BLS - Approval and Details of New Trash enclosure6/10/2021 Straightline, PLLC Mail - Approval and Details of New Trash enclosure $TRAIGHTLINE Scott Marshall Sr. <scott@straightline.biz> •rt-roc.,. sec.. -c- Approval and Details of New Trash enclosure Welch, Wyatt <WWelch@republicservices.com> To: Scott Marshall <Scott@straightlinearchitects.com> Cc: "Smith, Bruce U <SMITHBR9@republicservices.com> Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 12:46 PM Based on what you have provided, the approach, enclosure dimensions and site meet the requirements detailed in our commercial enclosure requirements. Per Republic Services all enclosure dimensions and approaches have been met per plans attached. We do not stamp plans per say but give approval through e-mail and Republic Services approves of the plans attached. Thank you Wyatt W. Welch Operations Supervisor 11101 W. Executive Dr. Boise, ID 83713 e Wwelch@republicservices.com o 208-685-7746 c 208-631-6807 w RepublicServices.com REPUBLIC SE+xVJCES WE'o horid le+it hOrr hcrr_. [Quoted text hidden] https:Hmail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=4a31 ad8fal &view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3Al702206670023251683&simpl=msg-f%3Al7022066700... 1 /1