2020-09-03 Events & Outreach Subcommittee Minutes EVENTS & OUTREACH SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Meeting Room A, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, September 03, 2020 at 5:00 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS Limited seating is available at City Hall Consider joining the meeting virtually: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/666736205 To call in: 1 866 899 4679 Webinar ID: 666-736-205 ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE x____ Leslie Mauldin x____ Thomas Vannucci x____ Maria Tzompa, Chair _____ Logan Cloninger x____ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams x____ Michelle Glaze DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Overview of the Art Week Program Schedule A. Belnap reviewed the days and times of classes and the registration numbers so far. M. Tzompa encouraged Subcommittee members to register for classes and to participate where possible. 2. Review Art Week Marketing Plan A. Belnap reviewed efforts taken so far to market Art Week (posting on social media, publishing on the website, listing the event on community calendars, including a notice in the City newsletter) and the Subcommittee discussed what more efforts will be taken leading up to Art Week (more social media posts, encouraging social media posts by commissioners, NextDoor events, Facebook events, etc.). A. Belnap will send the commissioners graphics to post on their own social media. 3. Setting the Protocol for Judging the Art Week Chalk Art Competition The Subcommittee discussed how to vote for the Arts Commission’s selection of the Chalk Art Competition awards. The entries will be posted on social media on the Monday following Art Week and People’s Choice voting will take place for 7 days. During that same period, A. Belnap offered to create a Google Form of the entries and collect votes from the Form. The Subcommittee deliberated on who should be included in the voting process- the Events & Outreach Subcommittee or the whole Meridian Art Commission. It was decided that the whole Meridian Arts Commission will be included in the voting. ACTION ITEMS 4. Deliberate Concert on Broadway 2021 Dates A. Belnap and L. Mauldin reminded the Subcommittee that the Commission and the Mayor are looking for consistency in the dates of Concerts on Broadway. The Subcommittee agreed that the dates for 2020 (end of August through the end of September) seemed to work well and decided to mirror them for 2021 (August 28, September 11, September 25). NEXT MEETING - October 8, 2020 ADJOURNMENT