2020-10-27 Events and Outreach Subcommittee Minutes EVENTS AND OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Parks and Recreation Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Ste 206 Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 5:00 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS Limited seating is available at City Hall Consider joining the meeting virtually: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/574664773 Or join by phone: 1 877 309 2073 Webinar ID: 574-664-773 ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE _x____ Leslie Mauldin _x____ Thomas Vannucci _x____ Maria Tzompa, Chair _____ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams _____ Michelle Glaze APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Minutes from September 3, 2020 L. Mauldin made motion to approve minutes, seconded by T. Vannucci All ayes DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Learn How the Arts Commission Can Participate With Other City Events- Information Presented by Renee White R. White reviewed all City events organized by the Parks & Rec Department, including Unplug & Be Outside, the annual Block Party, Trunk or Treat, Christmas, etc. The Subcommittee brainstormed possible elements they could implement into City events including Dicken’s singers/carolers, quartets, flash mobs, and bell choirs. These groups would be local and possibly made of students. A larger effort was discussed in creating a “thematic throughline” or continuation in the Art Commission’s activities in the City events throughout the year. The Subcommittee also reviewed the idea of an immersive art park described in the article (https://blooloop.com/news/everland-immersive-art-park-denver/) shared by T. Vannucci. It also could be part of a larger arts festival. The Subcommittee and Renee agreed that this format would fit in nicely with Unplug & Be Outside in the spring or the Block Party or Art Week in September. Along the lines of the Dickens carolers, Renee mentioned doing video efforts this year in place of in person activities. Perhaps even promoting a unique Meridian song or anthem. This could be selected through a songwriting contest. This song could be used at all City events so the public could become familiar with it. 3. Discuss Public/Private Partnerships for Events and Public Outreach Efforts Renee informed the Subcommittee that she frequently works with sponsors. The Arts Commission’s efforts would largely need to be funded by this as well. If the Subcommittee intends to contribute to City events, the Subcommittee needs to inform Renee by January each year so that she can include the Subcommittee’s projects and requests for sponsors in the annual sponsorship packet. If the Subcommittee intends to change a City events more dramatically, the Subcommittee needs to discuss with Renee at least 18 months in advance. ACTION ITEMS 4. Identify Action Items for Involvement in 2020 City Holiday Events For this holiday season, the Subcommittee agreed that effort this season would be more of “developmental” or preparatory for future holiday seasons due to the proximity of the vents and limitations and restrictions in place this year. This season, the Subcommittee will look into costume designers and seamstresses or tailors to create a collection of Dickens caroler costumes. L. Mauldin and M. Tzompa mentioned that they know some local costume designers who could be interested in the project. Specifically, M. Tzompa mentioned Star Moxely, a designer for the Shakespeare Festival and owner of a local shop. The Subcommittee will look into the cost and process of creating these costumes. The Subcommittee also is interested in doing an Ornament Drop this year, modeled after the Art Drop. REPORTS 5. Review Meridian Art Week 2020 The Subcommittee reported that things seemed to go well this year during Art Week, despite all the challenges of COVID-19. A. Belnap mentioned the graciousness in working with the artists, presenters, and instructors even in the midst of all the changes. The Subcommittee discussed the limited attendance in the earlier classes on Wednesday and Thursday. It is difficult to tell if the limited attendance was due to disinterest, COVID-19 caution, or unavailability on weekday evenings. If the classes continue next year, the Subcommittee will rearrange the days and times to see if success changes. NEXT MEETING - November 12, 2020 ADJOURNMENT