Affidavit of Legal Interest - Certificate of FormationName _ _ ._....,...M S. Name AadAddrm of Movibon and/oras Wome Pads ftil n4l, The dumuon of the company "I be perpewal The dumflon of the wrrqmy sball b Under GRAMA (tls 4H reostradon in rmadon mWAinod by the 010alan Isciftelfied as publkraord. rsr tt�t a y nay tb� bus)"OP g fy PhYS194 AddrM rather than Me resideaMal or pdvato a4dmo ormay %alMnal cfMated with ttta oft . OOVAI Inel"Olon of y r txslt I t tin, M lutbroutdon Is not reqttls Is i a s tan business? 'des 0 No 10 Is this s rainority owned business? JLJ 'des No It ves.,01ftso s a i r: Rol c�ot�71Wo the raw of the mvner here 03/16