WarrantyDeed - VaultCourtyardPioneerTitfieCo. A0A COUN:Y R:9ORDER C\rctophe.D Rr.h SO|SE IDAHO Pgs=1 LISABAii P]ONEER TITLE COVPANY Of ADA COUNIY 2015"094798 10/1312015 04:37 P[4 sl0oc l4 I.l \Yesl Bannock Srrcer Boisc.lD 31701 EL'CIRONICALLY RECO ROED.DO NOT REMOVE TI.]E COUNIY STAMPED FIRST PAGE AS I' IS NOW 'NCORPORA'ED AS PART OFTHE ORIGINA! DOCU]\4ENT File No. 579675 JB/MA !!AI1ITA\TY DLI]D tior Vahc llcceiled Grcgory Kirh Bitton and 5hcil. Ijllcn iljt|on (lbrnicrl), :r]ror,ll a! Shcila Llilcrr (i]dow) husbald iurd w;lc hcreiriller relircd 10 as Crnnlor. docs hcrcb] gran1. bargain. scll. w.rlriin rnd con\c*- unro r-olcnrbrcwhisky Prcperlics. LLC. n jdrtro ijlljilcd prr.(ncrs]rip hcrcinailcr rcfe ed 1o as Granicc. q4rosc c(Lrrcnl rcldrcss is ll(.): ]jozarl Slrccr }lcrkliarr. ID 8:646 '1he follor ing dcscribcd ;:r'enrises. Lc-w,r: ThcFj{s!lwcflryLclolL,olI0inBlockSoaMcridiatrlownsi!c.rccordioglotheamcidcdplrL thereol filed in Ilooi( I ol Plars- !t Paec 30. rccords of Ada Counl-\- Ida|c To IIAVE AND TO IIOLD tlrc s.rid Dremiscs, ivith tficir appirltenanccs unlo the said Cranrce(s). and Grantces(s) Irei.s and nssigns lbrcvcr. And thc sa;d Orrnlor(s) docs (do) hereb! co\cnant lo ar{l \!irh thc said Glantee(s). rhe Cranto{s) islarc thc o\!ne(s) in leo sirnplc otsnid prc rises; rha! !nid prcnlrscr are llee from ill ercrnrb?nces EXClil,l- rhose to which this ccnvcycncc is c\prcssly madc subjccr rrrd those orade, srlictcd or done iry thc Cfantee(s)i and subicct to U.S. Itarcrrt rcsewations. rcsn.ic oDs, dcdications. easenrcnls. r'i!!h1s of way .tnd agrecrrcnls, (il r i) ot record. rmd cnnenr !c5rs raxcs. lcvies. and assessmcnts- includcs irigxlion and uLilitv assessmenls. (ifan), $6ir:h ire oor yct due xnd pi),ablc. and thal Gra|to(s) will warmnt and delend rlrc srnc frcnr ail I^\'iul claiurs llharsoevcr. Dalcd ber 9. Cr.gory Kirk B Stat. of IDAI-lO. Count-v of ADA i:nc1 1,. B Olr this 9th day ol'Octobcr in tirc ].ear ol2015. bclore me. .lanct I-. Bbsch. it Nor.ry l,irbl;c i:r and lor said Slale, percomlly . ppearcd Gcrgory K!& Bilton anri Shcila EIlco BilLon kno\r or idcntilicd 10 inc !o be thc persons whosc narncs arc subscribcd 1() thc \!ill)in ir)s1j1xncnt. ard rckn$r'l€dged !o nre drllt lhc] Rcsiding a!: Boisc. ldrho Commission Expires: 0lll 7/201 7 ,@,W l't ,1 -jl1 /. l/ .siiiila lliicn lriuon lz' i83&c30 I t-81,€360 IDAHO INDEPENDEN'' AANI( 113 EAST ]DAHO AVENI]E ADA COUN-:Y RECOROIR Chr3tcpher 0 Rrch 80 S€ IoAHO igs:6 LlsA 3ArT TI'ILECNE BCISE 2018-094330 10/04/2018 02:39 PM s45 CC +b- RECORDATION NEOUESTED BY SEND TAX NOTICES TO: IOAHO INOEPEIIDEIIT BANI( MEEIDIAN OFFICE 113 IAST IOAITO AVENUE DEED OF TBUST THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated Oerober 3,2Oi8, among NOVEMABEWHTSKY PROPEBTIES, LLC, AN IDAHOLIMITED LlAalLrY COMPANY, whose address is 6727 W USTICK BD, BOISE, tD 83704 (,,c.antor,,); TDAHO INDEPENDENT 8AN(, whose address is MER|D|AN OFF|CE, 113 EAST TOAHO AVENUE, MER|O|AN, tD a3642(reterred to below sometimes as 'Lender" and sometimes as 'Beneticiary")i and rtrt-EoNE coRpoRATloN, whose addr€ss is 11O1 W BIVER ST STE 2O1, aOtSE, tD 83702 (ref€rred to betow as .,Trust€e.). coNVEYANcE ANo GBANI. For valrabls.o.sider.rion,Granlor doos heroby i..erocabty granr bargain, scll and convey in rusl, wirh pow€r ofs.b, 1. Ttust€e ror the benefii or Lodd.r as B.n.{i.l'ry, ali ol 6,anrcfs 'ishi, litr., and inLr.n i. ;d ro rhe iolow ie-ae"c,ir"! ,ea i.p"av,log€rhe. wkh 3il exisrin9 0r subs€quennv ere.red or.ttixed bliroings, irprovemdnrs 6nd rix.ures, a e*e-".e, .gta or ";"yi ";j,porleGTs alrwate,qarprnghrsdnddr.hns.s.'r.rudingsroc{hurne!wrho.clo..,q_ro-r.qttsl_arda. ard prolt! ,erarro ro rh. ,pal p.opelv {cud'.q {,'roL. inir6,or a. T^e.at( ot sa. qcolr*6"r -d .,..,a, _dk-: hhe "Re;t Property") located in ADA County, State or tdaho: THE EAST 20 FEET OF LOT lO IN BLOC( 5 OF MEBIDIAN TOWNSITE, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, FILED IN BOOK 1 OF PLATS AT PAGE 30, OFFICIAL RECOADS OF AOA COUMTY. IOAHO The Real Property or its address is conmonly krown as 140 E TDAHO AVE, MEBID|AN, tD a3642. cRoss'coLLAfERALI2al,oN. ln idd(io. ro rhe Not€, this ceed oi T,ust secures atr !brig6non5, d.brs ..d tiabiriries, plls inre.e$ rhereon, otcranro, io Le.der, o. any one or more or ihem. as wer as au cloLms ov,-encer asa,nsrt,anr;r o,.;t -" ", ^"," "r."-, ,,"",r", "".eisrins or h€te.tler a.isins, whelher rc ated or un:erared lu 'h" p,,Fo," ar tr," r,ror", sherh& vor!.rirf ;, .1he.*ise, wheher due o, ior duc,di.e.l or indirecl. detemined cr ondete,-ifl€d, abs.lure or contl.aent, lto!idared or u.liq!idatcd, Lahe er cr.ntor maybciiabie i^divdua yo.loi^tiy.wilh otheG, lvhelher obligated 5s qr.rsnror, surory, ,cccmmodarion parry or orh;rwise, and whether recov€.y uton su.h amouors m.y !: :' !6re3hs ma/ beeme b red ov ev sbruk rimtarons. and whet6e.;e .bri,oar.. r" ."p"r "."r' "*o*o .,y be or he.eairer m:i Gt.nror pr€se.llv assig6s to l.end€t lals. known 3s eeneficlary in rhis oeed oj-lrusd aI ot Grantor's riqht, ri e, and rnrc.est in ad to ait p.esenra.d ,utlre le.ses or the P.openv a.d a[ Re.rs rrom ihe prope(y ]n lddnion, cr..to. g.nt, to ren"oei u uniro,. comndciar code ;e.;;ryinreresl in the Personal Frope(y a.d Benrs. rHIS OEED OI TRUST, INCTUDING THE ASSIGNII/iCNT OF FENTS ANO THE SECLJBJIY INTENESI IN IHE RENTS AND PENSONAI PAOP!iTY,ls GlvENlosEcUEE lal PAYMaNT oF TUE lNoEBTEoNEss AttlD tB) PeaFoBMANc€ oFANy aruo ait oerroartols ur,roER TrE NotE.THE EEl,arED oocllMENTS, a!{D THls BE€D oF TRgsr. THrs oEEo oF-r8usr rs cryEN AND accEprEo oN THE FoLLowNG TERMS: PAYMENT AND PEFFoaMANCE. excepr as orherwise provded 'n rhis Deed otTrust, c,a.ror sharLp.y ro Lender al.mounts secu..a by thisoeed oI lrlst as rhey be.o6a due, 6nd sh.[ sriclly and,n a I me]y m.nne, pe o.m arr o, Oe"b,.i oo surrons orde. $e Nore, fiis De;d orTrusr, a^d the Felat.d Docufienrs. POSSESSION AND MAINTE|iANCE CF THE pROpERTy. Gramor agreas thar 6anlot, poss€ssion .6d use ol rhe propeny shall be aoverned hyth€ loilowinq pro!'si..s: Possossion and Us.. Unlil rhe occu.ience otan Eve^t oi Oej.utr. Gc^rorflay { ,emai. i. o.ssession jnd.onrror ot rhe prope(y; (2)!s., operaie or hanaqe rhe P,ope(y: and l3l (o[ec: rhe Re.ls iiom rhe prope:ry. i]re iolL.rrno provisions relare to the *e o, theorher timttalions on rhe p,oeefiy. THE BEAL pHOpEfiTy rS NOT MOBi i;AN -EioHry (aoi ACFES aND tS Nc-rPAINCIPALLY USEO FOq THE 46FICUITUSAL PFOOUCTION OF CBOPS, LIVES'OCK. dIINY OA NOUNTTC OOOOS, OR 15 NOT MCRETHAN FoBTy (40) AcREs fiEcaRoLEss oF usE, oa ts LocATEo wrHtN aN iN coi pb aqrro -Cr.ti -on v[raee. outv to Maint.in. Gramor shall ma.r,in ih. P.ope y tn renantabla .ondnion and prchp|y pe om. repairs, repla.ements, andmainrenance necesse.y ro pre coBpli.nc6 wilh Enviro.mental Laws- Granior repr.senrs and war:nts ro Lender rnar: lll olring rhe pe.iod ofcrsnrois ownership ol6e-P-ooe rv hp, t\ teh n m..r,rctue qo.lge 1.a!re^. d soo. . rc ** i. .r."*-eo .r"*" "s!bsr.n.. by any p€E6n on, under. aboul or .ron rhe p.opery, l2l G.amor has .o k.owledge of, c. reaeon ro beliele rhat rhe.e h.sbeen. ex.epi a! previ.usrv disclosed ro and B.knowredg.d by L€nder in wrni.s, i"t any ur"u"i oi uoratt. or *y e""r,o"""m"iLi.i, l?_ :.1_:::r n1":31". ..?"uf.cture. srorae. r6athenr. disrosar, r€r€.s. o, rr".u6r"..i ."r".." or u^y r..:*do!s sub$ance o.. !nd.r,aoour oi v.m the Properrv bv anv prio' owne't o' occupails oi lhe P.oDertr, or {c} liv lcrual or rhr€arened lkigaion or ctaims .l anyki^d by any pe.son relari.s to slch matrers; and t3) E\cepr as prouousty dis.toscd ro anj acknowteds.n bv renaei;n writing, iat .e;e'rGranro' ^o'..v ren.d, conracto,. .oe.t o, orhe,.!u,ho, zco usi. or rre p,ope,rv sr.a, us". ,""",",e, ;"""i,"r,.", .ro,e, v.n-t, ji"pos" "r.r r.lers€ any Ha?.rdous Slbstance on, und€., abour .r Lom rhc proF,err/, a.o tot u"y .-rcn u"t,ry "h.ll be conduct.d in .omliirrcewirh alr appl,cable ledera, st re, and ro.al raws, reglla(ions ani o/diianc;!, ,nctld n! wrhour r,; rrr;;. !*i,c.n"ntarL.ws. 6ra.to.authoriu€s Lcnde' tnd ks .eenr.lo enie. upo. the Prope{v ro make slch lnspe.iions;nd lesrs, .t 6rani.r s expense, * teide, mt;e;;apptoptiate b detehine compliance of lhe Prop€rry wirh rhis secion ol 1he Oeed or'rrusl Any iBpecirois or lests made bv Lender sha[be to. Lender's purposes onlv and shar nol be c.nstlea to.crsare a.! resp.nslbilily or iiabitrv o. rhe pa( or Le.dcr ro cranto, or ro anyother oerson. The iep@sentations and w.ranties contained herein are baaed on cE.ror s Cue dirigen;e in i.eesig*i"s rro p-p"i ! fo',I'r.2 dous substa'ces. Gr.nror hercby lt) .eleases and waives s.v,u(ure ctatms ag.,ns: Lend;r ror rndemnLry o, c.nr b!u.. in rhe€vent Gra.ror b.comes rjabte to? cleanlp or orher cosrs lnder any slch iaws; and {21_.qrees to indem.ity, det;nd, a.d hotd harmessaond., a!3insr anv and all claims, osses, riab'liries, damagu. pnn. r".. ono e*p"n."t ^r.i" rc.a" -uv o;,"ctrv o, indncdty susrain orsuller ..sulrim toh a breach oi rhis se.lion 01 ihe Deei oj T.!st or a" u on*oerc" * u"y use, g"noutton, manur""r,ie, ,ro,oso,disDosar. ,eleese or rh,e.,encd ,rr. e o.rrr.. ',or r. 6rantcr s owi.rship 6r interest i" rr." pl"p"iiv. *r"rr,., - ""t !h. ""." _"s"olshourd nave bee. r.ow. 'o u.1o ra o5qi:i-. e. ,.5 ec.r o- o, rae seec o-- ". .- _d - ii";b ra( oi ro ."oer".,, a-d oe,e_cshall s!ruive 6e p.lmaft ol lhe lndebtedness and rhe szrlrscron and ,ccoNleyan.c or fie tLe;;r rhk Deed ot trlsr an; sha not b€aflecred by Lender's acqlisition of aiy int.resr in rhe properv, -nurrcrt" r.*"ro'"u,n o, oL",-t". Nuisa.c€, wast. Grantor shalln.t cause, conducr or pe.mii any nuis.n.e nor cohmir, lermir- or sulrer any srppi.g ot or wasr.. or torhe Prop€[y o. an] portjon or rh€ propenv. wirhoutt,mni.! rhe senefatry or rhe to.es"i.o, C."t.i*lu _r re*o*, or li€nt 10.ny otherpanv the ight to remove, a^y rtmbe., mine6s linctuding oiar g:ast, coai, cray, scc,tJ, s".,r, q,-"i"i -"k p-a*r. _nh;ut Le.dei pnor R.moEl oi lmprov6oent3. 6ranro, shati nor demctish or h the R.at propenv wiihout Lendei,s pror \+trenconsent, a. i co^dition ro lhe rehoval ol any :mprcvemenrs, Lender m6y rellirc 6ranrc. ro mske arangefie.ts s isinctory !. Lender to.epl6c€ su.S lBFrov.mehls with improvenents of at le.st equatvatue. W}|EN n€CORDED MAIL TOI IDAHO INDEPENDEN' BANK MERIDTAN OFFICE 113 EASi IDAHO AVENUE MERIOIAN,ID 83642 7 DEED OF TRUST loan No: s70OO734a (Continued) pag€ G :l:1,::1':1.lir_*l!,: .h .densri6 msy cause or pose . presenl o, porenrisr halard ro human heahh or rhe .hvno^he.t whenreakd. stored, ditoosed ot, qe.er.red, 6a.!tr.rrred, r.hsporred or orheNise handted_ The wods .,H do;ssubsta@es' are used i. rhei. very b.o.dcsr s€.s; and i.a,an .i r,*, i;nii,.ti"""-fo.i .ii ijll,"-. - .," *osrance, hateriars .rwasle as detined bv or risted lnd€r rho E.vno.henlil Laws. nn r",. "s".r,o"ur sui"r."oes; a-t. .crua*, *iu,oui [mG,i", ;;i;;-;;and pefiolcuo by-prod!*s o. any iracrion thereor and ssbesros. lnprMmonts. The vord lep'ovements, mea^s a[ elstnC .nd ruBre ,6p,ovem€.ls, budd]nSs, s$!clur*, mobile homes allixed o.lheqea, P,oD., ry. ! dc rirte3 .dd,rions. ,epr.. e ne^'s dnd o,r,", -";.r,,",,." j- ,,i" i",, i ""r.:i " * l.rd6br€dnoss. 7he \{ord "tndebrcdness- me.ns ar p..cipdt, Lnrcrest costs .nd erp.nres p.yabL€ !nde. the N6te orEGrated D@ufrenls, toselher wkh al E.ewals ot, exiensions or, ,"a,rl..ir"-,'-"i, c"ii"l[1l]"is o1 and slbsriurions ro. rhe Nore o.Rerared o,cumerE an<j any amounrs expend.d or adv!.ced by Leids,o di$;.;s; G;;i;l;;;r;r..* . *p"**..u,rd by r,usteeo, L.rde, ro.nt.'ce G.anrd \ .bri.,.tr! i ^@. r1s o.eo o, !.-sr loe . ,- - - ": ;-;. ._",_" ," p,*,deo i. r- s D"ed orr,us' . s@c rca ,. wirou, rmi:afti . hdebred.els .r, rudes ,,, ;;;;'.i, ;: x ;"; ; i.;;;; ,".,,"" * r^e cro,s.co.,ar".,r,z.r o.proeisio. ot rhis De.d oi Ttust. lcnd6r. The word "Lende." mea.s toaHo TNDEPENDENT BAN(, irs successors and asligis, Nol€. The word "Note'mea.s rhe.r6diaiory.no(e.dared Ocr.ber l, 2ct B, in the originat principal amount of S121,326.53nom Granro.lo Le.d.!. rooerhFr wnh rr Enewats o,, extenrons or, mocrlicarons ot, reiilancr{s or, consorio*ions o,, a.d substiruric.sro, t\e promisso.v note o, ;si€eme.r. NoncE ro GR;Nron, rii riore io-riiainir'viiiiiili"i,"renrsr rarr. P'Boaal Prop.nl. lhe words "Personal P'ope(y m.r. atl .qlipmenr, filllrcs, and orher a4ictcs ol personEt propery now or hereahelowned by G..nro', .ni .ow or he/e.rie. atr.ched o, arik6o rc tne nq prcpeiiy. roqcr;"; ;;i;;i .""*,r..", ;,,i", ,ia ioairi."" r.-, il.epr.ce6ens or, and an substiiuric.s ro,. a.,y or slch eroee,ty. a^d ,car;;; ;,;;i;;;";;;; ;;"" d,., _r,h""t rmraiion a1 ins!.anceprccedd. &d ,erunor o. o.er rs, aom aa ere o dr. d"*"r,o" "r ,r," "i.r.,i,- ' -''--- Prop.rty_ The word "Prooe y" he.ns colecriwtyrhe Featpr.p€ y ahd the personalp.ope.y. Botl Prot€nv The words 'BealProperv" mean the re.rprore,ty, inrer*ts and righrs, as rr her cesciibed rn rhis Deed otr.usr 'icbred Documnr!- ihe words 'Relat€d Dlcu.mis" msn a* p,omissory eres, credt agreeme.ts, roa. agreehenrs, se.urirytgreehents mo(giqes. d€cds ol vust, sec!.hv deeds, .ollateral morlqages, a.d at! oiher in*tumenrs, a9c.66nrs and documenrs,whe,her n.e or he,.a,ie, e"is,nq. e.e.!red in co^...!io" -rtr $" r.c"i;d"'""1, "L;;;"i;;" *-d" d. -, -"an .ny eua,,.ty orejvton6e.$r ae,.ement, wherher novr di he.e.fte. exisijnr, **"red i";;.;;"i;; i;;; ,"".""". Eorns, The word "Renrs, heans a[ pres.nt and tuiure .enis, rewnues, income, issles, rov.hies, prorit.. and other ben€fits d..iv€d tron *:1i1"tl:"x#""::,i:::i;f!.ns lrLEoNE coRpoBAloN, whose address is 1101 w RrvEF sr srE 201. Bo6e. rD 83702 .od .ny GRANIOA AC*NOWLEDGES HA\4irC FEAD ALI THE PROVISIONS OFTHIS DEED OF Y'UST, AND GRANIOR AG.!€S 'O ITS TERMS. LLC LIMITE D LIABILITY COMP.ANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT I ,CO!,NIY OF AD'{ ord wns ackn.wledg€d betcre m€ EMBB'WIIIS(Y FROP€8'IIES, fLCl'tbil'tv ComDa-i'. E ra' mar", ot .,." ro "9o "9 ."-.a. zo\JOSHUA A EVAATS, M.nasins Mdhbor KY PAOpER-r|ES, LLC, .n ldato Ltmn€d Iry commission orpnes E-/1'2a CLAY HAYLETT coMMrssroN No. 63609 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IOAHO REOUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE {To be Bed ony wheh obrigations hav€ bee. oaiC n rul) -rhe unde^rgncd h rhe eqa owner .nd holde, of ar ndebredness seclred !v rhis Dead cl rrusr, Ari sums secured by rhis D.e, or r.!st h.vebeen iullv p"id ,nd sltsried. You .'. herebv dnecrcd, upo. p:yment io you of nny slms owing to you unjer me te,ms of rh's oeed o, trust.rpu'sua ro a^y appricabre st ,"h ,. d;;;;j; ;;, br.,h.. wirh lhis c€ed or r,*i)...d .o ,e.o.!e). ,"" ra. e dred oy r.e .e,r6 o, ,., o". "; r, ",. i* *,,,J .o. ..,o ov vou u.o", ,n* o""o o,,nO ".raeo O"r--crrs ro. L.serPro, ve. ia.2.0.C27 \LPLiGCr.Fa -fF.4347a Pn.t4 srate or fDqur.