PZ - Revised Table Proposed UDC Text Amendments UDC Section Topic Reason for Change Proposed Change 11-2D-4 Increase OT height Allow for taller buildings in city core area of the Old The standards for development in the Old Town District are set forth in this section as follows: maximum Town District A. Building Height: Maximum building height is seventy-five feet (75'). Minimum building height for new construction in the city core as defined in Chapter 1, is thirty-five feet (351 with a maximum height not to exceed one hundred feet (100'). B. Number of stories. Minimum number of stories for new construction is two (2) and/or as set forth in the "City of Meridian Architectural Standards Manual". DATE: 03/23/2021 11-3A-6 Ditches, laterals, canals Recently came to the City's attention that fencing may A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to limit the tiling and piping of natural and man-made or drainage courses not always be desired along open waterways by the waterways, including but not limited to, ditches, canals, laterals, sloughs and drains where public safety is irrigation district, specifically as it relates to not a concern as well as improve, protect and incorporate creek corridors (Five Mile, Eight Mile, Nine section of codee to ensure the UDC does not conflict with maintenance their facility. Staff is amending this Mile, Ten Mile, South Slough and Jackson and Evan Drains) as an amenity in all residential, commercial irrigation district standards as requested by the City and industrial designs.When piping and fencing is proposed, the following standards shall apply. Council. B. Piping. Surrounding property owners don't need to be noticed as the easement on the building lot(s) doesn't affect 1. Natural waterways intersecting, crossing, or lying within the area being developed shall remain as a them - a Council waiver is sufficient. This would allow natural amenity and shall not be piped or otherwise covered. See also subsection (C)(1) of this section. the applicant to request a waiver during the final plat 2. Irrigation ditches, laterals, canals, sloughs and drains may be left open when used as a water amenity process and not require a public hearing. or linear open space, as defined in section 11-1A-1 of this title. See also subsection (C)(2) of this section. 3. Except as allowed above, all other irrigation ditches, laterals, sloughs or canals, intersecting, crossing or lying within the area being developed, shall be piped, or otherwise covered. This requirement does not apply to property with only an irrigation easement where the actual drainage facility is located on an adjoining property. a. The decision-making body may waive the requirement for covering such ditch, lateral, canal, slough or drain, if it finds that the public purpose requiring such will not be served and public safety can be preserved. C. Fencing. 1. Fencing along all natural waterways shall not prevent access to the waterway. In limited circumstances and in the interest of public safety, larger open water systems may require fencing as determined by the City Council, Director and/or Public Works Director. 2. Ditches, laterals, canals, sloughs and drains do not require fencing if it can be demonstrated by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Director that said ditch, lateral, canal, sloughs or drain serves as or will be improved as a part of the development, to be a water amenity or linear open space. If designed as a water amenity, construction drawings and relevant calculations prepared by a qualified licensed professional registered in the State of Idaho shall be submitted to both the Director and the authorized representative of the water facility for approval. 3. Except as allowed above, all other open irrigation ditches, laterals, canals, sloughs and drains shall be fenced with an open vision fence at least six (6) feet in height and having an 11-gauge,two (2) inch mesh or other construction, equivalent in ability to deter access to said ditch, lateral, canal, slough or drain, which fence shall be securely fastened at its base at all places where any part of said lands or areas being subdivided touches either or both sides of said ditch, lateral, canal, slough or drain. D. Improvements. Improvements related to piping, fencing or any encroachment as outlined in subsections(A), (B), and (C) of this section requires written approval from the appropriate irrigation or drainage entity. E. Easements. In Residential Districts, irrigation easements wider than ten feet (10') shall be included in a common lot that is a minimum of twenty feet (20') wide and outside of a fenced area, unless mid otherwise waived by City Council at^ publie hearing with HA_*J_r^*^ S rding property DATE: 03/23/2021 11-513-7C.3 CPAM amendments With adoption of a new Comprehensive Plan, limit the The City Council shall not consider amendments to the land use map of the adopted comprehensive plan frequency to which it can be amended. Make it clear that more than twice per calendar year. The application deadlines for amendments to the land use map Map amendments will be processed no more than every component of the comprehensive plan shall be June 15 and December 15 of every year. 6 months - cut-offs. 11-6C-3D Common driveways Commission, Council and PW is having concerns with the D. Common Driveways: number of units taking access from a common driveway. This impacts the extension of services, parking and trash 1. Maximum Dwelling Units Served: Common driveways shall serve a maximum of six (6) dwelling service. Staff is not proposing to reduce the number dwellings served, but to expand on the requirements units. when a greater number of units take access from a common driveway. This will allow the City Engineer to 2. Width standards: Common driveways shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width:, unless a require a wider common driveway, if an applicant is greater width is required by the City Engineer.All common driveways shall be on a common lot. required to extend City mains underneath the driveway, consistent with other easement requirements of the City. 3. Maximum length. Common driveways shall be a maximum of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length or less, unless otherwise approved by the Meridian City Fire Department. 4. Improvement standards. Common driveways shall be paved with a surface with the capability of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. S. Abutting properties.All properties that abut a common driveway shall take access from the driveway; however, if an abutting property has the required minimum street frontage, that property is not required to take access from the common driveway. In this situation,the abutting property's driveway shall be on the opposite side of the shared property line; away from the common driveway. Solid fencing adjacent to common driveways shall be prohibited, unless separated by a minimum five-foot wide landscaped buffer planted with shrubs, lawn or other vegetative groundcover. 6. Turning radius. Common driveways shall be straight or provide a twenty-eight-foot inside and forty-eight-foot outside turning radius. 7. Depictions. For any plats using a common driveway, the setbacks, fencing, building envelope, landscaping and orientation of the lots and structures shall be shown on the preliminary plat and/or as an exhibit with the final plat application. DATE: 03/23/2021