2020-08-17 Joan Rudd Charlene Way From:Joan Rudd <jrudd143@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, August 17, 2020 2:32 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Opposing building 8/20 meeting I am out of town for the meeting so I am sending my voice by email. To Whom it may Concern/City Council, I am writing to you adding my opinion on the proposed annexation and zoning application at the southwest corner of Victory and Meridian intersection for the development of 17 acres consisting of 188 two bedroom high density apartments along with 380 parking spots. I live in Victory Rd between Eagle and Locust Grove. In high traffic times of the day, during normal traffic, pre Covid, I am unable to get out of my driveway. I also teach piano after school and parents cannot turn into my driveway due to traffic. I have seen the line of cars westbound backed up to Eagle Rd and trying to get through Locust Grove Rd and down to Meridian Rd. Cars coming east bound to Eagle Rd from Meridian Rd are non stop and it is very difficult for me to leave my driveway for work as well. This proposed project will only make traffic more congested and difficult for everyone. This has already doubled traffic when the Red Tail apt complex and new housing subdivisions were built at the corner of Victory abd Meridian Rd. I am in full opposition of the rezoning as I reside on S Alfani Way, Meridian, ID 83642. Not only will it affect the property values of our neighborhood consisting of Strada Bellissima and Bear Creek subdivisions along with surrounding subdivisions but will also directly allow tenants of the proposed property to use S. Alfani Way as a way of shortcutting thru my neighborhood to access the proposed complex during high traffic times on Meridian Rd which will put a threat to the youth and bi-standards that use S. Alfani Way to walk or play on or around. This may not seem to be the case but looking at the map of the proposal it will be easy to shortcut coming off of Meridian Rd going west on W Maestra St and then heading south on S. Alfani Way to get to Victory Rd avoiding the delays from the intersection when traffic backs up at Victory/Meridian intersection and visa versa in the mornings and afternoons. Please reconsider. Joan Rudd 1