2020-09-15 IPG Subcommittee Minutes INITIAL POINT GALLERY SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Parks Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Ste 206 Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS Limited seating is available at City Hall Consider joining the meeting virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81292699666?pwd=OGRxUnM4MWlxbDRmN3RqWUlwMW5 EZz09 To call in: 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 812 9269 9666 Passcode: 303139 ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE x_____ Lizzie Taylor x_____ Natalie Schofield x_____ Bonnie Zahn Griffith, Chair APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Initial Point Gallery August Minutes L. Taylor made motion to approve minutes, seconded by N. Schofield REPORTS 2. Report on Current Initial Point Gallery Exhibit A. Belnap and B. Griffith reported on the installation of the new exhibit and the upcoming exhibit correspondence with the Idaho Watercolor Society. A. Belnap asked N. Schofield to host the October opening reception, she accepted. ACTION ITEMS 3. Make Adjustments to 2021 Initial Point Gallery Schedule A. Belnap informed the Subcommittee of the responses from the artists regarding scheduling and the openings in the current 2021 calendar. The Subcommittee decided to move Mandy Henebry to show in June 2021 and Matt Ciranni to February 2022. B. Griffith with reach out again to Trish Stevenson, Ginger Lanz, and Dave Dillon for the rodeo show in July 2021. If they are unable to show, the Subcommittee will extend Stephanie Teeter’s showing to ¼ gallery and reach out to another artist with the last name of Stringer. L. Taylor will send A. Belnap the name and contact information for another line artist for August 2021. N. Schofield made motion to approve the changes, seconded by L. Taylor. 4. Review Current Initial Point Gallery Marketing Patterns and Establish Future Marketing Protocols A. Belnap reviewed with the Subcommittee what is typically done to market the Initial Point Gallery each month. The Subcommittee decided not to create a formalized standard of procedure, but rather to create a list of optional marketing avenues. The Subcommittee brainstormed other marketing options such as: creating a Next Door event, including it in the City newsletter, send to Boise Weekly and the Idaho Statesman, include on the new Boise Arts & History art event search engine, put up poster at Community Center and Homecourt, include the details in the posters in local restaurants, post in Touchmark Senior Living and the Meridian Senior Center. A. Belnap will look into all of these options and report back at the next meeting to inform the Subcommittee which of these options are feasible. 5. Review Current Patterns of Contacting Exhibiting Artists and Establish Future Protocols of Contacting Exhibiting Artists A. Belnap reviewed the typical hosting duties and responsibilities of the host: being warm and welcoming, inviting visitors to sign the welcome log. The Subcommittee decided to expand upon these duties in the hosting guide by providing more ideas of how to interact with the guests and artists, while also leaving it up to the host. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Discuss Development of Brochure for Initial Point Gallery Ambassadors B. Griffith proposed the idea of creating a brochure or rack card as an easy way to inform interested artists or visitor about the gallery and how to apply. The Subcommittee agreed this would be useful, especially to have in the gallery. A. Belnap will create a simple template and bring to next month’s meeting for further discussion. NEXT MEETING - October 28, 2020 B. Griffith informed the Subcommittee that the Idaho Commission of the Art MAP group is interested in moving their opening reception from Tuesday, December 8 to Friday, December 4. A. Belnap doesn’t believe that should be a problem, okay to plan on that. ADJOURNMENT L. Taylor made motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by N. Schofield.