2020-08-17 Sual Hernandez Charlene Way From:Saul Hernandez <saul.boise@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, August 17, 2020 2:48 PM To:Luke Cavener; Sonya Allen; planninginquiries; City Clerk Subject:VICTORY APARTMENTS CPAM AZ H-2020-065 To the City of Meridian, This letter is to inform you of my intent to add this to the public record for the project mentioned above. We do not have the structure and infrastructure in place for a project of this density. Our schools area already over capacity and this will only create a bigger problem for our neighborhood and its children. Road Congestion, people already drive extremely crazy and unsafe due to the lack of roads and the huge demand for more roads. This will only create more problems and I fear for my kids, we live on Alfani way. As congestion continues to be a problem, I will expect to see more people cut through Alfani and then Maestra for access to Meridian Road. IT WILL BE EXTREMELY UNSAFE, for the children who live on the access points from Meridian and Victory through Strada Bellissima. This is a violation of our private property rights and its values to home properties. I am 100% against the rezoning for this project, I vote NO and unequivicably wish to add my comments for the Public record. i plan to attend the meeting to make my voice be heard. Thank you 1