Cross Access Agree_Lot-3_NOLAaaSOii �� Professional Erginaers, land surveyors and Planners L�/� 826 3"° Street South, Nampa, 1D 8365t CI� Ph C20t3) 4.�i4-0256 Fax C20B) 454-0�J79 o-mail: dholzhev�dmsena.us FOIL- Steve Hill JOB NO_: JA031 I DATE= January 25, 2012 "E7CHIBIT A 20.00 FOOT WIDE INGI2E.SS AND EGRESS A(�ROSS LOT 3 An easement being a portion of the NWl/4 SW 1/4 of Section 8, Townslvp 3 North, Stange 1 East, Boise Meridian, Ada County Idaho, mote particularly described as follows: Coatmeaeing as the southwest comer of the SW 1/4; Thence N 00^ 26' 17^ E a distance of 2650_94 feet along the west boundary of said SW 1/4 to the northwest cotna:r of said SWl/4; Thence S g9^ 54. 32^ E a distance of 60735 fee[ along the mrth boamdary of said NWI/4 SW 1/4 to a point Thence S 00^ 2T 28^ W a distance of 57.39 feast To the northeast comer of Lot 3 Block 1 ofNola Subdivisioq Tlrcaco S 00^ 2T 28^ W a.N^r a of202.20 fee[ along tits easoarly boundary of said Lot 3 to the POINT' OF BEGINNING o£ said casoment Thence continuing S 00^ 2T 28^ W a distance of 20_00 fcet along said easterly boundary to a point; Thence N g8^ 25' 30^ W a data ^� o£ lg2_47 fee[ patallel with and 5.00 fret northerly oftbe southerly boundary of said Loi 3 to a point oa the westerly boundary of said Lot 3. Thence N 00^ 26' 17^ E a distance of 20.00 feet along the westerly boundary of said Lot 3 to a point; Ml IONa�$TANrIf�_�. tNC. CM :Al2CF Ss$'1RVLl gP..SsF,S r�cl oft Thence 5 88^ 25. 30^ E a d+�n++�.-- of 182.48 feet parallel with and 25.00 feet northerly of the soutl�arly boundary of said Lot 3 to tlae POIIV"I' OF BEGINNING of said easement; "Phis easemevt contains O.OS acres moze or less. SUB.IECT TO: P.Il _a rights of waY and ens®Hants ofrecord or implied apt-^.n8 on the above- descrilaed parcel of land. vtNO �ptSTE s w„a�Z �l/ o O�� OF t0�� ��IV {i017-r`� MASON vSTANrIt11D.ING E/�Y../NCC?.`A.S'JRVCYLNCS 6 /'[ANNCKS Rg� 2 �3 ADA COUNTY RECORDEi1 Chritloplter D. Rich AMOUNT 19.00 9 8015E IDANO O?/09l11 OtaO PM DEPUTY Wkola Ohpn tt { ` ftECOROED-REQUEST OP 'tl "1�1'I "��I I, •f 1111111��,1I I' Mason Stenfieltl 1110125T3 ING12E a EG E NT 'iLe Granter desires to provide a 20' wide ingress and egress easemevt across a portion of the premises and properly ownod by Gnlnter and lmown as I.ol 3 Block 1 ofNoha Subdivision es recorded in Book 95 page 11629 iv the Ada Coanty, Idaho Recorder's Office, to bcnefltLo>e 1 and 2 B1ocK 1 ofNola Subdivisioq Ada County, Idaho. For consideration of 1be berrcfits to be received by the Graaha(s), Capital Idill IloldivgsLS..C., mIdaho limited liability comp�y, Gmvtor does hereby gr�ta20' wide varraxclrrsivc easam®t fe ingress mxd egress by vehicrH� and pedestrian traflic upon, over and across the Ltgresa avd Egcas Ate^--�^+�tto C , det"msd as the owners, taomats, contractors, employees, agents, sort invitees of Lola I aad 2 Block 1 of Nola SuMivision as rae0rded m Book 95 page 11629 in the Ada Cormty, Idaho 1Lacorder's OtSee. the stoa covered by this Ivgtoss/Egress Easement rs dcscn'bcd rt r'YrxttltlT "A^. (313E A7TACFffiD F.7CFIIBIT A) 'ILis vonexcluaive hlgreas and egrr-ss easement shall run with the tends described above. T'FII3 GRANIVR(s) and GRAbiT'EB hereby coveaam and agree that thry will not plarE or allow to be Placed any permanent struchars or othorw'ssa obatrarct the axes desam'bed for this ingress and egress easatoent, which would urterfere with the rtse of said casement, for the Pmpoass sorted hereixr_ 1'fIL+ GI2AN'I'OR do hereby covenant with the Gnmtee that they � lawfully seized and possesaetl of the aforemenrioned and described tract of laud, and than they Gave a good and lawful right to convry said easement IN WITNESS WIIHREOF, C:renmr(s) hav axa;uted Mis Ingt sand Egtcas Easement this � day of '3�_....w _ 2011 avd subscn'bed their signatures herei>L a A .�—•,� u.,, .i- 3TAT6 OF IDAFYO ) ) ss County of Ada ) On M:a 2.$ day of .1ct n i,ccc..-� _ =Ol 1, before me, a No1my Public iv and far tha State ofLiaho, personalty apyeated -(%to an0. s D. 44: 1 \ and (mown m idaaified m mein be the persons) whose names are subscribed within the in •meat, and aalmowledged m me that they ezecu[ed the same. IN Wl"1'NHSS WEIE�REOF, I taus hctcvnm se[ my Land and aH-vcW my otFia.ial seal We day and year fist above writtao. (S ) NOTARY PLTBIdC FOR IDAHO Residing ai Me�:.dl a_..t 11n Commission Expireao �-' C2:�1}` �.................. m��P,�r.: BO�90 e tyOTA�py Fy �_ s _ _ �'V Bl.t�' ��T9 ..✓ .2.0 �� , �"'bT� OF OPOJ ��_�� a ����� �_� �� � `���$_ ���� �¢ � ���t �'"�aex� '� a- = �vaA �€ as .. g � p-e � � g$t ^6 w gg� x�� �g Y �L � ggg � ���� �� � �� $ �$ a ��a i �� # S � ..R�Eg �gp� yy �� R $ s � a � � ���� �g �. ��� � g 9 �g� �a- m�������� � �� � ��� � �� �� � ��� � i ���_ � ��� gas � �=s - 2 �r �R"s � s � �gg� 3 �mA�a � � � �� �s s � � � €� s� �- � . � � ����� u�§ale � �° �a� o ���� ��a�sa �£ ��� ��� �� &R��s e � � ���&&y� � � � � � �ws z��q�sH�R�`��g�s� ��Ea�a� �f ga Q9 sBkrxs���gE���s s_�z�is �Aa�� �R ��������������� p� �sp� '¢�� .3 ��R g.�'�`39'�§qQ�a �G � — a zv. caorc nawo 2F 8}��S ^Q 9�5� �Z � ,n�c'n �'-9WaG'90�W 3H223oB =— Aa��=�'�c � \\g\ g gg � 3� a��� � s � rs s y �E �� — Q �_ .�$E3 �§ m � 4 ~� _—~_ two -- 62 _:_.a. �1 ¢ �_ e �M3� � 5 021'31'E B-BS' _ ��.y� ....._-.. _.-NOD2Y6i _E ..... `...E ¢ 3 S S zPm � � . m 4 � �. � m � QC � � m y - O -a '� ' f d� m � 1 � �'0 3 -�i z I l � m m m O � � fn 8 y.. ... .t � .� C � ya y CI m � � � d d 3 � xF ^� 8i �_ _ m � d a' W � m_ d d c �� '6- � g` P� c m_ N `CSC tq—i 6 6 i _� m d �_ � � .E1' 3 �+ O O �0 � 3 9 e e