2021-04-05 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING City Council Chambers, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Monday, April 05, 2021 at 3:30 PM All materials presented at public meetings become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities should contact the City Clerk's Office at 208-888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Agenda VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS Limited seating is available at City Hall. Consider joining the meeting virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81980576415 Or join by phone: 1-669-900-6833 Webinar ID: 819 8057 6415 ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE _____ David Ballard _____ Luke Cavener, Ex-Officio _____ Zachary Shoemaker _____ Shawn Martin, Ex-Officio _____ Ryan Lancaster _____ Toni Tisdale, Ex-Officio _____ Walter Steed _____ Ian Updike, Ex-Officio _____ Tracy Hopkins _____ Alissa Taysom, Ex-Officio _____ Stephen Lewis _____ Justin Price, Ex-Officio _____ Jared Smith _____ Tom LeClaire _____ Joseph Leckie ADOPTION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. March 1, 2021 OLD BUSINESS [ACTION ITEM] 2. Transportation Projects Update - Miranda Carson NEW BUSINESS [ACTION ITEM] 3. Meridian Police Department Update - Sgt Brandon Frasier 4. Washington St, Meridian to Main Parking Complaint - Miranda Carson 5. Staff Communications - Miranda Carson 6. Prioritization Subcommittee Update - Jared Smith 7. Ordinance and Development Subcommittee Update - Tom LeClaire FUTURE MEETING TOPICS 8. Subcommittee Evaluation - May 9. ACHD Bike and Pedestrian Treatment 10. Comprehensive Plan and Master Mobility Map 11. Harvest Service Update NEXT MEETING - May 3, 2021 ADJOURNMENT ►J Meeting Minutes Meridian Transportation Commission February 1, 2021 Virtual Meeting Information https://us02web,zoom,us/j/87803346531 Or join by phone: Dial 669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID: 87803346531 Roll Call (Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m.; Zoom Meeting started and roll taken) X Walter Steed X Stephen Lewis (via -zoom) X Shawn Martin (ex-officio via Zoom) X David Ballard X Jared Smith (via -zoom 3:37) X Toni Tisdale (ex-officio-via (arrived late 3:32) Zoom) X Ryan Lancaster X Zachary Shoemaker (via- X Ian Updike (ex-officio-via zoom) (via zoom) zoom) X Tom LeClaire X Joseph Leckie (via -zoom) X Alissa Taysom (ex-officio via (via -zoom) Zoom) x Tracy Hopkins X Luke Cavener (ex-officio via X Justin Price (ex-officio via (via -Zoom) zoom -arrived late 3:37) zoom -late 3:37) Others Present: Kristy Inselman (zoom), Lindsey Bowshier (zoom), Edinson Bautista (zoom), Sgt. B Frasier (zoom), E. Kane (zoom), T. Baird (zoom), C. Hood (zoom), and M. Carson (chambers) Adoption of the Agenda Chairman Steed noted there were no changes to the agenda and called for a motion to adopt. Commissioner Hopkins motioned to adopt as written; second by Commissioner LeClaire - all - ayes — motion carried. Approval of Minutes I. February I5`, 2021 Chairman Steed called for any comments or edits to the February I, 2021 minutes. A question was asked/answered regarding a tally of the comments for/against the proposed UTV/ATV ordinance. Noted corrections are: Commissioner Ballard was present at the February meeting, and on page 2 Chairman Steed introduced Sgt. Fraiser not Sgt. Arnold. With the noted changes Chairman Steed called for a motion to approve the February I, 2021 minutes. A motion by Commissioner Ballard was made to approve with the noted corrections; second by Commissioner Hopkins -all ayes -motion passed. Old Business Items 2. 2020 Report to Council (W. Steed) Chairman Steed provided a brief update on the presentation he made to the City Council and that he shared the round -about presentation that Commissioner Lancaster had previously presented to the Commission. Chairman Steed shared the thanks and appreciation to the Commission for their dedication, passion for transportation and desire for increased involvement to serve the community from Council President Bernt. 3. Ordinance &Development Subcommittee Update (T. LeClaire) Commissioner LeClaire noted that the subcommittee met twice in February. The subcommittee reviewed the feedback that was received after the first draft of the ordinance presented at the February meeting. Based off the feedback received, the subcommittee met and diligently worked to come up with a revised ordinance, that addressed the concerns of the public and provide the needed support for MPD to enforce any approved ordinance. Commission LeClaire noted that the revise ordinance is in the packet and is asking the Commission to consider this second draft for consideration for recommendation to City Council. Commissioner LeClaire provided some clarifying comments regarding the definitions used and the streets of concern noted in the revised proposed ordinance. Commissioner LeClaire also noted that MPD felt the revisions were suitable to support their ability to enforce the ordinance if approved. Chairman Steed offered Ms. Kane and Sgt. Praiser the opportunity to comment, prior to general discussion, which took place. Chairman Steed opened the topic for discussion and Commissioner LeClaire stood for questions, which took place. Commissioner LeClaire motioned to postpone consideration of the draft proposal and hold this topic to be discussed under old business at the April Smeeting and decide at the April meeting what action should be taken (forward to City Council, kill the proposed ordinance, or conduct another hearing); second by Commissioner Lancaster — discussion took place and a vote was called for — 8-ayes, I nay — motion passed. 4. Transportation Prioritization Sub Committee Next Steps (J. Smith) Commissioner• Smith will be the Chair for the Transportation Prioritization subcommittee, but at this time there is no update to provided. The subcommittee will meet in March and provide an update in April. Chairman Steed asked Ms. Carson to Keep this item on next month's agenda. Chairman Steed also noted that ACHD invited Valley Regional Transit to provide prioritization input for projects. VRT met this morning and covers many jurisdictions, there is currently only one project in Meridian on their list and Chairman Steed can provide the list if anyone is interested in reviewing i t. S. Transportation Projects Update (M. Carson) 0 Ms. Carson addressed the Commission and noted that all new items are in bold. Ms. Carson will not review all items but will highlight a few notable updates and will stand for questions at the end. Ms. Carson directed the Commission to page 16 of the packet and began with an update on the Integrated Five -Year Work Plan (IFYWP). The Council reviewed the proposed priorities recommendations and sent off to ACHD with minor revisions. The document can be found here: https://www.achdidaho.org/Departments/PlansProjects/IFYWP.aspx, Ms. Carson moved onto the Eagle Road, Amity to Victory and roundabout at Amity and updated that ACHD will include `shark -teeth' striping along with additional signage at the Rome Dr. crossing. ACHD will reach out to the Tuscany HOA to discuss options to improve visibility obstructions. Ms. Carson then noted that construction began in February at the Ten Mile/Amity Intersection and the installation of an interim traffic signal at Ustick and Black Cat. Next month Ms. Carson will add the McMillan and Black Cat which will be getting a signal as well. Ms. Carson highlighted the Ten Mile, Victory to Overland and that the bike facility is changing to sidewalk level bike lanes behind the back of the curb. Moving onto the Fairview, Locust Grove to Eagle & Locust Grove Signal on page 18, design discussions are still occurring and ACHD has hired a consultant to assist in the design process for bike crossings. Ms. Carson wanted to highlight the Amity Road and Locust Grove Road interim signal and the estimated lifespan of the interim intersection improvement is expected to be 10 years. No sidewalk or ADA improvements are planned in that project. Ms. Carson is happy to take any feedback or concerns on this topic, now or offline, back to the committee. Ms. Carson moved into the ITD projects updates on page 19, to conclude her update. ITD is getting their designs ready for HW 16 and you can find that information on their website at: www.[TDprojects.org/ChindenWest Ms. Carson stood for questions, which took place. New Business Items 6. ACHD South Meridian Neighborhood Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Introduction (Edinson Bautista) Chairman Steed set the stage for this topic by introducing Edison Bautista from ACHD and his presentation on the South Meridian Neighborhood Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Mr. Bautista provided a brief overview of the plan and process used to develop it. The Neighborhood Plan is a tool developed to identify community priorities for future bicycle and pedestrian projects with a specific area. Mr. Bautista shared the planning timeline progressing through 2022. Mr. Bautista then shared the area which is considered the South Meridian Planning Area south of 1.84. The objective of the plan is to. • Map the biking and walking destinations in South Meridian • Identify transit, biking and walking facilities • Gather a general consensus of current conditions that is easy to use and accessible to both the public and ACHD • Clearly define prioritized and ranked project • Identify gaps in the sidewalk and bicycle network As standard operating procedure ACHD will conduct robust community outreach in two phases to understand: I . Student routes to/from school and their recommendations for improvements 2. Public involvement meetings to understand the needs/wants of the general public for the specific planning area(s) Mr. Bautista concluded with the timeline of next steps and stood for questions. No comments or questions took place. Chairman Steed thanked Mr. Bautista and moved onto item 7 of the agenda. 7. Downtown Alleyways (Lindsey Bowshier/Nick Grove) Ms. Bowshier shared her presentation and recapped the topic and provided an update on the additional research since her last presentation. Ms. Bowshier presented the feedback that's been gathered from the stakeholders as part of the Meridian Downtown Business Association (MDBA) as it relates to alleyways. Ms. Bowshier reviewed the Vision and Mission Statement of MDBA. One of the hot topics of discussion at the MDBA is activating alleyways. The general feedback since the last update is not as robust as hoped for due to low overall response and participation with the downtown business due to COVID related circumstances (limited hours of operation and personnel out of office). However, most of the comments focused on the need for better signage and enforcement and that one -ways are not being obeyed. Art and activation for one-way alleyways is generally supported from the feedback received. The idea of one-way alleyways was supported for those that are already designated as one-way. For those that are two -directional and/or unsinged, most commenters did not think designating it as one-way would be helpful. Ms. Bowshier then reviewed current uses: • Delivery Trucks (majority) • Employee Parking • Light pedestrian parking (in frequent) <, Ms. Bowshier concluded by reviewing the one recommendation on alley activation on Pine & Idaho and 2nd street exiting through Generations parking lot. The Vault was recently approved for a grant for a courtyard project and this would be a prime candidate for a one-way alley project. One next step that came out of this analysis is a need for a process or additional education for requesting signage when opportunities and/or challenges arise where Downtown stakeholders need action or support with activating an alleyway for increased pedestrian use. Ms. Bowshier requested that the Transportation Commission advise MDBA on how to advise stakeholders on getting assistance when issues or opportunities arise. Ms. Bowshier's presentation can be found at the below link. Ms. Bowshier stood for questions which took place along with general Commission discussion on this topic. ttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/I Obnl<I-PS I gP71nzrduxbl4Wn7vBxWmMz9d9NOehvlGl</edit?usp=sharing 8. Meridian Police Department Update (Sgt. B. Frasier) Sgt. Frasier provided a few brief updates: • The OHS/ITD aggressive driving campaign has concluded • Next month MPD will conduct an in-house traffic enforcement mobilization for cell phone usage • A brief update was provided on the traffic fatality at Meridian & Calderwood Sgt. Frasier stood for questions, none took place. Ms. Carson noted that the Meridian & Calderwood issue may need to be reviewed as a future meeting topic. 9. Zach Shoemaker's Nomination to Ordinance &Development Subcommittee (W. Steed) Chairman Steed recapped that he reached out to Commissioner Shoemaker and requested he join one of the subcommittees. Commissioner Shoemaker agreed and requested to be part of the Ordinance & Development Subcommittee. A motion was made by Commissioner Ballard to appoint Commissioner Shoemaker to the Ordinance &Development Subcommittee; second by Commissioner Lewis —all ayes —motion passed. 10. Staff Communications (M. Carson) Ms. Carson directed the Commission to page 20 of the packet and shared the three follow-up questions asked from Council to ACHD on the IFYWP and the corresponding responses in red from Kristy Inselman. Is. Carson moved onto and gave a brief update on the Parks &Recreation Department's thirteen (I 3) Priority Pathway projects for 202 I . Is. Carson briefly reviewed three (3) Senate Bills currently under consideration: 0 • HB 164 (UTVs/ATVs/Golf Carts), additional information can be found at: https://Iegislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/202 I /legislation/HO 164/ • HB 131(Allowing for Wider Sidewalks), additional information can be found at: https://Iegislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/202 I /legislation/hO 13 11 • HB 1 106 (Exempts ACHD from Local Land Use Plans and Ordinances) additional information can be found at: https://Iegislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/202 I /legislation/S 1 106/ Ms. Carson concluded with a recap of the Usticl< and Blacl< Cat Interim Signal discussed earlier in the Transportation Projects Update and stood for questions, none took place. Chairman Steed closed the item and opened the floor for any other discussion, none took place. Chairman Steed moved on to the Future Meeting Topics and encouraged the Commissioners to review. Future Meeting Topics I I . SH69 at Calderwood 12. Comprehensive Plan and Master Mobility 13. ATV/UTV subcommittee update 14. Harvest Service Update 15. Downtown Alleyways 16. Prioritization Update 17. Main/King Crosswalk 18. PinelIdaho Alley Plan Next Meeting Date: April 5, 2021 Adjourn Chairman Steed asked for a motion to adjourn, which was made by Commissioner Ballard; second by Commissioner Lewis. Meeting adjourned at 5:19. (AUDIO RECORDING AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) PPRO C / ate(/ �J ( 1�; WALTER STEED, CHAIR ATTEST: City Clerl<) DATE DATE Meeting Minutes Meridian Transportation Commission April 5, 2021 Virtual Meeting Information https:us02web.zoom.us/j/8 19805764 15 Or join by phone: Dial 669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID: 81980576415 Roll Call -audio and video were started after roll call. Roll call notes based off Ms. Carson's hardcopy notation. (Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m.; Zoom Meeting started and roll taken) X Walter Steed X Stephen Lewis (via -zoom) X Shawn Martin (Ex-officio via Zoom) X David Ballard X Jared Smith (via -zoom 3:55) X Toni Tisdale (Ex-officio-via Zoom) x Ryan Lancaster X Zachary Shoemaker (via- X Ian Updike (Ex-officio-via (via zoom) zoom) zoom) x Tom LeClaire X Joseph Leckie (via -zoom) X Alissa Taysom (Ex-officio via (vla-zoom) Zoom) x Tracy Hopkins p Luke Cavener, (Ex-officio) X Justin Price (Ex-officio via (via -zoom) zoom) Others Present: Sgt. Brandon Frasier (zoom), T. Baird (zoom), C. Hood (zoom), and M. Carson (chambers) Adoption of the Agenda Audio and video started a fter Agenda adoption, no noted changes on Ms. Carson's hardcoPy. No motion or vote captured. Second for adoption was made by Commissioner Lewis. Approval of Minutes Motion by Commissioner Lancaster; second by Commissioner Ballard I . March I St, 202 I Chairman Steed called for the vote to approve the March I S`, 2020 minutes -all ayes -minutes approved. Old Business Items 2. Transportation Projects Update (M. Carson) Ms. Carson addressed the Commission and noted that the Transportation Projects updates begin on page 9. All items will not be reviewed, per usual Ms. Carson will highlight a few notable updates and will stand for questions at the end. Ms. Carson began with the Eagle Rd, Amity to Victory Roundabout at Amity and noted the current closure will last approximately 3 weeks to allow for work on the Zaldia/Eagle Roundabout. Re -opening is expected around April 20`h Ms. Carson also noted the closure at the Ten Mile/Amity Intersection. Closure is expected for approximately the next 60 days. Ms. Carson noted the requested addition of the McMillan/Black Cat intersection to the project update list. A 3x3 lane configuration is planned for the intersection. Ms. Carson also highlighted the Locust Grove Rd, Victory to Overland project and included the website link in the packet. http://achdidaho.org/Proects/prof_road_locust-grove-victory-to- overland.aspx Ms. Carson moved onto page I I and the traffic analysis that was conducted to evaluate multiple alternatives for the Eagle Rd., Lake Hazel to Amity roundabout design. A multi -lane roundabout design was determined to be the best option at Eagle Rd. and Taconic Dr. as part of that analysis. Ms. Carson moved onto the ITD projects portion of the update on pg. 12 and highlighted the significant update for the Linder Road to Locust Grove project, including the construction of a sound wall next to the ten -foot pathway as well as asphalt and irrigation improvements. On page 13 Ms. Carson noted the South Meridian Neighborhood Bicycle &Pedestrian comment period is open. Ms. Carson encouraged participation from the Commission and provided a link in the packet for comment submittal. Ms. Carson concluded by noting the VRT cooperative agreement was approved by Council on March 23�d and stood for questions, none tool( place. New Business Items 3. Meridian Police Department Update (Sgt. B. Frasier) Sgt Frasier gave a brief update regarding the increased traffic and speed due to road closures at Eagle and Amity. MPD has fielded several public concerns. Sgt. Frasier also noted the increase in noise complaints regarding the use of exhaust/J-brakes on Chinden. Jalce brakes are illegal except in emergency situations in Meridian as well as other jurisdictions in Ada County. Chinden spans several cities including Meridian, Boise, and Eagle, and several of the complaints received were further east on Chinden into Eagle. Lastly Sgt. Frasier noted the increase in noise and traffic complaints in the area of Records and River Valley from the Senior Living facility. Sgt. Frasier stood for questions, which tool( place. Ms. Carson noted that there is an update included in the staff communications section of the packet. 4. Washington St., Meridian to Main Parking Complaint (M. Carson) Ms. Carson noted the complaint brought forth by a citizen, which is on page 16, regarding residential only parking on Washington St. Ms. Carson spoke to the citizen, and committed to putting their concern in front of the Commission. Currently there is no program within Meridian for "Residential Only" parking. Ms. Carson also spoke to MPD and ACHD and no action is planned at this time. Ms. Carson and Sgt. Frasier stood for questions, which took place. 5. Staff Communications (M. Carson) Ms. Carson noted the change in format of the Staff Communications, to a summary format. If the Commission doesn't like the new format Ms. Carson is happy to change it back. Ms. Carson highlighted the High -Capacity Transit Survey Results and the two links included in the packet. Ms. Carson also noted the Chinden Engine Braking Complaint. Ms. Carson acknowledged Sgt. Frasier summary of the MPD perspective earlier in the meeting and noted the ITD summary perspective included in the staff memo. Currently there is no plausible solution. Ms. Carson noted the 4-Way Stop request at Vanderbilt and Lichfield that ACHD has already addressed this item and responded to the resident. The School Zone Subcommittee will review and report back to the Commission. Ms. Carson noted the Main/King crosswalk issue is being resolved by ACHD and has been removed from the future meeting topics list. She also noted that she already spoke to the South Meridian Bike & Pedestrian Plan. Ms. Carson concluded with the parking line issues brought forth by Jennifer Hamilton. Ashley Squyres of MDC responded to the citizen. Ms. Carson stood for questions and Chairman Steed opened the floor for discussion on the Staff Communication topics, which took place. 6. Prioritization Subcommittee Update (J. Smith) Commissioner Smith provided a brief updated. The Subcommittee met on March 24`h and outlined the purpose statement and the next steps the Subcommittee will take working with ACHD, and City Staff. The Subcommittee is currently in investigation mode and will have a future update for the Commission on proposed recommendation prior to next year's ACHD update period Qanuary). 7. Ordinance and Development Subcommittee Update (T. LeClaire) Commissioner LeClaire updated the Commission regarding their meeting held at 2:30 pm. The Subcommittee has met with the Mayor's office and are following State Legislation, but State business is currently on hold. Ms. Kane is currently doing some additional work on the ATWUTV ordinance and the Subcommittee will have another update at the May 3rd meeting. Commissioner LeClaire stood for questions and comments, which took place. Chairman Steed noted the clean-up of future meeting topics and asked for any additional topics to be added or further discussion. Commissioner LeClaire proposed that J-brakes could be a topic for the Ordinance Subcommittee. Future Meeting Topics 8. Subcommittee Evaluation -May 9. ACHD Bike and Pedestrian Treatment 10. Comprehensive Plan and Master Mobility Map I .Harvest Service Update Next Meeting Date: May 3, 2021 Adjourn Chairman Steed asked for a motion to adjourn, which was made by Commissioner Ballard; second by Commissioner Hopkins. Meeting adjourned at 4:19. (AUDIO RECORDING AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) APP�OV D: , � � f Cie WALTER STEED, CHAIR DATE 7' Z / DATE