2020-08-20 Tony and Kristie Campbell Charlene Way From:Kristie Campbell <campbellkristie5@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, August 20, 2020 8:22 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Victory Apartments - JUB Engineers To Whom It May Concern, We would like to add my voice to those who are in opposition to the possibility of an apartment complex being built on the Victory/Meridian SW parcel. We live in Strada Bellissima subdivision and already have a difficult time leaving our neighborhood during commute times. We are also concerned with the safety of Victory road since it is not a straight easily navigated roadway as it is. With improvements on the road scheduled for many years away, we feel it would not be responsible to add several hundred more vehicles to that roadway on a daily basis. Other concerns besides traffic include the overcrowding at the local schools, environmental safety issues, and an expected decrease in home values. We recognize that more housing may be needed in Meridian but feel that building a complex in this area would cause many more negative than positive effects. Thank you for your time and consideration, Tony and Kristie Campbell 2886 S. Appia Pl. Meridian Sent from my iPhone 1