2020-08-20 Public Art Subcommittee Minutes PUBLIC ART SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Parks and Recreation Conference Room, Meridian City Hall, 2nd Floor Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 6:00 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS Limited seating is available at City Hall Consider joining the meeting virtually: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/438043461 To call in: 1-877-568-4106 Access Code: 438-043-461 ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE x_____ Lizzie Taylor x_____ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams x_____ Jessica Peters, Chair x_____ Thomas Vannucci x_____ Natalie Schofield x_____ Bobby Gaytan APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Minutes from Meeting July 16, 2020 J. Cavaness-Williams made motion to approve minutes, seconded by N. Schofield and L. Taylor. All ayes DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Public Art Subcommittee Overview- Past, Present, Future J. Peters presented a PowerPoint, informing the subcommittee members of the history of the Public Art Subcommittee and background on the current public art projects. 3. Develop Timeline for Creation of Public Art Plan The Subcommittee discussed the steps that could go into creating the Public Art Plan: looking into hiring a facilitator and finding a grant to help with the cost. J. Peters informed the Subcommittee that the Arts Commission hired a professional from McCall for about $1500 to assist with the Strategic Plan. These efforts were funded by a grant from the Idaho Commission of the Arts. The Subcommittee agreed to look into grants and professionals for the Public Art Plan. The Subcommittee requested that the survey results from the questionnaire published by Via Partnerships could be shared with them. A. Belnap will send the questionnaire results next week. The Subcommittee also discussed possibilities of renewing the map for public art and doing an associated social media campaign to raise awareness of Meridian’s public art. REPORTS 4. Update: Traffic Box Series 2020 A. Belnap informed the Subcommittee that the vinyl vendors are scanning the artwork and the boxes should be finished by September. 5. Update: Responses to Mural Series Request for Statements of Interest A. Belnap informed the Subcommittee that two applications have been received and described current efforts to recruit more businesses by visiting buildings in person. Interested businesses include: Truffles Etc., Bicycle Meridian, SagePoint, The Roosevelt, Jackson’s gas station, the Heritage Building. A. Belnap also plans to reach out to the Children’s Museum, Meridian Library, and The Flower Place. The Subcommittee requested that the fliers and posts be shared with them for their own recruiting efforts. A. Belnap will send next week. B. Gaytan told the Subcommittee about the Boise Mural Project during Labor Day weekend. He committed to report back on his experience with the project at the next meeting. NEXT MEETING - September 17, 2020 6:00pm ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned around 7:45pm