CC - Memo to Council 4-13 Mayor Robert E. Simison E IDIAN.� City Council Members: =�� Treg Bernt Brad Hoagiun Joe Borton Jessica Perreault Luke Caverier Liz Strader April 8, 2021 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor&City Council CC: City Clerk, City Attorney,Applicant FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner RE: Ten Mile Crossing—Development Agreement Modification (H-2020-0074) After the Commission hearing on March 18`h, Staff met with the Applicant to discuss the Commission recommendation and go over the Applicant's requested changes to the new Development Agreement (DA)provisions in Section IX of the staff report. The Commission was generally in support of the Applicant's proposed design guidelines for this development. In response to the Applicant's letter to City Council, dated April 5,2021,requesting modifications to the DA provisions based on the discussion with Staff, Staff is in general agreement with the changes IF Council supports the proposed amendment, as follows: • TMISAP/Ten Mile Crossing Design Guidelines: Replacement of references to the guidelines in the TMISAP with the"Ten Mile Crossing Design Guidelines."If Council approves the proposed design guidelines, replacement of these references is appropriate. • Street/Pedestrian Lighting_The requirement for pedestrian-scale lighting to be provided along the adjacent arterial frontages and internal collector streets; and change the pathway location from the north to the south side of the creek. Pedestrian-scale lighting exists along Wayfmder Ave.,north of the creek.Because the Applicant proposes extra street lights along internal collector streets, which nearly double that required, Staff feels this should provide adequate lighting for pedestrians if Council agrees. • Subdivision Platting: Modification to the timing of the provisions requiring final platting of the property prior to issuance of building permits or Certificates of Zoning Compliance to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy instead.Staff is amenable to this change for consistency with past approva.lsJor previous phases. •. "Ten Mile Rd. Street Buffer: Removal of the requirements for buildings along Ten Mile Rd. to address with the street with windows overlooking the pathway and a minimum building setback of 50-feet to allow 35-feet instead consistent with UDC standards for entryway corridors. Oo mmn1ty Development Department 33E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 102 Meridian, ID 83642 Phone 208-884-5533 . Fax 208-888-6854 . www.meridiancity.org Because of the 6- to 8-foot drop in grade from the road, it's not feasible for the first floor of structures to overlook the pathway. The 35 foot setback is consistent with that on the northern portion of the site in TM Creek. • Building Height Maximum of 100-Feet: The current DA provision allows building heights up to 100-feet in all areas without restrictions or further application. The Commission directed the Applicant to work with Staff to identify specific areas where this would be allowed(i.e. consider the area south of Cobalt&west to Benchmark) &provide a conceptual diagram for Council to consider—they felt taller buildings should only be allowed in certain areas.Staff and the Applicant discussed this and felt it may be better to leave flexibility in this area with the caveat that significant buffering between future residential uses and neighborhood roadways should be provided. • Ten Mile Creek Pedestrian Crossing/Pathway: Removal of the requirement for a pedestrian connection to be provided across the creek in TM Creek(west of Wayfinder and north of Cobalt) if approval can be obtained from NMID.Because there is a NMID access road along the north side of the creek, NMID will not allow pedestrian access in that area. The existing drive aisle and two (2)streets over the creek with pedestrian walkways alongside should provide adequate pedestrian connectivity over the creek. • FLUM Compliance: Inclusion of the proposed FLUM%Designations&Conceptual Land Use Plan as exhibits in the DA and requirement for development compliance is agreeable to Staff to ensure compliance with land use goals in this area in lieu of a requirement to modify the DA to include a more detailed conceptual development plan. Staff is generally supportive of the land uses proposed to the extent they're an allowed use in the district per the UDC. In regard to preliminary plat condition#AA pertaining to design features proposed for"complete streets", the Applicant proposes to provide sidewalks, bike lanes,wide shoulders, bus stops, refuge medians on all legs of the roundabouts, crosswalks where the multi-use pathway along the creek crosses roadways, on-street parking along Wayfinder north of the creek and along S. Sentinnel Ln. & W. Excursion Ln. (internal private streets), sidewalk bulb-outs in residential areas for traffic calming and street furnishings (i.e. benches, flower pots, trees in wells, hardscape area for widened sidewalk corridor)within the development per the proposed design guidelines and requests removal of this condition. If Council determines additional features should be required such as additional crosswalks, refuge medians,bus pullouts, special bus lanes, raised crosswalks, audible pedestrian signals, additional sidewalk bulb-outs, additional on-street parking, etc., a condition requiring such should be included. Note: Staff recommends on-street parking is provided along Benchmark Ave. (condition #2d). 2