2020-11-13 MPD DATE: 11/13/2020 TO: Alan Tiefenbach REVIEWER: Lieutenant Scott Colaianni SUBJECT: H-2020-0105 PROJECT NAME: Cache Creek Subdivision POLICE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF REPORT: 1. Police Response Time- The proposed Cache Creek Subdivision development application is approximately 2 miles from the Meridian Police Department. The expected response time to this area in an emergency is just under 3 minutes. The average emergency response time in the City of Meridian is just under 4 minutes. Emergency calls are defined as an emergency response with lights and sirens and driving as authorized for an emergency vehicle. The Meridian Police Department response time goal for emergencies is within 3-5 minutes. Between 11/01/2019- 10/31/2020, the Meridian Police Department responded to 730 calls for service within a mile of the proposed development. The crime count on the calls for service was 111. See attached documents for details. Between 11/01/2019- 10/31/2020, the Meridian Police Department responded to 61 crashes within a mile of the proposed development. See attached documents for details. 2. Accessibility – The Meridian Police Department has no concerns with access into the proposed development. Any shared driveways shall have address signs at each entrance and the roadways shall be maintained for police response. 3. Resource needs The Meridian Police Department can service this development if approved. The Meridian Police Department already serves this geographic area. As of now, no additional resources are required at this time. 4. Other comments- The Meridian Police Department has no outstanding issues concerning this development application. All qualified open space provided in the development, to include all amenities, must be in an open area in order to allow for natural observation opportunities. Pathways and landscaping should not create hiding spots or blind spots that would promote criminal opportunities. The Meridian Police Department will support all Community Development Staff recommendations, Traffic Impact Studies from ITD and or ACHD to improve access, roadways, intersections, pathways and sidewalks before the project if fully completed. Meridian Police Department - Cache Creek Subdivision Location of new development- NW Corner of E Victory Rd &S Locust Grove Rd Time Frame- 11/01/2019 - 10/31/2020 Level of Service (LoS)- Delivered By Reporting District (RD - M759) Calls for Service(CFS): Response Times: Dispatch to Arrival (all units) Average Response Times by Priority: 'City of Meridian' Priority 3 (MPD Goal is within 3 to 5 minutes) 3:40 Priority 2 (MPD Goal is within 8 to 10 minutes) 7:11 Priority 1 (MPD Goal is within 15 to 20 minutes) 11:01 Average Response Times by Priority: 'M759' Priority 3 2:43 Priority 2 6:05 Priority 1 13:52 Calls for Service (CFS): Calls occurring in RD 'M759' CFS Count Total 730 %of Calls for Service split by Priority in 'M759' •of P3 CFS 0.7% •of P2 CFS 61.1% •of P1 CFS 35.3% •of PO CFS 2.9% Crimes Eh e:s Crime Count Total I *Crash Count Totali� 61 dote (s): Response Time and Calls for Service (CFS) by Priority- Most frequent priority call types; • Priority 3 calls most frequently involved involved Injury Crashes, Prowler in Residence, and Unknown Problems. • Priority 2 calls most frequently involved Traffic Stops, Suspicious Vechiles, Property Checks. • Priority 1 calls most frequently involved Illegal Parking, Citizen Assists, and Follow Ups. Crime(occurred date)- Most frequent crimes involved; • All Other Offenses (Failure to Appear Warrants, Resisting/Obstructing Officers, Enticing of Children, etc.), and • Driving Under the Influence, and • Drug Equipment Violations (Possession of Drug Paraphernalia). *Crashes- Most frequent crashes were; * 49.2% injury type crashes, * 32.8% property damage reports, and * 18.0% non-reportable crashes. Priority Response Times Defined: Priority 0 type calls are no priority type of calls. Priority 1 type calls are for non-emergency type of calls where the officer will arrive at the earliest convenience, and shall obey all traffic laws. Priority 2 type calls require an urgent response where the officer will arrive as soon as practical, and should obey all traffic laws. Priority 3 type calls are an emergency response in which the lights and siren and driving as authorized for an emergency vehicle by Idaho Code to facilitate the quick and safe arrival of an officer to the scene. *Some data may be incomplete due to report processing times and/or system updates.Crashes include CC.RD is Caller Building. ***There was not enough public initiated call data to support an accurate average response time. LC 3254 Sources:ITS/RMS,Tritech CAD,WebCars