2020-08-20 Brendan Goehner Charlene Way From:brendan goehner <brendangoehner@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, August 20, 2020 6:40 AM To:City Clerk Subject:Opposition to Rezoning SW Corner of Meridian and Victory To Whom it may Concern/City Council, I am writing to you to add my opinion on the proposed annexation and zoning application at the southwest corner of Victory and Meridian intersection for the development of 17 acres consisting of 188 two bedroom high density apartments along with 380 parking spots. I am in full opposition of the rezoning as I reside at 2968 S Alfani Way, Meridian, ID 83642 and own 210 Rockford in the Meridian Heights subdivision. I am very concerned that during high traffic times, tenants of the proposed property will use S. Alfani Way as a way of shortcutting through Strada Bellissima to access the proposed complex during high traffic times on Meridian Rd. This presents a significant safety threat, as Alfani is not designed for through traffic. In addition, the traffic congestion that would be caused from the single access point off of Victory road would make it likely that not all traffic from Victory could be cleared in a single light, leading to significant back ups. 380 parking spaces would mean a significant increase in traffic that would also necessitate widening Victory, which is an impossibility because of the Ridenbaugh canal. Not only would this create a significant burden for the residents of the surrounding developments, but I can imagine the burden it would place on the tenants of these apartments, not being able to get in or out of their complex during busy times in 1 or 2 light cycles. This congestion would lower the value for tenants, in turn the developer, as well as homeowners. If a zoning change is necessary, please consider an alternative of L-O or R-4, similar to Strada Bellissima. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you would like to further discuss my submission Regards, Brendan Goehner 208-631-8229 Sent from my iPad 1