CC - Concept Plan Updated and List of Changes as Directed by City Council Chris Johnson From:Sonya Allen Sent:Tuesday, July 6, 2021 3:02 PM To:Adrienne Weatherly; Charlene Way; Chris Johnson Subject:FW: The 10 Meridian - Updated Concept Plan & List of Changes as Directed By City Council Attachments:Site Plan 7 062821 - EP.pdf From: Lane R. Borges <lane@Borgesarch.com> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2021 9:41 AM To: Sonya Allen <sallen@meridiancity.org> Cc: Erik Pilegaard <erik@elkventures.net> Subject: The 10 Meridian External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. Hi Sonya – We have been working diligently the past several days to revise our Site Development Plan as directed by City Council. Attached is a draft of what we have come up with. The changes that have been made: 1. We have added about 18,875 sf of commercial space by deleting Flats Bldgs. A-1, A-2 and A-3 and replacing them with stand-alone commercial bldgs. as well as 2 additional Mixed Use Buildings (MU-1 & MU-2); 2. We have changed the labels for the Flats from B-1, B-2 and B-3 to F-1, F-2 and F-3; 3. We have changed the labels for the High Density Bldgs. from C-1, C-2 and C-3 to HDR-1, HDR-2 and HDR-3. 4. We have changed Flats B-1 and B-2 from 3 story to 4 story and have added Flats F-3; 5. We have changed the color of the Mixed Use Buildings so that the commercial component is more readily visible on the site plan; 6. We have relocated the Commercial Bldg. that was in Pod 5 (Grocery Store) to Pod 1 to make access to north bound 10 Mile Road easier; 7. We have labeled all of the commercial buildings as C-1 thru C-9 to make identification easier; 8. We have redesigned and relocated High Density Building C-3 (HDR-3) to make it closer to the open space and Clubhouse facilities; 9. We have eliminated parking between High Density Buildings C-1 and C-2 (HDR-1 & HDR-2) to create an open space that is linked to the large open space and the Clubhouse; 10. We have added an access at the southwest corner of the site to the future extension of Cobalt Drive. In going thru our notes and the audio of the meeting we believe we have captured all of the major comments but would ask you to let us know if we have missed anything significant. Please review this with Bill and if either of you see anything that needs our attention please let us know as soon as possible so that we have time to make any other needed changes before the end of this week. Lane Borges 1 J oenv aitm n\ m1r��P�!�m��:an��lr �• _ 0 � x �Umu u n nn n a _ Em �y v VUU maC g u E w2 cc� mW� v �N �o ' �^ rnm E aE�m cg m o�¢ m�z vrc�cc I..L U OK UE1- aaw 12 2M� f � F- as