Tiny Tim's Christmas Trees CZC 05-152 S~A--' -f- -~ lc- i .T" MAYOR Tammy de Weerd ~~ /CITYOF " \.JVL ertdi ã"T " ", IDAHO :/ CITY HALL (208) 888-4433 - Fax 887-4813 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Keith Bird Christine Donnell Shaun Wardle Charles M. Rountree PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DEPARTMENT (208) 887-2211 - Fax 898-9551 LEGAL DEPARTMENT (208) 898-5506 - Fax 884-8423 CERTIFICA TE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: November 2, 2005 C?- (. éJ~ - 0 I S L Project Name: Tiny Tims Christmas Trees Owner: Shellie and Don Martin 314 W. Cherry Ln #66 RECEIVED DEC 1 2 2005 Site Address: Albertsons Parking lot 50 W. Franklin City Of Meridian City Clerk Office Proposed Use: Christmas Tree Sale-Temporary Use General Zoning: C-C Comments: Conditions of Approval: The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for this site. Time Frame: The applicant has requested occupancy from November 25,2005 lliltil December 25, 2005 for the seasonal use. SitelLandsca{'e Plan: The site plan prepared by the applicant and stamped "approved" by the Meridian Planning & Zoning Department, is approved with conditions as listed with this approval. The site/landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval ofthe Planning & Zoning Department. No fieId changes to the landscape plan permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. NOTE: No new landscaping is being proposed with this application. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defined in UDC 11-3A- 7 Parking: All vehicular use areas shall be improved in accordance with UDC. The project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordançe with ADA. The applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACHD as they pertain to this development. Lighting: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring dëvelópment~ Down-shield all lighting so it does not spill onto adjacent properties. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 660 E. W ATERTOWER LANE, STE- 202, MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 884-5533 - Fax 888-6854 Signage: No signs are approved with this CZc. All business signs require a separate sign permit in compliance with the sign ordinance. Trash Enclosure: No refuse container is proposed on-site. All trash shall be taken off-site. Handicap-Accessibility: The structures, site improvements and parking must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACHD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amollilt of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Conditions of Approval: The following are standards as dictated by UDC 11- 3E-4, Temporary Use General Standards. E. GENERAL STANDARDS: Time period: 1. Except as otherwise defined in this Section, a temporary use is allowed for a specified period not exceeding twelve (12) months trom issuance of Certificate of Zoning Compliance. 2. For seasonal stands or events, the Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall specify a beginning and end date. Location: 1. Structures and/or the display of merchandise shall comply with the setback requirements of the district within which it is located. 2. Temporary structures and merchandise shall be displayed so as not to interfere with the clear vision triangle. In no case shall items be displayed, or business conducted within the public right~of-way, unless otherwise authorized by the Transportation Authority. Structures: 1. A maximum of one (1) structure shall be allowed and may cover a maximum offive hundred (500) square feet. 2. The use shall not result in the construction of any pennanent structures that would not otherwise be pennitted subject to the regulations ofthis Title. 3. Any temporary structures shall be portable and completely removed at the end ofthe allowed time period. 4. The applicant shall obtain any necessary building pennits. Caretaker unit: . 1. One (1) caretaker unit in a trailer or recreational vehicle may be allowed on the site only for the purposes of security and maintenance of the site. 2. The unit shall be completely removed at the end of the allowed time period. Parking and access: 1. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use. 2. The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of the principal pennitted uses on the site- 3. The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 660 E. W A TERTOWER LANE, STE. 202, MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 884-5533 - Fax 888-6854 Il-3E-4: A. B. c. D. F. 4. All surfaces used for parking shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover or of dustless material. Signs. All signs erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMENTS of the Meridian City Municipal Code. Noise: Compressors, fans, pumps, and other motorized equipment shall be located or shielded to reduce noise levels to adjoining properties. Site conditions: 1. The site shall be returned to a clean condition after the tennination of the use, including free of debris and garbage. 2. Unsold food products, trees, greens, or debris generated by the use shall be properly disposed off the site. G. H. 1. Unobstructed sidewalk: If a private sidewalk or pedestrian way in front of the building is used for the temporary use, a minimum width offour (4) feet shall remain unobstructed for pedestrian use. Plan Modifications: The approyed SitelLandscape Plan, stamped "approved" on November 2, 2005 are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning & Zoning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. ~ Associate City Planner (I /~/(J5- , *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This pennit shall expire one (I) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 660 E. WATERTOWER LANE, SIE. 202, MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 (208) 884-5533 - Fa;{ 888-6854 Applicant InfonnatioD , . Applicant name: ..( ^ ell! t- IYI tII1J.:¡J/Ù APPIi__:~~1 ~. cJ¡i:L"AJ 11< ~ Contactname:.5 J, ð2.. 1Y/A7t. ¡¡) Applicant's interest in property: [J Own IDeot 0 Optioned [) Other Own« name: 1!f1Z e Pff~ -:P1lfK I ÀJ 6 (:-0 r - Owner address:' tJ 'Ì( VI etJ /J1 &ttJJI ¡y.J Zip: &:ft 9'2 Agent name (e.g., architect. engineer, developer, representative): /fJelJi 1/~77ÁJ , ~ '~ ' Finn name: tJ ~ "S' ~~J Address: 3 ' ' , ' ~,' Zip: t!i . <ïc" Qmbct name,~I~~ N Phono, ~5 ~N I Primæy contact is: !1A;plicant [) Owner [) Agent [) Other E-maiI:-.f)LJ/YI Bent! (¡¿~IJC([.C/(fJ€./ , C6n1 otf'e;;dl~ \ \ IO.\HO ( ,~' J ,'t,. J '~-~"'-""""">1eY-"¡"'~':<." , "" Type of Review Requested (cheek aU that apply) 0 Accessory- Use 0 Administrative Design Review 0 Alternative Compliance 0 Certificate of Zoning Compliance 0 Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification ~ Property Boundary Adjustment 0 Short Plat Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance 0 Time Extension (Director) , '\.0 Vacation t mOther~V\rmA.} 'W'.£- t-OT Planning Department ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATI~ ~ STAFFUSEONLY:,. '" " FileNumber(s):Cic-o ~....t'~'t- ' project wûDe:-tì,~~ ~{\..:~ ' " " , Datefiled:" ",'" "'Datecomplete:~ Åssigned PI8lD1er:' ":,.,'~t ' , (g 'tJt~ ~ Concuri'eiit fileS: , .. ..'.. ,'. " Previous files: ", Zip: § J'óV¿ Phone: /1.1 7- S/~:¡I Fax: ffI-5-Sï'l? Subject Property Information Location/street address: 5ð (JJ {l'rl¡¿'¡l~4.J I/-tÁL / I1il3e1òf1!ðAJf I'~ iJ (ð¡- t Assessor's parcel number(s): Township, range, section: Current land use: YA-f K ì tÙ b COT' Total acreage: Current zoning district: ~ C-Z-C--6S-!;l-Jr ymtT Ðtfíe- - 11- ¿: t' -{} 5 E/J D DAT~ ( ~ -d.-S ""0 S .~'" 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 . Facsimile: (208) 888.6678 . Website: www.meridiancitv.org 1 ISSUE DATE .' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 10-14-2005 7:46:39 AM VK PRODUCER WESTERN COMMDNITY INSURANCE COMPANY THIS GERTIFlCATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF PO BOX 4848 INFORMATION ONLY. AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE POCATELLO, ID 83205-4848 CERTlACATE HOlDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR AL TEA THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BaOW - INSURED COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE IDA-COR TRANS INC % SHELLIE MARTIN COMPANY LEITER A 314 W CHERRY LN #66 WESTERN COMMUNITY INSURANCE COMPANY MERIDIAN ID 83642 COMPANY LETTER B COMPANY LETTER C COVERAGES .-. . .,..~ --~' " :~Ttns.§.I0.ßEBr!fY::;]"HAT -THE PøwCJEs..o.EJNS1J8ANCEUSJ:EQ..BELo.Wol::IA1lE:BEEN-lSS-~~ ->~-~--- ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WIlH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AlL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES. UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAlMS- . POUC'1' POLICY co EFFECnVE EXPIRA11CN LTR TYPe OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE GATE AL1.1JMßS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL UABIUTY GENERAL AGGAEGA TE $ 2000 A IX! CGL OCCURRENCE PRODUCT$-COMPIOP$ $INCL AGGREGATE PERSONAL & ADVEA11SING $1000 INJURY II OWNER'5 & PENDING 10-11-2005 10-11-2006 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000 CONTRACTOA'S PROT. AAEDAMAGE $100 ICAnvonelire\ II MEDICAL EXP~SES $5 (AntI one DefSOfl AUTOMOBILE UASIUfY II ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE UMIT $ II .ALL OWNED AUTOS II SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ lPerperson) II HIRED AUTO II NON-OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ IPer Accident\ II GARAGE UABJUTV PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY II EACH OCCURRENCE $ II OTHER THAN UMBREUA AGGREGATE $ fOAM II WORKER'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY AND EACH ACCIDENT $ EMPLOYER'S LlABa.ITY DlSEASE-POUCY UMIT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ OTHER DESCRIP11ON Of OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIRES1RIC1CIAL ßEMS: CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCEL1A11ON SHOULD AN'( OF 1'HE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELED BEFOAETHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOlDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL ALBERTSONS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGAllON OR UABIUTY OF ANY 250 PARKCENTER BLVD KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. . . AUTHORIZED REPRESENT A TWE . BOISE ID 83726 ~ ~./~ ,"" -- ..- ACRD 25-S C11-94) Insured' S Copy 10/141200507:46:38 AM LN \ 1 ' , -/ ' " -, iONS SIGN " " . \~ lr~r;;ë~-'sPiÑ'\ ,..'.~ . I P ARCEl " ' i 'I ~ \ \ 0\ \ \ ~. \ ÞÞRCEl "Z" I ~ I \ NOT-A-PÞRT, ". ' I ' , , I I' H , COttPACTOR' , : ' ..-.. . -..-. .-. -.--..-.-.....-..1... _..~.._. .~. rmrrr . PERMANENT ACCESS DRIVE J I III , ~ . -----------"'T..-..-..-..-"-..-.. ". ," . , \ " ALBERTSON'S SHOPS "c" !5! æ c en en .. ~ ~ ANI< :PERMANENT ACCESS DRIVE I I ..-..-.."..-..-.."..:1 ¡ - . I~ 'Z I ¡~ ;5 I i~ . Q L..., ..... , ø:: , 1JiI ; ;;:;J . S#41< ~ PYLON SIGN 5U~ ¿ DCA T%ÞtI ' I- :z: w ~ :E 0: W a. 1 § I ~ "'~¡j MAJOR "A" t&I > ã '" ~ ~ I a.. SHOPS "A" .. . E-t en ~ tfJ D:: - J%.. .~ tIJ < riI