2020-08-19 Nathan Gardiner Charlene Way From:Nathan Gardiner <ngardiner1996@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, August 19, 2020 10:22 AM To:Sonya Allen; planninginquiries; City Clerk Subject:Request to Rezone SW corner of Victory and Meridian Road To whom it may concern: I live in the Strada Bellisima subdivision and I am against the proposed rezoning of the southwest corner of Victory and Meridian Road. This area is already overly congested and the rezoning will make it worse. There are accidents at this intersection all the time. Some mornings traffic is backed up all the way from Overland to Victory and vice versa in the evening. In the mornings traffic is backed up past Alfani Way trying to get on Meridian road. I bought my house based upon the low density zoning in the area. Rezoning will reduce my property values and would in my opinion reflect a lack of long range planning. If a developer can rezone an area to make money at the expense of other property owners, there is no planning just cronyism. Thank you for considering my comments. Nathan Gardiner Sent from my iPhone 1