2020-09/27 Delaine McLafferty Charlene Way From:Delaine McLafferty <kdskandles@msn.com> Sent:Sunday, September 27, 2020 3:23 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Teakwood Place Subdivision My name is Delaine McLafferty and I'm a homeowner in Tradewinds Subdivision that backs up to the land in question and I'm on the HOA board. We have some concerns about this subdivision being put in attached to ours without an exit to Victory Rd. 1. We have concerns regarding the traffic flow going through our subdivision without there being an exit onto Victory Rd. As I stated in a previous email regarding this the traffic trying to get out into the lane of traffic during rush hour traffic will be very hard as there are cars waiting to turn out but with the round about going in (this really needs to be considered) the distance from the beginning by Tradewinds and at the end leading out of the circle by the other subdivision is within 5 houses of the entrance/exit streets. During the other times of the day it might not be a problem but with the subdivision (getting revised before they come to you) on the SW corner of Locust Grove which also has one entrance right across from Coastline that leads into ours there is a potential to there to be 298 cars trying to leave at the same time between the 3 subdivisions. I would like to know if there has been a study done on Locust Grove as a South/North arterial road and the impact that so many cars will have? I also understand that there is another subdivision going in at Locust Grove and Lake Hazel with 2000 homes involved that is being planned now. We really need to have the roads figured out and the schools figured out before any more homes are given permission to build. They aren't made for so many cars to be on them at the same time. If not for you planning with ACHD and getting the roads underway and with West Ada School District to have the schools put in place this is like "putting the cart before the horse", who is planning how this city gets built? 2. I haven't seen how they have addressed the issue of the ponds and figuring out how to get them to work as per my letter before. This is still an issue with us and with the land being virtually the same piece of land, how are they going to fix the problem without making ours worse? The ground water is really too high and anymore water put in will cause it to be worse. 3. We have all of the houses on the East side of Tradewinds that would like to have the builder consider putting in single story houses that won't impact the living of the families in our subdivision. Thanks, Delaine McLafferty 208-870-7538 kdskandles@msn.com 1