2020-08-25 Rebecca Rose Charlene Way From:Tony Rose <trtrucker1@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 25, 2020 9:33 AM To:City Clerk; Sonya Allen Subject:Rezoning - Victory/Meridian Rd; Proposed subdivision Locust Grove/Victory To whom it may concern, I'm emailing to voice my DISAPPROVAL of the recent rezoning activities to allow for more apartment complexes and subdivisions. I'm concerned that not enough consideration is being given to traffic congestion, adding to the already overcrowding schools, property tax increases. I find it even more disturbing that this information is not always readily available & not easy to find. I understand growth is inevitable. However, I don't see smart growth happening. From a resident & taxpayer's point of view - I see any bare strip of land being gobbled up & apartments/subdivisions being squeezed in. What about the traffic from the apartments on Overland Rd (between Linder & Ten Mile)? We will have a huge increase of traffic from those residents, not to mention the apartments on Victory/Meridian Rd & the 2 new subdivisions on Victory/Locust Grove. Meridian Rd is backed up past Victory Rd on weekday mornings during the morning/evening rush hour (pre- pandemic). I work 3 miles from my home yet it takes me 30+ minutes to get home due to traffic congestion. Mountain View high school backs Overland Rd. up in the mornings with parents/students dropping off. Eagle Rd. is often backed up between Amity & Overland Rd in the evening rush hour. We have West Ada school district crying out due to severe overcrowding of buildings, not sufficient busing & of course the only remedy is to pass levies and/or bonds. When is the city going to impose impact fees to developers that ease the burden on the existing taxpayers? When is the city going slow down, pause for a minute & make decisions based on smart growth? When was the last traffic study performed? You cannot simply add this many residences without having a solution in place FIRST to ease overcrowding schools, congested streets. I think it's time this city stops reacting to the current situation & start proactively establishing solutions to existing problems without compounding them. Kind Regards, Rebecca Rose 1