2020-08-17 Heidi Wanta Adrienne Weatherly From:Heidi Ritting wanta <heidiritt@icloud.com> Sent:Monday, August 17, 2020 5:45 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Apartments/ growth To Whom it may Concern/City Council, I am writing to you adding my opinion on the proposed annexation and zoning application at the southwest corner of Victory and Meridian intersection for the development of 17 acres consisting of 188 two bedroom high density apartments along with 380 parking spots. We moved here 6+ years ago. It has become more and more crowded and unpleasant. Schools where so crowded I decided to homeschool. I can’t stand leaving the house anymore. It’s too freakin crowded. Stop the insanity. Way too much growth... it is no longer a pleasant place to live. Heidi Wanta Sent from my iPhone 1