2020-08-18 Sierra Spivey Adrienne Weatherly From:Sierra Spivey <sierra.r.spivey@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 3:56 PM To:City Clerk; Sonya Allen Subject:New housing for meridian victory & meridian rd To Whom It May Concern; I would like to voice my strong approval for the new proposed housing development located at meridian and victory roads. It’s my understanding that many esidents of the surrounding subdivisions are speaking out and voicing their displeasure and asking for it not to happen. As a resident of the surrounding around and a resident of meridian for all 33 years of my life I would like to remind them that their houses causes additional traffic and busy areas as well and were probably met by groups of people who didn’t want them built either. The proposed housing is an great idea! We all know idaho is growing especially Meridian and we know that home ownership is out of the question for many but affordable housing and apartments arent. As this area grows, yes traffic will increase and we are all aware of it. It’s part of growth and building of community. I am excited to see more housing, children and families in this area, it will bring more businesses and revenue to this side of meridian. I encourage and look forward to this project! Sierra spivey Sent from my iPhone 1