2020-08-17 Todd Montrose Adrienne Weatherly From:Todd Montrose <naomimontros@q.com> Sent:Monday, August 17, 2020 9:13 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Victory Aparmtments CPAM A2# 2020-0065 If Meridian values family as it says, Putting an apartment complex next to Meridian road with a poor access point onto Victory road is just poor city planning. Overland road is building huge apartment complexes, as you know, already in this area and adding Victory apartments is not going to add value to the existing home subdivisions while making traffic dysfunctional getting onto victory road. The addition of the subdivisions along victory road feeding onto Meridian Road will all but stop traffic coming in and out of the Victory Apartments during peak rush times let alone the surrounding subdivisions in the area. Mixed use would better serve this area when looking at home values and traffic. I get the affordable housing issue and on each side of the Interstate from 10 mile to Meridian I think you have this area saturated with apartments already. I vote no.. Todd Montrose. Native Idahoan, Meridian resident since 1994 and Strada Bellissima resident since 2007. 1