Application Project Description Revised Hearing Date: December 17, 2020 Planner: Joseph Dodson File No.: H-2020-0108 Project Name: Vicenza North Subdivision Request:  Rezone a total of 63.56 acres of land for the purpose of rezoning 41.58 acres to the R-8 zoning district and subsequently reducing the C-C zone from approximately 37 acres to 3.67 acres, reducing the L-O zone from approximately 10.6 acres to 1.56 acres, and increasing the C-G zone from approximately 13.2 acres to 16.76 acres;  Preliminary Plat consisting of 169 single-family residential building lots, 6 commercial building lots, and 8 common lots on 56.99 acres of land.  Modification to the existing development agreement (Inst. #: 2019-055407) for the purpose of removing 76.58 acres of land north of W. McMillan Road and west of N. Ten Mile Road from the boundaries and terms of said agreement and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan, by Bridgetower, LLC. Location: The site is generally located in the northwest corner of N. Ten Mile Road and W. McMillan Road, in the SE ¼ of Section 27, Township 4N., Range 1W.