CS2 Operating Agreeement 2.27.14OPERATING AGREEMENT CS2, LLC AN JDA.Ho LmITED LIABILITY COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS * A * * * * Ap,-ncu,, I ........ ........ .......... - ............................... ..... -- ........ DEFINITIONS WPM......................................... .......... --- ...... --FORMATION ARTWLE ............ NATURE- OF BUSFNIIESS ARUCLE 4 ....................... RHAnS AIND EXTHES OF MEMBERS ARwCLF5 AmicuM .... CONTRIBUTIONS AND CAPITAL AccouNTS ARTWLE7 ................ ANr) ARTMES ...... -- .......... — ............... ..... ......... TAXES ........ -------------- ......... ............... .... TRAONFERS CWMEMBERSIPP f!NTT-,,R)-,S,rs ....... ............. ....... — ... .....T)ISSOCIATION OFA ..................................... .......... .... Ar)ivw',STON ov, ADDI TIONAl. Mll-,MBEM /URTTCLE ...... DISSOMMYNAND NVINIMNG UP MI]CLIS 13 . .. . ........... ............. .................. - A m J,,ti 3),1,1 T ARTWLE ........ ...... PROW SIC 1 2 3 13 10 i 17 177 17 is 19 -H- EI i AGREEMENT This Operating Agreement of CS2, L.L.C., an Idaho limited liability company (the "Company"), organized pursuant to the Idaho Limited liability Company Act (tie "Act")p is e tered into and shall be effective as ofDecember 11, 2 1.2. by ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, LC- an Idaho linnited =ia-bility company, the persons e ecia.ting this Operating Agreement, ent, and any parties j oi ni g this agreern ent in flae future, as l embers. DFFINITIONS For purposes of this Operating Agreement (as defined below), unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1A ARTICLES, '`he Articles of Organization of the Company as properly adopted a d amended. from time to tithe by the Members and filed with the Secretary of tatc. 1.2 AsSIGNEE. A transferee of a Membership Interestwho has nGt beer, admitted. as a bstituted '.k4ember and who is en ided to receive, to the extent assigned tlhe assignWs Economic Rights, Imp Y TAL ccouNI a `fbe account ainte i-Ped for a Member orAssignee determined in accordance with Article 6. 1.4 CAPITALCON'rRIBU710N. Witl:i respect tr) each. Member. the amoani c cas k aid. the fair market value of othcrr assets contributed by such .ember to the capital of the Company (yet of liabilities secured by such contributed property that the Company is considered to assume or take subject to under Code § 752). 1.5 Com. The internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or corresponding provisions of subsequent superseding Federal revenue laws. 1.6 DISTRIBUTION, A transfer of property to a Member on account of a Membership Interest as described in Article T J-7 ECONOMEc RIGHTS. A Member ber orAssignee's share of the net profits, net lasses or any other items allocable to any period, and including Distributions of Company property pursuant to the Act, the Articles and this Operating agreement, but shall not include any ember's Management Rights. IDAHO CODF, Means the da to Code. -Mc ad n�B corresponding espoa in �,-,ro z isio is o L9 MAJORITY O °'HE MEMBERS. Wknever an, Tnattfu, is required or allowed to be approved by a. Majority ofthe Members or a Majority of the Re rnain'nu Member-, under the .act or this Operating Agreement, such matter shall be considered approved or consented to upon the receipt of the affirmative ative approval or consent of Members having Sharing Ratios in excess, of one half (%) of the Sharing atios of all. of the Members entitled to vote on a particular matter. Assignees, arid, in the case of approvals to withdrawal where copsent of the re ainflic, Members is required, dissociating Members shall not be considered ember-, entitled to vote for the purpose of det(�-rrpnlning a a oriv L10 MANAGEMENT Ricirr'se l he raghi of a, T�,,4ember to participate ipat In the Ir'.=ana<fe s=-`acil ofthe, Company 'r,`ds speci I 'ca ay providtd in Ste t1.( n 4,1 oftl1is Optr<:trrly Agreement and the Act. including the rights to infOrinat`on. and to ('.€3nse t or approve actions of thye. Company, 1-11 Manager. age Marrag&. nicans a Person, whether or not a Tvi re" ber, who vested with authority to ma-nage i:lle Corripany in. accordance with Arti€ le 5. 12 MEMBER. initial Mlem er, Stibsdtuted Member or o dditionai Member and, unless Elie context �-,pre,sshl indicates t0 the: conarary. Assignees as provided in Idaho Code § -5 3-640 and those persons wl ko have of ceased to be Members as provided in Idaho Code § 5 1-64 i . 9.13 r t ° ; 't e "l l e ri a its of a Member or, in rife case of an Assignee, the r} htts of flne assignirig Mern.be,r in Distributions H €uidat%_Erya� rotherwise) � f .. _� fir_ ..,�cli� a�E9L;fi�l4�r�.Y t`}_. ffie t"roffiits, losses gains, deduction. arts credFlIs of the C ornpE:r ryr . a N/leiI":€ er` hip hltcrest includes tie interest dhat can be as igrcd under l.dalao Code § 53-6 6 and charged under Idaho Code § 5 1m €;_> 7 1.1Js,f`�s till pernnanznty to rms,)Orary, proposed, or pr"p(-,,sed and ternporar R(E m&IacE.on s ofthe 1)partri'te t of the Treasury under flne Code, as alter. I" egulaition—, may be ai-rendz--d or superseded Fromp t nt'- to time. 1.15 SHAREW; RATIO. With respect to any Member- the percentage of ownership in the Company as determinc d on the basis of the relative Capital Accounts of the Members as maintained in accordance with Section 6.3. .1.6SUBSTITUTE EMBER. An Assignee who has been admitted to all of the rights of membership bership pursuant to this 1,Dperating Agrecinciat. 1.17 ` ` ANSFF. With respLc;t to any interest in the C"ornpany, a� a noun. any voluntary or involuntary assignment, pledge, encurnbrance, sale or other transfer or disposition of such interest; and, as c; verb, voluntarily or involuntarily to assign, pledge, encumber, sell or otherwise transfer or dispose of such interest, however, in no event shall a withdrawal of a Member be a Transfer. ARTICLE 2 FORMATION 2A ORGANIZATION. ` h.e .Members hereby organize the Company as an Idaho ir.ited liability company pursuant to the prov;si€ ns of the Act. 2.2 AGREEWNT. For and in consideratk�n ofthe mutual covenants berti.n contained and for other good and. valuable eonsideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby ackn !ledgcd, the %l:emfaers executing this Operating Agreement hereby agree to the terms and conditions, oE t-his Operating Agreement, as it rrray fiYo r titne to trr -,e he amended according to, its terms. it is the express iiAetrtion cif tyre Evlernbers that this Operating Agreem.entshall be the sole source of a<gr€:eme nt. of the paf-tics, and,, except to the extent. 21 provis1ori o thi s Operating Agreennent expressly irrcorrpora es federal irrconit- tax. Mes by reference to sections of the Cody or Reo flations o is expressly Prohibited or in effect:ive under the Act. this Operatln�g Agreement ent. shall govern, even when inconsistent with, or different than., the provi.siotis of the Act or: any other lave or rule; Provided., however, Tat. ter the extent no! izrco sistent with this Operating Agreement, the: den-,b rs shall Dave the a t-hority to enter into a separate agreemeni which governs the daily operational issues which rnay° arise with resper t to the �asiress of9ffte 2.3 7i F L The t` o aparry shall be dissoNed and its, affairs wound tip in. accordance with the Act and this Operating greernenit on f ecein'berr -" .1, 2032.unless tlne terms: sprall. be extended by anend.m nt to this Operating A reemeut and the Articles ofOrganization, or unless the ompar-r shall be soon d-''ssolved and is affairs wound up M accordance with the act € r ,.71 kris Operating Aureement. 2.4 R1,.',G1S,vr.-aFo AGFNT AND (M l he registered agent for the serr,6ce of process and the registered office shall be that person. and location reflected in the Articles as filed the office c of the Secretary of State, A .M,� j irrty of th,- MOTinl;e rs llaay � from fib ae, to t1rrc, change the rt-istered ato nt' or office through. ap�s r`oprr`tate l _ ngs Ertl, the Secretary of Sta te. 5 PRINCIPAL OFFICE. "i'h( Principal office of the Company shall. be located at 22 W. Bobwhite Court Bait€: 220 Boise, pdaho 83706. ARTICLE NATURE OF ]BUSINESS The Company may engage in any lawful business pen-nitted by the act or the Taws of any jurisdiction in -vvrich thL Company may do business. The Company shall have and exercise ail. pourers necessary Gr convement to accomplish its purposes and operate its business as described in this article 3. ° ICL 4.1 MANAGEMEN-i, RiGirrs. All Members (ether ihan Assignees) whe have not dissociated shall be entitled to vote on airy matter submitted to a vote of the Members. Notwithstanding the fore oincy. the following actions shall require the consent of a Majority of the Members: a The sale, e chars e or disposition ofall; or suhstantially all, €3ftbe assets cif the Comrjafl�v M and (b) he compensation of ffic a<geDts of the Company. The fol.l€ win actions shall re(,luire the consent of all of the Members: t� l nv amen ,_E .ment to ts Operating Agreement- (d) Granting ifanageTn er. t..l ights to Assignees - The co'nitinuation of the Company on or before the ninetieth (9()tb..) dair after a Dissolution Event (as defined in Section € 2.1)., . `' J' i l' e authorizalion of a Mumber [ ; do anv ac on behalf ofthe � :ompaE' v (`s l l e di<,sol Wzti€ n of' thi c Co par y a,s provided for in. tl e Act, 41 .._._,JA.t.Y��.`.;EMBERSTHIR.PARTIES. ../.person,who isaMemberf the Cornp4nf°` not'ia le, 94P.vv by reason or yeinFa Xel Ser, under a ;=nigmest, decree or orderof a Court- or in a %f2tcraner,li'O a debt. oifi gCtic.m3r ktCb.ily.IfLIYe C�a c.y, Nhegh.eR E rr.s i- in c ntrasct, tort o, of erwis� Off` ._� � he, acts or o iSS-0. ns : f any c�tl�cr fit{ r��ber. a��.t�t car cmpb ee of the Co pan-y. hn addition, a Member is nota proper pay "t'v' to a prC`ccced.ino bpi or against the Company solely by reason of being a Member. 4.3 LIABILITY OF MEMBERS TOTHE COMPANY AND OTHER MEMBERS. A Member shall not be liable, responsible or accountable in damages ®r otherwise to the Company or icy the Members of the Company for any action taken or failure to act on behalf of the Company unless the act or omission n constitutes tyross negligence or willful misconduct. 4.4 INDEMNIMCATIONs. The, Company shall indemnify the Members and Rgents for all costs, losses, liabilities and damages paid or accrued by such Nleniber or agent in connection. with the business of the Company, to the fullest extentprovided or allowed by the laws of the State. Furthermore, the Company shall indernnify Members for judgments, settlements, penalties, fines or expenses incurred in a proceeding to which a person is a party because the person is or was a Member. 4.5 RFTRFESFN'TA'rIONS AND WARRAYFIES, Eachkiember� and in the case oFan oraaniza Lion- the person's' cxecuting this Operating Agrtenieflt on behalf 'o-Il'the organizatioj.-�.. hereby represents and warrants to Me Company aind each. other Meniber that. (a.) i Fthat Member is an organization, that it is duly organized, validly existing, an.d in good standing under the lav; of its state of organization and that it has full organizational power to execute and agree to this Operating Agreement and to perforn-i its obligations hereunder- (b) fat the Member is acquiring its interest in the Company for the MernbeCs own account as an investment and. without an intent to distribute the interest (c) tht IINIernber acknowledges that the interests hDve not been registered. under the Securities Act of 19331 or any state securities laws., and may not be resold or transfierred by the _iv iember ivithouf appropriate m-Fistration or the availability of an exemption. flrom such. .q-equ- irennents, 46 CONFI.K.,TS OF INTEREST. (a) A. Men-iber shall be entitled to enter ipto transactions that Tnay be considered to be competitive or a businelss opportunity that nnav ba berieficial to, the Company, It being ex -or ssly undcrslood that some of the Members may enter into transactions that are sirrd Iar to flne transactions into ,Alhich. the Company. m-ay enter. I Notwithstanding the Foregoing. each Member shall acconint to the Con-ipany err hold as trustee for it any property, profit, or benefit derived b-", the Membeff w-a-hout ffie consent of a Ma f dhe oth Mern nnected witthe h conduct jority o er bers., from,� (i) any transact' on con or winding up offfile Con-,pany- or 'H) any use by the Member of Company piciperty includino, but not Ihnnited to. confidential or nropnetary uiifoi-matio n of th£ Connpany or other noatters entrusted to the Pei -son as 'a result Cif ."his status as Men-,ber. A Member dotes not violate- a duty or obli�-,ation to tht Companv mere . iv bccaust-I the Ndernbcr�-, conduct fUrthers the Member's own iTnterest. A M-enaber may I'-nid T.noney I.o and transact bfasincss with the Comnan.v- The righn7, and ob.h,at ,(.-,ns of a Member who ]ends rnoney to or oransacts busipes,,, -with khe Company are thhesam.e,:is those oFa person who is not a. Mcmbe-, sut�ject to other apPficabic law. No -,ransaction with the Company shall be voidabfie solely because a Member has a alrect or ndirect Interest in flict transactionif either (i) the trarisaction is rair to the Company or (ii) a Mqjority oEthe disinterested Members knowing the materiaj facts ol."die transaction a,-,.d the Member"s interestauthorize., approve, orratify the transaction. ARTICLE5 MANAGEMENT 5®1 Representative Management. The Company will be managed lay one or 11-1.0re Managers. The Company's initial Managers shall be Alliance Management Consultants, LI-C. 5a2 T-Nme Devoted to Business. The Managers shall devote such amount of till -le to the Company's activities as is reasonably necessary to discharge their responsibilities, 5.3 Powers and Authority. The Manager-, are entitled and empowered to exercise all powers conferred by this 1greernent, by the Act, and by law, OPFRATINc, AcREEMENT- P.5 A Required Member ApprovaL he :Approval by the N ,4enfl er of any act or... decision made hereunder Is required only to the extent specs rcall.y provided for irf thii Agreement (-),- the Act. s5 Fiduciary Daties. (a) Standard of Care. The Managers shall not he liable to the Company y or any Member for an act or omission. done in. good faith to prom ote the Company's lest interests, unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence, intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (b" Cor pet;rkdg AL�i.viti.e4>. The Matiagers rnay rats—i6pate in. an-y other b st-ness or activity without accounting to the Company or the other Mcn�bcrs. 5�6 Indemnification of Managers; ers; s ra ce, Tihe Company sh.al.l indern.nify the Managers to he fullest exteni G,-,ermittcd by the Act :for afl expenses. losses, Liabilities and damages Oic Manaaers acts afll�' Ltd reasonably F curs n connection with. the do' nse.. settlement, or adjudication of any claims or action, arising 4g art of or relating to the conduct of Ilse CornpanVs acti'vities, except u,s claim. or action vein respect for which any such Mariager 3s agjudged to be liable for breach of a fiduciary duty owed to the Company or the Members under the Act or this Agreement, The Company may purchase; liability insurance to fund this indemnification obligation to they fullest extent perratted by the act. 7 Compensation and .Reimbursement, (a) C,O'ar pF sat 3rB.The (,ompanv shall comnensr".te the Tana$ ers for services rendered to or on behalf 04, t11;e ("o.m. any on the terms, established from, tine ttime by WTT11cr, agreements approved 13'a;;. the Managers and the affinnati've vote of Mcta*cCs whose aggregate rehative Voting ci-cc1€iage Is not less, than 67% of th 'CGW� outsie'?'@ding. (1 ) Reimbursement. bursement. Elsa; C opm. parry vll1. re l��rrse the � a aE�� �,: f'o il.l expenses lricurred on the Company y s behalf in t or ee.te. n <xth _hic conduct ot its business. 5.8 Tenure. (a) Terra.. Each Manager will sere: until the earlier € f- (1) the ManageCs resignation; (2) the Manager's Bankruptcy; or (3) the anager"s dissolution provided that with respect to are administrative dissolution, such dissolution is coupled with the lapse of any period allowed for reinstatement. Any successor Massager or Managers will ser.%e until the earlier of- (1) the ]' anager"s resignation; (2) the Manager's Bankruptcy; (3) as t€3 a Massager who is a natural person, the Mana er "s death or adjudication of incapacity; and () as to a Manager that is are Entity, such tanager's dissolution provided that with respect to an administrative istrative dissolution, such dissolution is coupled with the lapse of any period allowed. for reinstatement, OPERATING A(3RF.FMF. ;"F - P.6 ff RerYioyai. ,4Aember;s fads'€:`s' remove a Manager a! any fitn 'vit i € r wit you cause porgy the affiri iadve vote of Members 1��-basc aggregate rclati vc: Voting Percentage is not less than C6-6 % €�f:'the total outstanding. (c) Vacancy. if the Manager for any reason ceases to act, the Member..-, will promptly elect a successor, to serge until a successor is elected and qualified. T ICLF6 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND CAPITAL AcCOUNTS 6A INITI L C. PITAL CON'rRIBUTIONS. Each Member shall n-iakc t ae Capital Contfibutio described f()r that ennber on Exh;bit A at the 6me and on thic terms specified on Exhibit A. The value of the Capital Contribution shall be: as set fords on Exhibit A. No interest shall accrue € n. any Capital Contribution and. no Member shall have the right to withdraw or be repaid airy Capit Conrri.bution. except, as provided in this Operating Agreenneni, 6,2 ADDrriONAL CAPITAL CONTRIB TEONs. In addition to the; lniti.ai. Capital. Contributions, a Majority of the Members may determine fron-j- time to time that additional Contributions are needed to enable tlhe Company to conduct its business. Upon making such a deter ination, the Company shall give written notice to all Members, at least. thirty (0) days prior to the date; on vi ich such Additional nal Contribution is due. Snell Notice shall set forth the an unt of Additional Contribution seeded, the purpose'mr which. the Additional Contribution is needed, and tlhe dated b y hick th-c ? embers shoui.d c onaribute. i ac::h Membershall be entitled to, contribute a C3i'o'po tionate slimure of such Additional Con: nbution, `. Cte "="i-ned ii'1 accordance.} with their respe �v(E Sharing (Zatios, No ��,'�rei�1be-r sl-�. � i7� obi�ated to make any Additional Ctri-butions. fir t1he evc nl. any one or more Members do not i-nake t'iieir ratable ,sect r e Gran Additional ral Contribution. the: other Meinbe-s shall be given the oppo °,Unity to miakt the contrib boon s, In prop rfioti to their rrespr cfi- ,, Sharing Ratios (excluding for t. fris purpo.-s the Stearn; Ratilos of the Memtr)ers that do not elect to contribute their ratable shares). Each. i dditimnal Member steal` make the Capital Contribution on to which such Member has a,greed.; at f:l7v ti�.ne or times and upon the tern s to which the Company and. the Additional e giber agree:. 6.3 MAINTENANCE OF CAPITM, ACCOUNTS, The Company shall establish. and maintain Capital Accounts for each Member ber and Assignee. 1~ach [fie giber"s Capital Account shall. be increased by () the amount of any cash actually contributed by the Member to. the capital of°the Company; (2) the fair market value of any property or other consideration contributed, as Bete iced by the Company and "lie contributing Member at arms length at the time of Contribution (net € f liabilities assumed by the Company or net of liabilities -which the Company takes such property subject to., within the meaning of Code § 75%); and (3) the ember`s share of net profits and of any separately allocated items of income or gain (including any gain and income from unrealized income with respect to accounts receivable allocated to the Member to reflect the difference between the book value and tax basis of assets contributed by the ;Member). Each ember's Capital Account shall be decreased by: (I) the amount of any cash actually distributed to the Member; (2) the fair market value of any property distributed to the Member, as determined by the Company and the contributing Members at arm's length value at the time of distribution(net of lilabifinies of the Co?`Ipary assunied. by the Member or net Cif' liabilhits which the Member takes such property :subject to within the riaeaning of Code 752)= and Q) the Nei ber',s share of nct losses and ofany separately allocated iterns of deduction or loss (IncludiMz any less or deduction allocated to the Member to reflect the difference betweerl. the boob value and tax basis of assets contributed by the Member). 6A TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP INTEREST. In the event of a Transfer of some or all of a M.embcrsbip Interest in the Company, the Capital Account of theTransferring Huber shall become the Capital Account of the !ssiee, to the extent it relates to the po? tloR of the Membership ip nterest transferred. 6.5 COMPLIANCE ITH. CODE § 7 ()m 1-he mannerin hi€;h Capital Accounts are to be maintained pursuant to this Articie 6 is intended to comply, with the requirements ol`Code 704(b) and the Regulations pyomulgated there unGer. If in the opinion. of°the Company s legal counscl or accountants, tht, manner in which Capital Accounts are to be maintained pursuant to the preceding provisions ofthis Article 6 should be modified in order to comply with Code §. 7 4(b) and. the Regulations tlief-e under. tuber' notwithstanding anything to the cant ary contained in the precedin provisions. of this Article dm the method i-hic.h Capital Accounts ai-e maintained shall be so modi fled, provieled, however, .that any change in the manner of maintaining Capital Accounts shall not materially alter the economic agreement betvtieeri or arnong the Members. 1` otwitlEstai-tdin- anything herein to the co-rftrary- this Operatin 1. Agreement shall not be co strued as creating a deficit restor€itioil obligation or to otherwise personally obligate any Member r to make a capital Contribution it excess of the initial cortrib Lion. ARTICLE `7 ALLOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS NS 7,1 ALLOCATIONS . Tr '1T.`.3 AN o-,,;sEs FROM OPERATIONS. l:',XCCj3t a' r- av be required by Code § 70 (c) and this Article 7, net profit , yet losses, and other items of Is'sw(me»gam, loss, d'edi?dion and credit �habel �apportioned. arn.ong the Me€T`o. ens in., proportion to theirSharing =:Shari Ratios. 7.2 LIMYFA110N' The net loss allocated to eacti Member for arty Company fiscal year pursuant to Section 7.1 shall not exceed the maximum amount of net lass that can be so allocated under Regulation § 1304- 1 (b)(2)(ii). The foregoing limitation shall. be applied on a Member -by - Member basis so as to allocate the maximum permissible net losses to each Member tender Regulation § I.704-1(b) (2) (ii). 73 DETERMINATION OF NET PROFIT OR Loss. (a) COMPUTATION OF NET PROFITORLOS& "..Yhe not profit or net .Loss of the Company., for each fiscal year or other period, shall be an amount equal to the Company's taxable income or loss for such period, determined ill accordance with Code § 703(a) (and, for this purpose, all items of income, gain, lass or deduction required to be stated. separately pursuant to Code § 703(a)(1), including income and gaze. exempt from federal income tax, shall be included in taxable incorne or loss). (b) DJUTSrMEN'r'r(o NF'r PRO FITOs t xable I11C.'ODIC or loss on the disposition ofaRlitem- ofCompauIy property oi" for T2rD0seS of determining the cost recovery, € cpre€ ialiop, oir amortization deduction nth respect to any property, the Company shall use such property's, book 4-aluc determined ln. accordance with Regulation § l . /04-1(b), 7.4 MANDATORY TAx ALLOCATIONS UNDER CODF § 7 (c). In accordance with Code § 704(e) and Regulation § 1,704-3, ineonie,, gain, lass and cic,€luc;tlon with respect to any property contributed to the a-pital of the Company shall, solely :For tax purposes, be allocated arnonc� the l ernbers so as to take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such property to the Cornpany for federal income tax purposes and its rMtial book value. Prior to tl,le contribution of any property to the CoMpany that has a fair Market value that diffors; front its adjusted tax basis in the hLui s of he € oninbting Member on ie date of contribution., the contributing i cmbe„r and the C:oMpany, shall agree upon theallocallon method to be applied wi.1.11 respect to that Property under Regulation § 1: o7 W �_ 7m5 INTFIUMDISTRIBUTION'S. 'Sa FsoM tl'Miie, to ngelc the Compan ��)ith the consent of a Mgjor:ityl. ofthe, :Members shall, with reasonable°judgment_ r etermine to what extent,. ifany, the Company-'s cash on hand exceMs the current and anticipated needs, including, without lire tation, needs for operating expenses, debt service.l acquisitions. reserw,,s, and mandatory Distributions, if anvil. To th.e oxtent such.. excess exists, the Coo. pany May make Distributions to the l ernbefs in accordance with their Sllar-ing Ratios. Srrclr. l�i.strib��tions sl.r.all 1�o in. asl o�° other property (which .n ,e not be distributed proportionately) or partly- in both, as deterM.ined by the C `onapany. ARTICLE E .l ELECTIONS, ;CTIONS, A 1<vr.sjori0 of the .Membtrs may rna .e, any tax elections for the Company . t .11 _ f the Code � to x laws t si th �. C,�irn:�ar�-�' �� o�'CCl �r<cft " :-.ti, or tll� .:.� r.�Tv.: C1.R. any �� €fir 6� ��` 1Y�i�.�EY.C:E.fon having LYE" SCI' boll over the C,€ Tai-. pang. 02 rAX MATTERS PARTNFR. ,.l..he Members realize that the Company will be classified for federal income tax purposes as a partnership sub ec;t to taxation pursuant to ubehapter K of the Code. Furthermore, the Members recognize that none of them will be a general partner" nor have liability for debts, liabilities and obligations of the Company. Nevertheless, the Members are eocyoizant of that fact that a tax matters partner must be appointed for the Company, 'Wherefore, the Members shall designate one of the Members as the tax Matters partner of the Company pursuant to Code fie § 6231 a) (7). Any Member designated as the Lax Matters partner shall tale such action as May be necessary to cause each other Member to become a notice partner within the meaning of Code § 6223), Any Member who is the designated tax Matters partner May not tape any action contemplated by Code §§ 62 through 6232 without the consent of a Majority of the Members. 8.3 CASH METHOD OF A coUN 'INN. The records of the Company shall be Maintained on a cash receipt and disbursements Method of accounting. CAP€,PATING AGM. r-MENT - P.9 ARTWLE9 TRANSFERS OF MEMIBERSITIP NTERESTS 9n1 RESTRICTION ON TRANSFE So Withowthe prior written consent of a Mkj'ority of the Members, no Member may directly or indirectly sell, transfer, assign, pledige or otherwise encumber. voi ntarily or involuntariive all or any part of its Membership Interest in the Company except as pro'v'rf��',C."� II"� this Article �'�. Any �"ili.li�.','r €rcirl s'�:er orer2C€.]:t r�i��<x.ni,€ sl"i<�Il be�'or`: � �"?�.; t�,c?n�.�:Y of this Section 9.1 shall not restric4; i�€r giver. e `i"r�.I�s er: (a) by any Menaber on account t of such Mtniber`s death to a transferee permitted rider this Section 9,1 a (b) by a I cinber to a trust for the benefit of, or a co-ri-porabon or partnership at !east eiity percent (80ft) ofthe € q ity of which is owned by the Member, tl e Merg ber s spouse. <rr lineal ancestors or Irneall descendants offlie Member; (c) by way oi`dissol tion or Iiquid" .tion. to tile beneficiaries of a trust, or equity owners of a corporation or partners -hip., that worrid qualify as a transferee ender clause (b) of this sentenec: (d by av Merrlber- to another - emb r; or (6 it, respect to any indi.viduad Member, the transfer or assignment by g6ft or bequest to such Ddember `°s spouse, or tie B erri. ancestors or lineal descendants of the Meer- her; provided, however, that notwrti>sta ding the foregoing provisions, in the event a Member `s spouse acquires arr Membership Interest ir, the Company, such spouse may not convey, transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of such'Membership lrltei-CM without the prier written consent of Majority of the Members., except for transfers to a or lineal descendant of a. Member who is an original party e this Agreenient. Notwithstanding the ahove provisions allowing certain `rar sfers. consistent with the provis€oi.:i s of Section 9.4, a frransf€%r does nol; entitle the Assignee to becor e a .Member unless .dae Assignee is admitted as a Substitute k1ember .in accordance ;,v th Section 9.5. l..a. the event ofanv trar?sl r Pursuant to t'ris Section 91. the Assi.gncue shall be bound by this Agreement. Ins no event, however, steal E arid- trarrsfcr Pursuant to t is, Sc tion 9.1 rl,li-: ve the tran.sfi l-or of my of its olbliga.ti€rns under this Agreement. 92 ID. addi6on. to the €ffi.er l .r itatio�ns a i l r:strrc.ti€ins se,r. tIordi in this Article; 9, except as pernritted by Section 9.1 he:rcof, no en -fiber shall 'rransfer all of any porti€err of his or her Men.ibcrsbip Interest (the "Offered Interest"") Iroless such l ember (the "Seller") feast offers to sell the Offered Interest pursuant to the terns of dies section. 9.2. (a) LmITA ION ON TRANsFyRs. No Transfers may be made under this Section 9.2 € mess the Seller has received a Moira fide written offer (the -Purchase Offer'') from a person (the "Purchaser") to purchase the Offered Interest for a purchase price (the "Offer price) denominated and payable in United States dollars at closing or according to specified terms, with or without interest, which offer shall be i n writing signed by the Purchaser and shall be irrevocable for a period ending no sooner than the day following the end of the Offer Period as hereinafter defined.. (b) OFFER TO MEMBERS. (1) OFFER NOTWCE. prior to making any transfer that is subject to the terms of this Section 9.2. the Seller shall give to the other Mernbers a written notice (the "Offer notice'") which shall include a copy of the Purchase Offer and an offer (the "Offer") to sell the Offered Interest to the other Members for the € PFRA'rti 3 AGi�Fr +AErW - P.10 Of c r Price, pc`:avable accordino to the sarne terms as (or more favorable ternns than) those contained in the Purchase Offer. provided that the Offer shiall be .made Without regard to the requir—emenl ofvany earr'?est money or similar deposit required of. the Purchaser prior to closing, and without regard to any security (other than the Offered interest) to be provided by the Purchaser for any deferred portion of the Offer Price (2) OFFER PERIOD, 'rhe Offer shall be irrevocable for a period (the -offer Period") ending at 11,59 p.m., local time at the Company's principal office, can. the ninetieth (90th) day follo-"irr£g the date of the Offer Notice, C3 ACCEPTANCF OF OFFER. At any tirrrc, durima the Offer Period, the fferces may accept the Offfer by feting written no ice cif such acceptance O the Seller and the Company. if nTore than one Cif feree ac cppts (the "-Accepting offerees") the C ¢er, each such Accepting Off"eree shall have the right to purchase a portion of the Offered interest equal to the propoilion. that lTis or her sharing ratio bears to al, the; Sharing patio of all Accepting Of'ferecs. (4� Ct:.OSM, o` PuRCHASE Uga r AN' TO OFF, ri a if thy: fft.�Y %s accepted, the closing €rf�the sale of the Offered Interest shall take plane within thirty (0) days after the Offer is accepted or, if latc-ra the data of closing set forth in the Prrrclra; Offer. r. rlf6r Seller and the AcceptingC fferecs shall execute such documents and nstr rRnients as rna�, be necessary or appropriate t(o aff€ ct fl c saic of tlTe C fered Interest pursr.rant to tiletcrrr s ref the Offer arrd this Secdon 92. ? SALE i sI)T: T 'r to Ci sl C FT r rj c, , , f tl e 0-iffer is not accepted irr the. inanner h.creinafter provided, tl .t Seller may sell the Offered l.r r.terr st t: tHr I� rc a r at a � t r . ,itl i s; t r days fr. tl�. ias-1 o f id- Offer Period. Drovided 4 € such a, IL" ; ha" be r?ai` on terms, no rnore favorable to he Purcliaser than teri s contained in the P€mrehasc Oftcr and pro -vide urther t-ha such. sate cow -plies with the other terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Acyreenaeni that are apphcable `to saless of Intr �s�',` €`_s el.n ear no ,;xp ressl �'`�eade inappli able tra scale `oc �€i"�`� UT Linder this Section 9.2, if the Offered Interest is not sold i . accordance with the terms of the preceding sentence, the Offered merest shall again become subject to all of the conditions and restrictions of this Agreement. 9.3 CONDITIONS TO PERNIrrTED TRANSFERS. Notwithstanding the ability € f a Member to Transfer all or a portion. of their Membership Interest in accordance with Sections 9.1 or 9.2, a Transfer shall not be permitted under Sections 9.1 and 9.2 unless and unfit the following conditions are satisfied: (a) The Assignor and Assiunee shall exectae and deliver to the Company such documents and instruments of conveyance as may be necessary or appropriate in the opinion of counsel to the Company to effect such Transfer and to confirm the agreement ofthe Assignee to be bound by the provisions of this Article 9; provided that, in the case of are involuntary Transfer, the Transifer shall be confined by presentation to the Company of legal evidence of such Transfer,- in forin and. substance reasonably s itr lactory to counsel to the Cora.ip 31 , n all cases, the Cornipany shall be ";:irnburs C by the Assignor and/or" assignee l:or all costs and expenses that -t reisonably rnctrrrs in connection witl$ t_ne Tram sg€ °. (b) The Assignor shall. fr^mish to th—c Company an opinion of counsel, which counsel and opinion shall be reasonably satisffictory to the Company, that theTransfer Transfer will not cause the Company to terminate for federal income tax purposes under Code 70and that: such.Transfer will. not cause the application of the rules of Code I68( )(D( ) and 168(h) (generally referred to as the -tax exempt entity leasing rules"') or similar rules to apply to the Company, the Company property or the M, embers. (C) he Assi�7, for and Assignee sF`alI provide to the Company the taxpayer ide nti,rrca ion, ni rr-rber, srrfliclent info-rnnation to deters -nine the Assignee's initial tax bans in the Membership Interest transferred and any other lnforrreation reasonably necessary to perry 4 the Company to File ale required fo-Lderal and state tax returns arid. other Icoally required information staterntnts or returns. Without ninitin- the L)7 ;,,neMlity of the florefgoing, the Company shall not lie ire ui ed to make any Distribution oflnerwisc provided for ir,r this Operating Agreement With respect to cnRy Miembership Interest transferred instil it has reb erved such information. (d) Except in the case ofan invol-untary"l'ransi%r eitlhe;r. (i) the lVeinbersh-U-) Interest: 'I tarnerred sbal'i be re0stered under t-he Securities Act of l 9? ), as a >erided, and ,my appkable state securities lc` vTq� or .iP) the Assignor shal.= provide an opinion. of Counsel, Esrch opinion and counsel shall. be reasonably satisfactory to The (-'ompww. to die effect that the transfer is e xcrgpt from. all a plicabic registration requirements and that the 1.rans� -T wi l not vroLtfe any appilicable lib;=Ys regulating, the raider- of sc'e r1ties. ` ks 'Except sir the case of air Transfer, the Assignor sh- all provide an opinion of courrseL which. opinion.. ard c-Ounsei sh dl bc. T,�-asorrab satisraciory to the Company, to tine e ec t that the not cause the Cor:zapan to be deemed t£) be an mwi 9 s3r cr .t company" under the Investment Con, -,p_rrry tact of 1940. 9.4 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF ! sstGNEES :AND ASSIGNORS. (a) A Transfer by any Member or other person shall riot itsell`dissolve the Company or entitle the Assignee to become a Member nor exercise any rights of a Member, including, i.r?cluding, without limitation, any Members Management Rig ts_ N A Transfer by any Member, including, without limitation, any involuntary Transfer, shall eliminate the l ember',s power and right to vote (in proportion to the extent of the Membership Interest "1'raDsferred) on any matter submitted to the l enibers, and, for voting pu poses- such Membership Interest shall. not be counted as outstanding in proportion to the extent of the Membership Interest Transferred, The foregoing limitation shall apply not only to die Member but, notwithstanding any contrary provision of applicable lava, also to any successor in interest, including, without limitation, the Member's executor, administrator, guardian, conservator or other legal representative, unless and instil admitted as a Substitute Member. The Transfer shall not otherwise cause t6 w IN - ember `€« be T`cl(:csed from anv Liabililv to the CL nnoaniv sole€ v as a -result of fh. Transfer. sfer. An Assionee that Ts not admitted as a Substiniv€ Me be.r pursuant to Section 9.5 shall be entitled only to the Economic Rights with respect to the 1 ern. be s i Interest Transferred and shall bane no Mer ber's Management Rights (including, without limitation, rights to any information or accounting of the affairs oftbc Company or to inspect the boos or records of the Corapa y) with respect to the Membership Interest Transferred, if the Assignee becomes a Substitute Member, the votino rights associated with th(e Membership Interest ,rransl:erred. sl.all be restored and be held by thce Substitute Member along with all other ember°"s Manaa,ernent Nights with. resfr€-,:c;t to the Membership lnter€;st-Fransterred. The Assignee small have no liability as a Member solely as a result of .lie; Transfer. (d) If a court of competent -jurisdiction, oil behall"ofa judgment creditor o e. ember, charges a Member's Membership Intere-st in the Company ,,mtb the, payment of an Linsatts1"ied amount of ajudg.ment w4h i tc-r-cSt, then to the extern so € taI°'ged the Judgment creditor shall bi treated as an Assignee. w -s AwmssmN OF Ass2GNEE AS SIBS UU TE MEMBER. S cet to tl$o otbor provisions of this Artichl ce an. l ,ssionee i ay achnitted to, the Company as a Substitute Member, ber, rith all of the Management I iIgis of a Member, but only -.upon satisfaction of a of the followino conditions. unon hich satisfaction the Substitute Miernb€ =r shall have, �o the extem assigned the rights and p ov.2ers, and besubject to the restrictions and fiabHities, of a Member under the Act, the Articles and this Operm'- g Agreement, and shall be liable «r any ob i€gat o is of the Assignor to make Cont6bTations, but stall. Toot be obl ga£tcd :tor f iabilifics, reasonably, unknown, n, to the Assignee at the fi.m.c the- Assr.,,-Tee becomes a Member, (a) The .1-Me i"_bers then Milled to ;you—, ui!ani.-`nouslt% consent I.o such adi ssron, which T'€3nsefit I'Tsav be <?i en or withheld. in the s€ to and a soh,a discretion of 11ach 1\4ember-1 (b) I he Assignee becomes a paiiy to this Operadng Agrcernent as a Member by executing such documents and instruments as a Majority of the Members may reasonably request as necessary or appropriate to confirm such Assignee as a Meniber in the Company and such Assignee'-, agreement to be bound by the teri s and conditions of this Operating Agreement; (c) The Assignee pays or reimburses the Company forall reasonable legal, filing and publication. costs that the ComlPany incurs in connection �.vith the adr issi.o . of the Assignee as a I ember with respect to the Membership Interest Transferred; and (d) if the Assignee is not a natural person of le —a ma o ity. ti c Assignee provides the Company with evidence reasonably satisfactory to counsel for the Company of the authority of the assignee to become a Member and to be bound by the terms and conditions of ibis Operating Agreement. Notwithstandin2 the admission o c are Assia c �s P Substitute Member, the Assignor shad.) not be released fret=i the Assilgin 3r's lraNlity to the Company, but such admissk-m. shallcause an. Assignor that is a Member to cease to be a Member with .respect to the Membership Interest. Transferred when the Assignee becomes a Safbs"tarty: Ivle:mber. In any such case, the admission of the Assignee as a Substitute Member shall constitute the requisite consent of the Member-, to continue the business of the Company notwithstanding that such admission will cause the termination of the Nfembership ofthe Assignor with respect to the Mernbe- ship interest Transferred. INTERESTS. LJpoil ary i'r•ansfe;r during any fiscal year inade an compliance with the provisions of this Article if, rrret orof ts, ri t lasses, each item. the i cofF and all other items attributable to such interest for such fTsCal year shall be divieled and allocated between the ss=gno T- and the Assignee by takino, into account their varying Interesss d=rr-i-no such fiscal vear in: accordance with Code 706(d), ar,srrrg any conventions permitted by lavv and .selected by the Compan-1 . ,f,tct_:t<, 10 1 .f ESSOC :UION. A person shalt eeasL. to be a Member upon the lrappcnisr.g ofany of"tile f 11owing events - The M€. @, .b r ifll�.dfG=vvs v z,ohunt<,UV act tram thw, CE}i7 pa.n_..y by f"dVii CS (b) The Ceases ter be a Member of the Company sduc tcthe'Fr nsfer of all of such _Members Membership Interest in the: Con-ipar.y. during his lifetirrre or a:t death. (e) 'rhe Member is removed as a Member by an affirmative, vote of fajority. of the ilembers who have not assigned their Membership Interests at the time of the vote; (d) Except where the Member obtains the written consent of all Members at the time, the Member (i) makes are assignment for the bereft of creditors, (ii) files a voluntary petition. in bankruptcy-, (iii) is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent-, (iv) files an answer or tither pleading admitting or failing to contest the material allegations of a petition Bled against the Member hi any proceeding of this nature, or (v) seeks; consents to, or acquiesces to the appointment of a trustee., receiver or liquidator of the Member or of all or any substantial part of the Member's properties-, (e) Except where the Member obtains the written consent of all Members at the time, if within one hundred twenty (120) days after the conimencernent of any proceeding against the Member seeking reorganization, arrangement, composition, OPERATING AGREEMENT T - P.14 read,just:rtz€ nt, liquidation, dissohution oi, ::un lar relief under any statute- law or regulation, the proceeding. has of been dismissed. or if wanin one hundred tweno. (. 20 days after 't the appointinent w 4n.o€it his consesi:t or acquiescence of is trrl.stb tW rt" ceiver or =i , iidator of the Member or of all or any substantial part Of his Properties, the appointment is not vacated or staytd or if within one hundred twenty (1.20) days after the expiration of any stay, the appointment is not vacated, or f i The Member ceases to be a Mernber of°the Company due to any other ;vent of Dissociation enumerated in the Act, ® RIGHTS OF DISSOCIATNNG WM13F.R. in the event any Member Dissochites prior to the ex p ration oCthe (a) if the Dissociation causes a dissolution and winding tap of`thy Company under- Article f ?, the He ber ,ball be entitled to participate irr the winding up f the Company to the same extent as any other Member except that array; Distributions to which tfre Member would have been entitled shall be reduced by the darnages sustained by the Company as a resuft of the Dissolution caused by the dissociation and winding up: b if the Dissociation does not cause a dissolution and winding up of the Company tinder Article l 2 and the event f f)issociation is under Sections i O. f (c) the Member shall b e enti€fed to an amnount equal to the value of the Members ber's Membership r.nterest 'n the C'omoanv, to be nand w4h'n six (O rnon€. s of the date of d.issocia!;on, (c) As to all other events of.Dissociation defined it Section 10. , which do not cause a dissolution, t-hic dissociated Member or successor thereto shall be considered. an Assignee and will be entitled to receive ran amount equal to the. ember's Membership Interest in the Company., pany., tr3 be paid drily when the Company is dissolved and wound up in accordance wh Arillcle 12. Tine value of the Me b r`s Interest shaft ineludt the amount of any D:stributrons to which t 'ic 'lAtmbtr is tntitle d trader this Operating Agreement and the fair va uc:. c)f th€r err be-r's Nil embership In-terest as ofthe date: of dissociation based upon the Members right to share in Disstr,b'atrcars.s frE3i:?"i the Company reduced. by any damages sustained by the Company as a rest=lt ofthe Member's Dissociation; and. . Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event a Member becomes Dissociated as provided in Section 10. f (b) or in connection with the transfer of the Member's entire Membership interest to a permitted transferee described in Section 9.1, the transferring Member shall not be compensated by the Company for his Membership Interest iinder this Section 10.2. ARTICLE 1 ADMISSION OF ADDITIONAL MEMBERS 11.1 ADMISSION OF ADDITIONAL MEMBER. A person shall be admitted as an Additional Member only if the Members their entitled to vote unanimously consent to such OPEfaaTrivc AGREEMENT - P.I 5 admission, Which f'onse t may be 'given €;-ithh;eld in. the sole and absolute discrell€ n of each Member, .be,r, Any Additional Member sl~=aH .nna e such contrIb tion as is, agreed upon by the Additional N4e.mber in wnting and approved by the Members by their admission oday= Additional Member, which ruing shall svvcify the value of, the Additional i.e ber's contribution and the time for making such Contribution. Notwithstanding the Coregoingy, a person shall not become an Additional Member unless and until such person becomes a party to this Operating Agreement as a Member by signing a counterpart signature page to this Operating Agreement and executing such documents and instruments as the Members reasonably Tnay request to confirm such, person as a Member in. the Company and such person "s agreement to be bound l v the terms and conditions of this Operating Agreern.ente 11. ACCO :NTIN �. ' o Additional Member shall be entitled to any re,troac,tive allocation o any gain, loss or deduction, of the Cornpan . f- % Con-1pat y may at the time an Additional Member is ad-mittfed, close the Coanpany books (as though the Conn an 's tax year had ended) or make pro Y.-ata allocations of income, gait, loss Or deduction to 'an Additional member For that portion ofthe Company",-, tax J eaz in Which such ]Member was admitted in accordarict with tho ter€ visions of Code § 706(d) and the Regulations thef -under, ARTICLE 1 DissOLUTIONt) WI:. ING UP 12.E MSSO .UTION, `flee Company shall. be dissolved and its affair; -pound up, upon the firstto occur of the .i6howitig events (vvllt, ..I: , uniess t'e Members zagree to continu e the bu6iness, shall Events (at 'The expiration Of the 1 erni- undess the business.. of the Corripany is continued. ,xi.tlh the co fsee:t oFall ol" I l.,e l embe-s: an aa:i.nnoa ,s v%rlgt en corsent: of all o clay Members-, The du` soda ion. ot-any -Member, unless ffie b sib es. of the Company is continued- wT'th the consent of all flee renna nin IVIe hers within 90 days afte suich € issociation; or (d) The entry of a decree of judicial dissolution, 2.2 DiSTRIBUTION OF ASSETS ON DISSOLUTION, Upon. the occurrence of a Dissolution Evert, the Company shall continue solely for the purposes of winding asp its affairs in an orderly manner, satisfying the claims of its creditors and Members, and liquidating or distributing its assets to the extent. necessary therefore: and no Member shall tale any action. that is inconsistent with, or not necessary to or appropriate for. the orderly winding up cif t.h.ei Company's business and affairs. To the extent not inconsistent with tine foregoin , all obligations in this Operating Agreement shall continue its fall force and effect until such time as the Company property has been distributed pursuant to this Section 12.2. The Members shall oversee the winding asp and dissolution. of the Company, provide a Ball accounting of the Company's liabilities and property, cause the Company property to be distributed in fired or to be liquidated as promptly as is consistent with obtaining the fair value thereof and cause the Draceeds there, from and any ren-raining Property, try the extent sufficient therefore- to be applied and distributed in the following order - (a) "Fo creditors« inei. ding Members who are creditors, to the extent pwrrrritted. by law., in satisfaction fC om- parry Iiabi.6ities; and (b) To Members in accordance with positive Capital Account balances takirr=g into account all Capital Account ad ustments for the Company's taxable year in. which the liouidation occurs. Liquidation proceeds shall be paid within sixty (60) days of the end of the C°ompanv"s taxable year or, if later, within ninety ( ")days after the date of liquidation. Such distributions shall. be in rnou.e y or ether p_ropert y (which mead not be distributed proportionately) o partly i otlh. as deterinined by the Member. IfMy Member has a capital account defii it (after giving -effect to all contributions, distributions and allocations for all fiscal years, including the lisc;ai year during which such. liquidation occurs), such Member shall have no obligation to make any contribution with respect tc such deficit, and such deficit shall not be considered a debt owed by such Member to the C`o a y or to any other person Im- any purpose whattsoever, 12.3 WINDING G UPAND (..ERTIFI � F, OF ISsSiOI rTION. The winding up of the Company shall be completed when all debts, liabilities, and. obligrations of the Company have be -In paid and discha~r ed or reasonably adequate. provision. thereforc has been made, and al.l of the remaining property arrd assets of the Company have been distributed to the Nliemiberrs. Upon the completion o.fwindi rL, up of the C oinpany, ,a C€:rtijIcate ofDissolution si-all be delli Bred to Me Secretary° f Mate R)r filing. The Certificatcof Dissolution shall set fortis the info.rrrration. required by the Act.. ARTiCLE 1. AMENDMENT i,l:lis C peratirr,o � .r,:ement may be amended or modified orn. tinvic w tirne only b-v a written executed f ry ah of tl e..�;�.cnclbe r s. ARTICLE .4 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1.4.. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Operating Agreement represents the entire agreement among all the Members and between the Members and the Company. 14.2 No PARTNERSHIP INTENDED FOR 1 O - kx PURPOSES. The Members have forr ed the C oinpany under the Act, and. expressly do not intendhereby to form a partnership under either the Idal;o General Partnership act, or the Idaho Limited Partnership Act. The Members do not intend, for Pon -tax purposes, to be partners to one another, or partners as to any third party. To the extent any Member, by word or action, represents to another person that any other Member is a partner or that the Company is a partnership for stun -tax purposes, the Member making such wrongful representation shall be liable to any other Member who incurs personal liability by reason of such wrongf€rl representation. OPERAI ING AGREEMENT - P,17 This Operating greencent is entered into among the Co pay and the Members for rice exclusive benefit of the Company, its Metx bcrs, and their successors and assiLaiees. This Operating Algreeme t is expressly not untended. for the benefit ofany creditor ofthe Company or any other person. Except and only to the extent provided by applicable statute, no such creditor or third party shall have any rights under this Operating Agreement or any agreeme t between the Company and any Member with respect to any Capital Contribution or otherwise. 4.4 ATTORNEYFEES. Should any litigation be commenced. between the parties to this Operating Agreement concerning dlic Agreement or the rights and duties of'either in Tclati.on. thereto, the rpaily prevailing in suchr, litigation shall be entitled. in addition to such other reficifas may be granted, to a reasonable suna as and for its attoru ey Gees in such iti.gation.. wh;ch shall 'D determined by the c€ imt In such. litigation or in. a separate action brought for I'lat purpose,. 4m5 Am'10N HY COMPANY. Any acts, duties, responsibilities or the like of the Company shall be construed to mean acts, duAlies, res onsibiNties or the like of a Ma okity in. hiterest of the Members. 14.6 SEPARATEPROPERTY, it is the intent of the parties to this Agreement that the Interests in the Company shall retalin the same character as flhe consideration pro.vided in exchange for the hnferests, inciuding those In'crests which may in the fbture be held by or ona behalf of a transferee of dh� Members and all capital {contr utiorls r1lade by them shall be apd remain the separate: property of the transfer c c, t0gether with, the rents, llco e, xss es and profits there fro , and appreciation therein, and that, exceptas othen ise provided herein, no spouseof such a transferee shall have any interest in the su ect nnatter ofthis Agreement. lN, WI II'.E.:SS WHERECE FR o,,';' the Panics have e.',xecLaed. this Agreement as of the date first vvritts. i 0-ye, " �mmY kK � 1 c�g�.. r eni "C�' s t, , Managing�M-em�3€.',r of CS , �. f_ C Residing at Meridian, idaho OPERATINc's r4tsREtv.M i' _ P. 19 ExHIBIT A INUFLkL CAPITAL SHARING EMBED CONTRIBUTIONNALUE RATIO Alliance Managennent Consultants, 1,000,00 � 1 00% L C I