WWTP Warranty Deedcri cony .:.: WARRANTy DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED,IIEBER J~,SPENCER,a ~~o e does hereby grant,ba~ain,Sell and convey ~in€~t~ MERIDIAN,a municipal oorpo±atjon,728 Idaho 83642,the Grantee,th&foliokjn9 degc~j)~a ~ to.~w~t: A parcel of land lying in the SE 1/4 of Section.34 a.iw.,B.M.,Ada County,Idaho,and more ~art1~culaz’ as fallo~s Beginning at the Southeast corner of th~s&id SE V thence North 0°53’14”East 1,107.89 feet alon~he ~E boundary o~the said SE 1/4 of Section 34,WhiC~is centerline of Ten Mile Road,to a point o~t1~e Oe~te Fivemile Creek,also said point bein~the ~~O±NT thence continuing North 0°53’~.4”East 100 88 fç~a1~ Easterly bolindary of the SE 1/4 of Sectjo~34 th &p~ centerline çf Creason Latera1~thence No~th48°43’~o~ feet along the said centerline of Creason Late~a1 ~o - curve;thence Northwesterly along the sai~cen~4~n, Later4l a1o~g a ourve to the ieft 51.46 f~et s~ici ~ centr3l angle of l0°47 ‘40”,a radius of 39S~:O9~’~ 28~,82 feet,and a long chord of ~7.38 fee~t.bea~fng N~ 10”West to a point of tangeni~;then~ce ~o~t~h~’~9êj1 ~0 ~ feet along the said eenterliñe of Creason ~ curve;thence :Northwesterly a1~ng the ‘sa±c&~t~i~i~t Lateral a1oi~g a curve.tó~the )~ft Iti.~0 eët,~aj4 ~ ogn~ral “a~g~e o~~r°i~o “od’~~,a 4adi ~of 07.a ~ Qf 8S 62’~1o~dh~~9 06’O0”We~€~tö~a•~oint dr ~evérs~diir~te;~ence conti westerly.,along the said centerline of Creason Th~te]~a.1 curv&to the right 107.40 feet,said curve having a c o.f •1~°~O8~0G’~,a radius ãf 6’07 .~25 fe~t,”ta~eñ~~d~‘53 ~long ‘.cho~cf 107.26 feet bearinq’North 85~~7 00’s point ~‘tahgent;‘thence North 80°33~00~’‘~Øs~14~..2 the .sa~d cer~terljne of Creason Lateral to a poi,~zt o~ Northwesterly alon~the said d~nterline 0 C~eas~x La a curve to the right 39 •74 feet,saia curve havthW ~ of 34°30’OO”,a radius of 66.00 feet tangents o~20\. long chord of 39.14 feet bearing North 63°j.8’QO”West of tangent;thence North 46°03 00”W~st 96 38 feet al centerline of Creason Lateral to a point of c~irve,l~1~ westerly along the said center1ine~of Creason e~ai. curve to the left 57.08 feet~~aid curve ~&~in~cen of l°?8’OQ”,a rMius of 168.00 feet,tangen s f and a long c~iord of 56.81 feet bearing N~r~h’~$°47 00 point of tangents thence’North 65~31’00”We~t ~5.8 he sa~.d centerline of Creason Lateral to a point óf orthwesterl~r along the ~a’id centerline o~~reás9n La curve to t~e right 29.80 feet,said cürkr 1~a•~~’ii~‘a t 14~21 00”a ~‘adius of ~49~Q’~.eet)tan e~ts of 1 long chbr ,~2~,~feet ~N~th,~° f tangent;thence North 51010t00h1 West 149.86 fèeta aid centerline of Creason Lateral to a point ‘of c~v Northwesterly along the said c~nter1ine.of Crea~ a curve to the left 70.57 feet~,said curve ~av: of 15°44’OO”,a radius of 257.QQ feet,tan~ent~ a long chord of 70.35 feet bea~ing North 5,~00, of tangent;thence North 66°54’OO”West l4~~ ~aid centerline of Creason Lateral to a pc$~t~e North~esterl~y along the said c~nterline Q~Creas n o a curve to the right 34.62 feet?said.curve .~a~rii~a of 21°06’Q0”,a radius of 94.00 feet ta~gehts o~17 a ~long chord of 34~42 feet bea~’ing North,,5 ~p0”W of tan~nt.;thence Np~t ~5’°4~0Q”~ç~t 6~et a. ãerite~thie o~Crea öñ La~e~a1 ~4p~~o~Lnt ~~t westerly along the said centerline of Creason~~ateral ~or~g curve to the right 114.76 feet,said curve hayi~~pe~t~~~n9~e Qf 37°18’OO”,a radius of 176.28 feet,ta~ge~tp~f 5$~5~~x~4 4 long cho±d of 112 .i74 feet be4ring North ~7~Q9 ~O0~WeS ~O ‘point of reverse curve;thence Northwesterly alpng the ~said centerline of Creason Lateral along a curve to the 1ef~145..~7~ feet,Said ci~r’1re having a central angle of~4~°24 ~ra~it,s of 180.00 fe~t,tangents~of 77.15 feet and a lon~cho4~of~\ 141.82 feet bearin9 Noi~th 31°42’OO”West to a point of~t.~ñgéxit; thence North.54054*O0~West 98.65 feet ~long the said qex~er~ line of Creason Lateral to a point o~curve;~t1~en~e otthwçsterly along the said cen~erline of Creason Laterá1~.ong a c~ve t~th~ 4ght 31.65 feet,said curve having a cent~aL ~n~e of’l~°20.’~0~’, ~radius of 160.00.feet,tangents of 15.88 feet and.a long C orç~ of 31.60 feet bearing North 49°14’OO”West to a point of tan~efli~ thence North 43°34’OO”West 154.36 fee a1oii~~~hq .pa~d cçnte line of Creason Lateral to a point of curve;thence 1~orthwe~ter.1y~~ along the said centerline of Cr-eason ~~te~1’~;.~ig~a-purve~t&the left 143.46 feet,said.curve having a.cent~a1 an~1e of 14°3~00.”a~radius of 563.00 feet,tangèrits~of ~~~~and a ong 0 o~d of 143.07 feet bearing North 50°52’OG”West,t~a point of~tangefl~, thence North 5.8°lO’OQ”~West 138’47 et~1~ng 1~I~e 5444 c~enter1ine f.Creason Lateral to a point of curve;th ce North~e terly ~lo~ he ea~ce~ter~hLn a dr.ea ~‘a~a~o~a 28.43 feet,said c~irve havLng cen r~&I aMie ~f 4ô°43 00”, radius of 40.00 feet,tangents of 14.84 feet a.na a 19x~chor~0 27.83 çeet bearing North 37°48’30”West to a poi~ft of ta~igent; thence North 17°27’OO”West 137.18 feet aløng ~he said cente~1i~e of Creason Lateral to a point on the Northerly boUnd.ar~of ‘t said S~1/4 ~f Section ~4;the~ice North 89°16’09 West 6~0~ê feet aiong the said Northerly boundary of the SE 1/4 øf Secztio Z to a point marking the Northwe~t corner of the s i~SE.~/4 o~ Section 34;thence South 0°46’49”West 1,3*7.70 ~eet a~gngt~e Westerly boundary of the said $E 1/4 of Sect’i~~4 to a~~or~t the said centerline of Fivemile Creek;thei~ce Sooth 89 Q4’2Q~ East 433.18 feet along the said centerline of F~.wemiieCree]C 1o point of curve;thence Southeasterly along the ~aid ce~ter1ifle ~ Fivemile Creek along a curve to the right 98.64 feet,~aid curve having a central angle of l6°46’20”,a radius of 337.QG feet, tangents of 49.68 feet,and a long chord o~98.~3b feet I~eari~g South 80°4l’lO”East to a point of tangent~thence ~outh 72°~L8’ 00”East 182.16 feet along the said centerline of F’&ve~i1e ‘~r~ek to a point of curve;thence Southeasterly along the sa44 çer~ter’ line of Fivemile Creek along a curve to the left ll?.4U ‘feet,sai curve having a central angle of 14°4])lO”,a radius o 458.00 ~ee tangents of 59.02 feet,and a long chord of 117,07 fee bear~n~ South ~79°3~’35’~~a~t to a poin~of ~n~ent then~Sou ~0~9~ 10”East 940.67 feet along the said center~.ne of FivetnileC ee to a point of curve;thence Northeasterly along ~he said cente~ line of Fivenile Creek along a curve to the left 99~3l feet ~ ng.. 4fl feet P a AM8ROSE~ IT±G~RAL4 a C~1OOKSTON TTORNEVS AND COUNSELORS ~EAS~I9R~T MERI~$AN,IDAHO 63642 TE1,EPHOI~E 888.4461 c~~i’~.;Yi :~.~,•~~4t.•.~‘r’ ~~‘‘~~~~A ~~ curve havix~g a central angle of 24°50’50”,a radj~is feet~tangents of 50.45 feet,and a long cl~r6 of 9 irig I~orth 8Q0351?5I~East to a point of tan•ge~it,the 68°lQ~00”~ast 147.95 feet along the sai4 cerit~rUi~ Creek to ~point of curve;t~1~en~Northea~steri~~lö centerline of Fi~emjle ~reek~along~a cur e•to th~r said curve having a cer~tra1 ~ngle 9f 2l°~8~00’~’~ feet,tai~gents of 26.89 feet,~and a.long chord’~f ~ beari~ng North 79049~00”East to a poinl ~f tangent; 89°2~’QQ”~aSt 3~Q.49 feet ~]~çn~the said qenté~rlin Cr~e~ç tck a ~oint of~q ve~thence $outhe st dt~of ?i emji~~r~k ~ro e t said curve having a central angle of 37003’OQ”,a r feet,tangents o~21.78 feet,and a long chord of ~,4 bearing South 72O0’30”East ~o .a point qf taz~ent; 53°29’~~’~~ast 243..~0 ~eet al g1th~sai4 dent ~ Cree]~to the point of beginnjrkg. ~Q~ether with a11~wate~r,water rights,di~tdhes nd rIghi~s of ~ay appurtenant thereto or connecte~~ This 1conve~ance includes all oi~,g~s 4~. of the Grantor’s right,title and i~t~eS und~th d~ted August 20,1973 between ~I.~apenc.e~~ti~S~a Company of California,recorded ~lnder q~r4e~~’J records of Ada County,Idaho. TO HAVE AND TO HO]~D the said premise~s,~i4 4~ appurtenances unto the said G~antee,its ~auãcessors forever.And the said Granto~:~‘does~he~e~r ~i~an~ the said Grantee,that he is the Own~r in~d ~remises;~s~)lid ~remiseij~~ that he will warrant and defend the same fr whatsoever. bATED September _______,1975 STATE OF IDAHO ) Ss. County of Ada ) On this /6 day of September,1975,beføre ~u ~thdersigned,a Notary Public in and for sa~d Sta~e~ ppea~ea ~~‘,~E~CER,~a widower,know ta in ~hp se ~ärn i Subs r ~e to ~- ledged to me that he executed the same. IN WLTN~SS WHEREOF,I have herei~nto s ~t i~and affixed my oUiciai seal the c’ay ancJ~ye~i~i Izst above ~rittei~i. EAL).otary ~ub ic f Reside~ce:~er Comm.expire~t —