CushingTerrell_CZC Response_02.26.2021 cushingterrell.com February 26, 2021 City of Meridian Planning and Zoning Department 33 East Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 Meridian, Idaho, 83642 Dear Alan, This letter provides Cushing Terrell’s response to the staff comments below. All supporting documentation is attached along with this response letter. I’ve preliminarily reviewed the CZC for the Scentsy Warehouse No 4. It can’t be approved until after the development modification is approved at Council, but since you sent it in, I thought I’d review to expedite things as much as I can for you. 1. Please fix overlapping text on landscape plan (for example, Page 2 legend, and text relating to the irrigation ditch on the west). Response: Text has been fixed. See updated drawings. 2. On Page 1 of the Landscape Plan, it appears the building is shown in the 5’ drainage, utility and maintenance easement (on the west). Response: Landscape plan has been updated. 3. There is a regional pathway indicated at the west side of the property, but this is not indicated on the plans. Response: Plan was updated to show regional pathway on west side of property. 4. Per 11-3A-19. - Structure and site design standards, for properties greater than two (2) acres in size, no more than fifty (50) percent of the total off street parking area for the site shall be located between building facades and abutting streets. This must be addressed or a request for alternative compliance should be requested. The criteria are in 11-5B-5 which can be found here: Response: See attached alternate compliance request letter. 5. Per UDC 11-3A-19-4 - Pedestrian walkways, the internal pedestrian walkway shall be distinguished from the vehicular driving surfaces through the use of pavers, colored or scored concrete, or bricks. This does not appear to be met. 2 cushingterrell.com Response: Internal Pedestrian walkways will be distinguished by the use of colored concrete. The colored concrete will match all the other colored concrete on the campus. This will be shown on our permit documents when submitted to the City of Meridian. 6. 11-3C Parking - Except as otherwise provided in this section, all off street parking areas shall be provided with a substantial wheel restraint to prevent cars from encroaching upon abutting private and public property or overhanging beyond the designated parking stall dimensions. Response: Car wheels are restrained by the curbs at parking spaces that head-in to sidewalks. In those cases, the sidewalks are widened to 7-ft to allow for 2-ft of car bumper overhang without obstructing a 5-ft clear sidewalk width. 7. When a bumper overhang onto a sidewalk or landscape area, the parking stall dimensions may be reduced two (2) feet in length if two (2) feet is added to the width of the sidewalk or landscaped area planted in ground cover. – is this met along the sidewalk in front of the building? Response: Yes, this is met. See response to comment #6 above. 8. Has the ditch indicated on the west been piped? Response: Currently in progress. As the south side of the building does not face public roadways, public spaces, etc. I believe it is exempt from most of the ASM requirements. However, there are several requirements that do not appear to be met. You’ll need to either meet these or request a design exception is required. Per the ASM, the following must be demonstrated for a design exception: Here are the sections I believe might not be met: 2.1A Buildings with rooflines 50-feet in length or greater must incorporate roofline and parapet variations. Variations may include step-downs, step-backs, other modulation, or architectural features such as cornices, ledges, or columns, and must occur in total combination for at least 20% of the façade length. May be averaged over entire façade but may not exceed 75- feet without a break. – There are segments along the north and east sides that are well over 75’ without a break. Response: North maximum distance without a break: 87’ East maximum distance without a break: 87’ 3 cushingterrell.com Reasoning: New proposed facades and parapets are modulated between material changes with parapet variations. To maintain design harmony, additional modulations were not added, adding additional breaks would reduce the overall cohesiveness of the design. 3.1B Qualifying modulation must be at least 6-inches in depth, be at least 8-inches in width or height (whichever is narrowest) and occur in total for 20% of overall façade elevation. For buildings with façades less than 150- feet, horizontal modulation must occur no less than every 30-feet. For buildings with façades greater than or equal to 150-feet, horizontal modulation must occur no less than every 50-feet. Response: Articulation and depth are met with roof overhangs, canopies, clerestory windows, and stone veneer. 3.2A For at least 30% of applicable façades use any combination of concrete, masonry, stone, or unique variation of color, texture, or material, at least 10-inches in height, around the base of the building. May alternatively incorporate other architectural features such as ledges, façade reveals, ground level fenestration, raised planters, or landscaping elements within 3-feet of finished grade. – it does not appear 30% fenestration is met on the west elevation. Fenestration not met on west elevation. Response: The west elevation not only provides fenestration, but also includes reveals, material changes, texture paint at concrete panels, with paint transitions. To achieve compliance with the ASM, the design incorporated these elements to meet 3.3E and 4.1A as alternatives to 30% fenestration. Sincerely, Josh Shiverick, Design Tech cc: Joshua Hersel NCARB, Architect | Associate