumerated to be somewhere between -- I believe Becky said somewhere between 13 and 18 thousand square feet. Just bumped up to see if we can get closer to half acre lots. The way they are now, they are just roughly maybe on an average of a quarter acre coming up to acre and five acre lots. It would be nice, since we were in here preceding this development -- and, by the way, I -- this is what I do for a living as well. That's a good development and we know it's coming and we, actually, welcome it. But it would be nice if they would revisit their position and make those abutting lots to the north of the Ridenbaugh -- just the lots that abut that up about a half an acre. And that's my comment. Rohm: Thank you, sir. Ruth Ann Green. From the audience she states that her issues have been addressed. That is everybody that signed up for this, but at this time I'd welcome anybody else to come forward that chooses to speak. Bradshaw: Thank you, Commissioners. My name is Allen Bradshaw. I live on 2730 South Linder Road and I'm south of -- of the canal as well and I would kind of reiterate what James Prather said about the transition of the lot sizes in respect to the size of the Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 74 of 92 lots that have been in existence for quite a long time, that maybe they look at expanding those lots with that. That's all. Rohm: Thank you. Any questions? Thank you. Anybody else? Yes. Please come forward. Young: Good morning. My name is Jan Young. I live at 1330 Eggers Place and I own two lots in Eggers. I have been there since May of 1979 and Becky has really addressed most of the concerns I had and I do feel approval for this and I agree with what Mr. Prather also said about along the canal, the additional lots being just slightly larger. One thing I do -- would like to address is the church that's down off of Overland. Living up on -- in Eggers Subdivision I'm not really sure how that was approved for them to have the outdoor speakers, but in the summertime up all the way to Eggers you can hear the church and it is very loud. So, I think anyone buying down in that subdivision would need to be aware that you can hear it throughout the entire subdivision and all the way up to our subdivision and that's one thing I'd like address. Thank you. Rohm: You bet. Thank you. I think that probably speaks to his concerns about the lots -- wanting to see them become common lots, rather than developable lots, so -- in support of what his comments were. Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to comment on this at this time? Seeing none, Commission? Zaremba: I would ask a question of staff on -- I agree that the church's CUP allows the public address system, but doesn't it still need to comply with sound levels leaving the property? Aren't there some rules about that? Wilson: There is a noise ordinance. It's contained in the Meridian civil code that Mr. Nary would likely be more familiar with than I am. Our Unified Development Code specifically addresses PA systems within 100 feet of residences needing a CU. It doesn't, actually, set levels or anything else, it just kind of falls back on the civil code, which, if I remember correctly, doesn't set decibel levels either, it's fairly vague and says that it can't disturb other properties, I think. But I would defer to Mr. Nary on that. Nary: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, it's, actually, the criminal code that we are referring to, but under the city noise ordinance, activities on religious property are exempt. So, it wouldn't violate the city criminal code. Zaremba: Thank you. Rohm: All right. I think, probably, at this time it's appropriate to ask Becky to come back up and let's see what she has to say. McKay: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Becky McKay, Engineering Solutions. I have spoken with Mr. Webber on multiple occasions and we have made what my clients thought was good faith measures trying to, obviously, buffer the church from our future residents and vice-versa. We looked at possibly putting some open space up there, but Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 75 of 92 that is the high point on this portion. This particular pod here everything is sloping to the south. So, as you well know, any storm drainage, where sub surface or surface from retention ponds, have to be in a separate common lot. So, that was one reason that they were concerned about taking the open space and moving it and that was one of the recommendations that Mr. Webber had at the time. As far as their PA system -- Rohm: Becky -- oh, I was just going to say, it sounds from the testimony that we have heard that the PA system penetrates the entire subdivision and not just the adjacent lots, so I'm not sure that you could really address that adequately without elimination of the subdivision. But, anyway, that's -- McKay: Let me try -- one thing I have noticed, sound carries over bare ground and it carries for quite a distance, depending on the weather conditions and the way the wind's blowing. My past experience, like along Interstate 84, for example, very noisy facility. Some of the residents that were in subdivisions beyond the freeway -- and I designed a subdivision between them and the freeway, I have seen them since the subdivision was built out and one thing they said was, you know what, I can't hear the freeway now. So, that was one good thing about the development going in. So, you know, the sound is going to carry, because there is nothing to block it. When you do start getting built out, we do see a reduction in the distance that sound will carry, I mean that just lays to reason. One thing I did talk to Mr. Webber about is a church facility really any different than say a high school, a middle school, elementary? I used to live by an elementary. I could hear the little kids squealing and laughing and playing, the bell ringing, I have done lots of subdivisions next to high schools, they have outdoor sports events, lights, PA systems, traffic, and noise. There are lots of things associated with that type of activity, but yet schools are able to coexist and be compatible with residential development. We see churches primarily in residential areas. This one is a little unique, that they do have it looks like more outdoor activities than the average church. Most of them are indoors, but you do have like some of the LDS churches have baseball diamonds behind them I have seen and, you know, other outdoor activities that take place. So, I don't feel that their use is not compatible with us or vice-versa. I've tried my best to, you know, come up with different ideas to buffer them. I guess I leave it up to the Commission, if they believe that the two lots behind them that are limited to single story that are 150 feet deep, that we put a berm, a fence, and landscaping, is still not enough. I leave that to the Commission to make a determination. As far as the -- Mr. Rough indicated, who lives right here, about the trash. The staff -- or the ordinances always, I think, required the perimeter fencing, which, obviously, it's supposed to catch any of the building trash that's blowing around. However, if you drive around and we have had a big windstorm, you will see that some of the trash will go up over a six foot fence. That's, obviously -- you know, that burden's upon the developer to make sure that the builders understand that they must contain their trash, they can't just leave it, you know, around to blow all over and to go off of the subject property. As far as dust and noise, the city -- for the record, the city's pretty tough on dust. I have received phone calls from the staff and said Mrs. Smith or Jones called me and says that there is dust out there and you better take care of it. We call our contractor immediately, they send water trucks out. . Most contractors are very cognizant of that, Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 76 of 92 they are very conscientious about trying to get their water trucks out there. If we know we have, you know, a dust issue, they are pretty sensitive about it or if we have -- one time at Redfeather Estates we had an adjoining neighbor that had asthma and so we went to great pains to try to make sure that we took care of the dust and his wife called me if there was any dust, so -- existing trees. There are some existing trees that the Commission should be aware of. You see them right here on this landscape plan. But there is some that appear to be on the common boundary and, then, there are some that are primarily on the adjoining property. What I told the gentleman that lives there, that we can, obviously, meet him out there and look at the trees. He says some of them are like those black Locusts, they are not in very good condition. We, obviously, don't want to create a hazard, if it's determined -- we could get the city forester out there to look at them, that they should be taken out, because they are not safe, that they are on their last leg or diseased, but we typically try to retain as many trees as possible and the ordinance states that we must. We have to mitigate, obviously, any trees that we take out that are existing. Street lights. The shoe box lights should be -- you know, they should be shining downward. Sometimes they get tipped a little bit and they will shine on adjacent properties. I did out at Bridgetower have an adjoining neighbor call once and say it's shining in my bedroom. We sent an electrician out, they adjusted the little shield, and they said, hey, that worked great. So, maybe that's what needs to be done out here at Bear Creek. I'm not sure what the situation is. But, obviously, there are ways to try to relieve that problem. As far as just livestock, the right to farm, obviously, we would be willing to put that on the plat, that's a state law, if we have any agricultural that surround us, we, obviously, have to recognize those and respect those and any subsequent owners have to do the same. Traffic. I went through ACHD's plans for the improvement out in this area. I mean this area is planned for, funded, it's within next year. We did do a traffic study. Washington Group International did our traffic study, they went and did counts, looked all the surrounding intersections. We had them go beyond what -- just the Overland and Linder, we had them go further out and look at what's happening out there and look at the impact. They did a very thorough job. Ada County Highway District has incorporated all of those comments into their staff report that we received. We will be installing left turn bays, right turn bays on Linder, sidewalk along Linder. We will be donating the right of way to Ada County Highway District along Linder, 48 feet from center line. Along Stoddard that will be free right of way there, because it's designated as a collector. We will be building curb, gutter, sidewalk, half of, I think it is, a 46 foot section. And, then, obviously, the addition of the collector at our expense will be accommodating traffic moving in between this half mile. Not very often that the projects have a continuous collector. I like them. I'm an advocate for them. In this instance I think it's going to work real well with this school. So, we feel that, you know, all the traffic issues have been answered. As far as Ariel Estates and Eggers Estates, we did -- we did look at those lots and I'm sensitive to the rural lots. In fact, I did Ariel Estates. Last five acre lot subdivision I did before they required dry line sewers within the Meridian's area of impact. If we look at an aerial photo -- and I can submit this for the record. As you can see, I had them go beyond our project, which shows the location of the homes. To give you the scale of this, this is one inch equals 200 feet. So, some of these homes -- I think the closest one I found along this Eggers boundary here was about 160 feet from the closest point of their home to the rear lot line. That Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 77 of 92 would not be to -- you know, the home would be further away, but to the rear lot line. This particular gentleman talked about the impact on him. From his home over to this lot line I think is 235 feet. So, that kind of gives you an idea of the separation that we have. In looking at our distribution of lots, I brought this just to kind of demonstrate to the Commission that we did -- we did go through a logical process in determining our lot sizes. Everything you see in blue are our largest lots. Everything in pink is the next largest. Then, it goes down to the orange. The yellow are smallest. And pink are second. Yeah. No. The pink -- I'm sorry. It goes blue, pink, orange, yellow. Got it reversed. So, as you can see, all along Eggers and wrapping around there to Linder from the existing home, everything is blue. Over here we have some pinks. But we -- you know, these lots are pretty good size. They are not half acre, but I've got some that are 19,000, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 12 -- I mean they vary. I try to keep them wider and deeper than any of the other lots that I had. So, I think I have made an effort. I think that's all that I have. I think I have went through my list. Does the Commission have any other questions, comments? We would like to move forward, if. possible. I don't think with the large collector and our vehicle trips generated that we violate any ACHD policies. In fact, their staff report indicated that we are in compliance. And we meet and exceed their requirements. Moe: Becky, you made comment in regards to the lots right behind the church -- McKay: Yes, sir. Moe: -- being single story. McKay: Yes, sir. Moe: And I didn't hear you comment at all on Lots 12 through 17, possibly making those single-story. McKay: From-- Moe: From Linder over. McKay: From here over? Moe: Yes. McKay: The applicant doesn't agree. Moe: Thank you. McKay: I guess that burden is on the Commission to determine if that is necessary. Newton-Huckabay: Mr. Chair, Becky, I was just wondering what you expect build out to be on this, approximately, because the sewer is not there yet. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 78 of 92 McKay: Fall 2007 and that is the best optimistic that I'm hearing from staff. I mean Mike may correct me. I know they are pushing hard to get it across the interstate. There is a need for it. All your trunks are at capacity or over capacity south of 1-84, so I know this has been a priority and it's even popped up higher on the priority list. We accept the fact that we may have to wait. We had hoped to get the first phase on this year. That was our hope. We think this will probably be, you know, a five phase project. Typically, projects run one to two phases a year, roughly. So, build out, you know, could be three to five years, depending on market conditions and, obviously, availability of the sewer. Rohm: Thank you, Becky. McKay: Thank you. Zaremba: I, actually, have a couple of questions, if I may. And, actually, the first one is probably directed at staff, Mr. Cole, but while you're here, what is the mechanism for -- enforcing is not the right word, but making sure that sewer is available to enough homes? Is it the certificate of zoning compliance or certificate of occupancy, that they can't get until their sewer -- or am I making that up? Cole: Commissioner Zaremba, they are not allowed to build in any lots in this subdivision until the Black Cat -- Zaremba: So, they can't break ground. Cole: No. Zaremba: Okay. Cole: They could move a little dirt around if they wanted to, but until -- to answer the earlier question, the Black Cat Trunk is planned to be on the south side of the interstate in '06. From that point it's still roughly a half to three quarters of a mile away from Mrs. McKay's development. There is an application pending that would bring it to her front door. Depending on how fast that developer builds his sewer out, it's conceivable she could have sewer by '07, but that's a very -- McKay: Optimistic. Cole: -- optimistic expectation. Thank you, Mrs. McKay. Zaremba: Thank you. Appreciate that. So, you have heard that and you're aware of it and you probably knew that before I did. McKay: Yes, sir. We are aware of that and, obviously, we realize we may have to file a time extension on the preliminary plat in the event that there are any setbacks. The Meridian Plannin9 & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 79 of 92 staff has been very diligent and has not allowed us to start any subdivisions, that is the infrastructure, until that trunk was on its way. That's been pretty much a standard. They don't take any chances that somebody builds something that has no connection to a trunk. Zaremba: Okay. Great. The other question that I have is in regards to the police department requirement that you have objected to and this is something that Ada County Highway District, I'm sure, will be considering and that's that you consider traffic calming on West Kodiak to slow the speeds and stuff. My guess is that one of the methods that ACHD has presented to us as being traffic calming is a meandering street, which, to me, you appear to have been. I don't see any real straight-aways. McKay: No, sir. Zaremba: And I'm not sure that we have the authority to change a police department requirement, but I guess you're assuming ACHD is going to go along with your design. McKay: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Zaremba, we received the same comment on Volterra, because we have a continuous collector that in that instance ran from one arterial -- Ten Mile to Black Cat, another arterial. I think what the police chief -- I think he thinks it's like a local street for front-on housing. There is no front-on housing along the collector. A collector can carry up to 8,000 vehicle trips a day, because it doesn't impact anybody's home, because it's not in front of their home, unlike the local street that we restrict to less than 1,000 vehicle trips. People do go faster on the collectors. We do our best to try to give them a meander, not make them a straight shot, as, Commissioner Zaremba, you indicated. One thing we did do here is on the landscape plan we do show some pedestrian crossings, like some stamped pavers. That does -- that does make them slow down. It just kind of -- for some reason they will reduce their speed when you designate crosswalks. Also, you know, that would be a school zone. So, you will have, you know, some type of restricted speeds during the school hours. They usually have the little flashers and so forth. I don't see that as a problem. On Volterra Ada County Highway District just kind of shook their head and said this is a collector, not a local. If it was a local and you're trying to put this many vehicle trips on it, you would have a problem. You wouldn't meet their policies. But we meet all of ACHD's policies. Zaremba: Thank you. McKay: Thank you. Rohm: Thank you, Becky. Before we proceed with this, I'd like to just make a comment that because we do not have the report from the Ada County Highway District to include in our deliberations, I think that the testimony that we have received tonight from the audience and rebuttal from the applicant is all in good order and I think this has been a healthy discussion. What I would like to see us do -- we can't make a decision tonight, because we do not have that report from the highway district. What I'd like to see us do Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 80 of 92 is just stop the discussion at this point in time, move to continue until the following February 2nd meeting and only take testimony associated with the Ada County Highway District report period at that next meeting and there is no sense in making any additional deliberations tonight and we will just conclude it with the Ada County Highway District report that we will receive between now and February 2nd. Any comments? Borup: Yes, Mr. Chairman. I certainly agree with that, that the testimony should be limited to the ACHD report, but I also think there is some merits to discuss an issue when it's fresh in our minds. Not that we would be making -- necessarily making a motion, but in my mind it would be good to maybe discuss some of the issues that's been discussed while it's still fresh, rather than -- Rohm: And I guess -- Borup: -- weeks from now. Rohm: And I don't have a problem with that. I was hoping that we could get through this and open the last item on the agenda, but I'm open to hearing comments from each Commissioner associated with testimony currently received. Newton-Huckabay: I would recommend that we go ahead -- we stay until we open the last item on the agenda, but I do agree that we should discuss this one, if we want to make the changes. Even if it is after midnight, that we -- Borup: The time to have made that decision was earlier in the evening, maybe, and moved things along then. Newton-Huckabay: But I mean it's only -- because 19 and 20 are continued. Borup: I only have two comments and I don't know how many the others have. Zaremba: Yeah. I was going to say anticipating that this discussion may be fairly brief; I think I've had most of my answers -- my questions answered. I would like to hear Commissioner Borup's concern, but I also feel the following two issues, one of which hasn't been noticed and we are going to continue that one anyhow, will probably also go fairly quickly and I would be amenable to starting it even if it happens after midnight. Rohm: Fair enough. I can live with that. Commissioner Borup, you're on. Borup: Okay. I only, really, had a couple of notes. I mean I had a lot of notes, but two that may be open for discussion. One was perhaps a transition on the southern part of the subdivision. I got to look at things on what we have looked at historically and I think there is very good transition here. These are large lots compared to what we normally see against same size neighboring subdivisions, so I don't have any concern about that and I think they have done a good job of some real -- real large almost estate size lots, I guess maybe small estate. And the other is the property to the north. Not just on this, Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 81 of 92 but I have always been opposed to limiting two story houses. I have never really felt that it really makes any sense. It shouldn't be a factor in my mind. I've seen it done in others and you go back and look at it afterwards and some of the single story homes are -- have got the same height as the two story. One of these -- so I don't know that -- and the taller homes there is going to be bigger blocking away. I don't see -- if you leave an open area there, that's going to just funnel the noise through there. So, I would not be in favor of having any limitation on heights. You know, if the developers want to do that to a couple of them, I guess, that's -- you know, that's up to them, but that's my feeling. Rohm: Commissioner Borup, I think they are well thought out statements and in support of those, the distance from lot line to adjacent existing structures is pretty significant and I don't think they'd even be able -- from the horizon I don't think they'd even see the two story homes. Borup: Well, that's what's really different in this one is the topography. It's something we are normally not looking at either. Rohm: Thank you for your comments. Newton-Huckabay: Slopes up? Borup: Yeah. Or slopes down. The canal is the high point. Newton-Huckabay: But isn't the property somewhat bowl shaped? It slopes down and, then, goes back up? Borup: Right. Yeah. Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba, do you have some thoughts that you'd like to share? Zaremba: Nothing to add. I agree with what Commissioner Borup just added and I have previously said or asked everything that I care to do. Rohm: Thank you. Commissioner Newton-Huckabay. Newton-Huckabay: I have no additional comments. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Commissioner Moe. Mae: Ditto. Rohm: All right. I think we have done with comments. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I move that we continue AZ 0 -- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 82 of 92 Wilson: Commissioner Zaremba? Zaremba: I'm sorry. Wilson: Sorry to interrupt. The applicant did indicate that she's out of town the 2nd, so if you could choose the 16th or if that agenda is full, maybe one after that. Borup: The 16th is probably better. Zaremba: Okay. All right. Thank you. In that case, Mr. Chairman, I move that we continue the Public Hearing for AZ 05-064 and PP 05-064, both relating to Bear Creek West Subdivision to our regularly scheduled meeting of February 16th, 2006, for the sole purpose of considering action taken by ACHD and making a decision that night. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we continue AZ 05-064 and PP 05-064 to the regularly scheduled meeting of February 16th, 2006. All those in favor say aye. All opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 18: Public Hearing: CUP 05-056 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Day Care Center on .58 acres in the C-N zone for Young America Early Care and Education Center by Young American Early Care and Education Center - 1525 Leigh Field Drive: Rohm: Okay. We have got three minutes to spare. At this time I'd like to open up the Public Hearing on CUP 05-056 associated with Young America Early Care and Education Center and begin with the staff report. Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. This is a Conditional Use Permit for a child care center for up to 100 kids. The existing child care -- or the proposed child care center is located within an existing building, approximately 5,100 square feet. It is on a .5 acre lot -- a little over half an acre lot within Quenzer Commons Subdivision No.8, so the subdivision you heard earlier is this property right there and, then, there is the triangle that their street came up. We are just back to the east a little bit. The applicant is proposing to construct an outdoor play area within -- on this lot, approximately 1,200 square feet. Let me see if I have a little better -- it shows it a little bit better. It will be in this general vicinity, fenced off -- I'll get to the fencing here in a second, but it has about 1,200 square feet. And there are 31 parking stalls within this lot. There are other parking within the area today. There is a cross-access agreement currently in place for the subdivision, so if they do get some overflow traffic, there are some other parking available currently in the general vicinity. This property is currently zoned C-N, which is a neighborhood business district. Just a couple of the conditions, I guess, to quickly run through the staff report. Staff is recommending that the hours of Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 83 of 92 operation for this business be restricted from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. That signs be placed -- and I have kind of drawn the signs in on the site plan. A couple of signs here. Staff's concern was that parents or guardians would come and just drop off or pick up kids and park kind of right in the middle of the drive aisle, thereby preventing other parents from exiting or blocking this and having to back up. So, just some signage there at the entrance saying you need to park, you can't just wait here. Fencing. The applicant was proposing to do a six foot vinyl fence, I believe, solid anyways. The police department had some concerns with not being able to see into the play area and what goes beyond potentially behind that area. They have requested that the fencing -- the short run is about 20 feet long on the north and along the east property -- or at least east side of the play area be open vision, non-climbable, usually a wrought iron type fence. There is also a condition in the staff report that prohibits any of the play equipment in this outdoor play area to being over six feet tall. There are residential lots in Quenzer directly to the west and so to keep that privacy and because the landscape buffer between a day care with up to 100 kids and future residences, none of them are here today -- or living there today, we have made that restriction so kids can't get up on a tall ladder or something and shout into someone else's back yard. Did have one change that I would request to the staff report as presented. It's in Exhibit B, condition 3.19. It's, actually, a fire department condition. There was some question as to whether or not a full blown fire sprinkler system will be required for this. I'm not trying to step on the fire department's toes by any means, but I hope that this request will allow some flexibility at least in that condition. I guess I'm asking that you change the word will to may. That's like the fifth or sixth word. Let's see. Right now it reads a fire sprinkler system will be required for this occupancy and it continues on: Contact the fire marshal for details. We propose that 3.19 would be amended to read a fire sprinkler system may be required for this occupancy. Contact the fire marshal. I think the intent is still there, it just leaves that door open for if, in fact, a fire sprinkler is not needed or a full blown fire sprinkler or some other way they can deal with fire code without having to put a full sprinkler in. I do not know what the code says, so, again, I don't think we are trying to change the intent of that condition, I think it just allows some flexibility. So, with that I will stand for any questions. Oh, one more -- we did get comments back from Central District Health Department. There is a note from them to request that the applicant contact Susan Simmons at CVHD regarding the license. So, there is a contact for the applicant to get the license through the state to become a licensed child care provider, if she hasn't already done so. But with that I will stand for any questions you have. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I do have two. On conditions of approval paragraph 1.5 is where you state that the hours shall be limited to 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Are we assuming that's all seven days of the week? Hood: Mr. Chair, Mr. Zaremba, Members of the Commission, I would imagine it's Monday through Friday, but it wasn't in the applicant's application. We may get them to clarify. I wasn't sure if they would have anything on Saturday or not. You can -- it's Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 84 of 92 certainly within your jurisdiction to condition that Monday through Friday, I just wasn't sure and I forgot to ask the applicant, so -- Zaremba: Actually, I was going the other way, to allow all seven days. Hood: Yeah. Yeah. And that -- we could specify that it's good -- Zaremba: I think it should be clarified one way or the other. Newton-Huckabay: Are you through? Zaremba: Go ahead. Newton-Huckabay: I would like the applicant to speak to that, too, because I think that those hours are too restrictive to run a day care in today's business environment. Borup: I agree. Newton-Huckabay: We employ 150 people who have to be to work at 6:00 a.m. Borup: Boy, you're tough. Newton-Huckabay: They get to go home at 2:30. Hood: And just to further that, the applicant, actually, asked for 6:30 to 6:30, I believe, and I give them another half hour just in case people were milling around or someone showed up late. I don't know if that's generous enough, but I thought, you know, boy, you're going to need probably at least a half hour. So, I did take some liberty there, so -- Newton-Huckabay: I don't think I would -- I guess I would encourage you not to limit yourself and have problems down the road to those hours, because I think that would be too restrictive to be competitive. That was business advice. I'm sorry. Rohm: Are we ready to hear from the applicant? Are we ready for the applicant? Borup: Let's go. Zaremba: I, actually, had one more question. I'm sorry. Rohm: Okay. Zaremba: And this, again, on the conditions of approval relates to 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 collectively. Am I understanding that the play area is going to be in the required landscape buffer? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 85 of 92 Hood: Yes. And-- Zaremba: And is that okay? Hood: Yes and no. It is within the required landscape buffer. The landscaping -- that provision I think in 1.10 does state that if you move any of those required trees or -- that are required with the final plat, that you need to contact my department and make sure we still have the same number within that landscape buffer. Now, the current UDC requires there to be a screened barrier at full maturity for those trees. That was not the case when this was approved. I mean the city knew that there was a residential district next to this C-N before and allowed this buffer 20 feet. Now, I don't think it was envisioned that a day care would be using that area for their outdoor play area, but it is in the request setback or buffer area between the building and the property line. But there isn't much of a conflict, to tell you the truth, if you can see on the -- I think there is a landscape plan in here. There is room, I think, to have a tree or two within your play area and still maintain that buffer. So, they may need to move a tree out of there, but I don't see much of a conflict there. Zaremba: Thank you. Rohm: Would the applicant like to come forward? Before she falls asleep. Coleman: Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Commissioners. My name is Jennifer Coleman and I am a representative of Young America Early Care and Education Center and as Caleb had stated, we are wanting to operate a child care center serving approximately 100 children. It is my intent to operate Monday through Friday. If I can take your advice and perhaps extend those hours just to cover our bases. I wanted to start out with 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. And, then, possibly if somebody needed earlier care we could change our schedule. I don't know if that's a possibility to change that in our Conditional Use Permit application. As far as landscape -- or, I'm sorry, the playground area, I was asked to address that in my staff report. We will be using the playground area on a rotation schedule. So, the facility will include five classrooms. Each classroom will have a designated amount of time to use the playground area, go back into the facility and the next group will go out and, then, use the playground area for their duration of time. Was there anything else that -- Newton-Huckabay: That's 20 kids at a time, approximately? Coleman: Approximately 12 to 20. The degree of sizes are different. The smaller, younger children are much smaller group sizes. Newton-Huckabay: It's been awhile. I forget. Rohm: As far as the time opening and closing, if we were to propose 6:00 until -- 6:00 in the morning, rather than 6:30, as recommended by staff and, then, concluded at 7:00, as staff recommended, would that cover all bases? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 86 of 92 Coleman: Yes, I believe it would. However, I would like to request the opportunity to have time available on the evenings and possibly on Saturday for staff development training. We might want to have the center open from 6:00 to 8:00 for a staff meeting or from 6:00 to 8:00 for -- or 6:30 to 8:30 for a staff development training. That would be after hours, the business would be closed, that would just include myself and the staff and possibly a trainer if we had a training. So, I would like to talk about that before the permit is considered. Rohm: Typically -- and maybe I'm speaking a little bit out of turn here -- the hours of operation that we address are that you have access from the public -- Coleman: Okay. Rohm: -- that you are working with and I think that there is a lot of businesses that will have staff meetings outside of the listed hours from the CUP. The CUP lists the hours open to the public and that's the way I see it, anyway. Zaremba: I believe we have made that interpretation before that -- Rohm: That's my-- Zaremba: -- we are specifying customer hours, essentially. Rohm: Right. Coleman: Okay. Rohm: And so your staff hours, you know, if you have got internal training are outside of your customer -- Zaremba: And that's probably a cleaning crew that's going to be there at midnight. That's okay. Coleman: Sure. Sure. Okay. Rohm: And so I don't think that's an issue. Hood: Mr. Chair, I would just request, rather than leaving that up for a future interpretation, if that's the intent, is that kids can be there from -- be a certain amount of hours or whatever that you specify, that the hours of operation aren't to just have the doors open, but the hours of operation for kids to be present are this and, then, you can have staff after that until 10:00 or whatever, but just clarify the hours of operation are intended to be for child care hours or however you want to go about it, but the more details the better, I guess. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 87 of 92 Rohm: Okay. Okay. And I think we can work around that. Newton-Huckabay: Mrs. Coleman, can I ask you a question? Does this Young America Early -- do you have other centers? Coleman: No, ma'am. Newton-Huckabay: This is your first one? Coleman: It is. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. I just -- my -- I am generally not a fan, I think, of assigned operating hours to businesses and so we'd just like to know why we feel that we need to -- one, I think it's -- you create administrative -- you have to clarify when the cleaning people can be there, when the kids can be there, and we don't live in an 8:00 to 5:00 society anymore, we live in a 24 hour society. So, what's the driver behind operating hours in this instance? Borup: Residential. This is close to residential use, isn't that the -- Zaremba: Yeah. Typically, when it's right next to a residential use, we include that for the benefit of the neighboring residences. Hood: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Newton-Huckabay, the UDC, actually, requires you set hours. So, if you want to set them for 24 hours I mean that's your prerogative. I wouldn't recommend that being residential there, but we do need to have some provision in here that sets the hours of operation that are allowable by code. You have to set something, so -- and that's why these hours were picked. One is because the applicant proposed them. Modifying them is fine. But, yeah, there are residents that are going to be there pretty soon as that plat recorded recently, so -- Zaremba: I would comment that Commissioner Newton-Huckabay's question about whether you have other facilities is probably driven by the fact that you seem to really have it together, know what needs to go on, and know about having staff meetings and stuff like that. So, we appreciate you appearing to be knowledgeable about this. I guess my other question would be do you ever envision going all seven days or do you care? Coleman: No. I would possibly envision maybe some events occurring on a Saturday, whether it be a family fair, a family, you know, gathering, possibly, again, some staff development, utilizing the facility on a Saturday. But I would see that being on a rare occasion. I would not include Saturday as my business hours, no. Zaremba: Okay. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 88 of 92 Rohm: I think it might be easier to include Saturday in your normal operating conditions and that way if you have staff meetings or family fun days or otherwise, then, you would already be covered and if you don't use it, you're certainly not obligated to be there. Coleman: Right. Rohm: Okay. That being said -- thank you. Newton-Huckabay: What are the operating hours that we have set for some of the other conditional use permits that weren't -- they weren't day care centers, but they were in some of these neighborhood areas? Borup: 10:00 or 11 :00 at night, some of them. Rohm: Exactly. Hood: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, I know for the L-O properties that we allowed with the recent Camp Plan amendment, our standard that we -- based on what you guys did on a couple of them in a row, restrict that from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. as a standard, that we just insert in all of them and if you so choose to modify them -- I think there have been a couple that have been allowed to go to 11 :00 p.m, but that's pretty standard for those office -- office zones. Newton-Huckabay: That would be my preference is to kind of get more towards a standard, rather than try to start defining a use, because, then, pretty soon we are going to, well, day cares can only go 6:30 to 7:00 and a dentist office can only go, you know, 8:00 to 10:00 or -- Borup: See, I think the marketplace is going to take care of most of that. Just slave driver companies require them to come to work at 6:00, so you're not going to have very many of those. But if you have a few families that do, you know, you have to have one staff person that can handle that and, then, the majority of them would come at another time and -- and they may want to eventually have -- you know, they may have a few families on Saturdays, too. Newton-Huckabay: Commission -- Rig ht. Well, I guess I would just prefer to see us as a Borup: 6:00 to 10:00. Newton-Huckabay: -- go with something that's more to a standard that's easy to remember. Rohm: And I think those comments are well taken. Before we move forward, is there anybody else from the audience that would like to speak to this issue? Okay. Thank you very much. Are we ready to close the Public Hearing? Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 89 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: Yes. Zaremba: I would make one comment first, if I may. Rohm: You may. Zaremba: I appreciate a comment that's made in the staff report -- this is on page five. Staff finds that day cares are one of the sample uses called for within neighborhood centers. This project is part of a larger development that is applying the neighborhood concept -- neighborhood center concept. I appreciate that statement and very much agree with it. Rohm: And appreciate the fact they are proposing to put one in a neighborhood center. You may come back forward if you'd like. Coleman: Mr. Chairman, with the advice of Commissioner Newton-Huckabay, I would like to change the verbiage of the permit to say 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, to include that Saturday at your advice. Rohm: I think that that's the motion that's coming. Coleman: Great. Wonderful. Thank you. Borup: Go seven days. Rohm: Okay. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Mr. Chair, I recommend we close the Public Hearing on CUP 05-056. Mae: Second. Borup: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we close the Public Hearing on CUP 05- 056. All in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Mr. Chair, I move to approve File No. CUP 05-056 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of January 19th, 2006, and the site plan labeled SP-1, dated May 2nd, 2005, with the following modifications to the condition of approval. On Exhibit B, page one, the statement 1.5, the hours of operation for this business shall be limited from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m -- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 90 of 92 Zaremba: 6:00 a.m. Newton-Huckabay: 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sorry. Borup: It's up to you. Rohm: Monday through Saturday? Newton-Huckabay: Was it Monday through Saturday? With child -- what? Borup: Well, I don't think we need to worry about that. That was saying that the definition of day care hours would be when pay children are on the premise, but -- Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Strike my last statement. Okay. Borup: Do we need to worry about that with those hours? Rohm: No. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. Zaremba: Yeah. I don't think I'd specify. Newton-Huckabay: Okay. So, what -- let me restate this into the microphone. The hours of operation for this business shall be limited from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Zaremba: Again, I would say 6:00 a.m. Newton-Huckabay: 6:00 a.m. Sorry. On Exhibit B, page three, a fire sprinkler system may be required for this occupancy. And, then, the rest of the statement will remain as stated. End of motion. Moe: Second. Zaremba: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we forward onto City Council recommending -- no. That we approve CUP 05-056 with the proposed changes. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: I'm sorry. My mind drifted. Did we include the request that staff prepare the -- that was included? Thank you. I thought you were reading it off the page, but -- Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 91 of 92 Newton-Huckabay: I did, but I don't remember saying that. Did I? Zaremba: Mr. Caleb Hood is nodding his head yes. Borup: Whether you said it or not, he's saying yes. Rohm: All right. Okay. Borup: Are you going to open that? Item 19: Public Hearing: AZ 05-062 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 5.11 acres from RUT to R-8 for Sharp Estates Subdivision by The Gables, LLC - 2445 North Wingate Lane: Item 20: Public Hearing: PP 05-062 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 25 single-family residential lots and 2 common lots on 5.11 acres in the proposed R-8 zone for Sharp Estates Subdivision by The Gables, LLC - 2445 North Wingate Lane: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing AZ 05-062 and PP 05-062 for Sharp Estates Subdivision for the sole purpose of continuing these two items to the February 2nd, 2006, regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Zaremba: So moved. Newton-Huckabay: So moved. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded that we continue these items to the February 2nd meeting. All in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Hood: Mr. Chairman? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Hood: I have one thing to add maybe before we close the record. Just an update. Pinebridge Subdivision was tabled by this body some four months ago. This was supposed to be their -- Borup: Today. Meridian Planning & Zoning January 19, 2006 Page 92 of 92 Hood: -- their hearing night tonight. They withdrew their application a couple of weeks ago -- a couple three weeks ago and I just thought I'd give you that update, that they are planning on resubmitting and we should be seeing that here in another month or so. They were saying it would be back before you sometime early spring. So, I just thought I'd give you that update. Newton-Huckabay: That's the Eagle Road one; right? Hood: Pinebridge, it, actually, is Locust Grove and Pine. It would connect Pine Avenue from Eagle Road to Locust Grove, but I just thought I'd let you know that they did withdraw that application and are going to be resubmitting hopefully here soon. Borup: Good. I had that and I was wondering what happened to it. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: I move we adjourn. Moe: Second. Borup: Second. Rohm: Moved and seconded we adjourn. All in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: We are out of here. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:21 A.M. (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) AP7J;6 (JL MICHAEL ROHM - CHAIRMAN