PZ - Geotech Report Friendship Subdivision Soils Report September 2021 Lot 2 of Block 1 of Blythe Subdivision Meridian, Idaho i % . 116 h' D , GP B & A Engineers, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors 5505 West Franklin Road. Boise, ID 83705 Telephone 208.343.3381 Facsimile 208.342.5792 Ilk Established in 1921 INTRODUCTION This report provides general soil information that has been mapped by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). NRCS Data According to the NRCS Ada County soil survey, the site is comprised to two soil groups: Abo Silt Loam Purdam Silt Loam The NRCS soil map and the cut sheets for the soils are included in this report. Highlights of the data provided by NRCS are: Abo Silt Loam 0 to 10 inches Silt Loam 10 to 23 inches Clay Loam 23 to 58 inches Loam 58 to 65 inches Fine Gravelly Course Sandy Loam 0 to 3% Ground Slope >80 inches Water Table Purdam Silt Loam 0 to 4 inches Silt Loam 4 to 10 inches Silt Loam (different ienz) 10 to 13 inches Silty Clay Loam 13 to 19 inches Silt Loam 19 to 24 inches Silt Loam (different lenz) 24 to 38 inches Cemented Material -- Hardpan 38 to 60 inches Stratified Sand to Loam 0 to 2% Ground Slope >80 inches Water Table OTHER INFORMATION The Settlers Canal traverses the site in a northwesterly direction from the east boundary to near the west boundary. Development of the site will require its relocation. Lands to the east, south and west of the site have been developed to urban densities. Land to the north is a developed church site with large landscaped areas. Page 2 of 7 Proud to be Serving Idaho for 100 Years r � { . ` NRCS Soil Map 1 + Soil Types on Site: 1 Abo Silt Loam 141 Purclam Silt Loam Page Proud • •- Serving Idaho for 100 Years Map Wit Desa vbon:At*silt loam.0 to 3 percent stcgm—Ma County.Idaho FmrfthV Sub&Asian Ada County, Idaho 1—Abo silt loam,0 to 3 percent slopes Map UnH Setting National map unit symbol: 2g5h Elevation: 2.500 to 4,400 feet Mean annualprecipitatlon: 8 to 11 inches Mean annual air temperature: 45 to 50 degrees F Frost-free period. 110 to 160 days Farmland classification: Prim farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Map Unit Composition Abo, warm,and similar soils. 85 percent Minor components. 15 peroent Estimates are based on observations, descdptions,and transects of the mapunit. Descrlptlon of Abo,Warn Setting Landk m:Stream terraoes,dralnageways Down-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape_Linear Parent material.Mixed alluvium andlor lacustrine deposits Typical profile Ap-0 to 10 inche& silt loam Btk- 10 to 23 Inches: clay loam Sk-23 to 58 inches. loam 2C-58 to 65 inches, fine gravelly coarse sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope:0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature:More than 80 inches Drainage class:Somewhat poorly drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat):Moderately high(0.20 to 0.60 frtlhr) Depth to water table:About 30 to 60 Inches Frequency of flooding. NoneRare Frequency of ponding:None Calcium carbonate,maximum content 25 percent Maximum salinity.Very slightly saline to moderately saline(2.0 to 8.0 mmtwslcm) Sodium adsorption ratio,maximum:5.0 Available water supply,0 to 60 inches: High(about 10.8 inches) Interprethre groups Land capability dassiRcation(irrigated). 3e Land capability classilication(noninigated) 6c Hydrlolaglc Soil Group. C Natural Rasoiuc" VNeb Sol Stnvey i Conservation Servke National C.coperaM Sol survey Page 4 of 7 Proud to be Serving Idaho for 100 Years Map UNt Descriptroe Abo sit loam,0 to 3 percent scopes.—Ada County.Idaho Friendstip SubdKis= Ecotogkal site_ R011XY0011D-LOAMY 8-12-Provisional Hydrlc soft rating: No Minor Components Power Percent of map unit:4 percent Hyddc soft rating: No Purdam Percent of map unit:4 percent Hyddc salt rating: No Aerlc haplaquopts Percent of map unit, 4 percent Hyd4c soil rating. No Urban land Percent of map unit:3 percent Hyddc soil rating: unranked Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Ada County,Idaho Survey Area Data: Version 9,Sep 9.2021 Natural Resources — Web So!Survey Conservation Sarvke National Cooperative Sort Sumoy Page 5 of 7 Proud to be Serving Idaho for 100 Years Map Und Desmptfon:Purdam Mil loam.0 to 2 percent slopes--Ada Ca xoy.Idaho Friendship Subdivision Ada County, Idaho 141—Purdam slit loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol_ 2g70 Elevation- 2,000 to 5,000 feet Mean annual predpitation- 8 to 12 inches Mean annual air temperature. 45 to 52 degrees F Frost-free period- 110 to 160 days Farmland dassiflcaffw: Prime farmland I!irrigated Map Unit Composttion Purdam.plowed,and similar soils. 90 percent Mnor components: 10 percent Estimates are based on observations,descriptions. and transects of the mapunit. Description of Purdam,Plowed Setting Landform:Stream terraces Doyen-slope shape:Linear Across-slope shape:Linear Parent material. Mixed alluvium and/or lacustrine deposits and/or loess Typical profile Apt-0 to 4 inches. silt loam Apt-4 to 10 Inches: sill loam Bt1- 10 to 13 inches- silty day loam 812- 13 to 19 inches. slit loam Bkq- 19 to 24 inches. silt loam Bkqm-24 to 38 inches: cemented material 2C-38 to 60 inches: stratified sand to loam Properties and qualitles Slope:0 to 2 percent Depth to restrictive feature. 20 to 40 Inches to duripan Drainage dass Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water{Ksay.Very low to,moderately low(0.00 to 0.06 inlhr) Depth to water table:More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding.Norte Frequency of pond ng.None Calcium carbonate,maximum content:25 percent Maximum salinity. Nonsaline to slightly saline(0.0 to 4.0 mmhos/cm) Sodium adsorpffm ratio,maximum: 10.0 Available water supply. 0 to W inches: Low(about 4.7 inches) Nattaal Resowua Web Soi Survey Conservation ssrvke National CoopetaWe Soil Survey Page 6 of 7 Proud to be Serving Idaho for 100 Years MaiP Unit besaiption:Pwdam sit loam,0 to 2pwum dopes.—Ada County.kWw Fnendatnp Sub*viaion Interpretive groups Land capability ctassftatran(!r»gated). 3s Land capability classftelion(noninfgated). Bc Hydrologic Soil Group. C Ecological site. R011XY001 aD-LOAMY 8-12-Provisional Hydric soil rating- No Minor components Elijah Percent of map unit. 3 percent Hyddc soil rating: No Abo Percent of map unit.3 percent Hydrlc soil rating: No Sebfee Percent of wrap unit.2 percent Hyddc soli rating: No Pourer Percent of map unit. 2 percent Hydrlc soil rating: No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Ada County.Idaho Survey Area Data: Version 9.Sep 9,2021 Natural Resources Web Sol Survey Conservetlon Servke Nabonat Cooperative Soil Survey Page 7 of 7 Proud to be Serving Idaho for 100 Years