Cherry CZC Narrative letter U space architecture LLC. european inspired, environmentally responsible design 1108 N 7th St, Boise, Idaho 83702 hubic@UspaceArch.com 1 208 577 0869 Narrative letter for Certificate of Zoning Compliance Application. 1108 N 7th St, Boise ID 83702, (208) 577 0869, hubic@UspaceArch.com 26th Oct, 2020 Caleb Hood Planning Division Manager City of Meridian, Planning and Zoning Department 33 E Broadway Ave, Suite 102, Meridian, ID 83642 RE: Wellpoint Dental, Office Building, 2750 Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho Dear Caleb, The applicant, Ben Richeson of RNR Custom Homes, requests an Certficate of Zoning Compliance( CZC)for the construction of a 3420 square foot dental office building on 0.6 acres of land in the Lynwood Plaza subdivision, The building pad is in the L-O zoning district and the address is 2750 W. Cherry Lane. The proposed building is the fourth of five buildings situated on building pad #4, Block 1 Lot 3, positioned in the center rear of the development. It would be constructed in compliance with the approved Development Agreement, (File no. MI-03-005) which is referred to in the CZC of the first building dated April 24, 2003. The roof will be constructed of architectural grade asphalt shingles, and the walls will be brick veneer and composite cementitious siding, finished in colors and patterns which will compliment the other buildings in the Cherry Lane Center. Please refer to the Design Review application and the attached elevation drawings for more detail. There is a common ingress and egress easement, in the Center, over the parking area and the utilities are in common easements for use by all five buildings. We hope this project meets with your approval. Should you have any questions please feel free to call or email U Space Architecture to discuss this projectl further. Respectfully yours Helen Ubic, Director of U space architecture LLC, Licensed Architect AR-984851, LEED AP BD+C, Certified Sustainable Building Advisor