2020-07-09 MERIDIAN PLANNING AND (:>-WE IDIAN- ZONING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance X* Lisa Holland X* Patricia Pitzer X Andrew Seal X* Nick Grove X* Rhonda McCarvel Bill Cassinelli X* Ryan Fitzgerald —Chairperson *Denotes Virtual Attendance via Zoom Item 2: Adoption of Agenda -Adopted 3. Consent Agenda [Action Item] Item 4: Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process:After the Public Hearing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned city planner. Following Staffs report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they may be allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. A. Public Hearing Continued from May 21, 2020 for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20/26) - Continued to August 20, 2020 1. Request: Rezone of a total of 21.59 acres of land for the purpose of reducing the C-C zone from approximately 7 acres to 0.74 acres and increase the R-15 zone from approximately 15.1 acres to 20.85 acres; and, 2. Request: A Short Plat consisting of 2 building lots and 2 common lots on 21.59 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts; and, 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 195 residential units on 20.13 acres in the R-15 zone; and, 4. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreements (Inst. #'s: 106151218; 107025555; 110059432; and 114054272) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundaries and terms of previous agreements and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan. B. Public Hearing for Epic Storage Facility (H-2020-0058) by Jarron Langston, Located at 1345 W. Overland Rd. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for August 11, 2020 1. Request: Rezone of 4.43 acres of land from the R-8 zoning district (Medium-density Residential) to the C-G zoning district (General Retail and Service Commercial) for the purpose of developing commercial storage on the site; and, 2. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a 29,400 square foot storage facility and associated outdoor storage on 4.43 acres in the C-G zoning district. C. Public Hearing for Apex (H-2020-0066) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located generally located east of S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. Columbia Rd. 1. Request: Modification to Existing Development Agreements (H- 2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC — Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton, LLC — Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership — Inst. #2016-007074) to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed development plan. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for August 11, 2020 2. Request: Annexation of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district. - Request Continued to a Future Date to be Determined 3. Request: A Rezone of 384.27 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-8 (144.78+119.28=264.06 acres), R-15 (76.93 acres) and C-C (43.28 acres) zoning districts. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for August 11, 2020 D. Public Hearing for Apex Northwest (H-2020-0056) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located at the Northwest Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for August 11, 2020 1. Request: Preliminary Plat consisting of 120 residential buildable lots, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. E. Public Hearing for Apex Southeast (H-2020-0057) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located at the Southeast Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for August 11, 2020 1. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 237 residential buildable lots, 2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other (shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. F. Public Hearing for Tara's Landing (H-2020-0048) by Mike Homan, Located at 5025 W. Larry Ln. - Continued to September 3, 2020 1. Request: Annexation of 6.34 acres of land with an R-8 zoning district; and, 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 29 buildable lots and 2 common lots on 6.14 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. G. Public Hearing for Ustick Marketplace Storage (Phase 2) (H-2020- 0051) by Rick Steward with Babcock Design, Located at 3535 N. Records Ave. - Approved 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a self-service storage facility consisting of 116 +/- units on 1 acre of land in the C-G zoning district. Meeting Adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Item 1. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting July 9, 2020. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of July 9, 2020, was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Present: Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Andrew Seal, Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Nick Grove and Commissioner Patricia Pitzer. Members Absent: Commissioner Bill Cassinelli. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Adrienne Weatherly, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen, Joe Dodson, Alan Tiefenbach and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Rhonda McCarvel X Andrew Seal X Nick Grove X Patricia Pitzer Bill Cassinelli X Ryan Fitzgerald - Chairman Fitzgerald: Okay. At this time I would like to call to order the regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning meeting for the date of July 9th and let's start with a roll call. Item 2: Adoption of Agenda Fitzgerald: Thanks, Madam Clerk. The first item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda. Unfortunately for our time frame this evening we don't have anything that's changing, so if we could have a motion to adopt the agenda as presented this evening. Seal: So moved. McCarvel: So moved. Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and multiple seconds. All those in favor of approving tonight's agenda as presented signify by saying aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Item 3: Consent Agenda [Action Item] Fitzgerald: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda. We don't have anything on the Consent Agenda tonight, so we are going to skip over that. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. 5 Page 2 of 82 Fitzgerald: We will move on to -- kind of let me walk through how we are going to do this. We have kind of a quasi in-person -- Mr. Seal being a champ in -- in person at the chambers headquarters, along with our staff. But on your screen you will see the rest of the Commissioners who are present for this evening's meeting. Also on the call or present are the city attorney and city clerk, staff, as well as our Planning staff. Everyone else that is online is either going to be on Zoom. We may have some-in person attendees who will be in chambers. So, you may have observe the meeting and you can see that we are here both online and in person. During the public testimony portion of the meeting you will be unmuted if you are on Zoom. If you have previously sent in a presentation that staff will help work to make sure that that presentation is running for your discussion. The Clerk can also assist you with bringing up slides if you are on Zoom. So, just let them know. If you are simply watching from home tonight we would ask that you use the city's YouTube channel, which is -- you can access that at meridiancity.org\live and you can do that. If you are in person, obviously, we will go through the normal process. When public testimony is open the Clerk will call the names of those who have signed up to testify. If you are on Zoom you will be unmuted. If you are in person you can go up to the dais and be heard. I will call on you individually. Please state your name and your address for the record and you will have three minutes to present to the Commission. After that time we may ask questions for clarification and, then, once we do so, if you are done, you can sit down in public or you will be muted and, then, moved into the participant -- or the non- participants if you are on zoom. Once all those that sign up in advance are called on, we will do one more check-in to make sure we have heard from everyone and, then, we will close the public -- public meeting and we can hopefully deliberate and make a recommendation to City Council. We do have a couple that may have -- of applications tonight that may have some input from an HOA. If you do signify you are from an HOA and representing a group of people you will have ten minutes to testify and we will make that determination at that time. So, any questions before moving forward? Madam Clerk, are we ready to go? Everything is squared away? Weatherly: Yes, Mr. Chair, we are ready. Item 4: Action Items A. Public Hearing Continued from May 21, 2020, for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20126) 1. Request: Rezone of a total of 21.59 acres of land for the purpose of reducing the C-C zone from approximately 7 acres to 0.74 acres and increase the R-15 zone from approximately 15.1 acres to 20.85 acres; and, 2. Request: A Short Plat consisting of 2 building lots and 2 common lots on 21.59 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts; and, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. 6 Page 3 of 82 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 195 residential units on 20.13 acres in the R -15 zone; and, 4. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreements (Inst. #' s: 106151218; 107025555; 110059432; and 114054272) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundaries and terms of previous agreements and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan Fitzgerald: Okay. Let's move to our first item on our agenda, which is the public hearing, which was continued from May 21 st for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat, File Number H- 2020-0022, and let's start with the staff report. Joe, are you with us? Dodson: Yes, sir. Thank you. Can you guys all hear me all right? Fitzgerald: Yep. Dodson: Okay. I know we have had audio issues, so just wanted to make sure we are good. This is a long one, so bear with me. The application before you is a request for rezone, short plat, development agreement modification, conditional use permit and private streets. The private street application is a director level administrative review and is not specifically being voted on tonight. However, the -- any motion will include all of the applications. In addition -- my apologies. The subject site -- apologize. Just bear with me, Commissioners. Fitzgerald: Joe, while you are doing that, Commissioners, I need to disclose something to the Commission while he is -- Joe is getting squared away. I live in Spurwing and I feel like I can be fair and balanced on this application, but I will leave that to the Commission to determine if you would like me to recuse myself during this -- or do we have a quorum without me and I can just run the meeting and let you guys deliberate, but if you don't have a concern with me standing in for this application -- Holland: I don't see any concerns. I appreciate you disclosing. Seal: I was going to say something, too. My mother-in-law lives in Spurwing as well, but she doesn't really like me, so I think we are good. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Seal. Appreciate that. Joe, are you ready, sir, to continue? Dodson: Mr. Chair, we are joining the Zoom meeting. That was something we missed on the front end, so we will get that going and I will restart. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. 7 Page 4 of 82 Fitzgerald: Okay. Perfect. Commissioners, did everybody get a copy of the outline for tonight's meeting in the mail or in front of you if you were at the office? Someday this is all going to be easier and we are going to be able to hang out together again. Oh, we can see what you are working on. I like it. Dodson: Perfect. Okay. Now we are all good to go. Thank you, everybody, for being patient. So, again, Item No. 4-A before you is Modern Craftsman at Black Cat, H-2020- 0022. The application before you is a request for a rezone, short plat, development agreement modification, conditional use permit and private streets. The subject site consists of approximately 23 acres of land, currently zoned C-C and R-15. The requested rezone is to simply move the boundaries of the existing zoning, but not to change the zoning designations. The future land use designation on this property is mixed use community, which generally requires three distinct land uses and any residential use to be constructed at six to 15 dwelling units per acre. Modern Craftsman is proposed with a gross density of 8.7 DU per acre, which is easily within that range. When analyzing projects within the mixed use community future land use designation, the approved and/or developed land uses nearby must also be taken into account. The proposed project offers an area of commercial zoning that should accommodate multiple future uses. The commercial area is proposed of two building sites that have multiple suites, so there is potential that multiple distinct land uses will be available on site. Staff has also taken into account adjacent land uses in nearby development. Directly to the east of the site is the future Rock Harbor Church site, a different use than proposed with this project. Within a half mile to the west and off of Chinden Boulevard, a mixed use project, Central Valley Plaza and the Pollard Subdivision, is approved and will offer multiple additional uses and employment opportunities that maybe these future residences could use. Within a half mile to the east the new Costco building has been approved and is in the process of receiving building permit approval and directly across North Black Cat to the west more commercial development is proposed within the Fairbourne Subdivision. Therefore, staff finds that the -- that there is adequate commercial proposed with this site and adjacent properties to satisfy the mixed use requirements. Access for this development is proposed via private streets off of North Black Cat Road and West Tree Crest Way, which is the street abutting the north of the property. The two proposed access points to Black Cat Road have been approved by ACHD, but typically access to Black Cat, an arterial, or collector in this sense -- in this instance, is limited by the city. The applicant may request from City Council to keep the two access points as proposed in accord with UDC 11-3A- 3. The applicant is also proposing an access in the northeast corner of the property that connects to a shared driveway with the Rock Harbor Church site. Private streets are propose throughout the development with two running east-west and two running north- south. Three running north-south. Access via Chinden Boulevard is prohibited and is not proposed. Due to the nature of the proposed use staff believes private streets are appropriate in this development. The proposed private streets appear to meet all UDC requirements, except for the requirement that they be on their own common lot or within an easement. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to revise the plat and correct this. Other than future commercial and proposed -- the proposed use on this site is multi-family residential. However, it is not traditional garden style apartment buildings, it is a hybrid of single family style homes within a multi-family development, which by Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. 8 Page 5 of 82 definition is multiple buildings on one building lot. The proposed units are a majority of single story, one, two and three bedroom detached units, without garages. The applicant is proposing traditional apartment style parking, but some units do have attached one car garages. Townhomes are also proposed along the perimeter of the site on the west side and the east side and all of these units have attached garages on their first floor. Largely the proposed residential units in this development look like detached single family homes, but have on-street parking and less private open space than a standard 4,000 or 8,000 square foot lot. Off-street parking is required to be proposed -- or sorry. Is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for multi-family dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. A submitted and revised plan and conditional use plan shows 497 spaces for the entire development. Four hundred and thirty-six are proposed for the residents, 28 reserved for the clubhouse and the remaining 33 for the proposed commercial. Of the 436 for the residential, 179 are uncovered, 134 are covered carports and the remaining 123 our garage spaces. The minimum amount of parking required for the multi-family portion of this development is 360 spaces, with 196 of those required to be covered. Therefore, the proposed parking counts exceed the minimum UDC requirements. The commercial areas proposed in the southwest corner of the site is shown as approximately 12,800 square feet that would -- that is to be spread across two building pads. The smaller pad, approximately 2,000 square feet, shares a plaza with the tot lot and open space near the west central portion of the site. For commercial uses the parking requirement is one space for every 500 square feet and the proposed commercial area would require a minimum of 26 spaces. The applicant has proposed 33 for the commercial area, exceeding the minimum amount. A portion -- a portion of the proposed parking directly abuts the street -- the private street on the southern end of the site and those utilizing the commercial parking would have to back out or back into or drive directly onto the private street in order to exit those spaces. This is not specifically prohibited by code, but is far from ideal. Staff believes this type of parking setup may cause additional accidents and, therefore, recommends a redesign of the parking for proposed -- for the proposed commercial area. This redesign should minimally include a five foot wide landscape Island along the edge of this proposed parking area to eliminate this conflict and the applicant should still provide the required number of parking stalls based on the gross floor area of the commercial area. Here is a blow up of the commercial area in the southwest corner. Hopefully you guys can see that a little better. Open space requirements for this project are two tiered. The project must meet the general ten percent open space requirement and the common and private open space requirements in the specific use standards for multi-family development. Based on the proposed plat area, which is 21.59 acres, a minimum of 2.16 acres of qualified open space should be provided to satisfy the ten percent requirement. Based on the size of the residential units, 55,000 additional square feet or 1.26 acres of additional qualifying open space should be provided to satisfy the specific use standards. In total, the minimum amount of common open space to be provided should be 3.42 acres. The applicant has proposed a total of 3.78 acres of qualified open space, of which 2.36 acres qualifies for the minimum ten percent requirement and amounts to approximately 10.9 percent. The remaining 1.42 acres of open space meets the requirements of the specific use standards -- or I should say exceeds them by approximately 10,000 square feet. In addition to the common open space, the applicant is proposing vastly more private open Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. 191 Page 6 of 82 space than is required by the specific use standards. The specific use standards require at least 80 square feet of private usable open space per unit. The applicant is proposing on average 419 square feet of private usable open space per unit, exceeding the UDC minimum requirements. The applicant and staff worked closely and diligently to design the open space in such a way to integrate the commercial with the residential as required in the mixed use community policies and goals. This integration and the proposed use allows for increased pedestrian connectivity. The open space meeting the requirements in 11-3G consists of a ten foot multi-use pathway within the Chinden Boulevard landscape buffer, common lots of open space areas and required street buffers along adjacent roadways. The area satisfying the specific use standard requirements -- I apologize. consists of MEWs between unit blocks, including a long vista that connects the east side of the development with the west side of the site and connects to the clubhouse and tot lot and plaza area shared between the commercial units and the residential. Some end cap landscape areas are also included in this and smaller areas of open space that meet the minimum 20 by 20 dimensions. All in all staff finds the proposed common and private open space as sufficient for a project of this size and the proposed use. There are a number of amenities proposed within this development. The multi-use pathway is the qualifying site amenity that meets the requirements in 11-3G-3. The following amenities are proposed to meet the specific use standard requirements. A clubhouse with offices for rent by the residents. A tot lot. A swimming pool. Picnic shelters with barbecue areas. A plaza. And a community garden. There is also a proposed dog park area seen on the open space exhibit in the northwest corner of the site, but it is not a qualifying site amenity due to it not meeting UDC requirements as such. In addition, the applicant is proposing 102 self storage lockers, each one being 12 square feet, spread throughout each of the garage buildings, so that residents may store small amounts of personal items on site and near their units. This is also not a qualifying amenity, but staff finds that these will likely be very much used. The applicant has submitted a concurrent design and re- application for the submitted elevations and staff finds the submitted architecture of the residential portion of the development complies with the architectural standards manual, except for those elevations for the proposed townhome style units. To ensure compliance with the ASM, the applicant should create differentiation between some of the six-plex townhome buildings through different architectural designs and color palettes. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to correct this. Commercial elevations were not proposed --were not submitted with this application, but future buildings should corporate similar architectural features to ensure a cohesive design as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and the architectural standards manual. A separate design and re- application will be required for the commercial portion of the development. The city has received a number of written testimony for this application. There was at least 30, so am not going to speak specifically to each one, but generally the main points of discussion throughout the written testimony were the following points: That the project was too dense. There is minimal open space, so the residents will flock to nearby subdivisions. There was a request to make the site more like Spurwing development to the northeast. Issues with school enrollment and capacities. And some offered the option of nearby residents would prefer a 55 and up gated community or more upscale retail space. To discuss a few of these, this development is in the future land use designation a mixed use designation, so it cannot be specifically like Spurwing. It will never be able to meet those Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. Flo] Page 7 of 82 types of densities, unfortunately. It's just the way it goes with the Comprehensive Plan. If it were to be a gated community there would be significantly less units because of our UDC requirements with gates. I just wanted to make Commission aware of that. And as always school enrollment and capacities are definitely an issue. We understand this. Overall staff recommends approval of the requested applications with the DA provisions and the conditions of approval contained within the staff report. And I will stand for questions, Commissioners. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Questions for staff? Commissioner Holland, go right ahead, ma'am. Holland: Oh. Actually, I didn't mean to unmute. I was just turning my camera back on. I don't have any questions right now. Fitzgerald: Okay. Any questions for Joe? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: Just a quick question on the -- where they want to make the commercial property smaller, do you have a -- a map of that? I know there is one in here somewhere, but I can't locate it. Dodson: Within the staff report I do, yes. Roughly it's being reduced from about seven acres to a little under two acres of the commercial zoning and, then, the R-15 is growing to take over the rest of that to the north of the southwest corner. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Dodson: Yes, sir. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions at this time? Do we have the applicant in the building or on Zoom? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we are getting the applicant set up in the room. One moment, please. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thanks, ma'am. Riggs: Chairman, Commissioner -- Commissioners, this is Matthew Riggs with Baron Properties. 1401 17th Street out of Denver, Colorado. I'm representing Modern Craftsman at Black Cat. With me is Liz Schloss, who will also be speaking to some points here. Would like to start with a brief introduction of who Baron Properties is. My father Jeff Riggs founded our firm in 1983. We have been in the multi-family and apartment space over the last 37 years, having owned, operated and developed over 125 apartment Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. Fill Page 8 of 82 communities in the Mountain West. Meridian is a place that we are looking to grow our platform. We own one 220 unit multi-family community in town already, so this will be our first ground up development that we are proposing. Let me start with kind of what our objective was when we set out for this site some year and a half ago. We studied Meridian and the surrounding land uses and what we saw was, you know, the demand for a unique, highly innovative residential product and our team, in collaboration with local engineers, architects, general contractors, consultants, counsel and staff, have worked at length at coming to what is before you today we are excited about the product we have put in front of the Commission here this evening. We are proud of the work we have done with staff. We have held two neighborhood meetings, one in January, the other June 30th, about ten days ago, working with neighboring HOAs and look to incorporate much of that commentary and feedback into this proposed site plan. I will begin, I believe, with what will be a fly through rendering of the site and, then, jump into more specifics here. Dodson: Matt, I will do it for you. Riggs: Okay. Thanks, Joe. Go ahead and hit play on that if you would. While Joe is teeing that up, you know, I think overall our primary objective in this is to introduce a new element of rental residences into Meridian. Over the years studying the multi-family product and the demand drivers therein, we have identified a few things that we believe improved as -- as demonstrated here and we will get into in more detail in the site plan. Go ahead and hit play if you would. Thanks, Joe. Dodson: Yes, sir. Sorry about that. Riggs: So, as noted here, this is our general site plan. The southwest corner is proposed commercial, whereas the rest of the property is proposed as townhomes, duplexes and two and three bedroom single story, standalone residences. This is the northern entrance on Black Cat entering into the project. We did gain and pull a lot of inspiration from neighboring projects, including our neighbors to the -- to the north and further to the west. This is the north -- the northern -- northwest corner of the -- of the -- of the site. This is a large dog park and open space area. As you can see townhome and single family units abut it with nice -- nice space there. This is our clubhouse, on-site leasing office, a best in class fitness center. Parcel pending lockers. A work from home, very high end conference and workstation area. We do have a tot lot, high end pool deck and spa and, then, a large open area for the residents and community to -- to gather. After extensive conversation with our neighbors and staff, we have chosen to propose -- well, here is the -- here is -- I will get back to that. This is the clubhouse interior. Again, high end, best in class interior clubhouse. That's a community conference area. Kitchen. There is sporadic seating, conference rooms, and areas that we believe will -- will work well with our residents who telecommute, work from home, or just need somewhere outside of their residence where they would like to -- to spend time and congregate. Continuing to work through I believe into what is going to be the fitness center and another -- again, more more seating area. This is the fitness center. This is what I was referencing. This is this structure here is a pop-up flex space building that we think is ideal for a farmers market, artist studios, you know, all sorts of yoga, exercise -- really anywhere that they Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F12 Page 9 of 82 don't need a permanent space. We have seen, you know, restaurants with new concepts like the -- like the setup, trial dates and host dinners for the residences. So, a lot of different areas that -- that that can go. This is a central corridor walkway connecting the open space and amenities on the western side of the project with the east side of the project. Our goal in this overall was to really give the users here choice as it relates to proximity to -- to different amenities. Many of our users we believe will not want to be close to pools and tot lots and, instead, prefer privacy, so we have -- we have balanced the site plan and site amenities accordingly. These here are the townhomes. There is 42 of them on site. Direct access two car garages and two stories of living space. Really nice, private patio space and -- and not too dissimilar to a lot of the high end townhomes that I'm sure many of you have already seen here in town. This is a unique feature of our community. Each one of our single family homes and many of our townhomes will have private outdoor space for the residents. I believe that the code mandates 80 square feet or so of private space. Our average is 420 square feet of private space outside. So, think, you know, overall that -- that adds, you know, an element that we believe is unique to our-- to our building here. Jumping to the PowerPoint, Joe, if we could, I will jump into the site plan and kind of how we ended up landing on where things are located on the site. If I can control it. There we go. So, as I noted before, 1983 was our founding. We are in nine markets. Currently have seven active development projects underway. We have been working on Modern Carftsman at Black Cat for about 18 months now and during that time -- and especially over the last four or five months we have honed in on this site plan. Beginning in the southwest corner, which is the proposed commercial area, you know, we believe that -- that a commercial element of this is -- is definitely important to, you know, the community and our proposed development. We envision, given what is surrounding the area in terms of other employment and commercial uses, including the medical campus to the west, the new Costco and a number of other elements, that a large scale commercial development is not optimal for this, but, instead, looking for something to more service on the day care, medical office, dentist office, perhaps a high end restaurant and cafe, something along those lines is really what we would look to source a user for and, then, develop the -- the building thereafter. In the eastern part of the commercial area there, as noted on this, you can see a small community garden area that we have proposed. We envision that not only for our residents, but other-- you know, just open to the general public for those that would be interested in a plot of land to garden in. So, we have seen that before in some of our other developments and believe it would be a good buffer between the proposed commercial use and the residences immediately to the east. Moving north from there is the pop-up flex commercial space that I noted. Again, we think this is a great space for the more flex user, yoga, art studio, farmers market and that area opens up to our lawn, our tot lot, and further to the north our clubhouse. So, really, what we have envisioned between the southwest corner commercial area and the flex space into our leasing office and amenity clubhouse is really a nice community congregation area that we believe, you know, will serve not only the needs of our residents, but of the surrounding community. We did after conversations over the last few months add elements of two story townhomes on the west side of the -- of the space -- of the site plan here. You can see two of those buildings proposed, one about mid block and further up to the -- up to the northernmost boundary. In between those are a couple of two and three bedroom single story dwelling units with large private Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F13 Page 10 of 82 backyards. As we move further east in the project this is where the -- the density of our single family units is concentrated. We -- we believe that this single family for rent model horizontal apartment, if you will, is unique and highly valuable to -- to what the community needs here. We own a lot of two and three story walk up suburban product and what this offers is a little bit higher end, different living -- living experience than that. The one bedroom units in this product type are duplexes, so they have a shared center wall and they all have private backyards. The two and three bedroom product type are all standalone structures, so nobody living above or below the residents, nobody on either side and, again, private backyards of varying sizes between about 250 square feet up to almost 900 square feet of private outdoor living space. You know, this community overall features -- I think it's seven different floor plans across five building structures and our -- our goal here was to achieve a semi-custom feel. We have each of the residences, you know, under a number of different color palettes and roof lines, so when you drive through this community as demonstrated in the fly throughs, it is not a replication of the same structure over and over and over again, but, instead, we have drawn from our neighbors and high end, you know, single family residences throughout Meridian to pull into -- to what our design standards are here today. On the eastern north side of the site is where the concentration of our townhomes are. Those townhomes abut Rock Harbor Church and, then, complement the townhome development -- the for sale townhome development that's currently under construction north of Rock Harbor. A lot of this is what I just covered, you know, we -- we really were looking towards making resident choice and resident privacy a big -- a big component of this community. We have added the private direct access garages. We have added the private garages, standalone carports and surface parking as a means to park all of the residential and as noted by staff we -- we did add over a hundred self storage lockers, as that was another common theme of -- of a resident need is more storage in these type of dwelling units. These are a couple examples of what we are building here. This is the one bedroom, one bath, duplex model. As you can see it is relatively modern, high end exterior and interior finishes is what we are envisioning there. A couple of different two bedroom options, including the two bedroom with direct access one car garage. The three bedroom two bath surface park and, then, the townhome that we have already talked about, of which there will be 42 of those proposed. Where we drew our inspiration from and where we see the residents is really a couple of different areas. We think that newly forming households, call it Millennials, are going to be a big component of this resident base. This is a type of product type that is great for an early -- an early household, maybe they have young kids, maybe they don't, but they are not quite ready for homeownership and this is a good step over the traditional apartment experience. The other pillar that we have seen really draw to this product type is retirees and baby boomers who are looking to simplify and downside -- downsize their house into a more management free call when -- when you -- when you have something of need with on-site management, use the amenities and work from home space as necessary. Both of these require a lot of storage and that private yard space as noted and, then, quickly here, Liz, I know I am running out of time. If you would jump into --or I will cover it. You know, some of the more, you know, high level community amenities that we are looking for, 24 -- seven day a week management on site. We will plan a valet trash service that picks up the trash from each -- each resident's door step. We have on-site coworking space and conference rooms. We have great outdoor living Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F14] Page 11 of 82 space and connectivity as mentioned, multiple sustainability initiatives and -- as it relates to our construction. Lots of shared space for entertaining and congregation and the ever increasing need for online delivery parcels are all highly considered. The apartments are all spacious floor plans with ten foot plus ceilings. Very good light. That's really one of our main focal points. We will have security systems and smart technology in all of the units. High end finishes and, again, ample storage. That kind of wraps up my quick 15 minutes and looking forward to questions and any other detail I can provide to the Commission. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Matt, we appreciate it. Any questions for the applicant? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go ahead. Seal: Just real quick. Could you show us again the -- exactly where that pop up is located? Riggs: Yes. So, it is immediately north of our proposed commercial area, between our clubhouse and the commercial area. So, the pop up is that structure right there. Seal: Okay. Another quick question. On the response you said you were in agreement with pretty much everything in the staff report, with the exception of 2.9. When I looked that up it has to do with the selection of trees. Is that the one that you were referring to or -- Riggs: No. I believe it had to do with the timing as it relates to some of the horizontal infrastructure that goes in place. I think it's necessary for, you know -- Borton: Matt, you're breaking up a little bit. We can't hear you very well. Riggs: So, our intent was not to talk through the -- the trees, it was to discuss the street signs that are to be in place. The sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, roads -- road base approved by ACHD and the final plat for the subdivision to be recorded prior to submitting for building permits. That is what we would push back on. Not be in agreement with. Dodson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Dodson: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Commissioner Seal, the -- that is a standard condition for Public Works and the point in there that's the hiccup is the final plat. This is a request for a short plat, so there will not be a final plat, so that condition is -- that portion of the condition is not necessary. They will be able to go to building permit prior to that recording. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F15] Page 12 of 82 Seal: Okay. Thank you for your explanation. Riggs: And I would add that -- apologies. I would add, Commissioners, that we envision this as a single phase residential development, so we will go in and build the roads and -- and an infrastructure and, then, build the residences from west to east all in one construction time frame if you will. We do envision the commercial as being a future development as soon as we source a user for -- for that area, just to put that on record. Fitzgerald: Joe, do we need to be specific about that in our recommendations or whatever our direction is? Dodson: Mr. Chair. No, that shouldn't be necessary. If you strike out the whole condition we will still be able to take care of everything, sir. Fitzgerald: Okay. Additional questions? Commissioner Holland, did you have questions? Holland: My question was the same as Commissioner Seal's about the location of the flex space and if that was an addition to the commercial product. I think that that is pretty clear that that's an additional piece. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Mr. Chair. Yeah. Could you -- in the staff report -- or in the staff narrative they talked about the parking spaces on -- by the commercial abutting up to the main road and could you talk about what your thoughts are on redesigning those parking spots? Riggs: Yes. Absolutely. Thank you. So, we are open to redesign those parking spaces. Our -- our concept here that we put out -- we tried not to put a very detailed commercial site plan here, as our expertise is primarily residential, so, you know, we would more than adhere to what staff is recommending and any conditions therein and -- and make sure that the future daycare or whatever it is that goes there meets those standards, including making sure that the parking doesn't need to back up onto that roadway -- that private street there. McCarvel: Okay. Thank you. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Holland: One -- one thing I -- well, first of all, I want to thank you for creating the visual, because I think it's always really helpful when we can kind of visualize exactly what your concept looks like. You have clearly done a lot of work getting ready for this presentation, so we certainly appreciate all that hard work and effort that goes into it. One question I have for you are is all of the units that are going to be along Chinden Road, are those all Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F16] Page 13 of 82 the single story kind of units that you were -- you were showing us? And, if so, what's the plan for buffering those from the highway. Riggs: Thank you. Yes, those are proposed to be single story residences and duplexes there. Our plan is to have a large landscape buffer with the appropriate landscaping thereon. I believe we will have a berm that is -- a berm and a wall -- combination of berm and wall that is -- that's required by code. And we actually -- we like the idea of incorporating some of that berm and wall into the single family homes. In our experience in our tours of Meridian we think that it's pretty unique what the community has relative to the berms, walls, and heavy landscape buffers along all the major roadways, like Chinden, and we think that it actually provides a pretty unique living experience for the residents that will be adjacent to or near that berm. So, that's something we have tried to -- we have talked at length about and believe will be received very well by the user base that will end up at this property. Holland: I know one -- one recommendation, if I may, Mr. Chair, follow up. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Holland: One recommendation we have given to some other projects that have been off of Chinden Road, especially if they have residential, would be to increase the amount of the landscaping buffer height, instead of increasing the fencing on top, just to give a little bit extra buffer because it's a very busy highway and I know I have been stuck on that highway many times driving to and from different places. So, it's certainly something that you -- you see a lot of traffic and you can hear a lot of traffic noise and so we want to make sure that it's -- if there are residential behind it we want to make sure they are buffered well. Riggs: Understood. Uh-huh. Seal: Mr. Chair? Holland: That's all for now. Fitzgerald: Okay. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yes, Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: I just -- a question on the -- the pop up area. Since potentially a business might operate out of there, is there -- more of a question for staff. Is there some -- something we should consider in that as far as a potential business operating out of that, since it's not -- it's not a commercial space? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F17 Page 14 of 82 Dodson: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Seal, it is going to be zoned commercial, so it -- it is a commercial space. So, there won't be any issues. It -- what Mr. Riggs is stating is it's not necessarily intended for more outside commercial, but it could be used by residents within the community, which I thought was a good integration of the commercial with the residential. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Dodson: You're welcome. Riggs: Thank you, Joe. And if I would add to that, I would say it's -- we envision the -- the community residents using this and, then, like I said, I think there could be community involvement. Where it differs from a traditional commercial space I believe would be the duration of use. You know, we don't envision a nail salon setting up a shop in there for a three or five year lease period, but instead shorter duration users that are starting businesses, maybe only need the space part time and don't want to commit to, you know, a year's long lease, something in those effects. I have used the example of a farmers market as another, you know, potential use to set up a farmer stand in there. Obviously, that could be led by our management and/or residents on site, but it could very well be led by, you know, people outside of our community as well. So, it is -- it's a little bit of a nuanced space with the spirit of it being to bring people together and provide a little bit of a different option for individuals and businesses over a traditional, you know, in line retail or commercial space that you will see in other developments around town. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go right ahead. Pitzer: Thank you. So, maybe I'm -- I thought I knew where this was and now I'm confused again. So, is that pop up area where I'm looking at the map here and I go to the north of this and I see like four little gray pieces in a -- and a green tree, is that the pop up, that right there? Riggs: Yes. Believe so. Pitzer: And that's going to be part of the two acre commercial? Riggs: Yes. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. Thank you for that clarification. I appreciate it. Grove: Mr. Chair? Question. It would be --we had a lot of public comment and feedback. How-- how have you integrated that feedback from your two sessions into what you have brought in front of us tonight? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F18 Page 15 of 82 Riggs: Thank you. Yes, we did. We have had -- we have, I believe, received over 30 letters from -- primarily the residences to the north of our community, as well as other neighbors and in the two neighborhood meetings that we have -- that we have hosted and talked through our plans for the development with, we believe that we have in essence alleviated a lot of those concerns in that this is single story unique for rent products. We are not proposing three or four story traditional walk-up apartments here, but instead looking for something that will be -- or looking to develop something that will be much more subtle and much more complimentary to the high end residential that abuts our community to the north and eventually to the northwest. We have also integrated and moved our -- our clubhouse and open space from its original location to the proposed location it is today. We have added the pop up concept that we have discussed here. We have added the community garden. We have added more easterly open space and community gathering areas and really aimed, you know, on our amenity packages to be best in class and a fully self contained site. A lot of what we heard from our neighbors was concerns about, you know, overflow into their community and what we have aimed to do here is -- is mitigate those -- those risks and that overflow potential by providing, you know, on-site trails, dog parks, and extensive amenities for our residents to use, so that, in essence, they will not have a need to go northwest or -- northwest or northeast into the abutting single family larger lot areas and, instead, you know, can -- can remain in large part on our site. So, again, we have -- we have worked hard on that. Obviously we can't fulfill every concern, but we have opened up to that discussion and made significant evolutions to our -- to our site plan and our product looking to accommodate, you know, some of those concerns that have been brought up. I would also add that, you know, parking was -- was another concept that we have touched on. I believe that according to code -- I don't know the exact count, but I believe we are -- we are above the parking requirements by 76 spaces on our site. Again, not only looking to alleviate, you know, parking concerns from our neighbors, but also to alleviate any potential for that one off time where things are quite busy on site. Our resident base and the anticipated rental rates that we foresee here are going to be very high touch folks with -- with high expectations of how this site lives and if one of our residents is having a Super Bowl party and doesn't have any areas for three or four friends to come over to park, that would be a major concern for them and -- and in tow us. So, we have looked at those types of elements and looked to design around that with --with really an aim and a target of finding a tenant base that is renter by choice and that tends to stay in these types of residences for longer than a typical apartment renter would stay in their apartment home. We have seen that through our other communities of -- of similar single story for rent living that we have owned, operated and managed in different markets, albeit this product has taken that to the next level as it relates to quality and -- and some of the other design considerations that we have layered in here, such as the large private backyards and storage areas and high end clubhouse with work from home space. Fitzgerald: Mr. Grove, do you have follow up there? Thank you for that. Grove: No. Thank you. Appreciated that. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F191 Page 16 of 82 Fitzgerald: Any additional questions? Well, we will come back to you gentlemen shortly after -- after we take public testimony. So, hang tight and we will be back momentarily. Riggs: Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. Thank you. Dodson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Thank you. Bill, go right ahead. Dodson: Before we go real quick I just wanted to clarify on the condition that we were discussing, 2.9. 1 think it would be better if we leave the condition and add an additional condition that says that construction can occur prior to plat recording, but all other improvements are still required. We don't want to strike through a condition and possibly run into issues with those improvements not being required in the conditions. Fitzgerald: Thank you for the clarification, Joe. We appreciate it, sir. Dodson: Yes, sir. Fitzgerald: Madam Clerk, do we have folks that would like to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we have several people signed in, several of which have indicated a wish to testify. The first of which Mr. Scott Freeman. He is on the phone. Scott, you have the ability to unmute yourself. Fitzgerald: Scott, welcome. Please state your name and your address for the record. The floor is yours, sir. Freeman: Mr. Chair, Commissioners, my name is Scott Freeman. Address 4699 West Star Hollow Drive. I'm across Tree Crest directly north of the proposed development. Can you hear me okay? Fitzgerald: Yes. Sounds good. Go right ahead, sir. Freeman: How long -- how long do I have? Is it still like two minutes? Fitzgerald: Three minutes. Freeman: Oh, excellent. I have got plenty of time. A couple of quick ones and, then, I would like to actually propose a condition for consideration. First one is -- and maybe staff can answer this or maybe a Commissioner can when I'm done. I noticed that at the east end of Tree Crest and on Tree Farm there are no parking signs posted along the street and those postings are not occurring on Tree Crest where we live at Spurwing Heights Subdivision and I don't know if that is going to be designated no parking or not. It certainly should be. That's probably outside your purview and more in the highway district's, but still that's something that ought to be considered and I haven't heard whether Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F20 Page 17 of 82 that's addressed or not. Second quick thing. On that commercial lot it seems like it's already been greatly reduced and I -- not that this is important, but I'm actually an architect, designer by trade. Actually used to sit in your seat, Mr. Chair, for several -- several years under -- under Mayor de Weerd. Fitzgerald: Very good. Freeman: Yeah. Well, I won't -- I won't comment on whether you enjoy that or not, but, anyway, that lot is already so small that in order to fix that parking it looks to me like it's either going to -- the commercial space is either going to have to expand or the actual square footage of that commercial space is going to be further diminished in order to get that parking in. So, it kind of makes me hesitant to say, hey, we will -- we will fix that parking issue, because I think unless the commercial lot is expanded that's not going to fit and I just don't see it without reducing whatever that footprint is we see even smaller and I would be surprised. The last -- the last thing I want to touch on real quick is just if -- I know there is a lot of opposition to this. I also am opposed. However, recognizing that this very well may be passed, a condition I would propose would be this: In the original iteration of this plan I thought that it was very appropriate and well thought out by the developer that the -- the two story townhomes were actually over on the east side only. It kind of created a natural graduation from the east of their property, which is already -- already two story townhomes, to two story townhomes on the east side of their lot and, then, moving west and north it moved into the more single family, single story kind of thing -- not necessarily single family, but single story. Almost every house along Tree Crest to the north is single story and any two story that's along that north side along Tree Crest is going to essentially look down into all of our properties and it's going to reduce our privacy to some degree. So, as a -- as a proposed condition for discussion anyway, I thought it would be appropriate to limit the townhouse -- townhouse units over to that east border where they already are or internal to the development, because they seem very inappropriately placed along Tree Crest where they effectively will look down into the properties along there. That's all single story, except for the far northwest corner, which is the only two story there. That seems more appropriate to me. So, if it does pass I was disappointed to see two stories being directly across from us in Spurwing Heights, rather than single story and it will reduce our privacy in our backyards. I don't think there is any way around that. I was pleased to see a tot lot. That was one of my written comments, instead of a dog park, a tot lot, and/or playground seemed appropriate. I see that that's there. That's a good thing. And I think that's it. I don't know if you now ask me questions or I'm done and you go onto the next one, but thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear answers on the no parking along Tree Crest and whether that's a possible condition that might be reasonable if it passes. Fitzgerald: Mr. Freeman, we appreciate it and thank you for your service to the city before. Appreciate that, too. Freeman: Thank you. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F21 Page 18 of 82 Fitzgerald: We will see if there is any questions. Do we have any questions for Mr. Freeman? Thanks, Scott. Have a great evening. Thanks for being a part today. Freeman: Thank you. You, too. Fitzgerald: And we will get you some answers from staff on the no parking signs. Freeman: Thank you. I will go ahead and mute. Fitzgerald: Thanks, sir. Madam Clerk, who do we have next, ma'am? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, next is Joe Warchol. If you want to head over there with Chris, he will help you with the testimony. We can't use the podium tonight due to technical issues. Thank you. Warchol: All right. Good evening. My name is Joe Warchol. I live at 7045 North Callery Pear in Meridian. And just in case I run out of time, I -- the first thing I would say is that I'm not in favor of the proposed apartment complex. Looking at the entire area kind of like a systems approach, the project is in the middle of a very congested area already, which will only get worse with the new Costco, the megachurch, the townhomes, the New Fairbourne housing projects and our houses that are already there. I won't beat up the project when it comes to traffic. It's already been written up. But the parking seems to be an issue for me and, then, last of all, going into it, apartment complexes in general have noticed they have access to public transportation and I don't see where that's going to really be helpful. I understand that there has been a number of attempts to, you know, talk about recreation within the project itself. But, you know, I just -- I'm a math person and you have 194 units and you had only two people in there and they all showed up at the pool or they all were taking a walk at similar times, there is not enough room and because of that -- and there is not enough recreation around that development to help out. So, that's some of the concern of -- of the residents of Spurwing that -- that comes into thinking that there is going to be an overflow of residents going in there. The last thing I wanted to say was last year I spent a wonderful ten, 11 months in apartments. They were advertised as high end. They were costly. They are expensive. It's a very transient population. I realize that --that people doing this project have high expectations for high end people coming in there, but the population in there -- you know, if you are -- if you are going to rely on, for instance, income from Costco, Winco, and small shops and whatever else that's going on there, there is not enough income. Those people make 15 to 18 dollars an hour and if their gross is 2,800 dollars a month, they are not going to be able to afford these apartments. When I lived in these apartments in -- in Meridian, brand new, it was transient, there were plenty of drug deals going on. There were abandoned cars. There were break ins. My car included. There were even people trying to make ends meet, which, you know, I feel for them, but you had two and sometimes three families living in the same apartment. So, you know, overall I think it's a great project. I think that apartments are needed in the community, but I think that the congestion and with all the building going on it's not a good fit. Thank you very much. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F22 Page 19 of 82 Fitzgerald: We appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Andrea -- or Adrienne, sorry, who else is next? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, next up is Nancy Everard. Nancy, you have the ability to unmute yourself. Everard: Hi. Thank you. Can you hear me? Fitzgerald: Yes, Nancy. Welcome. Please state your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours, ma'am. Everard: Okay. This is Nancy Everard. My husband Steven and I are residents in Spurwing Heights at 6935 North Exeter Place. Thank you very much for -- first of all, for hearing our concerns and while I appreciate the effort that the developer has made to address some of the concerns, there still are concerns that we have with respect to the City of Meridian's commitment to the smart growth initiative. It's been kind of touched on in some of the previous comments that this area already at this point is quite congested and the different areas of smart growth with a density of a project of this size there are specific things that I would ask be addressed. One is how will the City of Meridian provide an additional four acres of park land for our immediate area? Currently there is no public park or recreation area that is located north of Chinden in our area. A deficit already exists in the commitment of four acres per one thousand residents in Meridian. This development particularly being quite dense would further increase that deficit. So, are there -- I was unable to find online in any of the plans that shows that there is a future public park area that is planned, so if there is could you, please, share that. Second, Meridian, which was also touched on in general, is severely lacking in public transportation. Northwest Meridian is the furthest removed from what little public transportation exists, as well as from the higher density employment areas. How will the city be able to promote alternative forms of transportation by approving the proposed high density apartment complex at this location, particularly when land does exist in other areas that are closer to the 1-84 corridor, closer to the higher density employment centers where a high unit rental complex might be more appropriate. Secondly, are there plans --we are very disconnected here in northwest Meridian to bike paths. We have no service really safe links to the greenbelt or to other ways that would promote alternative means of transportation. So, are there any plans in place that I am unaware of that would solve that -- that concern? Also the opportunity for entry level home ownership is severely lacking in this area. Developing a rental property in absence of those opportunities for smaller square footage homes that are affordable leads to individuals who won't ever be able to buy a home. How can high end rental development meet the need of Meridian's housing opportunities better than a development and the design and idea of the single level units and multi-family is great, but in my mind it being a development that is for purchase for first time home buyers for the young millennials, for the true empty nesters that don't want to downsize to a 2,500 square foot home, that really would like something that is small. But it's something that enables the first time homebuyers, particularly in our rising real estate market, to enter the market. Without an opportunity to do that they will find themselves chasing it and never be able to truly call northwest Meridian home by Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F23] Page 20 of 82 having that entry into the market. And the last -- and this is really kind of a bad one, because it was something that particularly when we made the choice to purchase our home looking at the plans for the area we really liked the idea that there was going to be community commercial that was planned both for that seven plus acre area there on Black Cat and Chinden, as well as on the other side of Black Cat adjacent to where the Fairbourne development is going to be. Because we like the idea of having the ability to walk places, have local businesses to have restaurants, a coffee shop, somewhere that we could walk a short distance to -- to enjoy. So, were very disappointed to see that area reduced. Even as it was originally planned, seven plus acres still is not that large. The plans that they would have the commercial integrated into, yeah, it might be great for the development, but I would say that's more development commercial and not really community commercial, because it's just way too small. If that were left as community commercial, combined with the other commercial and the feature that was mentioned in the staff report, that could be done in very level ways to link everything and make it something that expands the area and creates truly a multi use. I kind of feel like the small size -- Fitzgerald: Could you wrap up your comments, please? Everard: Okay. Just thank you very much. I would like to see the commercial (unintelligible). Thank you very much. Fitzgerald: Perfect. Thanks, ma'am. Madam Clerk, can you give us our next public testimony person, please. I will remind everybody on the -- online and in person we are trying to stick to our three minute timeline. I know it's kind of awkward. I have a timer in front of me and I know you guys aren't standing in front of a dais where it normally is, so I don't want to cut you off, but try to keep your -- your testimony to that three minute time frame, please. Weatherly: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Next up is Richard Gilkey. Richard, if you want to meet Chris over there he will help you out. Gilkey: My name is Richard Gilkey. I live at 4629 West Star Hollow Drive. My property backs up to Tree Crest, so I will be looking out at the project. I am strongly opposed to the project. I am strongly opposed to the retail area being reduced. It will look like a postage stamp, look like kind of sort of out of place. I'm a former builder, home designer. Forty-five years. And a lot of what I see in this project I'm not particularly fond of, but that's a personal thing. My concern is that the postage stamp commercial area -- by the time you put parking in there it's going to be even smaller. I would like to see more of a buffer zone between Tree Crest and the development, mainly since they have added two story units to the west end of the project, because they will be looking into the backyards into our houses, so that's pretty much everything else that's going to be said and what has already been said. There is no sense in duplicating it. So, I thank you for your time. Fitzgerald: Mr. Gilkey, we really appreciate your candor and -- and your points. So, thank you for being here tonight. Madam Clerk, who is next on the list, ma'am? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F24] Page 21 of 82 Weatherly: Mr. Chair, last signed up is Dave Jacobs. Jacobs: How are you doing? Dave Jacobs. I live at 6980 North Exeter Place. Simply put, not to reiterate a lot of the things that have already been said, one of the things I would like answered is how many parking spaces are allocated for the development. If you have 195 units, a lot of them being two and three bedrooms, you are going to have a lot of young people living together. Roommates. Not so much families, but roommates. What we all did when we were young. You have 400 parking spaces and also for their guests you have an additional 30 or 40. Because if not they are going to be parking in our neighborhood. On top of that, the postage stamp is -- to use the phrase just used -- or the putting green that the -- the green space has, is that enough for the influx of five to six hundred people, including some families? That doesn't look big enough to be able to facilitate the green area for, you know, five or six hundred new-- new people coming into the neighborhood. Where are they going to go? They are going to go across the street, guys. And, then, finally, is -- there is a white elephant in the room -- literally property value. I have talked to at least a half a dozen realtors that have said if you are in close proximity -- especially within a quarter mile or so, you can expect future loss on equity because of where you are at. So, with that said is the City of Meridian willing to compensate us should we lose future property value. It's hypothetical, but, again, I'm just putting it out there. And that's about it. Fitzgerald: Mr. Jacobs, we appreciate it. That was the end of our list. Are there additional members of the public who would like to testify on this application, either via Zoom or in the audience tonight? Mr. Seal, you can be my eyes. Weatherly: If anybody else in the room wishes to testify, please, raise your hand. That goes for the people listening online as well. If you want to use the feature in Zoom to raise your hand. Mr. Chair, no one has raised their hand either in person or on Zoom. Fitzgerald: Okay. Weatherly: Excuse me, Mr. Chair. We do have one more. Fitzgerald: Okay. Weatherly: If you want to go see Chris he will help you out. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Madam Clerk. Southam: My name is Lynn Southam. I live at 6408 North Salvia Way. That's in Spurwing Greens. I really don't have any testimony to give, I just simply have a question and it's something that the developer and the city could perhaps address and tell all of us, which is has the developer or the city anytime in the past ever compensated the owners of property for their loss of value as a result of their development and that's the question. Thank you. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F25] Page 22 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Last chance for additional comments from anyone online or in the hearing room? If not, I will turn it over the applicant to answer some of the questions that have been presented. Weatherly: Mr. Chair, at this time no one else is indicating a wish to testify. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Madam Clerk. Mr. Riggs, are you still on with us, sir? Riggs: Yes, Chairman. Fitzgerald: Do you want to go ahead and close. Riggs: Yes. Would love it. And I'm sitting here with Liz Schloss, who is the president of our operations and management division of our--of our firm. She will speak for the record here as well. I think overall, you know, I would like to emphasize that the proposed development, you know, does meet and exceed the Comprehensive Plan in terms of its use. The seven acres of C-C -- currently zoned C-C ground I believe does permit high density residential within that area and we are looking for this rezone, you know, not to change the use by right, so to speak, but instead upon staff's request as we work through the pre -- pre-development and short plat process. I would also like to add that as it relates to the privacy for the residents immediately to the north, we meet or exceed all of the setback, landscaping buffer and other requirements as it relates to privacy. The vast majority of our dwelling units on the northern side of our community are single story. There will be fencing along the northern boundary and fencing within the private residences. In addition, the west and east end where we are proposing townhomes, those dwelling units are oriented east-west, their patios and livability will be viewed to the east and to the west, not to the north and the south. So, it's natural for the residents in our townhomes to be looking east or looking west, as opposed to looking due north. As it relates to the parking, again, I would like to emphasize that we do meet the Comprehensive Plan and have exceeded all the requirements therein as it relates to the number of spaces. We do not envision a circumstance where overflow parking comes off of our property as, you know, supported by the 76 access spaces that we have proposed here over what is required. I would like to turn it over to Liz here to talk about our resident base and how we see, you know, the -- the demographic and who will actually live here, as well as some more on-site management related items, to address some of the concerns stated. Liz. Schloss: Good evening. My name is Elizabeth Schloss. 17550 North Perimeter Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona. As Matt stated, I oversee all the operations and the management of Baron Property Services. Excuse me. One of the things that I wanted to highlight on that we have received a lot of comments on and/or concerns regarding the residents, the surrounding residents of the Modern Craftsman, is the management piece of everything and what we have to offer. Baron Properties is a best in class management company. We have been since 1983. I, myself, have been in management for the last 20 years and our on-site teams are extremely qualified as well and have a lot of experience on the overall management perspective of what we have to offer on a daily basis. Mr. Warchol, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F26 Page 23 of 82 he had commented a little bit about -- regarding the transient population that we do have within -- that he has experienced within his community that he lived in prior. I do believe that the management base that we provide as -- at Baron Properties will -- and the specific rental criteria will flush any of that activity out within the community. We also offer courtesy patrol opposite -- excuse me -- courtesy patrol services to help manage the noise, as well as unwelcomed activity after hours. So, just to highlight on that. And, then as it relates to the demographic that we are trying to achieve here -- and we actually have experience with this in our Phoenix portfolio in managing this type of product -- is what Matt has mentioned to the barbell, where we do have the -- it isn't the entry level renter, it is the more established renter that is -- that does have it, you know, they are more established within their career. They are probably wanting -- wanting to start a family. And, then, on the opposite side of that we do have the -- you know, the baby boomer generation, if you will, that is ready to just lock and go. They want to go travel. They don't want any responsibility of a pool or any maintenance within the community or their home. Excuse me. So, we will provide all of those services to the residents that live within our community and I -- we think that that will be an addition and it will be very complimentary to what -- to the surrounding neighborhoods. Riggs: Thank you, Liz. This is Matthew Riggs again and just to add to that a little bit as it relates to our resident base, I think Mr. Jacobs noted, you know, between five and six hundred people may live at this community. In our portfolio and what we have seen in our history, we anticipate closer to 400, if not under that, as folks living on -- on site to be determined, the demographic of that, but if our Redtail luxury apartments on Meridian Road and Victory are any indication, we believe that upwards of 50 percent of this tenant base will be retired or at least in the later stages of their careers. Redtail has over 25 percent of its resident base today being retired without a permanent job and that is three story walk up product. We believe that this product without the stairs and with the enhanced amenities and private outdoor living spaces will attract a lot of retirees into the community. As it relates to the public transit aspect of this, we emphasized our connectivity to Chinden and our plans and obligations to build the pedestrian pathway along Chinden to the north side there and whatever public transit is available along Chinden Boulevard will be readily accessed by our residents. I believe that's about everything I have to touch on here. Thank you, Commission. Seal: You are on mute; right? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, yeah, go right ahead. Seal: I just had a few follow-ups here. I will just -- I will start with the easy one. As far as the -- since the --the residences will have private yards, are they responsible for caring for that or is that something that's going to be taken care of? Schloss: Yes. So, it will be a combination. They will be monitored by the onsite management team, but we will also be going in on a quarterly basis to help maintain those, as they will have small shrubbery. But most of the landscaping back there is rock and turf. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F27 Page 24 of 82 Seal: Okay. So, for the grass areas they will be responsible for trimming that? Schloss: It's actually artificial turf. Seal: Oh. Interesting. Schloss: Yes. Seal: Okay. That solves that problem. On the -- there is a couple of things before we close down the public comment. In looking at this and the reduction of the commercial part of the property, would you be amenable to basically moving where the clubhouse is and everything to the east and keeping that as commercial? The entire area. Riggs: To clarify -- this is Matthew Riggs. To clarify moving it to the east adjacent to Black Cat? Seal: Moving it -- sorry. I meant the west. I have got my directions messed up here. So, moving that -- that area to the west and keeping that -- that area that's being reduced as commercial. Riggs: Thank you. Matthew again. As we have proposed and designed this, you know, the mixture of uses that we have incorporated between the different residence types, townhomes, duplexes, single family and, then, incorporating, you know, not only the corner commercial space, but also the pop up space, the storage units on site, the work from home space on site, we believe that, you know, we are meeting the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to multiple commercial uses, so to speak, within our residentially zoned community. Seal: Okay. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, do you have follow up? Go right ahead. Seal: Yeah. I like the idea of the -- the pop up space in there, you know, and understand we have to -- we have to -- we have to take in everything that's being said. So, I mean, essentially, there is a lot of public comment that's in here about the reduction of the commercial space. So, my question was more leaning towards, you know, trying to find harmony in the project and I think that if there were more commercial space that was left in that area, that people would be more amenable to it, simply because it lends itself to being a -- you know, a local coffee spot, a restaurant, a business that they can frequent, basically, and it cuts down on the residential that's -- that's abutting Black Cat Road there. So, that's the reason for my question on that. I do like the pop up and the ability for that. So, you are aware that Boise State does have an SBA incubator program that would probably be really good. Because that's exactly the kind of spaces that they are looking for, for different things like that. So, our community already does have things like that that are available to help grow that as it would be. And, then, if that commercial space Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F28 Page 25 of 82 isn't -- isn't going to be -- or where the commercial space is being reduced would you be amenable to keeping everything along that to a single story? Riggs: Thank you, Commissioner Seal. So, I would like to emphasize the collaboration we have had with staff as it relates to how the commercial lays out and how the commercial integrates into the surrounding community with all of the other commercial uses to the east and west of our -- of our site. That in large part is where we felt it appropriate to -- to reduce the -- the size of purely commercially zoned area and looking at it a little bit more as a whole. I would also like to comment that as it relates to the single story versus two story along Black Cat, in collaboration with staff we landed on a mixture there to not only buffer the community from Black Cat, which will get ever -- ever busier as the community continues to grow, but also we think it gives a good semi-custom mixed use, multiple roofline appearance of the community from the exterior and from off site of the property, which is why we landed on the proposed two townhome -- row home units along the west side there. So, we would -- we would aim to keep the -- the development and the residences as laid out here if possible. Seal: Thank you. Dodson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, go ahead, then, we will go to -- oh, Joe, did you have a comment? Dodson: I did, yes, sir, regarding this -- since additional commercial has come up. One of the discussions that staff did have with the applicant was, you know, in order to help them keep their unit count was due vertically integrated along the west side, to have retail and commercial on the first floor. I'm not sure if that's an option for anybody, but that is something that has been discussed in the past. Would offer the same type of two story integration and truly mixed use integration. Holland: Thanks, Joe. And, Mr. Chair, if I may? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, ma'am. Holland: So, my-- my background, as most people on the Commission know, is economic development and so I work with a lot of people who have projects and trying to figure out where commercial makes sense and typically, from my experience, four to five acres is kind of a sweet spot for size of what a commercial project should be, because commercial projects don't like to tend to locate by themselves. If you have a one acre lot it's usually enough for one independent user, if you are going to look at a fast food retail or you are going to look at a coffee shop or you are going to look at a small restaurant. If you are looking at a larger restaurant sometimes they need more space, so they can have enough parking. So, typically, retailers don't want to be by themselves, they want to be in kind of a complex that brings people to the area and certainly you are on a highway and you have got great -- great accessibility and it's a killer spot to try and attract retail services Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F29 Page 26 of 82 to, because they have got great visibility and you have got Black Cat close by with the ability to get in and out relatively easy. I was going to bring up the same point that Joe did, that seeing some vertically -- vertically integrated mixed use commercial might help to make it a little bit easier on the concepts or maybe you could kind of have that four to five acres of commercial, but some of it might be first level commercial, where maybe that's where your -- some of your flex spaces are and you have got your -- kind of apartment units above them. Just some thoughts for consideration. But I also know that you have got a great visibility corner with Chinden and rather than seeing big berms and landscaping buffers and fencing there, I would love to see a little bit more kind of a commercial appeal, instead of just this small little window of one commercial building that you have got after you have passed the big brick wall. So, my hope would be that maybe we can have you look at removing some of those units off of Chinden and widen the space that you have got for commercial there and I think that the comment made earlier by one of the gentlemen testifying that to fix the parking really the only way you could do that is either reduce the amount of commercial building space or to increase the amount of commercial and I think that that was pretty spot on. So, my hope would be that you would consider adding at least a little bit more commercial and maybe we can find some middle ground between where you were approved at originally or what it was zoned at and where it is now, that maybe we can look at somewhere in that four to five acre sweet spot. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, appreciate that. Additional comments or questions for the applicant? Hearing none -- no? Riggs: Is it my turn? Sorry, Commission. This is Matthew. As it relates to the commercial land use and four to five acres, in evaluating the surrounding land uses and the, quote, you know, more destination retail or commercial areas, we see that on both sides of the property, you know, very close by. Between Costco and the medical campus to the west there is intermittent larger commercial areas that are designated and planned for under much larger development parcels. We are over 20 acres here when you count, you know, all buffers and right of ways and what have you, but as we -- as we view this community we don't envision the access and the location as one that should be centered on a destination retail or commercial area, but rather a use that will service the neighborhoods and -- and the needs therein without major -- without major development standards. We also have access issues as it relates -- you know, we don't have any -- any access off of Chinden, but for Black Cat and as it stands right now, you know, we have our northern entryway to -- to Black Cat and are looking to Council to approve a right-in, right-out only. So, if the commercial area were to grow we would still run into issues as it relates to access and, you know, I believe our -- our belief is that as proposed the development, you know, provides that neighborhood commercial or retail use while complementing the larger retail and commercial developments that are very close by to -- to our property. Fitzgerald: I didn't mean to cut you off there in answering the question. So, in regards to that, I mean I think the history of Spurwing was to be like Bown Crossing -- and you may not know that development or maybe you do in east Boise. The same developer developed Spurwing. It's been chopped up now into a -- a significantly over -- it's Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F30] Page 27 of 82 residential dominance, where it was supposed to be a pretty mixed use community with a significantly dominant commercial component to it. Lots of restaurants, coffee shops, small retailers. That was the original concept and so for me it's -- it's challenging to shrink this thing down significantly to two acres. I agree with Commissioner Holland's point that it doesn't leave much and I understand there is -- there is stuff to east and stuff to the west, but the original concept for this development long term was significant mixed use and so as that's my -- I guess my concern is that without a significant commercial component we are missing the original design that's been barred -- kind of taken away from it and I would like to see some more commercial as well. But that's just my thoughts. Do you have any feedback there? Riggs: Thank you, Chairman Fitzgerald. I understand what you are saying, but I think I would reiterate that given the size of the community being, you know, roughly 20 acres -- or the property being roughly 20 acres and ingress-egress challenges related to it, combined with the surrounding commercial uses, you know, we --we aim to develop what we have here as this mixed use community development, incorporating, you know, multiple different uses that are -- that are commercial. You know, 106 storage units, work from home offices and conference rooms, community gardens, you know, multiple, you know, pedestrian plazas, we have -- we have really aimed to -- to lay out a site plan and a proposed development that albeit doesn't have seven acres of purely commercial, does in our mind meet, you know, the intent of these multiple commercial uses throughout the -- the property and -- and, you know, again, I think in our evaluation of the C-C zoning in place, you know, this -- this medium to high density residential is a component of that zoning and believe that, you know, by -- by backing off of the purely commercial side of things, you know, we are meeting, you know, the intent of the Comprehensive Plan with this submission. Fitzgerald: Appreciate that. Commissioners, we have one person that's raised their hand that has not testified previously. Like to give her a chance to speak and, then, we will allow Mr. Riggs to finalize his comments. Is that okay? Becky, you are currently joining us. I think we will unmute you really quick or, please, click unmute. Or, Adrienne, can you help her, please. Weatherly: Becky, I just asked you to unmute. It's not giving me the ability to unmute you, but you should have the ability to unmute yourself. Sometimes there is a delay. Fitzgerald: Bottom left corner of your screen. Yeah. Pogue: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Oh. Go right ahead. Pogue: Yeah. I think I would like to weigh in at this point we have had the applicant respond. There were no other public at that point on to testify. The applicant responded. To stay on process, on track, we should actually now turn it back to the Commission. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F31 Page 28 of 82 Fitzgerald: Agreed. Thank you. Sorry we couldn't grab you as far as technical difficulties. Mr. Riggs, you want to finalize just a couple minutes -- a couple quick points and, then, we will close the public hearing. Riggs: Sure. Thank you, Chairman Fitzgerald. Without reiterating too much of what I just covered, you know, I would like to emphasize the consideration and time that we have spent really laying out the details of this community and how each dwelling unit integrates with its neighbor, with the open space, and with the proposed commercial, as well as the surrounding community. You know, it was -- it is typical in Meridian to see, you know, three and four story walk-up apartments and we sought to do something highly innovative, highly unique in proposing what we have here. We believe it meets a resident demand that is -- that is really not available in Meridian today, this high end, you know, renter by choice, single story product, emphasizing private backyards, best in class amenities, best in class on-site management and integration with, you know, the different commercial uses, whether it be the corner parcel, our amenity and work from home, storage uses, et cetera, you know, we have -- we have worked hard to -- to fulfill, you know, as many of those as we could and we believe that if approved this product will be something that garners significant local and national attention. We think that the product type and the quality of it is something that very few developers have -- have built to date in the western U.S., let alone Idaho or in Meridian and we are pretty proud of that and believe that, you know, if able to develop what we are -- what we are looking to do here, it will be very well received by not only the future residents, but the community. So, really appreciate everyone's time, especially our neighbors and staff. We spent a lot of time working with, you know, staff and all the approximate agencies to -- to hone in on -- on the details of this and as it stands, like I said, we are pretty proud of where we landed and -- and encourage, you know, a positive outcome here this evening. Thank you. Fitzgerald: We appreciate it. Can I get a motion to close public hearing? Pitzer: So moved. Seal: Second. Holland: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing for H-2020-0022, Modern Craftsman at Black Cat. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Okay, team. The application is properly in front of you. Anything -- anyone want to kick off? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F32 Page 29 of 82 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go right ahead, ma'am. Pitzer: I will start out. You know, I like the concept of what -- what these guys are trying to do with the modern -- putting it out there. I think it's an innovative product. I like the style of it. The moderness. And having a lot of community assets. I think that where my problem is coming in with this project is the lack of commercial. As they have stated over and over again, they are on 21 acres. If I am at the end of that 21 acres and I am in this community, where is my coffee shop? Where is my -- all of those type of amenities that should be within that corner commercial and it's not going to fit. If there is a daycare I think that's what you are going to have is a daycare. I think Commissioner Holland was spot on. It needs to be at least double that. I'm not opposed to seeing that go to five or six acres. So, while I like the project, I think there needs to be some give on that commercial. And that's my initial thoughts. Fitzgerald: Appreciate your comments, ma'am. Commissioner McCarvel. You took yourself off mute, ma'am. You are fair game. McCarvel: Yeah. I think I would have to agree with Commissioner Pitzer. I love the project overall. I just -- being on that corner I -- I would like to see just a little more commercial be part of it. That little itty bitty spot just isn't going to do much. But I hate to take away from -- I think the innovativeness of the amenities that they do have is a nice change, but somehow -- you know, Commissioner Holland referenced going vertical and I would just say it needs to be a couple more acres, but overall -- I mean I really like the change and the differentness of the product. It -- it would be I think a welcome change to what we traditionally see as far as multi-family projects go. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I apologize. My husband's mowing the lawn, so sorry if there is any feedback behind me. I would say overall there is a lot of things that are really nicely done. I think they -- they certainly put a lot of work into the visuals that they brought to us. We appreciate that. I like that they are single family multi-families -- or single story multi- family. That's pretty rare to find. And I think the amenities package, the -- the thoughtful design -- they did do a really nice job with that. Twenty acres is a lot of land for a multi- family project. I mean when I think about what size lot my house sits on, you know, if you are on a quarter acre lot you have got four houses within a -- within a one acre square and you are talking multi-family where they is much -- much more dense in their-- in their smaller-- smaller square, so you can fit a number of units in a 20 acre space. I still think they have got the option of going vertical to do some of that mixed integration, so that they don't lose the number of units if they do it right and they could still, you know, put some other flex space in there and have that -- that capability to have the yoga studio, to have the workout gyms or a pop up coffee shop or whatever it is, maybe it's even food trucks that come in there. But I would still lean towards wanting to see a little bit more commercial. One of the other comments I made was if you are driving down Chinden it's really awkward to pass a big brick wall with a bunch of nice landscaping and, then, see this small little gap where you have got one little commercial building. So, that's why I Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F33 Page 30 of 82 said I think four or five acres of commercial -- and especially utilizing that frontage corridor would be a good advantage for them. I know there is certainly access issues whenever you are trying to go off of a highway and they may have to have some further conversations with ACHD and ITD on that to figure out what makes the most sense on -- on how that access can be reconfigured and work with staff on that. On the specific conditions, if we want to get into that, I don't see a problem with adding a condition that they could do construction before the plat recording. I do agree, though, that the commercial lot still needs to be bigger and I thought the other proposed condition of two story townhouses on the east side only, single story in the west and north, was an interesting concept, but it made me feel a little bit better that the units aren't facing to the north or south, they are facing to the east and west. I appreciate that they put some thought into that. I don't know that I feel like I need --we need to condition that specifically, but I would be leaning towards almost asking the applicant to continue the project and bring it back to us with some different configurations for the commercial. Otherwise, I would be probably leaning towards recommending denial just based on the -- the lack of commercial there. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, thoughts? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, go right ahead. Grove: I will jump in real quick. I agree with, you know, what everyone has said so far, with just a few things. But before I do that, I always like to comment on the community feedback, especially when it's very constructive and informative and so just wanted to commend the community that had weighed in tonight. Thank them for being constructive in their feedback. I appreciated that. To the developers, I -- I really like the innovation and the uniqueness of this project to provide something different and I like, you know, the overall layout and concept that has been given to us. I would like to see, you know, as everyone said, more commercial. I -- I particularly like the, you know, quick comment by Joe for, you know, adding commercial on the first level on -- on that west side and putting residential up above. I would -- I would be a huge fan of being able to do that along that entire west side if possible, just to do as Chairman commented with the Bown Crossing concept of, you know, that mixed -- true mixed use development. I really am a huge fan of what the developer has done, especially in terms of that pop up section and that whole community aspect that's built around the clubhouse, pool, pop up space, I think that's a -- a really unique way to approach this. So, overall I really like this project. If there is a way to add in additional commercial somehow I would be even more in love with just being able to move forward. Fitzgerald: Thank you for your comments, Commissioner Grove. And I agree completely with your comments on the constructive feedback from the community. I think they were extremely good comments that came back. Commissioner Seal. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F34] Page 31 of 82 Seal: Mr. Chair. I'm in agreement with what everybody else has said. I really like kind of the valet trash service. I have seen some things in some of the multi-story high density residential that are somewhat appalling as far as the -- basically the trash becoming heaped over. I mean just -- just saw that last week in a -- in a residence. So, knowing that that's going to be something that's taken care of takes one of my questions off the table right away in an area like this, you know, with the folks coming in and it being -- you know, people moving in and out and everything, I mean there is all kinds of stuff--furniture being thrown in the dumpsters. So, having a valet and somewhat monitored controlled is something that's -- I really appreciate. I like -- I like the way that it's laid out. I think everybody having an individual space is going to lend itself to not pride ownership, but, essentially, just pride in appearance, you know what I mean. That is your space where if you are going into a multi-story building you don't necessarily have that, you are just walking up a set of stairs that aren't yours into a door that nobody else really knows is yours, unless they know you. So, in this it's your residence, it's a place that you are going to live, you are going to have your family there and, of course, you are going to want it to look as nice as it can. So, I think that does help with some of the concerns that are out there as far as pride in ownership, so -- I do have to say there is other things about it -- the -- the pathway coming down the middle, tying the whole thing together, I really like that. Walkability. Rideability. All of that seems to exist within this space. So, I'm just a huge fan of that. I wish we had more of that everywhere else -- that we had anything even close to this. So, very innovative. Really like the concept of how the clubhouse ties into the pop up and how that space is utilized. But I do agree with the other commissioners, though, I would like to see that commercial space come back. More of it. You know, doing the integrated commercial with the first story to me seems like a homerun, you know, as far as trying to make more commercial -- commercial use out of that space with a minimal amount of change. Again, with our local universities having small business incubators that would be something that might even be financial -- might be a financial boost for you to get in there, because I know they have money to help out with things like that. So, that said I mean the overall project itself I really really like, but I do agree that the commercial needs to come back. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Commissioner Holland, are you getting ready to have additional comments? Holland; I was thinking about it. I was going to say I have looked at -- I knew that there is 47 pieces of public testimony earlier and there is 49 in there now. Since 4:00 o'clock there were a couple of additions in there. So, I wanted to thank the community, too, for --for showing up and giving some good constructive comments. I had a note that --about the --the no parking signs and I don't know if we answered for one of the people testifying, so I wanted to make sure we covered that as well. Fitzgerald: Yeah. You were reading my mind. Andrea, I need your comments and probably feedback on the discussion on reduction in home pricing, because I don't think that's something we ever get involved in, so -- but I want to make sure general counsel has a chance to weigh in on that and, then, I'm going to ask Joe to weigh in on the no parking signs. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F35] Page 32 of 82 Pogue: Mr. Chair, that's correct. That shouldn't become part of your consideration. There is not evidence or testimony presented with any data or statistics to go along with it, but it isn't something that we can evaluate in terms of meeting code or -- Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: That's not our job as -- yeah, Commissioner Seal, go ahead. Seal: And part of that I would just like to thank -- thank the previous Planning and Zoning before I got here and City Council for helping my home value in six years to go up a hundred percent, so I think we are all going to get -- get through this. Fitzgerald: Agreed. I -- it's one of those things that there is lots of impacts that come from a lot of different places and I -- that's not something that comes in -- our job is to determine if this project meets our code and future land use planning map and all of our requirements in the city and that does not plug into our decision making. That's for other people to work through. Joe, can you comment on the no parking signs on Tree Crest. Is that something that you are aware of? Dodson: Mr. Chair, yes, sir. I have been educated recently and -- Fitzgerald: Okay. Dodson: -- North Tree Farm Way is a collector, so it should be no parking. However, it was not conditioned to have no parking signs, so we will have to reach out to ACHD and make sure that they are labeled as no parking. Fitzgerald: Perfect. Thank you. Dodson: You are welcome. Fitzgerald: And just as we are finishing up, my comments I think -- kind of got the gist of my comments. I think you guys -- I -- vertical integration of product is not done enough in the city. I have lived in a couple different places and we talked about the apartment complex that they are building next to Kleiner Park that they are parking underneath. Pool is on an upper deck and it's vertically integrated. We need to see more -- something like that. So, I would love to see -- with the innovation that's in this product -- because I am really impressed with the innovation of a rental product that is bringing exceptional design kind of amenities in their packaging, but there is a -- there is just one piece missing and that's that commercial side. I think if it could be solved with that vertical integration down the west side. I would be happy with that. The comments about not having access -- there is a light there and so I don't know how that cannot be utilized for access. I mean it's the businesses that don't have a light that I would be more concerned about not having access to. So, I think there is plenty of opportunity to utilize that. The --you know, Costco spent 45 million dollars putting -- you know, expanding that road and putting a new light in there that's going to get done here pretty quick. That could be utilized to make sure Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F36 Page 33 of 82 that there is access for that community with additional commercial. So, that would be my thought. Even though I do want to commend the applicant, because it is an exceptionally innovative product, lots of amenities, different thinking, much like Commissioner Seal said, the different aspects they brought into services I think are impressive as well. So, I -- it's just not one piece that's bugging me, it's the commercial piece that's missing and we have broken up so far from this original concept that it's bumming me out, because think it would be -- it would fit if that commercial was a little bigger. Commissioner Holland, I think you are trying to speak. Holland: Mr. Chair, I was just going to say with the comments that we have made I think we are leaning towards the continuance to see if the applicant will be willing to make some changes and bring it back to us and if they don't, then, we would probably lean towards a denial. So, I'm going to make a motion to reopen the public hearing to ask the applicant if they would be willing to continue the project to come back to us with another concept. Seal: Second. Pitzer: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to reopen the public hearing for input from the applicant on a continuance. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Mr. Riggs, are you with us, sir? Riggs: I am. Thank you, Chairman and Commissioners. Really appreciate everyone's time, community and all of you -- your time. We are taking to heart the commentary about the commercial side of things. It's definitely something we will revisit and reconsider. We aim to fulfill some of the commercial uses through the flex space, but -- but clearly we are going to go back to the drawing board or to other concepts that we have discussed and look at ways at mitigating your concerns as it relates to the commercial. You know, ultimately our goal here is this residential single story and townhome product and integrating it well with the community and the adjacent commercial on the property and so, yeah, we will -- we will definitely revisit, continue the process and -- and look to pick this back up again with the Commission at a later date. Fitzgerald: We really appreciate your -- your willingness to look through it and consider the comments that were provided and, Joe, do you or, Madam Clerk, do you guys have a date -- or Mr. Riggs, do you have a date that you would need to get everything squared away and come back to us? We have a pretty full agenda the next six months, but we want to make sure we fit you back in, so any -- how much time do you need? Riggs: You know, with -- with our team anxious to continue work on this, we would love to -- to get back in front of you as soon as we can. As discussed we have had -- we have Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F37 Page 34 of 82 had discussions about other ways to integrate different commercial uses into it, so we will not be starting from zero here, so to speak. So, as soon as -- as soon as possible we would move to try to get back in front of you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Joe and Adrienne, do you have feedback on a -- on a next opportunity we can put them back in our calendar? Dodson: Yes, Commissioner Fitzgerald. I have three projects on August 6th, so, please, don't. But my wedding got postponed, so I can do the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on August 20th now, so that would work if we are aiming towards a continuance. Fitzgerald: Okay. Commissioner Holland? Or Commissioner McCarvel, go right ahead. McCarvel: Okay. I -- Seal: Just to confirm, was that the 6th or the 20th? Fitzgerald: Hold on one sec. Yeah. Andrea, do you have a comment? Pogue: I just wanted to suggest that the person making motion consider limiting for reopening -- or the continuation for the purpose of receiving more information and, you know, other options on the commercial side of the project. So, to limit testimony for that, so that we don't have to re-hear all the testimony on the whole project. McCarvel: Okay. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Good feedback. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I move to continue file number H-2020-0022, to the hearing date of August 20th for the sole purpose of reviewing the applicant's new proposal for additional commercial. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to continue the public hearing on file -- Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yes, ma'am. Holland: Just one comment to Andrea's point. Do we need to be more specific in the motion to say that we are going to only reopen the public testimony for the purpose of Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F38 Page 35 of 82 discussing the commercial and not for the multi-family component? Or if we are just opening it up for the applicant. I'm not sure if we have to open it up for -- for public comment, so -- but -- Pogue: I think the public would be able to -- to comment on the -- what's brought back for the -- for more commercial and if that impacts on -- in a new way on the rest of the project they would be able to testify about that, too. But it's --the purpose that I'm hearing the Commission wanting to base its continuance on is on the commercial -- wanting to see more commercial brought into the project. Fitzgerald: I think that we are -- the motion seems fine, I believe, so I have a motion and a second to continue the public hearing of H-2020-0022, Modern Craftsman at Black Cat. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same? Okay. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Thank you all. Mr. Riggs, thank you and your team. We will see you in August. Riggs: Great. Thanks, everyone. Appreciate your time. B. Public Hearing for Epic Storage Facility (H-2020-0058) by Jarron Langston, Located at 1345 W. Overland Rd. 1. Request: Rezone of 4.43 acres of land from the R-8 zoning district Medium-density Residential) to the C-G zoning district (General Retail and Service Commercial) for the purpose of developing commercial storage on the site; and, 2. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a 29,400 square foot storage facility and associated outdoor storage on 4.43 acres in the C-G zoning district. Fitzgerald: Moving on to the public hearing for Epic Storage Facility, H-2020-0058. Joe, I'm turning it back over to you for the public -- or for the staff report, sir. Dodson: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Can everybody see my screen now? I want to make sure I did this right. I think we are good. Okay. So, yes, as stated next item, Item No. 4- B, Epic Storage Facility. The request before you is for a rezone and conditional use permit for Epic Storage Facility, a 29,400 square foot storage facility. The applicant is requesting a rezone to change the existing R-8 zoning to C-G zoning, general commercial. The applicant is also requesting conditional use permit approval for a storage facility. The subject site is surrounded by existing City of Meridian zoning and development to its northwest and south. Directly to the east is a new residential subdivision that the city is currently processing. Directly across West Overland, an arterial street, there is I-L zoning with two RV users currently existing, Bish's RV and Camping Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F39 Page 36 of 82 World of Meridian. Directly to the west along the northern half of the site is the new Meridian Fire Station and abutting the site on the southern half of the west boundary is a multi-family residential development. This parcel has both the commercial and medium density residential future land use designations as seen in the future land use map on the left-hand side of my screen here. The addition of the commercial designation spawned this proposal to rezone the property. There we go. The propose new land use is a form of RV storage and is a conditional use in the proposed C-G commercial zoning district. However, the proposed use is not a traditional self -- RV self storage as our code depicts. Staff must assess proposed uses with those listed in the UDC Table for each zone. Precision Storage Concepts, the actual business proposed here, is a more encompassing commercial business than traditional self storage by providing a valet -- valet drop and go system that requires customers to only drop off their trailers and RVs. They will not park them, nor store them themselves. Precision Storage Concepts is intended to be a full service RV and trailer business that includes they wash before each use, supply stocking of the vehicle and maintenance checks on standard items, such as batteries, water, refrigerator and tire pressure. In addition, a majority of the storage and business will occur within a large single story building. That is the 29,000 square foot storage facility. There is also intent for ancillary outdoor storage of vehicles and trailers that will be stored on the asphalt area between the office and the back of the parcel, the southern end, and the main building that is closer to Overland Road as seen on the site plan. Because this property is already zoned residential and development to the south, southwest, and to the east is residential, or planned to be, staff has concerns with the requests for C-G zoning. This concern lies with the potential for a higher intensity of commercial use next to said residential if this property is rezoned to C-G, but never develops as proposed, barring any bad economic downturn. Staff would prefer to see lower intensity zoning on this property that is still commercial and would help staff ensure a more disruptive use is not principally permitted and so easily attainable if this project is not completed fully. Therefore, staff is recommending changing the requested rezone of C-G to be C-C instead. Self service storage, the use staff has to place this use into, is still a conditional use in the C-C zone and will not affect the future operation of this use. Access to this site is proposed via an existing curb cut from West Overland Road in the northeast corner of the site. ACHD approved this access point as the proposed use as -- it's only a commercial use and vehicle trips to location is presumed to be minimal when compared to a residential development. The specific use standards for Self Service Storage require a secondary access for storage facilities and the applicant is proposing one at the eastern boundary that lines up with the proposed common driveway and the adjacent Sagewood West Subdivision currently being processed by the city. This applicant and the applicant for Sagewood West have worked together to align this emergency only access. As part of proposing a commercial zoning and use, a 25 foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to any residential uses. The applicant is showing this buffer on the submitted landscape plans as seen on the screen, but the buffer does not appear to meet the UDC requirement of landscape -- the amount of landscaped vegetation within the buffer. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to correct this. That condition is that all of the landscape buffers, the 25 feet, need to be at least 70 percent vegetated at the time of maturity. The applicant submitted conceptual renderings and conceptual elevations of the new proposed storage building. The originally submitted plans do not meet all the Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F40 Page 37 of 82 standards as required for commercial development in the architectural standards manual. This application does not include design review, but staff recommended certain conditions to ensure any future building on this site is built to a premier standard as intended by the ASM. In response to these conditions, the applicant has provided revised renderings that appear to respond to most of staff's concerns to some level. I will click through a few of these for you. Staff believes some additional tweaks should take place, but these can happen upon certificate of zoning compliance and design review application submittal. Overall the revised elevations are very much improved. There was no written testimony on this, at least as of 4:00 o'clock'ish. Staff does recommend approval of the requested rezone and conditional use permit pursuant to the DA provisions and conditions in the staff report. Because the applicant has responded to my condition about the elevations, I recommend that Condition Five in the staff report be stricken as it is no longer applicable and we will handle the rest of it through certificate of zoning compliance and design review. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Are there questions for staff? Okay. Hearing none, Madam Clerk, do we have anyone signed up to testify or in the audience that would like to testify? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, would you like to hear from the applicant first? Fitzgerald: Oh. Sorry. Yes. Thank you. I'm discombobulated with all the different things going on. Yes. Would the applicant like to come forward and testify or join us online to testify. Are they joining yet? Walker: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board, my name is --excuse me -- is Glen Walker. 1891 North Wildwood Street, Boise. I am representing the ownership group for this project, which is -- this project is actually called Precision Storage Concepts. That's the name we would like to use. We have submitted this project for a rezone and a conditional use permit application. We originally were requesting to rezone to a C-G zone, but after reading the staff report we would agree that a rezone to C-C zone would work if the facility works in that same zone. I apologize, because I will probably be restating same -- some of the same statements that Joseph read, but I would like to restate it again. The site is located at 1345 West Overland Road, which it has been designated a commercial zone under the future land use map. We feel this project will fit in nicely with the surrounding uses. This site is surrounded by existing City of Meridian zoning and development to its northwest and south. To the east this site is a new residential subdivision. Across Overload Road is the I-L zone, which has two facilities or projects, one being the Bish's RV and the other one being Camping World, which we feel this facility will fit in nicely with those two users across the street. To the west is a new fire station, which is really a nice convenience and as mentioned to the east of us is a residential subdivision that's being proposed. There is an existing home and accessory building on the site. The home will be removed upon the development of this project. However, the -- however, the accessory facility we are going to be keeping and in that accessory building is the ADA restrooms and an office, which is going to be used for this new proposed Precision Storage Concept facility. The new facility we are proposing is a high end storage facility for storing RVs, trailers, boats, et cetera. The storage facilities is a more encompassing Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F41 Page 38 of 82 commercial business that -- than that of a traditional self storage facility. Precision -- Precision Storage Concepts was established with a valet system that comes with a drop and go system, a wash before each use, and includes maintenance checks on standard items, such as batteries, water, refrigeration and pretty much an overall check of the RV that's going to be stored in that facility. Precision Storage Concepts -- it will -- it will -- this facility will blend in nicely -- we feel that it will blend in nicely and perfectly with the convenience of the city and its beautiful surroundings. People move here to play with their toys and will love the valet system and the care and precision that this facility will offer. It will help the City of Meridian to continue -- to continue to offer all -- the people that live around this facility -- Fitzgerald: I think we are having some technical difficulties in hearing you, sir. Either speak into the mic or -- we have some challenges -- having some technical challenges hearing you, so if you could speak up a little bit or talk into the mic a little bit closer it would be greatly appreciated. Walker: Sure. I will move in here and I will start from in there. Can you hear us? Fitzgerald: Yeah. That's much better. Walker: Okay. Great. And I apologize for that. It might be also the mask that I'm wearing. As Precision Storage Concepts is going to be a full service RV trailer, boat (unintelligible) for the community, we feel the location of this facility is ideal for the public use with the proximity to Bish's RV and Camping World where recreation vehicles and trailers are serviced and sold. In regards to CZC application, this project is subject to conditional use permit approval. This facility will be used as a commercial use for storage and light maintenance only. No manufacturing will be done at this facility. This facility will be separated by more than 35 feet on all sides. It will be fire sprinkled. The site will be surrounded by a screen vinyl fence and landscaping as well. The hours of operation for this facility will be 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., roughly, which falls under the allowed time for the city. We are providing a 25 foot landscape buffer between the residential zone, as well as a 25 foot street buffer, which should meet the landscape requirements from the city. We are also showing a secondary means of access for emergency purposes. We have aligned that access with the development to our east and we have worked with that -- that group and that development, so have lined those up together. The site itself -- we are proposing seven parking stalls with two ADA stalls. As mentioned, this facility is a valet-type system. We feel the seven parking stalls is in -- is in compliance with city code for the amount of parking spaces. The staff report does talk about providing a sidewalk from Overland Road to the rear building or office building. The owners will agree to provide some sort of path. We are asking that if we do provide a path, if we could provide some type of striping on the asphalt that goes across the asphalt to the -- to the building itself, if that would suffice. We will be submitting a design review and a certificate of zoning compliance as Joseph mentioned and at that time we will be working with the city with regards to the design of the building, the colors, the materials of the building. So, that is it somewhat in a nutshell. We hope that these two applications, the CUP and the rezone, will be acceptable to the Planning Department. We feel this project is a great fit Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F42 Page 39 of 82 for the City of Meridian and will add quality, great architecture, and distinctiveness to the area. So, that's kind of it in a nutshell. Fitzgerald: One question on the -- the fencing type and size, is that -- can you give me an idea -- is that eight foot fencing around, since you have -- RVs are going to be outside? And is it going to be screened? Walker: We -- yeah. It will be a screened solid vinyl fence. We were thinking six foot, but if you guys are wanting eight foot I'm sure we can -- we can comply with eight feet. But we were thinking six feet, but it's what you guys would want. We will definitely comply with your guys' recommendations. Fitzgerald: Okay. And the second question --the auxiliary building that's going to remain on the property, is that being remodeled or revamped to come up to where the -- the design work that you guys are doing with the new building? Walker: No, not at this time. We are leaving that facility as is. That's really tucked back down there on the south portion of the site. You're really not going to see that facility from the front, Overland Road area. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Are there other questions for the applicant at this time? Commissioner Holland. Holland: Just one follow-up question from your earlier comment about the fencing. I think if I remember right we are only allowed to do six foot fence in code, but the way we have kind of helped applicants around that in the past was recording a two foot landscaping buffer and put the fence on top of it if we wanted to see it higher, if I remember right. But that's a question for staff. Fitzgerald: I think Joe and I talked about it earlier. Dodson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Joe. Dodson: Yeah. Yes, sir. I'm -- Mr. Chair, Commissioner Holland, it's C-G, so you can actually go up to eight feet on the fence, not just the six foot as is required in residential. Holland: Great. Thanks. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, sorry about that. Seal: Yeah. Just a quick question on the -- the -- essentially what's going to become the office space, is that something that's going to still be a residence in terms of somebody will be staffing that for a security reason? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F43] Page 40 of 82 Walker: I apologize, I didn't hear the question. Was that directed towards me? Seal: It was. The question was for what the office space -- is that something there -- is somebody going to stay there full time, like a security type presence, or is that simply office space? Walker: It's going to be simply just an office space. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Additional questions for the applicant? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, sir. Grove: Hey, Glen, question for you real quick. Just to try and get this in my -- when -- so, it's a valet service. Is that for parking -- do they pull -- does the person pull all the way to the back of -- where that small office space is or is it pulled up to that main building? Walker: Well, it's going to be the employees of Precision Storage Concepts that's going to be taking the vehicle, driving it onto the site and, then, driving it into the facility. So, it's going to be the employee is taking it and bringing it to where they need to take it. The customers will not be doing that. Grove: So, it's a valet service as a -- back to their homes? Walker: Yeah. It is. It's a -- it's -- it's -- it's solely a valet type service. Precision Storage Concepts is going to be -- you know, taking the vehicle and bringing it into the -- to the building -- into the facility and, then, from there they will pull it back out and onto the site and we will most likely call the client and say the RV is ready for pickup and, then, the client comes and picks it up. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, did you have another comment? Grove: That answered it. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Yep. Any additional questions to the applicant? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go right ahead. Pitzer: Okay. So, I'm like Commissioner Grove, I'm trying to wrap my head around this. So, they come to pick it up, but they don't come to drop it off; is that correct? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F44 Page 41 of 82 Walker: Well, I'm not sure exactly the process. We could get the ownership to talk about that. But I believe that for the most part, you know, when you come and you -- the client potentially probably would drive somewhat into the site, drop it off near the building, check in and, then, from there the -- the employees would take over and grab the -- grab the RV and, then, take it into the facility. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. That would make more sense to me. Okay. Thank you. Walker: Uh-huh. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions this time -- at this time? Seeing none, Glen, we will be back to you shortly so you can close, but we are going to see if there is any public testimony and, then, we will let you close up. Adrienne, do we have anyone wishing to testify on this application, either in person or on the line? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we had some people sign up, but no one indicated a wish to testify. Fitzgerald: Is there anyone in the audience or online that would like to testify on this application? Please raise your hand or signify by raising your hand on Zoom. Or in the audience. Which ever one. And Commissioner Seal will be the eyes. Seal: I see no one in the audience raising a hand. Fitzgerald: Madam Clerk, are we good to go on the other side? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, that's correct. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thanks, ma'am. Glen, do you have any additional final comments you would like to make before we deliberate? Walker: I would just like to say that we through the ownership group and myself really feel that this project will fit in very nicely within this area in that we are working with the storage of expensive RVs and boats and having Bish's RV and Camping World right across the street, which is kind of in the same use as -- as those, so we feel that this project will definitely fit in nicely in this area. Fitzgerald: Well, we appreciate you being here this evening and are there any other questions for the applicant before we close the public hearing? Going once? Going twice? Sir, we greatly appreciate you being here tonight and can I get a motion to close the public hearing? Holland: So moved. Seal: Mr. Chair? Oh. Second. Fitzgerald: Oh, Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F45] Page 42 of 82 Seal: No. Go ahead. I was just going to make the motion, but it's been made, so -- Fitzgerald: Okay. Can I get a second? McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on file number H- 2020-0058. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Anyone want to lead off? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: I really like the concept of this. So, being a trailer owner myself it's -- it's probably not something that I would -- would utilize, but I do know people that would utilize it and I mean it would help them out a lot of -- I would say elderly folks that are not so much mechanically inclined, but do have large motor homes would more than likely use this service a lot and being right across the street from the two dealers over there, I mean I can see that, you know, incentives for trailer buying and being able to use that service are probably -- probably in the works already. So, as far as it fitting in, you know, I mean I -- as far as a six foot fence or an eight foot fence, depending on the landscaping that's put in there, it may be moot, but I mean if -- if an eight foot fence is something that everybody thinks we should put in there, I mean that's -- I'm totally workable with that for sure, so -- but I think this was -- you know, location is everything and -- and I think it's well thought out and I think it will be a good addition to the community. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Yeah. I would be in support of this, especially with the revised renderings. Just a couple little add-ons made a nice difference and, I agree, I think it will be utilized a bunch. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: Mr. Chair, I -- I like the concept as well and I like that they are putting the RV units in the back and have the building up front. That's not something we typically see with RV storage, so I appreciate that and, you know, someday if this ever was repurposed as another use it's certainly a nice looking attractive building that could be used a number of different ways. One question I do have -- if we could go back to what the surrounding uses are around this, I don't mind the eight foot fence, but there may be some that we Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F46 Page 43 of 82 don't need any fence on, if it's next to another commercial or whatnot. I can't remember exactly what's on both sides of it, though. I think an eight foot fence (unintelligible). Fitzgerald: Yeah. Holland: Okay. Then an eight foot fence it is. Fitzgerald: I think -- I will let Joe give me direction, but I think it's residential on all sides. Except for the north. Dodson: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Joe, is that correct? Yes, go ahead, sir. Dodson: Yes, Mr. Chair, to the north, yes, is Overland and, then, I-L zoning east, south and to the southwest is residential. But directly abutting the site to the west is Fire Station No. 6, the brand new one. So, that's also not residential. Fitzgerald: But to the south of that is residential neighborhood that runs along that east corridor; right? Or that east boundary? South of the fire station. Dodson: Along the west boundary, yeah, that's where some multi-family residential is and R-15 zoning. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Additional comments? Commissioner Pitzer, do you have a comment? Pitzer: Yes. No. I -- and I'm just going to echo the sentiment here. I think this is -- this is a great idea to put right across the street from the other RV places and I'm in full support of this and -- yeah, six foot, eight foot fence, either works for me. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Holland: I don't want to cut anyone off, but I will make a motion, unless anybody else has comments, but -- after-- after considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony I move to recommend approval to City Council of file number H-2020-0058 -- making sure I have got the right one. As presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9th, 2020, with the modification that they would be putting in an eight foot fence where the property lines abut two residential uses. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to recommend approval of file number H-2020- 0058, Epic Storage Facility. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F47 Page 44 of 82 MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Glen, thank you for being here tonight and good luck. I wish you guys the best. Walker: All right. Thank you, Commissioners. Fitzgerald: Does anyone need to take a break for any reason or you want to keep plowing forward and we get into a -- Parsons: That's -- Mr. Chair, that's up to you. If you want -- your purview. If you guys need a five minute break, happy to do that while we get set up for the next presentation. Fitzgerald: Okay. Let's do that real quick. We are going to take a bio break. (Recess: 8:35 p.m. to 8:44 p.m.) Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we are all here and ready to go. C. Public Hearing for Apex (H-2020-0066) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located generally located east of S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. Columbia Rd. 1. Request: Modification to Existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC — Inst. # 2016- 007072; SCS Brighton, LLC — Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership — Inst. # 2016-007074) to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed development plan. 2. Request: Annexation of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district. Request Continued to a Future Date to be Determined 3. Request: A Rezone of 384.27 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-8 144.78+119.28=264.06 acres), R-15 ( 76.93 acres) and C-C (43.28 acres) zoning districts. D. Public Hearing for Apex Northwest ( H-2020-0056) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located at the Northwest Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. 1. Request: Preliminary Plat consisting of 120 residential buildable lots, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F48 Page 45 of 82 E. Public Hearing for Apex Southeast ( H-2020-0057) by Brighton, Murgoitio, et al., Located at the Southeast Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. 1. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 237 residential buildable lots, 2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other (shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Madam Clerk. So, moving on to the next three items on our agenda, we are going to open these in order all at the same time, so at this time I would like to open the public hearing for Apex by Brighton, File No. H-2020-0066, File No. H- 2020-0056 and H-2020-0057 and start with the staff report. Sonya, it's all you, ma'am. Allen: I see that, thank you. You always know, but it's after you say it. Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. We did have a request by the property owner late today that they would like to change the request for annexation and zoning of that westernmost green parcel you see on the map here, that was proposed to be zoned R-2, 40 acres of land, they want to actually continue this portion of the project to a later commission hearing date in order to re-notice the application to include R-4 and R-2 zoning. So, the annexation portion is being broken out of this application tonight and will be on a later agenda. So, the annexation will not be part of your motion tonight, Commissioners. The applications before you are a request for a development agreement modification, a rezone, and two preliminary plats. The rezone area consists of 384.97 acres of land. It's just generally located east of South Meridian Road, State Highway 69, half mile north of East Columbia Road and a quarter mile south of East Amity Road. This property is surrounded primarily by rural residential and agricultural uses, zoned R-4, RUT, C-2 and R-1. This property was annexed as part of the south Meridian annexation initiated by the city in 2015. The purpose of the annexation was to obtain easements and construct infrastructure for extension of city water and sewer service in the southern portion of the city. A placeholder zoning of R-4 was given to these properties and a development agreement was required as a provision of annexation that is required to be modified upon development of these properties. Two hundred and six approximate acres are designated medium density residential on the future land use map. Approximately 21 acres are designated medium high density residential. And approximately 120 acres are designated mixed use commercial. A future school site and city park is designated in the general area northwest of the Locust Grove-Lake Hazel intersection, north of the MUC designated area. Another school site is designated on the east side of North Locust Grove Road north of Lake Hazel Road just north of the subject rezone area. A rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2 zone -- actually, that portion is being stricken, as I mentioned earlier. Two hundred and sixty-four point zero six acres to R-8. Approximately 77 acres to R-15 and 43 acres to C-C zoning districts is proposed, consistent with the associated medium density residential, medium high density residential, and mixed use community future land use designations. Only 123.38 acres of land to be rezoned is proposed to be sub -- subdivided with this application. The remainder will be developed at a later date. A master plan was submitted as shown on Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F49 Page 46 of 82 the right that depicts how the property is proposed to develop with single family residential homes, two swimming pools, commercial office uses, a community center, amphitheater, two school sites, a charter and an elementary school, and future development areas with a conceptual street layout. A modification to the existing development agreements is requested to replace the agreements with a new agreement based on the master plan proposed with this application. In the mixed use community designated areas where a concept plan isn't depicted, the development agreement is required to be modified to include a concept plan prior to development of those areas to ensure future development is consistent with the general mixed use guidelines and the mixed use community guidelines in the comp plan. Two separate preliminary plats are proposed due to the right of way for Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads separating the sites. The preliminary plat for Apex Northwest -- and that is the area -- if you can see my cursor right here on the northwest corner of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove, consists of 120 single family residential buildable lots for the development of 88 detached and 32 attached dwelling units, all alley loaded, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the R-15 and C-C zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 2,863 square feet, with an average lot size of 3,885 square feet. The gross density proposed is 5.62 units per acre, with a net density of 11.21 units per acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in three phases as shown on the phasing plan. The preliminary plat for Apex Southeast, located at the southeast corner of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads here where my cursor is at, consists of 237 single family residential buildable lots, front and alley loaded, two commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and ten other shared driveway lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 4,840 square feet, with an average lot size of 7,058 square feet. The gross density proposed is 3.75 units per acre, with a net density of 6.17 units per acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in five phases as shown on the phasing plan on the right. Overall a total of 357 single family residential buildable lots, 13 commercial buildable lots, 44 common lots and ten other lots are proposed between the two subdivisions at a gross overall density of 4.22 units per acre and a net overall density of 7.27 units per acre. There are no existing structures within the boundaries of the proposed plats. The Northwest Williams Gas Pipeline crosses the northeast corners of both subdivisions. Development within this area should comply with the Williams Developers Handbook. No structures should be located within the easement. In Apex Northwest two public street accesses are proposed via East Lake Hazel Road and two public street accesses are proposed via Locust Grove Road, both arterial streets. Collector streets, East Crescendo Street and South Apex Avenue, are proposed in accord with the master street map. In Apex Southeast three public street accesses are proposed via Locust Grove and two public street accesses are proposed via Lake Hazel Road. Collector streets, Tower Street, Vertex Way and Via Roberto Street, are proposed in accord with the master street map. Alleys are proposed for access to homes in Apex Northwest and local streets, alleys, and common driveways are proposed for access in Apex Southeast. Cross- access ingress-egress easements are required to be provided between all commercial lots. The applicant has proposed to enter into a cooperative development agreement with ACHD to improve Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads abutting the site with additional travel lanes, curb, gutter, planter strips and sidewalk with the first phase of development. Multi-use pathways are required to be provided with development along the south side of Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F50] Page 47 of 82 Lake Hazel Road, connecting Locust Grove Road to the pathway and in Discovery Park within the Williams Pipeline Easement and as otherwise required by the Parks Department in accord with the pathways master plan. A minimum of ten percent qualified open space is required to be provided in each subdivision. Open space exhibits were submitted that appear to meet the minimum standards. However, some areas were included that don't qualify, such as common areas in the C-C zoning district. To ensure the developments comply with the minimum standard staff is recommending the exhibits are revised prior to the Council hearing. If additional open space is needed it should be provided. Based on the area of the Apex Northwest plat a minimum of one qualified site amenity is required. A gazebo is proposed as an amenity. Staff is recommending tables and benches are also provided to qualify as a picnic area amenity. Based on the area the Apex Southeast plat, a minimum of three qualified amenities are required. A swimming pool, children's play equipment, and multi- use pathways are proposed as amenities in accord with UDC standards. Several conceptual building elevations were submitted for their proposed single family homes and commercial structures planned to be constructed in this development. Homes are a mix of one and two story units, attached and detached, with building materials consisting of a variety of siding styles and stucco, with stone and brick veneer accents. Final design is required to comply with the design standards in the architectural standards manual. Single family detached dwellings are exempt from design review standards. Because two story home elevations that face arterial and collector streets are highly visible, staff recommends the rear and/or side of structures on lots that face these streets incorporate articulation through various specific means or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall plains and roof lines that are visible from these streets. Single story structures are exempt from this requirement. No public comments have been received on this application. Staff is recommending approval with an amendment to the existing development agreements to include a new development agreement for the overall property per the provisions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Sonya. Are there any questions for staff? Anyone? Allen: Mr. Chair, the clerk just told me -- Fitzgerald: Go ahead, ma'am. Allen: Excuse me. The clerk just told me that there was one public comment received late today and it is in the public record. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you for that. Allen: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Hearing no questions for staff at this time, Mr. Wardle, would you like to take it from here, sir. Wardle: Thank you, Mr. Chair. First off can you hear me okay? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F51 Page 48 of 82 Fitzgerald: Yep. You're good. Wardle: Great. Thank you. I'm going to share my screen here. Good evening, Mr. Chair. My name is Jon Wardle. My address is 2929 West Navigator, Suite 400, in Meridian, Idaho. 83642. With me tonight I have David Turnbull, Lars Hansen and Mike Wardle, all representing the Brighton team and I wanted to take an opportunity to let you know that they are here available for questions at the end should you have any specific to the project. We are really excited about the opportunity to bring this project Pinnacle to you tonight. Pinnacle is a -- is a mixed use community. It's not often that we have an opportunity to develop four corners. It's often one side of the street or the other, but in this case we actually have an opportunity to develop all four corners at the intersection of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove. Even though we are divided by these roads, it will be developed as a single project and in multiple phases over time. We are very excited about the opportunity to develop Pinnacle and create not -- not only an identity for Pinnacle, but also an anchor for south Meridian, provide services and other things that will be a community asset and a value to everybody that lives out in the area that is also on a broader range. Pinnacle was designed as a mixed use planned community. When we began looking at this we wanted to identify some key components, living, education services and outdoor opportunities and so as we go through our presentation tonight I will give you a little bit more detail on all of those. As mentioned just a minute ago, there was an annexation request for 40 acres on the west side adjacent to Meridian Road. At the request of the co-applicant of that, they have asked that that be continued. So, that tonight has been pulled off the table, but it doesn't have any impact on the rest of the project that will be in front of you. We are asking for rezone to match up with the overall master plan that's in front of you. We do have -- now, it is one project, but we do have two plats, because we are split by public roads, Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast, and there is also a request to modify the development agreement, which Council will hear in the future. As I mentioned just a couple of minutes ago, when we started looking at Pinnacle we were looking at the -- the items and elements that really make up a planned community. As I put up here on the screen here they really are living options, education, services that are at appropriate scale and also recreation. In addition, because we are on this intersection of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove, we have a great opportunity to provide additional services to the broader community, not just the residents that will live in Pinnacle. Starting off the first element are living options. We have identified in the first two plats a couple of different living options. In Pinnacle Northwest we have alley and also row homes. In Pinnacle Southeast we have conventional homes that you -- that we see everywhere. But in combination these are a mix of residential uses which complement each other and provide an opportunity for different type of lifestyle, attached or detached, but also a maintenance or no maintenance, meaning a homeowner would take care of his own or it would be taken care of for them. One key element that we know is important to our community is education. We have been working for some time with West -- West Ada School District. We have identified a future site for an elementary school and we will continue to work with them on that -- on those plans. But one of the items that we are real excited about that is shown here before you is a future charter school. We have been working with Gem Prep Academy. They are looking for additional opportunities to provide education in Meridian and we have identified this site in Pinnacle Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F52 Page 49 of 82 Southeast. It's about a seven acre site. It would be a K through eight school. Public charter school. But we are really excited about that. They would come in with a future application through the conditional use process. Like their timeline and our timeline -- their intent would be to open fall of 2022. One of the things that's also important is to have services which residents and other community members can use. It's important to have services that are of an appropriate scale. Lake Hazel longterm will have more traffic to it, as will Locust Grove. We really designed this first section in Pinnacle Northwest to be a small scale, a neighborhood scaled retail area. A couple of things that we are doing here that are unique is retail needs people and so in order to drive that we are going to put our community center here at the core of this and I will get into a little bit more about some of the services that will be there, but we think that having a very active community center surrounded by a similar scale to retail will provide an opportunity for success for those future retail users here. The retail we see will be a combination of small scale office, medical services, small retail services and those will be defined over time based on what neighbors and community needs here at this location. Of note as well this -- this area here identified in the corner, it's about ten acres, and seven acres of that is -- is combined for the community center and these office retail uses at this location. We are really excited about the opportunities that we have to provide -- to help people be outdoors, be social, but also have space. We know that having space is an important thing and so we feel like we are starting to provide some opportunities that will be both beneficial to the Pinnacle community, but also provide some valued connections to the greater south Meridian area. Some of the things that we are proposing with Pinnacle is an amphitheater and community center kind of at the center at Lake Hazel and Locust Grove, trails and pathways, and pools and parks. Really what this becomes -- it is a neighborhood town center for south Meridian. Not intense like you would find it at The Village, but of an appropriate scale and services that would be beneficial to this area. I'm going to zoom in here on a couple things. First talk about the amphitheater and community center here in the core on this ten acre corner piece. We have thought long and hard about the opportunities here and how to create a place where people will come and gather. As we started looking at this we really felt like there was value in not turning our back on a park, but making the park a center, a keystone of Pinnacle, not just for the residents, but it is surrounded by public streets. We really want to see people come here and gather here with this amphitheater. It could be for small concerts. It could be for farmers markets. We also see the opportunity on the streets that we could park food trucks so they can come there. It really becomes an activity center for the greater community. This is looking -- this is looking from the northwest to southeast towards the corner of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove. This perspective -- if you were standing in the community center you would be looking back into the commons and the amphitheater. Here is that same view, but elevated up above, so you kind of get the size and scope of this. The park element itself, we were calculating that earlier today, get to it right here really quick. Yeah. So, the park element and the community center is 3.25 acres. In context, City Hall here sits on 2.75 acres. City Hall and the parking lot. So, we are adding about a half acre more of a great park element, a community center, and associated retail uses and commercial uses around the site. This community center right here that I have shown here -- this will face both the park and also into the parking area, which we will see here in a second on how that works. The community center really is designed to provide ample outdoor spaces, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F53 Page 50 of 82 but also indoor spaces. We see that we will be doing -- all of our mail delivery will be at the community center. There will be places for package drop offs. We will also have a cafe in there. You talked about having a small library, either-- either a community library or something bigger than that. There will be a business center. It becomes the activity hub for both the residents and also the community at large at Pinnacle. Again, looking here back towards the northeast, this shot kind of gives you the perspective where the community center and amphitheater commons would be and how those two would relate. We really have an opportunity here to activate this area over time. When I say activate, bring people together. People are looking for that third place. They have work or school and they have home. They want that place where they can go, meet other people, but still have, you know, the ability to have some distance and we really feel like this provides a great cornerstone for south Meridian. And, finally, this picture right here, this is looking at the intersection, the roundabout, looking towards the northwest to kind of get a perspective of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel, how those buildings would relate to both of those arterial roadways. And, finally, just one last picture here looking towards the south and you see the back side of the community center, but it's not really backside, it's a four sided architectural building. We will have plaza spaces there as well. People can come in, pick up their mail, get some services and also participate in other activities that we will have programmed with an on-site community director. One of the things that we have heard a lot about south -- south Meridian -- what we hear in all of our communities is the importance of connections. We view connections as pathways and sidewalks. This graphic right here that's in front of you, these red lines represent new pathway systems, which would be ten feet in size or provide other connections to other neighborhoods like this. We are going to have ten foot detached sidewalks on both sides of Lake Hazel, along a mobility corridor that ultimately will connect into Discovery Park. You will also have a ten foot sidewalk heading north on Locust Grove and, then, as you see it goes on the diagonal, that's the Williams Pipeline. It creates both some challenges, but also an opportunity. We are going to activate that corridor, green it up. We can't build any structures -- buildings over the top of it, but we can bring pathways through there. We can create some common areas, and this ten foot pathway will connect the northwest part of our project and beyond down to Discovery Park for new pathways which are safe corridors to travel on. And, finally, one of the key elements, obviously, are parks and other -- other services. In the southeast area we are showing in our first phase a pool and playground area that we will be building. We have some micro path connections which will be built over to Discovery Park in the Pinnacle Northwest area. We will be building that community center and commons and amphitheater with our second phase. It will be the first phase up there, but with our second phase, so those elements are there right from the very beginning as well. We do have a variety of open spaces, gazebos, we have a future pool and other pathway connections planned to the northwest. That gives you an idea of what we are doing from the very beginning with these two plants, which are before you tonight. As Sonya mentioned, the applications before you -- really that first one, the annexation, has been continued. We are rezoning Pinnacle to match with the type of land uses which are now before you in this master plan. It is one project, but there are two preliminary plats, Apex Northwest and Apex southeast, and we will be modifying the development agreement. Just wanted to kind of give you an illustration of how the zoning here overlays the boundaries of the -- of the project in relationship to the Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F54 Page 51 of 82 broader community. We have a variety of land uses here with R-8, R-15. We are maintaining R-4 over adjacent to the existing homes, which are shown there with that project area. We also have C-C designated areas, which allow for community scale and neighborhood scale retail, but also other type of residential uses in the future, depending on the demand and interest in the market. And, again, this is just a side by side of our land use map and the zoning which is proposed. And, finally, just in summary, like I said, we are presenting to you an overall concept plan for Pinnacle. It is divided into two subdivisions or plats before you, Apex Northwest, which was 120 residential lots with 11 commercial lots on 41 acres and Apex Southeast, 237 residential lots, two commercial lots with that future charter school there as well on 81.63 acres. Finally, we do agree with the conditions of approval, subject to some clarifications that we have been working with staff on some design elements, which -- which are not major, but we will address those prior to City Council. We do not have any modifications to the conditions that we are requesting this evening and we do request that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that these applications move forward to the Council, not for annexation, but for zoning and the preliminary plat as proposed by staff as we have given to you this evening in our public testimony. That's the end of my discussion or the end of my comments. I am willing to take any questions you have or for our team here as well. Fitzgerald: Mr. Wardle, we appreciate you being here. I have a quick question. I know in -- in a -- you know, this is a big significant chunk of land. You all are doing a significant offsite in widening roads and adding signals; is that correct? Just so we have that on the record. Wardle: Commission Fitzgerald, thank you. Yes. To let you know what we are doing currently, on this exhibit right now in the northwest corner where you see kind of some gravel pits up there close to Amity Road, that's where the city brought in its sewer line. We have actually picked up the sewer line and built about three quarters of a mile of it, but we are extending that trunk sewer line all the way down to the city park, so the future phase of the city park can -- next phase can bring -- be brought online as well. One of the other key elements that we are involved in as well is the ultimate construction of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove to match the long range plans that ACHD has for the area. We are going to enter into a cooperative development agreement with them. So, at the very beginning of the project or concurrent with these first phases we will be building a dual lane roundabout, we will be building Lake Hazel at least a quarter mile each way with these first phases as a five lane roadway system with a median that would allow for turn lanes and we will be rebuilding Locust Grove as well as a three lane roadway in cooperation with ACHD. So, we have made that commitment. We are going to do that the very beginning. We are invested already without any approvals on extending the long range planned sewer trunk line for this area. So, yes, those things we are involved in and are committing to with this project. Fitzgerald: Thanks, sir. I appreciate the information, for sharing that. Is there questions for the applicant? Seal: Mr. Chair? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F55 Page 52 of 82 Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go right ahead, ma'am. Pitzer: Thank you. Yes. Just for clarification, where the amphitheater is, if you could bring that back up. You have a little -- you have the square right there that says future. What do you see for that future? Wardle: Let me see here. Was it this one? Pitzer: This one here. Yes. Wardle: Yes. Pitzer: North of the amphitheater. Wardle: I don't think you can see my cursor, but, Commissioner Pitzer, you were -- you were mentioning that future square, it's about a ten acre site. We are zoning it as R-15. We don't have plans for it at this moment, but we do view it as residential in the future. One of the things if we were to draw a line through -- you see the red pathway to the northwest, that is the Williams Pipeline. The Williams Pipeline bisects that parcel, so we are just pausing at this moment in time as we are continuing to work with them on how design in and around that would be. It is a 70 foot easement that they have through there. Actually have a couple of pipelines that are in that easement. So, we do need to take care as we are going through there. But at this point in time we are not presenting any plans to the Commission and would come back at a future date with a new plat or plans for that future area. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. And follow up? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, ma'am. Pitzer: Thank you. What -- are there any grocery stores, gas stations, anything like that within this area? Wardle: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Pitzer, at this time we do not have anything planned at this intersection. We do have an opportunity in future. We have some other C-C zoning in there, but we want to make sure that the retail uses are of a scale which is appropriate. There are other locations which we think will end up being probably a little higher traffic, perhaps closer over to Meridian Road and State Highway 69. At this time the retail that we are proposing would be of small scale, probably in the ballpark of four to ten thousand square foot structures that would be services related to the community. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you very much. Wardle: Thank you. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F56 Page 53 of 82 Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, sir. Seal: Was that for me? Fitzgerald: Yes. Seal: Just a quick question on the school sites. Are the school sites something that you were working to donate fully, partially donate, or is that something where the school is going to buy the land and go from there? Wardle: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Seal, Brighton has a long standing history of working with the schools. We have done this at other locations in most every one of our communities in Meridian. I don't want to get into the details on what that really means, other than we are committed to education and we -- we are working hard to make sure that education happens early here, just like we have in other communities. So, I don't really want to get into details on what those -- how the land would transfer, other than to say that we have a long term commitment to education in Pinnacle. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Follow up, Mr. Seal? Seal: No. That's all. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Okay. Commissioner Grove, were you unmuted? Grove: Yes. Fitzgerald: Sir, go right ahead. Thanks. Grove: All right. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Wardle, a couple of -- I had two separate questions. First one is related to the improvements right there and -- for the street. This is something unique to our streetscape. Is this proposal something that would -- like was actually going to go through in terms of the median that is set up on -- which one is that? Lake Hazel. And I guess Locust Grove as well. Wardle: Mr. Chair, give me a second here. Let me scroll back to a different graphic that pulls it down a little bit closer, just so you can kind of see here. There is a dark line here, so that --that is over the top of a continuous median both east and west from Lake Hazel. As we know, Lake Hazel is a -- you know, is going to be a mobility corridor in the future. It's not carrying that currently, but we want to make sure that it's designed appropriately. But given the nature of the roundabout as well, we don't want to have too many conflicts coming in and out of the parcels and so when you get back to -- back to the amphitheater area, this is a continuous median that would come across Lake Hazel -- there would be Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F57 Page 54 of 82 a turn lane -- a dedicated turn lane more to the west, so you would have the same treatment to the east, but, yes, we are -- we are committed to building those medians in those areas, both from an enhancement, but also to control access to the parcels north and south of that Lake Hazel area, given that we have a roundabout there. Grove: Thank you. I like that. It gives some character to an otherwise flat piece of land, so that's kind of cool. The second question that I had was related to open space and how that is possibly impacting your decision on the northwest parcel. In regards to the -- if the civics aspect is not able to be calculated, does that impact your open space needs during this first phase and if it does are you able to accelerate the addition of the space surrounding the future pool? Wardle: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Grove, let me just make sure I understand the question. You can just nod if I do. You are asking if we feel like we have sufficient open space in the northwest area if we can't count the amphitheater as -- within our common area. Okay. All right. We do believe that we do. There -- there is an area which is directly adjacent to the amphitheater to the west, which has a lot of common area. We have other buffers as well down here on Lake Hazel. We do believe that we -- the calculations are there for it. I would note, however, it is interesting -- the only reason we are not able to count it is because it's in a C-C zone. We very easily could have redrawed the zoning down the middle of the private drive between the amphitheater and the community center and bring it in and it would be more than -- more than -- way more than is needed, but because it is in the C-C zone as relates to commercial it, quote, isn't counted. I do think, however, if you look in the context of this community, the open space that's there, the amphitheater and the opportunity to bring in a lot of other residents and community members, we think it's a great asset. But your original question, we do think that we have sufficient open space in the other R-15 area, which is shown within the plat. Fitzgerald: Mr. Grove, any -- additional questions for the applicant? Grove: Not at this time. Wardle: Can I just see if there is anything else that needs to be clarified? Okay. We are good on our end. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Mr. Wardle. We appreciate it. We will let you close if there is additional public testimony. I will give you an opportunity to close either way, but if there is -- we will come back to you in a moment. Madam Clerk, is there anyone signed up to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we had several people sign up, one who wished to testify in house and that is Stacia Morgan. Fitzgerald: Okay. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F58 Page 55 of 82 Morgan: Okay. Hi, I'm Stacia Morgan. I live at 1130 East Tanya Lane here in Meridian and I guess I'm mostly here to say -- I mean it looks like that Pinnacle is an exciting addition to our community and I know that Brighton does a good job of bringing good things to our community. If it's approved I guess I'm mostly looking to -- not to approve a future R-15 designation for that one area. Plus I'm here for also a general plea to the Planning and Zoning Committee to continue to look out for our students. I know -- I was unaware of this charter school possibility, but it looks like as of now Victory Middle School is only -- is only 31 kids below capacity and I'm sure just this one Brighton development will bring more than 31 middle school children for that school, which will have it at capacity. Besides all the other communities that have been approved and are currently under construction. I know it's a duty of the Planning and Zoning Committee to do analysis -- analysis of public school capacity and transportation considerations and one question I have is do they do those and does the public have access to those analysis as they consider all these big communities that are coming in. According to the National Education Association a 15 kid class is ideal. That's totally and completely a dream. But 18 to 24 is more appropriate. Hillsdale in 20 -- 2018-2019 school year had fifth grade classes with 38 and 39 kids and another one of 39 and in the 2019-2020 all the -- all the third grade classes had -- had 31 kids in every first grade class. So, this is a huge concern. I mean I grew up here in Boise and Meridian and catch up has always been the game that we have played, but our growth is so much faster and we just can't keep playing the catch up game. The five kids that have -- are in the West Ada School District -- personal experiences I have had one teacher tell me I just don't know what to do with your daughter. She gets done with her work and I just have too many kids, so she can just read and maybe you can do things with her at home. She suggested I do some at home research project with her, because she just has too many kids to deal with and my kids at the high school have been really frustrated with -- every year we get the e-mail you cannot change classes. Whatever you get assigned to that is what you do, because we have too many kids to deal with all these schedule changes. So, unless it's some kind of emergency you just take what you get and that's really frustrating and, you know, not -- not good. I think we really have to plan for the education of these kids and part of the joy of Meridian community -- and they -- Pinnacle mentioned connection and that's -- that's the joy and beauty of living here is the connection with our neighbors and if these kids, which is currently happening, are bused to different schools and not going to school with their neighbors, they lose on that connection and that -- that's the beauty of the city. Kids should not have to be bused to far away schools because of the lack of planning on the city's part for educational purposes and also if we can kind of limit the number of step- ups or rezoning, we can limit the number of people in these communities. So, that's my plea, I guess, is just to, please, keep -- think about our kids and think about our future. I think that Pinnacle looks great, but we really have to be smart about how we are planning our community and planning for schools. It looks like there is some good selections with the elementary school level, but we still suffer in the middle school and, then, even the high school. So, thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. Appreciate you being here with us tonight. Madam Clerk, is there anyone else that would like to testify that hasn't signed up? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F59 Page 56 of 82 Weatherly: Mr. Chair, I'm getting one -- Fitzgerald: I have someone raising their hand. Weatherly: I'm getting one hand raised online, so one moment. Annette, I'm going to move you over so you can speak. One moment, please. Fitzgerald: Annette, if you would unmute yourself, you have joined us from the other side, so if you would, please, state your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours, ma'am. Alonso: Okay. I'm Annette Alonso. I live at 2204 East Hyper Drive in Meridian and I live in Black Rock Subdivision, which will eventually back onto this development on -- off the canal to the northeast side and I have met with -- with Mr. Wardle and truly I think this is a beautiful development. It's really well planned. Spoken with Jon and we talked about this before. I'm representing the Southern Rim Coalition. And the only thing I have to say is we would like to make sure there is pathways connected through our development. We have a place where we can connect through -- over the canal. We have a walkway. Just so we have that thoroughfare going through and like the previous person who spoke just said, our education thing is quite a disaster at this point and I have tried many times through City Council -- Wendy Webb, who is my co-chair testified to City Council on a Linder Cedarbrook the other night and that was turned down by City Council because of the fact that we have no place to put our children and I love the fact that Brighton is including the school thing. I think the charter school is great. The problem is is that we are going to have houses before we have schools and we already have a thousand houses planned out here with no place for the children to go, because we are at capacity -- over capacity, so -- so, that's kind of just where we are is that we love this development, but schools have to come first before we can do anything else, because, you know, we wouldn't approve houses if we didn't have water. We wouldn't approve houses if we didn't have sewer. It's basic need and education is basic need. So, that's where we stand. Like I said, we love this development, we love what Brighton does, we love what they did with Century Farm. We love their contribution to community and the way they really help grow the community. We just have to have a school before we have more houses or we are going to be in real trouble. That's all I have. Weatherly: Mr. Chair, at this time I don't see anybody else raising their hand in house or online. Seal: You are muted, Mr. Chair. Fitzgerald: Thank you very much. Thanks, Mr. Seal, for bringing that up. Ms. Alonso, thank you for being here with us tonight. We appreciate your perspective. And I have one more person that just raised their hand. Can we move Mr. Edwards -- or Mrs. Edwards -- the Edwards over and have him or her join us as a panelist. Weatherly: Absolutely. I think it's Julie. Julie, if that's you you can unmute yourself. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F60 Page 57 of 82 Fitzgerald: And, Julie, if you hit the button down -- there you go. Julie, please, state your name and your address for the record. I think we got your testimony late today, but we appreciate your written testimony, too. So, hopefully, you can give us your take and go from there. So, the floor is yours, ma'am. Julie, we are not hearing you if you are speaking. Still having challenges. But I do know we have got Julie's testimony on the -- in written form, which is good. Madam Clerk or Chris, I'm not sure if we can help her. Weatherly: Julie, if -- if you can check your -- you are unmuted on Zoom, but if you look on your computer and see if your volume is on and you are not muted on your computer. It sounds like you might be joining us, but you are really far away. Allen: Mr. Chair, this is Sonya. If Mrs. Edwards is not able to communicate with us so we can hear, I am happy to hit the highlights of her written testimony if you would like. Fitzgerald: Let's do that and she can -- Allen: Okay. Fitzgerald: Yeah. That would be great. Sonya, if you will hit the highlights of her testimony and we can --just to make sure everybody has that and, then, Mr. Wardle might be able to answer any questions that come up in that. That would be great. Allen: Okay. Mrs. Edwards is opposed to the proposed rezone from R-4 to R-15 for the land along Lake Hazel Road between Meridian Road and Locust Grove Road. She is not against higher density around the commercial areas, though. She would like to see the zoning of the future development areas remain R-4, rather than be rezoned to R-8. She believes that farmland and open space should be preserved as much as possible. She is concerned the current school system does not have the capacity to accommodate all of the students from this development. She would like a moratorium placed on development that has not already been approved to allow time for the school district and roads to catch up and to have time to reevaluate how we want to use our dwindling remaining open spaces and farmland. Hopefully I captured all that, Julie. If not, the Commissioners do have her entire letter in the public record for review. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Sonya. Appreciate that. Is there anyone in the audience or remaining online that would like to testify on this application? So, please, raise your hand. Seal: I'm seeing nobody in the audience, Mr. Chair. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Seal. Hearing none, Mr. Wardle, would you like to close, sir. Wardle: Sure. Thank you very much for the opportunity to make a few comments here at the very end of this. We -- we are aware this is a large project and we -- we also are aware that a couple of the items are outside of the city's control, being the roads and schools, but we feel like we are stepping up to address those and be very proactive. The Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F61 Page 58 of 82 school question came up about, you know, needing more capacity. We went out and we found a very creative way to create capacity almost at the very beginning of our project. This K through eight charter school, Gem Prep, they will have 550 new seats that weren't even anticipated in West Ada's plan. We also committed to West Ada for them to provide an elementary school here on site as well. We are frustrated as well with the schooling issue. We are very intimately aware of what's going on in Hillsdale where we have residents that are living in -- in Century Farm, a community we developed and worked with West Ada to build that school, but their kids are being bused out, while other kids several miles away are being bused in. We are frustrated by that, too, and we would like to see West Ada be a little bit more proactive on doing changes. Now, that's not -- that's not popular, because people want -- they want the kids to remain in a place long term. But one way to deal with the capacity issues in West Ada is to change boundaries more frequently and address those as growth is coming. We do feel that Pinnacle with the West Ada future school site for an elementary school, as well as his charter school, we are really bringing some resources sooner -- in particular with a charter school -- than West Ada would be able to provide in their normal course of business. There was a question regarding pathways and I just want to see if I have control here still. It says I do, but let's try this one more time. It is not moving forward here. The question was raised about pathways. One of the unique things that we have in -- in Meridian are a bunch of laterals, drains, irrigation areas. The area between us and Black Rock -- and I did meet with Annette. She came in. We met in probably February before we completely shut down here. There we go. Thank you, Chris. This plan right here on our eastern boundary, that pathway system is really designed to follow the Farr Lateral. There is a connection existing in Black Rock, which they talked to us about, about making a pedestrian connection out. We think that's great. The more pedestrian connections we have for opportunities for neighbors to cross back and forth without having to get in the car is better and we are committed to these as well. So, I think we can very easily provide new opportunities throughout all this area and get people safely to Discovery Park. Finally, there is a question about density and rezoning. I just want to go to the city's future land use map. It was on a smaller scale. It's right here. So, this is the current Comprehensive Plan that the city has adopted. We have been involved and active in this conversation. It went through a long review period with a lot of public outreach. As you will see, Lake Hazel is considered as a location for more -- more density. We are going to take a look at that long term, but we also are wanting to make sure that we can meet the residential needs and demands over time and our zoning is married up with the future land use map. Just in summary, let me go back here. We are -- we are really excited about Pinnacle. Not -- not just from a, hey, we are -- we have an opportunity to build some homes and put some -- some roads in the ground. That's beyond what we are considering here. We are excited because we have an opportunity at the intersections of Lake Hazel and Locust Grove to create a south Meridian town center. A destination. Provide connections to the new city park. Provide safe ways for people to move back and forth along these arterials. Provide additional pathways to and through Pinnacle. Provide services for not only the residents of Pinnacle, but all of south Meridian and, most importantly, provide educational opportunities which we all know are super important with a future charter school and a future elementary school. Like I said, our team here at Brighton, we are very excited to be before you to do a master planned community, which Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F62 Page 59 of 82 is considering, you know, living, recreation, services and educational opportunities in a planned manner and we stand for any questions you might have tonight. Fitzgerald: Mr. Wardle, we appreciate it. Are there questions for the applicant? See shaking heads. Hearing none at this time. Going once. Going twice. Can I get a motion to close public hearing? Holland: So moved. Grove: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on several different file numbers. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same? MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Okay. Crew, the applications are properly before you. Who wants to lead off? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grove: I will jump in real quick. Johnson: Mr. Chair, sorry. Can I interrupt him? I apologize. A member of the public raised their hand, but you have closed the public hearing. What would you like to us to do here? Fitzgerald: I think we have moved on. That's kind of our policy, Chris, so -- appreciate that. We let Mr. Wardle close, so I think we are going to move forward. Go ahead, Commissioner Grove. Grove: Just initial thoughts kind of on this. I like the -- the -- the thought process behind this project, especially trying to create a sense of community in this part of town, rather than just a -- you know, adding a subdivision to add a subdivision. Adding, you know, the elements that are in the comp plan in terms of creating that sense of community with more than homes, you know, having commercial and civic aspects to this with a variety of housing options. I like the overall concept that's been provided and, you know, the education piece is definitely hard. I would love to be able to make some -- you know, if we had a magic wand and change how we can get schools built in our state that would be awesome. I do appreciate how they have addressed education as part of their plan versus saying that, you know, it will come in somewhere close to them. They are actively doing that. I am really a fan of this amphitheater commons area in particular and first impressions on it are I like this project and I really like the treatment that they did on the street in the proposal as well. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F63] Page 60 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thank you, Commissioner Grove. Commissioner Holland. Holland: Mr. Chair, I want to say I really like mixed use concepts where they think comprehensively about how all the elements integrate with each other, instead of just doing a series of tot lots and a series of pocket parks. They have got more of a centralized space that's really thinking about the future vision. So, I applaud their efforts in trying to think creatively and creating an amphitheater where gathering space in Meridian has been limited and a number of conversations on where do we have more concerts, where do we have more of these kind of closet events. So, I think they have done a tremendous job in trying to integrate some of those elements instead of just doing a series of pocket parks, which they certainly could have done. Overall I think they are following what the comp plan has. I don't see any big burning concerns on my side. I certainly understand the public's -- you know, it's -- it's tough with schools and it's hard, because the Commission doesn't really have the authority over the school district. Our job is to make sure that these projects fit the Comprehensive Plan and the -- the future use map and as far as development is going at least a step above, they have got two school sites within this master planned community and I think that that speaks volumes for their efforts in wanting to work with the school district to help solve some of the challenges in this area. So, in my mind I don't see any big glaring concerns. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. Commissioner McCarvel, do you -- Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Oh. Commissioner Seal, go ahead. Seal: I echo Commissioner Holland's comments and -- and, you know, I -- when I read the ACHD report on this --just commenting on the roads -- it was almost comical to me. It was -- I read it as them being kicked back on their heels like they want to do what, you know. These guys are going to -- they are going to build our roads and -- hold on a minute, you know. That's kind of the way that I -- and it's -- it's a really really long report and that's where I got kind of that-- that-- that picture in my head of them reading through it going, oh, my gosh, how do we handle this. So, I -- you know, I applaud their efforts in doing this and taking the responsibility and listening to, you know, the times and opportunities we have had to kind of beat up on them, you know, as well as other developers to bring something else to the community besides a bunch of houses, so -- I mean this is a really big development. It's a lot of houses. They just shot down -- you know, City Council just shot down a large development like this on the south side of the freeway and understandably, because, you know, the infrastructure isn't there and the schools aren't there. But seeing a developer coming in and being responsible about that and just taking -- basically taking the reins. I know we are short on schools. I know the roads and infrastructures, you know, isn't enough to handle what we are trying to do. So, we are going to --we are going to do this. You know, I mean -- as basically kind of saying this--you know, for other developers to--to heed --to heed to. I mean generally speaking I'm the commissioner that I looked at the ACHD -- or, sorry, the West Ada School District report first and if they are overcrowded you really really got to do something to make me, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F64] Page 61 of 82 you know, jump over that to where I -- I think maybe it might be a good idea to pack more kids into the schools that are around there. I'm very passionate about that. That said, the responsibility that's taken in this -- this development is above and beyond in my -- my view. The way that it's laid out, the concept plans, the ten foot paths to me -- my family and I -- we try and bike everywhere. We are a biking family and we constantly run into the fact that a five or six foot sidewalk isn't enough for you to responsibly get around people. I mean you come up against somebody with a baby stroller or something, you feel bad. You got to work your way through that. So, ten foot paths all the way around, that's -- that's remarkable. So, I mean there is -- you know, I have the same hesitations. I just went to pick my son up this morning at the -- at the south Y and I drove through this area and part of me is a little bit sad, because it's -- it's wide open spaces. It's farmland. It's all -- you know, it's the things that we kind of like to see here. That said, the responsibility is taken in my mind with developing this piece of property and the lengths they are going to in order to show that responsibility is -- is great. I hope we see a lot more of this from developers, big and small, because this -- this proves that they want to be a part of the community to me and the -- I mean I'm not even going to get into the amphitheater part of it. I love that. So, I -- I like everything about this and I really do applaud their -- their responsibility that they are taking and trying to help our community into bettering itself, both with infrastructure and with schools. Fitzgerald: I -- I will hop in just real quick before -- because I -- I totally agree with everything you just said. It is showcasing by setting an example, taking a step forward and investing in those things. Taking what could be additional homes and, you know, providing that school and, then, building the roads. So, you are -- that you are taking that step forward I think is -- is exceptional and it should be an example for other developers. So, I wholeheartedly agree with what you just said and I can't really improve on what you said, so I -- I think you took the words right out of my mouth, because I had the same feeling, so -- Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I'm really glad you all used all those words to describe this, because as long as I have been on the Commission I have got to say I'm about speechless. This is beautiful. The traffic calming on -- coming up to the intersection on the roads, the open space and just the overall framed together, the R-2, R-4, R-8, all of it blended -- it looks like it's going together really well and I think that's what you want to see in these -- in these communities being able -- to ask for a mix of housing types and I think this is going to be a good blend and, like they said, it's not often they get a chance to do all four corners. So, I'm glad they got the opportunity, because this is -- like I said, if we could do more of this it would be a great thing to the City of Meridian. Fitzgerald: Additional comment? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F65] Page 62 of 82 Pitzer: Yeah. I -- I'm going to echo those comments, but also I just wanted to mention, you know, I -- I came from a very rural area that changed and transitioned and I went through all the hardships of the -- you know, the cows and the dairies and -- and all of that and -- and I did read the letter and I do listen to the public comments and I appreciate all of them, but I -- I think this is transitioning well. I know that the R-15 right now is -- seems high, but it's around the commercial area and I think if we look at the other zoning that they want to do, especially keeping R-2 and R-4 to the other areas, I think it's going to transition well and the fact that they have so much invested in the community as a whole and -- and I think that, you know, the grocery stores and the other commercial are going to follow. It's going to come. But, you know, they are not going to come out if there is no houses, so I think this is very well thought out. I think it's another great Brighton community and I do applaud the thoughtfulness that -- that has gone into this and -- and -- yeah. I think the transition is there. Holland: Mr. Chair? I don't know if you are talking back, but I'm going to make a motion. Fitzgerald: Sorry. Holland: After hearing all the applicant and public testimony -- Seal: Commissioner Holland? Holland: Yes. Seal: Can I interject something here real quick? And there was a question as to the open space and whether or not that it would be able to accommodate by -- when they removed this area here. I would -- I mean I was going to try and do the motion, but you are way too quick at this, so -- but I -- honestly, I wouldn't mind having something stated in there that as long as they are close I -- whatever -- I mean if we have to do alternative compliance, whatever that is in order to let them know that, yes, even if the surrounding area doesn't quite make it, I'm okay with that and in this area specifically, in the -- in the -- in the northwest corner specifically. I don't know if that's something that we want to note in there, but I'm -- I think they have gone above and beyond with this concept to the point where I think it may be worth noting in a motion. Holland: Commissioner Seal, I'm happy to have you make that motion. Go right ahead, sir. Seal: Great. Now -- so, now I have to think of how to say that. Okay. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers H-2020-0056, H-2020-0057, and H-2020-0066 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9th, 2020, with the following modifications: That if open space -- after the removal of the amphitheater does not meet the criteria, that they are given credit for the amphitheater space in an alternative compliance. McCarvel: Commissioner Seal -- Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F66] Page 63 of 82 Seal: Go ahead. Fitzgerald: Yeah. Just for clarification, do we have to pull out the annexation? McCarvel: Yeah. Pogue: That's correct. McCarvel: H-2020-0066. Seal: We pulled out H-2020-0066? Fitzgerald: Just the annexation. McCarvel: Yeah. Seal: But that is the number for it, 0066? Fitzgerald: Yes. Allen: Mr. Chair, if I may -- this is Sonya. That is the number, but that also represents the rezone and the development agreement modification applications as well. So, please, specify just the annexation associated with that file number. Thank you. Seal: So, let me -- Fitzgerald: So, in addition to your motion -- Seal: Let me read this again. How is that? So, we -- we haven't had a second. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers H-2020-0056, H-2020-0057, and H-2020-0066, with the exception of the -- Pogue: Annexation. Seal: -- annexation. Presented in the staff report of the hearing date of July 9th, 2020, with the following modifications: That if the northwest parcel, after pulling out the amphitheater portion on -- of open space does not meet the criteria, that they are still granted approval through alternative compliance. Holland: I will second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to recommend approval of file H-2020-0056, 57 and 66 with modifications. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F67 Page 64 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thanks, Mr. Wardle. Wardle: Thank you very much. Fitzgerald: Good luck. We appreciate it. This thing looks awesome. We look forward to seeing it. Wardle: As are we. Thank you very much. F. Public Hearing for Tara's Landing (H-2020-0048) by Mike Homan, Located at 5025 W. Larry Ln. 1. Request: Annexation of 6.34 acres of land with an R-8 zoning district; and, 2. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 29 buildable lots and 2 common lots on 6.14 acres of land in the R-8 zoning district. Fitzgerald: Have a good night. Okay, team. Plowing forward. Next item on our agenda is the public hearing for Tara's Landing, file H-2020-0048, and we will start with the staff report. Alan, are you with us, sir? Tiefenbach: I am, Mr. Chair. We are keying up the PowerPoint. Fitzgerald: Got you. Thank you. Tiefenbach: All right. Good evening, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. This is a request for an annexation, a preliminary plat -- a preliminary plat and a zoning. It's -- the property is about six acres of land. It's zoned RUT within unincorporated Ada county and it's located at the end of West Larry Lane, which is near the southwest quadrant of Black Cat Road and West Chinden Boulevard. You can see the maps here. The future land use map recommends this property for a medium density residential. As I said, it's currently not within the city and you can see the development that's -- that has been approved around the area. Again, this is a proposal to -- for approximately six acres of land to be annexed and rezoned to R-8 and to plat out 29 buildable lots and two common lots. There is presently a single family residence on this property and the land to the -- to the south of the property was annexed, zoned, and planted for 30 lots recently. That's the Westward Subdivision and that is presently building out. To the north of the property is vacant and rural land and that's recommended by the future land use map as medium density residential and mixed use regional. This property, about 28 acres, was -- recently underwent a pre-app for commercial uses and about 250 single family and multi-family units. To the west of the property is 126 acres presently in the early development stages as the Prescott Ridge Subdivision and subdivision would allow about 380 single family attached and detached, as well as possible multi-family, a medical campus and an educational facility. Access is proposed via Larry Lane, which you can see with my cursor here. Also North Willowside Avenue -- when the Westridge Subdivision was built, this is Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F68 Page 65 of 82 presently being constructed, so this development will continue west -- west -- or, excuse me, of Willowbrook and we will stub it to the north property line. There is also going to be an interior road here, which would be West Tara Court -- West Tara Court. It's important to note that West Larry Lane right now is a cul-de-sac. After talking to ACHD, ACHD and city staff have both agreed that this should be extended. So, the applicant will be responsible for constructing this road and connecting it to North Willowside Avenue. This would require a -- would provide internal access. So, they would have to improve it as one half of a 30 foot -- 33 foot street section with curb, gutter, and a minimum of five foot concrete sidewalk. They would not build a sidewalk on the northern side. That would be the next developer that would do that. The applicant proposes just a little bit more than ten percent of qualified open space for the development, which you can see here and it's important to note that this -- the landscape plan does not exactly match the preliminary plat. We have --we have conveyed that onto the applicant. Tonight I have -- I have seen a -- another updated landscape plan from the applicant, which I can talk about in a minute. This open space that you see here would be accessed via a pathway between lots of three and five, which you can see here. It would also be accessed from Tara Court, which is down here, and from Larry Lane, which is up here. One concern that staff had was with the orientation of these lots here and the reason why is because this micro -- this pathway here would be coming in between the sides of two houses and would have a limited visibility. It wouldn't be good for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Staff's recommendation to the applicant would be to rotate these lots 90 degrees, so that the path is in the back of the houses, which would have more -- which would have more visibility. Staff has recommended this as a condition of approval. We have conveyed this onto the applicant's representative and I believe that they are amenable to that. As I said, again, at the time of writing the staff report we received the landscape plan that didn't exactly match the plat. What I mean is the cul-de-sac for Larry Lane is actually right about here and if you see this landscape plan it's not shown on that. It also doesn't show -- if I go back to the original plat here -- there is a micro pathway that is shown here and this is north of Lot 10 and if you look at the landscape plan that's not shown on here. We have recommended as a condition of approval that there be an additional lot up here to contain that pathway. So, they would have to revise this landscape plan accordingly. I guess the other thing that's mentioned is that at the time of the --that staff has informed the applicant on several occasions that at least one amenity is required for this development per our UDC. The landscape plans that they have submitted haven't shown us that amenity, although tonight I believe that they have -- they are proposing I believe a picnic area with an outside shelter and maybe one other amenity. They can address that. That's one of staff's recommendations of approval, obviously, before City Council would be that the landscape plan would show a qualified amenity. The last thing I would want to talk about is I have received several letters of concern from the adjacent neighbors for a few different reasons. One of them would be the extension of Larry Lane. The other would be the density. A third, which is really a matter that the staff has maintained is a civil matter, are some existing covenants to talk about what the size of the lots in this subdivision -- the original subdivision can be, which are at least one acre in size. I'm pretty confident the neighbors will address that tonight. Other than that, with the conditions of approval that have mentioned, the staff would recommend approval of this case to the Planning Commission. Any questions, Planning Commission? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F69 Page 66 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thank, Alan. Appreciate it. Any questions for staff? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, go ahead, sir. Grove: Not a question, but I just wanted to put on the record real quick. My former in- laws do live right in this area and have written in testimony. So, I just wanted to put that out there. It doesn't impact my decision, but I wanted to throw that out there so it's on the record. Fitzgerald: Appreciate that disclosure. Any other comments or questions? Hearing none at this time, would the applicant like to begin testifying? Is he with us in person or online? Tiefenbach: I believe the applicant is here in person and, yes, I believe he is going to testify. Fitzgerald: Okay. Tiefenbach: Mr. Chair, city clerk is walking over here to figure out what's going on. So, just a minute. Fitzgerald: That's good. Thanks, sir. Homan: Can you guys hear me? Fitzgerald: Yes, sir, we can. Homan: Mike Homan. 6820 West Randolph Drive, Boise, Idaho. I'm the developer, Elder LLC. I agree with everything that Alan -- that staff presented. One thing I wanted to -- a couple things to add. Our new landscape plan, we just got that turned in late this afternoon, but it does show the pathway to the school and, then, those -- where lots -- looks like between three and five there, those two lots we went ahead and listed those with our new design as the recommendation to face the other direction, so the side yards won't back up to the path. But we have made those changes and, then, we have two amenities. We are only required to have one, but we went ahead and added another one and that is a picnic table with a cover -- a top over it, two barbecues and a community garden space, which qualifies as the second amenity and I go on record that we are going to have those in the plan. Besides that, I'm open for any questions. Fitzgerald: Mr. Homan, do you know where those are going to be located, the new amenities? Homan: In the common area, the -- off of Larry Lane. There is a covered patio for the picnic table, the two barbecues, and, then, behind that where we will put in the community garden space. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F70 Page 67 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thanks, sir. Are there any questions for the applicant? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yeah. Go right ahead. Seal: I will go ahead and reask the question and I asked it -- it's part of the public record, but there seems to be some nasty content -- some neighbors not getting along here I guess so, on some, you know, paperwork that was signed and all that. So, my question is is the -- the landowner at this point is he the person that entered into that contract way back in 1973 or is this new ownership? Homan: I believe it is new ownership. Seal: Do you know how long the folks there have been residents of this property? Okay. I can't hear you. Fitzgerald: Is there conversations taking place? Seal: Can't hear you. Fitzgerald: We can't hear. Homan: Yeah. So, the -- it totals a little over six acres. They are retaining about an acre and, then, I'm buying five acres and doing the 29 lots. Fitzgerald: So, the original owner is -- is staying on the property -- the existing property? The existing home? Is that the original owner? Homan: Yes. It's not the -- I don't think they are the original owner when it was platted back in 1973. But we are -- Fitzgerald: Mr. Homan, do you have your landscape plan before us that we could see it? Homan: Yes. I e-mailed that to Alan. I can -- but I have a copy of it on my laptop I can show you. Tiefenbach: I might -- this is Alan Tiefenbach. I can probably pull that up if you hang on a second. Fitzgerald: Okay. Anymore comments or questions for the applicant while they are pulling that up? Commissioner Seal, do you have a comfort level where that whole thing stands right now or -- or follow up? Seal: Yes or no. You know, I mean it's more of a principal situation, so -- Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F71 Page 68 of 82 Fitzgerald: Yeah. Seal: -- more than anything, so -- Holland: Mr. Chair. Andrea, I know that staff says that they have taken that it's a civil issue, is there any ramifications of a county plat that has the CC&R recorded on it? I mean I know it's not a city plat recorded, but do we have any legal ramifications for that? Pogue: Thank you, Commissioner. It's the position of the Legal Department that we can't give legal opinions on behalf of either the applicant or the -- the neighbors. The CC&Rs are a private matter. The city is not involved in them, bound by them, anything. What's before you tonight is an application for annexation. As such the decision is is it in the best interest of the city that the city annex this parcel at this point. it's the density, the comp plan, or does -- does it otherwise meet all the codes and standards that are applicable. The applicant will -- if annexed they--the development will have its own HOA and CC&Rs, so, you know, if that creates liability for the applicant they need to consult a lawyer and figure that out, as do the neighbors. So, that's our comment on that. Holland: I understand. Fitzgerald: Alan, did you have that stuff ready to go or do we need to move forward with public testimony for a minute? Tiefenbach: Sorry. We were -- we were working on getting the screen sharing thing going here for you, Commissioner. Fitzgerald: You are fine. I just wanted to make sure we were not wasting your time. Hopefully you can see that. Fitzgerald: So, we haven't adjusted the lots in this version? Homan: No. We -- that's -- that will be something that will change on the plat, but we didn't -- my landscape architect didn't have that -- that information, so -- Fitzgerald: Okay. Homan: -- but we will agree on record to change them the other direction. Fitzgerald: Okay. If there are no further questions for the applicant, we will open up for public testimony and we will let you close, Mr. Homan, and -- after the fact. Does that work? Homan: Yes. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you, sir. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F72 Page 69 of 82 Homan: Yeah. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Madam Clerk, are we -- is there anyone who would like to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we had several people sign in, several of which wish to testify. The first is Mike Siron. Mike, I have moved you over, so you should be able to unmute yourself now. Fitzgerald: Mike, your mute button is at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Oh, there you go. Mike, are you with us? Siron: Yes. Can you hear me? Fitzgerald: Yes, sir. Please state your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours, sir. Siron: Okay. Thank you. My name is Michael Siron and I live at 6045 North Black Cat Road. So, our frontage is all the frontage that's being expanded for the -- all the -- the light that's going in at Chinden and Black Cat, to give you a feel for where we are located. We are in favor of this development and the R-8 density rezone and also in favor of it being brought into the city. So, I guess that's it. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Mr. Siron. We appreciate it. Weatherly: Mr. Chair, next we have John B. Sorry, I can't read the last name. Bagley: Thank you. Can you hear me? Fitzgerald: Yes, sir. Please state your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours. Bagley: Yes. My name is John Bagley. I live at 5000 Larry Lane, which is the property just to the north of the property under consideration. My wife and I are in favor of allowing the development to go through and the R-8. That's all. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Mr. Bagley. We appreciate it. Thanks for giving us your opinion. Weatherly: Sorry, Mr. Bagley. I could read yours. I think there is another John B. Yes. Sorry. That's the last name I couldn't hear -- or read. Sorry. If you want to go to the back and provide your testimony. Chris will help you out the door. Oh, sure. That's fine. Bartlett: Hello. I want to thank all the Commissioners for staying so late. I know you are not fresh now, but I appreciate your listening to our comments and staying so late. I'm Vickie Bartlett. I live at 4915 West Larry Lane. Our property is on the east boundary of the proposed project. I request that you decline approval of this project. I am not in favor Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F73] Page 70 of 82 of it. Compton Subdivision No. 2 has active CC&Rs that provide for one home for one acre. We bought our home and six acres with the intent of honoring the subdivision CC&Rs and preserving the feel of our neighborhood. Mr. Homan's project density is in violation of the CC&Rs. I understand that if the project receives approval that, as mentioned, we would need to sue the project developer over the CC&Rs. His very tiny lots are not compatible with our subdivision. Each homeowner has a five acre parcel. We feel that a 20,000 square foot lot would be much more appropriate with our six acre parcels. We would support a density provided by the CC&Rs of one acre lots. So, in closing, please, deny this application as it dishonors our CC&Rs in Compton Subdivision Two. Thank you very much. Fitzgerald: Thanks, ma'am. We appreciate your testimony tonight. Are there any additional people who would like to testify, Madam Clerk? Weatherly: Yes, Mr. Chair. Now Mr. Bartlett will be going. Fitzgerald: Okay. Mr. Bartlett. J.Bartlett: Good evening. Again, thanks for staying late. And like my wife, I would like to oppose this subdivision. It doesn't fit with what's out there. It violates the CC&Rs and even though that they are now saying that they support it, signed an agreement saying these CC&Rs are what they wanted. So, the subdivision as it's proposed puts 30 lots on about four acres of ground. The neighboring subdivision to the south put 30 lots on 12 acres of ground. We are not totally opposed to progress, but this just is not tenable. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. We appreciate your input. We appreciate you being here this evening. Weatherly: Mr. Chair, next is Jim Paulson. Paulson: My name is Jim Paulson. I'm the owner and broker of Progressive Realty. I represent the developer on this project. My address is 645 Wickham Fen Way in Boise, Idaho. I have represented seven developers in the past. The way I see this project meets all of the requirements with no variances and fits into Comprehensive Plan. It has the largest lots of every single subdivision that was presented this evening and that's what people like about Meridian is having the larger places for the family. We have a large usable space. A lot of the applications typically have like a border landscaping around the berm. This is actually usable for picnic areas and families. I think that this falls right in line with the Comprehensive Plan. One of the comments was brought up earlier on a project that was just approved for Brighton, which I also support, but they had to run utilities for three quarters of a mile for the sewer and the project directly to the south of this subdivision anticipated growth going this direction, as did -- as did the City Council and Planning and Zoning for Meridian, which is why they stubbed a sewer line directly into this parcel that we are tapping into. So, therefore, I am in favor of this project. Thank you. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F74 Page 71 of 82 Fitzgerald: Thank, Jim. Appreciate your testimony this evening. Madam Clerk, who is next on the list? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, that would be Matt Neukom. Fitzgerald: Okay? Mr. Neukom, are you with us yet? Neukom: Good evening, everyone. My name is Matt Neukom. I live at 5120 West Larry Lane. Our property is immediately adjacent to the proposed development to the north. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission, I would also like to thank you. It's been a long evening for everyone and all of you play a very important role to our community. So, thank you. Very easily could have marked, yes, I was in favor of the development on the sign-in sheet tonight, because I'm really not opposed to development, but I'm opposed to the way that this project is proceeding. My wife and I could support the sale of this property from the Cuthills, the current landowner and a neighbor of ours. We could also support the addition of homes on the property, but we are not in favor of the way this project is proceeding. The sole reason for that is the lot density and I didn't know if public could provide exhibits, but the exhibit shown on the landscape plan here I hadn't seen until this evening. We learned earlier that it was submitted just earlier today. But if you extend -- Alan, can you pan the screen down for us to see the north boundary of Larry Lane. Thank you. If you extend the north boundary of Larry Lane it will very nearly, if not entirely, intersect the corner of our garage. We currently live on over five acres and we are quite concerned about how the project will impact our property, our land value and our lifestyle. So, for this project to construct half of Larry Lane so that the northern half can be constructed in the future, it really makes no sense based on our home that is presently on our property, it's very well used, it's very well cared for. I think you probably have all seen the lot size goes down to about 4,000 square feet. That is a little bit larger than our home and there are several homes across the street and across Black Cat in Bainbridge Subdivision that are that size. The --as mentioned earlier, the other properties in the subdivision as it currently sits are five to six acres. The existing house is going to stay on an acre. If my wife and I ever decided to sell some of our land for development it will stay on two acres. The Bartlett's property to the east is on six acres and it may need to stay on six acres. So, the character of what is there and what will continue to be there are larger lots. To the south and western subdivision the lots are an average of 10,000 square feet. So, you could fit two and a half 4,000 foot square foot lots inside of one of those. We saw several creative solutions for the Pinnacle Subdivision, but this subdivision really doesn't have any innovation or any uniqueness with it. It is an effort to create as many lots in a very small area as possible. The impacts to our properties from traffic and the decrease in land value are -- are not something that we welcome and we ask your help to reject the subdivision. Those of us that are opposed to it are happy to talk with the developer about what would work for us, but they have not approached us in a way that is -- one that's considering our input. You have heard about the CC&Rs and you have also heard your legal counsel. We would ask you to reject the subdivision. Not entirely, but to send the developer back to those of us that are opposed to developing it in this manner, to work with us on it and to be good neighbors. We are very willing to do that and by appointing him back to us you will really help us avoid a legal battle and we Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F75 Page 72 of 82 don't want to battle, we would much prefer to work with them. Commissioner Seal, you made a very interesting observation earlier on a neighborhood -- I forget the word that you use -- dispute or argument. I don't feel like it's that now. All of the neighbors got together in our home a couple of months ago to talk about our collective interests, but the developer has not considered our collective interests and that's why we are asking you to reject it, to send it back to us to talk this through to come up with a solution that works for everyone and that's what I ask you now. Thank you very much. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Matt. We appreciate your time and for being here tonight. Madam Clerk, do we have anyone else who would like to testify? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, no one else has signed in or has their hand raised at this time. Fitzgerald: Okay. Give a couple of seconds pause. Anyone who would like to testify that hadn't signed up on this application, please, raise your hand via Zoom or in the audience, please, raise your hand. And one more -- and, ma'am, if you have already testified that was your time, so I apologize for that. Madam Clerk, she testified already; correct? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, that was Mike Siron that testified. We can see if Jan Siron also wants to testify if you would like. Fitzgerald: That's fine. Yes. Go right ahead. Mrs. Siron, are you there? J.Siron: Yes, I am. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak, even though I hadn't signed up tonight. I just -- I just wanted to clarify that there -- there are only five landowners in this subdivision and three of the five are in favor of rezoning and annexation into the city. We are completely surrounded by subdivisions and the -- what was appropriate in 1974 when the CC&Rs were established is not now. It doesn't comply with current properties around us and so we would like to see it be in line with properties that surround us. The beautiful properties that we had we are the -- one of the first -- or we are the first owners here. We came in 1984. And so we --we have been here the longest and this has completely changed and we know-- and, you know, the high density and the high traffic in Black Cat is getting so intense it just doesn't make any sense to have these five acre properties in this area any longer and that's really all I have to add. Thank you. Fitzgerald: We appreciate your perspective. Thank you for sharing. Okay. I think we have heard from the public. Can I get a motion to close the public hearing? Oh. Sorry. Let me take -- I'm losing my mind. Mr. Homan, would you like to close, please. Sorry. Homan: Yes. Yes. I would like to close. Mike Holman, developer. I agree totally with the last testimony from the lady. There is a total of five five acre parcels approximately in size in there and three of the five are under contract. I just happened to be the first application and Corey Barton has two other properties under contract that he is going to be submitting applications soon. To the south of this property is a Corey Barton Subdivision. They are smaller lots. And with city services and following the comp plan, Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F76 Page 73 of 82 think we are right in line with what the city wants to see with sewer and water and services. So, I ask for your guys' approval tonight. That's it. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Are there any questions for the applicant? Commissioner Holland, go right ahead. Holland: Just a quick question. So, you know, I think the development -- I don't have any big concerns about it, but it's always awkward when we feel like the mediary between a county CC&R and a future plat. So, I don't know if you would be open to -- if we do consider approving this tonight and moving it forward to Council, recommends -- sorry -- recommending approval to Council, would you be willing to meet with those neighbors again to see if you could get a little closer with -- I don't know if there is any minor modifications you could do to this site plan that would make them feel more comfortable with it, but it sounds like you really only have a couple neighbors that you need to -- Homan: Right. Holland: -- work with and at least get their voice heard. Homan: I would meet with them again. I -- we had a neighborhood meeting out there and they were pretty strong on not having any development period. So, I tried to explain that it will actually make their values go up. If they want to sell I would be interested in buying and, you know, at the time they didn't have any interest. So, I'm just trying to follow the comp plan and what's allowable and I did add an extra amenity -- was only required to have one in the common area and, then, I decided to put picnic tables, two barbecues and the covered patio, adding a garden space for the residents in the subdivision and that public road we are just complying with ACHD, what they want along Larry Lane there. All the property that we would be improving is on our property. So, we wouldn't be encroaching his garage or anything like that. That's about all I had to add. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, do you have follow up or is there an additional question? Holland: No. That was it. I was just wanting to know if you would be willing to still -- at least try to meet with them one more time just to see if you could ease any concerns with those other two landowners. Homan: I would be willing to try to meet with them again if they wanted to meet before we, you know, go to City Council. Holland: Thank you. Holland: Yeah. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Any additional comments or questions? Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F77 Page 74 of 82 Pitzer; Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, go ahead. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. So, in working with the neighbor directly to the north where this road is -- and I looked this up on the -- on a satellite map and it's going directly into his property. Have you talked with them about possibly any temporary buffer or anything like that that can -- that can help ease the strain of putting this -- this in at this time? Homan: Usually I put up a perimeter fence or, you know, I can put some trees in. I did mention that when we had the neighborhood meeting and I -- I have no problem putting up a screening fence -- a six foot high fence. Pitzer: So -- so, you would be amenable to meeting with the neighbors on -- on trying to -- Homan: Mitigate the screening, yes. Pitzer: Yes. Okay. All right. Thank you. Homan: You're welcome. Pogue: Mr. Chair, is there any way that staff can pull up what Commissioner Pitzer just indicated she looked at on Google Maps or where -- where did you look at that, Commissioner? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, where were you -- you are on mute, ma'am. Pitzer: Sorry. Yeah. No. I just went to Google Maps and pulled up 5025 Larry Lane and, then, did an aerial. Pogue: Okay. Can the staff pull that up so everyone can see what she was looking at and they were talking about? Tiefenbach: This is Alan Tiefenbach. We are going to try to see if we can pull up the city GIS here. Be patient and maybe discuss while I'm doing that. Fitzgerald: So, I also -- while we are in public testimony still, I think there is -- someone needs to get a legal opinion and I'm not sure who that is, if that's the neighborhood deciding that the HOA is going to do this, but I feel like we are getting in the middle of something that we don't want to get in the middle of and so I'm not sure -- and I know Commissioner Seal had a similar concern. I don't feel good about approving something or recommending approval for something that isn't got itself worked out. So, either this is too early or there needs to be some additional conversation happen, so I'm not sure where everybody's thoughts are, but I -- I am reluctant to get in the middle of a in-fighting between neighbors where there may be recorded CC&Rs -- there may not be, it may not Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F78] Page 75 of 82 have been renewed, which happens all the time, especially with some of these neighborhoods, and so-- but that's not our responsibility or the city's to give legal opinions or give legal advice or -- or guidance to those folks that are maybe at an impasse in regards to how it moves forward. So, initially my gut is to continue it until someone can bring us something that says tentatively if there are HOA CC&Rs in place and that either they are going to put an agreement on it or they are not. Just my thoughts. Anybody else have a thought? Seal: Mr. Chair? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Holland: I would say I -- you know, the -- the development itself I don't really have a concern with the way it's laid out, especially if they rotate those last few lots. I appreciate the extra amenities that they have thrown in there. We could always make a recommendation to approve -- ask that they would have the conversations with neighbors and figure out the pending litigation situation before they bring it to Council. That might be another option. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I pulled up the same picture Commissioner Pitzer had on her screen and I think it would be a good idea if we all took a look at that. In general, yeah, I agree, I would rather not get in the middle of the neighbors and a CC&R legal battle and have this move forward before the legal battle has a chance -- if there is going to be one, has a chance to play out, but, yeah, the way that -- on the road -- might want to change the way that -- that entrance comes through there. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: In looking at the -- the written testimony that was presented on there they say that there are means to -- within the neighbors to mitigate the CC&Rs to have them go away. So, I think that that is something that needs to be looked at between the property owners before -- I think this is premature. Fitzgerald: Yeah. I'm -- that's kind of where I'm leaning is -- too, is I don't want to send them to City Council unless this has fully worked itself out. That's our job, not theirs kind of thing. But I would love to see -- so we all have the same picture, if we can zoom in on that a little bit. Some of the trees are covering it up, but that's a pretty -- if we are doing a half plus 12 on that road, it's going to be tight to that person's house. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F79 Page 76 of 82 Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Just -- and I'm just thinking out loud here, but -- I mean if -- if we don't -- I guess if we don't act on this, then, I don't know that anything will change, because I don't think the neighbors getting together is going to produce anything, because they are kind of at a stalemate. It takes 75 percent of the property owners to change anything and just with the people that are against it they are not going to make 75 percent, so I mean how do we -- how do we not get ourselves in the middle of it, but go -- go far enough that legal matters have to be taken into account. Fitzgerald: Well, I think -- Seal: Sorry. Fitzgerald: No. You're fine. I think it's either you continue it and give a stipulation that we will continue it until you -- at a date not certain until documentation can be showcased this thing can be developed in a free and clear manner or something or there is agreement between --to vacate the CC&Rs or there is no active CC&Rs. There is a lot of information I think that's missing right now for us to make a good decision, because I lived in a neighborhood that was built similar to this one when I was growing up and the CC&Rs need to be renewed, they need to be recorded again in lots of cases and so there is a potential that there is some research that needs to be done by somebody and that's not our city -- county -- our city attorney's offices job, that's the applicant's job, and so I -- that's my gut is if this is a development that wants to move forward they need to do the homework and the work to get it squared away. Just like bringing legal descriptions in. That's the job on the applicant's side is to make sure everything's free and clear and ready to go and we don't need to hop in the middle of it. That's just -- that's not good planning for the city. If annexation is our one time to make it -- you know, these stick and things do go right and we have got three neighbors saying one thing and two neighbors saying another thing and I don't want to get in the middle of that. That seems sticky and that's not a good situation. That's my thoughts, Commission, for a reason. So, that's just my -- my position, but I am more than willing to take input from everybody and -- because I can be swayed. So, let me know your thoughts. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I would at a minimum want to continue this to see exactly how that road going forward would affect the property owner to the north. At a minimum. I think the plat needs to be looked at fully with that road fully done and if that plat can even move forward. Fitzgerald: Okay. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F8o Page 77 of 82 Holland: Mr. Chair, did we ever close the public hearing or are we still open right now? Fitzgerald: We are still open. Holland: Well, I think -- I mean after all the thoughts that are out there I think I would echo what you just said. I think that that's smart for them to kind of work it out and bring it back to us when it's ready. Unless anybody else has comments first. Seal: I think a continuance is probably the smart way to go on this. Fitzgerald: I think you do it with a direction for them -- we want to help solve it if it can be solved and -- not that we have a problem with the development -- initially I don't think we do. But we can't solve something that isn't ready to be solved yet. So, give them direction to like work through it or get legal opinions or figure out what the county says and, then, we can help them go from there. Holland: Okay. Mr. Chair, I move to continue -- continue file number H-2020-0048 to a hearing date uncertain in the future for the following reason, that we would like the applicant to either work with neighboring property owners to come up with a resolution on if this development could go forward, establish the validity of the existing CC&Rs in Ada county and/or get a legal opinion on whether or not those are valid or, C, workout whatever pending litigation situations are -- are present before it comes back before this commission and also to lay out and show us how Larry Lane would come through in the future and what the impact would be on the neighboring property owners. Pogue: Mr. Chair, I recommend to the motion maker to ask the clerk for a date certain and amend your motion to include a date certain. Fitzgerald: How do we do that, Andrea, without having knowledge of when that documentation or research can be done? Holland: You want us to just aim for a couple months out and, hopefully, they can get it done by then? Pogue: We need to ask the clerk for a date certain. Fitzgerald: Okay. Weatherly: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, we are available to notice for August 20th. There is nothing scheduled for any date thereafter. Fitzgerald: So, go to September I think. We just put them on the 20th and give them a chance to work through it. What's the next September days, Madam Clerk? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, that would be September 3rd. The next date thereafter would be September 17th. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F811 Page 78 of 82 Holland: What do we think? The 3rd or the 17th, folks? Fitzgerald: 3rd works. Holland: I will make a modification to my motion to set the date certain for the hearing date of September 3rd of the Planning and Zoning Commission. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to continue the file number H-2020-0048 to the date of September 3rd. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. G. Public Hearing for Ustick Marketplace Storage (Phase 2) (H- 2020-0051) by Rick Steward with Babcock Design, Located at 3535 N. Records Ave. 1. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a self -service storage facility consisting of 116 +/- units on 1 acre of land in the C-G zoning district. Fitzgerald: Thank you very much. Moving on to the last item on the agenda, which is H-2020-0051 , Ustick Marketplace Storage. Alan, I think the staff report is yours again. We will start with you, sir. Tiefenbach: That would be me, Mr. Chair. We are just fumbling through the multimedia here remembering that -- Fitzgerald: Yes, sir. Tiefenbach: Remembering that computers make life easier. Okay. So, this is a conditional use for a property that's on one acre of land. It's presently zoned to commercial. It's located at the southwest quadrant of North Records -- sorry. North Records Avenue and West Bald Cypress. There is already an existing self storage facility on this project. It was approved by a CZC last year. That existing facility has 341 units and ten buildings. It's bordered by single family and multi-family to the north and to the east. To the south and to the west is commercial. It's directly behind the Lowe's that's existing there now. The comprehensive -- the future land use map recognizes this for mixed use regional. So, this is a proposal to add -- so, there is like -- this for a conditional use to add an additional 116 units in three buildings. Staff is recommend -- recommending approval on this. You can -- see if I can zoom forward here. Showed a picture of the site plan, which also I'm showing you the landscape plan. What you see in color there on the north is what is being proposed to be added. What you see there in gray is what's existing there now. The building would utilize -- utilize the same architecture materials as what's there now. The existing buildings -- as built right now is Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F82 Page 79 of 82 a very attractive self storage facility. You can see on the pictures on the right there the top one shows what's there now. One thing I think is important to show you is if you look at the top right picture that shows an existing buffer that's along North Records, that buffer very effectively screens this property and softens it down. It's very attractive. However, if you look at the buffer along West Cypress -- Bald Cypress there on the north, it's much less and the original landscape plan for this property also just shows where the trees are and no other landscaping. Staff believes that if they were to landscape that northern buffer just as the one on the east along North Records, it would, again, result in a very nice attractive development. So, that is staff's only recommendation on this one is we support it. We think it will be a high quality development. We just think that they need to -- to landscape it, basically, to be consistent with what -- with what was done on the most recent CZC. They -- I have talked to the applicant about this and they are amenable to this. The one thing I want to mention -- there is a mistake in the staff report where I'm -- where I'm asking you to recommend approval to the City Council and that's my bad. Actually, the Planning Commission is the approval authority on a conditional use. So, if you were to vote in favor of this you would be the final decision making authority. And with that I have nothing else to say. Fitzgerald: Thank, Alan. Appreciate it. Are there any questions for Alan on this application? Hearing none currently, would the applicant like to add anything or come and present? Stewart: Yeah. Can you -- can you guys hear me? Fitzgerald: Yeah, Rick, go right ahead. Please state your name and your address for the record, please. Stewart: You bet. Thank you for your time, Mr. Chair, fellow committee members and staff. My name is Rick Stewart. I work for Babcock Design. We are the architect of record and I live at -- or I reside at 800 West Main, Suite 940, Boise, Idaho. 83702. And just like to follow up with what Alan had said. We -- we are continuing on with the phase one development of a storage facility off of North Records and West Bald Cypress Way. We will be adding three more buildings to increase the unit count to 116 units. In addition to the existing unit count on phase one we will be continuing the traffic patterns throughout the site to make sure that it is continuous throughout the site. All the materials that are used on phase one are also going to be used on phase two. The same design language, if you want to call it that, is going to be carried over to this new phase. We did respond to the staff report and we are amenable to all the conditions presented by staff. Fitzgerald: Very good. Are there any questions for the applicant? Seeing, none, hearing none, Mr. Stewart, we appreciate you being here, sir. We will see if there is anybody here to testify on this and, then, we will let you close. Madam Clerk, is there anyone who would like to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, besides Mr. Stewart signing in, Ryan also signed in and, Ryan, I believe I brought the correct Ryan over, so you can unmute yourself. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F83] Page 80 of 82 Montoya: Yes. Thank you very much. And I'm here representing the ownership group. My name is Ryan Montoya and I reside at 1523 Eastside Court, Boise, Idaho. 83706. 1 want to say thank you, Commissioners and staff, for helping us get through phase one. We are excited to build the second phase and propose this in front of you tonight and our intention, as Rick said, is to continue on the intentions from the first phase into the second and add some additional units and square footage that's available for rent and with that I will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Mr. Montoya. We appreciate you being here tonight. Are there any questions for him? Thank you, sir. Madam Clerk, is there anyone else who would like to testify? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, no one else has indicated a wish to testify. Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. If there is anyone on Zoom that would like to testify or in the audience, if there is anyone left, please, raise your hand and we will make sure you get heard. Just pause for a second. Mr. Seal is not-- or Commissioner Seal is not giving me the eye that there is anyone in the audience, so -- Seal: The room is empty. Fitzgerald: With that pause --with that pause being taken, can I get a motion to close the public hearing. Or, actually, I'm sorry. Mr. Stewart, do you want to say anything additional? Stewart: And I would just like to follow up with Mr. Montoya and extend my thanks to Mr. Chair and the rest of the Commissioners, as well as staff, in just the -- the great job that you guys do. It's been a pleasure working with --with -- I have directly worked with Sonya mostly and Bill Parsons and I have gotten to know Alan very well and I appreciate the attention to detail that you guys have and all the efforts that you do. It's -- it's been a pleasure. Even though it's been a marathon tonight, it has been somewhat of a pleasure to learn what you guys go through in each one of these meetings. So, I do greatly appreciate it. Fitzgerald: Well, we appreciate you guys being willing to stay -- hang with us until 11:00 o'clock, so thanks to you and Mr. Montoya for being a part and for -- sorry you got stuck at the end of that marathon, but we appreciate you guys being here and appreciate the effort. Can I get -- with that can I get a motion to close the public hearing? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: I move that we close public hearing testimony for H-2020-0051. Seal: Second. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F84] Page 81 of 82 McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I'm going to throw mine out in the beginning and be done with it, but I think it makes sense, it's where storage should be kind of tucked back behind stuff. They do nice landscaping. It looks like a nice development. I have got no concerns with the one acre conditional request. Fitzgerald: I completely agree with exactly what you just said. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony I move to approve file number H-2020-0051 as presented in the staff report for the hearing of July 9th, 2020. Pitzer: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to recommend -- or to approve File No. H-2020- 0051. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: SIX AYES. ONE ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Montoya, Good luck and thanks for all you are doing out there. Appreciate it. Stewart: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Have a great evening. Holland: I think Commissioner Pitzer should make this last motion. Fitzgerald: Absolutely. Pitzer: Mr. Chair, I move that we close the meeting -- close the hearing. Fitzgerald: Adjourn. Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission July 9,2020 Item 1. F85] Page 82 of 82 Holland: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Hopefully not. Thanks, team. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:55 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 8 1 6 2020 RYAN FITZGERALD - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK Planning and Zoning Hearing Outline and Presentations Changes to Agenda: None Item #4A: Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) Application(s):  Rezone, Short Plat, Development Agreement Modification, Conditional Use Permit, Private Streets, and Administrative Design Review. Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 23.63 acres of land, zoned C-C and R-15, located at the northeast corner of Black Cat Road and Chinden Boulevard. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: R-4 and R-8 zoning and residential to the North; C-N zoning and future church site to the East; Chinden Blvd (Hwy 20/26) abuts the site to the south with Residential and a small portion of L-O zoning on the south side of Chinden; N. Black Cat abuts the site to the west with C-C zoning and future commercial planned on the west side of Black Cat, north of Chinden. History: AZ-06-004; MI-06-010/011; MI-07-004; MDA-10-004; MDA-14-006; (DA #’s 106151219, 107025555; 107141993, 110059432, & 2014-065517) Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Mixed Use Community (MU-C) Summary of Request: (Maps) The application before you is a request for Rezone, Short Plat, Development Agreement Modification, Conditional Use Permit, and Private Streets. The Private Street application is a Director level administrative review and is not specifically being voted on tonight. In addition, only the CUP can be approved or denied as a final action by the Commission; the Commission is the recommending body on the remaining Rezone, Short Plat, and DA Mod applications. (CUP Plan) The subject site consists of approximately 23 acres of land currently zoned C-C and R-15. The requested rezone is to simply move the boundaries of the existing zoning but not to change to any other zoning designations. The future land use designation on this property is MU-C which generally requires 3 distinct land uses and any residential use is to be constructed at 6-15 du/ac. Modern Craftsman is proposed with a gross density of 8.7 du/ac. When analyzing projects within the MU-C future land use designation, the approved and/or developed land uses nearby must also be taken into account. The proposed project offers an area of commercial zoning that should accommodate multiple future uses. The commercial area is proposed with two building sites that have multiple suites so there is potential that multiple distinct land uses will be available on-site. Staff has also taken into account adjacent land uses: Directly to the east of this site is the future Rock Harbor Church site, a different use than proposed with this project. Within a half mile to the west and off of Chinden Blvd., a mixed use project (Central Valley Plaza/Pollard Subdivision) is approved and will offer multiple additional uses and employment opportunities that these future residences could use. Within a half mile to the east, the new Costco building has been approved and is in the process of receiving building permit approval. Directly across N. Black Cat, more commercial development is proposed within the Fairbourne Subdivision. Therefore, Staff finds that there is adequate commercial proposed with this site and adjacent properties to satisfy the mixed use requirements in this regard. Access for this development is proposed via private streets off of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Tree Crest Way, the street abutting the site to the north. The two proposed access points to Black Cat Road have been approved by ACHD but typically access to Black Cat is limited by the City. The Applicant may request from City Council to keep the two access points as proposed, in accord with UDC 11-3A- 3. The Applicant is also proposing an access in the northeast corner of the property that connects to a shared driveway with the Rock Harbor Church site. Private streets are proposed throughout the development, with two running east-west and two running north-south. Access via Chinden Blvd. is prohibited and is not proposed. Due to the nature of the proposed use, Staff believes private streets are appropriate in this development. The proposed private streets appear to meet all UDC requirements except for the requirement that they be on their own common lot or within an easement. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to revise the plat and correct this. Other than future commercial, the proposed use on this site is multi-family residential. However, it is not traditional garden style apartment buildings; it is a hybrid of single-family style homes within a multi-family development (multiple buildings on one building lot). The proposed units are a majority of single-story one, two, and three-bedroom detached units without garages. The Applicant is proposing traditional apartment style parking but some units do have attached one-car garages. Townhomes are also proposed and all of these units have attached garages on their first floor. Largely, the proposed residential units in this development look like detached single-family homes but have on-street parking and less private open space than a standard 4,000 or 8,000 square foot lot. (Parking Plan) Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for multi-family dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. The submitted and revised plan named “Conditional Use Plan” shows 497 spaces for the entire development. 436 are proposed for the residents, 28 are reserved for the clubhouse, and the remaining 33 are for the proposed commercial. Of the 436 for the residential units, 179 spaces are uncovered, 134 are covered carport spaces, and the remaining 123 are garage spaces. The minimum amount of parking required for the multi-family portion of this development is 360 spaces, with 196 of those required to be covered. Therefore, the proposed parking counts exceed the minimum UDC requirements. The commercial areas proposed in the southwest corner of the site is shown as 12,789 square feet that would be spread across two building pads—the smaller pad, approximately 2,000 square feet, shares a plaza with the tot-lot and open space area near the west- central portion of the site. For commercial uses, the parking requirement is one space for every 500 square feet and the proposed commercial area requires a minimum of 26 spaces. The Applicant has proposed 33 spaces for the commercial area, exceeding the minimum amount required by the UDC. A portion of the proposed parking directly abuts the street and those utilizing the commercial parking would have to back into or drive directly onto the private street in order to exit those spaces. This is not prohibited by code but is far from ideal. Staff believes this type of parking set up may cause additional accidents and therefore recommends a redesign of the parking for the proposed commercial area. This redesign should minimally include a 5-foot wide landscape island along the edge of this proposed parking area to eliminate this conflict. The Applicant shall still provide the required number of parking stalls based upon the gross floor area of the proposed commercial area. (Open Space) Open space requirements for this project are two tiered; the project must meet the general 10% open space requirement and the common and private open space requirements in the specific use standards for multi-family development. Based on the proposed plat of 21.59 acres, a minimum of 2.16 acres of qualified common open space should be provided to satisfy the 10% requirement. Based on the size of the residential units, 55,000 square feet (or 1.26 acres) of additional qualifying common open space should be provided to satisfy the specific use standards. In total, the minimum amount of common open space to be provided should be 3.42 acres. The Applicant has proposed a total of 3.78 acres of qualified open space; of which 2.36 acres qualifies for the minimum 10% requirements and amounts to approximately 10.9%. The remaining 1.42 acres of open space meets the requirements for the specific use standards by approximately 10,000 square feet. In addition to the common open space, the Applicant is proposing vastly more private open space than is required by the specific use standards. The specific use standards require at least 80 square feet of private usable open space per unit; the Applicant is proposing, on average, 419 square feet of private usable open space per unit. (Pedestrian Circulation) The Applicant and Staff worked closely and diligently to design the open space in such a way to integrate the commercial with the residential as required in the MU-C policies and goals. This integration and the proposed use allows for increased pedestrian connectivity. The open space meeting the requirements in 11-3G consists of a 10-foot multi-use pathway within the Chinden Blvd. landscape buffer, common lots with open space areas, and required street buffers along adjacent roadways. The areas satisfying the specific use standard requirements consists of the mews between unit blocks (including the long vista that connects the east side of the development with the west side of the site), some end cap landscaped areas along streets, and smaller areas of open space that meet the minimum 20’ x 20’ dimensions. All in all, Staff finds that the proposed common and private open space as sufficient for a project of this size and proposed use. There are a number of amenities proposed within this development. The multi-use pathway is a qualifying site amenity that meets the requirements in 11-3G-3. The following amenities are proposed to meet the specific use standard requirements: a clubhouse with offices for rent by the residents, a tot-lot, a swimming pool, picnic shelters with BBQ areas, a plaza, and a community garden. The proposed dog park area seen on the open space exhibit is not a qualifying site amenity due to it not meeting UDC requirements as such. In addition, the Applicant is proposing 102 self-storage lockers (each locker is 12 square feet) spread throughout each of the garage buildings so that residents may store small amounts of personal items onsite and near their units. This is also not a qualifying site amenity but Staff finds that these will likely be used often. (Elevations) The applicant has submitted a concurrent design review application for the submitted elevations and staff finds the submitted architecture of the residential portion of the development complies with the ASM except for those elevations for the proposed townhome style units. To ensure compliance with the ASM, the Applicant should create differentiation between some of the 6-plex, townhome buildings through differing architectural designs and color palettes. Staff is recommending conditions of approval to correct this. Commercial elevations were not submitted with this application but future buildings should incorporate similar architectural features to ensure a cohesive design as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and ASM. A separate DES will be required for the Commercial portion of the development. Written Testimony: The City has received a number of written testimonies. These are the main points of discussion throughout the received written testimony:  Too much density with the proposed development;  There is minimal open space so the residents will flock to nearby subdivisions;  Request to make this site more like the Spurwing Development to the northeast;  School enrollment and capacities;  Nearby residents would prefer a 55+ gated community or more “upscale” retail space. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested applications with the DA provisions and the conditions of approval contained in the staff report. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2020-0022, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2020- 0022, as presented during the hearing on July 9, 2020, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0022 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #4B: Epic Storage Facility (H-2020-0058) Application(s):  Rezone and Conditional Use Permit Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 4.43 acres of land, zoned R-8, and is located at 1345 W. Overland Road. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: RUT and Residential to the East (application in process for new subdivision); R-8 and Residential to the South; R-15 and Multi-family residential to the Southwest; R-8 and Civic use to the West (Fire Station #6); Overland Road abuts the site to the north and on the other side of Overland is I-L zoning with an RV sales and maintenance businesses (Bish’s RV and Camping World). History: AZ-04-027; County approved CUP for a Church/Event Center (date unknown). Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Commercial and Medium Density Residential Summary of Request: (Maps) The request before is for a Rezone and Conditional Use Permit for Epic Storage Facility. The Applicant is requesting a rezone to change the existing R-8 zoning to the C-G zoning district, general commercial. The Applicant is also requesting conditional use permit approval for a storage facility. The subject site is surrounded by existing City of Meridian zoning and development to its north, west, and south. Directly to the east the City is processing a new residential subdivision. Directly across W. Overland Road (an arterial street) there is I-L zoning with two RV uses currently existing—Bish’s RV and Camping World of Meridian. Directly to the west (along the northern half of the site) is the new Meridian fire station, and abutting the site on the southern half of the west boundary is a multi-family residential development. This parcel has both the Commercial and Medium Density Residential future land use designations. The addition of the Commercial designation spawned the proposal to rezone this property. (Site Plan) The proposed new land use is a form of RV storage and is a conditional use in the proposed C-G commercial zoning district. However, the proposed use is not a traditional RV self-storage as our code depicts; Staff must assess proposed uses with those listed in the UDC use tables for each zone. Precision Storage Concepts, the actual business proposed here, is a more encompassing commercial business than traditional self-storage by providing a valet, “drop and go,” system that requires customers to only drop off their trailers and RVs; they will not park them nor store them themselves. Precision Storage Concepts is intended to be a full service RV and trailer business that includes a wash before each use, supply stocking of the vehicle, and maintenance checks on standard items such as batteries, water, refrigerator, and tire pressure. In addition, a majority of the storage and business will occur within a large, single-story building. There is also intent for ancillary outdoor storage of vehicles and trailers that will be stored on the asphalt area between the office in the back of the parcel and the main building along Overland Road, as seen on the site plan. Because this property is already zoned residential and development to the south/southwest and to the east is residential, Staff has concerns with the request for C-G zoning. This concern lies with the potential for a higher intensity of commercial use next to said residential if this property is rezoned to C-G but never develops as proposed. Staff would prefer to see lower intensity zoning on this property that is still commercial but will help Staff ensure a more disruptive use is not principally permitted and so easily attainable if this project is not completed fully. Therefore, Staff is recommending changing the requested rezone of C-G to be C-C instead. Self- service storage (the use Staff has to place the proposed use into) is still a conditional use in the C-C zone and will not affect the future operation of this use. (Landscape Rendering) Access to the site is proposed via an existing curb cut from W. Overland Road, an arterial street. ACHD approves of this access point as the proposed use is a commercial use and vehicle trips to the location is presumed to be minimal when compared to a residential development. The specific use standards require a secondary access for storage facilities and the Applicant is proposing one at the eastern boundary that lines up with a proposed common driveway in the adjacent Sagewood West development currently being processed. This Applicant and the Applicant for Sagewood West have worked together to align this emergency only access. As part of proposing a commercial zoning and use, a 25-foot landscape buffer is required adjacent to any residential uses. The Applicant is showing this buffer on the submitted landscape plans but the buffer does not appear to meet the UDC requirement of landscape vegetation within the required buffer. Staff has recommended a condition of approval to correct this. (Renderings) The Applicant submitted conceptual renderings and conceptual elevations of the new proposed storage/commercial building. The originally submitted plans do not meet all of the standards as required for commercial development in the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM). This application does not include Design Review but staff recommended certain conditions to ensure any future commercial building on this site is built to a premier standard as intended by the ASM. In response to these conditions in the staff report, the Applicant has provided revised elevation renderings that appear to respond to most of Staff’s concerns to some level. Staff believes some additional tweaks should take place but these can happen upon Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application submittal. Overall, the revised elevations are an improvement. Written Testimony: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested Rezone and Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the DA provisions and conditions of approval in the staff report. (Condition 5 should be removed as the Applicant has corrected these with the new renderings). Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2020-0058, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2020- 0058, as presented during the hearing on July 9, 2020, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0058 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #4C, D, E: Apex \[MDA, AZ, RZ – H-2020-0066; PP (NW) – H-2020-0056; PP (SE) – H-2020-0057\] Application(s):  Development Agreement Modification  Annexation The property owner of the land proposed to be annexed has requested continuance of this application to a later Commission meeting in order to re-notice the application for a change in zoning from all R-2 to R-2 & R-4  Rezone  (2) Preliminary Plats Size of property, existing zoning, and location: The annexation portion of the site consists of 40.09 acres of land & the rezone portion of the site consists of 384.97 acres of land, generally located east of S. Meridian Rd./SH-69, ½ mile north of E. Columbia Rd. and ¼ mile south of E. Amity Rd. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: This property is surrounded primarily by rural residential/agricultural uses, zoned R-4, RUT, C2, & R1. History: This property (except for the annexation area) was annexed as part of the South Meridian Annexation, initiated by the City, in 2015. The purpose of the annexation was to obtain easements and construct infrastructure for extension of City sewer and water service in the southern portion of the City. A placeholder zoning of R-4 was given to these properties & a DA was required as a provision of annexation that is required to be modified upon development of the properties. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: 39+/- acres (LDR); 206+/- acres (MDR); 21+/- acres (MHDR); and 120+/- acres as MU-C. A future school site & City Park is designated in the general area NW of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection, north of the MU-C designated area. Another school site is designated on the east side of N. Locust Grove Rd., north of Lake Hazel Rd., just north of the subject rezone area. Summary of Request: Annexation of Lot 4, Block 1, Shafer View Estates, consisting of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district is proposed consistent with the associated LDR FLUM designation for the site. This lot was previously deed restricted as part of a non- farm development in the County and was only allowed to be used as open space for a period of not less than 15 years from the recording date of the plat; because the plat was recorded in 2002, this restriction has since expired. Annexation is requested because the easterly 10 acres of the lot is needed for sewer and access to the proposed development; the remainder of the property is not proposed to develop as part of this project. The Developer plans to develop the property between the collector street and the adjoining Shafer View Subdivision with 1-acre lots as a transition and buffer to the existing neighborhood. A rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2 (0.70 acre), R-8 (144.78 + 119.28 = 264.06 acres), R-15 (76.93 acres) and C- C (43.28 acres) zoning districts is proposed consistent with the associated MDR, MHDR and MU-C FLUM designations. Only 123.38 acres of land to be rezoned is proposed to be subdivided with this application; the remainder will be developed at a later date. A Master Plan was submitted that shows how the property is proposed to develop with SFR homes & 2 swimming pools, commercial/office uses, a community center, amphitheater, (2) school sites (charter & elementary school) & future development areas with a conceptual street layout. A modification to the existing DA’s is requested to replace the agreements with a new agreement based on the Master Plan proposed with this application. In the MU-C designated areas where a concept plan isn’t depicted, the DA is required to be modified to include a concept plan prior to development of those areas to ensure future development is consistent with the general mixed use guidelines & the MU-C guidelines in the Comp Plan. Two (2) separate preliminary plats are proposed due to right-of-way for Lake Hazel & Locust Grove Roads separating the sites. The PP for Apex Northwest consists of 120 SFR buildable lots for the development of 88 detached & 32 attached dwelling units (all alley- loaded), 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the R-15 & C-C zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 2,863 s.f. with an average lot size of 3,885 s.f. The gross density proposed is 5.62 units/acre with a net density of 11.21 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 3 phases as shown on the phasing plan. The PP for Apex Southeast consists of 237 SFR buildable lots (front- & alley-loaded), 2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other (shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C & R-8 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 4,840 s.f. with an average lot size of 7,058 s.f. The gross density proposed is 3.75 units/acre with a net density of 6.17 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in three (5) phases as shown on the phasing plan. Overall, a total of 357 SFR buildable lots, 13 commercial buildable lots, 44 common lots and 10 other lots are proposed between the two subdivisions at a gross overall density of 4.22 units/acre & a net overall density of 7.27 units/acre. There are no existing structures within the boundaries of the proposed plats. The Northwest Williams Gas Pipeline crosses the NE corners of both subdivisions. Development within this area should comply with the Williams Developers’ Handbook. No structures should be located within the easement. In Apex NW, (2) public street access are proposed via E. Lake Hazel Rd. & two (2) public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., both arterial streets. Collector streets (E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave.) are proposed in accord with the MSM. In Apex SE, (3) public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd. & two (2) public street accesses are proposed via E. Lake Hazel Rd. Collector streets (E. Tower St., S. Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St.) are proposed in accord with the MSM. Alleys are proposed for access to homes in Apex NW and local streets, alleys & common driveways are proposed to access in Apex SE. Cross- access/ingress-egress easements are required to be provided between all commercial lots. The Applicant has proposed to enter into a Cooperative DA with ACHD to improve Lake Hazel & Locust Grove Roads abutting the site with additional travel lanes, curb, gutter, planter strips and sidewalk with the first phase of development. Multi-use pathways are required to be provided with development along the south side of Lake Hazel Rd. connecting Locust Grove Rd. to the pathway in Discovery Park, within the Williams Pipeline easement and as otherwise required by the Park’s Dept. in accord with the PMP. A minimum 10% qualified open space is required to be provided in each subdivision. Open space exhibits were submitted that appear to meet the minimum standards; however, some areas were included that don’t qualify such as common areas in the C-C zoning district. To ensure the developments comply with the minimum standards, staff recommends the exhibits are revised prior to the Council hearing; if additional open space is needed, it should be provided. Based on the area of the Apex NW plat, a minimum of (1) qualified site amenity is required; a gazebo is proposed – Staff recommends tables & benches are also provided to qualify as a “picnic area” amenity. Based on the area of the Apex SE plat, a minimum of (3) qualified amenities are required; a swimming pool, children’s play equipment and multi-use pathways are proposed as amenities in accord with UDC standards. Several conceptual perspective building elevations were submitted for the proposed SF homes & for the commercial structures planned to be constructed in this development. Homes are a mix of 1- & 2-story units, attached & detached, with building materials consisting of a variety of siding styles and stucco with stone/brick veneer accents. Final design is required to comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual, single-family detached dwellings are exempt from design review standards. Because 2-story home elevations that face arterial & collector streets are highly visible, Staff recommends the rear and/or side of structures on lots that face these streets incorporate articulation through various specified means or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from these street; single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. Written Testimony: No public comments have been received on this application Staff Recommendation: Approval with an amendment to the DA to include a new DA for the overall property per the provisions in the staff report. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Numbers H- 2020-0056, H-2020-0057 & H-2020-0066, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Numbers H-2020- 0056, H-2020-0057 & H-2020-0066, as presented during the hearing on July 9, 2020, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Numbers H-2020-0056, H-2020-0057 & H-2020-0066 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item #4F: Tara’s Landing (H-2020-0048) Item #4G: Ustick Marketplace Storage Phase II (H-2020-0051) Application(s):  Conditional Use Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 1 acre of land, zoned Commercial, and located at the southwest quadrant of N. Records Avenue and W. Baldcypress. There is already an existing self-storage facility on the site consisting of 341 units in 10 buildings. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: This property is bordered by single family and multifamily residential in Ada County to the north and east, large commercial uses (Lowes) to the south, and vacant commercial property to the west. History: A self-storage facility consisting of 341 units in 10 buildings presently exists on the site. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Mixed Use Regional. Summary of Request: This is a proposal for a conditional use to add 116 more self-storage units in 3 buildings. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Notes The new buildings would be added to the north of the existing development. The building would utilize the same architecture and materials as what is existing. The existing development, as built out, is an attractive self-storage facility. Staff’s biggest concern with this proposal is that the landscape buffer as shown along W. Baldcypress to the north does not contain the same density and landscape materials as the landscape buffer along N. Records Avenue, adjacent to the existing facility. Staff believes the N. Records Avenue landscape buffer very effectively screens and softens the existing development. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that the landscape plan be revised along W. Baldcypress Way to reflect a density and materials of trees, shrubs and groundcover consistent with the existing landscape buffer along N. Records Avenue as is approved for CZC A-2018-0156 (the existing development). The applicant’s representative has responded they are amenable to this condition. Written Testimony: None Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2020-0051, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2020-0051 as presented during the hearing on July 9, 2020, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0051, to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Application(s):  Annexation, Preliminary Plat, Zoning Size of property, existing zoning, and location: This site consists of 6.14 acres of land, zoned RUT within the County, and located at the end of W. Larry Lane, which is near the southwest quadrant of N. Black Cat Rd and W. Chinden Blvd. Adjacent Land Use & Zoning: West and North: Unincorporated Ada County, South: R-4 single family, East: R-8 single family. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Medium Density Residential Summary of Request: Annexation, zoning to an R-8 zone, and preliminary plat consisting of 29 buildable lots and 2 common lots on 6.14 acres. Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions. Notes: Proposal to annex approximately 6.14 acres of land, zone to R-8 and plat 29 buildable lots and 2 common lots. There is presently a single family residence on the property. The land to the south of the property was annexed, zoned and platted for 30 lots (2.5 du/acre) as the Westbridge Subdivision and is presently in the process of building out. To the north of the property is vacant and rural land, recommended by the FLUM as Medium Density Residential and Mixed Use Regional which recently underwent a pre- application meeting for commercial uses and 250 +/- single and multifamily units. To the west of the property is 126.5 acres of property, presently in the early development process as the Prescott Ridge Subdivision to allow 385 +/- single family attached and detached units as well as future development of possible multifamily, a medical campus and an educational facility. Access is proposed via W. Larry Lane, W. Willowside Avenue and W. Tara Ct. W. Willowside Avenue is being constructed as part of the Westbridge Subdivision to the south; this proposal would continue W. Willowside Avenue along the western boundary of the property and stub it to the north. W. Larry Lane, presently a cul-de-sac, would also be extended to W. Willowside Avenue to provide access from N. Black Cat Road. A third street, W Tara Court would provide internal access into the site from N. Willowside Avenue. The applicant will be required to construct all roads to ACHD standards, including improving W. Larry Lane as ½ of a 33-foot street section with curb, gutter and a minimum of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk abutting the site. The applicant proposes approximately 10.5% of qualified open space toward the center of the development. This open space would be accessed via a pathway between Lots 3 & 5, a micropathway to the north, and from W. Tara Court to the south. Staff has concerns with the orientation of the lots on either side of the pathway between Lots 3 & 5. Because this pathway would run along the sides of the houses, it would be an area of limited visibility. As Lot 7 cannot be counted as qualified open space anyway, staff recommends eliminating Lot 7 and rotating Lots 5 & 6 ninety-degrees to align with Lots 8-10 in Block 2. This would put the backyards of Lots 5 & 6 adjacent to the pathway area and provide better visibility into the common open space. Staff is recommending this as a condition of approval. As of the time of the writing of the staff report, the applicant has provided a landscape plan that does not match the preliminary plat. It shows the Larry Lane cul-de-sac further west than currently exists, and does not include the common open space and pathway at the north of Lot 10. Staff is recommending the common open space and pathway be shown in a separate lot as a condition of approval. Staff has informed the applicant on several occasions that at least one amenity is required in this development, although the landscape plan as submitted does not reflect one. In subsequent meetings after the staff report went out, the applicant has discussed with staff what type of amenities could be provided. It is staff’s understanding at this time the applicant will propose a picnic area with outdoor seating and shelter, the pathway connecting the development to the land to the west, and possibly a community garden. Staff has added the requirement of an amenity as a condition of approval as well as recommended the PC discuss what would be appropriate. Written Testimony: Staff has received several letters of concern from adjacent neighbors in regard to the density, the extension of W. Larry Lane, and existing covenants that limit the size of properties in the existing Compton Subdivision Number 2 to one acre or greater. These documents were created outside of City jurisdiction through the County. Staff has taken the position that this is a civil matter. Staff has also received one letter of support from an adjacent neighbor. Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2020-0048, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of July 9, 2020, with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff, applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number File Number H-2020-0048, as presented during the hearing on July 9, 2020, for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0048 to the hearing date of (insert continued hearing date here) for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) h2 Planning & Zoning Commission MeetingJuly 9, 2020 Slide 1 h2 Agenda Item Numbers/Order: hoodc, 12/19/2006 FLUMPLANNED DEVELOPMENT FLUMPLANNED DEVELOPMENT FLUMPLANNED DEVELOPMENT FLUMPLANNED DEVELOPMENT FLUMPLANNED DEVELOPMENT PIP CiWE IDIAN ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.A. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing Continued from May 21, 2020 for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20/26) Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: yp Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 7/7/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 5 of 302 I PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: July 9, 2020 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 4A PROJECT NAME: Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) I PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 2 —� 3 ` � Z2 4 / , I 5 � ✓� 6 7 8 " ✓G4�d ✓- e 9 (it 10 11 12 13 14 15 STAFF REPORT C:�*%_ W IDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 Legend DATE: Project Location TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Joe Dodson,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 - _ -_--- SUBJECT: H-2020-0022 Modern Craftsman at Black Cat LOCATION: The site is located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20/26),in the SW '/4 of the SW '/4 of Section 22,Township 4N., Range 1 W. L PROJECT DESCRIPTION • Rezone a total of 23.63 acres of land for the purpose of reducing the C-C zone from approximately 8 acres to 2.26 acres and increase the R-15 zone from approximately 15.1 acres to 21.37 acres; • Short Plat consisting of 2 building lots and 2 common lots on 21.59 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts; • Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 196 residential units on 20.13 acres in the R-15 zone; • Modification to the existing development agreements (Inst. Ws: 106151218; 107025555; 110059432; and 114054272) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundaries and terms of previous agreements and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan, by Baron Black Cat, LLC Note: The Applicant is also applying for private streets and administrative design review. These applications are reviewed and approved by the Director, Commission action is not required. Analysis of the building and private street design are provided below in section V. IL SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 23.63 (R-15-21.37 acres;C-C-2.26 acres) Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 6 of 302 Description Details Page Future Land Use Designation Mixed Use Community Existing Land Use(s) Commercial(tree farm) Proposed Land Use(s) Multi-Family Residential and Commercial Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 4 total lots— 1 multi-family residential; 1 commercial; 1 common lots;and 1 other lot. Phasing Plan(#of phases) Proposed as one phase Number of Residential Units(type 196 single-family,for rent units(single-family style on a of units) single lot). Density(gross&net) Gross—8.7 du/ac.;Net— 10.54 du/ac. Open Space(acres,total 3.78 acres of qualified open space overall(approximately [%]/buffer/qualified) 17.5%)—2.36 acres for 11-3G requirements (approximately 10.9%);62,061 square feet proposed for 11-4-3-27(Multi-Family)standards. 1.89 acres of private open space is proposed(82,170 square feet;approximately 419 square feet per unit). Amenities 5 qualifying amenities— 10' multi-use pathway;pool; clubhouse;picnic area;and tot-lot(a dog park is also proposed but does not meet UDC requirements to be a qualifying site amentity). Physical Features(waterways, N/A hazards,flood plain,hillside) Neighborhood meeting date;#of January 13,2020—7 attendees; attendees: June 30,2020—4 attendees History(previous approvals) AZ-06-004;MI-06-010/011;MI-07-004;MDA-10-004; MDA-14-006; (DA#'s 106151219, 107025555; 107141993, 110059432,&2014-065517) B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) No • Requires ACHD Commission No Action(yes/no) Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Access is proposed via private streets off of Black Cat Rd. Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) and Tree Crest Way.There are two access points proposed off of N.Black Cat and one off of W. Tree Crest Way. Traffic Level of Service Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross Applicant is proposing private streets throughout the Access development;a stub street connection is proposed to the eastern property in the northeast corner of the property (Rock Harbor Church site)and will connect with one of the driveway connections on that site.No other vehicle connections are proposed as the subject site is surrounded by streets on 3 of the 4 property boundaries. Existing Road Network No Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ Chinden Blvd(SH 20/26)abuts the southern property Buffers boundary and is currently a two-lane roadway with no improvements along its shoulder.There are no existing sidewalks along the state highway;the Applicant is proposing a 10-foot multi-use pathway within a common lot landscape buffer that will lay outside of the future ITD right-of-way for SH 20/26. Page 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 7 of 302 Description Details Page Proposed Road Improvements Distance to nearest City Park(+ 0.8 miles to Keith Bird Legacy Park(7.5 acres in size) size) Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station 2.2 miles from Fire Station#5 • Fire Response Time This project lies within the Meridian Fire response time goal of 5 minutes. • Resource Reliability Fire Station#5 reliability is 80%. • Risk Identification Risk Factor 2—residential with hazards(multi-family) • Accessibility Proposed project meets all required access,road widths, and turnarounds;Fire has signed off on Private Street layout. Police Service • Distance to Station 8.5 miles from Meridian Police Department • Response Time Approximately 5 '/2 minute response time to an emergency. • Call Data Between 2/1/2019- 1/31/2020,the Meridian Police Section VII. Department responded to 258 calls for service within a mile of the proposed development.The crime count on the calls for service was 14. See attached documents for details. Between 2/1/2019- 1/31/2020,the Meridian Police Department responded to 5 crashes within a mile of the proposed development. See attached documents for details. • Additional Concerns None West Ada School District • Distance(elem,ms,hs) Star Elementary—2.7 miles; Star Middle—5.0 miles; Meridian High School—5.3 miles. • Capacity of Schools Star Elementary—420 students Star Middle— 1000 students Meridian High School—2400 students • #of Students Enrolled Star Elementary—622 students Star Middle—704 students Meridian High School— 1995 students Water—Service will not be by the City of Meridian,as it falls within SUEZ North America service area. Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services Directly adjacent • Sewer Shed North Black Cat Trunkshed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance 13.9 • Project Consistent with WW YES Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns Design and number of units clustered together is of particular concern—staff is unclear as to how all units will be serviced.A utility layout depicting how all of the units will be serviced while still meeting design requirements will be required. Page 3 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 8 of 302 C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map TV Legend Low-Density Legend Project Location j Residential Project Location -\- C phi °� iO - MU Medilumltool - ] a�ei 7 Resident:'a al0. WIN CIVIC 'f `" +•Il'Y/M sr _1. Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend 0 Legend - 0 R-2 Project Location D Project Location RUT R-4 8. 1 City Limits y �R-8 R 2� Planned Parcels � ;-7-f m R1 C-NLED L-O' ® RUT ® � R_-8 R-4 �0711 &3}' R-4 RA .. ® � PAM Mf � � �❑� �f III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Baron Black Cat LLC- 1401 17' Street, Ste. 700,Denver, CO 80202 Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 9 of 302 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Kent Brown Planning—3161 E. Springwood Drive,Meridian,ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 5/l/2020 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 4/28/2020 Site Posting 6/26/2020 Nextdoor posting 4/28/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https://www.meridiancity.org/compplan) Mixed Use Community—The purpose of this designation is to allocate areas where community- serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings.Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use Neighborhood(MU-N)areas,but not as large as in Mixed Use Regional(MU- R)areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to,but also walk or bike to (up to three or four miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. The subject site is surrounded by existing City of Meridian zoning and development that is both existing and planned(the adjacent parcels are entitled but some have not yet begun construction). The proposed land use of multi family residential and commercial are consistent with the land use types noted in the Future Land Use Map (FL UM)designation definitions and preferred uses. The proposed product type is by definition multi family(more than 2 units on a single building lot) but the Applicant has designed the units so to emulate single-family attached and detached structures that share mews and pedestrian pathways rather than public streets. The proposed unit types also provide more private open space than traditional multi family development,furthering its feel of single family residential. In addition, certain densities are required to be met for residential projects within the MU-C future land use designation. The proposed project as shown is approximately 8 du/ac, meeting the 6-1 S du/ac requirement(see community metrics above). Therefore, Stafffinds the density proposed with the short plat and rezone is consistent with the Future Land Use Map designations of Mixed Use Community(MU- C). Mixed-use designations also require at least three (3) types of land uses. The proposed project offers an area of commercial zoning that should accommodate multiple future uses. The commercial lot is proposed with two building sites that have multiple suites so there is potential that distinct land uses will be available on-site. When analyzing projects within the MU-C future land use designation, the approved and/or developed land uses nearby must be taken into account. Therefore, Staff has taken into account adjacent land uses that can be traveled between with relative ease. Directly to the east of this site is the future Rock Harbor Church site, a Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 10 of 302 different use than proposed with this project. Within a half mile to the west and off of Chinden Blvd., a mixed use project(Central Valley Plaza/Pollard Subdivision) is approved and will offer multiple additional uses and employment opportunities that these future residences could use. Within a half mile to the east, the new Costco building has been approved and is in the process of receiving building permit approval. Directly across N. Black Cat, more commercial development is proposed within the Fairbourne Subdivision. Staff initially had concerns with the overall site design but the Applicant has worked diligently to take Staffs comments into account, specifically in relation to this mixed-use policy: `Mixed use areas should be centered around spaces that are well-designed public and quasi-public centers of activity. Spaces should be activated and incorporate permanent design elements and amenities that foster a wide variety of interests ranging from leisure to play. These areas should be thoughtfully integrated into the development and further place-making opportunities considered." The Applicant added additional commercial area to the project and moved the open space to a more central location to help integrate the commercial with the proposed residential. Staff particularly finds the plaza area between the clubhouse and one of the commercial buildings as a great example of integrating the uses as the commercial building fronts on the plaza and would offer great pedestrian connectivity for residents in this project. Staff may prefer additional commercial on the subject site more in line with the existing zoning areas, but Staff also understands that nearby uses help mitigate the loss of commercial zoning on this specific parcel. Staff finds that the proposed layout generally meets the MU-C future land use designation policies and goals. The Applicant is also requesting to modify the recorded development agreements(Inst. #'s: 106151218; 107025555; 107141993; 110059432; and 2014-065517) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundary of the previous agreements and enter into a new development agreement(DA) consistent with the proposed development plan. Staff's recommended DA provisions are included in Section VIII.A1. The new DA is required to be signed by the property owner(s)/developer and returned to the City within 6 months of the Council granting approval of the MDA by City Council and subsequent recordation. The existing development agreement and subsequent addendums relate to a much larger area than this specific corner on Black Cat Road and Chinden Blvd. (Highway 20126). One of the addendums (from 2007) does directly address the existing tree farm and allows it to continue its use as a tree farm until such time that the property is redeveloped. Because this new development is one of the last portions of the larger area governed by the original DA to redevelop, the Applicant wishes to remove this project site from that DA and its subsequent addendums and enter into its own DA consistent with the proposed development plan. Stafffinds a new DA will allow the subject site to develop in a more cohesive and clean pattern while also eliminating the need to amend the existing DA any further. B. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https://www.meridiancity.orglcompplan): The applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are cited below with Staff analysis in italics. "Avoid the concentration of any one housing type or lot size in any geographical area;provide for diverse housing types throughout the City"(2.01.01 G).Modern Craftsman at Black Cat is offering a new type of development within the City of Meridian by proposing single-family attached and detached homes within a multi family setting. To both the north and to the west (across N. Black Cat Road) traditional detached single-family homes exist and are proposed. The Applicant hopes to add an additional housing type in this area that will delineate a new housing use in the City and add to the housing diversity available. Page 6 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 11 of 302 "Require all new development to create a site design compatible with surrounding uses through buffering, screening,transitional densities,and other best site design practices"(3.07.01A). The proposed site design incorporates mews,private streets, common open space, and different housing designs within the same parcel. Much of the surrounding development, especially the closest subdivisions, is of lower density, detached single-family development. Because of this, a lot of the public testimony received has requested that this subject site emulate these subdivisions. The subject site does not share the same future land use designation as the adjacent subdivisions and therefore cannot be developed in the same way. Despite being a mixed use designation, the Applicant has chosen to propose a development that is made up of mostly single-story structures. The Applicant did this in order to be more compatible with surrounding residential development. In regards to site design, the Applicant is proposing two-story townhomes along the eastern and western boundaries; these townhomes will abut a parking lot for the adjacent Rock Harbor Church on the east side of development and abut Black Cat along the western boundary and landscape buffer.Also along the eastern boundary is a smaller landscape buffer(approx. 10 feet wide) that is approximately 520 feet in length and proposed with 5 trees and a vinyl fence. The Applicant has also proposed a few of their larger detached structures (3-bedroom units)next to the proposed townhomes along Black Cat to help with buffering along the busy collector. Interior of these townhomes is the main component of this project, attached and detached single-story homes mostly laid out in a detached four Alex configuration. Sidewalks run throughout the development and these attached and detached units making for great pedestrian connectivity throughout the site. In addition, the Applicant has proposed two sidewalk connections out to the proposed multi-use pathway extension along Chinden to help with interconnectivity between parcels. Further pedestrian and open space analysis is in other sections of the staff report below. The Applicant is not proposing any vehicular accesses onto Chinden Blvd. which is a welcomed proposition for ITD and Staff. Reducing access points to arterial streets and state highways is a major goal within the City's Comprehensive Plan and helps funnel traffic in appropriate manners. Staff believes placing townhomes along Black Cat offers an appropriate buffer between the busy collector roadway and the single-story structures that make up a majority of the development. In addition, the subject site is bordered on three sides by public roads that have or will have landscape buffers. These landscape buffers and the public roads should offer a needed buffer. "Establish and maintain levels of service for public facilities and services,including water, sewer, police,transportation, schools,fire, and parks"(3.02.01 G).All public utilities are available for this project site due to the existing subdivision to the north,per Public Works comments. This project also lies within the Fire Department response time goal. Chinden Boulevard is currently being widened in multiple places along its corridor and will connect to the planned expansion of Highway 16. It is the intent of these road improvements to help with current and future congestion along Chinden Boulevard. To help mitigate this, the Applicant is not requesting any accesses onto Chinden but instead is proposing two access points to Black Cat and one access to N. Tree Farm Way, essentially the northern border of the property. West Ada School District has offered comments on this project and estimate an additional 156 school age children could reside in this community. Of the closest neighborhood schools, Star Elementary is the only school shown as currently over enrolled. West Ada also notes that future students in this area could attend the Owyhee High School and Pleasant View Elementary School—Pleasant View is scheduled to open in Fall 2020. Staff understands that school enrollment is a major issue to be dealt with but at least in the northwest Meridian area, some relief appears to be on the horizon with new schools opening up soon. Page 7 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 12 of 302 Staff finds that the existing and planned development of the immediate area create conditions for adequate levels of service to for this proposed project. "Preserve,protect,and provide open space for recreation, conservation,and aesthetics" (4.05.01F). The proposed project offers open space that meets and exceeds the minimum requirements in the unified development code (UDC). The Applicant has increased the amount of open space over the course of discussions with Staff which improves the overall project. There are three main areas of open space in this development but smaller, qualifying open space also exists throughout the project. These three main areas hold the proposed dog park, clubhouse and pool, tot-lot, a plaza shared between some commercial and the open space lot, and a central vista that connects both ends of the development with green space. This central vista is also anchored at each end with amenities making the open space flow and feel as part of the development. See further analysis in Section V.E and V.L. "Explore development and implementation of architectural and/or landscape standards for geographic areas of the City."(5.01.02F). The proposed project site is not within a specific area plan for the City but because it is a multi family product, it is subject to design review. The Applicant has submitted a concurrent administrative design review application that accompanies Staffs review of the conceptual elevations. The architecture proposed throughout the residential portion of the project offers modern design elements that include shed roof combinations that are combined with stucco and stone sidings,finished wood as a siding and accent material, and metal as an accent material. Staff not only finds the submitted elevations to be in compliance with the Architectural Standards Manual but also finds this type of architecture as unique and a welcome addition to the neighborhood. "Establish distinct,engaging identities within commercial and mixed use centers through design standards."(2.09.03A).As discussed above, the proposed product type and architecture would make Modern Craftsman at Black Cat a distinct area within the City. The Applicant has worked with Staff to offer a site design that provides some integration between the commercial and residential product types. In addition, there is a similar look and feel in the development created largely by the inclusion of the central vista and large amounts ofprivate open space for multi- family development.As noted above, Staff may desire more commercial on this parcel to offer more opportunity to be integrated, but Staff cannot and should not analyze this project without looking at the development around the subject site, without looking from a macro view of the surrounding area. When taking all of the surrounding area into consideration, Stafffinds that the proposed development meets a majority of the mixed-use policies and objectives. Staff finds this development to be generally consistent and in alignment with the Comprehensive Plan and a majority of the mired use policies. C. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: The site currently houses a tree farm that has a number of small mobile home type structures.All existing structures will be removed upon development of this site. In fact,under the terms of the existing DA,this use was to cease long before now. D. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed use is multi-family residential and commercial;the commercial area is relatively small when compared to the residential, approximately 2 acres compared to 21 acres, respectively. Multi-family residential is a conditional use in R-15 zoning district per UDC Table 11-2A-2. The commercial area is already zoned and there are currently no tenants in place for the proposed commercial building suites. Because no tenants are currently known of, Staff cannot review those uses for compliance in the C-C zoning district. Commercial buildings require Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 13 of 302 Certificate of Zoning Compliance(CZC) and Design Review so at that time Staff will evaluate the uses for compliance. The multi-family development is proposed to be constructed in one phase and incorporate both detached and attached structures; of the 196 multi-family units,42 units are townhomes proposed along the eastern and western boundaries of the site. As discussed previously,the multi-family buildings are subject to design review and the Applicant has applied for this concurrently with the conditional use permit application. The Applicant did not provide elevations for the future commercial buildings;upon submittal of the required CZC,the Applicant will be required to submit concurrent design review for the commercial buildings. The Applicant has provided conceptual elevations of the Clubhouse and it shares in similar architecture with the proposed residential units as required by the specific use standards. The proposed use is not a traditional type of single family or multi family development, it is a hybrid of the two. The Applicant could have chosen to plat each one of these buildings individually; the Applicant could also have proposed traditional 4-story garden style apartments. Both potentials have their positives and negatives and the Applicant is proposing a different product type to the City of Meridian. The proposed units are a majority of single-story one, two, and three-bedroom detached units without garages. The Applicant is proposing more traditional apartment style parking but some units do have attached one-car garages. All of the townhome units also have attached garages on their .first floor. Largely, the proposed buildings in this development look like detached single-family homes but have on-street parking and less private open space than a standard 4,000 or 8,000 square foot lot. However, the Applicant is proposing vastly more private open space than is required by UDC for multi family development. UDC requires at least 80 square feet per unit and the Applicant is proposing an average of 400 square feet per unit via small private yards for every single unit. The design of this can be best seen on the open space exhibit(see Exhibit VII.C) and the fencing plan shown on the last page of the landscape plans (see Exhibit HID). To be clear, the main proposed use is single-family detached structures with on-street parking that all reside on one single building lot, making it a multi family development by definition. There are also traditional style townhome units but are also on the same building lot, making the whole residential product type multi family. E. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): The proposed multi-family development use is subject to conditional use permit approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to specific use standards outlined in UDC 11-4-3- 27 and below: 11-4-3-27—Multi-Family Development: A. Purpose: 1. To create multi-family housing that is safe and convenient and that enhances the quality of life of its residents. 2. To create quality buildings and designs for multi-family development that enhance the visual character of the community. 3. To create building and site design in multi-family development that is sensitive to and well integrated with the surrounding neighborhood. 4. To create open space areas that contribute to the aesthetics of the community,provide an attractive setting for buildings, and provide safe, interesting outdoor spaces for residents. Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 14 of 302 B. Site Design: 1. Buildings shall provide a minimum setback of ten feet(10')unless a greater setback is otherwise required by this title and/or title 10 of this Code. Building setbacks shall take into account windows, entrances,porches and patios, and how they impact adjacent properties.Proposed project complies with this requirement. 2. All on-site service areas,outdoor storage areas,waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. The site plan depicts screened trash enclosures; all proposed transformer/utility vaults shall also comply with this requirement. 3. A minimum of eighty(80) square feet of private,usable open space shall be provided for each unit. This requirement can be satisfied through porches,patios, decks, and/or enclosed yards. Landscaping, entryway and other accessways shall not count toward this requirement. In circumstances where strict adherence to such standard would create inconsistency with the purpose statements of this section,the Director may consider an alternative design proposal through the alternative compliance provisions as set forth in section 11-5B-5 of this title. The private, usable open space provided for each unit varies with each unit type but each one provides more than the required amount.According to the Applicant, the minimum private open space provided is 288 square feet, the maximum for any one unit would be approximately 869 square feet, and the average is approximately 419 square feet. Again, this proposed design offers private open space that is more akin to single-family developments but is still a multi family product and the type of housing that Baron Black Cat is aiming to provide. 4. For the purposes of this section,vehicular circulation areas,parking areas, and private usable open space shall not be considered common open space. These areas were not included in the common open space calculations for the site. 5.No recreational vehicles, snowmobiles,boats or other personal recreation vehicles shall be stored on the site unless provided for in a separate,designated and screened area. Applicant shall comply with this requirement. 6. The parking shall meet the requirements set forth in chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts",of this title. See analysis in staff report below. 7. Developments with twenty(20)units or more shall provide the following: a. A property management office. b. A maintenance storage area. c.A central mailbox location(including provisions for parcel mail)that provide safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access. d. A directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development. (Ord. 18-1773,4-24-2018) Per the submitted plans, the Applicant appears to meet these requirements. The site plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application shall depict these items. C. Common Open Space Design Requirements: 1. A minimum area of outdoor common open space shall be provided as follows: Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 15 of 302 a. One hundred fifty(150) square feet for each unit containing five hundred(500) or less square feet of living area. b. Two hundred fifty(250) square feet for each unit containing more than five hundred(500) square feet and up to one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area. c. Three hundred fifty(350) square feet for each unit containing more than one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area. Note: Open space standards found in UDC 11-3G AND those found in these specific use standards shall apply to this project.Please see the applicability section of both code sections. Staff analysis for both open space requirements is in Section V.L of this staff report instead of splitting the analysis into two parts. 2. Common open space shall be not less than four hundred(400) square feet in area, and shall have a minimum length and width dimension of twenty feet(20').Proposed open space submitted as meeting this requirement has been reviewed.All area labeled as qualified common open space on the open space exhibit complies with this requirement. 3. In phased developments,common open space shall be provided in each phase of the development consistent with the requirements for the size and number of dwelling units. This project is proposed to be developed in one(])phase. 4. Unless otherwise approved through the conditional use process, common open space areas shall not be adjacent to collector or arterial streets unless separated from the street by a berm or constructed barrier at least four feet(4) in height,with breaks in the berm or barrier to allow for pedestrian access. (Ord. 09-1394, 3-3-2009, eff.retroactive to 2-4- 2009). The buffer along N. Black Cat Road, a collector street, does not count toward the common open space requirements for these specific use standards. However, those areas along the arterial and collector roadways do count towards the minimum 10%required open space for the residential development as a whole. D. Site Development Amenities: 1. All multi-family developments shall provide for quality of life, open space and recreation amenities to meet the particular needs of the residents as follows: a. Quality of life: (1)Clubhouse. (2)Fitness facilities. (3)Enclosed bike storage. (4)Public art such as a statue. b. Open space: (1)Open grassy area of at least fifty by one hundred feet(50 x 100') in size. (2)Community garden. (3)Ponds or water features. (4)Plaza. c. Recreation: (1) Pool. Page 11 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 16 of 302 (2)Walking trails. (3)Children's play structures. (4) Sports courts. 2. The number of amenities shall depend on the size of multi-family development as follows: a. For multi-family developments with less than twenty(20)units,two (2)amenities shall be provided from two (2) separate categories. b. For multi-family development between twenty(20)and seventy five (75)units,three (3) amenities shall be provided,with one from each category. c.For multi-family development with seventy five(75)units or more, four(4) amenities shall be provided,with at least one from each category. d. For multi-family developments with more than one hundred(100)units,the decision making body shall require additional amenities commensurate to the size of the proposed development. 3. The decision making body shall be authorized to consider other improvements in addition to those provided under this subsection D,provided that these improvements provide a similar level of amenity. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Based on 195proposed units, a minimum offour(4)amenities are required,however, the decision making body is authorized to consider other amenities in addition to those provided per the standards listed above in 2.d. The following amenities are proposed from the quality of life, open space and recreation categories:a clubhouse with offices for rent by the residents, a tot-lot, a swimming pool,picnic shelter with a BBQ area, a plaza, community garden, and a small fenced dog park area. Therefore, the Applicant is proposing 6 qualifying site amenities. The proposed dog park does not meet the UDC requirements to qualify as a site amenity due to it not being large enough and not showing the required trash receptacles or dog washing station.Even though it is not a qualifying amenity,Staff presumes it will be used often. Staff recommends that at least trash receptacles be added to the dog park area to ensure a clean and odorless experience is incurred.In addition to these amenities, the Applicant is proposing 102 self-storage lockers (each locker is 12 square feet)spread throughout each of the garage buildings so that residents may store small amounts of personal items onsite and near their units. This is also not a qualifying site amenity but Staff finds that these will likely be heavily used even though not all residents will be allowed to participate in it due to the difference in unit count and available lockers. E. Landscaping Requirements: 1. Development shall meet the minimum landscaping requirements in accord with chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts",of this title. 2. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundation. The foundation landscaping shall meet the following minimum standards: a. The landscaped area shall be at least three feet(3')wide. b. For every three(3) linear feet of foundation, an evergreen shrub having a minimum mature height of twenty four inches(24") shall be planted. c. Ground cover plants shall be planted in the remainder of the landscaped area. Page 12 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 17 of 302 The landscape plan provided appears to meet these specific use standard landscape requirements. (see Exhibit VII.D) F. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The commercial and multi-family residential lots appear to meet all UDC dimensional standards per the submitted plat. In addition, all private streets appear to meet all UDC dimensional standards per the submitted plans. In addition, all subdivision developments are also required to comply with Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards (UDC 11-6C-3). The proposed short plat and submitted plans appear to meet the UDC requirements of this section. G. Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): Access is proposed via private streets off of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Tree Crest Way. The two proposed access points to Black Cat Road have been approved by ACHD but typically access to Black Cat is limited by the City. The Applicant may request from City Council to keep the two access points as proposed, in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. The Applicant is also proposing an access in the northeast corner of the property via a shared driveway with the Rock Harbor Church site. Private streets are proposed throughout the development,with two running east-west(W. Waverton Ln. and W. Caragana Ln.) and two running north-south(N. Spurwing Ln and N. Agrarian Ln.). Access via Chinden Blvd. is prohibited and is not proposed.Due to the nature of the proposed use, Staff believes private streets are appropriate in this development. Private streets are required to comply with the design and construction standards listed in UDC 11-3F-4. The proposed private streets are 25 feet wide with 5-foot or 7-foot attached sidewalks on both sides. Both open and covered parking is provided along most of the private streets. Further parking analysis is discussed in the next section,Section V.H. In addition,private streets are required to be on their own common lot or within an easementper UDC 11-3F-3B.3 standards. The submitted plat does not appear to show this requirement;Staff is recommending a condition of approval to revise the plat to show compliance with this requirementprior to the City Council hearing. H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11- 3C-6 for multi-family dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. The submitted and revised plan named "Conditional Use Plan"appears to have the most up to date parking counts and show 497 spaces for the entire development. 436 are proposed for the residents, 28 are reserved for the clubhouse, and the remaining 33 are for the proposed commercial. Of the 436 for the residential units, 179 spaces are uncovered, 134 are covered carport spaces, and the remaining 123 are garage spaces. Across the different unit types there are 641-bedroom units, 100 2-bedroom units, and 32 3-bedroom units. The 1-bedroom units require 1.5 spaces per units, with at least one of the spaces being covered; the two and three bedroom units require 2 spaces per unit, also with at least one covered per unit. Therefore, the minimum amount of parking required for the multi family portion of this development is 360 spaces, with 196 of those required to be covered. Therefore, the proposed parking count exceeds the minimum UDC requirements. The commercial areas proposed in the southwest corner of the site is shown as 12,789 square feet that would be spread across two building pads—the smaller pad, approximately 2,000 square feet, shares a plaza with the tot-lot and open space area near the west-central portion of the site. For commercial uses, the parking requirement is one space for every 500 square feet and the proposed commercial area requires a minimum of 26 spaces. The Applicant has proposed 33 Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 18 of 302 spaces for the commercial area, exceeding the minimum amount required by the UDC.A portion of the proposed parking directly abuts the street and those utilizing the commercial parking would have to back into or drive directly onto the private street in order to exit those spaces. This is not prohibited by code but is far from ideal. Staff believes this type of parking set up may cause additional accidents and therefore recommends a redesign of the parking for the proposed commercial area. This redesign should minimally include a 5-foot wide landscape island along the edge of this proposed parking area to eliminate this conflict. The Applicant shall still provide the required number ofparking stalls based upon the gross floor area of the proposed commercial area. A parking plan can be seen in Exhibit VII.E. I. Pathways (UDC 11-3A-8): A 10-foot wide multi-use pathway is proposed along the entire W. Chinden Blvd. street frontage and is proposed to be placed within the required arterial street landscape buffer. The proposed pathway will be approximately 60-feet from the existing edge of right-of-way of Chinden Blvd. due to future widening projects. The Applicant is dedicating a separate, 60-foot wide,non- buildable lot along Chinden Blvd. for the future benefit of Idaho Transportation Department. This section of multi-use pathway will allow further safe pedestrian connection along the SH 20/26 corridor and will directly help connect this development with the adjacent Rock Harbor Church site to the east and with development to the west and across N. Black Cat. The multi-use pathway is also proposed to connect to a new 5-foot detached sidewalk along N. Black Cat and to two internal connections from within the development. These sidewalk connections offer further pedestrian connectivity between developments along the SH 20/26 corridor. The proposed sidewalks in this development are essentially micro-pathways. These pathways connect throughout the entire development and traverse through every mew as well. They offer increased pedestrian connection and give future residents the opportunity to walk rather than drive within the project site. J. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): Attached sidewalks are proposed along all internal private streets as part of the overall pedestrian circulation,in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Part of the sidewalk plan places one within a long vista that connects all the way from the clubhouse/tot-lot area in the west of the site to the barbeque and picnic area in the east portion of the site. This area is proposed with landscaping adequate to offer both shade and green space but does not appear to be so convoluted with trees as to offer line of sight issues for public safety. Staff supports the sidewalk and pedestrian circulation plan for this development. See Exhibit VII.F. K. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 35-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to W. Chinden Blvd., a state highway system (SH 20/26), landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. A 35-foot wide common lot is depicted on the plat to the interior of the 60-foot wide common lot for future ITD purchase. There is also a required 20-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to N. Black Cat, a residential collector roadway. This required landscape buffer should also be placed into common lot(s)per UDC standards in 11-3B-7C.2; Staff is recommending a condition of approval to amend the plat to show the entire buffer along N. Black Cat within a common lot. Per UDC I I-3H-4D,and within the required buffer along SH 20/26,the Applicant is also required to build a noise attenuation wall or wall and berm combination at least 10-feet in height,measured from the height of the centerline of the highway. The Applicant is proposing a wall/berm combination that appears to Page 14 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 19 of 302 meet the height requirement. Staff notes that this wall is also required to modulate over the course of its length. The submitted landscape plans do not appear to show this modulation so the Applicant will be required to correct the plans prior to final plat submittal. On the submitted landscape plans,there are no proposed trees or shrubs shown within the required landscape buffer between the commercial lot and SH 20/26. This area of the landscape buffer is also required to be landscaped and Staff is recommending a condition of approval to include landscaping in this area beyond grasses. See Section VII.D for the submitted landscape plans. Landscaping is required along all pathways (including micro-pathways) in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C. The total lineal feet of pathways with the required and proposed number of trees are NOT included in the Landscape Calculations table on the submitted landscape plans, sheet LA. The addition of this data in the calculations table will be required as a condition of approval. Common open space is required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11- 3G-3E. The total square footage of common open space and the required number of trees to demonstrate compliance with UDC standards is NOT included in the Landscape Calculations table. The addition of this data in the calculations table will be required as a condition of approval. The City Arborist has also made comments on the subject application regarding its landscaping, specifically on the type of tree species proposed. Fraxinus "Ash"tree species attract a specific and invasive pest and it is the request of the City Arborist that projects start trying to replace these types of trees with other tree species. Therefore, Staff is recommending a condition of approval that the Applicant work with the City Arborist on an appropriate alternative to their proposed `Ash"tree selection. L. Qualified Open Space (UDC 11-3G): A minimum of 10%qualified open space meeting the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-313 is required. Based on the proposed plat of 21.59 acres,a minimum of 2.16 acres of qualified common open space should be provided to satisfy this requirement. In addition,because this is a multi-family development within a residential zoning district,the common open space standards listed within the specific use standards,UDC 11-4-3-27, also apply. The Applicant's open space calculations do not accurately depict the amount of required and proposed open space for the multi-family specific use standards; Staff is recommending a condition to correct this prior to City Council.According to Staffs calculations, a minimum of 55,000 square feet (or 1.26 acres) of additional qualifying common open space should be provided. Combined, the required amount of minimum qualifying open space that should be provided is 3.42 acres. According to the open space exhibit(see Exhibit VII.C),the applicant is proposing a total of 3.78 acres of qualified open space. There are a number of small areas throughout the development that are still green space but are not qualifying open space. Of the 3.78 acres proposed,2.36 acres is proposed to meet the overall minimum 10%requirement(2.36 acres equates to 10.9%). This qualified open space consists of a 10-foot multi-use pathway,common lots with open space areas, and required street buffers along adjacent roadways. This area exceeds the minimum UDC requirements. The remaining 1.42 acres of open space is proposed to meet the specific use standards for multi- family development. These areas of open space consist of the mews between unit blocks (including the long vista that connects the east side of the development with the west side of the site), some end cap landscaped areas along streets, and smaller areas of open space that meet the Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 20 of 302 minimum 20' x 20' dimensions. The open space proposed to meet the specific use standards exceeds the minimum UDC requirements. As noted above, the common open space provided with this development exceeds the minimum amounts required by code. In addition, the Applicant is proposing much more additional private open space than is required by code. Staff and the Applicant worked diligently together to design the open space in such a way to integrate the commercial uses with the residential as required in the MU-Cpolicies and goals. The Applicant responded to these conversations by providing a community garden area that can be shared by the commercial building and the nearby residents. Perhaps a future restaurant as one of the commercial tenants could utilize this garden area for fresh produce in their daily operations. In addition, the Applicant proposed additional commercial space that shares a plaza space with the clubhouse and residents. There are a plethora of potential uses for this including a farmer's market style use or pop-up shops where tenants can utilize the sidewalk space for further interaction with customers. This plaza area is directly linked with the long vista in the center of the development via micro pathways and stamped/colored concrete across the private streets. Staff appreciates the additional delineation of pedestrian and vehicular travel ways but wishes the Applicant would have proposed more stamped/colored concrete throughout the development to add more character to the development and its pedestrian circulation. However, Staff supports the connection of open space from one end of the site to the other and the fact that the vista and open space areas are anchored by an amenity on the east end and amenities and commercial space on the west end of the site. All in all, Stafffinds that the proposed common and private open space are sufficient for a project of this size and proposed use. M. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G): Based on the area of the proposed short plat(21.59 acres),a minimum of one (1)qualified site amenity is required to be provided per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3C. The applicant proposes one(1) qualified amenity to satisfy the requirements in this section of the UDC, a 10-foot multi-use pathway along SH 20/26. All other site amenities (analyzed in an above section) are meant to satisfy the specific use standard amenity requirements. The proposed multi- use pathway meets the minimum UDC standards. As noted above, the Applicant is proposing a small dog park in the northwest corner of the subject site(it is not a qualifying site amenity).Multi family specific use standards do not allow this area to count as open space if it up against a collector roadway(Black Cat Road) unless separated from the street by a berm or barrier at least 4-feet in height with breaks in it to allow for pedestrian access.According to the submitted landscape plan, there appears to be no such berm or barrier along this corner other than a fence meant to delineate the actual dog park. Therefore, the proposed dog park area is not qualifying open space or a qualifying amenity for the multi family requirements. However, it is qualifying open space under the general minimum 10%requirement. N. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-61 11-3A-7): All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. Fencing is proposed as shown on the landscape plan and meets UDC standards as proposed. O. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): As discussed in the comprehensive plan policies analysis, Staff believes most of the submitted elevations meet the required Architectural Standards. The applicant has submitted a concurrent design review application and staff finds the submitted architecture of the residential portion of Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 21 of 302 the development complies with the ASM except for those elevations for the proposed townhome style units. Commercial elevations were not submitted with this application but future buildings should incorporate similar architectural features to ensure a cohesive design as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan and ASM.A separate DES will be required for the Commercial portion of the development. The submitted elevations for the proposed townhome home units show only one field material, stucco. The ASM requires at least two field materials for multi family development for facades as long as those shown. Staff recommends the Applicant include more of the proposed lap siding along both the front and rear facades to meet the intent of the ASM goals. In addition, the ASM notes that no two multi family buildings should look the same. To ensure compliance with at least the intent of this requirement, the Applicant should create differentiation between some of the 6- plex, townhome buildings through differing architectural designs and color palettes. Staff is recommending conditions of approval to correct this. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit, short plat,rezone, and development agreement modification applications per the Findings in Section IX of this staff report. The Director approved the private street and administrative design review applications. B. Commission: Enter Summary of Commission Decision. C. City Council: To be heard at future date. Page 17 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 22 of 302 VII. EXHIBITS A. Rezone Legal Descriptions and Exhibit Maps EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION FOR MODERN CRAFTSMAN SUBDIVISION R-15 ZONING DISTRICT A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Puma Subdivision as filed in Book 71 of Plats at Pages 7263 through 7264, records of Ada County, Idaho and a portion of the SW 114 of the SW 114 of Section 22,TAN.,R.1 W., B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SW corner of said Section 22 from which the S114 corner of said Section 22 bears South 89'1718"East, 2647.24 feet; thence along the South boundary line of said Section 22 South 89°17'18"East,287.86 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence leaving said South boundary line North 00°40'53"East,356.80 feet; thence North 89'19'07"West, 150.19 feet; thence 3.70 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 02'07'14"and a long chord which bears South 20°41'00"West, 3.70 feet; thence South 21°44'37"West,46.35 feet; thence North 68915'23"West,23.88 feet; thence 37.06 feet along the arc of curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 21°13'54"and a long chord which bears North 78°52'20"West, 36.84 feet; thence North 89'29'17"West, 62.18 feet to a point on the West boundary line of said Section 22; thence along said West boundary line North 00°30'42"East, 573.44 feet; thence leaving said West boundary line and along the southerly boundary line of Tree Farm Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 114 of Plats at Pages 16914 through 16921, records of Ada County, Idaho and the northwesterly extension thereof South 78°03'14" East, 104.00 feet to an angle point on the southerly boundary line of Lot 2, Block 7 of said Tree Farm Subdivision No. 2; thence along said southernly boundary line of said Tree Farm Subdivision No.2 the following 5 course and distances: thence 61.63 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 1,552.00 feet,a central angle of 02°16'31"and a long chord which bears North 10'48'30"East,61.63 feet; Page 1 of 2 Page 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 23 of 302 thence North 55°40'41"East, 10.27 feet; thence 151.39 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 700.00 feet, a central angle of 12°23'31"and a long chord which bears South 71*18'06"East, 151.10 feet; thence South 65°06'21"East,221.65 feet; thence 56.81 feet along the are of a non-tangent curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 850.00 feet,a central angle of 03°49'45"and a long chord which bears South 67°01'18"East, 56.80 feet to a corner common to Lot 2, Block 7 of said Tree Farm Subdivision No.2, and Lot 1, Block 7 of Tree Farm Subdivision No. 1 as filed in Book 113 of Plats at Pages 16498 through 16505, records of Ada County, Idaho; thence along the South boundary line of said Lot 1, Block 7 the following 4 courses and distances: thence 135.28 feet along the arc of curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 850.00 feet, a central angle of 09°07'08"and a long chord which bears South 73°29'44"East, 135.14 feet; thence South 78°03'14"East,263.21 feet; thence 183.86 feet along the arc of curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 841.73 feet, a central angle of 12°30'53"and a long chord which bears South 84'18,41"East, 183.49 feet; thence 237.50 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 841.73 feet, a central angle of 16°09'58"and a long chord which bears North 81°20'52" East,236,71 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 1, Block 7, point also being a point on the West boundary line of said Rockbury Subdivision; thence South 00°30'49"West,720.31 feet along said West boundary line and the southerly extension thereof to a point on the South boundary line of said Section 22; thence along said South boundary line North 89'17'18"West, 1,035.75 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 21.37 acres, more or less. a 7729 � OF 19� h4Y G.G Page 2 of 2 Page 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 24 of 302 N r N N 25 100 400 0 50 2D0 600 "r7 ml SCALE: 1" = 200' s BDWS ON 50'30'49"W 720.31' L L_ — SG Fa ELI OD CL 7 729 X 00 O I G�74YG.C�� Q� N0 �a a� Nm F.q e) w Lo r,� Wl of �N a N 3j DO am O"f Nj 00 / DO N r / I',,off Z z o rn N U I Q 1 � N VQDIr � o N oi S65'06'21"E 0�J p 221.65' /f > / m 5 N8919'07"W NO'40'53"E 356.80' Ld 150.19' 0 cc Z C1L1 S78'03:14E E4 11 4.00 L2 C3 /�0 0 42"E.573.44 503042"W N N LLL N. BLACK CAT RD. 325.00 N DO -MaEnn CwfLunor B men! i" M-11 Crvi 1 nr AM EXHIBIT — DRAWING FOR 19 NO. 9555 W EMERALD 8T. MODERN CRAFTSMAN SUBDIVISION sHEET NO. SURVEY ;2aee4"57a�'°° R-15 ZONING DISTRICT 1of2 GROUPLLC LOCA7ED IN THE SW V. DF THE SW 4OF SECTION 22,T.4N..RAW., DWG.DATE > B.N.,CITY DK MERIDIAN.ADA COUNTY,IDAHO 8/58/2020 Page 20 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 25 of 302 8 op~y2°23'3y. 9°OT uq. R 850 578°03'14„e 2 D x 56 o=12°30'S3" m R=841.73 Ft 141,73 v O� p1 M °a,ten a 3 150.19 a n89 19'6T4r o r�i ra y o N W O m C SG�L 1035.76 n89°17'18"w CL 7729 12 gIle OF~OPT Y G.Gp Modern Craftsman Sub R-15 Zone Closure Sheet 6/20/2020 Scale: 1 inch=200 feet Fife: Tract 1:21.3674 Acres,Closure:n35.4345w 0.01 k.(11384942),Perimeter-4435 ft. 01 n00,4053e 356.8 14 Lt,r-850.00,delta=003.4945,chord=s67.011 Se 56.80 02 n89.1907w 15019 15 Lt,r=850.00,delta=009.0708,chord=s73.2944e 135.14 03 Rt,r-100,00,delta=002.0714,chard=s2D.4100w 3.70 16 s78.0314e 263.21 04 s21.4437w 46.35 17 Lt,r=841.73,delta=012.3053,chord=s84.1841e 183.49 05 n68.1523w 23.98 18 Lt,r=841.73,delta=016.0958,chord=n81.2052e 236.71 06 Lt,r=100.00,delta=021.1354,chord=n78.5220w 38.84 19 s00.3049w 720.31 07 n89.2917w 62.18 20 n89.1718w 1035 75 08 n00.3042e 573.44 09 08.0314e 104 10 Lt,r=1552.00,delta=002.1631,chord=n10.4830e,61.63 11 n55.4041 a 10.27 12 Rt,rn700.00,delta=012.2331,chard-571.1806e 151.10 13 565.0621 a 221.65 Page 21 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 26 of 302 EXHIBIT DESCRIPTION FOR MODERN CRAFTSMAN SUBDIVISION C-C(COMMERCIAL,)ZONING DISTRICT A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Puma Subdivision as filed in Book 71 of Plats at Pages 7263 through 7264, records of Ada County, Idaho and a portion of the SW 114 of the SW 114 of Section 22,TAN., R.1 W., B.M., City of Meridian,Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the SW corner of said Section 22 from which the S114 corner of said Section 22 bears South 89'17'18"East,2647.24 feet; thence along the West boundary line of said Section 22 North 00°30'42"East, 325.00 feet; thence leaving said West boundary line South 89°29'17"East, 62.18 feet; thence 37.06 feet along the arc of curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 100,00 feet, a central angle of 21'13'54"and a long chord which bears South 78°52'20"East, 36,84 feet; thence South 68'15'23"East, 23.88 feet; thence North 21°44'37"East,46.35 feet; thence 3.70 feet along the arc of curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle of 02'07'14"and a long chord which bears North 20°41'00" East, 3.70 feet; thence South 89'19'07"East, 150.19 feet; thence South 00°40'53"West, 356.80 feet to a point on the South boundary line of said Section 22; thence along said South boundary line North 89'17'18"West, 287.86 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2.26 acres, more or less. as 7729 �ffffff# G.C Page 22 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 27 of 302 CURVE TABLE N r N N CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD DIST. CHORD BRG. DELTA C1 100.00 3.70 3.70 N20'41'00"E 2'07'14' C2 100.00 37.06 36.84 S78'52'20"E 21'13'54" N n \ 0 M N 0 } 7 N z 50'40'53"W 356.80' — �, _ I N m V1 2 CIDQ W f- In Imo(} I W V 00 C7 N u 0D[ Z NI U U�mc•' 31 C1 00 7 N 21'44'37"E 46.35' �I S68'15'23"E v Z' 23.88' ib cO)� 1 00 LN0'30'42"E 325_00' N. BLACK CAT RD. N O 10 40 160 a 7729 9- 0 2D 80 320 {P�Z�PLC Prb SCALE: 1" = 80' �g4r G.ro, dui"c oa.. c. me io-oi: EXHIBIT _ DRAWING FORroe f9F'44 I DAHO — � a965W eMEa LDSY MODERN CRAFTSMAN SUBDIVISION SHEET NO, SURVEY Bp8 0AHO 093704 C—C ZONING DISTRICT GROUP, L LC LOCATED IN THE SW 4 OF THE SW Ya OF SECTION 22,T.4N.,RAW., DWG'DATE B.M.,Ck7Y OF MERIDIAN,ADA COUNTY.IOAM0 5/18/2020 Page 23 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 28 of 302 s89°19'07"e 150.19 �v n s89°29'17"e 2.18 ry a c 3 in m� m � m N R M 0 \O �-LA 267.86 O n89°1716"w a. 7729 OF ��F�DAY G'cA� Q Modern Craftsman Sub C-C Zone Closure Sheet 6/20/2020 Scale: 1 inch=60 feet File: Tract 1:2.2572 Acres(98324 Sq.Feet),Closure:s74.0239e 0.01 ft.(1l110992),Perimeter=1293 ft. 01 n00.3042e 325 08 s00.4053w 356.E 02 s89.2917e 62.18 C9 r189.1718w 287.36 03 RI,r-100.00,delta=021.1354,chord=s78.5220e 36.84 04 s68.1523e 23.88 05 n21 A437e 46.35 06 Lt,r=100 00,delta=002.0714,chord=n20,4100a 3.70 07 s89.1907e 150.19 Page 24 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 29 of 302 B. Short Plat(dated: June 2020) Ci p'e C p%; 8'1 t^rc L` ° a 6 z c € 6 s�Eypx y yam~ LOU Ww 4 �5 -m�E'"�8 :'bo s °ob 5 W 2 6 - E E oi'iv a� d a� y�02LnF- w ° ° S'zeo®r'ie cs n IL F-9 NOEZTo� z r �waoa 6Ss o msm o n S w�0 mb af�§ N wZ<2 o � �Q� �'�Q £!➢Ol'ad 4L4'NB d 3 - enswuxre.wre�nox - 4d - w Z W IA.94.00OOdS---- h9r85 Al.®4.OLU�S m Q O i o d 0 '6 1 1 tr� M1 _ 8 31818 S8 a 8 AV �ry/ I4I d °ec "a "e � "e "ac ffi/, i � ryF � —_-- ao•¢sa�.u,xabN -- +pia c� ^;' �s - - - � omxxj � � „ x � 'ON LV7 N7Ylx'N gn F A j 5 n = n ^ - Page 25 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 30 of 302 n nA cas�s n c_ a R k' l�t fL99l Jd bll'NB 2 mw ¢ tlim NOISNI0ens ANremou 0-6 •I M,MAE, :� Y9Yg7 M.BYA[Ap5 � 1 7 12 1•, ti I I .zl i I � 3YS tl! I W I .pl�l a1 s � I n �. �_ _� I n��e wii♦ � 3 ri3 u f — - ' ��y� iIJ 91p Z9'GFL M 4E,oJ.i11 £�J _..-,S911Z M.b£.aO.CN 3.Z4,0£.00N o i fm'£SL 3.16.pGODN F -- 'ON dap)KMG'N 'Od X 3Nl�W ire RS IDundNn 8 . �eulbd Page 26 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 31 of 302 C. Open Space Exhibit(date: 1/23/2020) - __ — I — I , I- ,I I 1 I i 1 � I I I " v i .i � 7 a I � �. J . T . - - °; 14%.i ' 1 . A �I 1 I • Il I n� 71I., �z I , o� I ' I I I m GX 4.uN � rim �y O z - CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT $ a III Engineering,Inc. off_- DETACHE❑ BARON BLACK CAT SUBDIVISION � - ��,,�' Cm�Exxixmrinu�Pwuninn�CAUG BARON PROPERTIES LLC Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 32 of 302 D. Landscape Plans(date: 6/18/2020) z 3 � ' D —ems La Z - S i s - < c R O, r �I -n < ;a � a I r , T n z - n IF - D - i r � - n . I - n i n /�\1 m • ♦ i ---� gPBI €� s I � I. o: _ r � � I =� g I II III rA m 11 r , II n ® I _ I m zl Page 28 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 33 of 302 Ma / f � C J' l =., 1 v P tm ? 1 y Wq A d r a i -r II f t 'b z I �v ' rw P a _ F� MODERN CRAFTSMAN u r = 3 AT BLACK CAT Ia ag �► = za BARON DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN k =� Page 29 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 34 of 302 --- _ - —y N.oLaac car ro- h � 7 I IIIr 'i - I � -- UFLj II � � ji, I 4: I. -1� II —— - MATCHLWELS y . m s�.. a MODERN CRAFTSMAN r = 3 AT BLACK CAT a € e ,r.n FI'4! r z 9 BARON DEVELOPMENT �� ^�'€ "' =N CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN Page 30 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 35 of 302 MATCHLINE L2JWAr HL tj I; r a I I r I� 'll'� I. �pyp I -- �� r + I Y K I r T a � i III' I I —=tee H 'N rn NMgu q a it a�knfi s ��_ k€ rn u A a P MODERN CRAFTSMAN �o ° AT BLACK CAT a 1= a BARON DEVELOPMENT °y m CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN & =� Page 31 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 36 of 302 171, c R aow � 0M UP � Av o$ III III � � c i II1 _ �� �3N�� ��€� z OVER � I qWINN Ll < am ►lI S Uz s �" nll z [p� a 1 Ll a ;5 ga p n �k�>��� lh ,i oix � r �P u m N gAo .Fro€�„�a a �'.• ,�_ a o _ MODERN CRAFTSMAN ! ��s u a AT BLACK CAT a R.10 y'"ae°7i P wa BARON DEVELOPMENT m N CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN E44 Page 32 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 37 of 302 N t 4 III- I I: �r 77 I Li r7 HP i, j �j m In IT r a r' � I Ih � r g — � T ti 41 O � � o € gip € � T� MODERN CRAFTSMAN r AT BLACK CAT ass '3iiiii ,,,., X BARON DEVELOPMENT ®_ Prili` J = 0 CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN Page 33 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 38 of 302 3 n 1�® i !Iti I D u I r D I - z n I 0 J [!1 s m n x I � coo III 10 _ 1 1 s ug Z v Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 39 of 302 E. Parking Plan(date: 5/1/2020) k ,n l " r L m � I " _ I 7 i I m =� - o I= c r + 9. m � L •Tl t7 � �'O ➢ N N O ND ➢ N Z -. �� e I - I —JI i - I Y J p q-7 f — - -- II ; I D MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT i o �m .Eo F li I�§' 3� �:: ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN 5;�p o ; a` BLACK CAT d CHINDEN ROADS - -N MERMAN.IDAHO ZIP Page 35 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 40 of 302 F. Pedestrian Circulation Plan :k I N L r / F I I 1 I Y I i d — a `l 1 y 'A I O I x L - a y _ o ty Y z CONCEPTUAL CIRCULATION MAP -1,° "� �'_'£ Iley En�meenng,lnc.'_d •e DETACHED BARON BLACK CAT SUBDIVISION BARON PROPERTIES LL— ° -1-1 Page 36 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 41 of 302 G. Conceptual Building Elevations MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT ELI I SOUTHWEST ELEVATION Clubhouse Elevation CLUBHOUSE SOUTHEAST ELEVATION MODPN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT LINE E-Im A' SINGLE SLOPE ROOF FRONTNEW HIP ROOF FRONT VIEW W17 Ei.-... UE, SINGLE SLOPE ROOF BACK NEW ❑� L L - I' I � ICED-IEATH DUPLEX FLOOR PLAN vw.�..�.W��.» HIP ROOFR0.CN VIEW Page 37 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 42 of 302 MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT SINGLE SLOPE ROOF.FRONT VIEW HIP ROOF.FRONT NEW EllWL'. � SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-BACK VIEW ME - � -- — — 2eEo-2EATH-A FL00 R PLAN HIP ROOF.BACK VIEW MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT COLOFPxETIEm LINE SINGLE SLOPE ROOF FRONT VIEW HIP ROOF FRONT VIEW �. mr M7�1 r CJLJ—ETIE 0 A � )7 - SINGLE SLOPE ROOF SACK VIEW Elm ME 2 BEO-2 BATH-B FLOOR PLAN HIPROOF BAONVIEW Page 38 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 43 of 302 MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT aim -OF PD F p2 SINGLE SLOPE ROOF FRONT VIEW HIP ROI FRONT VIEW SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-BACK VIEW 11PI 2BE0-2 BATH-GARAGE FLOOR PLAN HIP ROOF-BACK VIEW - MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT . � _ — Elm —. SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-FRONTVIEW ; HIP ROOF FRONT VIEW IF[ N:..�.e.,.E. ME rTrI .s SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-BACK VIEW i - - C �• 3 BED BATH FLOOR PLAN HIP ROOF-BACK VIEW Page 39 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 44 of 302 MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT ___� _ ❑®� w� � pti V ENTRY FEATURE MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT I FRONFVIEYJ GARAGE-STORAGE BUILDING FLOOR PLAN Page 40 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 45 of 302 MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT iiLLOLOR-MEP rt FNCNT VIEW Ell i FL J�I � _ it T L Ell 6 I— T-- m i —T TOWNHOUSES.cPLEx PLOCRPLAN-L.Y LI MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT LIM eACK VIEW �LI ❑ ❑❑ n ❑J � � .. �. �I�❑� � T� �❑j ❑ice� i � ., rI I r .J ❑� LI 11 I � TOwNH WSEE-fi PLEX \ FLOOR PLAN-LEVEL 2 ,. Page 41 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 46 of 302 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The subject property shall no longer be subject to the terms of the existing Development Agreements(DA) (Inst. Ws: 106151218; 107025555; 107141993; 110059432; and 2014- 065517)upon the property owner(s)entering into a new agreement. The new DA shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the Planning Division within six(6)months of the City Council granting subject modification. The new DA shall incorporate the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the submitted plat, site plan, landscape plan, open space exhibit, and conceptual building elevations for included in Section VII and the provisions contained herein. b. The 10-foot multi-use pathway along Chinden Boulevard shall be constructed with Phase 1 of the development. c. Direct lot access to W. Chinden Boulevard(SH 20/26) shall be prohibited. d. The existing accesses onto Chinden Boulevard and N. Black Cat Road shall be closed upon development of the subject site. e. Additional right-of-way shall be reserved for dedication to Idaho Transportation District for the future widening of Chinden Boulevard, as shown on the plat as Lot 1,Block 1. f. The only approved access to N. Black Cat Road is the northernmost access shown on the proposed CUP Plan as W. Waverton Lane,unless City Council approves the second access in accord with UDC 11-3A-3. g. The required landscape street buffers shall be constructed and vegetated along the entire perimeter(along N. Black Cat and Chinden Boulevard)with the first phase of development. 2. The short plat included in Section VII.B, dated June 2020, shall be revised as follows prior to the City Council hearing: a. Revise the plat to include the entire required landscape buffer along N. Black Cat Road in a common lot(s)per UDC 11-313-7C.2. b. Add common lot or perpetual ingress/egress easement for the private streets in accord with UDC 11-3F-3B.3. c. Stamped and signed by the licensed land surveyor. 3. The landscape plan included in Section VII.D, dated 06/18/2020, shall be revised as follows prior to submittal of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application: a. The Landscape Calculations/Requirements table shall include the following: 1)the total linear feet of pathways and the required number of trees per UDC I 1-313-12);the total square footage of common open space and required number of trees per UDC 11-3G-3E. b. Revise the landscape plans to show the required modulation in the required noise attenuation wall along W. Chinden Blvd. in accord with UDC 11-31-1-41). c. Revise the landscape plans and add trees, shrubs, and other vegetative ground cover to the areas of the landscape buffers between the future commercial buildings and Chinden Blvd. and Black Cat Road in accord with UDC 11-313-7C Page 42 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 47 of 302 d. Revise the landscape plans to add a 5-foot wide landscape buffer along the northern boundary of the commercial parking area to eliminate conflict of cars backing out into the path of traffic on the private street. The buffer shall be landscaped in accord with UDC 11-3B-8C. e. Revise the landscape plans to show trash receptacles and bags for waste disposal throughout the proposed dog park area. 4. The residential elevations included in Section VII.G,dated February 2020, shall be revised as follows at least 10 days prior to the City Council hearing: a. Add additional area of a secondary field material for the proposed townhome units to help break up the large amount of stucco as a field material. b. Create at least two(2)more design palettes for the proposed townhome units to include at the least different color palettes and field material combinations. c. Continue the stone material along the bottom of all building facades of the proposed clubhouse. 5. The Open Space Exhibit calculations table shall be corrected to reflect the correct amount of common open space required per the specific use standards in UDC 11-4-3-27. 6. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-2A-6,UDC Table 11-2B-3, and those listed in the specific use standards for multi-family development,UDC 11-4-3-27. 7. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for multi-family dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. 8. With the CZC submittal,the Applicant shall correct the applicable plans to show additional colored or stamped concrete (or similar)of the main pedestrian sidewalk that traverses through the center of development to further delineate the pedestrian pathways. 9. The Applicant shall work with the City Arborist on an appropriate alternative to their proposed"Ash"tree selection and obtain approval from the City Arborist prior to Final Plat approval. 10. The Applicant shall comply with all ACHD conditions of approval. 11. The Applicant shall obtain Administrative Design Review approval for the future commercial buildings with the submittal of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance for the entire site. The architecture of the commercial buildings shall complement that of the residential portion of the project. 12. The Applicant shall obtain Certificate of Zoning Compliance approval for the entire subject site prior to applying for any building permit. 13. Comply with the outdoor service and equipment area standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A- 12. 14. Provide a pressurized irrigation system consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11- 3A-15,UDC 11-3B-6 and MCC 9-1-28. 15. Upon completion of the landscape installation, a written Certificate of Completion shall be submitted to the Planning Division verifying all landscape improvements are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14. Page 43 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 48 of 302 17. The applicant and/or assigns shall comply with the private street standards as set forth in UDC 11-3F-3 and 11-3F-4. 18. The conditional use approval shall become null and void unless otherwise approved by the City if the applicant fails to 1)commence the use, satisfy the requirements,acquire building permits and commence construction within two years as set forth in UDC 11-5B-6F.1; or 2) obtain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-5B-6F.4. 19. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy on any building,the applicant shall submit a public access easement for the multi-use pathway(s) along Chinden Boulevard to the Planning Division for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. 20. Business hours of operation within the C-C zoning district shall be limited from 6 am to 11 pm as set forth in UDC 11-2B-3A.4. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 Design and number of units clustered together is of particular concern—staff is unclear as to how all units will be serviced.A utility layout depicting how all of the units will be serviced while still meeting design requirements shall be required. 1.2 Sanitary sewer mainlines are not allowed within common drives, only sewer services (reminder that a maximum of three services are allowed into a manhole,with a minimum 30- degrees of angle separation). 1.3 A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the City's Design Standards. A fixture installation agreement is required for the streetlights on Chinden Blvd. Contact the Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator for additional information. 1.4 Water service to this site is being proposed via extension of water mains under the jurisdiction of SUEZ North America. 1.5 Though the City of Meridian will not own or maintain the water system in this development, final fire hydrant location shall be coordinated with and receive approval from the Meridian Public Works Department and Meridian Fire Department prior to construction plan approval. 1.6 Structures of 3600 square feet and larger including the garage, shall comply with the fire flow, and hydrant requirements of appendix b and c of the 2015 International Fire Code. 1.7 Prior to construction plan approval,the applicant shall submit documentation from SUEZ North America indicating that they have approved the water plans. 1.8 Prior to scheduling of a pre-construction meeting,the applicant shall submit documentation from SUEZ North America that all of their requirements have been met to be able to go to construction. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet,if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. Page 44 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 49 of 302 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s)for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x I I"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year- round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available,a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B.Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing,landscaping,amenities,etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. Page 45 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 50 of 302 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review,and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancity.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=184359&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC Lty Page 46 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 51 of 302 D. POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184598&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC iv E. PARK'S DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=185184&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC iv F. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184930&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC iv G. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=184482&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC iv H. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184914&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC iv I. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184498&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC J. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=184482&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC hty K. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) https:llweblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190915&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC hty IX. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application.In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment to adjust the areas of the existing R-15 and C-C zoning districts and subsequent development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if all conditions of approval are complied with. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed districts, specifically the purpose statement; Page 47 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 52 of 302 Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment and request for the development of multi- family residential will contribute to the range of housing opportunities available within the City. Staff finds the proposed addition of commercial within the development is generally consistent with the purpose statement of the commercial district and future land use designation of Mixed Use Community. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health,safety, and welfare; Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. The subject property is already annexed; therefore Staff finds that this finding is not applicable. B. Short Plat Findings: In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat, the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed plat, with Staff's recommendations, is in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density, transportation, and pedestrian connectivity. (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds that public services will be provided to the subject property with development. (See Section VIII of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Staff finds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers(i.e.,Police,Fire,ACHD, etc). (See Section VII for more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and, Page 48 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 53 of 302 Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis but has not provided comments at this time. 6. The development preserves significant natural,scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. C. Conditional Use Permit Findings: The commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds that the submitted conditional use plat appears to meet all dimensional and development regulations in the R-15 zoning district in which it resides. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Staff finds the proposed use of multi family residential and commercial are harmonious with the comprehensive plan designation of Mixed-Use Community and the requirements of this title. 3. That the design,construction,operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Despite the proposed use being different than the residential uses closest to the subject site, Staff finds the design, construction, and proposed operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and should not adversely change the essential character of the same area. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff finds the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways,streets,schools,parks,police and fire protection,drainage structures,refuse disposal,water,and sewer. Staff finds the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services as all services are readily available and nearby streets are currently being widened to accommodate additional traffic flow. Page 49 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 54 of 302 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. All public facilities and services are readily available for the subject site so Staff finds that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community or create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials,equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise,smoke,fumes, glare or odors. Although traffic will likely increase in the vicinity with the proposed use, all major roadways adjacent to the site are planned for improvements in the near future. Therefore, Staff finds the proposed use will not be detrimental to any persons,property, or the general welfare. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170,8-30- 2005,eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is not aware of any such features; the proposed use should not result in damage of any such features. D. Private Street Findings: In order to approve the application,the director shall find the following: 1. The design of the private street meets the requirements of this article; The Director finds that the proposed private street design meets the requirements. 2. Granting approval of the private street would not cause damage,hazard,or nuisance,or other detriment to persons,property,or uses in the vicinity; and The Director finds that the proposed private streets would not cause damage, hazard, or nuisance, or other detriment to persons,property, or uses in the vicinity if all conditions of approval are met. 3. The use and location of the private street shall not conflict with the comprehensive plan and/or the regional transportation plan.(Ord. 05-1170,8-30-2005,eff. 9-15-2005) The Director finds the use and location of the private streets do not conflict with the comprehensive plan or the regional transportation plan because the proposed design meets all requirements. 4. The proposed residential development(if applicable)is a mew or gated development. (Ord. 10-1463, 11-3-20105 eff. 11-8-2010) NA Page 50 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 55 of 302 Applicant's Presentation 19565i, li i11 IH/� •i1�lIi111.�.f/I�� iww ,111/ Il/f l,� •I.ia•rr�+� �_ �iii�l I�loiii �1, / I Il ill /f• .irrll�Ifiii.• '.�r_. / + :_ -��� ...�- �1 _�I�■ 1 ■ •fl ill l.l� ..I.�I.fli�.1'��—i �'=1��11.� , , —...,_� � 1 1 I rr ♦ +� • 11'��� • ��•.- a �� •��.••r.f11�1�iRti \ i, • •i�li L LL��111•iam Ir1ls1.11��•\.. �s ...sfflir�f __•. .._ •.rrl�ili�lfi.i � ifliMfi�( 11=11� . �.�I�/.A.1 'il�lll� Ir a•�rr►�rrf Or ��. .__.�s ..., .. .... ■.w.._..r.rr , -�i� ■,+�. • ■_ ■r/�_■�•!1♦12i11�� {I I�w• � •• •�..fa..l.firr�. � Dow Imm saw fig 0311 do 40 Maim low rlrfifilia_—��• .•....•!�� r r••.•• w- Itlli II111I 311 11 (I ..... �— w.... i•rr1.r��It!l�rll 311� . . �sonVIA seem /1; �/ �•i�.• .:��1�'I�1IF��IIr �•�f�!•r�i:��. ���f� �ri.+w ��• ��...• Il..c__ •. . .. �1..�4�1■ 111 11lliri �_ 1%1/.I 1 sw.•rrrnffr.l.j .r•••o= rl•rr■�1�1��1..■/1.��:���•rl.,�.•.w .���---�-- .. ■' �� iilllll Go.' ow ••�=�••�rafrr�•�fJi♦�/1/^.s_- ��� �I'1�111�' Wis �y Ql 2�.ii11111 illIlease �..��I111111/111�.f�.-_._ i1-'�����.■.r11 11.E .W ' OWS i•��iiii irlltilil •Il � w __ ` �•fi� .•• Nt. •t. IT IN"!. 1,17i��II1III�!�II w it .••• s•.r •. ..• Ililr-��I • ea . r ■„' �� . fifil {1�11-i l BLACK CA mill w. lfil�� tIfi/la ���� ���••• •111. lilies )vN fi . `J + 1` ����HOME It1•■ '/Ills■ It111. iillr•w • ■ mill411' /1l Ow 'In! I!!'ll,� ��ir■ _ ' .. �r�iit�i11111 �% /�1111{i �� -: BARON AT A GLANCE THE MCKINLEY,PHOENIX,AZ-2019/2020 YOC OPERATING I DEVELOPMENT BARO PERAT FOUNDED IN 9 MARKET N IS KET BARON IS 1983 9 9 9 _1 - a UNIT INTERIOR BEFORE: UNIT INTERIOR AFTER: • VALUE- ADD \RENOVATION - \ 16 7 TOTAL ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL 4,k I MULTIFAMILY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS RENDERING-MODERN CRAFTSMAN @BLACK CAT COMMUNITIES IN THE WESTERN US MODERN INTRODUCING . . . , MODEPN CPAFTSMAN C BLACK CAT MODERN CPAFTSMAN < Gz BLACK CAT v sP"l—pRovE:-uo.s Site Plan a J� \ .. ry.y�� _ BH SUAOIl19pJ No' � •e _Y3 a •B¢9B � v i t WwY G I 3 I. / PLAN LEGEND P ,. � � "- wnv Fxsr rw maw`ub '� � srn wrlrow w.rlP s arc ,.. - ,., -nEw,•s Ho,,i..lrowr.Pe w n _ Rom URV NO- 7-1 -� _ - PRIG SHd.iER CRNAMEMa-lRg"GLa55l 5 I v t i EI — BK B11URY b PGSU Btfi6 3" ,txac[w�.x nlrn Sia�Hs w rve i w w ra ♦n ® r . I -- ---- ----- -------- u"PUTiEo UNP—D eK.nn Pc.�waa 1 GnrveK ..I I'll "o l .1 SU .v �or'ER naaz GE" MODERN CRAFTSMAN AT BLACK CAT °bNF, :•::.:° ® JUNE 19,2020 _,' �� JENSENBELTS ;Y. MERIDIAN, ID CONCEPT LANDSCAPE PLAN Centric Site Plan Design The features below have been included to provide Black Cat with design that truly captures the essence of a master planned community. • Multiple variations in color palettes, exterior materials and facade variations combined throughout _ • Varying roof lines blended throughout the community for a "custom home" community feel • 7 unique floor plans across 5 home models being offered • Resident connectivity and walking paths encompass the entire site, and connect to major accesses • Traffic calming incorporated to create a presence of safety and control for residents - • Commercially convenient and integrated for resident and neighboring use and ease, with - pop-up retail options and office amenities • Multiple open space and gathering locations in the community, from intimate family get- togethers,outdoor cooking to pet enjoyment and walking areas. • More than ample parking, covered and open,to ensure options for every residents needs as well as their guests Pool & Clubhouse A. IN L ca ea ;�� _- � ✓ sy r �, Kq Architecture WN WI IllIM- - & Unit Mix Configured to meet each submarket's demand :�• •• •• r Plans 1 Bedroom Duplexes and _ Detached 2& 3 Bedroom Single Story - - • or • - - • Apartment Homes Floor Plans Though Modern Craftsman will mostly be built as single story homes, • • two story homesencapsulate Townhome-style two story homes the neighborhood will encapsulate the neighborhood, giving it the appearance of a aThree colorpalettes will give the appearanceof master planned community. master planned • One Bed — One Bath - Duplex Two Bed — Two Bath - A SINGLE SLOPF ROOF-FR OAT VIEW SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-FRONT VIEW I i a ❑ I o I J � I r: ®n - C) r T J - �. �.. FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLAN Two Bed — Two Bath - B Two Bed — Two Bath - Garage SIN GLE SLOPE ROOF FRON3VIE'4 SINGLE SLOPF ROOF-FRONT VIEW _ym „v M a o � o 0 lev FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLAN Three Bed — Two Bath Townhomes R w w �IMCI SINGLE SLOPE ROOF-FRONT VIEW - 7 +l^ LEVELONE LEVELTWO T u ® , FLOOR PLAN i a I V7 N Two Pillar Concept We estimate these two PILLAR#1 PILLAR#2 will • ; - Millennials Baby Boomers ' m m u n i t i e sOften single or recently coupled, millennial renters will be Excited to jump into the next chapter of their life, attracted to the Modern Craftsman concept by their empty nesters and retirees alike will be attracted to • - s i r a • I - proximity to city amenities while escaping the noise and the Modern Craftsman concept. Offering the feel of congestion of living in the urban core. They aren't ready a single family home without any of the responsibility to commit to a mortgage, but are interested in a more or labor, they find the best of both worlds to help relaxed lifestyle."Maybe Babies" them transition into their new lifestyle. Ready to escape the concrete jungle and Seeking Single Family Comforts settle down Without The Stress Professionally managed seven Community Amenities days a week with on-call Shared Spaces emergency Valet Trash On-Site Outdoor Space Sustainability for Package services 24/7 Service Co-Working Space &Walking Trails Initiatives Entertaining Lockers Mw Air ZL Apartment Amenities Spacious Smart Smart Luxurious Floor Security Thermostat Finishes Ample Plans Systems &Keyless Entry and Appliances Storage w Thank You Elt4i t 4 P R O P E R T I E S 1401 17t"St. Suite 700 Denver, CO 80202 www.baronproperties.com CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.13. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Epic Storage Facility (H-2020-0058) by Jarron Langston, Located at 1345 W. Overland Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: ype Upload Staff Report Staff Report 7/2/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 56 of 302 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: July 9, 2020 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 413 PROJECT NAME: Epic Storage Facility (H-2020-0058) PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 f 2 3 4Ct % 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STAFF REPORT C:�*%_ W IDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 Legend ' 0 DATE: EProject Location TO: Planning&Zoning Commission111111 ILL _ FROM: Joe Dodson,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 ' SUBJECT: H-2020-0058 e Epic Storage Facility LOCATION: The site is located at 1345 W. Overland Road, in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of ® v Section 24,Township 3N.,Range 1 W. L PROJECT DESCRIPTION • (RZ) -Rezone of 4.43 acres of land from R-8 zone (Medium-density Residential)to C-G zone (General Retail and Service Commercial)for the purpose of developing commercial storage on the site; • (CUP) -Conditional Use Permit for a 29,400 square foot storage facility and associated outdoor storage on 4.43 acres in the C-G zoning district,by Jarron Langston. IL SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 4.43 acres Future Land Use Designation Commercial and Medium Density Residential Existing Land Use(s) Commercial-County approved Church/Event center Proposed Land Use(s) Commercial Storage Facility Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 2 lots-Commercial building lot Phasing Plan(#of phases) Proposed as one phase Neighborhood meeting date;#of April 21,2020, 1 attendee.Meeting was held via Zoom attendees: due to Covid-19 stay at home orders. History(previous approvals) AZ-04-027;County approved CUP for a Church/Event Center(date unknown). Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 57 of 302 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) No comments have been received at this time. • Requires ACHD Commission No Action(yes/no) Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Access is proposed via an existing driveway from W. Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Overland Road,an arterial street. Only a secondary access is proposed(as required by Unified Development Code). Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross Secondary access is proposed to the property to the east Access (Sagewood West)via a common drive that will serve as this project's emergency access. Existing Road Network No road network is proposed;drive aisle to existing structures is existing. Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ Yes;Overland Road has existing curb,gutter,and sidewalk Buffers abutting the site. Proposed Road Improvements N/A Distance to nearest City Park(+ Approximately 1 mile to Bear Creek Park(18 acres in size) size) Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station 250 feet from Fire Station#6(the sites abut each other) • Fire Response Time This project lies within the Meridian Fire response time goal of 5 minutes. • Resource Reliability Fire Station#6 reliability is currently unknown due to this station being so new. • Risk Identification Risk Factor 4—commercial with hazards(firefighting in a large commercial building with highly flammable campers, motorhomes,and trailers;this includes oils,fuels,and propane as additional fuel sources) • Accessibility Proposed project meets all required access,road widths, and turnarounds. Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services Directly adjacent • Sewer Shed South Black Cat Trunkshed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance 13.96 • Project Consistent with WW YES Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns No proposed changes to Public Sewer Infrastructure have been proposed within this record.Any changes or modifications,to the Public Sewer Infrastructure,shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. Water • Distance to Water Services Directly adjacent • Pressure Zone 3 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's • Water Quality Concerns This development ends in a long deadend water main which may result in poor water quality.A future Page 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 58 of 302 .�=lllllllll�m , • • - • • • nn•�-non I ' • - • • • u■-:unrnnn t- � �': 84 °1I-I?imm�nmr _ 84' �t `�' +, ' - , "�"�'a,e g� -- .mm OVERLAND a 0V -AND ' 1111 .moll■ h _ � Viille:ll M loll molll � W oil 1111111'Q � • i= �u �* -IZ Epp ;: •-nn■pZq +• . rN , _ �_ c HOW Np �111 nnl���► ■rn A• i „ - .::prawn . --- ..�pnnnlq■u -p� ■ nllr � m:ram � • Illl loon . Ill--011ll =___ _ fool■=:Ullllll■mli- — li■:: ' 84 °1'-rinmm�nn 84 nu lifinmmmn 11 moon loll '�_•• 1� �_1� +p i loll � `\ [MINIM = r1111Ie'rl -lnn ���i. ■uuir� Nlq�� .�u '♦�.�c � to nuilirW r rl� -:1� mn Z. :yN 1p� �.�111111fy mql�=�111111i:a fool l l nnl�,,,. p Nll UI nnl�,,,a p �iMil r I�mollI r B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Glenn Walker(Architect)— 1891 N. Wildwood Street,Boise, ID 83713 IV. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 6/19/2020 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 6/16/2020 Site Posting 6/29/2020 Nextdoor posting 6/16/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https://www.meridiancity.org/compplan) Commercial—This designation will provide a full range of commercial uses to serve area residents and visitors. Desired uses may include retail,restaurants,personal and professional services, and office uses, as well as appropriate public and quasi-public uses. Multi-family residential may be allowed in some cases,but should be careful to promote a high quality of life through thoughtful site design, connectivity, and amenities. Sample zoning include: C-N, C-C, and C-G. Medium Density Residential—This designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of three to eight dwelling units per acre. Density bonuses may be considered with the provision of additional public amenities such as a park, school, or land dedicated for public services. When the new comprehensive plan was ratified, the subject property was given two future land use designations due to its location on a major arterial street and despite it already being zoned residential(R-8 zoning district). This parcel has both the Commercial and Medium Density Residential future land use designations. The subject site is surrounded by existing City of Meridian zoning and development to its north, west, and south. Directly to the east the City is processing a new residential subdivision. Directly across W. Overland Road(an arterial street) there is I-L zoning with two RV uses currently existing—Bish's RV and Camping World of Meridian. Directly to the west(along the northern half of the site) is the new Meridian fire station, and abutting the site on the southern half of the west boundary is a multi family residential development. Because of the addition of the Commercial future land use designation, the Applicant is proposing to rezone this property from its existing R-8 zoning to C-G,per the application. The Applicant believes utilizing this property, located on a major arterial street,for a commercial business rather than another residential subdivision. The proposed new land use is a form of RV storage and is a conditional use in the proposed C-G commercial zoning district. However, the proposed use is not a traditional RV self-storage as our code depicts; Staff must assess proposed uses with those listed in the UDC use tables for each zone. Epic Storage is a more encompassing commercial business than traditional self-storage by providing a valet, "drop and go,"system that requires customers to only drop off their trailers and RVs; they will not park them nor store them themselves. Epic Storage is intended to be a full service RV and trailer business that Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 60 of 302 includes a wash before each use, supply stocking of the vehicle, and maintenance checks on standard items such as batteries, water, refrigerator, and tire pressure. In addition, a majority of the storage and business will occur within a large, single-story building. There will also be ancillary outdoor storage and vehicles and trailers will be stored on the asphalt area between the office in the back of the parcel and the main building along Overland Road, as seen on the site plan. Because this property is already zoned residential and the development to the south/southwest and to the east is residential, Staff has concerns with the request for C-G zoning. This concern lies with the potential for a higher intensity of commercial use next to said residential if this property is rezoned to C-G but never develops as proposed. Staff would prefer to see lower intensity zoning on this property that is still commercial but will help Staff ensure a more disruptive use is not principally permitted and so easily attainable if this project is not completed fully. Therefore, Staff is recommending changing the requested rezone of C-G to be C-C instead. Self-service storage(the use Staff has to place the proposed use into) is still a conditional use in the C-C zone and will not affect the future operation of this use. If the Applicant adheres to the specific use standards and any additional conditions, the proposed project should meet the Future Land Use Map (FLUM)designation definitions and preferred uses for Commercial. Below are specific comprehensive plan policies that discuss the proposed use in relation to the comp plan more thoroughly. In addition, see section V.D for further analysis on the proposed use. B. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:llwww.meridiancitE.or /�compplan): The applicable Comprehensive Plan policies are cited below with Staff analysis in italics. "Ensure that adequate water supply and pressure are available for fire protection in areas suitable for industrial and commercial uses."(3.03.01D). The proposed use requires additional water supply when compared to residential development due to the existence of highly flammable vehicles and additional fuel sources like that of propane and gasoline. The proposed commercial building will be sprinklered to help ensure fire safety; the appropriate water supply for this use is readily available with existing services. "Establish and maintain levels of service for public facilities and services,including water, sewer, police,transportation, schools,fire, and parks" (3.02.01 G).All public utilities are available for this project site as there is currently an existing structure on site that is being serviced by the City. This project not only lies within the Fire Department response time goal, it shared a property line with afire station. In addition, the large building should be sprinklered which adds additional safety measures in case of afire. The site currently has an existing curb cut onto W. Overland Road and Staff and ACHD have discussed this in relation to minimizing cuts onto an arterial street. Because the proposed use is commercial, it has been determined that the use and the adjacent subdivisions are better served if this site maintains its access to Overland rather than take access through a residential subdivision.If this application is not approved and the existing R-8 zoning district remains, the in process Sagewood West subdivision directly to the east is required to provide a full stub street to this property for future interconnectivity. West Ada School District and Parks did not offer comments on this application because of the proposed use. Being a commercial project, there will not be any additional children added to the schools and there will be minimal impact on existing City services. This project should, however, add to the employment base of the City. "Encourage the development of supportive commercial near employment areas."(3.06.02C).As stated above, directly to the north and across Overland Road are two RV servicelsales uses. When it comes to the future location of an additional RV use that then maintains those RVs for customers, being directly across the street is readily accessible. Epic Storage is intended to Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 61 of 302 employ approximately 10 people outside of ownership and pay them more than minimum wage. This business is not an employment center itself but is minimally a supportive commercial use to those larger employers across the street because it adds an additional service for customers to partake in. "Minimize noise, lighting,and odor disturbances from commercial developments to residential dwellings by enforcing city code."(5.01.01F). City ordinances will be adhered to ensure disturbances are minimal to surrounding residential development. The Applicant is also proposing landscaping that will largely help with any potential noise and odor disturbances. In addition, a change to C-C zoning instead of the requested C-G zoning could offer an additional avenue for minimizing potential issues as less intense uses are principally permitted in the C-C zoning district when compared to C-G. "Require appropriate building design, and landscaping elements to buffer, screen,beautify, and integrate commercial,multifamily, and parking lots into existing neighborhoods."(5.01.02D). The make-up of the nearby area has been detailed above and the existence of so much residential makes integration of this use difficult. In addition, there are no existing stub streets to this parcel from adjacent subdivisions. In order to help mitigate any potential noise, light, or odor trespasses, the Applicant has proposed this use to almost wholly occur within a 29,400 square foot commercial building. The Applicant is also proposing trees and a vinyl privacy fence along the entire property boundary of the site to help with screening and to add a buffer to any adjacent use—this landscaping should also add to the beautification of the site as well. The abovementioned building does not fully comply with the architectural requirements for commercial buildings. The Applicant will be required to add additional roof variation along the northern and southern roof lines as required by the City s Architectural Standards Manual. In addition, it must be stressed that placing a prefabricated type of metal building next to residential and next to a nicely designed fire station will not be supported. Therefore, Staff is recommending additional conditions of approval that require better architecture for the proposed building to help it match and integrate with existing and proposed development. Staff finds this development to be generally consistent and in alignment with the Comprehensive Plan, if the Commission and Council support the applicant's request to rezone the property entirely commercial without a residential component as envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan. C. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There is an existing home and accessory building that currently exist on site. It is the understanding of Staff that the existing home will be removed upon development but the additional warehouse structure in the rear of the property will remain. This small warehouse will become the required office for the proposed storage use. There is also an existing access from W. Overland Road that is improved with asphalt and is to remain for the future project. D. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed use falls under Self-Service Storage in the Unified Development Code (UDC)and is a conditional use in the proposed and recommended C-G and C-C zoning district per UDC Table 11-2B-2. Storage facilities are also governed by specific use standards as noted in UDC 1I- 4-3-34 for self-service storage facility. There is also ancillary outdoor storage proposed that is also governed by specific use standards,UDC 11-4-3-33. Commercial buildings require Certificate of Zoning Compliance(CZC)and Design Review and Staff will use these additional applications as a chance to ensure the site develops according to the conditions of approval in this staff report. Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 62 of 302 Epic Storage is not a traditional RV storage facility with acres of asphalt and metal buildings that jut out of the landscape and require a security gate for customers to access the facility. By simply driving through neighborhoods one can see that the Treasure Valley is home to a large number of RVs and motorhomes and the proposed use hopes to help manage this by providing premium services for them. Epic Storage is a full service RV and trailer business that includes a wash before each use and maintenance checks on standard items such as batteries, water, refrigerator, and tire pressure. In addition,propane tanks will be filled and the vehicles will be stocked with supplies and food so that the customers only have to arrive and pick their vehicle up for a time of fun. Staff finds that the location is ideal for the proposed use due to its proximity to Bish's RV and Camping World where recreational vehicles and trailers are serviced and sold. It is well known that additional self-service storage facilities are not largely desired in the City of Meridian. Because of the details outlined above, Staff believes that the proposed use is more premier than a traditional storage facility and would in fact add a new business to the City and Valley. E. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): The proposed self-service storage and outdoor storage uses are subject to conditional use permit approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to specific use standards outlined in UDC 11-4-3-34 and 11-4-3-33 and below,respectively: 11-4-3-34—Self-Service Storage Facility: A. Storage units and/or areas shall not be used as dwellings or as a commercial or industrial place of business. The manufacture or sale of any item by a tenant from or at a self- service storage facility is specifically prohibited.As noted, the proposed use does not fully fit within uses listed in the UDC use table. Self-service storage is the closest use to the proposed use but does not fit with this requirement as the use is a commercial use where the main building will be used to both store and maintain customer's RVs and trailers. No items will be manufactured on the subject site or within any proposed buildings. B. On site auctions of unclaimed items by the storage facility owners shall be allowed as a temporary use in accord with chapter 3, article E, "Temporary Use Requirements",of this title. C. The distance between structures shall be a minimum of twenty five feet(25'). The proposed site plan shows compliance with this standard. D. The storage facility shall be completely fenced,walled,or enclosed and screened from public view. Where abutting a residential district or public road, chain-link shall not be allowed as fencing material.A majority of the storage and use is proposed to occur within the large commercial building.Ancillary outdoor storage is likely to occur and the Applicant is proposing to screen this with a privacy vinyl fence and a 25 foot wide landscape buffer abutting the residential uses. E. If abutting a residential district,the facility hours of public operation shall be limited to six o'clock(6:00)A.M. to eleven o'clock(11:00)P.M.According to the application, the Applicant's proposed hours of business are 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and are therefore within the allowable range of business operation hours. F. A minimum twenty five foot(25')wide landscape buffer shall be provided where the facility abuts a residential use,unless a greater buffer width is otherwise required by this title. Landscaping shall be provided as set forth in subsection 11-3B-9C of this title. The submitted landscape plans show a 25 foot buffer but it does appear to meet UDC 11-3B- Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 63 of 302 5N requirements that any type of buffer be at least 70%covered with vegetation at maturity. Staff is recommending a condition of approval to correct this. G. If the use is unattended,the standards in accord with section 11-3A-16, "Self-Service Uses",of this title shall also apply.Not applicable; use is attended. H. The facility shall have a second means of access for emergency purposes. The submitted plans show a secondary access in the northeast corner of the site in line with a requirement of the Sagewood West subdivision to the east currently in process with the City. This access satisfies this standard. I. All outdoor storage of material shall be maintained in an orderly manner so as not to create a public nuisance.Materials shall not be stored within the required yards. Stored items shall not block sidewalks or parking areas and may not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Submitted plans show compliance with this standard. J. The site shall not be used as a"vehicle wrecking or junk yard" as herein defined. The Applicant shall comply with this standard. K. For any use requiring the storage of fuel or hazardous material,the use shall be located a minimum of one thousand feet(1,000)from a hospital. (Ord. 13-1555, 5-14-2013) Liquid propane may be stored on site for use in filling propane tanks in customer vehicles. There is no hospital within 1,000 feet of the subject site; therefore, this standard shall be satisfied. 11-4-3-33—Outdoor Storage Facility: A. All outdoor storage of material shall be maintained in an orderly manner so as not to create a public nuisance. The Applicant shall comply with this standard. B. Stored items shall not block sidewalks or parking areas and may not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The Applicant shall comply with this standard. C. The site shall not be used as a"vehicle wrecking or junk yard" as herein defined. The Applicant shall comply with this standard. D. For any use requiring the storage of fuel or hazardous material,the use shall be located a minimum of one thousand feet(1,000) from a hospital.See comment on same standard above. E. For properties in industrial districts,the following standards shall apply: (The subject site is not proposed with an industrial district and therefore this standard does not apply) a. For properties that are adjacent to nonindustrial properties and/or public streets, outdoor storage of materials, equipment, inventory, and/or supplies shall be incorporated into the overall design of buildings and site landscaping so that the visual impacts of these functions are fully contained and screened from view of adjacent nonindustrial properties and/or public streets by a solid fence and/or wall with a minimum height of six feet(6). Such fence and/or wall shall be constructed of complementary or of similar design and materials of the primary structure. b. For properties that adjoin the railway corridor, in addition to the standards of subsection E1 of this section, outdoor storage of materials, equipment, inventory, and/or supplies shall be screened from the edge of the required street buffer a Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 64 of 302 distance of one hundred feet(100) from the edge of right of way parallel to the railway corridor. c. For properties where subsections E1 and/or E2 of this section do not apply, outdoor storage areas do not need to be screened. (Ord. 09-1420, 6-23-2009, eff. 6-23-2009) F. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The proposed commercial building appears to meet all UDC dimensional standards including required landscape buffers,building setbacks, drive aisle widths, and building height. G. Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): Access is proposed via the existing curb cut from W. Overland Road, an arterial street. ACHD approves of this access point as the proposed use is a commercial use and vehicle trips to the location is presumed to be minimal when compared to a residential development. The specific use standards require a secondary access for storage facilities and the Applicant is proposing one at the eastern boundary that lines up with a proposed common driveway in the adjacent Sagewood West development currently being processed. This Applicant and the Applicant for Sagewood West have worked together to align this emergency only access. Typically, an emergency access must meet a separation requirement from the main access in order to count as a secondary access for Meridian Fire. However, the requirement of this secondary access is not a Fire requirement but a Planning one and therefore the normally required separation between the two access points is not applicable. H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided at one space per 500 square feet in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-6B for commercial zoning districts. Specifically for self-service storage facilities,this requirement is only applicable based on the gross floor area of the office space.According to the submitted site plan, the existing warehouse building on site is 3,185 square feet, requiring a minimum of seven (7)parking spaces. The Applicant has proposed seven (7)parking spaces, of which two (2)are ADA accessible. Because the proposed use uses a valet system, Staff finds the proposed parking to be sufficient. Between the office and the main building, the Applicant is proposing to install asphalt paving for the majority of that area. This area is intended for outdoor storage and staging of RVs and trailers but will not be for public parking. This area will likely not be striped as the position and size of items parked in this area will vary throughout business operation. The outdoor storage specific use standards shall be adhered to because of this proposed ancillary use. L Pathways (UDC 11-3A-8): No pathways are proposed or required due to frontage along W. Overland Road being fully improved with curb, gutter,and sidewalk. J. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): The subject site has its only street frontage on W. Overland Road and this section of Overland has been fully improved with 5 lanes and curb,gutter, and attached sidewalk. The Applicant is proposing a short extension of the sidewalk to go into the site. This extension turns into a pedestrian crosswalk that leads to the front door of the main storage building. UDC 11-3A-19, "Site Design Standards,"also dictates that sidewalks be provided from the public street to the office for a delineated path for pedestrians. No submitted plans show this Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 65 of 302 sidewalk connection to the office in the back of the site where parking is proposed. In order to satisfy this requirement this additional sidewalk should be delineated through the parking lot in some way. For example, stamped concrete, brick, or similar. Staff is recommending a condition of approval to correct this. K. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 25-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to W. Overland Road, an arterial street, landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. A 25-foot wide buffer is shown on the submitted site plan and landscape plan. In addition,a 25-foot buffer is required between the proposed commercial use and any residential uses,landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-9. A 25-foot landscape buffer is depicted on the submitted landscape plans along the property boundary that abuts all residential uses, existing and proposed. When a landscape buffer between uses is required, the requirement is meant to ensure adequate screening between dissimilar uses. The code requires that this buffer include trees that have canopies that touch at maturity. The Applicant is proposing to use a large number existing trees for this buffer that are not on this property but are near the property line and on the adjacent property to the east. Therefore, the Applicant shall be required to revise the submitted landscape plans and show adequate landscape material within the required buffer per UDC 11-3B-9 standards. With the combination of a privacy fence and dense landscaping, Stafffinds the proposed landscape buffers as sufficient to meet this code requirement. The City Arborist has made Staff aware of a potential issue with the Fraxinus `Ash"tree species. This type of tree species attract a specific and invasive pest and it is the request of the City Arborist that projects start trying to replace these types of trees with other tree species. Therefore, Staff is recommending a condition of approval that the Applicant work with the City Arborist on an appropriate alternative to their proposed "Ash"tree selection. L. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. Fencing is proposed as shown on the landscape plan along the entire property boundary and meets UDC standards as proposed. M. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant submitted conceptual renderings and conceptual elevations of the new proposed storage/commercial building(see Section VII.E). The submitted plans do not meet all of the standards as required for commercial development in the Architectural Standards Manual(ASM). This application does not include Design Review but staff is recommending certain conditions to ensure any future commercial building on this site is built to a premier standard as intended by the ASM. Specifically,prefabricated metal siding is prohibited as afield material unless uses with a minimum of two other qualifying field materials and meets all other standard fenestration and material requirements (ASM, Commercial District Goal 5.20). The submitted elevations show this type of metal as afield material along the top of the entire building. The only other field material proposed appears to be stucco; all other materials are used as accents. Staff understands that the proposed building is a large metal building but that does not mean that an industrial type building can be dropped on a lot within a commercial district. IF the metal look is desired, it should be of high quality like that of"high grade fiber panels,"for example. In addition, Staff recommends replacing some of the metal shown on the plans with windows to create a more interesting fagade across the different building elevations.Adding overhangs or architectural Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 66 of 302 trellis along the building(especially on the north fagade that faces the public street) would also add interest and qualifying fenestration to the building. The submitted plans also do not show where mechanical equipment will be placed. The proposed building will be climate controlled so the required HVAC system will not be small. Where will this be located? The plans do not show any parapet on the building and any roof mounted mechanical equipment must be fully screened from public view. To help fix this and add the required roofline variation, Staff recommends adding an architectural parapet around the building that helps anchor the top of the structure architecturally and provide screening opportunities for future mechanical equipment. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested rezone and conditional use permit per the Findings in Section IX of this staff report and if the Commission and Council deem the site more appropriate to develop entirely with a commercial use as proposed B. Commission: Enter Summary of Commission Decision. C. City Council: To be heard at future date. Page 11 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 67 of 302 VII. EXHIBITS A. Rezone Legal Description and Exhibit Map N May 13,2020 Rezoning to Zone CG Legal Description BASIS OF BEARING for this description is S89"33'34"E between a found 1/2"Iran Pin at the West 1/16°i Corner and the Northwest corner of Section 24,Township 3 North,Range 1 West,B.M.,Ada County, Idaho. THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST, B-M.,ADA COUNTY,IDAHO AS❑E5CRIBED- BEGINNING AT POINT IN THE NO RTHW EST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 24,SAID POINT BEING 589°33'34"E 545.35 FEET ADD NGTHE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER AND 500°15'00"W 51.00 FEET FROM THE NORTHWESTQUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST,B.M. AND RUNNING S89°33'34"E 255.06 FEET;THENCE S00°34'17"E 167.30 FEET;THENCE 501°48'54"E 147.24 FEET;THENCE 501°58'59"E 178.09 FEET;THENCE 502°25'10"E 396.57 FEET;THENCE N66"01'50"W 134.39 FEET;THENCE N65°22'50"W 88.17 FEET;THENCE N00°00'00E 454.47 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"W 82.84 FEET;THENCE N00'15'00"E 344.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAIN5 4.23 ACRES IN AREA www.edmpartners.corn • 2815 East 33DD South,Salt Lake City,UT 84109 • 801-305-4670 Page 12 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 68 of 302 NORTHWEST QUARTER CORNER SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,B.M. 1/16TH CORNER (BASIS OF BEARING) (CENTERLINE OVERLAND ROAD) CPELF NO. 9016820 _ _ 589'33'34"E 1327.74' _ 545.35' 255.06' 589°33'34"E 50 15'00'W so-15'00"W 51.00' 51.00' 255.06' P.O.B. w O M � � M O W 8 W In O ^� Z j a � V p� N Vi A � rtl N N90°00'00' 82.84' o cn u u A w 8 Q v v o c z Ay OG N ttdd W e Q N V O_ C O fn N % H65 Z�5o 88 Y p �r N66 w �3 00,w ?39' A W h aPrecision Storage g � e '' Legal Description � SCALE:1"=150' m DATE: FIGURE: " 0 75 150 300 May 15,2020 2 Page 13 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 69 of 302 B. Site Plan(dated: June 2020) r z ---- -- — -- ---�-- �;ii *lkl 5 � k y £ - r-CW STORAGE PACILCPY FOR: ADP ARCHITECTS s D 4 ELICDEVELOPMENI ] 45 W.OVLIZLAND RD. y p MRRIDIAN,I DAI 1033642 NL W S1TL PLAN Page 14 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 70 of 302 C. Landscape Rendering(date: June 2020) LU I �oa❑r�v�a�noM � — z a W 1 j it•. I j f Is I ow �o a O I r �h I s 4 0 " Page 15 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 71 of 302 D. Landscape Plans(date: June 2020) '� N 0 z T N M i 7 I i 1-K ia 17 F 5 C C) 0 0 o Z 0 G 0 000 0 fl I F j C, 0 0 C, 00 KD OVERLAND STORAGE 7, 0 LA Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 72 of 302 MbnW.Cwl,TI P70YIL110 iIGrIrLN TtrP44w PNI al ors LJ a'�ILYdI1C/6 Y46Y:b/0,J11C11� QI } I f{' TPa1 T8 war,r dmti T1 ipndmhmdr r�rwrrx lr�.eew+l I Lftm• IRmn-pLwApmFLWw KPLAOI WOACRI11lLP ep.UpalOpphNm w TBTOIL-Hu4MTIhTr � BUMCDOW T81503. AT _.I w.Tlwrtr rsc %bNc&' re.ra an�u.a PMiAi wrar ir,wa� I O1� I ala 'I Ttiil b3F.GTpIfU%waver - SIZP[\rTiRM--Ala11 V.1jo .Y 11Qi.Rl.�1� iIITOTOuC a"C.r,OiKf J4 TO TQLIInT mATIhTr fD 7 Y! Y011lh rile l'�'D Page 17 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 73 of 302 E. Conceptual Building Elevations - 1 7 .ter* �Ty l•�\^�,,�,�� fit. Page 18 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 74 of 302 -- 1t Page 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 75 of 302 Page 20 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 76 of 302 .jt`a3* yi. n' tv — —' l'_.'J Vl H yry r �r . —LJ 0 ymJ_s�x i 4�'lft F A ADP ARCHITECTS NEW STORAGE FA CQ.FIY FOR: s EPIC DEVELOPMENT AAC'NfT VRE 4 RRAL as TA rS PLANNING nS 1345 W.OVERLAND RD. c sx YAP.Ics�a, AIA y 1591 X YILl H04➢9T, WPRS.M!-d18-0191 MERIDIAN,IbAI-1Q 83642 BOlSS.I➢AXO B9%3 geutiar�dpAov..tppi � I ELEVATIONS Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 77 of 302 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. As allowed by Idaho State Law with Annexation and Rezone applications,a Development Agreement(DA)is required as a provision of rezoning this property. Prior to approval of the rezone ordinance, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian,the property owner(s)at the time of rezone ordinance adoption,and the developer. Currently, a fee of$303.00 shall be paid by the Applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six(6)months of the City Council granting the rezone. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: At least ten(10) days prior to the City Council hearing,the Applicant shall submit: 1. Revised legal descriptions for the requested rezone to reflect the C-C zoning district instead of the C-G zoning district AND 2. Revised legal description for the rezone boundary to reflect the conveyance of the sliver of land from the proposed Sagewood West application,Lot 27,Block 1 of their proposed plat. a. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Table 11-213-3 for the C-C zoning district and those listed in the specific use standards for self-service storage facilities and ancillary outdoor storage,UDC 11-4-3-34 and UDC 11-4-3-33,respectively. b. The only approved direct lot access to W. Overland Road is that existing access in the northeast corner of the subject site. c. The Applicant shall maintain an emergency only access to the east via the proposed common drive in the adjacent subdivision to the east, Sagewood West. d. The Applicant shall comply with the ordinances in effect at the time of application submittal. e. Prior to CZC and DES submittal,the Applicant shall obtain approval of a Property Boundary Adjustment to consolidate all existing lots(S1224223270& S1224223300) into one and include the sliver of land conveyed from the property owner to the east, shown as Lot 27,Block 1 in the Sagewood West preliminary plat. Page 22 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 78 of 302 2. The Applicant shall obtain Certificate of Zoning Compliance(CZC)and Administrative Design Review(DES) approval prior to submitting for building permits. 3. The submitted site plan, dated June 2020 and as seen in Exhibit VII.B, shall be revised to show the required sidewalk from W. Overland Road to the office in the rear of the subject site. The sidewalk shall be delineated by being constructed of a different material than the asphalt parking lot(i.e. stamped concrete,brick, or similar). 4. The submitted landscape plan, dated June 2020 and as seen in Exhibit VII.D, shall be revised as follows: a. Show the required landscape buffer to all residential land uses as at least 70%covered by vegetation at maturity,as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5N. b. Add the required additional sidewalk from W. Overland to the office in the rear of the subject site. The sidewalk shall be delineated by being constructed of a different material than the asphalt parking lot(i.e. stamped concrete,brick, or similar). 5. Prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on July 9, 2020,the elevations and elevation renderings, dated 2/25/2020 and seen in Exhibit VILE, shall be revised prior to CZC and DES submittal as follows: a. Add an additional field material that is not pre-fabricated metal siding along all building facades; b. Add windows,where architecturally feasible, along the top of building facades, especially on the north facing elevation; c. Add architectural trellis on the north, east,and west building facades; d. Wrap the proposed stone veneer along the bottom of the building around the corners as is required in ASM Goal 5.1F; e. Continue the stone veneer onto the proposed pop-outs and at a higher height from the ground; f. Add a parapet along the roofline with the required modulation that will also cover any mechanical equipment. g. Add additional fenestration and pedestrian scale along all building facades. Page 23 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 79 of 302 6. All future lighting on the subject site shall be compatible to abutting residential uses and adhere to the standards outlined in UDC 11-3A-11C,these standards are to be met regardless of the lumen output. 7. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for commercial developments based on the gross floor area of the self-service storage office. 8. The Applicant shall work with the City Arborist on an appropriate alternative to their proposed"Ash"tree selection and obtain approval from the City Arborist prior to building permit approval. 9. The conditional use approval shall become null and void unless otherwise approved by the City if the applicant fails to 1)commence the use, satisfy the requirements,acquire building permits and commence construction within two years as set forth in UDC 11-513-6F1; or 2) obtain approval of a time extension as set forth in UDC 11-5B-6F4. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat and or building permit application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the City's Design StandardsContact the Meridian Transportation and Utility Coordinator for additional information. 1.2 The existing water main stub into the property is a 10",not a 6" as shown on the plan 1.3 Retain and protect the existing fire hydrant at the end of the 10" main 1.4 Provide a utility easement from the end of the existing 10" line to the west property line matching up with the existing utility easement in Linder Road Apartments 1.5 The water service and fire line should connect to the existing 10" line,not the existing 12" line in Overland Rd as currently shown 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s)for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall be dedicated via using the City of Meridian's standard forms. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances(marked EXHIBIT B)for review. Both exhibits must Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 80 of 302 be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year- round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B.Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 2.9 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.10 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.11 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.12 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.13 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.14 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.15 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.16 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.17 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A Page 25 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 81 of 302 copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit,cash deposit or bond.Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184359&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC iv D. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190570&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC E. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT https:llweblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=184914&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC hty F. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) ACHD has not submitted any comments at this time. IX. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing,review the application.In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment to C-C zoning district and not the requested C-G zoning district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if all provisions of the Development Agreement and conditions of approval are complied with. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds the proposed zoning map amendment and request for Recreational Vehicle storage to be generally consistent with the purpose statement of the commercial district and future land use designation of Commercial. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare if all provisions of the Development Agreement and conditions of approval are complied with. Page 26 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 82 of 302 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. The subject property is already annexed; therefore Stafffinds that this finding is not applicable. However, Stafffinds that the requested rezone and addition of a commercial use is in the best interest of the city. B. Conditional Use Permit The Commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. The site and proposed building meets all the dimensional and development regulations in the commercial zoning districts for the proposed use. Therefore, Stafffinds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Stafffinds the proposed self-service storage facility will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan in that it is a conditional use in the C-C and C-G zoning districts which are allowable zones in the Commercial future land use designation as noted in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. 3. That the design,construction,operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Stafffinds the operation of the proposed self-service storage facility should be compatible with the other uses in the area and will not adversely change the essential character of this area if all conditions of approval and DA provisions are met. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. If the proposed facility complies with the conditions of approval in Section VIII as required, Stafffinds the proposed use should not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways,streets,schools,parks,police and fire protection,drainage structures, refuse disposal,water,and sewer. The subject site is already annexed into the City and these services are already being provided to the existing buildings on site. Therefore, Stafffinds the proposed use will be served adequately by all public facilities and services. Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 83 of 302 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds the proposed use should not create any additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials,equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise,smoke,fumes,glare or odors. With adequate screening and adherence to applicable zoning and building code requirements, Staff finds the proposed use should not be detrimental to any persons,property, or the general welfare. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance.(Ord. 05-1170,8-30- 2005,eff.9-15-2005) Staff is not aware of any such features; the proposed use should not result in damage of any such features. Page 28 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 84 of 302 CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.C. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Apex (H-2020-0066) by Brighton, M urgoitio, et al., Located generally located east of S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. Columbia Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: ype Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 7/8/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 85 of 302 i i PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET 3 DATE: July 9, 2020 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 4 C, 4 D, 4 E PROJECT NAME: Apex (H-2020-0066), (H-2020-0056), (H-2020-057) PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 � e5 4 C) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STAFF REPORT E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 legend 0 Project Lacfl�ian � TO: Planning&Zoning Commission I f -- .i FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner f 208-884-5533 - -- -- Y - F SUBJECT: H-2020-0066 Apex—MDA,AZ, RZ ; H-2020-0056 Apex Northwest—PP - - H-2020-0057 Apex Southeast—PP IF - _ 5 (to be marketed as "Pinnacle') - C LOCATION: MDA,AZ,RZ: generally located east of N_a S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. k Columbia Rd., in Sections 31 (S. '/2 and --- , NW '/4) and 32 (SW'/4),Township 3N., _ Range LE; and Sections 5 (NW %4) and 6 (NE '/4),T.2N.,R.1 E. PP(NW):NWC of S. Locust Grove Rd. &E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the SE '/4 of Section 31,T.3N., R.IE PP(SE): SEC of S. Locust Grove Rd. & E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the NW '/4 of Section 5,T.2N.,R.1E. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modification to existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016- 007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed development plan; Annexation of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district; and,Rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2 (0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres) and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts. Apex Northwest(NW): Preliminary Plat consisting of 120 residential buildable lots, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. Apex Southeast(SE): Preliminary Plat consisting of 237 residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway)lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Because right-of-way for E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. separates the land proposed to be platted, two separate preliminary plat applications are required to subdivide the property. Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 86 of 302 II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 40.09(AZ);384.97(RZ);41.75 (PP-Northwest); 81.63 (PP-Southeast) Existing/Proposed Zoning RUT in Ada County(existing);R-4(Medium Low-Density Residential) Future Land Use Designation Low Density Residential[LDR(3 or fewer units/acre)—39+/-acres); Medium Density Residential(MDR—3 to 8 units/acre)(206/-acres); Medium High-Density Residential(21+/-acres); &Mixed Use— Community(MU-C)(120+/-acres) Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Proposed Land Use(s) Single-family residential(SFR)attached/detached,commercial,office,2 schools(elementary&charter) Lots(#and type;bldg./common) NW: 120 residential buildable/II commercial buildable/14 common SE:237 residential buildable/2 commercial buildable/30 common/10 other NW&SE Combined: 357 SFR residential buildable; 13 commercial buildable;44 common lots;and 10 other lots for shared driveways Phasing Plan(#of phases) 3 (NW); 5 (SE) Number of Residential Units(type NW: 120 units(88 detached/32 attached) of units) SE:237 units(detached) NW&SE Combined: 325 detached&88 attached Density(gross&net) NW: 5.62 units/acre(gross); 11.21 units/acre(net) SE: 3.75 units/acre(gross);6.17 units/acre(net) NW&SE(overall):4.22 units/acre(gross);7.27 units/acre(net) Open Space(acres,total NW: 6.33 acres(15.17%) [%]/buffer/qualified) SE: 10.79 acres(13.22%) NW&SE Combined: 17.12 acres(or 13.88%) Amenities NW: Community center with a clubhouse,community post office,cafe, library/business center;community amphitheater;additional common open space above the minimum required. SE: Community swimming pool,tot lot with play equipment,pathway access to the City's Discovery Park,additional common open space above the minimum required. Physical Features(waterways, The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries of this site;the hazards,flood plain,hillside) McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west;and another waterway runs north/south through the site. Neighborhood meeting date;#of 2/5/20;29 attendees W attendees: History(previous approvals) ROS#7394;ROS#7783;H-2015-0019—South Meridian AZ(DA's: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst.#2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC— Inst.#2016-007073;and Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst.#2016- 007074) B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Yes(PP,draft);Yes(AZ,RZ) • Requires ACHD Yes(TBD) Commission Action (yes/no) Traffic Impact Study(yes/no) Yes Page 2 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 87 of 302 Description Details I Page Access NW:2 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd. &2 accesses via E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both (Arterial/Collectors/State existing arterial streets;and 2 collector streets are proposed Hwy/Local)(Existing and SE: 2 accesses via E.Lake Hazel Rd. &3 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd.,both Proposed) existing arterial streets; and 3 collector streets are proposed Traffic Level of Service Better than"D"(Acceptable level of service is"E")—Lake Hazel,Locust Grove &Amity Roads Stub Two stub streets are proposed to this site from Prevail Subdivision near the Street/Interconnectivity/Cross northwest corner of the rezone area;no other stub streets exist to this site. Access Stub streets are proposed to adjacent properties for interconnectivity as shown on the preliminary plats. Existing Road Network There are no existing streets within the site,only S.Meridian Rd./SH-69,E.Lake Hazel Rd.and S.Locust Grove Rd.adjacent to the site Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There are no existing sidewalks or buffers along Meridian Rd./SH-69,Lake Hazel, Buffers or Locust Grove Roads. Proposed Road Capital Improvements Plan{CIP}t Irriegrated Five Year Wark Plan JIFYWP): Improvements ■ Vd9lb RUA 15�rNALlgd Ift the IFYINP io be Wid�M 4 16 5-hWos fllotn Lake Ha,!Et RoAd td A nn ty Road to 2023 * Eagle Road G sanamw 1n the IFYWP m be wp]9nw to 5-Panes tram Amp Roadl to vicioiy Road In 2021 + Laka Haza tined is sl fi dulod Hi Ina[l'NOF 10 bo WMenad kb 5-1ames fmrli 1=iJgla Road to Cloverdale Road iR 2024 + Lake Naze;Road is schad+dl9d in the iFYWP to be wvdemed to 5-mws from Cloveadsle Road to Five btde Road + Tw inlnr5eu mn or Lake Ha291 Rood and Pa* RW rs sclwdulad e1 th9 IF'(WPv to M widened 1a 5-.1iones Qn the north fig,a-Ames on ffu�soot++ae9,3-lone5 on the+Mast leg end 3- lano�s on the east leg and signohzed in 2023 + Thy inkwEK�0 lovusi Grrnye Rpad end 1 KImy Road is whedul in the 1FYVJP to be� constructed as a muiilane rounmbw voth 4-lanes on me narth arnd south legs and 24anes on the east and west kegs in 207 1 * Labe Plarzel Road qs bstud 1n me CPR to be w w1oned l0 3-1:anes ham Locust Grove Road 10 Eagle Road berween 2028 and.Z630 Lake Hzxrel Road Is fisted w the C IP to be widened to 3-;anes from hl ndlan Road ISH-W to Locusl Grave Road balwemn 2026 arrel 2030. A fnity Road is Wed in the CIP to tre widened to 5-vnes tram Locus)Grove#toad to Eagle Reed berween nNi ghd 233t} The Intwsec6on of lake Hazel Road and Lxmt Orove Rood n listed to the CIP to Ge r-sconstiluctad as a single larto roundabouk widened ko 34arres on toe MOP]leg,2•Pi9 05 cin the south,2-lams ees[,and 3-ianas on the wart lQg w1117 a msiwi-md bypass tight turn bypass lane between 20W and 2Q311 + The inimeoiw of Lake Hazel Raerd and SHE is listed en the CIP to be widened 9a 7aenes on the north,saulh,west and ems)legs Ewd signaized between 2013 and 20313 • The iiwar5ecfion of Locust Gr0ue F60dd end Amgyr Rued i5 I15ted iR the CIR to wiAeRetf to 4- hanes an 1ha norm leg,�-tines on the south lag,5�Ianos on the west leg:and 9-4ares on the east leg and signalized between 2GX and HMO Additional right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the future expansion of Lake Hazel&Locust Grove Roads with pavement widened to 17' from centerline Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station NW—3.3 miles to Fire Station 94 SE—3.1 miles to Fire Station#4 • Fire Response Time NW&SE-only a small portion falls within 5 minute response time goal • Resource Reliability NW&SE-78%-does not meet target goal of 80%or greater • Risk Identification NW&SE— 1 and 4,current resources would not be adequate to supply service to this project • Accessibility NW&SE-Project meets all required access,road widths and turnarounds if phasing plan is followed Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 88 of 302 Description Details Page • Special/resource needs NW&SE-Project will require an aerial device;response time is 9 minutes travel time(under ideal conditions)—can meet this need in the required timeframe if needed • Water Supply NW&SE-Requires 1,500 gallons per minute for 2 hours,may be less if buildings are fully sprinklered • Other Resources Police Service • Distance to Police 4.5 miles Station • Police Response Time Average response time in the City is just under 4 minutes—there isn't enough public initiated call data to determine an average response time for this area(goal is 3-5 minutes) • Calls for Service 71 (within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Accessibility No concerns • Specialty/resource needs No additional resources are required at this time. • Crimes 10(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Crashes 38(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Other The MPD can provide service if this development is approved as they already serve this area. West Ada School District • Distance(elem,ms,hs) • Capacity of Schools Enr611m nt dr Miles &b v+awu • #of Students Enrolled Marys'MCPherioA Elementary.. s55 550 2.0 SlemElemeMary" 677 301) 3.1 vlewrw mWdle school 959 ]QW 4.2 mwntain vkwMilh khcal U19 zM9 34 —thdrin2 the INN t Pehgvl ye4ar Mpry IMcPhergon's Student uPidtq will mcrcw%6 675r due 16 9hr mn cmi 0255r4"M expansion underway.** —Enrollrmnt at HrFIsddk E'emnentary h carmiry capped.I;Ments In this dere{aprnent thal are In the HIWAam Mwldefy will he wrtanding Siena Fhtment■r}'una1 eieArstI166i Is h„1h t8 MimineteauertrawE:ng all.HIWAaJe.*`* • #of Students Anticipated 286 from this Development Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Directly adjacent Services • Sewer Shed South Black Cat Trunk Shed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining 13.95 Balance • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns Flow has been committed Water • Distance to Water Directly adjacent Services • Pressure Zone 5 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's Page 4 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 89 of 302 • Water Quality None • Project Consistent with Yes ■ Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns Public Worles preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way (ROW),where they can easily be operated and maintained.If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of-way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend iul 0 Legend Pra t Laoulkm i fibI ProjEHat LmafiDn y mu-C J �hed-I ig vnr' _ Resid6nfial Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend R T 10 Legend 0 Prajent Luc n=an Prcject Lncafian Ku r R- , CRY Llmik I-L Rl RUJT — Planned Pnraes RU R-8 UT -R- R- - RU T R-8- R R-2 _ � t Rllt -- 1A ,- RUT RUT UT Cfl --- Page 5 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 90 of 302 III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Brighton,Murgoitio,et al—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Michael D. Wardle,Brighton Corporation—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 6/19/2020 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 6/16/2020 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 6/26/2020 Nextdoor posting 6/16/2020 V. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS(Comprehensive Plan) Land Use: The Future Land Use Map(FLUM)contained in the Comprehensive Plan designates approximately 39 acres of the site as Low Density Residential(LDR),206+/-acres as Medium Density Residential(MDR); 21+/-acres as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR); and 120+/-acres as Mixed Use—Community. A future school site and City Park is designated in the general area northwest of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection,north of the MU-C designated area. Another school site is designated on the east side of N. Locust Grove Rd.,north of Lake Hazel Rd.,just north of the subject rezone area. The LDR designation allows for the development of single-family homes on large and estate lots at gross densities of 3 dwelling units or less per acre. These areas often transition between existing rural residential and urban properties. Developments need to respect agricultural heritage and resources,recognize view sheds and open spaces, and maintain or improve the overall atmosphere of the area. The use of open spaces,parks,trails, and other appropriate means should enhance the character of the area. The MDR designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The MHDR designation allows for a mix of dwelling types including townhouses,condominiums, and apartments. Residential gross densities should range from 8 to 12 dwelling units per acre. These areas are relatively compact within the context of larger neighborhoods and are typically located around or near mixed use commercial or employment areas to provide convenient access to services and jobs for residents. Developments need to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and should also incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity. The purpose of the MU-C designation is to allocate areas where community-serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings.Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use—Neighborhood(MU-N) areas,but not as large as in Mixed Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 91 of 302 Use—Regional(MU-R) areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to,but also walk or bike to(up to 3 or 4 miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. Developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-C plan depicted in Figure 3C in the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-16). In reviewing development applications,the items noted on Pgs. 3-13, 3-15 and 3-16 will be considered(see analysis below). Transportation: ACHD's Master Street Map (MSM)depicts an east/west residential collector street at the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads; a north/south industrial collector at the half mile between Meridian and Locust Grove Roads north of the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads,which transitions to a residential collector to the south to Lake Hazel Rd.; a commercial collector around the MU-C designated area at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection(see dashed lines on map below), and a residential collector along the southern boundary of Apex Southeast. A dual lane roundabout is planned at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Rd. intersection.Note:Because a residential collector seems to be more appropriate than an industrial collector street designation in this area,ACHD has included a change to the street classification in the MSM update currently in process. The proposed preliminary plats depict collector streets consistent with the MSM (i.e. E. Crescendo St. & S. Apex Ave. in Apex Northwest; and E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. in Apex Southeast). The proposed Master Plan included in Section VIII.A, depicts conceptual street locations in the annexation/rezone area; future preliminary plats should provide collector streets in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. T_ ILI { > _....,-f�.f'LRaL:Fi1'�YYi.�......--v .___,..T..,i:wM•.• i , e — Jr Proposed Development: The Applicant proposes to develop the 41.75 acre property at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR&MU-C designated areas with 120 single-family residential units consisting of 32 attached units and 88 detached units, a future public elementary school, and neighborhood-scale commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. The 81.63 acre property located at the southeast corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR and MU-C designated areas is Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 92 of 302 proposed to develop with 237 single-family residential detached units,a charter school, and commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. A City Park is not required to be provided with this development due to the proximity of Discovery Park at the project's southeast boundary; however,the Park's Dept.would be willing to discuss the potential for a partnership if desired by the Applicant. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents."(2.01.02D) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded)are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval,and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) City water and sewer service is available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Avoid the concentration of any one housing type or lot size in any geographical area;provide for diverse housing types throughout the City."(2.01.01 G) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front-and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Encourage compatible uses and site design to minimize conflicts and maximize use of land." (3.07.00) The proposed residential uses should be compatible with existing rural residential/agricultural uses in the area. The proposed design of the commercial and residential areas with streets separating the uses should minimize conflicts. • "With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathway connections, easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools,and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities." (2.02.01A) Internal pedestrian pathways are proposed through common areas for interconnectivity as well as to the City Park on the east side of Apex Southeast and to perimeter sidewalks. Segments of the City's multi-use pathway system are required in accord with the Pathways Master Plan (see Park's Dept. comments in Section IX.E).Detached sidewalks are proposed along the arterial and collector streets for safe pedestrian access. Usable open space and quality amenities are proposed(see detailed analysis below in Section VIB). • "Ensure development is connected to City of Meridian water and sanitary sewer systems and the extension to and through said developments are constructed in conformance with the City of Meridian Water and Sewer System Master Plans in effect at the time of development."(3.03.03A) The proposed development will connect to City water and sewer systems;services are required to be provided to and though this development in accord with current City plans. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks,water and sewer utilities."(3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks is required to be provided with development as proposed with the preliminary plats. Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 93 of 302 • "Encourage the development of high quality, dense residential and mixed use areas near in and around Downtown,near employment, large shopping centers,public open spaces and parks, and along major transportation corridors, as shown on the Future Land Use Map."(2.02.01E) Lake Hazel Rd. lies between the proposed preliminary plats and is classified as a residential mobility arterial that is planned to be a major transportation corridor. A City Park(Discovery Park)abuts the east side of the proposed Apex Southeast subdivision.All four corners of the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection are designated for mixed use (MU-C)development. Development in this area should be high quality and more densely populated at a minimum of 6 units/acre in the MU-C designated area. The gross density of Apex Southeast is only 3.75 units per acre while the density of Apex Northwest is 5.62 units per acre.Staff encourages a higher density due to the location of this site adjacent to a major transportation corridor and City Parr This could be attained through the inclusion of more dense housing types such as more single-family attached units, townhome units and/or multi family apartments. • "Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools,parks, and other community gathering places."(2.02.01G) Detached sidewalks and pathways are proposed throughout the proposed subdivisions for safe pedestrian access to the future school sites, the City Park and neighborhood commercial/office uses. • "Where feasible, encourage large transmission and pipeline utility corridors to function as transitional buffers,parkland,pathways, and gathering spaces within and adjacent to their right of way."(3.07.01E) A 75 foot wide easement for the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline crosses this site and is depicted on the Master Plan and preliminary plats as grassy open space area containing a multi-use pathway. No structures are allowed within this easement. • "Require collectors consistent with the ACHD Master Street Map(MSM), generally at/near the mid- mile location within the Area of City Impact."(6.01.03B) Collector streets are proposed on the preliminary plats in accord with the MSX collector streets will be required to be provided with future preliminary plats in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas, per the Comprehensive Plan(pg.3-13): (Staffs analysis in italics) • "A mixed-use project should include at least three types of land uses. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. This land use is not intended for high density residential development alone." The proposed development includes four(4) different land use types—residential(single-family), civic (i.e. amphitheater and community center), commercial and office. • "Where appropriate,higher density and/or multi-family residential development is encouraged for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69." Although a small portion of land proposed to be annexed with this application fronts on SH-69/S. Meridian Rd., it is not proposed to redevelop with this application and is designated for LDR uses. • "Mixed Use areas are typically developed under a master or conceptual plan; during an annexation or rezone request,a development agreement will typically be required for developments with a Mixed Use designation." A Master Plan is proposed with the rezone request for the portion of the property surrounding the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection designated as MU-C(see Section VIII.A).A Development Agreement Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 94 of 302 is required as a provision of the rezone to ensure future development is consistent with the MU-C FL UM designation. • "In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed,the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common,usable area, such as a plaza or green space." The Master Plan for Apex Northwest depicts a community center with a plaza and amphitheater in the commercial portion of the development. The Master Plan for the commercial portion of Apex Southeast nearest the intersection doesn't include a development plan—the future plan should include some form of common, usable area such as a plaza or green space as desired as should other future commercial/office areas in MU-C designated areas where future development is unknown at this time. • "The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low-or medium-density residential development." There are no existing residential uses adjacent to proposed commercial development; therefore, transitional uses and buffering aren't applicable. • "Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, clinics, churches, schools,parks, daycares,civic buildings, or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed-use developments." A public school is planned in Apex Northwest and a charter school is planned in Apex Southeast per the Master Plan in accord with the FL UM which depicts two school sites in this general area.A community center and amphitheater is proposed in the commercial portion of Apex Northwest. A 27-acre City Park (Discovery Park) abuts the east side of Apex Southeast.A linear open space is planned where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas,outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count." An outdoor amphitheater, community center with a plaza and charter school is proposed in this development in the MU-C designated area. Discovery Park, a 27-acre regional City park, exists to the east of Apex Southeast and includes picnic shelters,pathways, open play areas,play structures, a splash pad, an off-leash dog park and ballfields. • "Mixed use areas should be centered around spaces that are well-designed public and quasi-public centers of activity. Spaces should be activated and incorporate permanent design elements and amenities that foster a wide variety of interests ranging from leisure to play. These areas should be thoughtfully integrated into the development and further placemaking opportunities considered." The public/quasi-public areas (i.e. community center and amphitheater)proposed in this development are centrally located within the mixed use designated area in Apex Northwest. Discovery Park abuts Apex Southeast and offers a wide variety of activities for area residents. • "All mixed-use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians." The proposed mixed use developments will be directly accessible to adjacent neighborhoods within the section through extension of streets and internal pedestrian pathways. • "Alleys and roadways should be used to transition from dissimilar land uses, and between residential densities and housing types." Roadways are proposed as a transition between residential and commercial land uses in both of the proposed subdivisions; and alleys, roadways and common areas are proposed between residential housing types and densities as desired. Page 10 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 95 of 302 • "Because of the parcel configuration within Old Town,development is not subject to the Mixed Use standards listed herein." The subject property is not located in Old Town, therefore, this item is not applicable. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in MU-C areas, per the Comprehensive Plan (pgs.3-15 thru 3-16): • "Developments should comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed Use areas." See analysis above. • "All developments should have a mix of at least three land use types." The proposed development has a mix of residential, commercial, office and civic uses as desired. • "Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the development area at gross densities ranging from 6 to 15 units/acre." Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the overall MU-C designated area at a minimum density of 6 units/acre. Prior to development of the `future development"areas on the Master Plan, a conceptual development plan should be submitted to ensure compliance. • "Non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings." The design, color, construction materials and height of non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend with adjacent residential buildings as desired. • "Vertically integrated structures are encouraged." No vertically integrated structures are proposed at this time but are encouraged to be included. • "Unless a structure contains a mix of both residential and office, or residential and commercial land uses, a maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 60,000 square-foot building footprint. For the development of public school sites,the maximum building size does not apply." The building footprints shown on the Master Plan do not exceed 30,000 square feet;future development should be consistent with this guideline. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries,and schools that comprise a minimum of 5%of the development area are required. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count towards this requirement." A community center with a plaza area and amphitheater are proposed in Apex Northwest adjacent to service commercial and office uses; a charter school is proposed in Apex Southeast. These types of spaces and places and uses should be provided in all of the MU-C designated areas in accord with this guideline. Linear open space containing a multi-use pathway is proposed where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development above the minimum 5%,the developer may be eligible for additional residential densities and/or an increase to the maximum building footprint." Although this is an option, the developer is not requesting an increase in density or in the maximum building footprint allowed. Staff believes the proposed development plan is generally consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density and transportation. Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 96 of 302 VI. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS(UDC A. Development Agreement Modification (MDA): The Applicant proposes to modify the existing Development Agreements(H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton, LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)for this property in order to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed Master Plan(see Section VIII.A). The existing Development Agreements (DA's)were required with the South Meridian Annexation application in 2015. Because that application was initiated by the City,no development was proposed at that time. A"placeholder"zoning of R-4 was assigned to all of the properties with the requirement that any future development would require an amendment to the DA's to approve any proposed development plan. Existing allowed uses in the County pertaining to the raising or maintaining of livestock and agricultural operations; an exemption to MCC 6-3-10,Firearms,Dischargeable Instruments; and existing agreements for the collection of solid waste were allowed to remain and continue until such time as the properties redeveloped in the future. With the proposed development,these uses are required to cease. The existing DA's require any property or easements needed by the City to provide any sewer or water infrastructure needed in furtherance of the agreement to be provided by the Owner at no cost to the City for the intent of providing for the advancement of sewer and water infrastructure for the benefit of the property,the City and adjacent properties for water mains, sewer mains and trunk lines. Because all of the water and sewer infrastructure commitments have been met and have been constructed,these provisions do not need to be carried over to the new DA. Staff recommends the proposed Master Plan is included in the new DA along with the provisions for future development listed in Section IX.A.1 to ensure compliance with the MU-C FLUM designation. B. Annexation&Zoning(AZ): Annexation of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Subdivision consisting of 40.09 acres of land is proposed with an R-2 zoning district consistent with the associated FLUM designation of LDR. This lot was previously deed restricted as part of a non-farm development in the County and was only allowed to be used as open space for a period of not less than 15 years from the recording date of the plat;because the plat was recorded in 2002,this restriction has since expired. No development is proposed at this time.Annexation is requested because the easterly 10 acres of the lot is needed for sewer and access to the proposed development; the remainder of the property is not proposed to develop as part of this project. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district. The Developer plans to develop the property between the collector street and the adjoining Shafer View Subdivision with 1-acre lots as a transition and buffer to the existing neighborhood. Prior to annexation of the property, a lot division should be approved by Ada County in order for the Applicant to only develop the eastern portion of the property. The annexation area is within the Area of City Impact Boundary(AOCI).A legal description for the annexation area is included in Section VIII.B. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because the R-2 district only allows single-family residential detached dwellings, parks,minor public utilities and certain wireless communication facilities as principal permitted uses, Staff does not feel it's necessary to restrict development of the property through a DA as a provision of annexation. Page 12 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 97 of 302 C. Rezone(RZ): A rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2(0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres)and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts is proposed. The 0.70 of an acre of land proposed to be rezoned to R-2 is located directly to the east of the annexation area on the west side of the future collector street depicted on the Master Plan. Because this property is designated MDR on the FLUM,the R-4 or R-8 zoning districts would typically be the best zoning choices. However,because this area will develop as part of the adjacent property to the west proposed to be annexed with R-2 zoning, Staff recommends the adjacent LDR designation is used for the area proposed to be rezoned as allowed in the Comprehensive Plan when deemed appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application(see pg. 3-9).No development is proposed at this time. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-4 and the allowed uses listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2. The areas proposed to be rezoned to R-8 consisting of a total of 264.06 acres are primarily designated on the FLUM as MDR but some of the area is within the MU-C designated area. The Master Plan does not depict a conceptual development plan for much of the R-8 zoned area except for that to the south of the C- C zoned area in Apex Southeast where single-family detached homes are proposed at a gross density of 3.75 units/acre. Because this area is in close proximity to a major transportation/mobility corridor (E.Lake Hazel Rd.) and a City Park, a higher density in this area is encouraged. The 76.93 acre areas proposed to be rezoned to R-15 lie within areas designated as MDR,MHDR and MU-C on the FLUM. The Master Plan does not include a conceptual development plan for the portion in the MHDR designated area. To ensure future development occurs consistent with the guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan for MHDR designated areas,Staff recommends a DA provision requiring future development to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place; an alternative housing type such as townhomes and/or multi- family is recommended.Connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways,attractive landscaping and project identity should also be provided.The majority of the remainder of the R-15 area is designated MU-C with a small portion designated MDR.Alley-loaded single-family attached and detached homes are depicted on the Master Plan in the MDR and MU-C designated areas included in the Apex Northwest plat at the northwest corner of Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Roads in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. A concept development plan is not proposed for the remainder of the area proposed to be zoned R-15 north of the commercial area in Apex Northwest, on the south side of Lake Hazel and on the east side of Locust Grove in the MU-C designated area. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan,Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan. Future development should comply with the dimensional standards of the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11- 2A-7,the allowed uses for the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2, and the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically MU-C designated areas in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezone of 43.28 acres of land to the C-C zoning district is consistent with the associated FLUM designation of MU-C. The area at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads is proposed to develop with a mix of neighborhood-serving commercial and office uses including a community center and amphitheater; and the area on the south side of Lake Hazel, east of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection is proposed to develop with a charter school as depicted on the Master Plan. A conceptual development plan is not proposed for the MU-C designated areas at the southwest, southeast and northeast corners of the intersection. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan, Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan consistent with these guidelines. Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 98 of 302 The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S1406110110)located southwest of the E.Lake Hazel/S.Locust Grove Rd.intersection shown as an"NAP"should be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property(Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such should be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. Legal descriptions with associated exhibit maps of the areas proposed to be rezoned are included in Section VIII.B. Because the legal description and map for the R-2 zoned area includes 40.09 acres of land that is part of the annexation request, Staff has requested the Applicant revise the description to exclude that area; a revised legal description and exhibit map should be submitted prior to the City Council hearing. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with a rezone pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because a new DA is proposed to replace the existing DA's Staff recommends the above recommended DA provisions are included in that agreement. D. Preliminary Plats: Two separate preliminary plats,Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast,are proposed due to ACHD right-of- way(ROW) for Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads separating the properties. Because this overall project will be developed as a single integrated project and marketed as such, analysis of both projects is included in this report. Apex Northwest consists of 120 single-family residential buildable lots for the development of 88 detached and 32 attached dwelling units, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 2,863 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 3,885 s.f. The gross density proposed is 5.62 units/acre with a net density of 11.21 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 3 phases as shown on the Phasing Plan in Section VIII.D. Apex Southeast consists of 237 single-family residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 4,840 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 7,058 s.f. The gross density proposed is 3.75 units/acre with a net density of 6.17 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in three(5)phases as shown on the phasing plan in Section VIII.D. Overall,a total of 357 single-family residential buildable lots, 13 commercial buildable lots,44 common lots and 10 other lots are proposed between the two subdivisions at a gross overall density of 4.22 units/acre and a net overall density of 7.27 units/acre. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are no existing structures within the boundaries of the proposed plats. The Northwest Williams Gas Pipeline crosses the northeast corners of Apex Northwest(Lot 2,Block 6) and Southeast(Lot 1,Block 9 and Lot 1,Block 14)subdivisions as depicted on the preliminary plats. Development within this area should comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook.No structures should be located within the easement. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed single-family detached and attached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts; and an education institution is listed as a conditional use in the R-8 zoning district per UDC Table 11-2A-2, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14. An education institution and professional service(i.e. office) is listed as a principal permitted use in the C-C Page 14 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 99 of 302 district, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14; other allowed uses in the C-C district are listed in UDC Table 11-213-2. Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): Development of the subject property is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6 for the R-8 zoning district, 11-2A-7 for the R-15 district and 11-213-3 for the C-C district. Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3) Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to streets, alleys, common driveways, easements and block face. The proposed lots in Apex Northwest are consistent with the dimensional standards of the R-15 and C-C zoning districts. However,one of the alleys is not designed so that the entire length is visible from a public street as required by UDC 11-6C-3B.5e;the plat should be revised to comply.Common driveways that comply with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3D may be considered as an alternative. The proposed lots in Apex Southeast are consistent with the dimensional standards of the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Two(2) alleys and 10 common driveways are proposed in the residential portion of the development that are consistent with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3. Such alleys and common driveways should be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 and 11-6C-3D. A perpetual ingress/egress easement is required to be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. An exhibit should be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks,fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via the common driveway; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway should be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway. Address signage should be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. Access(UDC 11-3A-3) Access is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-3. Apex Northwest: Two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E. Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street, and two (2)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets(E. Crescendo St. and S.Apex Ave.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Apex Southeast: Three(3)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street, and two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E.Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets (E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Alleys are proposed for access to alley-loaded homes in Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast. Common driveways are proposed for access to certain homes in Apex Southeast. Cross-access easements should be provided between all commercial lots in the subdivisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-3A.2. Road Improvements: The Applicant has proposed to enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement (CDA)with ACHD to improve Lake Hazel Road abutting the site with(4) 11.5' wide travel lanes, a 19' wide center landscape median,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 10' wide detached concrete sidewalks within 109' to 120. 5' of right-of-way(ROW)with the first phase of development. The Applicant has proposed to construct dedicated right-turn lanes on Lake Hazel Rd. at Aspiration Ave.,Apex Ave.,Peak Ave. and Vertex Way. Locust Grove Rd. abutting the site is proposed to be improved with(3) 12' wide travel lanes with 6.5' wide bike lanes,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 5' wide Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 100 of 302 detached concrete sidewalks within 77' of ROW. The specific conditions of approval pertaining to the CDA are included in the ACHD report in Section IX.H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Future development should comply with these standards. Parking for non-residential uses is required per the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-6B.1. Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): The Pathways Master Plan(PMP)depicts segments of the City's multi-use pathway system in the linear area where the Williams gas pipeline is located and along the east boundary of the rezone area. Pathways should be provided with development in accord with the PMP per the conditions from the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. All pathways shall be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-8 and the Pathways Master Plan.Landscaping shall be provided along either side of the pathway in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C.Public pedestrian easements(14-feet wide) should be provided prior to signature by the City Engineer on final plat phases in which pathways are located. Staff recommends two(2) additional micro-path connections are provided in Apex Southeast at the east boundary to Discovery Park. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-1 : The UDC(11-3A-17)requires, at a minimum, detached sidewalks to be provided along arterial and collector streets and attached sidewalk to be provided along local streets. Detached sidewalks are proposed along all internal local and collector streets and along the arterial streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): Eight-foot wide parkways are proposed adjacent to all streets with detached sidewalks; all parkways are required to be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 25-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both arterial streets; and a 20-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to E. Crescendo St., S. Apex Ave., E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., all collector streets,landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C.Alternative Compliance may be requested to UDC 11-3B-7C.2a for street buffers along collector streets to be located in a dedicated buffer rather than in a common lot. Parkways are required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 and 11-3B- 7C. Landscaping is required along all pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C as discussed above. Common open space is required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E. Mitigation is required for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site as set forth in UDC 11- 313-10.C.5. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5.A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 101 of 302 Qualified Open Space(UDC 11-3 : A minimum of 10%qualified open space meeting the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B is required to be provided with development of land in residential districts. Based on the residential portion of the Apex Northwest plat(31.52 acres) zoned R-15, a minimum of 3.15 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to meet the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B in order to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres)zoned R-8, a minimum of 6.32 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to comply with the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G1 A minimum of one(1) qualified site amenity is required for each 20 acres of land to be developed in residential districts as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3. Based on the area of the residential portion of Apex Northwest(31.52 acres), a minimum of one (1) qualified site amenity is required to be provided. A gazebo is proposed as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5 as an amenity; Staff recommends tables and benches are also provided as required for a"picnic area" amenity.A community center and amphitheater are also proposed as public amenities in the adjacent commercial portion of the development and a swimming pool is depicted on the Master Plan off-site on the adjacent property to the north; however,these do not qualify as amenities for the residential portion of the development proposed to be platted with this application. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres) zoned R-8, a minimum of three(3) qualified site amenities are required to be provided. A swimming pool and children's play equipment are proposed in a central common area and pedestrian pathways(multi-use pathway along E.Lake Hazel Rd. and internal pathways) are proposed as amenities in this development in accord with UDC standards.A detail of the children's play equipment should be submitted with the final plat application. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-dy"j: There are no waterways within the boundary of the preliminary plats. The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries;the McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west; and another waterway runs north/south through the annexation and/or rezone areas. Fencing(UDC 11-3A- : All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C and 11-3A-7. Fencing is proposed as shown on the landscape plan. Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 102 of 302 Six-foot tall wood picket fencing is proposed along end caps at the ends of residential lots adjacent to common areas; and 5-foot tall clear vision metal fencing is proposed adjacent to internal common areas. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. Design and construction is required to follow Best Management Practice as adopted by the City. Irrigation: Underground,pressurized irrigation water is required to be provided for each and every lot within the development in accord with MCC 9-1,Water Use and Service. Irrigation water will be provided from Boise Project Board of Control. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant submitted several perspective building elevations for the proposed single-family homes and for the commercial structures planned to be constructed in this development which are included in Section VIII.G. Homes depicted are a mix of 1-and 2-story units, attached and detached,with building materials consisting of a variety of siding styles and stucco with stone/brick veneer accents.Final design is required to comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual, single-family detached dwellings are exempt from design review standards. Because 2-story home elevations that face arterial and collector streets are highly visible,Staff recommends as a provision of the DA that the rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E.Lake Hazel Rd. and S.Locust Grove Road,arterial streets, and S.Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E.Via Roberto St.,collector streets,shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses,step-backs, pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street.Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility and non- residential/commercial structures. A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single- family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. Design review is not required for single-family detached homes. VII. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed MDA,AZ,RZ and PP applications with the requirement of a new Development Agreement with the provisions noted in Section IX.A per the Findings in Section X. Page 18 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 103 of 302 VIII. EXHIBITS A. Master Plan (Revised) W. �. I* I pj"E I- IdMPL LF?ALC WEPA '! t I L I P �' IUlur I _ I 1� i - I - iMRE 3g I I CMLD.Am I � a - I I 4 •I — y t 'I a IL 1 ril•nx , IL xf OP.TLbK m — I *OKERF ALI/J81CCTTpCHANGE . Page 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 104 of 302 B. Annexation Legal Description & Exhibit Map kin 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 83714 ( 208.639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Annexation Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Lot 4,Block I of Shafer View Estates(gook 84,Pages 9403 and 9404,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the center of said Section 31,which bears N89"57'15"E a distance of 2,507.52 feet from an aluminum cap marking the West 1/4 of said Section 31,thence following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following courses: 1. Following the easterly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,500°16`52"W a distance of 1,342.44 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1/16 corner of said Section 31; 2- Leaving said easterly line and following the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 3. Leaving said southerly line,N23`55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 4. N16"35'10"W a distance of 254.98 feet; 5. N14.'41'01"W a distance of 193.7S feet; 6. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 7. N89°52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 8. 534°41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 9. N55°18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 10. N34°41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 11. N04°34'55"E a distance of 91-69 feet; 12. N26°44'50"W a distance of 85.73 Feet; 13, N56"37'31"W a distance of 97.84 Feet; 14, N76413'00"W a distance of 89.88 feet; 15. N86'11'04"W a distance of 185.99 feet; 16. 571'42'2B"VY a distance of 114.34 feet; 17. S60"59'16"W a distance of 112.15 feet; 18. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet, 19. S78°51'4rW a distance of45.77 feet; 20. 551"46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 21. S65°27'07"IN a d+stance of 258-28 feet; 22. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 23. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet, 2,4- 88-50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.40 feet, a delta angle of 18"26'21 a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chard distance of 88.12 feet; 25. 5ZW48'07"Vu a distance of 181.70 feet; 26. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet, a delta angle of 11°30'14",a chord bearing of N47'd(i'47"W and a chord distance of 95.21 feet; 27. N42'01'40"W a distance of 107.06 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS ( PLANNERS Page 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 105 of 302 28. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48`03'29",a chord bearing of N66'03'28"W and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 29, 589°54'43"W a distance of 124.67 feet; 30. N46°59'43"W a distance of 29.21feet to the easterly right-af-way line of State Highway 69; Thence leaving said boundary of Lot 4,Block 1,589°54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 31; Thence following said westerly line,Np0"05'07"W a distance of 757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northerly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4,N89'57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.09 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. ,.c a 12459 4 OF "L. 1B g r� tJ � U ALUMPMLA1 CAP POINT OF BEGINNING WEST 1/4 CORNER see- H 31 515-I1CH IIEeAR 31 BASIS E]F 9Ega9NG CENTER OF SECMN 31 Q N99'S7'15"E 25177.82' � � _ C A M 3 Annexation Area:40.09±AC. ai w a Lot 4,Black 1 Shafer View Estates w Current Zoning:RUT C i° L14 L92 :3 41 Q) ui d L27 L_ 4 r L26 E L Q m x Lzs ca LU F z w C2 e? m o O U1 {- J N LA h4Tf,; PROiECT rtLsonn SHEET: /8INM/10 RRu" 1 OF 2 i OF 5ECTIOK 31 l N 200 40 800 ENGINEERS.i4fi® 9233 WEST Sl—5'1AFE'E EC W.1DA-0 R3716 SCALE: 1"=40a' rr onE[Toel6s5� FucIR]fi1R�9aD Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 106 of 302 N CURVE7ARLE O 2' CURVE RM]US LENGTH 6�.LTq CHORD BRG CHORD 1O Ci 75_00' 86.50' 1826'21" 1484'42'19V 88,12' m C2 47$.04' 45.37' t1130'14" N47'46'41W @5,21' LU �r 03 125.60' 104.85' 4B fJ3'X9" N68'63'2sl1Y 101.E0 L I?C m LINE TABLE LINEABLE x LINE BEARING ❑15TANCI LINE BEARING �+STAP E CL E N8 Li 9'5231'w 130,43 L15 571'42'28"W 114.34 4 ° a w 2 L2 N23,55'33"w i70.57 L16 S8D59'1G'W 112.15 rn O � L3 N16'35'1-D"w 254.88 L17 N71Y$7'01"W 21 D.47 U m L4 N14'41'01'w 193.75 L18 S78'51'41'W 45,77 0 C t8 O L5 N31'15'14"W 114.54 L19 S51'4W,'.-! 147,67 " -U L6 N69'52'31-k 147.52 L20 S65'27'07-W 258.28 !7 S34'47'1 i w 1 tz.23 L71 517'27'52AW 98.71 Lwie nuxq�2pQp L2 N55'18'40rW 100.00 L22 S3'55'31'E 5010a PR EU: M-m? L9 N34'41'11`E 8133 L23 928'48'07'W 18;,70 SHEET: 21OF2 L10 N4'34'55"E 91,69 I24 N42.01'40'W 107.06 L11 N2644'50"W 85.73 L25 SW54'43"W 124_07 L12 N51337'31"w 87,&4 L28 1446'59'43-W 29,21 L13 Wn13'DO'w 89_M L27 S89'54'53"w L14 N85'11'04-W 185.99 kin ENGINEEIU_3LIRVETO1 .PMUM PM N'{ST STATi SUMT &MF ID0.il]m3 WOK M*1 sm-am xuI{xrs{g5-Aap Page 22 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 107 of 302 C. Rezone Legal Description & Exhibit Map PINNACLE SUBDIVISION � � ■ +4 ■ r r ' R-8 • r • NAP I yr �i i R-2 +t 'a� _ r•• r frr pp : ••a■#• t R-4 Y 1 ra..rrr.rr..... �.aaa...■ � 4 r � 4 1 R-15 - '"•" ■ *4 - -- - -- -- - - --- -- �• r I li i ♦r j ■NAP............ ; r.. . . . . . .. . . . , ■ ■ R-8 lilil I � Gk 11111111 1111111IT - - - - - - 7................ Page 23 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 108 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOLSE,ID83714 1 208.639.6939 1 FAQ{208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-2 Apex Subdivision A portion of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates(Book 94,Pages 9403 andA04,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 112 of the 5outhw ® Section 31 and a portion of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1{4 of the Southeast 2j7 1,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and particularly described as follows= O Commencing at a 518-inch rebar marking the to d Section 31,which bears N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet from an alu a ing the West 1/4 of said section 31,thence following the northerly line of saio�rt ® the Southwest 1J4 of Section 31,589"57'15"W a distance of 33$.68 feet to t GINNING. Thence leaving said northerly li 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet,a delta angle of 49"31'13",a chord bearing of S65"17'09"E and a chord distance of 192.66 feet; Thence S4O"31'33"E a distance of 241.33 feet; Thence 199A2 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 280,00 feet,a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of S20°07'20"I and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence 500"16'52"W a distance of 895.00 feet to the southerly line of sa€d West I/2 of the Northwest 114 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,N89°52'08"W a distance of 62.50 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1J16 corner of said Section 31 and being on the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1; Thence leaving said southerly line and following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following Wur5e$: I. FoPowing the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 2. Leaving said southerly line,N23"55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 3_ N15"35'10"W a distance of 254.88 feet; 4. N14"41'01"W a distance of 193.75 feet; 5. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 6. N89"52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 7, 534'41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 8. N55"18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 9. N34"41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 10, N04"34'55"E a distance of 91.69 feet; 11, N26"44'50"W a distance of 85.73 feet; 12. N56"37'31"W a distance of 87.84 feet, 13. N76"13'OW W a distance of 89.83 feet; 14. N86'11'04W a distance of 185.99 feet; 15, 571'42'28'W a distance of 114.34 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS PLANNERS Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 109 of 302 16. 560"59'WW a distance of 112.15 feet; 17. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet; 18. S78°51'41"W a distance of 45.77 feet; 19. 551°46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 20. 565°27'07"W a distance of 258.28 feet; 21. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 22. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet; 23. 88.50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.00 feet, a delta a ngIe of 18°26'21",a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chord distance of 88.12 feet; 24. 5Z8°48'07"W a distance of 181.70 feet; 25. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said cu aving a radius of 475.00 fee t, a delta angle of 11"31714",a chord bearing of N47"46'47"W Vrd distance of 95.21 feet; 26. N42"01'40"W a distance of 107.05 feet; O 27. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the I rve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48"03'29",a chord bearin ® and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 28. 5S9°5443"W a distance of 124.67 feet; Q 29. N46"59'43"W a distance of 29.21fee#�yth sterly right-of-way line of State Highway 59; Thence leaving said boundary BU 589'54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of Se 3 Thence following said westerly ,NOD°05'07"W a distance of757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 comer of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northe rly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4, N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,168,94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.79 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. Cs 12459 ,z Of L. B �' S--;0•zCqx Page 25 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 110 of 302 8 .V.44WIMi CW PDIItT L1F C✓1iE6rC[7�f� M 31 5 4 GLI3f71'.k1Cfr4H#ti BA5�jQF eE M cfxr�url kar , WW5713'[ Z]a7.Bs' I it 36 rws7'151E 2IM-04' 0 o Rez0he Area:413_79f Ar- P°tliT d a, BERWNW li All of R7824229LW4&parkpn gf O R782,122dM2 .,I Curren[Zoning:f14.1 r-FF0p0wd 2fm R-2 p L 1 L19 L7 LID la Y Ln Cd O o I o ' 4 �j P•7! i4Jd JB0 MCI 104R SKEET; c.�%/%COMM I OF 2 I ar{vsr�n a1 I H hm .- il}}�C•31Y[klor k.J.kE lWdll.i� SI` L 1'=404' `IIAdpmI b~ ur P�1�+4+ a LlJ11YE TAME G CIIR.! Illwlu} LflViTH =rm U*wm 6� .. 1 43D,OP' 1OL19' •YJ1'11` swiravc 142,6C C! =M' r99_4Z' 4Cr4VW SWV-Z3-= 19533" r,l le C3 rra.cb' E0.iC 11r2E's1' ra64',2'ipl+ ae.lsf cc � 44 47S1 49 e — C8 M WFT�eIE LryETANU I 4A u �t LY Uhtl ><ww pwrmte IIxE 9E..ILV16 NIT"KIE O p� L1 5EP511151Y 338.11& L1a' FIQB"17'Q4'A. 1[s,E@ � p4'37'3r'"Lt 2i1.m 47$ 571'421 1 k" a hw nt rT 0HEPd@'OSV1 3L95 L14 SISI?SY1C1f 112.18 ry L# r46F'S3'311Y 134�43 L30 N7f'67'L*7 tit' 2i0AT l8 FQr'L}53Yf0.1 L31 57kT5t'#i-q 45.77 1i ld g76'�5't6'1• l9P -!'t'TP'11 li7.E7'L7 Iki4'4t'IWO L43 &WV'97'W 23LZ a ITT. II�Y].1W l.E M3T'le'li1Y 014Z U4 :917U 2* 08.71Lp r18P52'31 V L25 ff-=a1'E wim SHEET: 2OF2 & `4''11Yr Laa EW4BlSTY' 1$1.7¢ 1L'k RnF7jr4*V i e6,1Q LF7 rq#4r'44"Y' 147 M V2 H34'41'111E $r,$5 ZWSW43ti 124.d7 U3 Ht34'S5-E Er-9 i29 114+Id5$' 1� 29.#I Li{ M2 "Wrm 65.7� L30 SE6:r4'�SYf J3JlG 41? NW37'3i'm CPA* LIE M7P73Y1e'14 �4�6 •�Y'�+lTSvriTwl}M1 .'.1..ran ldlFGY I+a IW.Trc Page 26 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 111 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID B3714 I 209.G39.6939 I FAX 208.639.6930 March 23,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit Legal Description for Zone R-4 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County, ldaho and being more particularly described as follows Commencing at a brass cap marking the VVest 1/4 corner of said Section 32,which bears N00"32'22"W a distance of 2,700.07 feet from a brass cap marking the southwest corner of sa id Section 32,thenca following the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of 5ectian 32,500'32'22"E a distance of 22 6.2 6 feet to a 51 8-inch rebar on the centerline of Farr Lateral and being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence leaving said westerly line and foI owing said centerline the fallowing courses: 1. S38"43'32"E a distance of 61.71 feet; 2. 551'12'32"E a distance of 444.04 feet; 3. S60'36'10"E a distance of 272.66 feet; 4. 586'04'31"E a distance of 206.22 feet; 5. 573°45'13"E a distance of 341.51 feet; 6. S43°15'53"E a distance of 313.74 feet; 7, 529"01'13"1=a distance of 97.13 Feet to the easterly line of said West 112 of the Southwest 1/4; Thence leaving said centerline and following said easterly line,500°09'25'E a distance of 206.12 feet to a 112-Inch rebar on the easterly boundaryof said Farr Lateral; Thence leaving said easterly Iine and following said easterly boundary the following courses' X. 22.57 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 144.67 feet, a delta angle of 08"56'24",a chord bearing of S56"50'40"W and a chord distance of 22.55 Feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. S61°18'54"W a distance of 9 1.61 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 122,47 feet along the are of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 220.U0 feet,a delta angie of 31'53'39",a chard bearing of 577'15'42„W and a chard distance of120.813 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 4 N86'47'31"W a distance of 362.95 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. SB3°47'06"W a distance of 26.72 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 6- S69"57'44"W a distance of 128.97 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 7, 90.89 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 47"20'30",a chard bearing of 546"18'02"W and a chord distance of 83.33 feet; Thence leaving said easterly houndary, NS9"42'21"W a distance of 543.65 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 32; Thence fallowing said westerly Iine, NO0'32'22"W a distance of 1,1.93.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,. Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 112 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 22,23 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhib1t B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a � j '~ -Z-0 POINT GF C;CMMENLEMENT •20' s 6/w-INgi R£W BRASS CAP s3a43',371E Yf IY# CORNER SE-CnOm ]2 A1.7r' 0-Yu 1/1E 00RNm g sEM" m PC11NT OF 0 272 Wr 311E I AC c v W13-E I C n T-A1' r Q ' Zone Area,22,23f AC- r+3 F tion ol`5f132;2!5JiM 543 15531E _ 'y o �Cunni 2aning-R-4 313,7;' 1C 'a LI] .+ 66 C �= L Sarcfl'25'E °e NBS#7'31 C2 1ot,G9' o HW42'21-9 G JGLW 54 S5' 5A-INC1i MAR sw 1/1 sscnmER I.iNE rpm �I� I u« K"ftK a LINE SFJIeEN[t1011TAWE PAZU0 ad4w CURwE i,16if Li 52745'73� I`� - SHEET: 12 woflp5:E 3 cuevE RAERIS 04M DELTA oaalae" 04WO 1 OF 1 t3 sa1,10,5dp w I � 1+4.V1 22-V irm'44` SjWt 40-W z2_W L# $43'47'99�14 m2 O,W' 1T.247' 31"'1S'34' S7T15'i2.^A' f,2om � S�!'Sr#i74 i GS 110A}6' 98W 47s0'30' S<a'ifi'62'w U,"}3• i i MAM CAP 5W COFEER SECnDR 32 (MAEEfd.mmvnDm rLgmjrL kas rAm!riR FrWLT E LAKE HAZELRD 31 32 T-M,. R,1E eceWmAmjmru 6 5 * .F R.1E.T r_ rArll��o�-emu Page 28 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 113 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 837'14 1 208.639,6939 1 FAX 208.639.5930 April 2,2020 Project No.2M17 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-8-North Apex Subdivision A portion of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4,a portion of the Southeast 1/4 and a portion of the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M., City of IVlerldian,Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center of said Section 31,thence following the northerly line of said Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, N89"57'56"E a distance of 2,601-37 feet to a brass cap marking the East 114 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly line of said Southeast 1/4,500"32'22NE a distance of 1,419.94 feet; Thence leaving said easterly Iiae,N89°42'21"W a distance of 1,423.17 feet; Thence 500°16'52"W a distance of SMOG feet; Thence NS9°42'2VW a distance of 1,1.98-50 feet to the westerly line of said Southeast 1/4; Thence following said westerly line, N00°16'52"E a distance of 682.44 feet to the Center-South 1f 15 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line,589-52'08"E a distance of 62.50 feet, Thence N00°16'52"E a distance of 895.0E feet; Thence 199.42 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 280,M feet, a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of N20°07`2O"W and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence N40"31'33"W a distance of 241-33 feet; Thence 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet, a delta angle of 49'31'13", a chord bearing of N65"17'09"W and a chord distance of 192.66 feet to the southerly tine of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 31; Thence fallowing said southerly line,S89"57'15"W a distance of 980.26 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center-West 1/16 corner of saGd Section 31; Thence Leaving said southerly line a nd fo Vow!ng the westerly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, NOO"25'36"E a distance of 1,558.66 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line, N81°55'55"E a distance of 518.76 feet; Thence 56.28 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 58.GO feet,a delta angle of 55"35'50",a chord bearing of 520°49'52"E and a chord distance of 54.10 fleet; Thence 546°52M"E a distance of 45.40 feet; Thence 554'18'10"E a distance of 180.18 feet; Thence 16 1.54 feet along the arc of a circular cu rve to the left,said curve having a radius of 588.00 feet, a delta angle of 15°44'26",a chord bearing of 562°10'23"E and a chard distance of 161.03 feet; Thence S70°02'36"E a distance of 107-80feet; Thence S19'57'24"W a distance of 12.00 feet; Thence 570°02'36"E a distance of 14.45 feet; Thence SEW58'05"l;a distance of 207.13 feet; Thence S65a32'50"E a distance of 188.57 feet to the easterly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4; Page 29 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 114 of 302 Thence following said easterly fine,SCO°3a'17"W a distance of 1,140.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 144.78 acres, more or le5s. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of, NL 12459 w If V or % L, 1B •7-'Z ?.D .ter y16.7ek � �V.SS C++P .IJ E HUM I/4 CORNER SUN% 31 �p M6G38r17� L377.B+' Z v V � C Z ° Cr ir1 o - -9 `* -WCH REW C) 'j o i C--w 1 f 1 G [KAMER 1+ 5=r1w 31 C ru 'a G Y Er3T 1!1 COPof�! .0 a w FX71r1T OF BEG!HrRNG # SECTION 31 6/6-INCH RM4R rw 7 CEP 8C CENTER OF SE7CT70W 31 9►SI or 9EJYi21My QJ X 994,29' W NW57'5Er 2601.37 M m STTSr3o7A2 31 CIOQr �AW a +� *UT 1/d C#NEA Swhok 11 hk1�31'S314 � �G 20.33' Rezone Area: 144-78t AC- All pF 51381244500&punlDn of R7&Z422GWj r W M S113143720p,S1111438400 SL 511314172SI � �s4 Current Zuni rTq-RUT&R'4 # . I Proposed Zoning:R-8 A{ g G1`e. wkex� COST - — — — — — — F — — — — — — — — SHEET; 6v9-4CH TER 1 +✓8��231'4 1423.17' 1 OF 2 c-s 1/10 CORNER n iy OF 9ECRIN 31 e g m I r�EP+Y�1`rr 101.156' ` I /y ��/�yy��II n�ya�yy 0 3013 600 7UhT�m 'o-NLA, W 31Y 51310113ra LkI kVJl.p.lfl:■]14 SCALE' 1'�h6G'Q• '11.!1x 16, a raw,M.0 Q3D Page 30 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 115 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE 5TREET I BDISE,ID 83714 1 208.639.6939 l FAX 2D8,639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No,20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-15 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31 and a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 114 of Section 32,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,B.M.,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6,Township 2 North, Range 1 East B.M.,al I situated in the City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the corner common to Section 31,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,and Section 6,Township 2 North,Range 1 East,which Hears N89°42'21"E a distance of 2,W.00 feet from a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Southeast 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence following the westerly line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,NDD°16'52"E a distance of 660.00 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line,589042'21"E a distance of 1,198.50 feet; Thence N40"16'52"E a distance of G20AO feet; Thence 589°42'21"E a distance of 1,971.82 feet to the easterly boundary of the Farr Lateral; Thence following said easterly boundary the following courses: 1. 64.48 feet along the arc of a circuiar curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 33°35'03",a chord hearing of505°50'15"W and a chord distance of 63.56 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. 51ti`57'45"E a distance of 410.17 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 114.95 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 140.00 feet, a delta angle of 47'02'41",a chord bearing of S34*29'08"E and a chord distance of 111.7S feet to a 1/7-inch rebar; 4. S58'00'310E a distance of 219.85 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. S69`55'45"E a distance of 503.32 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar on the easterly line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said easterly Gne,500'14'02"E a distance of 430.90 feet to the southerly line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said southerly line,N89'57'46"W a distance❑f 641.22 feet; Thence N00°06'18"W a distance of 1.24,99 feet; Thence N47°51'44"W a distance of 797.36 feet; Thence N89°42'21"W a distance of 775.42 feet; Thence 5001652"W a distance of 1,154.01 feet; Thence N89°42'2WW a distance of 587,77 feet; Thence N0D°02'06"W a distance of 494,01 feet to the southerly line of the Southeast 114 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,NS9°42'2VW a distance of I,370,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 31 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 116 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 76.93 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby Trade a part of. Th OF .z4).so LEGEND FOUND BRASS CAP � o/6-wcri Ri±o,uh A CALGi RJtrEIs FGW Ln y, REZONE EGLWAff JL 12 D 5130 1000 1500 '� # E7tMMPQ R%RC 1 Lw1E cc -- — =SECTION LINE Plan Seale.1"-500' fl1 :'2 o CURVE TA$LE aMWE RADLs EDIGrN OELT CNOpDBRG tFGFil1 LU 3 C1 11P.4a' 84.4v 3W351G3' E— C2 14f}_Ot}' 11493' �7'�2'ai $3#2 `G9'E 111-35 m rW3 'S a--' CL o $W42'2S'E 197t.62 I 13 3 i1 a z Rerrme Area_M.991 Ar. * z La parkloe$7,131�36�00,51733i#7 C O SI1.3141775L.51333335EM.ASI&M3Gal5 Ll✓rrnk 29f'"�(;'R-1 .ten Lr O $ fapoud7lonir IF15 ;n 5Se'O 219 85' d3l'E SALTi2'31� i y}' 775.42' � Ss r tkCr m c_� o iY 1 1 raolxoe'ser L3ASI$ OF BEARING Z 3A 124.99• fi N99'42'21•W 13711_UD' ,ram+ T.7N., R.IE. €LAKE HAZEL All PORlt DF HEMNING 3 89AS5 CAR km r. st ccgmn] 5/9-INCH RE9Ni SECTLOw 31 SOUTH /4 Cl7RKM SECTION 3' Q SECT�oH15 CORNER32 iWWeEPR 54a fr5r5 r yEr• 507,77' 10&wL t i iAe dim I� ..nwrGw. mmulmlawaft tAr E'+W alhava? Page 32 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 117 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I 8015E,Ip 83714 1 208,639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to C-C Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,13.K,and a portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 2 North,Range 1 East S.M.,all situated in the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, which hears N89'57'04"W a distance of 1,331.87 feet from a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the West 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence following the northerly line of said Northwest 1/4,S89°57'04"E a distance of 690,66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing aiong said northerly line,589"57'04"E a distance of 641,21 feet to a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the west 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly trine of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 5,500°01'43"E a distance of 250.92 feet to a point; Thence leaving said easterly line,S41"51'13"W a distance of 547,17 feet to a point,- Thence S89'53'42"W a distance of 96b.03 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Northwest 1/4; Thence foliowing said westerly line,NOO'04'35"W a distance of 167.37 feet to a point; Thence leaving said westerly line,N89°42'20"W a distance of 632.58 feet to a point; Thence NOO"16'52"E a distance of 1,154.01 feet to a point; Thence S89"42'21"E a distance of 775.42 feet to a point; Thence S47*51'44"E a distance of 797.36 feet to a point; Thence S00°05'18"E a distance of 125.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 43.28 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a4 to 59 . E 7.v 7-0 Page 33 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 118 of 302 os ORM CAP EAST 1:f C� omw0 i =$�GTI4� 31 � - e� � S&W4f21-E 775 � q 0 3CO 6o0 9Q0 �..� � O c ' "A Plan Scale;1"=36 O C 4 "I g 19 _ Rn POINT OF COMMENCEMENT "' $ SJ$ RED W foLINo BRASS CAP i �pDW,jj'E YY�r 1/14)21� CL ui m T FE` CORNER 59C QN 31 12&15' SECTION 31 — S69'42'21E 3 n TZ3 LL f.1$, 6PR-66, _ Sd9'57'04�E r m 6 m 2E4D.�' T,2N„ RJE 1331,87LU E LA4E HAZEL RO $ PONT 15F pealkNN0 0AS15 OF 9&WN0 *6 Z 2 w Flemn,Q Ayer A3,H�AC rn� Ponian M Sii]i41725i,Sii3232SOM. Si4OS223MOD&SiaOfii»mac tuncw AnhM:k4 Peobc"i�!Milt.E-L $MEET; 157,37' 58B!W42". M.0,V LCCE 'b I FOUND URASS C,1P Sf8—INCH RE&W I 1 A WCIJ ATO PQINT RE.ZONE BOJACORY #wwtti5.irbe[ 5. IMwwr»ltFfl EV571NC PAICEL LINE Km a"al m — — — —SE1;MN LINE iMaf Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 119 of 302 i � E FUME Northwest: APEX NORTHWEST SUBDIVOON PRELIMINARY PLAT A PORFION£rt 7HESDJFH IP43F THESIDUTHEAST V4AN0 HORTFffAT L14 OF THE !Oufi4L'Ist 1f14F x0xm]L MrM!,M 3N0PTPL PIF+GC 1 Wt, VrFCtF IAERIDPIL 19A COUNTY,IOMIO I KZL— F- wwa+w� Gi_ r - A �1 =1; Litz. I 3si X= ib 941 �:�- I - Fm_ Page 36 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 121 of 302 . k 3 y 14i mow. e 1 V • _ tom? i�n�a I Iri I } J I6 I r k r I 14 I1 - _ tl 8 x a a a~�i TO j worm ELM y .4 iC.: tea. Phasing Plan: Page 37 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 122 of 302 APEX Northwest Phasing [anc��tua�f Se,b�ert to Cf�ange o - { — - r ...... .-� .+� ` --------- I $ �:- Southeast: APEX soutflrodr sU6$ moN PXELIMINAMY PLAT W r,nvvo�orlwxo Lr,urtolx,It rssr,fea :nr.�wti,rTHee,1Mv siUM& ='��• IOriM.hf�i.gk1F11VJi�]FJ6 f,CIRa YRXOLVl NC,1 SAllll�T.16YA �} aWL AM I� — ► .I - wi s I. I. -y_ __ _. ML Page 38 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 123 of 302 �j I' I f *' " i r ' i i I � i � i Nt f• .r. ,� 9. * J , Ilk it A r � .W 1 3 .1 eJm�rnr�a -�-- r�r � $ � •czTwaareJ-vr�=��� I i t 4L �ILj —ar' W. u ON L lall I .5 � Ill � •a�Ja::J k - •rJ 8 Page 39 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 124 of 302 AE Sr J4. .rugs i arrsi`ar; —' i r R pjp �& - F i ! ,? ,!. X 2 1 r r a t x tits j ,Ct Sr. it .w. -'• "1! 2. 7, m Q & $ ,F2 i Page 40 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 125 of 302 Phasing Plan: APEX Southeast Phasing ronr-on Subiect to Ch.... L.LAkL I IM1lL_kV. 1 ti 1 ti 1 1 COA1MCkCIAL IC{l a]MM MaAL*Zj AYrq TY �4 L Q 1 / � o - (-3) — 0 9 4�J Zg � fl G3 co 0 IV Q d a a w p — ? ao !5?+R:ST- � RESI�F7Jf1AL iR9il t3� E.STAGE Si. 3 e � � E SPIRE 5T, _ n o m CD a o 0 o 0 o s r i i s E 1NM.Er fI ti l7 49 E.AM ION ST. 0 O � Ed � E.APOMM..5[, Q L A'CC HST. � all p C§ - A m i ® ' e Iw ► a � g 9 � E.,%bVANTU ST- Page 41 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 126 of 302 E. Landscape Plan(date: 4/30/2020) Northwest: yj .C ` E�nera9Rimame— --— — - _ � "leer •r.�s�yea"�sris� �� � s - c. tt3ar rs+4Ra -aE. 0 PPF2.0 PPC 3,4 dflu I aeoy,wa�n�m+a wo n.Axo rc-.a �. _ : +147 _ I Q14}7kL1 r4L'tl h�I.� 41IY.kT171CQ11 dCYi7 InwL7EeafESITEw.a�l ,o,w';�� a;� • I a:r .. •I IL�" 4E.M]Ir+MRYT lAdMYun I — HE�L.I.a ISW.4 k7ze til Page 42 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 127 of 302 i�• � - i I {f I Ij P • t s — -----------..------- �rarW....rrrir~--------------- ' IJWIaif144 N.iA �E_ � hNFCH LIrJ! S:"u;k�w"l.? _ Zh— .. WITCH UIE-SEE 5NkE7 PP2.0 ............... .................. ......ii...... ................... .. r _":'7rr •�' �� F' ; � :tip?,>r 1" .%,d.�� s i ..... FR r Page 43 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 128 of 302 Southeast: n�E�cN.niunacp�� EEO PPL3-0�i 2 0 C-` _ ••(�'� r IL G�I�ALE 7EE[6 LuAwammmiL M •max••. _...,1 �'� +.t _ - - - PPL I.y -: - PPL4.0+ P11514.0 k� -- _T -_y 'x } ! � � ��_ �•�+Eov en ri —.3 ® E - `-'- t jib •- __-t 7.,_•. I ' LYYYW.hMnr•a� LMDSUWC Srr1 RANRan EP 3YV fr^ iEL�.i__ r3_ Wes. - =mkt �-•�� - i#LS�G.l00YFR3 Page 44 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 129 of 302 , u �.r I '�I 1 {ti°0°f:3:t#{io�i:ic{{off --_______ IJJ�[xSC,rlf-0LadF IAAT4iM SAF SHEUE73U �e�7nln[�SI moiasnl (] 0 PSAI 1'11 11 W-,,f E%1m t 92A _ C) . k s u _ 1•{ ♦�. I - � ,f - �v anranrvAornox .1..��..........y ...... .I+mw • L LU PL PLhN � WTUI LIIiF-SFE 3f'EEr#M.a �R70 Page 45 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 130 of 302 (Dian Puoe40 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July o.cnzo— Page 131of302 F. Qualified Open Space Exhibit(dated: March 2020)—NOT APPROVED Northwest: nl"U PX*THWF51 5U6dIVI5JL3N C*tN Wk(j#}IIIHI I 1 zu" .4 1 _ 1 r l ELI _ I III I I � �t•oayti�a SKI Southeast: bPEXSOVFHEW 3iIHOek+IMON oPFMSPACE MOT }_ '4 1 . . r r r 4 I r - �Ip R�1�lVf Yl1YMJ11 k'1`�...�'• � � labws 4w1 Page 47 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 132 of 302 G. Conceptual Building Elevations/Renderings Residential: lid-All . � r Pr TA 4 S ' F 0 #P. " 1�=Or.&M*k Page 48 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 133 of 302 Y t � � i• i 'ape�`FArildenElo! ra'r'enfia,va! -r�r�— llpe,SfHrstCevur'QJ-COAYEa1tr�TGf ,"•r��:�'•••-=�.-�i : SWOME a• 11 ,Qner r1FY{bmmreicJoJ X hf IY COfllflle fCJC� Ilke' tiff fiFwx h'Li+rar.•i maxial � ,{ipll hlLV Cg17oTYblrl� Page • •- 49 J 31'. • .#.•4' Y ��� �fr� � � �� �yti ' R 'it �� i•i� •• •e 50 IX. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The subject property shall no longer be subject to the terms of the existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016- 007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)upon the property owner(s) entering into a new agreement. The new DA shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the City within six(6)months of City Council granting the subject modification. The new DA shall include the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the conceptual master plan, conceptual building elevations,preliminary plat,phasing plan,landscape plan, and qualified open space exhibits included in Section VIII and the provisions contained herein. b. Future preliminary plats shall include collector streets consistent with those shown on the Master Street Map, as required by Ada County Highway District. c. The land designated as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR) on the Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan zoned R-15 shall develop with a variety of residential dwellings (i.e. single-family detached/attached,townhouses,condominiums,and/or apartments)at a gross density ranging from eight(8)to twelve(12)dwelling units per acre. Development shall incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and shall incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity consistent with the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-10). d. Prior to development of the Mixed Use—Community(MU-C) designated areas shown on the Master Plan as"future development,"the Development Agreement shall be amended to include a conceptual development plan that demonstrates consistency with the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically the MU-C designation(see pgs. 3-13 and 3-15 thru 3-16). e. The rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Road, arterial streets, and S. Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E. Via Roberto St.,collector streets, shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches, balconies,material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. f. Development within the Williams Pipeline easement shall comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook. g. All future development, except for single-family detached dwellings, is required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. h. The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S 1406110110) located southwest of the E. Lake Hazel/S. Locust Grove Road intersection shall be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property (Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. i. The lot proposed to be annexed(i.e. Lot 4,Block 1, Shafer View Estates) shall either be split in Ada County prior to annexation into the City to create the eastern 10+/-acre parcel proposed for future development; or,the entire lot shall be included in a future subdivision. If a property Page 51 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 136 of 302 division is approved by Ada County,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the subdivision application for the eastern portion of the property. j. Multi-use pathways shall be provided with development as required by the Park's Department in accord with the Pathways Master Plan. k. The commercial(C-C zoned)portions of this development are allowed to obtain building permits prior to subdivision of the property. 2. The final plat submitted for Apex Northwest shall incorporate the following: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. The north/south alley in Block 5 does not comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 as the entire length of the alley is not visible from a public street as required; common driveways may be considered as an alternative to the alley provided they meet the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D, subject to alternative compliance approval. c. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C.2. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 3. The final plat submitted for Apex Southeast shall incorporate the following revisions: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Tower St. S. Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-313-7C.2. c. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots for micro-path connections to Discovery Park at the east boundary in Block 14. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 4. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Northwest shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-1OC.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the Page 52 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 137 of 302 construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict a gazebo with tables and benches as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5; include a detail of the gazebo. 5. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Southeast shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-10C.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots with 5-foot wide micro-paths in Block 14 at the east boundary; depict landscaping on either side of the pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C. g. Depict the children's play equipment proposed in the central common area; include a detail of the play equipment. 6. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6, 11-2A-7 and 11-2B-3 for the R-8,R-15 and C-C zoning districts respectively. 7. Off-street parking is required to be provided for residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 based on the number of bedrooms per unit; and for non-residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-613.1. 8. An exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks, fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via common driveways; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway shall be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D. 9. Address signage shall be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. 10. A perpetual ingress/egress easement shall be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D.8. A copy of said easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the final plat for City Engineer signature; or,this information may be included in a note on the face of the plat. Page 53 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 138 of 302 11. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division for the 10-foot wide multi-use pathways proposed within the site that are not located within right-of-way,prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer for the phase in which they are located. 12. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility in the residential portion of the development; and for all non-residential/commercial uses and structures.A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single-family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. 13. The qualified open space exhibits for the residentially zoned portions of Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast shall be revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 The north-south sewer line in the landscaped area of Block 5 (Apex NW)needs to be moved east to the paved access road. 1.2 No sewer or water lines have been shown to the lots in Block 7 (Apex NW). Each lot will need to have services provided. 1.3 Public Work's preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way(R-O-W),where they can easily be operated and maintained. If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of- way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions that meet both the developer's design constraints and Public Works'maintenance needs. 1.4 This development will need to be modeled at final plat to verify each phase meets minimum fire flow pressures 1.5 From the preliminary geotechnical investigation of groundwater elevation provided in the application, it appears that groundwater may not be a factor with the development of this subdivision. The initial investigative report is dated April 8,2018, and additional data collection is recommended to confirm actual groundwater levels. Updated data and recommendations from a geotechnical professional shall be required with the submittal of construction design drawings. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub- grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility,or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Page 54 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 139 of 302 Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B)for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898- 5500 for inspections of disconnection of services.Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits for the residential portions of the development. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C- 3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. Page 55 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 140 of 302 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WeUink/Doc View.asp x?id=189722&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiiy&cr=1 Southeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.oLvlWebLinkIDoeView.aspx?id=189784&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX D. POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=190778&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCibX E. PARK's DEPARTMENT Northeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.or lWebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=191486&dbid=0&repo=MeridianQU Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancit .00rg/WeUink/Doc View.aspx?id=1914 8 7&db id=0&rep o=Meridia n City Page 56 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 141 of 302 F. WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT(WASD) https://weblink.meridianciN.ofg WWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190290&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU G. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190975&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiu Southeast: https://weblink.m eridia n c i ty.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=19 09 7 7&db id=0&repo=Meridian City H. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) AZ/RZ: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191226&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCioy Northwest: (Draft)https:llweblink.meridianciiy.org/WebLinklPDF]0144da7e98-83a6-4caO-907b- 56a7e5fda2ca/191501 Southeast: (Draft) https://weblink.meridianciU.orgIWebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191503&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitE I. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL(BPBC) https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=189951&dbid=0&rep o=Meridia n Ci U J. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190512&dbid=0&repo=Meridian CitX Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190510&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity K. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190604&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.asp x?id=190605&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX L. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridiancioy.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190598&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU X. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC l l-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. hi order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: Page 57 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 142 of 302 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment to R-2, R-8, R-I5& C-C and proposed development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the Applicant complies with the provisions in Section IX. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Stafffinds the proposed single-family attached and detached homes with front-loaded and alley-loaded options will contribute to the range of housing opportunities in the City; other residential types may be provided with future phases of development. Stafffinds the commercial portion of the property will provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Stafffinds theproposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety and welfare. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Stafffinds the proposed annexation to the R-2 zoning district is consistent with the LDR FL UM designation in the Comprehensive Plan and thus is in the best interest of the City. B. Preliminary Plat Findings: In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed preliminary plats, with Staffs recommendations, are in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density, transportation, and pedestrian connectivity. (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds that public services will be provided to the subject properties proposed to be subdivided with development. (See Section IX of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Stafffinds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. Page 58 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 143 of 302 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Stafffinds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.). (See Section IX for more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health,safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 59 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 144 of 302 Applicant's Presentation 1 Pinnacle 2 South Meridian. for towncenternewbecome a integrated community, and will will develop as a single, Pinnacleand Locust Grove. at the intersection of Lake Hazel use, planned community -mixed(Apex Subdivision) is a Pinnacle 3 Socialand Outdoor•ServicesScale -Neighborhood•OfferingsEducational•ChoicesLiving•new communities, including: opportunities that are desired in considered a mix of uses and has intentionally Applications 4 Development AgreementsModification to the Current •Apex Southeast••Plats: One Project, Two Preliminary •Rezoning of prior annexation•Shafer Estates ParcelAnnexation and Zoning of • 5 LIVING CHOICES 6 AlleyConventionalRow-Alley Conventional EDUCATION 7(open Fall 2022) 8 Academy-KGEM PrepFuture ElementaryWest Ada NEIGHBORHOOD 8 SCALE SERVICES SOCIAL & OUTDOOR 9 in South MeridianTownCenterA Neighborhood Pools & Parks•Trails & Pathways•Community CenterAmphitheater & •EXPERIENCES Amphitheater & 10 Community Center 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Trails & Pathways 18Discovery Park residential streetsDetached Sidewalks and •connections to Discovery ParkMicropathandfoot Pathway -10•Sidewalks on Lake Hazelfoot detached Parallel -10•South MeridianConnections throughout New Pedestrian Parks & Pools 19 FUTURE Pool in Future Phase–NW •–NW •Commons Park –NW •to DiscoveryMicropaths–SE •Pool & Playground in SE-SE •Active Recreation Areas Applications 20 Development AgreementsModification to the Current •Apex Southeast••Plats: One Project, Two Preliminary •Rezoning of prior annexation•Shafer Estates ParcelAnnexation and Zoning of • ANNEXATION / ZONING & REZONING 21 REZONING 22 PRELIMINARY PLATS 23 CONDITIONS 24 as proposed by Staff. of Annexation, Zoning and Preliminary Plats Approvalto City CouncilrecommendPlanning & Zoning Commission REQUESTprior to City Council.subject to clarification with Meridian Staff and ACHD Generally agree with the conditions of approval 25 26 ANNEXATION / ZONING & REZONING 27 LIVING CHOICES 28(subject to future approvals)OpportunitiesHigher Density  29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.D. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Apex Northwest(H-2020-0056) by Brighton, M urgoitio, et al., Located at the Northwest Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: ype Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 7/8/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 145 of 302 STAFF REPORT E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 legend 0 Project Lacfl�ian � TO: Planning&Zoning Commission -- .i FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner f 208-884-5533 - -- -- Y - F SUBJECT: H-2020-0066 Apex—MDA,AZ, RZ ; H-2020-0056 Apex Northwest—PP - - H-2020-0057 Apex Southeast—PP IF - _ 5 (to be marketed as "Pinnacle') - C LOCATION: MDA,AZ,RZ: generally located east of N_a S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. k Columbia Rd., in Sections 31 (S. '/2 and --- , NW '/4) and 32 (SW'/4),Township 3N., _ Range LE; and Sections 5 (NW %4) and 6 (NE '/4),T.2N.,R.1 E. PP(NW):NWC of S. Locust Grove Rd. &E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the SE '/4 of Section 31,T.3N., R.IE PP(SE): SEC of S. Locust Grove Rd. & E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the NW '/4 of Section 5,T.2N.,R.1E. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modification to existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016- 007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed development plan; Annexation of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district; and,Rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2 (0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres) and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts. Apex Northwest(NW): Preliminary Plat consisting of 120 residential buildable lots, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. Apex Southeast(SE): Preliminary Plat consisting of 237 residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway)lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Because right-of-way for E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. separates the land proposed to be platted, two separate preliminary plat applications are required to subdivide the property. Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 146 of 302 II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 40.09(AZ);384.97(RZ);41.75 (PP-Northwest); 81.63 (PP-Southeast) Existing/Proposed Zoning RUT in Ada County(existing);R-4(Medium Low-Density Residential) Future Land Use Designation Low Density Residential[LDR(3 or fewer units/acre)—39+/-acres); Medium Density Residential(MDR—3 to 8 units/acre)(206/-acres); Medium High-Density Residential(21+/-acres); &Mixed Use— Community(MU-C)(120+/-acres) Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Proposed Land Use(s) Single-family residential(SFR)attached/detached,commercial,office,2 schools(elementary&charter) Lots(#and type;bldg./common) NW: 120 residential buildable/II commercial buildable/14 common SE:237 residential buildable/2 commercial buildable/30 common/10 other NW&SE Combined: 357 SFR residential buildable; 13 commercial buildable;44 common lots;and 10 other lots for shared driveways Phasing Plan(#of phases) 3 (NW); 5 (SE) Number of Residential Units(type NW: 120 units(88 detached/32 attached) of units) SE:237 units(detached) NW&SE Combined: 325 detached&88 attached Density(gross&net) NW: 5.62 units/acre(gross); 11.21 units/acre(net) SE: 3.75 units/acre(gross);6.17 units/acre(net) NW&SE(overall):4.22 units/acre(gross);7.27 units/acre(net) Open Space(acres,total NW: 6.33 acres(15.17%) [%]/buffer/qualified) SE: 10.79 acres(13.22%) NW&SE Combined: 17.12 acres(or 13.88%) Amenities NW: Community center with a clubhouse,community post office,cafe, library/business center;community amphitheater;additional common open space above the minimum required. SE: Community swimming pool,tot lot with play equipment,pathway access to the City's Discovery Park,additional common open space above the minimum required. Physical Features(waterways, The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries of this site;the hazards,flood plain,hillside) McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west;and another waterway runs north/south through the site. Neighborhood meeting date;#of 2/5/20;29 attendees W attendees: History(previous approvals) ROS#7394;ROS#7783;H-2015-0019—South Meridian AZ(DA's: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst.#2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC— Inst.#2016-007073;and Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst.#2016- 007074) B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Yes(PP,draft);Yes(AZ,RZ) • Requires ACHD Yes(TBD) Commission Action (yes/no) Traffic Impact Study(yes/no) Yes Page 2 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 147 of 302 Description Details I Page Access NW:2 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd. &2 accesses via E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both (Arterial/Collectors/State existing arterial streets;and 2 collector streets are proposed Hwy/Local)(Existing and SE: 2 accesses via E.Lake Hazel Rd. &3 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd.,both Proposed) existing arterial streets; and 3 collector streets are proposed Traffic Level of Service Better than"D"(Acceptable level of service is"E")—Lake Hazel,Locust Grove &Amity Roads Stub Two stub streets are proposed to this site from Prevail Subdivision near the Street/Interconnectivity/Cross northwest corner of the rezone area;no other stub streets exist to this site. Access Stub streets are proposed to adjacent properties for interconnectivity as shown on the preliminary plats. Existing Road Network There are no existing streets within the site,only S.Meridian Rd./SH-69,E.Lake Hazel Rd.and S.Locust Grove Rd.adjacent to the site Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There are no existing sidewalks or buffers along Meridian Rd./SH-69,Lake Hazel, Buffers or Locust Grove Roads. Proposed Road Capital Improvements Plan{CIP}t Irriegrated Five Year Wark Plan JIFYWP): Improvements ■ Vd9lb RUA 15�rNALlgd Ift the IFYINP io be Wid�M 4 16 5-hWos fllotn Lake Ha,!Et RoAd td A nn ty Road to 2023 * Eagle Road G sanamw 1n the IFYWP m be wp]9nw to 5-Panes from Amp Roadl to vicioiy Road In 2021 + Laka Haza tined is sl fi dulod Hi Ina[l'NOF 10 bo WMenad kb 5-1ames fmrli 1=iJgla Road to Cloverdale Road iR 2024 + Lake Naze;Road is schad+dl9d in the iFYWP to be wvdemed to 5-mws from Cloveadsle Road to Five btde Road + Tw inlnr5eu mn or Lake Ha291 Rood and Pa* RW rs sclwdulad e1 th9 IF'(WPv to M widened 1a 5-.1iones Qn the north fig,a-Ames on ffu�soot++ae9,3-lone5 on the+Mast leg end 3- lano�s on the east leg and signohzed in 2023 + Thy inkwEK�0 lovusi Grrnye Rpad end 1 KImy Road is whedul in the 1FYVJP to be� constructed as a muiilane rounmbw voth 4-lanes on me narth arnd south legs and 24anes on the east and west kegs in 207 1 * Labe Plarzel Road qs bstud 1n me CPR to be w w1oned l0 3-1:anes ham Locust Grove Road 10 Eagle Road berween 2028 and.Z630 Lake Hzxrel Road Is fisted w the C IP to be widened to 3-;anes from hl ndlan Road ISH-W to Locusl Grave Road balwemn 2026 arrel 2030. A fnity Road is Wed in the CIP to tre widened to 5-vnes tram Locus)Grove#toad to Eagle Reed berween nNi ghd 233t} The Intwsec6on of lake Hazel Road and Lxmt Orove Rood n listed to the CIP to Ge r-sconstiluctad as a single larto roundabouk widened ko 34arres on toe MOP]leg,2•Pi9 05 cin the south,2-lams ees[,and 3-ianas on the wart lQg w1117 a msiwi-md bypass tight turn bypass lane between 20W and 2Q311 + The inimeoiw of Lake Hazel Raerd and SHE is listed en the CIP to be widened 9a 7aenes on the north,saulh,west and ems)legs Ewd signaized between 2013 and 20313 • The iiwar5ecfion of Locust Gr0ue F60dd end Amgyr Rued i5 I15ted iR the CIR to wiAeRetf to 4- hanes an 1ha norm leg,�-tines on the south lag,5�Ianos on the west leg:and 9-1anss on the east leg and signalized between 2GX and HMO Additional right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the future expansion of Lake Hazel&Locust Grove Roads with pavement widened to 17' from centerline Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station NW—3.3 miles to Fire Station 94 SE—3.1 miles to Fire Station#4 • Fire Response Time NW&SE-only a small portion falls within 5 minute response time goal • Resource Reliability NW&SE-78%-does not meet target goal of 80%or greater • Risk Identification NW&SE— 1 and 4,current resources would not be adequate to supply service to this project • Accessibility NW&SE-Project meets all required access,road widths and turnarounds if phasing plan is followed Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 148 of 302 Description Details Page • Special/resource needs NW&SE-Project will require an aerial device;response time is 9 minutes travel time(under ideal conditions)—can meet this need in the required timeframe if needed • Water Supply NW&SE-Requires 1,500 gallons per minute for 2 hours,may be less if buildings are fully sprinklered • Other Resources Police Service • Distance to Police 4.5 miles Station • Police Response Time Average response time in the City is just under 4 minutes—there isn't enough public initiated call data to determine an average response time for this area(goal is 3-5 minutes) • Calls for Service 71 (within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Accessibility No concerns • Specialty/resource needs No additional resources are required at this time. • Crimes 10(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Crashes 38(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Other The MPD can provide service if this development is approved as they already serve this area. West Ada School District • Distance(elem,ms,hs) • Capacity of Schools Enr611m nt dr Miles &b v+awu • #of Students Enrolled Marys'MCPherioA Elementary.. s55 550 2.0 SlemElemeMary" 677 301) 3.1 vlewrw mWdle school 959 ]QW 4.2 mwntain vkwMilh khcal U19 zM9 34 —thdrin2 the 2N21 Pehgvl ye4ar Mpry IMcPhergon's Student uPidtq will mcrcw%6 675r due 16 9hr mn cmi 0255r4"M expansion underway.** —Enrollrmnt at HrFIsddk E'emnentary h carmiry capped.I;Ments In this dere{aprnent thal are In the HIWAam Mwldefy will he wrtanding Siena Fhtment■r}'una1 eieArstI166i Is h„1h t8 MimineteauertrawE:ng all.HIWAaJe.*`* • #of Students Anticipated 286 from this Development Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Directly adjacent Services • Sewer Shed South Black Cat Trunk Shed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining 13.95 Balance • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns Flow has been committed Water • Distance to Water Directly adjacent Services • Pressure Zone 5 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's Page 4 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 149 of 302 • Water Quality None • Project Consistent with Yes ■ Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns Public Worles preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way (ROW),where they can easily be operated and maintained.If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of-way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend iul 0 Legend Pra t Laoulkm i fibI ProjEHat LmafiDn y mu-C J �hed-I ig vnr' _ Resid6nfial Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend R T 10 Legend 0 Prajent Luc n=an Prcject Lncafian Ku r R- , CRY Llmik I-L Rl RUJT — Planned Pnraes RU R-8 UT -R- R- - RU T R-8- R R-2 _ � t Rllt -- 1A ,- RUT RUT UT Cfl --- Page 5 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 150 of 302 III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Brighton,Murgoitio,et al—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Michael D. Wardle,Brighton Corporation—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 6/19/2020 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 6/16/2020 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 6/26/2020 Nextdoor posting 6/16/2020 V. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS(Comprehensive Plan) Land Use: The Future Land Use Map(FLUM)contained in the Comprehensive Plan designates approximately 39 acres of the site as Low Density Residential(LDR),206+/-acres as Medium Density Residential(MDR); 21+/-acres as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR); and 120+/-acres as Mixed Use—Community. A future school site and City Park is designated in the general area northwest of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection,north of the MU-C designated area. Another school site is designated on the east side of N. Locust Grove Rd.,north of Lake Hazel Rd.,just north of the subject rezone area. The LDR designation allows for the development of single-family homes on large and estate lots at gross densities of 3 dwelling units or less per acre. These areas often transition between existing rural residential and urban properties. Developments need to respect agricultural heritage and resources,recognize view sheds and open spaces, and maintain or improve the overall atmosphere of the area. The use of open spaces,parks,trails, and other appropriate means should enhance the character of the area. The MDR designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The MHDR designation allows for a mix of dwelling types including townhouses,condominiums, and apartments. Residential gross densities should range from 8 to 12 dwelling units per acre. These areas are relatively compact within the context of larger neighborhoods and are typically located around or near mixed use commercial or employment areas to provide convenient access to services and jobs for residents. Developments need to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and should also incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity. The purpose of the MU-C designation is to allocate areas where community-serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings.Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use—Neighborhood(MU-N) areas,but not as large as in Mixed Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 151 of 302 Use—Regional(MU-R) areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to,but also walk or bike to(up to 3 or 4 miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. Developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-C plan depicted in Figure 3C in the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-16). In reviewing development applications,the items noted on Pgs. 3-13, 3-15 and 3-16 will be considered(see analysis below). Transportation: ACHD's Master Street Map (MSM)depicts an east/west residential collector street at the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads; a north/south industrial collector at the half mile between Meridian and Locust Grove Roads north of the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads,which transitions to a residential collector to the south to Lake Hazel Rd.; a commercial collector around the MU-C designated area at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection(see dashed lines on map below), and a residential collector along the southern boundary of Apex Southeast. A dual lane roundabout is planned at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Rd. intersection.Note:Because a residential collector seems to be more appropriate than an industrial collector street designation in this area,ACHD has included a change to the street classification in the MSM update currently in process. The proposed preliminary plats depict collector streets consistent with the MSM (i.e. E. Crescendo St. & S. Apex Ave. in Apex Northwest; and E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. in Apex Southeast). The proposed Master Plan included in Section VIII.A, depicts conceptual street locations in the annexation/rezone area; future preliminary plats should provide collector streets in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. T_ ILI { > _....,-f�.f'LRaL:Fi1'�YYi.�......--v .___,..T..,i:wM•.• i , e — Jr Proposed Development: The Applicant proposes to develop the 41.75 acre property at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR&MU-C designated areas with 120 single-family residential units consisting of 32 attached units and 88 detached units, a future public elementary school, and neighborhood-scale commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. The 81.63 acre property located at the southeast corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR and MU-C designated areas is Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 152 of 302 proposed to develop with 237 single-family residential detached units,a charter school, and commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. A City Park is not required to be provided with this development due to the proximity of Discovery Park at the project's southeast boundary; however,the Park's Dept.would be willing to discuss the potential for a partnership if desired by the Applicant. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents."(2.01.02D) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded)are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval,and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) City water and sewer service is available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Avoid the concentration of any one housing type or lot size in any geographical area;provide for diverse housing types throughout the City."(2.01.01 G) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front-and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Encourage compatible uses and site design to minimize conflicts and maximize use of land." (3.07.00) The proposed residential uses should be compatible with existing rural residential/agricultural uses in the area. The proposed design of the commercial and residential areas with streets separating the uses should minimize conflicts. • "With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathway connections, easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools,and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities." (2.02.01A) Internal pedestrian pathways are proposed through common areas for interconnectivity as well as to the City Park on the east side of Apex Southeast and to perimeter sidewalks. Segments of the City's multi-use pathway system are required in accord with the Pathways Master Plan (see Park's Dept. comments in Section IX.E).Detached sidewalks are proposed along the arterial and collector streets for safe pedestrian access. Usable open space and quality amenities are proposed(see detailed analysis below in Section VIB). • "Ensure development is connected to City of Meridian water and sanitary sewer systems and the extension to and through said developments are constructed in conformance with the City of Meridian Water and Sewer System Master Plans in effect at the time of development."(3.03.03A) The proposed development will connect to City water and sewer systems;services are required to be provided to and though this development in accord with current City plans. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks,water and sewer utilities."(3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks is required to be provided with development as proposed with the preliminary plats. Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 153 of 302 • "Encourage the development of high quality, dense residential and mixed use areas near in and around Downtown,near employment, large shopping centers,public open spaces and parks, and along major transportation corridors, as shown on the Future Land Use Map."(2.02.01E) Lake Hazel Rd. lies between the proposed preliminary plats and is classified as a residential mobility arterial that is planned to be a major transportation corridor. A City Park(Discovery Park)abuts the east side of the proposed Apex Southeast subdivision.All four corners of the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection are designated for mixed use (MU-C)development. Development in this area should be high quality and more densely populated at a minimum of 6 units/acre in the MU-C designated area. The gross density of Apex Southeast is only 3.75 units per acre while the density of Apex Northwest is 5.62 units per acre.Staff encourages a higher density due to the location of this site adjacent to a major transportation corridor and City Parr This could be attained through the inclusion of more dense housing types such as more single-family attached units, townhome units and/or multi family apartments. • "Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools,parks, and other community gathering places."(2.02.01G) Detached sidewalks and pathways are proposed throughout the proposed subdivisions for safe pedestrian access to the future school sites, the City Park and neighborhood commercial/office uses. • "Where feasible, encourage large transmission and pipeline utility corridors to function as transitional buffers,parkland,pathways, and gathering spaces within and adjacent to their right of way."(3.07.01E) A 75 foot wide easement for the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline crosses this site and is depicted on the Master Plan and preliminary plats as grassy open space area containing a multi-use pathway. No structures are allowed within this easement. • "Require collectors consistent with the ACHD Master Street Map(MSM), generally at/near the mid- mile location within the Area of City Impact."(6.01.03B) Collector streets are proposed on the preliminary plats in accord with the MSX collector streets will be required to be provided with future preliminary plats in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas, per the Comprehensive Plan(pg.3-13): (Staffs analysis in italics) • "A mixed-use project should include at least three types of land uses. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. This land use is not intended for high density residential development alone." The proposed development includes four(4) different land use types—residential(single-family), civic (i.e. amphitheater and community center), commercial and office. • "Where appropriate,higher density and/or multi-family residential development is encouraged for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69." Although a small portion of land proposed to be annexed with this application fronts on SH-69/S. Meridian Rd., it is not proposed to redevelop with this application and is designated for LDR uses. • "Mixed Use areas are typically developed under a master or conceptual plan; during an annexation or rezone request,a development agreement will typically be required for developments with a Mixed Use designation." A Master Plan is proposed with the rezone request for the portion of the property surrounding the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection designated as MU-C(see Section VIII.A).A Development Agreement Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 154 of 302 is required as a provision of the rezone to ensure future development is consistent with the MU-C FL UM designation. • "In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed,the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common,usable area, such as a plaza or green space." The Master Plan for Apex Northwest depicts a community center with a plaza and amphitheater in the commercial portion of the development. The Master Plan for the commercial portion of Apex Southeast nearest the intersection doesn't include a development plan—the future plan should include some form of common, usable area such as a plaza or green space as desired as should other future commercial/office areas in MU-C designated areas where future development is unknown at this time. • "The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low-or medium-density residential development." There are no existing residential uses adjacent to proposed commercial development; therefore, transitional uses and buffering aren't applicable. • "Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, clinics, churches, schools,parks, daycares,civic buildings, or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed-use developments." A public school is planned in Apex Northwest and a charter school is planned in Apex Southeast per the Master Plan in accord with the FL UM which depicts two school sites in this general area.A community center and amphitheater is proposed in the commercial portion of Apex Northwest. A 27-acre City Park (Discovery Park) abuts the east side of Apex Southeast.A linear open space is planned where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas,outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count." An outdoor amphitheater, community center with a plaza and charter school is proposed in this development in the MU-C designated area. Discovery Park, a 27-acre regional City park, exists to the east of Apex Southeast and includes picnic shelters,pathways, open play areas,play structures, a splash pad, an off-leash dog park and ballfields. • "Mixed use areas should be centered around spaces that are well-designed public and quasi-public centers of activity. Spaces should be activated and incorporate permanent design elements and amenities that foster a wide variety of interests ranging from leisure to play. These areas should be thoughtfully integrated into the development and further placemaking opportunities considered." The public/quasi-public areas (i.e. community center and amphitheater)proposed in this development are centrally located within the mixed use designated area in Apex Northwest. Discovery Park abuts Apex Southeast and offers a wide variety of activities for area residents. • "All mixed-use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians." The proposed mixed use developments will be directly accessible to adjacent neighborhoods within the section through extension of streets and internal pedestrian pathways. • "Alleys and roadways should be used to transition from dissimilar land uses, and between residential densities and housing types." Roadways are proposed as a transition between residential and commercial land uses in both of the proposed subdivisions; and alleys, roadways and common areas are proposed between residential housing types and densities as desired. Page 10 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 155 of 302 • "Because of the parcel configuration within Old Town,development is not subject to the Mixed Use standards listed herein." The subject property is not located in Old Town, therefore, this item is not applicable. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in MU-C areas, per the Comprehensive Plan (pgs.3-15 thru 3-16): • "Developments should comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed Use areas." See analysis above. • "All developments should have a mix of at least three land use types." The proposed development has a mix of residential, commercial, office and civic uses as desired. • "Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the development area at gross densities ranging from 6 to 15 units/acre." Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the overall MU-C designated area at a minimum density of 6 units/acre. Prior to development of the `future development"areas on the Master Plan, a conceptual development plan should be submitted to ensure compliance. • "Non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings." The design, color, construction materials and height of non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend with adjacent residential buildings as desired. • "Vertically integrated structures are encouraged." No vertically integrated structures are proposed at this time but are encouraged to be included. • "Unless a structure contains a mix of both residential and office, or residential and commercial land uses, a maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 60,000 square-foot building footprint. For the development of public school sites,the maximum building size does not apply." The building footprints shown on the Master Plan do not exceed 30,000 square feet;future development should be consistent with this guideline. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries,and schools that comprise a minimum of 5%of the development area are required. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count towards this requirement." A community center with a plaza area and amphitheater are proposed in Apex Northwest adjacent to service commercial and office uses; a charter school is proposed in Apex Southeast. These types of spaces and places and uses should be provided in all of the MU-C designated areas in accord with this guideline. Linear open space containing a multi-use pathway is proposed where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development above the minimum 5%,the developer may be eligible for additional residential densities and/or an increase to the maximum building footprint." Although this is an option, the developer is not requesting an increase in density or in the maximum building footprint allowed. Staff believes the proposed development plan is generally consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density and transportation. Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 156 of 302 VI. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS(UDC A. Development Agreement Modification (MDA): The Applicant proposes to modify the existing Development Agreements(H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton, LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)for this property in order to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed Master Plan(see Section VIII.A). The existing Development Agreements (DA's)were required with the South Meridian Annexation application in 2015. Because that application was initiated by the City,no development was proposed at that time. A"placeholder"zoning of R-4 was assigned to all of the properties with the requirement that any future development would require an amendment to the DA's to approve any proposed development plan. Existing allowed uses in the County pertaining to the raising or maintaining of livestock and agricultural operations; an exemption to MCC 6-3-10,Firearms,Dischargeable Instruments; and existing agreements for the collection of solid waste were allowed to remain and continue until such time as the properties redeveloped in the future. With the proposed development,these uses are required to cease. The existing DA's require any property or easements needed by the City to provide any sewer or water infrastructure needed in furtherance of the agreement to be provided by the Owner at no cost to the City for the intent of providing for the advancement of sewer and water infrastructure for the benefit of the property,the City and adjacent properties for water mains, sewer mains and trunk lines. Because all of the water and sewer infrastructure commitments have been met and have been constructed,these provisions do not need to be carried over to the new DA. Staff recommends the proposed Master Plan is included in the new DA along with the provisions for future development listed in Section IX.A.1 to ensure compliance with the MU-C FLUM designation. B. Annexation&Zoning(AZ): Annexation of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Subdivision consisting of 40.09 acres of land is proposed with an R-2 zoning district consistent with the associated FLUM designation of LDR. This lot was previously deed restricted as part of a non-farm development in the County and was only allowed to be used as open space for a period of not less than 15 years from the recording date of the plat;because the plat was recorded in 2002,this restriction has since expired. No development is proposed at this time.Annexation is requested because the easterly 10 acres of the lot is needed for sewer and access to the proposed development; the remainder of the property is not proposed to develop as part of this project. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district. The Developer plans to develop the property between the collector street and the adjoining Shafer View Subdivision with 1-acre lots as a transition and buffer to the existing neighborhood. Prior to annexation of the property, a lot division should be approved by Ada County in order for the Applicant to only develop the eastern portion of the property. The annexation area is within the Area of City Impact Boundary(AOCI).A legal description for the annexation area is included in Section VIII.B. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because the R-2 district only allows single-family residential detached dwellings, parks,minor public utilities and certain wireless communication facilities as principal permitted uses, Staff does not feel it's necessary to restrict development of the property through a DA as a provision of annexation. Page 12 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 157 of 302 C. Rezone(RZ): A rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2(0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres)and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts is proposed. The 0.70 of an acre of land proposed to be rezoned to R-2 is located directly to the east of the annexation area on the west side of the future collector street depicted on the Master Plan. Because this property is designated MDR on the FLUM,the R-4 or R-8 zoning districts would typically be the best zoning choices. However,because this area will develop as part of the adjacent property to the west proposed to be annexed with R-2 zoning, Staff recommends the adjacent LDR designation is used for the area proposed to be rezoned as allowed in the Comprehensive Plan when deemed appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application(see pg. 3-9).No development is proposed at this time. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-4 and the allowed uses listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2. The areas proposed to be rezoned to R-8 consisting of a total of 264.06 acres are primarily designated on the FLUM as MDR but some of the area is within the MU-C designated area. The Master Plan does not depict a conceptual development plan for much of the R-8 zoned area except for that to the south of the C- C zoned area in Apex Southeast where single-family detached homes are proposed at a gross density of 3.75 units/acre. Because this area is in close proximity to a major transportation/mobility corridor (E.Lake Hazel Rd.) and a City Park, a higher density in this area is encouraged. The 76.93 acre areas proposed to be rezoned to R-15 lie within areas designated as MDR,MHDR and MU-C on the FLUM. The Master Plan does not include a conceptual development plan for the portion in the MHDR designated area. To ensure future development occurs consistent with the guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan for MHDR designated areas,Staff recommends a DA provision requiring future development to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place; an alternative housing type such as townhomes and/or multi- family is recommended.Connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways,attractive landscaping and project identity should also be provided.The majority of the remainder of the R-15 area is designated MU-C with a small portion designated MDR.Alley-loaded single-family attached and detached homes are depicted on the Master Plan in the MDR and MU-C designated areas included in the Apex Northwest plat at the northwest corner of Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Roads in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. A concept development plan is not proposed for the remainder of the area proposed to be zoned R-15 north of the commercial area in Apex Northwest, on the south side of Lake Hazel and on the east side of Locust Grove in the MU-C designated area. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan,Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan. Future development should comply with the dimensional standards of the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11- 2A-7,the allowed uses for the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2, and the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically MU-C designated areas in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezone of 43.28 acres of land to the C-C zoning district is consistent with the associated FLUM designation of MU-C. The area at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads is proposed to develop with a mix of neighborhood-serving commercial and office uses including a community center and amphitheater; and the area on the south side of Lake Hazel, east of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection is proposed to develop with a charter school as depicted on the Master Plan. A conceptual development plan is not proposed for the MU-C designated areas at the southwest, southeast and northeast corners of the intersection. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan, Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan consistent with these guidelines. Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 158 of 302 The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S1406110110)located southwest of the E.Lake Hazel/S.Locust Grove Rd.intersection shown as an"NAP"should be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property(Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such should be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. Legal descriptions with associated exhibit maps of the areas proposed to be rezoned are included in Section VIII.B. Because the legal description and map for the R-2 zoned area includes 40.09 acres of land that is part of the annexation request, Staff has requested the Applicant revise the description to exclude that area; a revised legal description and exhibit map should be submitted prior to the City Council hearing. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with a rezone pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because a new DA is proposed to replace the existing DA's Staff recommends the above recommended DA provisions are included in that agreement. D. Preliminary Plats: Two separate preliminary plats,Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast,are proposed due to ACHD right-of- way(ROW) for Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads separating the properties. Because this overall project will be developed as a single integrated project and marketed as such, analysis of both projects is included in this report. Apex Northwest consists of 120 single-family residential buildable lots for the development of 88 detached and 32 attached dwelling units, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 2,863 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 3,885 s.f. The gross density proposed is 5.62 units/acre with a net density of 11.21 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 3 phases as shown on the Phasing Plan in Section VIII.D. Apex Southeast consists of 237 single-family residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 4,840 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 7,058 s.f. The gross density proposed is 3.75 units/acre with a net density of 6.17 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in three(5)phases as shown on the phasing plan in Section VIII.D. Overall,a total of 357 single-family residential buildable lots, 13 commercial buildable lots,44 common lots and 10 other lots are proposed between the two subdivisions at a gross overall density of 4.22 units/acre and a net overall density of 7.27 units/acre. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are no existing structures within the boundaries of the proposed plats. The Northwest Williams Gas Pipeline crosses the northeast corners of Apex Northwest(Lot 2,Block 6) and Southeast(Lot 1,Block 9 and Lot 1,Block 14)subdivisions as depicted on the preliminary plats. Development within this area should comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook.No structures should be located within the easement. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed single-family detached and attached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts; and an education institution is listed as a conditional use in the R-8 zoning district per UDC Table 11-2A-2, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14. An education institution and professional service(i.e. office) is listed as a principal permitted use in the C-C Page 14 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 159 of 302 district, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14; other allowed uses in the C-C district are listed in UDC Table 11-213-2. Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): Development of the subject property is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6 for the R-8 zoning district, 11-2A-7 for the R-15 district and 11-213-3 for the C-C district. Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3) Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to streets, alleys, common driveways, easements and block face. The proposed lots in Apex Northwest are consistent with the dimensional standards of the R-15 and C-C zoning districts. However,one of the alleys is not designed so that the entire length is visible from a public street as required by UDC 11-6C-3B.5e;the plat should be revised to comply.Common driveways that comply with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3D may be considered as an alternative. The proposed lots in Apex Southeast are consistent with the dimensional standards of the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Two(2) alleys and 10 common driveways are proposed in the residential portion of the development that are consistent with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3. Such alleys and common driveways should be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 and 11-6C-3D. A perpetual ingress/egress easement is required to be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. An exhibit should be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks,fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via the common driveway; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway should be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway. Address signage should be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. Access(UDC 11-3A-3) Access is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-3. Apex Northwest: Two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E. Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street, and two (2)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets(E. Crescendo St. and S.Apex Ave.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Apex Southeast: Three(3)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street, and two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E.Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets (E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Alleys are proposed for access to alley-loaded homes in Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast. Common driveways are proposed for access to certain homes in Apex Southeast. Cross-access easements should be provided between all commercial lots in the subdivisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-3A.2. Road Improvements: The Applicant has proposed to enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement (CDA)with ACHD to improve Lake Hazel Road abutting the site with(4) 11.5' wide travel lanes, a 19' wide center landscape median,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 10' wide detached concrete sidewalks within 109' to 120. 5' of right-of-way(ROW)with the first phase of development. The Applicant has proposed to construct dedicated right-turn lanes on Lake Hazel Rd. at Aspiration Ave.,Apex Ave.,Peak Ave. and Vertex Way. Locust Grove Rd. abutting the site is proposed to be improved with(3) 12' wide travel lanes with 6.5' wide bike lanes,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 5' wide Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 160 of 302 detached concrete sidewalks within 77' of ROW. The specific conditions of approval pertaining to the CDA are included in the ACHD report in Section IX.H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Future development should comply with these standards. Parking for non-residential uses is required per the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-6B.1. Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): The Pathways Master Plan(PMP)depicts segments of the City's multi-use pathway system in the linear area where the Williams gas pipeline is located and along the east boundary of the rezone area. Pathways should be provided with development in accord with the PMP per the conditions from the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. All pathways shall be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-8 and the Pathways Master Plan.Landscaping shall be provided along either side of the pathway in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C.Public pedestrian easements(14-feet wide) should be provided prior to signature by the City Engineer on final plat phases in which pathways are located. Staff recommends two(2) additional micro-path connections are provided in Apex Southeast at the east boundary to Discovery Park. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-1 : The UDC(11-3A-17)requires, at a minimum, detached sidewalks to be provided along arterial and collector streets and attached sidewalk to be provided along local streets. Detached sidewalks are proposed along all internal local and collector streets and along the arterial streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): Eight-foot wide parkways are proposed adjacent to all streets with detached sidewalks; all parkways are required to be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 25-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both arterial streets; and a 20-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to E. Crescendo St., S. Apex Ave., E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., all collector streets,landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C.Alternative Compliance may be requested to UDC 11-3B-7C.2a for street buffers along collector streets to be located in a dedicated buffer rather than in a common lot. Parkways are required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 and 11-3B- 7C. Landscaping is required along all pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C as discussed above. Common open space is required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E. Mitigation is required for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site as set forth in UDC 11- 313-10.C.5. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5.A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 161 of 302 Qualified Open Space(UDC 11-3 : A minimum of 10%qualified open space meeting the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B is required to be provided with development of land in residential districts. Based on the residential portion of the Apex Northwest plat(31.52 acres) zoned R-15, a minimum of 3.15 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to meet the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B in order to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres)zoned R-8, a minimum of 6.32 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to comply with the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G1 A minimum of one(1) qualified site amenity is required for each 20 acres of land to be developed in residential districts as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3. Based on the area of the residential portion of Apex Northwest(31.52 acres), a minimum of one (1) qualified site amenity is required to be provided. A gazebo is proposed as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5 as an amenity; Staff recommends tables and benches are also provided as required for a"picnic area" amenity.A community center and amphitheater are also proposed as public amenities in the adjacent commercial portion of the development and a swimming pool is depicted on the Master Plan off-site on the adjacent property to the north; however,these do not qualify as amenities for the residential portion of the development proposed to be platted with this application. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres) zoned R-8, a minimum of three(3) qualified site amenities are required to be provided. A swimming pool and children's play equipment are proposed in a central common area and pedestrian pathways(multi-use pathway along E.Lake Hazel Rd. and internal pathways) are proposed as amenities in this development in accord with UDC standards.A detail of the children's play equipment should be submitted with the final plat application. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-dy"j: There are no waterways within the boundary of the preliminary plats. The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries;the McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west; and another waterway runs north/south through the annexation and/or rezone areas. Fencing(UDC 11-3A- : All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C and 11-3A-7. Fencing is proposed as shown on the landscape plan. Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 162 of 302 Six-foot tall wood picket fencing is proposed along end caps at the ends of residential lots adjacent to common areas; and 5-foot tall clear vision metal fencing is proposed adjacent to internal common areas. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. Design and construction is required to follow Best Management Practice as adopted by the City. Irrigation: Underground,pressurized irrigation water is required to be provided for each and every lot within the development in accord with MCC 9-1,Water Use and Service. Irrigation water will be provided from Boise Project Board of Control. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant submitted several perspective building elevations for the proposed single-family homes and for the commercial structures planned to be constructed in this development which are included in Section VIII.G. Homes depicted are a mix of 1-and 2-story units, attached and detached,with building materials consisting of a variety of siding styles and stucco with stone/brick veneer accents.Final design is required to comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual, single-family detached dwellings are exempt from design review standards. Because 2-story home elevations that face arterial and collector streets are highly visible,Staff recommends as a provision of the DA that the rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E.Lake Hazel Rd. and S.Locust Grove Road,arterial streets, and S.Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E.Via Roberto St.,collector streets,shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses,step-backs, pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street.Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility and non- residential/commercial structures. A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single- family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. Design review is not required for single-family detached homes. VII. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed MDA,AZ,RZ and PP applications with the requirement of a new Development Agreement with the provisions noted in Section IX.A per the Findings in Section X. Page 18 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 163 of 302 I . . wgr 4 7 I' J • • F { l a � _ r. r 1112, lw = �7.- .f 5 i 1 I � i B. Annexation Legal Description & Exhibit Map kin 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 83714 ( 208.639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Annexation Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Lot 4,Block I of Shafer View Estates(Bonk 84,Pages 9403 and 9404,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the center of said Section 31,which bears N89"57'15"E a distance of 2,507.52 feet from an aluminum cap marking the West 1/4 of said Section 31,thence following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following courses: 1. Following the easterly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,500°16`52"W a distance of 1,342.44 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1/16 corner of said Section 31; 2- Leaving said easterly line and following the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 3. Leaving said southerly line,N23`55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 4. N16"35'10"W a distance of 254.98 feet; 5. N14.'41'01"W a distance of 193.7S feet; 6. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 7. N89°52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 8. 534°41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 9. N55°18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 10. N34°41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 11. N04°34'55"E a distance of 91-69 feet; 12. N26°44'50"W a distance of 85.73 Feet; 13, N56"37'31"W a distance of 97.84 Feet; 14, N76413'00"W a distance of 89.88 feet; 15. N86'11'04"W a distance of 185.99 feet; 16. 571'42'2B"VY a distance of 114.34 feet; 17. S60"59'16"W a distance of 112.15 feet; 18. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet, 19. S78°51'4rW a distance of45.77 feet; 20. 551"46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 21. S65°27'07"IN a d+stance of 258-28 feet; 22. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 23. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet, 2,4- 88-50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.40 feet, a delta angle of 18"26'21 a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chard distance of 88.12 feet; 25. 5ZW48'07"Vu a distance of 181.70 feet; 26. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet, a delta angle of 11°30'14",a chord bearing of N47'd(i'47"W and a chord distance of 95.21 feet; 27. N42'01'40"W a distance of 107.06 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS ( PLANNERS Page 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 165 of 302 28. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48`03'29",a chord bearing of N66'03'28"W and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 29, 589°54'43"W a distance of 124.67 feet; 30. N46°59'43"W a distance of 29.21feet to the easterly right-af-way line of State Highway 69; Thence leaving said boundary of Lot 4,Block 1,589°54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 31; Thence following said westerly line,Np0"05'07"W a distance of 757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northerly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4,N89'57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.09 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. ,.c a 12459 4 OF "L. 1B g r� tJ � U ALUMPMLA1 CAP POINT OF BEGINNING WEST 1/4 CORNER see- H 31 515-I1CH IIEeAR 31 BASIS E]F 9Ega9NG CENTER OF SECt3ON 31 Q N99'S7'15"E 25177.82' � � _ C A M 3 Annexation Area:40.09±AC. ai w a Lot 4,Black 1 Shafer View Estates w Current Zoning:RUT C i° L14 L92 :3 41 Q) ui d L27 L_ 4 r L26 E L Q m x Lzs ca LU F z w C2 e? m o O U1 {- J N LA h4Tf,; PROiECT rtLsonn SHEET: /8INM/10 RRu" 1 OF 2 i OF 5ECTIOK 31 l N 200 40 800 ENGINEERS.i4fi® 9233 WEST Sl—5'1AFE'E EC W.1DA-0 R3716 SCALE: 1"=40a' rr onE[Toel6s5� FucIR]fi1R�9aD Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 166 of 302 N CURVE7ARLE O 2' CURVE RM]US LENGTH 6�.LTq CHORD BRG CHORD 1O Ci 75_00' 86.50' 1826'21" 1484'42'19V 88,12' m C2 47$.04' 45.37' t1130'14" N47'46'41W @5,21' LU �r 03 125.60' 104.85' 4B fJ3'X9" N68'63'2sl1Y 101.E0 L I?C m LINE TABLE LINEABLE x LINE BEARING ❑15TANCI LINE BEARING �+STAP E CL E N8 Li 9'5231'w 130,43 L15 571'42'28"W 114.34 4 ° a w 2 L2 N23,55'33"w i70.57 L16 S8D59'1G'W 112.15 rn O � L3 N16'35'1-D"w 254.88 L17 N71Y$7'01"W 21 D.47 U m L4 N14'41'01'w 193.75 L18 S78'51'41'W 45,77 0 C t8 O L5 N31'15'14"W 114.54 L19 S51'4W,'.-! 147,67 " -U L6 N69'52'31-k 147.52 L20 S65'27'07-W 258.28 !7 S34'47'1 i w 1 tz.23 L71 517'27'52AW 98.71 Lwie nuxq�2pQp L2 N55'18'40rW 100.00 L22 S3'55'31'E 5010a PR EU: M-m? L9 N34'41'11`E 8133 L23 928'48'07'W 18;,70 SHEET: 21OF2 L10 N4'34'55"E 91,69 I24 N42.01'40'W 107.06 L11 N2644'50"W 85.73 L25 SW54'43"W 124_07 L12 N51337'31"w 87,&4 L28 1446'59'43-W 29,21 L13 Wn13'DO'w 89_M L27 S89'54'53"w L14 N85'11'04-W 185.99 kin ENGINEEIU_3LIRVETO1 .PMUM PM N'{ST STATi SUMT &MF ID0.il]m3 WOK M*1 sm-am xuI{xrs{g5-Aap Page 22 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 167 of 302 C. Rezone Legal Description & Exhibit Map PINNACLE SUBDIVISION � � ■ +4 ■ r r ' R-8 • r • NAP I yr �i i R-2 +t 'a� _ r•• r frr pp : ••a■#• t R-4 Y 1 ra..rrr.rr..... �.aaa...■ � 4 r � 4 1 R-15 - '"•" ■ *4 - -- - -- -- - - --- -- �• r I li i ♦r j ■NAP............ ; r.. . . . . . .. . . . , ■ ■ R-8 lilil I � Gk 11111111 1111111IT - - - - - - 7................ Page 23 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 168 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOLSE,ID83714 1 208.639.6939 1 FAQ{208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-2 Apex Subdivision A portion of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates(Book 94,Pages 9403 andA04,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 112 of the 5outhw ® Section 31 and a portion of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1{4 of the Southeast 2j7 1,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and particularly described as follows= O Commencing at a 518-inch rebar marking the to d Section 31,which bears N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet from an alu a ing the West 1/4 of said section 31,thence following the northerly line of saio�rt ® the Southwest 1J4 of Section 31,589"57'15"W a distance of 33$.68 feet to t GINNING. Thence leaving said northerly li 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet,a delta angle of 49"31'13",a chord bearing of S65"17'09"E and a chord distance of 192.66 feet; Thence S4O"31'33"E a distance of 241.33 feet; Thence 199A2 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 280.O0 feet,a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of S20°07'20"I and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence 500"16'52"W a distance of 895.00 feet to the southerly line of sa€d West I/2 of the Northwest 114 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,N89°52'08"W a distance of 62.50 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1J16 corner of said Section 31 and being on the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1; Thence leaving said southerly line and following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following Wur5e$: I. FoPowing the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 2. Leaving said southerly line,N23"55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 3_ N15"35'10"W a distance of 254.88 feet; 4. N14"41'01"W a distance of 193.75 feet; 5. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 6. N89"52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 7, 534'41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 8. N55"18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 9. N34"41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 10, N04"34'55"E a distance of 91.69 feet; 11, N26"44'50"W a distance of 85.73 feet; 12. N56"37'31"W a distance of 87.84 feet, 13. N76"13'OW W a distance of 89.83 feet; 14. N86'11'04W a distance of 185.99 feet; 15, 571'42'28'W a distance of 114.34 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS PLANNERS Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 169 of 302 16. 560"59'WW a distance of 112.15 feet; 17. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet; 18. S78°51'41"W a distance of 45.77 feet; 19. 551°46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 20. 565°27'07"W a distance of 258.28 feet; 21. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 22. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet; 23. 88.50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.00 feet, a delta a ngIe of 18°26'21",a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chord distance of 88.12 feet; 24. 5Z8°48'07"W a distance of 181.70 feet; 25. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said cu aving a radius of 475.00 fee t, a delta angle of 11"31714",a chord bearing of N47"46'47"W Vrd distance of 95.21 feet; 26. N42"01'40"W a distance of 107.05 feet; O 27. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the I rve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48"03'29",a chord bearin ® and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 28. 5S9°5443"W a distance of 124.67 feet; Q 29. N46"59'43"W a distance of 29.21fee#�yth sterly right-of-way line of State Highway 59; Thence leaving said boundary BU 589'54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of Se 3 Thence following said westerly ,NOD°05'07"W a distance of757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 comer of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northe rly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4, N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,168,94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.79 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. Cs 12459 ,z Of L. B �' S--;0•zCqx Page 25 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 170 of 302 8 .V.44WIMi CW PDIItT L1F C✓1iE6rC[7�f� M 31 5 4 GLI3f71'.k1Cfr4H#ti BA5�jQF eE M cfxr�url kar , WW5713'[ Z]a7.Bs' I it 36 rws7'151E 2IM-04' 0 o Rez0he Area:413_79f Ar- P°tliT d a, BERWNW li All of R7824229LW4&parkpn gf O R782,122dM2 .,I Curren[Zoning:f14.1 r-FF0p0wd 2fm R-2 p L 1 L19 L7 LID la Y Ln Cd O o I o ' 4 �j P•7! i4Jd JB0 MCI 104R SKEET; c.�%/%COMM I OF 2 I ar{vsr�n a1 I H hm .- il}}�C•31Y[klor k.J.kE lWdll.i� SI` L 1'=404' `IIAdpmI b~ ur P�1�+4+ a LlJ11YE TAME G CIIR.! Illwlu} LflViTH =rm U*wm 6� .. 1 43D,OP' 1OL19' •YJ1'11` swiravc 142,6C C! =M' r99_4Z' 4Cr4VW SWV-Z3-= 19533" r,l le C3 rra.cb' E0.iC 11r2E's1' ra64',2'ipl+ ae.lsf cc � 44 47S1 49 e — C8 M WFT�eIE LryETANU I 4A u �t LY Uhtl ><ww pwrmte IIxE 9E..ILV16 NIT"KIE O p� L1 5EP511151Y 338.11& L1a' FIQB"17'Q4'A. 1[s,E@ � p4'37'3r'"Lt 2i1.m 47$ 571'421 1 k" a hw nt rT 0HEPd@'OSV1 3L95 L14 SISI?SY1C1f 112.18 ry L# r46F'S3'311Y 134�43 L30 N7f'67'L*7 tit' 2i0AT l8 FQr'L}53Yf0.1 L31 57kT5t'#i-q 45.77 1i ld g76'�5't6'1• l9P -!'t'TP'11 li7.E7'L7 Iki4'4t'IWO L43 &WV'97'W 23LZ a ITT. II�Y].1W l.E M3T'le'li1Y 014Z U4 :917U 2* 08.71Lp r18P52'31 V L25 ff-=a1'E wim SHEET: 2OF2 & `4''11Yr Laa EW4BlSTY' 1$1.7¢ 1L'k RnF7jr4*V i e6,1Q LF7 rq#4r'44"Y' 147 M V2 H34'41'111E $r,$5 ZWSW43ti 124.d7 U3 Ht34'S5-E Er-9 i29 114+Id5$' 1� 29.#I Li{ M2 "Wrm 65.7� L30 SE6:r4'�SYf J3JlG 41? NW37'3i'm CPA* LIE M7P73Y1e'14 �4�6 •�Y'�+lTSvriTwl}M1 .'.1..ran ldlFGY I+a IW.Trc Page 26 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 171 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID B3714 I 209.G39.6939 I FAX 208.639.6930 March 23,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit Legal Description for Zone R-4 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County, ldaho and being more particularly described as follows Commencing at a brass cap marking the VVest 1/4 corner of said Section 32,which bears N00"32'22"W a distance of 2,700.07 feet from a brass cap marking the southwest corner of sa id Section 32,thenca following the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of 5ectian 32,500'32'22"E a distance of 22 6.2 6 feet to a 51 8-inch rebar on the centerline of Farr Lateral and being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence leaving said westerly line and foI owing said centerline the fallowing courses: 1. S38"43'32"E a distance of 61.71 feet; 2. 551'12'32"E a distance of 444.04 feet; 3. S60'36'10"E a distance of 272.66 feet; 4. 586'04'31"E a distance of 206.22 feet; 5. 573°45'13"E a distance of 341.51 feet; 6. S43°15'53"E a distance of 313.74 feet; 7, 529"01'13"1=a distance of 97.13 Feet to the easterly line of said West 112 of the Southwest 1/4; Thence leaving said centerline and following said easterly line,500°09'25'E a distance of 206.12 feet to a 1/2-Inch rebar on the easterly boundaryof said Farr Lateral; Thence leaving said easterly Iine and following said easterly boundary the following courses' X. 22.57 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 144.67 feet, a delta angle of 08"56'24",a chord bearing of S56"50'40"W and a chord distance of 22.55 Feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. S61°18'54"W a distance of 9 1.61 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 122,47 feet along the are of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 220.U0 feet,a delta angie of 31'53'39",a chard bearing of 577'15'42„W and a chard distance of120.813 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 4 N86'47'31"W a distance of 362.95 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. SB3°47'06"W a distance of 26.72 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 6- S69"57'44"W a distance of 128.97 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 7, 90.89 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 47"20'30",a chard bearing of 546"18'02"W and a chord distance of 83.33 feet; Thence leaving said easterly houndary, NS9"42'21"W a distance of 543.65 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 32; Thence fallowing said westerly Iine, NO0'32'22"W a distance of 1,1.93.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,. Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 172 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 22,23 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhib1t B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a � j '~ -Z-0 POINT GF C;CMMENLEMENT •20' s 6/w-INgi R£W BRASS CAP s3a43',371E Yf IY# CORNER SE-CnOm ]2 A1.7r' 0-Yu 1/1E 00RNm g sEM" m PC11NT OF 0 272 Wr 311E I AC c v W13-E I C n T-A1' r Q ' Zone Area,22,23f AC- r+3 F tion ol`5f132;2!5JiM 543 15531E _ 'y o �Cunni 2aning-R-4 313,7;' 1C 'a LI] .+ 66 C �= L Sarcfl'25'E °e NBS#7'31 C2 1ot,G9' o HW42'21-9 G JGLW 54 S5' 5A-INC1i MAR sw 1/1 sscnmER I.iNE rpm �I� I u« K"ftK a LINE SFJIeEN[t1011TAWE PAZU0 ad4w CURwE i,16if Li 52745'73� I`� - SHEET: 12 woflp5:E 3 cuevE RAERIS 04M DELTA oaalae" 04WO 1 OF 1 t3 sa1,10,5dp w I � 1+4.V1 22-V irm'44` SjWt 40-W z2_W L# $43'47'99�14 m2 O,W' 1T.247' 31"'1S'34' S7T15'i2.^A' f,2om � S�!'Sr#i74 i GS 110A}6' 98W 47s0'30' S<a'ifi'62'w U,"}3• i i MAM CAP 5W COFEER SECnDR 32 (MAEEfd.mmvnDm rLgmjrL kas rAm!riR FrWLT E LAKE HAZELRD 31 32 T-M,. R,1E eceWmAmjmru 6 5 * .F R.1E.T r_ rArll��o�-emu Page 28 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 173 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 837'14 1 208.639,6939 1 FAX 208.639.5930 April 2,2020 Project No.2M17 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-8-North Apex Subdivision A portion of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4,a portion of the Southeast 1/4 and a portion of the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M., City of IVlerldian,Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center of said Section 31,thence following the northerly line of said Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, N89"57'56"E a distance of 2,601-37 feet to a brass cap marking the East 114 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly line of said Southeast 1/4,500"32'22NE a distance of 1,419.94 feet; Thence leaving said easterly Iiae,N89°42'21"W a distance of 1,423.17 feet; Thence 500°16'52"W a distance of SMOG feet; Thence NS9°42'2VW a distance of 1,1.98-50 feet to the westerly line of said Southeast 1/4; Thence following said westerly line, N00°16'52"E a distance of 682.44 feet to the Center-South 1f 15 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line,589-52'08"E a distance of 62.50 feet, Thence N00°16'52"E a distance of 895.0E feet; Thence 199.42 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 280,M feet, a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of N20°07`2O"W and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence N40"31'33"W a distance of 241-33 feet; Thence 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet, a delta angle of 49'31'13", a chord bearing of N65"17'09"W and a chord distance of 192.66 feet to the southerly tine of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 31; Thence fallowing said southerly line,S89"57'15"W a distance of 980.26 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center-West 1/16 corner of saGd Section 31; Thence Leaving said southerly line a nd fo Vow!ng the westerly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, NOO"25'36"E a distance of 1,558.66 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line, N81°55'55"E a distance of 518.76 feet; Thence 56.28 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 58.GO feet,a delta angle of 55"35'50",a chord bearing of 520°49'52"E and a chord distance of 54.10 fleet; Thence 546°52M"E a distance of 45.40 feet; Thence 554'18'10"E a distance of 180.18 feet; Thence 16 1.54 feet along the arc of a circular cu rve to the left,said curve having a radius of 588.00 feet, a delta angle of 15°44'26",a chord bearing of 562°10'23"E and a chard distance of 161.03 feet; Thence S70°02'36"E a distance of 107-80feet; Thence S19'57'24"W a distance of 12.00 feet; Thence 570°02'36"E a distance of 14.45 feet; Thence SEW58'05"l;a distance of 207.13 feet; Thence S65a32'50"E a distance of 188.57 feet to the easterly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4; Page 29 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 174 of 302 Thence following said easterly fine,SCO°3a'17"W a distance of 1,140.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 144.78 acres, more or le5s. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of, NL 12459 w If V or % L, 1B •7-'Z ?.D .ter y16.7ek � �V.SS C++P .IJ E HUM I/4 CORNER SUN% 31 �p M6G38r17� L377.B+' Z v V � C Z ° Cr ir1 o - -9 `* -WCH REW C) 'j o i C--w 1 f 1 G [KAMER 1+ 5=r1w 31 C ru 'a G Y Er3T 1!1 COPof�! .0 a w FX71r1T OF BEG!HrRNG # SECTION 31 6/6-INCH RM4R rw 7 CEP 8C CENTER OF SE7CT70W 31 9►SI or 9EJYi21My QJ X 994,29' W NW57'5Er 2601.37 M m STTSr3o7A2 31 CIOQr �AW a +� *UT 1/d C#NEA Swhok 11 hk1�31'S314 � �G 20.33' Rezone Area: 144-78t AC- All pF 51381244500&punlDn of R7&Z422GWj r W M S113143720p,S1111438400 SL 511314172SI � �s4 Current Zuni rTq-RUT&R'4 # . I Proposed Zoning:R-8 A{ g G1`e. wkex� COST - — — — — — — F — — — — — — — — SHEET; 6v9-4CH TER 1 +✓8��231'4 1423.17' 1 OF 2 c-s 1/10 CORNER n iy OF 9ECRIN 31 e g m I r�EP+Y�1`rr 101.156' ` I /y ��/�yy��II n�ya�yy 0 3013 600 7UhT�m 'o-NLA, W 31Y 51310113ra LkI kVJl.p.lfl:■]14 SCALE' 1'�h6G'Q• '11.!1x 16, a raw,M.0 Q3D Page 30 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 175 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE 5TREET I BDISE,ID 83714 1 208.639.6939 l FAX 2D8,639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No,20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-15 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31 and a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 114 of Section 32,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,B.M.,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6,Township 2 North, Range 1 East B.M.,al I situated in the City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the corner common to Section 31,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,and Section 6,Township 2 North,Range 1 East,which Hears N89°42'21"E a distance of 2,W.00 feet from a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Southeast 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence following the westerly line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,NDD°16'52"E a distance of 660.00 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line,589042'21"E a distance of 1,198.50 feet; Thence N40"16'52"E a distance of G20AO feet; Thence 589°42'21"E a distance of 1,971.82 feet to the easterly boundary of the Farr Lateral; Thence following said easterly boundary the following courses: 1. 64.48 feet along the arc of a circuiar curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 33°35'03",a chord hearing of505°50'15"W and a chord distance of 63.56 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. 51ti`57'45"E a distance of 410.17 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 114.95 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 140.00 feet, a delta angle of 47'02'41",a chord bearing of S34*29'08"E and a chord distance of 111.7S feet to a 1/7-inch rebar; 4. S58'00'310E a distance of 219.85 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. S69`55'45"E a distance of 503.32 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar on the easterly line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said easterly Gne,500'14'02"E a distance of 430.90 feet to the southerly line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said southerly line,N89'57'46"W a distance❑f 641.22 feet; Thence N00°06'18"W a distance of 1.24,99 feet; Thence N47°51'44"W a distance of 797.36 feet; Thence N89°42'21"W a distance of 775.42 feet; Thence 5001652"W a distance of 1,154.01 feet; Thence N89°42'2WW a distance of 587,77 feet; Thence N0D°02'06"W a distance of 494,01 feet to the southerly line of the Southeast 114 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,NS9°42'2VW a distance of I,370,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 31 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 176 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 76.93 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby Trade a part of. Th OF .z4).so LEGEND FOUND BRASS CAP � o/6-wcri Ri±o,uh A CALGi RJtrEIs FGW Ln y, REZONE EGLWAff JL 12 D 5130 1000 1500 '� # E7tMMPQ R%RC 1 Lw1E cc -- — =SECTION LINE Plan Seale.1"-500' fl1 :'2 o CURVE TA$LE aMWE RADLs EDIGrN OELT CNOpDBRG tFGFil1 LU 3 C1 11P.4a' 84.4v 3W351G3' E— C2 14f}_Ot}' 11493' �7'�2'ai $3#2 `G9'E 111-35 m rW3 'S a--' CL o $W42'2S'E 197t.62 I 13 3 i1 a z Rerrme Area_M.991 Ar. * z La parkloe$7,131�36�00,51733i#7 C O SI1.3141775L.51333335EM.ASI&M3Gal5 Ll✓rrnk 29f'"�(;'R-1 .ten Lr O $ fapoud7lonir IF15 ;n 5Se'O 219 85' d3l'E SALTi2'31� i y}' 775.42' � Ss r tkCr m c_� o iY 1 1 raolxoe'ser L3ASI$ OF BEARING Z 3A 124.99• fi N99'42'21•W 13711_UD' ,ram+ T.7N., R.IE. €LAKE HAZEL All PORlt DF HEMNING 3 89AS5 CAR km r. st ccgmn] 5/9-INCH RE9Ni SECTLOw 31 SOUTH /4 Cl7RKM SECTION 3' Q SECT�oH15 CORNER32 iWWeEPR 54a fr5r5 r yEr• 507,77' 10&wL t i iAe dim I� ..nwrGw. mmulmlawaft tAr E'+W alhava? Page 32 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 177 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I 8015E,Ip 83714 1 208,639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to C-C Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,13.K,and a portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 2 North,Range 1 East S.M.,all situated in the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, which hears N89'57'04"W a distance of 1,331.87 feet from a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the West 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence following the northerly line of said Northwest 1/4,S89°57'04"E a distance of 690,66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing aiong said northerly line,589"57'04"E a distance of 641,21 feet to a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the west 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly trine of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 5,500°01'43"E a distance of 250.92 feet to a point; Thence leaving said easterly line,S41"51'13"W a distance of 547,17 feet to a point,- Thence S89'53'42"W a distance of 96b.03 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Northwest 1/4; Thence foliowing said westerly line,NOO'04'35"W a distance of 167.37 feet to a point; Thence leaving said westerly line,N89°42'20"W a distance of 632.58 feet to a point; Thence NOO"16'52"E a distance of 1,154.01 feet to a point; Thence S89"42'21"E a distance of 775.42 feet to a point; Thence S47*51'44"E a distance of 797.36 feet to a point; Thence S00°05'18"E a distance of 125.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 43.28 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a4 to 59 . E 7.v 7-0 Page 33 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 178 of 302 os ORM CAP EAST 1:f C� omw0 i =$�GTI4� 31 � - e� � S&W4f21-E 775 � q 0 3CO 6o0 9Q0 �..� � O c ' "A Plan Scale;1"=36 O C 4 "I g 19 _ Rn POINT OF COMMENCEMENT "' $ SJ$ RED W foLINo BRASS CAP i �pDW,jj'E YY�r 1/14)21� CL ui m T FE` CORNER 59C QN 31 12&15' SECTION 31 — S69'42'21E 3 n TZ3 LL f.1$, 6PR-66, _ Sd9'57'04�E r m 6 m 2E4D.�' T,2N„ RJE 1331,87LU E LA4E HAZEL RO $ PONT 15F pealkNN0 0AS15 OF 9&WN0 *6 Z 2 w Flemn,Q Ayer A3,H�AC rn� Ponian M Sii]i41725i,Sii3232SOM. Si4OS223MOD&SiaOfii»mac tuncw AnhM:k4 Peobc"i�!Milt.E-L $MEET; 157,37' 58B!W42". M.0,V LCCE 'b I FOUND URASS C,1P Sf8—INCH RE&W I 1 A WCIJ ATO PQINT RE.ZONE BOJACORY #wwtti5.irbe[ 5. IMwwr»ltFfl EV571NC PAICEL LINE Km a"al m — — — —SE1;MN LINE iMaf Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 179 of 302 i � E FUME Northwest: APEX NORTHWEST SUBDIVOON PRELIMINARY PLAT A PORFION£rt 7HESDJFH IP43F THESIDUTHEAST V4AN0 HORTFffAT L14 OF THE !Oufi4L'Ist 1f14F x0xm]L MrM!,M 3N0PTPL PIF+GC 1 Wt, VrFCtF IAERIDPIL 19A COUNTY,IOMIO I KZL— F- wwa+w� Gi_ r - A �1 =1; Litz. I 3si X= ib 941 �:�- I - Fm_ Page 36 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 181 of 302 . k 3 y 14i mow. e ..- �-5- _. - -' 4 SEU j� •' M I R � 1 V • _ tom? i�n�a I Iri I } J I6 I r k r I # y!- I 'S�1 A _ tl 8 .Sid'- x a a a~�i TO j worm ELM y .4 iC.: tea. Phasing Plan: Page 37 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 182 of 302 APEX Northwest Phasing [anc��tua�f Se,b�ert to Cf�ange o - { — - r ...... .-� .+� ` --------- I $ �:- Southeast: APEX soutflrodr sU6$ moN PXELIMINAMY PLAT W r,nvvo�orlwxo Lr,urtolx,It rssr,fea :nr.�wti,rTHee,1Mv siUM& ='��• IOriM.hf�i.gk1F11VJi�]FJ6 f,CIRa YRXOLVl NC,1 SAllll�T.16YA �} aWL AM I� — ► .I - wi s I. I. -y_ __ _. ML Page 38 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 183 of 302 �j I' I f *' " i r ' i i I � i � i Nt f• .r. ,� 9. * J , Ilk it A r � .W 1 3 .1 eJm�rnr�a -�-- r�r � $ � •czTwaareJ-vr�=��� I i t 4L �ILj —ar' W. u ON L lall I .5 � Ill � •a�Ja::J k - •rJ 8 Page 39 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 184 of 302 AE Sr J4. .rugs i arrsi`ar; —' i r R pjp �& - F i ! ,? ,!. X 2 1 r r a t x tits j ,Ct Sr. it .w. -'• "1! 2. 7, m Q & $ ,F2 i Page 40 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 185 of 302 Phasing Plan: APEX Southeast Phasing ronr-on Subiect to Ch.... L.LAkL I IM1lL_kV. 1 ti 1 ti 1 1 COA1MCkCIAL IC{l a]MM MaAL*Zj AYrq TY �4 L Q 1 / � o - (-3) — 0 9 4�J Zg � fl G3 co 0 IV Q d a a w p — ? ao !5?+R:ST- � RESI�F7Jf1AL iR9il t3� E.STAGE Si. 3 e � � E SPIRE 5T, _ n o m CD a o 0 o 0 o s r i i s E 1NM.Er fI ti l7 49 E.AM ION ST. 0 O � Ed � E.APOMM..5[, Q L A'CC HST. � all p C§ - A m i ® ' e Iw ► a � g 9 � E.,%bVANTU ST- Page 41 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 186 of 302 E. Landscape Plan(date: 4/30/2020) Northwest: yj .C ` E�nera9Rimame— --— — - _ � "leer •r.�s�yea"�sris� �� � s - c. tt3ar rs+4Ra -aE. 0 PPF2.0 PPC 3,4 dflu I aeoy,wa�n�m+a wo n.Axo rc-.a �. _ : +147 _ I Q14}7kL1 r4L'tl h�I.� 41IY.kT171CQ11 dCYi7 InwL7EeafESITEw.a�l ,o,w';�� a;� • I a:r .. •I IL�" 4E.M]Ir+MRYT lAdMYun I — HE�L.I.a ISW.4 k7ze til Page 42 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 187 of 302 i�• � - i I {f I Ij 46 m fY • t s - -----------..------- �rarW....rrrir~--------------- ' IJWIaif144 N.iA �E_ � hNFCH LIrJ! S:"u;k�w"l.? _ .. WITCH UIE-SEE 5NkE7 PP2.0 ............... .................. ......ii...... ................... .. r _":'7rr •�' �� F' ; :tip?,>r 1" .%,d.�� s i - - ry iic + ..... FR r A0-. Page 43 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 188 of 302 Southeast: n�E�cN.niunacp�� EEO PPL3-0�i 2 0 C-` _ ••(�'� r IL G�I�ALE 7EE[6 LuAwammmiL M •max••. _...,1 �'� +.t _ - - - PPL I.y -: - PPL4.0+ P11514.0 k� -- _T -_y 'x } ! � ��_ �•�+Eov en ri —.3 ® E - `-'- t jib •- __-t 7.,_•. I ' LYYYW.hMnr•a LMDSUWC Srr1 RANRan EP 3YV fr^ iEL�.i__ r3_ Wes. - =mkt �-•�� - i#LS�G.l00YFR3 Page 44 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 189 of 302 , u �.r I '�I 1 {ti°0°f:3:t#{io�i:ic{{off ---________ 'I IJJ�[xSC,rlf-0LadF IAAT4iM SAF SHEUE73U �e�7nln[.SI moiasnl (] 0 PSAI 1'11 11W-,,IE%1m t 92A _ C) . k s u _ 1•{ ♦�. . _ LYE _--________--- .... .�t� r r'�F}yF" �vanranrvAornox � LA�+I Pk PL+IN �APITTJI -SFE 3FEErPIr40 �R70 Page 45 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 190 of 302 WAR H LGWI-SEE SHlrr PP3.0 j T- 0 4 2 :-T (Dian TPIA 0 Page 46 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 191 of 302 F. Qualified Open Space Exhibit(dated: March 2020)—NOT APPROVED Northwest: nl"U PX*THWF51 5U6dIVI5JL3N C*tN Wk(j#}IIIHI I 1 zu" .4 1 _ 1 r l ELI _ I III I I � �t•oayti�a SKI Southeast: bPEXSOVFHEW 3iIHOek+IMON oPFMSPACE MOT }_ '4 1 . . r r r 4 I r - �Ip R�1�lVf Yl1YMJ11 k'1`�...�'• � � labws 4w1 Page 47 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 192 of 302 G. Conceptual Building Elevations/Renderings Residential: lid-All . � r Pr TA 4 S ' F 0 #P. " 1�=Or.&2*6* Page 48 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 193 of 302 Y t � � i• i 'ape�`FArildenElo! ra'r'enfia,va! -r�r�— llpe,SfHrstCevur'QJ-COAYEa1tr�TGf ,"•r��:�'•••-=�.-�i : SWOME a• 11 ,Qner r1FY{bmmreicJoJ X hf IY COfllflle fCJC� Ilke' tiff fiFwx h'Li+rar.•i maxial � ,{ipll hlLV Cg17oTYblrl� Page • •- 49 J 31'. • .#.•4' Y ��� �fr� � � �� �yti ' R 'it �� i•i� •• •e 50 IX. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The subject property shall no longer be subject to the terms of the existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016- 007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)upon the property owner(s) entering into a new agreement. The new DA shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the City within six(6)months of City Council granting the subject modification. The new DA shall include the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the conceptual master plan, conceptual building elevations,preliminary plat,phasing plan,landscape plan, and qualified open space exhibits included in Section VIII and the provisions contained herein. b. Future preliminary plats shall include collector streets consistent with those shown on the Master Street Map, as required by Ada County Highway District. c. The land designated as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR) on the Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan zoned R-15 shall develop with a variety of residential dwellings (i.e. single-family detached/attached,townhouses,condominiums,and/or apartments)at a gross density ranging from eight(8)to twelve(12)dwelling units per acre. Development shall incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and shall incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity consistent with the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-10). d. Prior to development of the Mixed Use—Community(MU-C) designated areas shown on the Master Plan as"future development,"the Development Agreement shall be amended to include a conceptual development plan that demonstrates consistency with the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically the MU-C designation(see pgs. 3-13 and 3-15 thru 3-16). e. The rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Road, arterial streets, and S. Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E. Via Roberto St.,collector streets, shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches, balconies,material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. f. Development within the Williams Pipeline easement shall comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook. g. All future development, except for single-family detached dwellings, is required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. h. The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S 1406110110) located southwest of the E. Lake Hazel/S. Locust Grove Road intersection shall be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property (Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. i. The lot proposed to be annexed(i.e. Lot 4,Block 1, Shafer View Estates) shall either be split in Ada County prior to annexation into the City to create the eastern 10+/-acre parcel proposed for future development; or,the entire lot shall be included in a future subdivision. If a property Page 51 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 196 of 302 division is approved by Ada County,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the subdivision application for the eastern portion of the property. j. Multi-use pathways shall be provided with development as required by the Park's Department in accord with the Pathways Master Plan. k. The commercial(C-C zoned)portions of this development are allowed to obtain building permits prior to subdivision of the property. 2. The final plat submitted for Apex Northwest shall incorporate the following: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. The north/south alley in Block 5 does not comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 as the entire length of the alley is not visible from a public street as required; common driveways may be considered as an alternative to the alley provided they meet the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D, subject to alternative compliance approval. c. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C.2. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 3. The final plat submitted for Apex Southeast shall incorporate the following revisions: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Tower St. S. Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-313-7C.2. c. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots for micro-path connections to Discovery Park at the east boundary in Block 14. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 4. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Northwest shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-1OC.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the Page 52 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 197 of 302 construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict a gazebo with tables and benches as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5; include a detail of the gazebo. 5. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Southeast shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-10C.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots with 5-foot wide micro-paths in Block 14 at the east boundary; depict landscaping on either side of the pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C. g. Depict the children's play equipment proposed in the central common area; include a detail of the play equipment. 6. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6, 11-2A-7 and 11-2B-3 for the R-8,R-15 and C-C zoning districts respectively. 7. Off-street parking is required to be provided for residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 based on the number of bedrooms per unit; and for non-residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-613.1. 8. An exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks, fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via common driveways; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway shall be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D. 9. Address signage shall be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. 10. A perpetual ingress/egress easement shall be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D.8. A copy of said easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the final plat for City Engineer signature; or,this information may be included in a note on the face of the plat. Page 53 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 198 of 302 11. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division for the 10-foot wide multi-use pathways proposed within the site that are not located within right-of-way,prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer for the phase in which they are located. 12. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility in the residential portion of the development; and for all non-residential/commercial uses and structures.A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single-family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. 13. The qualified open space exhibits for the residentially zoned portions of Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast shall be revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 The north-south sewer line in the landscaped area of Block 5 (Apex NW)needs to be moved east to the paved access road. 1.2 No sewer or water lines have been shown to the lots in Block 7 (Apex NW). Each lot will need to have services provided. 1.3 Public Work's preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way(R-O-W),where they can easily be operated and maintained. If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of- way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions that meet both the developer's design constraints and Public Works'maintenance needs. 1.4 This development will need to be modeled at final plat to verify each phase meets minimum fire flow pressures 1.5 From the preliminary geotechnical investigation of groundwater elevation provided in the application, it appears that groundwater may not be a factor with the development of this subdivision. The initial investigative report is dated April 8,2018, and additional data collection is recommended to confirm actual groundwater levels. Updated data and recommendations from a geotechnical professional shall be required with the submittal of construction design drawings. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub- grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility,or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Page 54 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 199 of 302 Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B)for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898- 5500 for inspections of disconnection of services.Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits for the residential portions of the development. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C- 3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. Page 55 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 200 of 302 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WeUink/Doc View.asp x?id=189722&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiiy&cr=1 Southeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.oLvlWebLinkIDoeView.aspx?id=189784&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX D. POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=190778&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCibX E. PARK's DEPARTMENT Northeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.or lWebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=191486&dbid=0&repo=MeridianQU Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancit .00rg/WeUink/Doc View.aspx?id=1914 8 7&db id=0&rep o=Meridia n City Page 56 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 201 of 302 F. WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT(WASD) https://weblink.meridianciN.ofg WWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190290&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU G. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190975&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiu Southeast: https://weblink.m eridia n c i ty.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=19 09 7 7&db id=0&repo=Meridian City H. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) AZ/RZ: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191226&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCioy Northwest: (Draft)https:llweblink.meridianciiy.org/WebLinklPDF]0144da7e98-83a6-4caO-907b- 56a7e5fda2ca/191501 Southeast: (Draft) https://weblink.meridianciU.orgIWebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191503&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitE I. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL(BPBC) https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=189951&dbid=0&rep o=Meridia n Ci U J. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190512&dbid=0&repo=Meridian CitX Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190510&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity K. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190604&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.asp x?id=190605&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX L. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridiancioy.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190598&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU X. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC l l-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. hi order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: Page 57 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 202 of 302 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment to R-2, R-8, R-I5& C-C and proposed development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the Applicant complies with the provisions in Section IX. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Stafffinds the proposed single-family attached and detached homes with front-loaded and alley-loaded options will contribute to the range of housing opportunities in the City; other residential types may be provided with future phases of development. Stafffinds the commercial portion of the property will provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Stafffinds theproposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety and welfare. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Stafffinds the proposed annexation to the R-2 zoning district is consistent with the LDR FL UM designation in the Comprehensive Plan and thus is in the best interest of the City. B. Preliminary Plat Findings: In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed preliminary plats, with Staffs recommendations, are in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density, transportation, and pedestrian connectivity. (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds that public services will be provided to the subject properties proposed to be subdivided with development. (See Section IX of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Stafffinds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. Page 58 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 203 of 302 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Stafffinds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.). (See Section IX for more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health,safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 59 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 204 of 302 CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.E. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Apex Southeast(H-2020-0057) by Brighton, M urgoitio, et al., Located at the Southeast Corner of S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: ype Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 7/8/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 205 of 302 STAFF REPORT E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 legend 0 Project Lacfl�ian � TO: Planning&Zoning Commission I f -- .i FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner f 208-884-5533 - -- -- Y - F SUBJECT: H-2020-0066 Apex—MDA,AZ, RZ ; H-2020-0056 Apex Northwest—PP - - H-2020-0057 Apex Southeast—PP IF - _ 5 (to be marketed as "Pinnacle') - C LOCATION: MDA,AZ,RZ: generally located east of N_a S. Meridian Rd. and north of E. k Columbia Rd., in Sections 31 (S. '/2 and --- , NW '/4) and 32 (SW'/4),Township 3N., _ Range LE; and Sections 5 (NW %4) and 6 (NE '/4),T.2N.,R.1 E. PP(NW):NWC of S. Locust Grove Rd. &E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the SE '/4 of Section 31,T.3N., R.IE PP(SE): SEC of S. Locust Grove Rd. & E. Lake Hazel Rd., in the NW '/4 of Section 5,T.2N.,R.1E. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modification to existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016- 007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed development plan; Annexation of 40.09 acres of land with an R-2 zoning district; and,Rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2 (0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres) and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts. Apex Northwest(NW): Preliminary Plat consisting of 120 residential buildable lots, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. Apex Southeast(SE): Preliminary Plat consisting of 237 residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway)lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Because right-of-way for E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Rd. separates the land proposed to be platted, two separate preliminary plat applications are required to subdivide the property. Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 206 of 302 II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 40.09(AZ);384.97(RZ);41.75 (PP-Northwest); 81.63 (PP-Southeast) Existing/Proposed Zoning RUT in Ada County(existing);R-4(Medium Low-Density Residential) Future Land Use Designation Low Density Residential[LDR(3 or fewer units/acre)—39+/-acres); Medium Density Residential(MDR—3 to 8 units/acre)(206/-acres); Medium High-Density Residential(21+/-acres); &Mixed Use— Community(MU-C)(120+/-acres) Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Proposed Land Use(s) Single-family residential(SFR)attached/detached,commercial,office,2 schools(elementary&charter) Lots(#and type;bldg./common) NW: 120 residential buildable/II commercial buildable/14 common SE:237 residential buildable/2 commercial buildable/30 common/10 other NW&SE Combined: 357 SFR residential buildable; 13 commercial buildable;44 common lots;and 10 other lots for shared driveways Phasing Plan(#of phases) 3 (NW); 5 (SE) Number of Residential Units(type NW: 120 units(88 detached/32 attached) of units) SE:237 units(detached) NW&SE Combined: 325 detached&88 attached Density(gross&net) NW: 5.62 units/acre(gross); 11.21 units/acre(net) SE: 3.75 units/acre(gross);6.17 units/acre(net) NW&SE(overall):4.22 units/acre(gross);7.27 units/acre(net) Open Space(acres,total NW: 6.33 acres(15.17%) [%]/buffer/qualified) SE: 10.79 acres(13.22%) NW&SE Combined: 17.12 acres(or 13.88%) Amenities NW: Community center with a clubhouse,community post office,cafe, library/business center;community amphitheater;additional common open space above the minimum required. SE: Community swimming pool,tot lot with play equipment,pathway access to the City's Discovery Park,additional common open space above the minimum required. Physical Features(waterways, The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries of this site;the hazards,flood plain,hillside) McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west;and another waterway runs north/south through the site. Neighborhood meeting date;#of 2/5/20;29 attendees W attendees: History(previous approvals) ROS#7394;ROS#7783;H-2015-0019—South Meridian AZ(DA's: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst.#2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC— Inst.#2016-007073;and Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst.#2016- 007074) B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Yes(PP,draft);Yes(AZ,RZ) • Requires ACHD Yes(TBD) Commission Action (yes/no) Traffic Impact Study(yes/no) Yes Page 2 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 207 of 302 Description Details I Page Access NW:2 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd. &2 accesses via E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both (Arterial/Collectors/State existing arterial streets;and 2 collector streets are proposed Hwy/Local)(Existing and SE: 2 accesses via E.Lake Hazel Rd. &3 accesses via S.Locust Grove Rd.,both Proposed) existing arterial streets; and 3 collector streets are proposed Traffic Level of Service Better than"D"(Acceptable level of service is"E")—Lake Hazel,Locust Grove &Amity Roads Stub Two stub streets are proposed to this site from Prevail Subdivision near the Street/Interconnectivity/Cross northwest corner of the rezone area;no other stub streets exist to this site. Access Stub streets are proposed to adjacent properties for interconnectivity as shown on the preliminary plats. Existing Road Network There are no existing streets within the site,only S.Meridian Rd./SH-69,E.Lake Hazel Rd.and S.Locust Grove Rd.adjacent to the site Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There are no existing sidewalks or buffers along Meridian Rd./SH-69,Lake Hazel, Buffers or Locust Grove Roads. Proposed Road Capital Improvements Plan{CIP}t Irriegrated Five Year Wark Plan JIFYWP): Improvements ■ Vd9lb RUA 15�rNALlgd Ift the IFYINP io be Wid�M 4 16 5-hWos fllotn Lake Ha,!Et RoAd td A nn ty Road to 2023 * Eagle Road G sanamw 1n the IFYWP m be wp]9nw to 5-Panes tram Amp Roadl to vicioiy Road In 2021 + Laka Haza tined is sl fi dulod Hi Ina[l'NOF 10 bo WMenad kb 5-1ames from 1=iJgle Road to Cloverdale Road iR 2024 + Lake Naze;Road is schad+dl9d in the iFYWP to be wvdemed to 5-mws from Cloveadsle Road to Five btde Road + Tw inlnrseu mn or Lake Ha291 Rood and Pa* RW rs sclwdulad e1 th9 IF'(WPv to M widened 1a 5-.1iones Qn the north fig,a-Ames on ffu�5w*leg,3-lone5 on the+Mast leg end 3- lano�s on the east leg and signohzed in 2023 + Thy inkwEK�0 lovusi Grrnye Rpad end 1 KImy Road is whedul in the 1FYVJP to be constructed as a muiilane rounmbw voth 4-lanes on me narth arnd south legs and 24anes on the east and west kegs in 207 1 * Labe Plarzel Road qs bstud 1n me CPR to be w w1oned l0 3-1:anes ham Locust Grove Road 10 Eagle Road berween 2028 and.Z630 Lake Hzxzel Road Is listed lit the C IP to be widened to 3-;anes from hl ndlan Road ISH-W to Locusl Grave Road balwemn 2026 arrel 2030. A fnity Road is Wed in the CIP to tre widened to 5-vnes tram Locus)Grove#toad to Eagle Reed berween nNi ghd 233t} The Intwsec6on of lake Hazel Road and Lxmt Orove Rood n listed to the CIP to Ge r-sconstiluctad as a single larte roundabouk widened ko 34arres on toe MOP]leg,2•Pi9 05 cin the south,2-lams ees[,and 3-ianas on the wart lQg w1117 a msiwi-md bypass tight turn bypass lane between 20W and 2Q311 + The inimeoiw of Lake Hazel Raerd and SHE is listed en the CIP to be widened 90 7aenes on the north,saulh,west and ems)legs Ewd signaized between 2013 and 20313 • The iiw9r5ecfi4n of Locust Gr0ue F60dd end Amgyr Rued i5 I15ted iR the CIR to wiAeRetf to 4- hanes an the norm leg,3-tines on the south lag,5�Ianos on the west leg and 9-4ares on the east leg and signalized between 2GX and 2MO Additional right-of-way is required to be dedicated for the future expansion of Lake Hazel&Locust Grove Roads with pavement widened to 17' from centerline Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station NW—3.3 miles to Fire Station 94 SE—3.1 miles to Fire Station#4 • Fire Response Time NW&SE-only a small portion falls within 5 minute response time goal • Resource Reliability NW&SE-78%-does not meet target goal of 80%or greater • Risk Identification NW&SE— 1 and 4,current resources would not be adequate to supply service to this project • Accessibility NW&SE-Project meets all required access,road widths and turnarounds if phasing plan is followed Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 208 of 302 Description Details Page • Special/resource needs NW&SE-Project will require an aerial device;response time is 9 minutes travel time(under ideal conditions)—can meet this need in the required timeframe if needed • Water Supply NW&SE-Requires 1,500 gallons per minute for 2 hours,may be less if buildings are fully sprinklered • Other Resources Police Service • Distance to Police 4.5 miles Station • Police Response Time Average response time in the City is just under 4 minutes—there isn't enough public initiated call data to determine an average response time for this area(goal is 3-5 minutes) • Calls for Service 71 (within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Accessibility No concerns • Specialty/resource needs No additional resources are required at this time. • Crimes 10(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Crashes 38(within a mile of site between 3/15/2019-3/14/2020) • Other The MPD can provide service if this development is approved as they already serve this area. West Ada School District • Distance(elem,ms,hs) • Capacity of Schools Enr611m nt dr Miles &b v+awu • #of Students Enrolled Marys'MCPherioA Elementary.. s55 550 2.0 SlemElemeMary" 677 301) 3.1 vlewrw mWdle school 959 ]QW 4.2 mwntain vkwMilh khcal U19 zM9 34 —thdrin2 the INN t Pehgvl ye4ar Mpry IMcPhergon's Student uPidtq will mcrcw%6 675r due 16 9hr mn cmi 0255r4"M expansion underway.** —Enrollrmnt at HrFIsddk E'emnentary h carmiry capped.I;Ments In this dere{aprnent thal are In the HIWAam Mwldefy will he wrtanding Siena Fhtment■r}'una1 eieArstI166i Is h„1h t8 MimineteauertrawE:ng all.HIWAaJe.*`* • #of Students Anticipated 286 from this Development Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Directly adjacent Services • Sewer Shed South Black Cat Trunk Shed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining 13.95 Balance • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns Flow has been committed Water • Distance to Water Directly adjacent Services • Pressure Zone 5 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's Page 4 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 209 of 302 • Water Quality None • Project Consistent with Yes ■ Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns Public Worles preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way (ROW),where they can easily be operated and maintained.If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of-way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend iul 0 Legend Pra t Laoulkm i fibI ProjEHat LmafiDn y mu-C J �hed-I ig vnr' _ Resid6nfial Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend R T 10 Legend 0 Prajent Luc n=an Prcject Lncafian Ku r R- , CRY Llmik I-L Rl RUJT — Planned Pnraes RU R-8 UT -R- R- - RU T R-8- R R-2 _ � t Rllt -- 1A ,- RUT RUT UT Cfl --- Page 5 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 210 of 302 III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Brighton,Murgoitio,et al—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 B. Owner: Same as Applicant C. Representative: Michael D. Wardle,Brighton Corporation—2929 W.Navigator#400,Meridian,ID 83642 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Notification published in newspaper 6/19/2020 Notification mailed to property owners within 300 feet 6/16/2020 Applicant posted public hearing notice on site 6/26/2020 Nextdoor posting 6/16/2020 V. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS(Comprehensive Plan) Land Use: The Future Land Use Map(FLUM)contained in the Comprehensive Plan designates approximately 39 acres of the site as Low Density Residential(LDR),206+/-acres as Medium Density Residential(MDR); 21+/-acres as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR); and 120+/-acres as Mixed Use—Community. A future school site and City Park is designated in the general area northwest of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection,north of the MU-C designated area. Another school site is designated on the east side of N. Locust Grove Rd.,north of Lake Hazel Rd.,just north of the subject rezone area. The LDR designation allows for the development of single-family homes on large and estate lots at gross densities of 3 dwelling units or less per acre. These areas often transition between existing rural residential and urban properties. Developments need to respect agricultural heritage and resources,recognize view sheds and open spaces, and maintain or improve the overall atmosphere of the area. The use of open spaces,parks,trails, and other appropriate means should enhance the character of the area. The MDR designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre. The MHDR designation allows for a mix of dwelling types including townhouses,condominiums, and apartments. Residential gross densities should range from 8 to 12 dwelling units per acre. These areas are relatively compact within the context of larger neighborhoods and are typically located around or near mixed use commercial or employment areas to provide convenient access to services and jobs for residents. Developments need to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and should also incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity. The purpose of the MU-C designation is to allocate areas where community-serving uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings.Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in Mixed Use—Neighborhood(MU-N) areas,but not as large as in Mixed Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 211 of 302 Use—Regional(MU-R) areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to,but also walk or bike to(up to 3 or 4 miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. Developments are encouraged to be designed according to the conceptual MU-C plan depicted in Figure 3C in the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-16). In reviewing development applications,the items noted on Pgs. 3-13, 3-15 and 3-16 will be considered(see analysis below). Transportation: ACHD's Master Street Map (MSM)depicts an east/west residential collector street at the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads; a north/south industrial collector at the half mile between Meridian and Locust Grove Roads north of the half mile between Amity and Lake Hazel Roads,which transitions to a residential collector to the south to Lake Hazel Rd.; a commercial collector around the MU-C designated area at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection(see dashed lines on map below), and a residential collector along the southern boundary of Apex Southeast. A dual lane roundabout is planned at the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Rd. intersection.Note:Because a residential collector seems to be more appropriate than an industrial collector street designation in this area,ACHD has included a change to the street classification in the MSM update currently in process. The proposed preliminary plats depict collector streets consistent with the MSM (i.e. E. Crescendo St. & S. Apex Ave. in Apex Northwest; and E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. in Apex Southeast). The proposed Master Plan included in Section VIII.A, depicts conceptual street locations in the annexation/rezone area; future preliminary plats should provide collector streets in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. T_ ILI { > _....,-f�.f'LRaL:Fi1'�YYi.�......--v .___,..T..,i:wM•.• i , e — Jr Proposed Development: The Applicant proposes to develop the 41.75 acre property at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR&MU-C designated areas with 120 single-family residential units consisting of 32 attached units and 88 detached units, a future public elementary school, and neighborhood-scale commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. The 81.63 acre property located at the southeast corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads in the MDR and MU-C designated areas is Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 212 of 302 proposed to develop with 237 single-family residential detached units,a charter school, and commercial uses as allowed in the C-C zoning district. A City Park is not required to be provided with this development due to the proximity of Discovery Park at the project's southeast boundary; however,the Park's Dept.would be willing to discuss the potential for a partnership if desired by the Applicant. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents."(2.01.02D) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded)are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval,and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) City water and sewer service is available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Avoid the concentration of any one housing type or lot size in any geographical area;provide for diverse housing types throughout the City."(2.01.01 G) A mix of single family attached and detached units (alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Northwest; only single-family detached units (front-and alley-loaded) are proposed in Apex Southeast. • "Encourage compatible uses and site design to minimize conflicts and maximize use of land." (3.07.00) The proposed residential uses should be compatible with existing rural residential/agricultural uses in the area. The proposed design of the commercial and residential areas with streets separating the uses should minimize conflicts. • "With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathway connections, easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools,and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities." (2.02.01A) Internal pedestrian pathways are proposed through common areas for interconnectivity as well as to the City Park on the east side of Apex Southeast and to perimeter sidewalks. Segments of the City's multi-use pathway system are required in accord with the Pathways Master Plan (see Park's Dept. comments in Section IX.E).Detached sidewalks are proposed along the arterial and collector streets for safe pedestrian access. Usable open space and quality amenities are proposed(see detailed analysis below in Section VIB). • "Ensure development is connected to City of Meridian water and sanitary sewer systems and the extension to and through said developments are constructed in conformance with the City of Meridian Water and Sewer System Master Plans in effect at the time of development."(3.03.03A) The proposed development will connect to City water and sewer systems;services are required to be provided to and though this development in accord with current City plans. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks,water and sewer utilities."(3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks is required to be provided with development as proposed with the preliminary plats. Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 213 of 302 • "Encourage the development of high quality, dense residential and mixed use areas near in and around Downtown,near employment, large shopping centers,public open spaces and parks, and along major transportation corridors, as shown on the Future Land Use Map."(2.02.01E) Lake Hazel Rd. lies between the proposed preliminary plats and is classified as a residential mobility arterial that is planned to be a major transportation corridor. A City Park(Discovery Park)abuts the east side of the proposed Apex Southeast subdivision.All four corners of the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection are designated for mixed use (MU-C)development. Development in this area should be high quality and more densely populated at a minimum of 6 units/acre in the MU-C designated area. The gross density of Apex Southeast is only 3.75 units per acre while the density of Apex Northwest is 5.62 units per acre.Staff encourages a higher density due to the location of this site adjacent to a major transportation corridor and City Parr This could be attained through the inclusion of more dense housing types such as more single-family attached units, townhome units and/or multi family apartments. • "Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools,parks, and other community gathering places."(2.02.01G) Detached sidewalks and pathways are proposed throughout the proposed subdivisions for safe pedestrian access to the future school sites, the City Park and neighborhood commercial/office uses. • "Where feasible, encourage large transmission and pipeline utility corridors to function as transitional buffers,parkland,pathways, and gathering spaces within and adjacent to their right of way."(3.07.01E) A 75 foot wide easement for the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline crosses this site and is depicted on the Master Plan and preliminary plats as grassy open space area containing a multi-use pathway. No structures are allowed within this easement. • "Require collectors consistent with the ACHD Master Street Map(MSM), generally at/near the mid- mile location within the Area of City Impact."(6.01.03B) Collector streets are proposed on the preliminary plats in accord with the MSX collector streets will be required to be provided with future preliminary plats in accord with the MSM as required by ACHD. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas, per the Comprehensive Plan(pg.3-13): (Staffs analysis in italics) • "A mixed-use project should include at least three types of land uses. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. This land use is not intended for high density residential development alone." The proposed development includes four(4) different land use types—residential(single-family), civic (i.e. amphitheater and community center), commercial and office. • "Where appropriate,higher density and/or multi-family residential development is encouraged for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69." Although a small portion of land proposed to be annexed with this application fronts on SH-69/S. Meridian Rd., it is not proposed to redevelop with this application and is designated for LDR uses. • "Mixed Use areas are typically developed under a master or conceptual plan; during an annexation or rezone request,a development agreement will typically be required for developments with a Mixed Use designation." A Master Plan is proposed with the rezone request for the portion of the property surrounding the Lake Hazel/Locust Grove intersection designated as MU-C(see Section VIII.A).A Development Agreement Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 214 of 302 is required as a provision of the rezone to ensure future development is consistent with the MU-C FL UM designation. • "In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed,the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common,usable area, such as a plaza or green space." The Master Plan for Apex Northwest depicts a community center with a plaza and amphitheater in the commercial portion of the development. The Master Plan for the commercial portion of Apex Southeast nearest the intersection doesn't include a development plan—the future plan should include some form of common, usable area such as a plaza or green space as desired as should other future commercial/office areas in MU-C designated areas where future development is unknown at this time. • "The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low-or medium-density residential development." There are no existing residential uses adjacent to proposed commercial development; therefore, transitional uses and buffering aren't applicable. • "Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, clinics, churches, schools,parks, daycares,civic buildings, or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed-use developments." A public school is planned in Apex Northwest and a charter school is planned in Apex Southeast per the Master Plan in accord with the FL UM which depicts two school sites in this general area.A community center and amphitheater is proposed in the commercial portion of Apex Northwest. A 27-acre City Park (Discovery Park) abuts the east side of Apex Southeast.A linear open space is planned where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas,outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count." An outdoor amphitheater, community center with a plaza and charter school is proposed in this development in the MU-C designated area. Discovery Park, a 27-acre regional City park, exists to the east of Apex Southeast and includes picnic shelters,pathways, open play areas,play structures, a splash pad, an off-leash dog park and ballfields. • "Mixed use areas should be centered around spaces that are well-designed public and quasi-public centers of activity. Spaces should be activated and incorporate permanent design elements and amenities that foster a wide variety of interests ranging from leisure to play. These areas should be thoughtfully integrated into the development and further placemaking opportunities considered." The public/quasi-public areas (i.e. community center and amphitheater)proposed in this development are centrally located within the mixed use designated area in Apex Northwest. Discovery Park abuts Apex Southeast and offers a wide variety of activities for area residents. • "All mixed-use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians." The proposed mixed use developments will be directly accessible to adjacent neighborhoods within the section through extension of streets and internal pedestrian pathways. • "Alleys and roadways should be used to transition from dissimilar land uses, and between residential densities and housing types." Roadways are proposed as a transition between residential and commercial land uses in both of the proposed subdivisions; and alleys, roadways and common areas are proposed between residential housing types and densities as desired. Page 10 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 215 of 302 • "Because of the parcel configuration within Old Town,development is not subject to the Mixed Use standards listed herein." The subject property is not located in Old Town, therefore, this item is not applicable. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in MU-C areas, per the Comprehensive Plan (pgs.3-15 thru 3-16): • "Developments should comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed Use areas." See analysis above. • "All developments should have a mix of at least three land use types." The proposed development has a mix of residential, commercial, office and civic uses as desired. • "Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the development area at gross densities ranging from 6 to 15 units/acre." Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the overall MU-C designated area at a minimum density of 6 units/acre. Prior to development of the `future development"areas on the Master Plan, a conceptual development plan should be submitted to ensure compliance. • "Non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings." The design, color, construction materials and height of non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend with adjacent residential buildings as desired. • "Vertically integrated structures are encouraged." No vertically integrated structures are proposed at this time but are encouraged to be included. • "Unless a structure contains a mix of both residential and office, or residential and commercial land uses, a maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 60,000 square-foot building footprint. For the development of public school sites,the maximum building size does not apply." The building footprints shown on the Master Plan do not exceed 30,000 square feet;future development should be consistent with this guideline. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries,and schools that comprise a minimum of 5%of the development area are required. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count towards this requirement." A community center with a plaza area and amphitheater are proposed in Apex Northwest adjacent to service commercial and office uses; a charter school is proposed in Apex Southeast. These types of spaces and places and uses should be provided in all of the MU-C designated areas in accord with this guideline. Linear open space containing a multi-use pathway is proposed where the Williams Northwest Gas Pipeline easement is located. • Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development above the minimum 5%,the developer may be eligible for additional residential densities and/or an increase to the maximum building footprint." Although this is an option, the developer is not requesting an increase in density or in the maximum building footprint allowed. Staff believes the proposed development plan is generally consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density and transportation. Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 216 of 302 VI. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE ANALYSIS(UDC A. Development Agreement Modification (MDA): The Applicant proposes to modify the existing Development Agreements(H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments, LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton, LLC—Inst. #2016-007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)for this property in order to replace the agreements with one new agreement based on the proposed Master Plan(see Section VIII.A). The existing Development Agreements (DA's)were required with the South Meridian Annexation application in 2015. Because that application was initiated by the City,no development was proposed at that time. A"placeholder"zoning of R-4 was assigned to all of the properties with the requirement that any future development would require an amendment to the DA's to approve any proposed development plan. Existing allowed uses in the County pertaining to the raising or maintaining of livestock and agricultural operations; an exemption to MCC 6-3-10,Firearms,Dischargeable Instruments; and existing agreements for the collection of solid waste were allowed to remain and continue until such time as the properties redeveloped in the future. With the proposed development,these uses are required to cease. The existing DA's require any property or easements needed by the City to provide any sewer or water infrastructure needed in furtherance of the agreement to be provided by the Owner at no cost to the City for the intent of providing for the advancement of sewer and water infrastructure for the benefit of the property,the City and adjacent properties for water mains, sewer mains and trunk lines. Because all of the water and sewer infrastructure commitments have been met and have been constructed,these provisions do not need to be carried over to the new DA. Staff recommends the proposed Master Plan is included in the new DA along with the provisions for future development listed in Section IX.A.1 to ensure compliance with the MU-C FLUM designation. B. Annexation&Zoning(AZ): Annexation of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Subdivision consisting of 40.09 acres of land is proposed with an R-2 zoning district consistent with the associated FLUM designation of LDR. This lot was previously deed restricted as part of a non-farm development in the County and was only allowed to be used as open space for a period of not less than 15 years from the recording date of the plat;because the plat was recorded in 2002,this restriction has since expired. No development is proposed at this time.Annexation is requested because the easterly 10 acres of the lot is needed for sewer and access to the proposed development; the remainder of the property is not proposed to develop as part of this project. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district. The Developer plans to develop the property between the collector street and the adjoining Shafer View Subdivision with 1-acre lots as a transition and buffer to the existing neighborhood. Prior to annexation of the property, a lot division should be approved by Ada County in order for the Applicant to only develop the eastern portion of the property. The annexation area is within the Area of City Impact Boundary(AOCI).A legal description for the annexation area is included in Section VIII.B. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because the R-2 district only allows single-family residential detached dwellings, parks,minor public utilities and certain wireless communication facilities as principal permitted uses, Staff does not feel it's necessary to restrict development of the property through a DA as a provision of annexation. Page 12 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 217 of 302 C. Rezone(RZ): A rezone of 384.97 acres of land from the R-4 to the R-2(0.70 acre),R-8 (144.78+ 119.28=264.06 acres),R-15 (76.93 acres)and C-C(43.28 acres)zoning districts is proposed. The 0.70 of an acre of land proposed to be rezoned to R-2 is located directly to the east of the annexation area on the west side of the future collector street depicted on the Master Plan. Because this property is designated MDR on the FLUM,the R-4 or R-8 zoning districts would typically be the best zoning choices. However,because this area will develop as part of the adjacent property to the west proposed to be annexed with R-2 zoning, Staff recommends the adjacent LDR designation is used for the area proposed to be rezoned as allowed in the Comprehensive Plan when deemed appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application(see pg. 3-9).No development is proposed at this time. Future development is required to comply with the dimensional standards of the R-2 zoning district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-4 and the allowed uses listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2. The areas proposed to be rezoned to R-8 consisting of a total of 264.06 acres are primarily designated on the FLUM as MDR but some of the area is within the MU-C designated area. The Master Plan does not depict a conceptual development plan for much of the R-8 zoned area except for that to the south of the C- C zoned area in Apex Southeast where single-family detached homes are proposed at a gross density of 3.75 units/acre. Because this area is in close proximity to a major transportation/mobility corridor (E.Lake Hazel Rd.) and a City Park, a higher density in this area is encouraged. The 76.93 acre areas proposed to be rezoned to R-15 lie within areas designated as MDR,MHDR and MU-C on the FLUM. The Master Plan does not include a conceptual development plan for the portion in the MHDR designated area. To ensure future development occurs consistent with the guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan for MHDR designated areas,Staff recommends a DA provision requiring future development to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place; an alternative housing type such as townhomes and/or multi- family is recommended.Connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways,attractive landscaping and project identity should also be provided.The majority of the remainder of the R-15 area is designated MU-C with a small portion designated MDR.Alley-loaded single-family attached and detached homes are depicted on the Master Plan in the MDR and MU-C designated areas included in the Apex Northwest plat at the northwest corner of Locust Grove/Lake Hazel Roads in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. A concept development plan is not proposed for the remainder of the area proposed to be zoned R-15 north of the commercial area in Apex Northwest, on the south side of Lake Hazel and on the east side of Locust Grove in the MU-C designated area. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan,Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan. Future development should comply with the dimensional standards of the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11- 2A-7,the allowed uses for the R-15 district listed in UDC Table 11-2A-2, and the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically MU-C designated areas in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezone of 43.28 acres of land to the C-C zoning district is consistent with the associated FLUM designation of MU-C. The area at the northwest corner of Locust Grove and Lake Hazel Roads is proposed to develop with a mix of neighborhood-serving commercial and office uses including a community center and amphitheater; and the area on the south side of Lake Hazel, east of the Locust Grove/Lake Hazel intersection is proposed to develop with a charter school as depicted on the Master Plan. A conceptual development plan is not proposed for the MU-C designated areas at the southwest, southeast and northeast corners of the intersection. To ensure these areas develop consistent with the general Mixed Use and MU-C guidelines in the Comprehensive Plan, Staff recommends the DA is amended prior to development of these areas to include a conceptual development plan consistent with these guidelines. Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 218 of 302 The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S1406110110)located southwest of the E.Lake Hazel/S.Locust Grove Rd.intersection shown as an"NAP"should be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property(Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such should be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. Legal descriptions with associated exhibit maps of the areas proposed to be rezoned are included in Section VIII.B. Because the legal description and map for the R-2 zoned area includes 40.09 acres of land that is part of the annexation request, Staff has requested the Applicant revise the description to exclude that area; a revised legal description and exhibit map should be submitted prior to the City Council hearing. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with a rezone pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. Because a new DA is proposed to replace the existing DA's Staff recommends the above recommended DA provisions are included in that agreement. D. Preliminary Plats: Two separate preliminary plats,Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast,are proposed due to ACHD right-of- way(ROW) for Lake Hazel and Locust Grove Roads separating the properties. Because this overall project will be developed as a single integrated project and marketed as such, analysis of both projects is included in this report. Apex Northwest consists of 120 single-family residential buildable lots for the development of 88 detached and 32 attached dwelling units, 11 commercial buildable lots and 14 common lots on 41.75 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 2,863 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 3,885 s.f. The gross density proposed is 5.62 units/acre with a net density of 11.21 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in 3 phases as shown on the Phasing Plan in Section VIII.D. Apex Southeast consists of 237 single-family residential buildable lots,2 commercial buildable lots, 30 common lots and 10 other(shared driveway) lots on 81.63 acres of land in the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. The minimum lot size proposed is 4,840 square feet(s.f.)with an average lot size of 7,058 s.f. The gross density proposed is 3.75 units/acre with a net density of 6.17 units/acre. The subdivision is proposed to develop in three(5)phases as shown on the phasing plan in Section VIII.D. Overall,a total of 357 single-family residential buildable lots, 13 commercial buildable lots,44 common lots and 10 other lots are proposed between the two subdivisions at a gross overall density of 4.22 units/acre and a net overall density of 7.27 units/acre. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are no existing structures within the boundaries of the proposed plats. The Northwest Williams Gas Pipeline crosses the northeast corners of Apex Northwest(Lot 2,Block 6) and Southeast(Lot 1,Block 9 and Lot 1,Block 14)subdivisions as depicted on the preliminary plats. Development within this area should comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook.No structures should be located within the easement. Proposed Use Analysis: The proposed single-family detached and attached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts; and an education institution is listed as a conditional use in the R-8 zoning district per UDC Table 11-2A-2, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14. An education institution and professional service(i.e. office) is listed as a principal permitted use in the C-C Page 14 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 219 of 302 district, subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-14; other allowed uses in the C-C district are listed in UDC Table 11-213-2. Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): Development of the subject property is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6 for the R-8 zoning district, 11-2A-7 for the R-15 district and 11-213-3 for the C-C district. Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards(UDC 11-6C-3) Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to streets, alleys, common driveways, easements and block face. The proposed lots in Apex Northwest are consistent with the dimensional standards of the R-15 and C-C zoning districts. However,one of the alleys is not designed so that the entire length is visible from a public street as required by UDC 11-6C-3B.5e;the plat should be revised to comply.Common driveways that comply with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3D may be considered as an alternative. The proposed lots in Apex Southeast are consistent with the dimensional standards of the C-C and R-8 zoning districts. Two(2) alleys and 10 common driveways are proposed in the residential portion of the development that are consistent with the standards in UDC 11-6C-3. Such alleys and common driveways should be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 and 11-6C-3D. A perpetual ingress/egress easement is required to be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. An exhibit should be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks,fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via the common driveway; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway should be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway. Address signage should be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. Access(UDC 11-3A-3) Access is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-3. Apex Northwest: Two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E. Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street, and two (2)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets(E. Crescendo St. and S.Apex Ave.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Apex Southeast: Three(3)public street accesses are proposed via S. Locust Grove Rd., an arterial street, and two(2)public street accesses are proposed via E.Lake Hazel Rd., an arterial street. Collector streets (E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St.)are proposed in accord with the MSM. Alleys are proposed for access to alley-loaded homes in Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast. Common driveways are proposed for access to certain homes in Apex Southeast. Cross-access easements should be provided between all commercial lots in the subdivisions as set forth in UDC 11-3A-3A.2. Road Improvements: The Applicant has proposed to enter into a Cooperative Development Agreement (CDA)with ACHD to improve Lake Hazel Road abutting the site with(4) 11.5' wide travel lanes, a 19' wide center landscape median,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 10' wide detached concrete sidewalks within 109' to 120. 5' of right-of-way(ROW)with the first phase of development. The Applicant has proposed to construct dedicated right-turn lanes on Lake Hazel Rd. at Aspiration Ave.,Apex Ave.,Peak Ave. and Vertex Way. Locust Grove Rd. abutting the site is proposed to be improved with(3) 12' wide travel lanes with 6.5' wide bike lanes,vertical curb, gutter, 8' wide planter strips and 5' wide Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 220 of 302 detached concrete sidewalks within 77' of ROW. The specific conditions of approval pertaining to the CDA are included in the ACHD report in Section IX.H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Future development should comply with these standards. Parking for non-residential uses is required per the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-6B.1. Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): The Pathways Master Plan(PMP)depicts segments of the City's multi-use pathway system in the linear area where the Williams gas pipeline is located and along the east boundary of the rezone area. Pathways should be provided with development in accord with the PMP per the conditions from the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. All pathways shall be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-8 and the Pathways Master Plan.Landscaping shall be provided along either side of the pathway in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C.Public pedestrian easements(14-feet wide) should be provided prior to signature by the City Engineer on final plat phases in which pathways are located. Staff recommends two(2) additional micro-path connections are provided in Apex Southeast at the east boundary to Discovery Park. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-1 : The UDC(11-3A-17)requires, at a minimum, detached sidewalks to be provided along arterial and collector streets and attached sidewalk to be provided along local streets. Detached sidewalks are proposed along all internal local and collector streets and along the arterial streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): Eight-foot wide parkways are proposed adjacent to all streets with detached sidewalks; all parkways are required to be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): A 25-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to S. Locust Grove Rd. and E. Lake Hazel Rd.,both arterial streets; and a 20-foot wide street buffer is required adjacent to E. Crescendo St., S. Apex Ave., E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., all collector streets,landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C.Alternative Compliance may be requested to UDC 11-3B-7C.2a for street buffers along collector streets to be located in a dedicated buffer rather than in a common lot. Parkways are required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17 and 11-3B- 7C. Landscaping is required along all pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C as discussed above. Common open space is required to be landscaped in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E. Mitigation is required for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site as set forth in UDC 11- 313-10.C.5. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5.A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 221 of 302 Qualified Open Space(UDC 11-3 : A minimum of 10%qualified open space meeting the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B is required to be provided with development of land in residential districts. Based on the residential portion of the Apex Northwest plat(31.52 acres) zoned R-15, a minimum of 3.15 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to meet the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B in order to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres)zoned R-8, a minimum of 6.32 acres of qualified open space is required to be provided. Qualified open space consists of all of the street buffers along collector streets,half of the street buffers along arterial streets,the 8-foot wide parkways between the curb and detached sidewalk, linear open space at least 20' wide and up to 50' wide that has an access at each end, and open grassy areas of at least 50' x 100' in area. Although an open space exhibit was submitted that appears to comply with the minimum standards,it includes areas in the C-C zoning district that do not qualify toward the minimum requirements for the subdivision. Staff recommends the exhibit is revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B to ensure consistency with this standard.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G1 A minimum of one(1) qualified site amenity is required for each 20 acres of land to be developed in residential districts as set forth in UDC 11-3G-3. Based on the area of the residential portion of Apex Northwest(31.52 acres), a minimum of one (1) qualified site amenity is required to be provided. A gazebo is proposed as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5 as an amenity; Staff recommends tables and benches are also provided as required for a"picnic area" amenity.A community center and amphitheater are also proposed as public amenities in the adjacent commercial portion of the development and a swimming pool is depicted on the Master Plan off-site on the adjacent property to the north; however,these do not qualify as amenities for the residential portion of the development proposed to be platted with this application. Based on the residential area of the Apex Southeast plat(63.18 acres) zoned R-8, a minimum of three(3) qualified site amenities are required to be provided. A swimming pool and children's play equipment are proposed in a central common area and pedestrian pathways(multi-use pathway along E.Lake Hazel Rd. and internal pathways) are proposed as amenities in this development in accord with UDC standards.A detail of the children's play equipment should be submitted with the final plat application. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-dy"j: There are no waterways within the boundary of the preliminary plats. The Farr Lateral runs along the north and east boundaries;the McBirney Lateral crosses the site east/west; and another waterway runs north/south through the annexation and/or rezone areas. Fencing(UDC 11-3A- : All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C and 11-3A-7. Fencing is proposed as shown on the landscape plan. Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 222 of 302 Six-foot tall wood picket fencing is proposed along end caps at the ends of residential lots adjacent to common areas; and 5-foot tall clear vision metal fencing is proposed adjacent to internal common areas. Storm Drainage: An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. Design and construction is required to follow Best Management Practice as adopted by the City. Irrigation: Underground,pressurized irrigation water is required to be provided for each and every lot within the development in accord with MCC 9-1,Water Use and Service. Irrigation water will be provided from Boise Project Board of Control. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant submitted several perspective building elevations for the proposed single-family homes and for the commercial structures planned to be constructed in this development which are included in Section VIII.G. Homes depicted are a mix of 1-and 2-story units, attached and detached,with building materials consisting of a variety of siding styles and stucco with stone/brick veneer accents.Final design is required to comply with the design standards in the Architectural Standards Manual, single-family detached dwellings are exempt from design review standards. Because 2-story home elevations that face arterial and collector streets are highly visible,Staff recommends as a provision of the DA that the rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E.Lake Hazel Rd. and S.Locust Grove Road,arterial streets, and S.Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E.Via Roberto St.,collector streets,shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses,step-backs, pop-outs),bays,banding,porches,balconies,material types, or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street.Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility and non- residential/commercial structures. A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single- family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. Design review is not required for single-family detached homes. VII. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed MDA,AZ,RZ and PP applications with the requirement of a new Development Agreement with the provisions noted in Section IX.A per the Findings in Section X. Page 18 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 223 of 302 VIII. EXHIBITS A. Master Plan (Revised) W. �. I* I pj"E I- IdMPL LF?ALC WEPA '! t I L I P �' IUlur I _ I 1� i - I - iMRE 3g I I CMLD.Am I � a - I I 4 •I — y t 'I a IL 1 ril•nx , IL xf OP.TLbK m — I *OKERF ALI/J81CCTTpCHANGE . Page 19 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 224 of 302 B. Annexation Legal Description & Exhibit Map kin 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 83714 ( 208.639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Annexation Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates Lot 4,Block I of Shafer View Estates(Bonk 84,Pages 9403 and 9404,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the center of said Section 31,which bears N89"57'15"E a distance of 2,507.52 feet from an aluminum cap marking the West 1/4 of said Section 31,thence following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following courses: 1. Following the easterly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,500°16`52"W a distance of 1,342.44 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1/16 corner of said Section 31; 2- Leaving said easterly line and following the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 3. Leaving said southerly line,N23`55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 4. N16"35'10"W a distance of 254.98 feet; 5. N14.'41'01"W a distance of 193.7S feet; 6. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 7. N89°52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 8. 534°41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 9. N55°18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 10. N34°41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 11. N04°34'55"E a distance of 91-69 feet; 12. N26°44'50"W a distance of 85.73 Feet; 13, N56"37'31"W a distance of 97.84 Feet; 14, N76413'00"W a distance of 89.88 feet; 15. N86'11'04"W a distance of 185.99 feet; 16. 571'42'2B"VY a distance of 114.34 feet; 17. S60"59'16"W a distance of 112.15 feet; 18. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet, 19. S78°51'4rW a distance of45.77 feet; 20. 551"46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 21. S65°27'07"IN a d+stance of 258-28 feet; 22. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 23. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet, 2,4- 88-50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.40 feet, a delta angle of 18"26'21 a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chard distance of 88.12 feet; 25. 5ZW48'07"Vu a distance of 181.70 feet; 26. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet, a delta angle of 11°30'14",a chord bearing of N47'd(i'47"W and a chord distance of 95.21 feet; 27. N42'01'40"W a distance of 107.06 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS ( PLANNERS Page 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 225 of 302 28. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48`03'29",a chord bearing of N66'03'28"W and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 29, 589°54'43"W a distance of 124.67 feet; 30. N46°59'43"W a distance of 29.21feet to the easterly right-af-way line of State Highway 69; Thence leaving said boundary of Lot 4,Block 1,589°54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 31; Thence following said westerly line,Np0"05'07"W a distance of 757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northerly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4,N89'57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.09 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. ,.c a 12459 4 OF "L. 1B g r� tJ � U ALUMPMLA1 CAP POINT OF BEGINNING WEST 1/4 CORNER see- H 31 515-I1CH IIEeAR 31 BASIS E]F 9Ega9NG CENTER OF SECt3ON 31 Q N99'S7'15"E 25177.82' � � _ C A M 3 Annexation Area:40.09±AC. ai w a Lot 4,Black 1 Shafer View Estates w Current Zoning:RUT C i° L14 L92 :3 41 Q) ui d L27 L_ 4 r L26 E L Q m x Lzs ca LU F z w C2 e? m o O U1 {- J N LA h4Tf,; PROiECT rtLsonn SHEET: /8INM/10 RRu" 1 OF 2 i OF 5ECTIOK 31 l N 200 40 800 ENGINEERS.i4fi® 9233 WEST Sl—5'1AFE'E EC W.1DA-0 R3716 SCALE: 1"=40a' rr onE[Toel6s5� FucIR]fi1R�9aD Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 226 of 302 N CURVE7ARLE O 2' CURVE RM]US LENGTH 6�.LTq CHORD BRG CHORD 1O Ci 75_00' 86.50' 1826'21" 1484'42'19V 88,12' m C2 47$.04' 45.37' t1130'14" N47'46'41W @5,21' LU �r 03 125.60' 104.85' 4B fJ3'X9" N68'63'2sl1Y 101.E0 L I?C m LINE TABLE LINEABLE x LINE BEARING ❑15TANCI LINE BEARING �+STAP E CL E N8 Li 9'5231'w 130,43 L15 571'42'28"W 114.34 4 ° a w 2 L2 N23,55'33"w i70.57 L16 S8D59'1G'W 112.15 rn O � L3 N16'35'1-D"w 254.88 L17 N71Y$7'01"W 21 D.47 U m L4 N14'41'01'w 193.75 L18 S78'51'41'W 45,77 0 C t8 O L5 N31'15'14"W 114.54 L19 S51'4W,'.-! 147,67 " -U L6 N69'52'31-k 147.52 L20 S65'27'07-W 258.28 !7 S34'47'1 i w 1 tz.23 L71 517'27'52AW 98.71 Lwie nuxq�2pQp L2 N55'18'40rW 100.00 L22 S3'55'31'E 5010a PR EU: M-m? L9 N34'41'11`E 8133 L23 928'48'07'W 18;,70 SHEET: 21OF2 L10 N4'34'55"E 91,69 I24 N42.01'40'W 107.06 L11 N2644'50"W 85.73 L25 SW54'43"W 124_07 L12 N51337'31"w 87,&4 L28 1446'59'43-W 29,21 L13 Wn13'DO'w 89_M L27 S89'54'53"w L14 N85'11'04-W 185.99 kin ENGINEEIU_3LIRVETO1 .PMUM PM N'{ST STATi SUMT &MF ID0.il]m3 WOK M*1 sm-am xuI{xrs{g5-Aap Page 22 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 227 of 302 C. Rezone Legal Description & Exhibit Map PINNACLE SUBDIVISION � � ■ +4 ■ r r ' R-8 • r • NAP I yr �i i R-2 +t 'a� _ r•• r frr pp : ••a■#• t R-4 Y 1 ra..rrr.rr..... �.aaa...■ � 4 r � 4 1 R-15 - '"•" ■ *4 - -- - -- -- - - --- -- �• r I li i ♦r j ■NAP............ ; r.. . . . . . .. . . . , ■ ■ R-8 lilil I � Gk 11111111 1111111IT - - - - - - 7................ Page 23 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 228 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOLSE,ID83714 1 208.639.6939 1 FAQ{208.639.6930 March 30,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-2 Apex Subdivision A portion of Lot 4,Block 1 of Shafer View Estates(Book 94,Pages 9403 andA04,records of Ada County, Idaho)and further situated in a portion of the North 112 of the 5outhw ® Section 31 and a portion of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1{4 of the Southeast 2j7 1,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and particularly described as follows= O Commencing at a 518-inch rebar marking the to d Section 31,which bears N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,507.62 feet from an alu a ing the West 1/4 of said section 31,thence following the northerly line of saio�rt ® the Southwest 1J4 of Section 31,589"57'15"W a distance of 33$.68 feet to t GINNING. Thence leaving said northerly li 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet,a delta angle of 49"31'13",a chord bearing of S65"17'09"E and a chord distance of 192.66 feet; Thence S4O"31'33"E a distance of 241.33 feet; Thence 199A2 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 280.O0 feet,a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of S20°07'20"I and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence 500"16'52"W a distance of 895.00 feet to the southerly line of sa€d West I/2 of the Northwest 114 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,N89°52'08"W a distance of 62.50 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the C-S 1J16 corner of said Section 31 and being on the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1; Thence leaving said southerly line and following the boundary of said Lot 4,Block 1 the following Wur5e$: I. FoPowing the southerly line of said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,N89°52'31"W a distance of 130.43 feet; 2. Leaving said southerly line,N23"55'33"W a distance of 170.57 feet; 3_ N15"35'10"W a distance of 254.88 feet; 4. N14"41'01"W a distance of 193.75 feet; 5. N31"15'14"W a distance of 114.54 feet; 6. N89"52'31"W a distance of 147.52 feet; 7, 534'41'11"W a distance of 165.23 feet; 8. N55"18'49"W a distance of 100.00 feet; 9. N34"41'11"E a distance of 81.53 feet; 10, N04"34'55"E a distance of 91.69 feet; 11, N26"44'50"W a distance of 85.73 feet; 12. N56"37'31"W a distance of 87.84 feet, 13. N76"13'OW W a distance of 89.83 feet; 14. N86'11'04W a distance of 185.99 feet; 15, 571'42'28'W a distance of 114.34 feet; ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS PLANNERS Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 229 of 302 16. 560"59'WW a distance of 112.15 feet; 17. N76"57'01"W a distance of 210.47 feet; 18. S78°51'41"W a distance of 45.77 feet; 19. 551°46'10"W a distance of 147.67 feet; 20. 565°27'07"W a distance of 258.28 feet; 21. S17°27'52"W a distance of 98.71 feet; 22. S03°55'31"E a distance of 50.00 feet; 23. 88.50 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 275.00 feet, a delta a ngIe of 18°26'21",a chord bearing of N84°42'19"W and a chord distance of 88.12 feet; 24. 5Z8°48'07"W a distance of 181.70 feet; 25. 95.37 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said cu aving a radius of 475.00 fee t, a delta angle of 11"31714",a chard bearing of N47"46'47"W Vrd distance of 95.21 feet; 26. N42"01'40"W a distance of 107.05 feet; O 27. 104.85 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the I rve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a delta angle of 48"03'29",a chord bearin ® and a chord distance of 101.80 feet; 28. 5S9°5443"W a distance of 124.67 feet; Q 29. N46"59'43"W a distance of 29.21fee#�yth sterly right-of-way line of State Highway 59; Thence leaving said boundary BU 589'54'53"W a distance of 73.89 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of Se 3 Thence following said westerly ,NOD°05'07"W a distance of757.11 feet to an aluminum cap marking the west 1/4 comer of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line and following the northe rly line of the said North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4, N89°57'15"E a distance of 2,168,94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 40.79 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. Cs 12459 ,z Of L. B �' S--;0•zCqx Page 25 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 230 of 302 8 .V.44WIMi CW PDIItT L1F C✓1iE6rC[7�f� M 31 5 4 GLI3f71'.k1Cfr4H#ti BA5�jQF eE M cfxr�url kar , WW5713'[ Z]a7.Bs' I it 36 rws7'151E 2IM-04' 0 o Rez0he Area:413_79f Ar- P°tliT d a, BERWNW li All of R7824229LW4&parkpn gf O R782,122dM2 .,I Curren[Zoning:f14.1 r-FF0p0wd 2fm R.2 p L 1 L19 L7 LID la Y Ln Cd O o I o ' 4 �j P•7! i4Jd JB0 MCI 104R SKEET; c.�%/%COMM I OF 2 I ar{vsr�n a1 I H hm .- il}}�C•31Y[klor k.J.kE lWdll.i� SI` L 1'=404' `IIAdpmI b~ ur P�1�+4+ a LlJ11YE TAME G CIIR.! Illwlu} LflViTH =rm U*wm 6� .. 1 43D,OP' 1OL19' •YJ1'11` swiravc 142,6C C! =M' r99_4Z' 4Cr4VW SWV-Z3-= 19533" r,l le C3 rra.cb' E0.iC 11r2E's1' ra64',2'ipl+ ae.lsf cc � 44 47S1 49 e — C8 M WFT�eIE LryETANU I 4A u �t LY Uhtl ><ww pwrmte IIxE 9E..ILV16 NIT"KIE O p� L1 5EP511151Y 338.11& L1a' FIQB"17'Q4'A. 1[s,E@ � p4'37'3r'"Lt 2i1.m 47$ 571'421 1 k" a hw nt rT 0HEPd@'OSV1 3L95 L14 SISI?SY1C1f 112.18 ry L# r46F'S3'311Y 134�43 L30 N7f'67'L*7 tit' 2i0AT l8 FQr'L}53Yf0.1 L31 57kT5t'#i-q 45.77 1i ld g76'�5't6'1• l9P -!'t'TP'11 li7.E7'L7 Iki4'4t'IWO L43 &WV'97'W 23LZ a ITT. II�Y].1W l.E M3T'le'li1Y 014Z U4 :917U 2* 08.71Lp r18P52'31 V L25 ff-=a1'E wim SHEET: 2OF2 & `4''11Yr Laa EW4BlSTY' 1$1.7¢ 1L'k RnF7jr4*V i e6,1Q LF7 rq#4r'44"Y' 147 M V2 H34'41'111E $r,$5 ZWSW43ti 124.d7 U3 Ht34'S5-E Er-9 i29 114+Id5$' 1� 29.#I Li{ M2 "Wrm 65.7� L30 SE6:r4'�SYf J3JlG 41? NW37'3i'm CPA* LIE M7P73Y1e'14 �4�6 •�Y'�+lTSvriTwl}M1 .'.1..ran ldlFGY I+a IW.Trc Page 26 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 231 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID B3714 I 209.G39.6939 I FAX 208.639.6930 March 23,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit Legal Description for Zone R-4 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M.,City of Meridian,Ada County, ldaho and being more particularly described as follows Commencing at a brass cap marking the VVest 1/4 corner of said Section 32,which bears N00"32'22"W a distance of 2,700.07 feet from a brass cap marking the southwest corner of sa id Section 32,thenca following the westerly line of said Southwest 1/4 of 5ectian 32,500'32'22"E a distance of 22 6.2 6 feet to a 51 8-inch rebar on the centerline of Farr Lateral and being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence leaving said westerly line and foI owing said centerline the fallowing courses: 1. S38"43'32"E a distance of 61.71 feet; 2. 551'12'32"E a distance of 444.04 feet; 3. S60'36'10"E a distance of 272.66 feet; 4. 586'04'31"E a distance of 206.22 feet; 5. 573°45'13"E a distance of 341.51 feet; 6. S43°15'53"E a distance of 313.74 feet; 7, 529"01'13"1=a distance of 97.13 Feet to the easterly line of said West 112 of the Southwest 1/4; Thence leaving said centerline and following said easterly line,500°09'25'E a distance of 206.12 feet to a 1/2-Inch rebar on the easterly boundaryof said Farr Lateral; Thence leaving said easterly Iine and following said easterly boundary the following courses' X. 22.57 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 144.67 feet, a delta angle of 08"56'24",a chord bearing of S56"50'40"W and a chord distance of 22.55 Feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. S61°18'54"W a distance of 9 1.61 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 122,47 feet along the are of a circular curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 220.U0 feet,a delta angie of 31'53'39",a chard bearing of 577'15'42„W and a chard distance of120.813 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 4 N86'47'31"W a distance of 362.95 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. SB3°47'06"W a distance of 26.72 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 6- S69"57'44"W a distance of 128.97 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 7, 90.89 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 47"20'30",a chard bearing of 546"18'02"W and a chord distance of 83.33 feet; Thence leaving said easterly houndary, NS9"42'21"W a distance of 543.65 feet to the westerly line of said Southwest 114 of Section 32; Thence fallowing said westerly Iine, NO0'32'22"W a distance of 1,1.93.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING,. Page 27 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 232 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 22,23 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhib1t B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a � j '~ -Z-0 POINT GF C;CMMENLEMENT •20' s 6/w-INgi R£W BRASS CAP s3a43',371E Yf IY# CORNER SE-CnOm ]2 A1.7r' 0-Yu 1/1E 00RNm g sEM" m PC11NT OF 0 272 Wr 311E I AC c v W13-E I C n T-A1' r Q ' Zone Area,22,23f AC- r+3 F tion ol`5f132;2!5JiM 543 15531E _ 'y o �Cunni 2aning-R-4 313,7;' 1C 'a LI] .+ 66 C �= L Sarcfl'25'E °e NBS#7'31 C2 1ot,G9' o HW42'21-9 G JGLW 54 S5' 5A-INC1i MAR sw 1/1 sscnmER I.iNE rpm �I� I u« K"ftK a LINE SFJIeEN[t1011TAWE PAZU0 ad4w CURwE i,16if Li 52745'73� I`� - SHEET: 12 woflp5:E 3 cuevE RAERIS 04M DELTA oaalae" 04WO 1 OF 1 t3 sa1,10,5dp w I � 1+4.V1 22-V irm'44` SjWt 40-W z2_W L# $43'47'99�14 m2 O,W' 1T.247' 31"'1S'34' S7T15'i2.^A' f,2om � S�!'Sr#i74 i GS 110A}6' 98W 47s0'30' S<a'ifi'62'w U,"}3• i i MAM CAP 5W COFEER SECnDR 32 (MAEEfd.mmvnDm rLgmjrL kas rAm!riR FrWLT E LAKE HAZELRD 31 32 T-M,. R,1E eceWmAmjmru 6 5 * .F R.1E.T r_ rArll��o�-emu Page 28 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 233 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I BOISE,ID 837'14 1 208.639,6939 1 FAX 208.639.5930 April 2,2020 Project No.2M17 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-8-North Apex Subdivision A portion of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4,a portion of the Southeast 1/4 and a portion of the Northeast 114 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31,Township 3 North, Range 1 East, B.M., City of IVlerldian,Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center of said Section 31,thence following the northerly line of said Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, N89"57'56"E a distance of 2,601-37 feet to a brass cap marking the East 114 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly line of said Southeast 1/4,500"32'22NE a distance of 1,419.94 feet; Thence leaving said easterly Iiae,N89°42'21"W a distance of 1,423.17 feet; Thence 500°16'52"W a distance of SMOG feet; Thence NS9°42'2VW a distance of 1,1.98-50 feet to the westerly line of said Southeast 1/4; Thence following said westerly line, N00°16'52"E a distance of 682.44 feet to the Center-South 1f 15 corner of said Section 31; Thence leaving said westerly line,589-52'08"E a distance of 62.50 feet, Thence N00°16'52"E a distance of 895.0E feet; Thence 199.42 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 280,M feet, a delta angle of 40"48'25",a chord bearing of N20°07`2O"W and a chord distance of 195.23 feet; Thence N40"31'33"W a distance of 241-33 feet; Thence 198.79 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet, a delta angle of 49'31'13", a chord bearing of N65"17'09"W and a chord distance of 192.66 feet to the southerly tine of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 31; Thence fallowing said southerly line,S89"57'15"W a distance of 980.26 feet to a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Center-West 1/16 corner of saGd Section 31; Thence Leaving said southerly line a nd fo Vow!ng the westerly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, NOO"25'36"E a distance of 1,558.66 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line, N81°55'55"E a distance of 518.76 feet; Thence 56.28 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 58.GO feet,a delta angle of 55"35'50",a chord bearing of 520°49'52"E and a chord distance of 54.10 fleet; Thence 546°52M"E a distance of 45.40 feet; Thence 554'18'10"E a distance of 180.18 feet; Thence 16 1.54 feet along the arc of a circular cu rve to the left,said curve having a radius of 588.00 feet, a delta angle of 15°44'26",a chord bearing of 562°10'23"E and a chard distance of 161.03 feet; Thence S70°02'36"E a distance of 107-80feet; Thence S19'57'24"W a distance of 12.00 feet; Thence 570°02'36"E a distance of 14.45 feet; Thence SEW58'05"l;a distance of 207.13 feet; Thence S65a32'50"E a distance of 188.57 feet to the easterly line of said East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4; Page 29 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 234 of 302 Thence following said easterly fine,SCO°3a'17"W a distance of 1,140.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 144.78 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of, NL 12459 w If V or % L, 1B •7-'Z ?.D .ter y16.7ek � �V.SS C++P .IJ E HUM I/4 CORNER SUN% 31 �p M6G38r17� L377.B+' Z v V � C Z ° Cr ir1 o - -9 `* -WCH REW C) 'j o i C--w 1 f 1 G [KAMER 1+ SE r1w 31 C ru 'a G Y Er3T 1!1 COPof�! .0 a w FX71r1T OF BEG!HrRNG # SECTON 31 6/6-INCH RM4R rw 7 CEP 8C CENTER 4F SE7CT70W 31 9►SI or 9EJYi21My QJ X 994,29' W NW57,50 r 2601.37 M m STTSr3o7A2 31 CIOQr �AW a +� *UT 1/d C#NEA 5fl0-hok 11 hk1�31'S314 � �G 20.33' Rezone Area: 144-78t AC- All pF 51381244500&punlDn of R7&Z422GWj r W M S113143720p,S1111438400 SL 511314172SI � �s4 Current Zuni rTq-RUT&R'4 # . I Proposed Zoning:R-8 A{ g G1`e. wkex� COST - — — — — — — F — — — — — — — — SHEET; 6v9-4CH TER 1 +✓8��231'4 1423.17' 1 OF 2 c-5 1/10 CORNER n iy OF 9ECRIN 31 e g m I r�EP+Y�1`rr 101.156' ` I /y ��/�yy��II n�ya�yy 0 3013 600 7UhT�m 'o-NLA, W 31Y 51310113ra LkI kVJl.p.lfl:■]14 SCALE' 1'�h6G'Q• '11.!1x 16, a raw,M.0 Q3D Page 30 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 235 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE 5TREET I BDISE,ID 83714 1 208.639.6939 l FAX 208,639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No,20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to R-15 Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31 and a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 114 of Section 32,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,B.M.,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6,Township 2 North, Range 1 East B.M.,al I situated in the City of Meridian,Ada County,Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar marking the corner common to Section 31,Township 3 North,Range 1 East,and Section 6,Township 2 North,Range 1 East,which Hears N89°42'21"E a distance of 2,W.00 feet from a 5/8-inch rebar marking the Southeast 1/4 corner of said Section 31; Thence following the westerly line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,NDD°16'52"E a distance of 660.00 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line,589042'21"E a distance of 1,198.50 feet; Thence N40"16'52"E a distance of 620AO feet; Thence 589°42'21"E a distance of 1,971.82 feet to the easterly boundary of the Farr Lateral; Thence following said easterly boundary the following courses: 1. 64.48 feet along the arc of a circuiar curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 110.00 feet,a delta angle of 33°35'03",a chord hearing of505°50'15"W and a chord distance of 63.56 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 2. 510`57'45"E a distance of 410.17 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 3. 114.95 feet along the arc of a circular curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 140.00 feet, a delta angle of 47"02'41",a chord bearing of S34*29'08"E and a chord distance of 111.7S feet to a 1/7-inch rebar; 4. S58'00'310E a distance of 219.85 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar; 5. S69`55'45"E a distance of 503.32 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar on the easterly line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said easterly Gne,500'10'02"E a distance of 430.90 feet to the southerly line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32; Thence following said southerly line,N89'57'46"W a distance❑f 641.22 feet; Thence N00°06'18"W a distance of 124,99 feet; Thence N47°51'44"W a distance of 797.36 feet; Thence N89°42'21"W a distance of 775.42 feet; Thence 5001652"W a distance of 1,154.01 feet; Thence N89°42'2WW a distance of 587,77 feet; Thence N00°02'06"W a distance of 494,01 feet to the southerly line of the Southeast 114 of Section 31; Thence following said southerly line,NS9°42'2VW a distance of I,370,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Page 31 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 236 of 302 Said parcel contains a total of 76.93 acres, more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby Trade a part of. Th OF .z4).so LEGEND FOUND BRASS CAP � o/6-wcri Ri±o,uh A CALGi RJtrEIs FGW Ln y, REZONE EGLWAff JL 12 D 5130 1000 1500 '� # E7tMMPQ R%RC 1 Lw1E cc -- — =SECTION LINE Plan Seale.1"-500' fl1 :'2 o CURVE TA$LE aMWE RADLs EDIGrN OELT CNOpDBRG tFGFil1 LU 3 C1 11P.4a' 84.4v 3W351G3' E— C2 14f}_Ot}' 11493' �7'�2'ai $3#2 `G9'E 111-35 m rW3 'S a--' CL o $W42'2S'E 197t.62 I 13 3 i1 a z Rerrme Area_M.991 Ar. * z La parkloe$7,131�36�00,51733i#7 C O SI1.3141775L.51333335EM.ASI&M3Gal5 Ll✓rrnk 29f'"�(;'R-1 .ten Lr O $ fapoud7lonir IF15 ;n 5ftc 219 85' d3l'E SALTi2'31� i y}' 775.42' � Ss r tkCr m c_� o iY 1 1 raolxoe'ser L3ASI$ OF BEARING Z 3A 124.99• fi N99'42'21•W 13711_UD' ,ram+ T.7N., R.IE. €LAKE HAZEL All PORlt DF HEMNING 3 89AS5 CAR km r. st cokmn] 5/9-INCH RE9Ni SECTLOw 31 SOUTH /4 Cl7RKM SECTION 3' Q SECT�oH15 CORNER32 iWWeEPR 54a fr5r5 r yEr• 507.77' 10&wL t i iAe dim I� ..nwrGw. mmulmlawaft tAr E'+W alhava? Page 32 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 237 of 302 km 9233 WEST STATE STREET I 8015E,Ip 83714 1 208,639.6939 1 FAX 208.639.6930 April 29,2020 Project No.20-017 Exhibit A Legal Description for Rezone to C-C Apex Subdivision A parcel of land situated in a portion of the southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31,a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32,Township 3 North, Range 1 East,13.K,and a portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5,and a portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 2 North,Range 1 East S.M.,all situated in the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 1 East, which hears N89'57'04"W a distance of 1,331.87 feet from a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the West 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence following the northerly line of said Northwest 1/4,S89°57'04"E a distance of 690,66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing aiong said northerly line,589"57'04"E a distance of 641,21 feet to a found 5/8-inch rebar marking the west 1/16 corner of said Sections 5 and 32; Thence leaving said northerly line and following the easterly trine of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 5,500°01'43"E a distance of 250.92 feet to a point; Thence leaving said easterly line,S41"51'13"W a distance of 547,17 feet to a point,- Thence S89'53'42"W a distance of 96b.03 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Northwest 1/4; Thence foliowing said westerly line,NOO'04'35"W a distance of 167.37 feet to a point; Thence leaving said westerly line,N89°42'20"W a distance of 632.58 feet to a point; Thence NOO"16'52"E a distance of 1,154.01 feet to a point; Thence S89"42'21"E a distance of 775.42 feet to a point; Thence S47*51'44"E a distance of 797.36 feet to a point; Thence S00°05'18"E a distance of 125.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains a total of 43.28 acres,more or less. Attached hereto is Exhibit B and by this reference is hereby made a part of. a4 to 59 . E 7.v 7-0 Page 33 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 238 of 302 os ORM CAP EAST 1:f C� omw0 i =$�GTI4� 31 � - e� � S&W4f21-E 775 � q 0 3CO 6o0 9Q0 �..� � O c ' "A Plan Scale;1"=36 O C 4 "I g 19 _ Rn POINT OF COMMENCEMENT "' $ SJ$ RED W foLINo BRASS CAP i �pDW,jj'E YY�r 1/14)21� CL ui m T FE` CORNER 59C QN 31 12&15' SECTION 31 — S69'42'21E 3 n TZ3 LL f.1$, 6PR-66, _ Sd9'57'04�E r m 6 m 2E4D.�' T,2N„ RJE 1331,87LU E LA4E HAZEL RO $ PONT 15F pealkNN0 0AS15 OF 9&WN0 *6 Z 2 w Flemn,Q Ayer A3,H�AC rn� Ponian M Sii]i41725i,Sii3232SOM. Si4OS223MOD&SiaOfii»mac tuncw AnhM:k4 Peobc"i�!Milt.E-L $MEET; 157,37' 58B!W42". M.0,V LCCE 'b I FOUND URASS C,1P Sf8—INCH RE&W I 1 A WCIJ ATO PQINT RE.ZONE BOJACORY #wwtti5.irbe[ 5. IMwwr»ltFfl EV571NC PAICEL LINE Km a"al m — — — —SE1;MN LINE iMaf Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 239 of 302 i � E FUME Northwest: APEX NORTHWEST SUBDIVOON PRELIMINARY PLAT A PORFION£rt 7HESDJFH IP43F THESIDUTHEAST V4AN0 HORTFffAT L14 OF THE !Oufi4L'Ist 1f14F x0xm]L MrM!,M 3N0PTPL PIF+GC 1 Wt, VrFCtF IAERIDPIL 19A COUNTY,IOMIO I KZL— F- wwa+w� Gi_ r - A �1 =1; Litz. I 3si X= ib 941 �:�- I - Fm_ Page 36 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 241 of 302 . k 3 y 14i mow. e 1 V • _ tom? i�n�a I Iri I } J I6 I r k r I 14 I1 - _ tl 8 x a a a~�i TO j worm ELM y .4 iC.: tea. Phasing Plan: Page 37 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 242 of 302 APEX Northwest Phasing [anc��tua�f Se,b�ert to Cf�ange o - { — - r ...... .-� .+� ` --------- I $ �:- Southeast: APEX soutflrodr sU6$ moN PXELIMINAMY PLAT W r,nvvo�orlwxo Lr,urtolx,It rssr,fea :nr.�wti,rTHee,1Mv siUM& ='��• IOriM.hf�i.gk1F11VJi�]FJ6 f,CIRa YRXOLVl NC,1 SAllll�T.16YA �} aWL AM I� — ► .I - wi s I. I. -y_ __ _. ML Page 38 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 243 of 302 �j I' I f *' " i r ' i i I � i � i Nt f• .r. ,� 9. * J , Ilk it A r � .W 1 3 .1 eJm�rnr�a -�-- r�r � $ � •czTwaareJ-vr�=��� I i t 4L �ILj —ar' W. u ON L lall I .5 � Ill � •a�Ja::J k - •rJ 8 Page 39 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 244 of 302 AE Sr J4. .rugs i arrsi`ar; —' i r R pjp �& - F i ! ,? ,!. X 2 1 r r a t x tits j ,Ct Sr. it .w. -'• "1! 2. 7, m Q & $ ,F2 i Page 40 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 245 of 302 Phasing Plan: APEX Southeast Phasing ronr-on Subiect to Ch.... L.LAkL I IM1lL_kV. 1 ti 1 ti 1 1 COA1MCkCIAL IC{l a]MM MaAL*Zj AYrq TY �4 L Q 1 / � o - (-3) — 0 9 4�J Zg � fl G3 co 0 IV Q d a a w p — ? ao !5?+R:ST- � RESI�F7Jf1AL iR9il t3� E.STAGE Si. 3 e � � E SPIRE 5T, _ n o m CD a o 0 o 0 o s r i i s E 1NM.Er fI ti l7 49 E.AM ION ST. 0 O � Ed � E.APOMM..5[, Q L A'CC HST. � all p C§ - A m i ® ' e Iw ► a � g 9 � E.,%bVANTU ST- Page 41 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 246 of 302 E. Landscape Plan(date: 4/30/2020) Northwest: yj .C ` E�nera9Rimame— --— — - _ � "leer •r.�s�yea"�sris� �� � s - c. tt3ar rs+4Ra -aE. 0 PPF2,4 PPC 3,4 dflu I aeoy,wa�n�m+a wo n.Axo rc-.a �. _ : +147 _ I Q14}7kL1 r4L'tl h�I.� 41IY.kT171CQ11 dCYi7 InwL7EeafESITEw.a�l ,o,w';�� a;� • I a:r .. •I IL�" 4E.M]Ir+MRYT lAdMYun I — HE�L.I.a ISW.4 k7ie� til Page 42 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 247 of 302 i�• � - i I {f I Ij P • t s — -----------..------- �rarW....rrrir~--------------- ' IJWIaif144 N.iA �E_ � hNFCH LIrJ! S:"u;k�w"l.? _ Zh— .. WITCH UIE-SEE 5NkE7 PP2.0 ............... .................. ......ii...... ................... .. r _":'7rr •�' �� F' ; � :tip?,>r 1" .%,d.�� s i ..... FR r Page 43 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 248 of 302 Southeast: n�E�cN.niunacp�� EEO PPL3-0�i 2 0 C-` _ ••(�'� r IL G�I�ALE 7EE[6 LuAwammmiL M •max••. _...,1 �'� +.t _ - - - PPL I.y -: — PPL4.0+ P11514.4 k� -- _T -_yam- 'x } ! � � ��_ �•�+Eov en ri —.3 ® E - `-'- t jib •- __-t 7.,_•. I ' LYYYW.hMnr•a� LMDSUWC Srr1 RANRan EP 3YV fr^ iEL�.i__ r3_ Wes. - =mkt �-•�� - i#LS�G.l00YFR3 Page 44 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020- Page 249 of 302 , u �.r I '�I 1 {ti°0°f:3:t#{io�i:ic{{off --_______ IJJ�[xSC,rlf-0LadF IAAT4iM SAF SHEUE73U �e�7nln[�SI moiasnl (] 0 PSAI 1'11 11 W-,,f E%1m t 92A _ C) . k s u _ 1•{ ♦�. I - � ,f - �v anranrvAornox .1..��..........y ...... .I+mw • L LU PL PLhN � WTUI LIIiF-SFE 3f'EEr#M.a �R70 Page 45 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 250 of 302 WAR H LGWI-SEE SHlrr PP3.0 P!, C•i T- 0 4 2 :-T (Dian TPIA 0 Page 46 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 251 of 302 F. Qualified Open Space Exhibit(dated: March 2020)—NOT APPROVED Northwest: nl"U PX*THWF51 5U6dIVI5JL3N C*tN Wk(j#}IIIHI I 1 zu" .4 1 _ 1 r l ELI _ I III I I � �t•oayti�a SKI Southeast: bPEXSOVFHEW 3iIHOek+IMON oPFMSPACE MOT }_ '4 1 . . r r r 4 I r - �Ip R�1�lVf Yl1YMJ11 k'1`�...�'• � � labws 4w1 Page 47 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 252 of 302 G. Conceptual Building Elevations/Renderings Residential: lid-All . � r Pr TA 4 S ' F 0 #P. " Page 48 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 253 of 302 Y t � � i• i 'ape�`FArildenElo! ra'r'enfia,va! -r�r�— llpe,SfHrstCevur'QJ-COAYEa1tr�TGf ,"•r��:�'•••-=�.-�i : SWOME a• 11 ,Qner r1FY{bmmreicJoJ X hf IY COfllflle fCJC� Ilke' tiff fiFwx h'Li+rar.•i maxial � ,{ipll hlLV Cg17oTYblrl� Page • •- 49 J 31'. • .#.•4' Y ��� �fr� � � �� �yti ' R 'it �� i•i� •• •e 50 IX. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. The subject property shall no longer be subject to the terms of the existing Development Agreements (H-2015-0019: Brighton Investments,LLC—Inst. #2016-007072; SCS Brighton,LLC—Inst. #2016- 007073; Murgoitio Limited Partnership—Inst. #2016-007074)upon the property owner(s) entering into a new agreement. The new DA shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the City within six(6)months of City Council granting the subject modification. The new DA shall include the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the conceptual master plan, conceptual building elevations,preliminary plat,phasing plan,landscape plan, and qualified open space exhibits included in Section VIII and the provisions contained herein. b. Future preliminary plats shall include collector streets consistent with those shown on the Master Street Map, as required by Ada County Highway District. c. The land designated as Medium High-Density Residential(MHDR) on the Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan zoned R-15 shall develop with a variety of residential dwellings (i.e. single-family detached/attached,townhouses,condominiums,and/or apartments)at a gross density ranging from eight(8)to twelve(12)dwelling units per acre. Development shall incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful site design to ensure quality of place and shall incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity consistent with the Comprehensive Plan(see pg. 3-10). d. Prior to development of the Mixed Use—Community(MU-C) designated areas shown on the Master Plan as"future development,"the Development Agreement shall be amended to include a conceptual development plan that demonstrates consistency with the general guidelines for Mixed Use developments and specifically the MU-C designation(see pgs. 3-13 and 3-15 thru 3-16). e. The rear and/or side of structures on lots that face E. Lake Hazel Rd. and S. Locust Grove Road, arterial streets, and S. Vertex Way,E. Tower St.,E. Crescendo St., S.Apex Ave. and E. Via Roberto St.,collector streets, shall incorporate articulation through changes in two or more of the following: modulation(e.g.projections,recesses, step-backs,pop-outs),bays,banding,porches, balconies,material types,or other integrated architectural elements to break up monotonous wall planes and roof lines that are visible from the subject public street. Single-story structures are exempt from this requirement. f. Development within the Williams Pipeline easement shall comply with the Williams Developers' Handbook. g. All future development, except for single-family detached dwellings, is required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual. h. The Murgoitio property(Parcel#S 1406110110) located southwest of the E. Lake Hazel/S. Locust Grove Road intersection shall be included in a future subdivision of the surrounding property (Parcel#S1406110350 or#S1406110015)in order to establish a legal division of land. Or,if a parcel division was approved by Ada County for the current configuration of the property,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with a future subdivision application for the surrounding property. i. The lot proposed to be annexed(i.e. Lot 4,Block 1, Shafer View Estates) shall either be split in Ada County prior to annexation into the City to create the eastern 10+/-acre parcel proposed for future development; or,the entire lot shall be included in a future subdivision. If a property Page 51 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 256 of 302 division is approved by Ada County,proof of such shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the subdivision application for the eastern portion of the property. j. Multi-use pathways shall be provided with development as required by the Park's Department in accord with the Pathways Master Plan. k. The commercial(C-C zoned)portions of this development are allowed to obtain building permits prior to subdivision of the property. 2. The final plat submitted for Apex Northwest shall incorporate the following: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. The north/south alley in Block 5 does not comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5 as the entire length of the alley is not visible from a public street as required; common driveways may be considered as an alternative to the alley provided they meet the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D, subject to alternative compliance approval. c. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Crescendo St. and S. Apex Ave., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-3B-7C.2. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 3. The final plat submitted for Apex Southeast shall incorporate the following revisions: a. Include a note stating direct lot access via E. Lake Hazel Rd., S. Locust Grove Rd., E. Tower St. S. Vertex Way and E.Via Roberto St. is prohibited, except for those accesses approved by City of Meridian and Ada County Highway District. b. Depict minimum 20-foot wide street buffers along E. Tower St., S.Vertex Way and E. Via Roberto St., collector streets, in accord with UDC 11-313-7C.2. c. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots for micro-path connections to Discovery Park at the east boundary in Block 14. d. Cross-access easements shall be depicted between all commercial lots in the subdivisions in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A.2. 4. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Northwest shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-1OC.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the Page 52 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 257 of 302 construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict a gazebo with tables and benches as an amenity in Lot 32,Block 5; include a detail of the gazebo. 5. The landscape plan submitted with the final plat application for Apex Southeast shall be revised as follows: a. Depict multi-use pathways in accord with the Pathways Master Plan as required by the Park's Dept. in Section IX.E. Landscaping shall be depicted along either side of the pathways as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Depict landscaping within all required street buffers along arterial and collector streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-7C. c. Include a calculations table listing the number of trees required vs. those proposed in common open space areas, street buffers,parkways, and along pathways that demonstrate compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3, 11-313-7C.3, 11-313-12C respectively. d. Include mitigation information for any existing trees proposed to be removed from the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-10C.5. e. If the unimproved right-of-way is 10 feet or greater from the edge of pavement to edge of sidewalk or property line,the Developer is required to maintain a 10 foot compacted shoulder meeting the construction standards of ACHD and landscape the remainder with lawn or other vegetative ground cover as set forth in UDC 11-3B-7C.5. A license agreement for improvements within the right-of-way is required between the property owner and ACHD. f. Depict two(2)additional minimum 15-foot wide common lots with 5-foot wide micro-paths in Block 14 at the east boundary; depict landscaping on either side of the pathways in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-12C. g. Depict the children's play equipment proposed in the central common area; include a detail of the play equipment. 6. Future development shall be consistent with the minimum dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6, 11-2A-7 and 11-2B-3 for the R-8,R-15 and C-C zoning districts respectively. 7. Off-street parking is required to be provided for residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 based on the number of bedrooms per unit; and for non-residential uses in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3C-613.1. 8. An exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application that depicts the setbacks, fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed via common driveways; if a property abuts a common driveway but has the required minimum street frontage and is taking access via the public street,the driveway shall be depicted on the opposite side of the shared property line from the common driveway as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D. 9. Address signage shall be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. 10. A perpetual ingress/egress easement shall be filed with the Ada County Recorder for the common driveways,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D.8. A copy of said easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the final plat for City Engineer signature; or,this information may be included in a note on the face of the plat. Page 53 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 258 of 302 11. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement shall be submitted to the Planning Division for the 10-foot wide multi-use pathways proposed within the site that are not located within right-of-way,prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer for the phase in which they are located. 12. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted and approved prior to submittal of any building permit applications for the swimming pool facility in the residential portion of the development; and for all non-residential/commercial uses and structures.A Design Review application is required to be submitted for single-family attached units; one application can be submitted for the overall development if desired. 13. The qualified open space exhibits for the residentially zoned portions of Apex Northwest and Apex Southeast shall be revised prior to the Council hearing to only depict areas that qualify per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B.If additional qualified open space is needed,the plat should be revised to comply. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 The north-south sewer line in the landscaped area of Block 5 (Apex NW)needs to be moved east to the paved access road. 1.2 No sewer or water lines have been shown to the lots in Block 7 (Apex NW). Each lot will need to have services provided. 1.3 Public Work's preference is to see all water utilities in the public right-of-way(R-O-W),where they can easily be operated and maintained. If the utilities truly cannot be installed in the public right-of- way,then our preference would be for utilities to be located in a dedicated and improved alley. If that cannot be accomplished,the applicant should work with Public Works for further solutions that meet both the developer's design constraints and Public Works'maintenance needs. 1.4 This development will need to be modeled at final plat to verify each phase meets minimum fire flow pressures 1.5 From the preliminary geotechnical investigation of groundwater elevation provided in the application, it appears that groundwater may not be a factor with the development of this subdivision. The initial investigative report is dated April 8,2018, and additional data collection is recommended to confirm actual groundwater levels. Updated data and recommendations from a geotechnical professional shall be required with the submittal of construction design drawings. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub- grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility,or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Page 54 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 259 of 302 Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B)for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized,the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898- 5500 for inspections of disconnection of services.Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated,road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits for the residential portions of the development. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C- 3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. Page 55 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 260 of 302 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WeUink/Doc View.asp x?id=189722&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiiy&cr=1 Southeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.oLvlWebLinkIDoeView.aspx?id=189784&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX D. POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=190778&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCibX E. PARK's DEPARTMENT Northeast: https://weblink.meridianciU.or lWebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=191486&dbid=0&repo=MeridianQU Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancit .00rg/WeUink/Doc View.aspx?id=1914 8 7&db id=0&rep o=Meridia n City Page 56 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 261 of 302 F. WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT(WASD) https://weblink.meridianciN.ofg WWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190290&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU G. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=190975&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiu Southeast: https://weblink.m eridia n c i ty.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=19 09 7 7&db id=0&repo=Meridian City H. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) AZ/RZ: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191226&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCioy Northwest: (Draft)https:llweblink.meridianciiy.org/WebLinklPDF]0144da7e98-83a6-4caO-907b- 56a7e5fda2ca/191501 Southeast: (Draft) https://weblink.meridianciU.orgIWebLink/DocView.aspx?id=191503&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitE I. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL(BPBC) https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WeUink/DocView.aspx?id=189951&dbid=0&rep o=Meridia n Ci U J. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) Northwest: https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190512&dbid=0&repo=Meridian CitX Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190510&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity K. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT Northwest: https://weblink.meridiancitE.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190604&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Southeast: https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.asp x?id=190605&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCitX L. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridiancioy.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190598&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiU X. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC l l-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. hi order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: Page 57 - Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 262 of 302 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment to R-2, R-8, R-I5& C-C and proposed development is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the Applicant complies with the provisions in Section IX. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Stafffinds the proposed single-family attached and detached homes with front-loaded and alley-loaded options will contribute to the range of housing opportunities in the City; other residential types may be provided with future phases of development. Stafffinds the commercial portion of the property will provide for the retail and service needs of the community in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Stafffinds theproposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety and welfare. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Stafffinds the proposed zoning map amendment will not result in an adverse impact on the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the City. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Stafffinds the proposed annexation to the R-2 zoning district is consistent with the LDR FL UM designation in the Comprehensive Plan and thus is in the best interest of the City. B. Preliminary Plat Findings: In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat,the decision-making body shall make the following findings: 1. The plat is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; Staff finds that the proposed preliminary plats, with Staffs recommendations, are in substantial compliance with the adopted Comprehensive Plan in regard to land use, density, transportation, and pedestrian connectivity. (Please see Comprehensive Plan Policies in, Section V of this report for more information) 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds that public services will be provided to the subject properties proposed to be subdivided with development. (See Section IX of the Staff Report for more details from public service providers) 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City's capital improvement program; Because City water and sewer and any other utilities will be provided by the development at their own cost, Stafffinds that the subdivision will not require the expenditure of capital improvement funds. Page 58 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 263 of 302 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Stafffinds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development based upon comments from the public service providers (i.e., Police, Fire, ACHD, etc.). (See Section IX for more information) 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health,safety or general welfare; and, Staff is not aware of any health, safety, or environmental problems associated with the platting of this property. ACHD considers road safety issues in their analysis. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that exist on this site that require preserving. Page 59 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 264 of 302 CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.F. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Tara's Landing (H-2020-0048) by Mike Homan, Located at 5025 W. Larry Ln. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: ype Upload Staff Report Staff Report 7/2/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 265 of 302 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET 3 DATE: July 9, 2020 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 4F PROJECT NAME: Tara's Landing (H-2020-0048) PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO y� x 2 33 � 4 ,j -x 5� 6 MA-1- /MM X 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STAFF REPORT C:�*%- W IDIAN -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 7/9/2020 Legend DATE: f IdPrcject Loco fior TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Alan Tiefenbach,Associate Planner 208-489-0573 - SUBJECT: PP-H-2020-0048 Tara's Landing ----------- LOCATION: The site is located at 5025 W. Larry Lane,in the E '/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section / +. 28,Township 4 N.,Range 1 W. do �rrmrn _ rr� I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Annexation, zoning to an R-8 zone, and preliminary plat consisting of 29 buildable lots and 2 common lots on 6.14 acres. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 6.14 Future Land Use Designation Medium Density Residential Existing Land Use(s) Single Family/Rural Proposed Land Use(s) Single Family,29 Lots Lots(#and type;bldg./common) 29 Single Family Phasing Plan(#of phases) 1 phase Number of Residential Units(type 29 of units) Density 4.6 du/acre Open Space(acres,total .73 acres, 10.5%qualified open space [%]/buffer/qualified) Amenities <20 acres,one required. Physical Features(waterways, None hazards,flood plain,hillside) Neighborhood meeting date;#of February 27,2020—3 attendees signed in. attendees: History(previous approvals) Comptons Subdivision No 2(County Subdivision) Public Testimony Adjacent property owners have submitted letters of testimony stating CC&Rs restrict size of lots to no less Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 266 of 302 Description Details Page than one acre.These documents were created outside of City jurisdiction through the County. Staff has taken the position that this is a civil matter. B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) Yes • Requires ACHD No Commission Action (yes/no) • Traffic Impact Study(yes/no) No Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Access is proposed via W.Larry Lane(existing)from N. Hwy/Local)(Existing and Black Cat Road,and N.Willowside Avenue,a north-south Proposed) local street which will connect to the Westbridge Subdivision to the south and stub to the north. Traffic Level of Service Greater than LOS"E" Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross N.Willowside Avenue will be stubbed to the north. Access Existing Road Network W.Larry Lane,a cul-de-sac from N.Black Cat Rd is existing and will be extended. Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ None Buffers "M17M Proposed Road Improvements Extension of W.Larry Lane to N.Willowside Ave, construction of N.Willowside and W.Tara Ct to ACHD standards. Distance to nearest City Park(+ 1 +/-mile to Keith Bird Legacy Park,7.5 acres size) Fire Service • Distance to Fire Station 2.5 miles • Fire Response Time <5 minutes • Resource Reliability >80% • Risk Identification 1 • Accessibility _ Meets all requirements • Special/resource needs Will not require aerial device • Water Supply = 1,000 gph • Other Resources Police Service • Distance to Police Station 8 Miles • Calls for Service 56 - • %of calls for service split 48.2%P2 CFS,39.3%P1 CFS, 12.5%PO CFS by priority • Specialty/resource needs None needed - • Crimes 5 • Crashes 4 • Other Reports West Ada School District • Distance(elem,ins,hs) Enrollment ca aci Miles • Capacity of Schools oev.to school • #of Students Enrolled Pleasant View Elementary Opening 20/21 675 .5 School Year • #of Students Predicted Star Middle School 692 1000 5.4 from this development Meridian High School 1961 2400 5.2 Page 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 267 of 302 Description Details Page Wastewater • Distance to Sewer N/A Services • Sewer Shed N.Black Cat Trunkshed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance 13.92 • Project Consistent with Yes WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Comments • Additional 306 gpd of flow has been committed • Do not extend sewer to the north boundary as properties to the north are in a different service area. • Provide"to and through"to the east to service the eastern boundary. Water • Distance to Water 0 Services • Pressure Zone 1 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's • Water Quality None • Project Consistent with Yes Water Master Plan • Comments End the water main in W.Tara Court with a hydrant and extend the water easement to the eastern property line C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend Low-D n%i � g end Preyed i�Lacaar- Re 1 n ILa� Project Laca-narr r� � t d lute ium Dens' FV' - _ sY Residential �- i, Page 3 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 268 of 302 Zoning Map Planned Development Map (fLegend (fLegend 0 Praject Laca-fian �- I0Pra4ect Lcca-fiar R1 � - R-$ — Poor-red Page a M C-G -C C-N R1 b L- 117 € f PUfi R R-15- l� R. R- R-4 R=d R-15 - RU. R-5 T III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Owner/Applicant: Mike Homan—6820 W. Randolph Drive, Boise,ID 83705 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 6/19/2020 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 6/19/2020 Public hearing notice sign posted 6/23/2020 on site Nextdoor posting 6/16/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(https:llwww.meridianciu.or /�compplan) This property is designated Medium Density Residential on the City's Future Land Use Map(FLUM) contained in the Comprehensive Plan. This designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of three to eight dwelling units per acre. The zoning to R-8 and proposed density of 4.6 du/acre is consistent with the recommendations of the Future Land Use Map. The proposed density is greater than the 2.5 du/acre of the Westbridge Subdivision directly to the south. However, a large area of land designated for Mixed Use Regional is located just 500 feet north of the subject property (southwest quadrant off. Black Cat Road and W. Chinden Boulevard). Proposed uses in this area include a hospital, school, retail and Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 269 of 302 multifamily residential. Higher intensities and densities are expected in MU-R. A transition in density for properties nearer to MU-R is appropriate. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:llwww.meridianciU.or /�compplan): The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are applicable to this development: • "Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents." (2.01.02D) The proposed medium density single-family detached homes will contribute to the variety of residential categories in the City; however, there is no variety in housing types proposed within the development. R-8 zoning and detached single-family homes are abundant in this immediate area. There has also been preliminary discussions regarding the properties directly north of the site for a large development of 258 units, with approximately 180 of these units being multifamily. The City may require a development agreement (DA) in conjunction with an annexation pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-6511A. In order to ensure the site develops as proposed with this application, staff recommends a DA as a provision of annexation with the provisions included in Section IX.A. The DA is required to be signed by the property owner(s)/developer and returned to the City within 6 months of the Council granting the annexation for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. • "Require pedestrian access in all new developments to link subdivisions together and promote neighborhood connectivity". (2.02.011)) Attached sidewalks are proposed on both side of all streets within this development, except for W. Larry Lane. On the portion of W. Larry Lane within the property, sidewalks will only be constructed on the south side (any adjacent development to the north will be required to complete the north side sidewalk). Sidewalks will be constructed on both sides off. Willowside Drive to connect to the south property line where the Westbridge Subdivision is building out, and to the northern stub where future development is anticipated. There is a pathway proposed at the northwest corner of this property (north of Lot 10, Block 1) which will provide a pedestrian route to a future school site at the west of the property. • "Ensure development provides safe routes and access to schools,parks, and other community gathering places. (2.02.01 G)" As mentioned, attached sidewalks are proposed on both sides of all streets with this subdivision except for W. Larry Lane. This includes N. Willowside Avenue, the local street that is proposed to run north—south through the property. This street will be connected to the Westbridge Subdivision to the south and stubbed to the north. Page 5 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 270 of 302 Directly west of the subject property are 28 acres of property that are planned for a large annexation that includes a new Ada County School (Prescott Ridge, H-2020- 004). Staff has been working with the developers of surrounding properties (including the subject property) to ensure there is a connection to this new school parcel. (The school parcel is directly adjacent to the subject property, but the road connection will probably be slightly to the north of the subject property.) In addition, recently constructed Pleasant View Elementary, at the northeast quadrant off. Black Cat Road and W. Gondola Drive, is planned for a Fall 2020 opening. There is a future pathway shown along N. Black Cat Road, and several sections of this pathway have already been installed. This pathway will provide a safe route to Pleasant View Elementary from the subject property along W. Larry Lane. "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval, and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services." (3.03.03F) City water and sewer service is available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks, water and sewer utilities." (3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks is required to be provided with development as proposed. B. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There is one existing single family residence on the site. This residence is proposed to be retained and must connect to City utilities upon annexation of the property. C. Proposed Use Analysis: Single-family detached dwellings are listed as a principal permitted use in the R-8 zoning districts in UDC Table 11-2A-2. D. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): All proposed lots and public streets appear to meet UDC dimensional standards per the submitted preliminary plat. This includes property sizes, required street frontages, and road widths. Development of the subdivision is required to comply with the subdivision design and improvement standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to streets, common driveways and block face. In addition, all subdivision developments are also required to comply with Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards. No common driveways are proposed with this subdivision. Minimum lot sizes are proposed at 4,000 square feet, which complies with the requirements of the R-8 zone district. Page 6 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 271 of 302 Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): There will be three accesses to the property. Primary access will occur from existing W. Larry Lane via N. Black Cat Road. W. Larry Lane is presently a cul-de-sac. ACHD has requested the applicant extend W. Larry Lane to N. Willowside Road, a future local street which will run north—south along the west perimeter of the subject property. As part of the extension, the applicant will be required to improve the existing portion of W. Larry Lane as % of a 33 foot street section with curb, gutter and a minimum of 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk abutting the site. There is also a proposed cul-de-sac, W. Tara Court, which will provide access to the southern portion of the property. All streets are required to be constructed to ACHD standards, including curb, gutter and sidewalk. ACHD has stated they support the proposed plat and has not listed any concerns with the project. ACHD has commented that they will not require the applicant to vacate any portion of the existing W. Larry Lane cul-de-sac. E. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Future development should comply with these standards. F. Pathways ( UDC 11-3A-8): A pathway is shown between Lots 3 & S, Block 2 into the common open space (shown as Lot 4, Block 2). Staff does have concerns with the visibility of this pathway and is recommending Lots S & 6, Block 2 be rotated ninety-degrees as is discussed in the qualified open space section below. There is also a proposed pathway shown north of Lot 10, Block I at the northwest corner of the property. This pathway would provide a connection from the subdivision to the future school site at the west. The plat does not currently show this pathway common area as a separate lot and it is also not shown on the landscape plan. Staff is recommending this be established as a separate lot as a condition of approval and the landscape plan be revised accordingly. Pathways will be required to meet the requirements of section 11-3A-8 of the UDC. G. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): Attached sidewalks are proposed along internal streets in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17. There are no existing sidewalks along W. Larry Lane. Staff is recommending they be constructed as a condition of approval. H. Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): No parkways are proposed with this plat. Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 272 of 302 I. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): As all streets within this subdivision will be local, no landscape buffers are required per UDC Table 11-2A-6. The development proposes approximately 12%of open space; 10.5% is qualified open space as defined below. I Qualified Open Space (UDC 11-3G): Requirements of UDC 11-3G-3 for qualifying common open space include an open grassy area of at least fifty feet by one hundred feet (50'x 100). This proposal includes an open grassy area of approximately 125'x 143'on the south side of W. Larry Lane toward the center of the development, and an additional grassy area of approximately 62'x 132'at the north side of the W. Tara Court cul-de-sac (all of this is shown as Lot 4, Block 2). With a qualified open space of approximately 28,275 square feet, this is 10.5%, meeting the 10%minimum requirements. Common open space is required to be landscaped with one tree per 8,000 square feet of landscaped area in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E. The landscape plan complies with the minimum requirements. There is an area of 1,974 square feet proposed as qualified open space (Lot 7, Block 2). Although this area does meet the minimum 20'x 50'size requirement, it is only open on one end and therefore cannot count as qualified open space. However, the common area shown as a pathway north of Lot 10, Block I and connecting to the west would count as qualified open space. The landscape plan and preliminary plat should be revised to account for this area, and has been recommended as a condition of approval. The applicant proposes a pathway in the common open space between Lots 3 & 5, Block 2. Staff has concerns with the orientation of the lots on either side of this pathway. Because this pathway would run along the sides of the houses, it would be an area of limited visibility. As Lot 7 cannot be counted as qualified open space anyway, staff recommends eliminating Lot 7 and rotating Lots 5 & 6 ninety-degrees to align with Lots 8-10 in Block 2. This would put the backyards of Lots 5 & 6 adjacent to the pathway area and provide better visibility into the common open space. K. Qualified Site Amenities (UDC 11-3G): Based on the area of the proposed plat (6.14 acres), a minimum of one (1) qualified site amenity is required to be provided per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3C. Although staff has raised this issue to the applicant several times, an amenity has yet to be proposed. Staff recommends the Planning Commission discuss the proposed open space area, whether it is acceptable, and which amenities should be required. L. Waterways(UDC 11-3A-6): There are no significant waterways on the property. Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 273 of 302 M. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): No new fencing is reflected on the plat or landscape plan. All fencing is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-6C and 11-3A-7. Utilities (UDC 11-3A-21): Public services are available to accommodate the proposed Development. All lots within the subdivision will be provided domestic water and sanitary sewer service by the City via extensions from N. Black Cat Road. The existing house at 5025 W. Larry Lane (Lot 11) will be retained and is presently served by well and septic. Staff is recommending as a condition of approval that this residence be connected to water and sewer. N. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): The Applicant has submitted sample elevations of the single-family homes for this project (see Section MY). The single-family homes are depicted as two-story structures with two-car garages, and a variety of finish materials with stone and lap-siding combinations. The submitted sample elevations appear to meet design requirements for single-family homes. DECISION O. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the requested annexation, zoning and preliminary plat with the conditions noted in Section IX.A per the Findings in Section IX. Page 9 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 274 of 302 VI. EXHIBITS A. Preliminary Plat(date: 6/29/2020) a Tara's Landing : Prelimina l R:•w61:S/I v u I R aMUY iih0M r4 VlxE■I*Off QiE- v W A KIRJP W'aLR7 wJOR I�[wl u u RJ 20"4 iqa r V rill m� rt►IirTON'S c[lRTlrnRrrxrr3tx2 ■E LLT IL1! JN LJr5GO6Y p PYIrA r'i I�lL.i{ A iFii Ff idY tlr �RJJ P9ra VI@.;SrR:t. 7 1 lixig"an 112 Swwn-Loo1 FwA I 1110 IJ1E d T. l rf a — dLila +a aclr aMV3L•. ---"—"------ SI'L.,. v FFL 1 3 X Lhir e,T IWF F� Irallr Im" r 5 I p ill i 1JI �lEYlh lsd � �' � I I' llFmlm Itl +r- "lip t +III 19 + ' to a r i m�aE�lap I' i b I ail w r�411 lit.r Ilf�}S Iti 9 O I• I I e� 51 1_DE6F.F,�,n.i $ s k.*. _ s h 511 r II.i wac lt4+ Iltr I q p 4JI1 4rl.r alrtY ''•{. 6 / F I,i1fY tw}1 >tr+�PF1 I+ea' sJl+�*_:irE7i+ � V ar.. r 11 i'EJW] I Fr yy�4n 1911' J4 .r.Tt ""f1 — — -•-4" 1 VV J rI�I y•# ff I I —_ - - _ tit li. r war 4 T IRW f i i y 7 Is L A .,r,.n flair z Q g C+�j r�l 0 a ,y( 1 ITT' ial r ufs! y +wl v iw r .�1 s aeav IOd Y• �el�r Owl s Y4r i+!r 1 J • � RG I � I •I J dY0! - J ' IK T i!!'Sl�i 1162i ". YwR w!� II IY C:-2Pzw 1 ill R 1I II 1� I pl 'i'FS1RR311GF:9113l61Y61Clhl {I + III I 1 S:7poi 1-o¢d Siegel Seolion Se�lcb7awing T4* 1MdUS4C4l1e114tliMF% Di I sou It —a¢+ rvccllo�F lM1e Ir llhi(w J.'i weer ill }r 4�O 4oi[F[# 'J1w LaE Jrlt si✓y�Vr _— ysrrrW 85' ITN rJp gFYLv +l d•.Y1YS.iAt11lRM iF3•, w{I E Y iY0 ,Y[r. le nn '�'f W Lj t614 ti11 T S S �*� j tr3Ala4�a 9 Ra_F r I]T. it - a�iKA Ott J 117 lY/nLi-w.1 ad m i m +Ya WK F437-A wr 55 f J16 RJ 41WL sari III✓tlll aii R'X [nllen lW t_ JYi\h YdlhT M1GIy IIFrr 4[Yw Yi ,1G Sri rrl L��Yyla RarF ro Glly �wiYrW ICE+ I . Zlr T1J!-Y R114 jai'�Y6 FJ ail JOV#rFll�i4 tirII•IL 2!1["—" i my frtJLV:.I VI G! 1pfi mC>tr iR'. Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 275 of 302 B. Landscape Plan(date: 6/28/2020) W.Larry Laae — — — —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- I 0 fa7 �ncirarKcTr� z rf2rHfIGRrr❑34A:., II --- — — — — — W.rmc(nm -------------------J lu I ul III � ul I II I III (Z'MN-ME IEWT-"fA qS MIN IWPJ-rS etWErn F71U=W-9,Vlq I II I III a.w�L�aao�w 1s3oh I II II Page 11 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 276 of 302 C. Conceptual Building Elevations(date: 5/13/2020) o . r 1 1 ff .1 1 ti • LL Page 12 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 277 of 302 CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. A Development Agreement(DA) is required as a provision of annexation of this property. Prior to approval of the annexation ordinance, a DA shall be entered into between the City of Meridian, the property owner(s) at the time of annexation ordinance adoption, and the developer. 2. Currently, a fee of$303.00 shall be paid by the Applicant to the Planning Division prior to commencement of the DA. The DA shall be signed by the property owner and returned to the Planning Division within six (6)months of the City Council granting the annexation. The DA shall, at minimum, incorporate the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the preliminary plat, landscape plan and conceptual building elevations for the single-family dwellings included in Section VII and the provisions contained herein. 3. The Preliminary Plat included in Section VII, dated 6/29/2020, shall be revised as follows prior to submittal of the final plat application: a. Common Lot 7 Block 2 will be eliminated, and Lots 5 & 6 of Block 2 shall be rotated 90-degrees to align with Lots 8-10, Block 2. b. The micropath north of Lot 10 shall be included as a separate Lot and Block. 4. The Landscape Plan included in Section VII, dated 6/29/2020, shall be revised prior to submittal of the final plat application as follows: a. At least one qualifying site amenity shall be provided as set forth in UDC 11-3G- 3C. b. The micropath lot indicated on the plat north of Lot 10, Block 1 shall be shown on the landscape plan. c. All proposed fencing shall be shown on the landscape plan. 5. The existing residence at 5025 West Larry Lane (Lot 11)will be required to abandon the well and septic system and connect to City water and sewer. 6. The applicant shall construct all proposed fencing and/or any fencing required by the UDC, consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7 and 11-3A-6B, as applicable. 7. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of 11-3A-3 with regard to access to streets. Page 13 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 278 of 302 8. The applicant shall comply with the sidewalk standards asset forth in UDC 11-3A- 17. This includes a sidewalk along the south side of W. Larry Lane. 9. The development shall comply with standards and installation for landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-3B-5 and maintenance thereof as set forth in UDC 11-3B-13. 10. The plat shall comply with the provisions for irrigation ditches, laterals, canals and/or drainage courses, as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6. 11. Pathway and adjoining fencings and landscaping shall be constructed consistent with the standards as set forth in UDC 11-3A-7A7, 11-3A-8 and 11-3B-12C. 12. The applicant shall preserve any existing trees on the subject property that are four- inch caliper or greater; or mitigate for the loss of such trees as set forth in UDC 11- 3B-10C. 13. The development shall comply with all subdivision design and improvement standards as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3, including but not limited to cul-de-sacs, alleys, driveways, common driveways, easements, blocks, street buffers, and mailbox placement. 14. Off-street parking is required to be provided in accord with the standards listed in UDC Table 11-3C-6 for single-family detached dwellings based on the number of bedrooms per unit. 15. The Applicant shall have a maximum of two (2) years to obtain City Engineer's signature on a final plat in accord with UDC 11-6B-7. 16. The Applicant shall comply with all conditions of ACHD. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 A street light plan will need to be included in the final plat application. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-7 of the City's Design Standards. 1.2 End the water main in W. Tara Court with a fire-hydrant and extend a water and sewer easement to the eastern property line 1.3 Applicant to provide "to and through" sanitary sewer mainline connection to the property to the west. 1.4 Do not extend sewer to the north boundary as properties to the north are in a different service area. 1.5 Applicant shall submit a geotechnical investigative report for the subject development prior to this project advancing to the Meridian City Council for consideration. Page 14 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 279 of 302 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code (MCC), the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat, but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2"x 11"map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at (208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 280 of 302 irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections (208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc., prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process, prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-12-3H. 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 281 of 302 be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public—works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125% of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer, water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. D. ACHD https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=l 91225&dbid=0&repo=M eri di anCity E. MERIDIAN POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190783&dbid=0&repo=Meridi anCity F. MERIDIAN FIRE DEPARTMENT (MFD) https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=188366&dbid=0&repo=Meridi anCity VII. FINDINGS A. ANNEXATION AND/OR REZONE (UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission, the council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing, review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone, the council shall make the following findings: Page 17 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 282 of 302 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds annexation of the subject site with an R-8 zoning designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan MDR FL UM designation for this property if the Applicant complies with the provisions in Section IX. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds the lot sizes proposed combined with the housing types proposed will be consistent with the purpose statement of the residential districts in that a range of housing opportunities will be provided consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds that the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. 5. The annexation(as applicable) is in the best interest of city Staff finds the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City if the property is developed in accord with the provisions in Section IX. B. Preliminary Plat (UDC 11-613-6) In consideration of a preliminary plat, combined preliminary and final plat, or short plat, the decision making body shall make the following findings: (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) 1. The plat is in conformance with the comprehensive plan and is consistent with this unified development code; (Ord. 08-1372, 7-8-2008, eff. 7-8-2008) Staff finds the proposed plat is generally in conformance with the UDC if the Applicant complies with the conditions of approval in Section IX. 2. Public services are available or can be made available and are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Staff finds public services can be made available to the subject property and will be adequate to accommodate the proposed development. Page 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 283 of 302 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the city's capital improvement program; Staff finds the proposed plat is in substantial conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the City s CIP. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Staff finds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development. 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and Staff finds the proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. (Ord. 05- 1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that need to be preserved with this development. Page 19 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 284 of 302 CiWE IDIAN�-- ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.G. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Ustick Marketplace Storage (Phase 2) (H-2020-0051) by Rick Steward with Babcock Design, Located at 3535 N. Records Ave. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Descriptioi L U loa Staff Report Staff Report 7/2/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 285 of 302 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN IN SHEET DATE: July 9, 2020 ITEM # ON AGENDA: 4G PROJECT NAME: Ustick marketplace Storage (H-2020-0051) PRINTED FULL NAME For Against Neutral Want to Testify YES OR NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 STAFF REPORT C�WE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A H O HEARING 7/9/2020 Legend _ DATE: ��Proje o' Lc�cfl{ion TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Alan Tiefenbach,Associate Planner 208-489-0573 SUBJECT: H-2020-0051 � Ustick Marketplace Storage Phase II - LOCATION: 3535 N. Records Avenue t I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant has submitted applications for a conditional use permit and administrative design review for a self-service storage facility on 1 acre of land in the C-G zoning district. This is the second phase of an existing facility to add 116 additional storage units. Note: The administrative design review application is reviewed and approved by the Director; Commission action is not required. Analysis of the building design is provided below in section V. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 1.11 acres Future Land Use Designation Mixed Use Regional Existing Land Use(s) Commercial Proposed Land Use(s) Commercial Lots(#and type;bldg./common) One(1)building lot Neighborhood meeting date;#of April 6,2020 attendees: Page 1 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 286 of 302 Description Details Page History(previous approvals) A-2019-0287(PBA),A-2018-0156(CZC),DA#104107404 and#107126901 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District Only standard comments. • Staff report(yes/no) No • Requires ACHD Commission No Action(yes/no) I M Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Property has existing access from two Collectors-W. Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) Baldcypress Way and N.Records Ave. Existing Road Network Yes Fire Service See comments section Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Services N/A • Sewer Shed Five Mile Trunkshed • Estimated Project Sewer See application ERU's • WRRF Declining Balance 13.95 • Project Consistent with WW Yes Master Plan/Facility Plan • Comments Flow has been committed.No proposed changes to public sewer infrastructure within record.Any changes or modifications to the public sewer infrastructure must be reviewed and approved by Public Works. Water • Distance to Water Services 0 • Pressure Zone 3 • Estimated Project Water See application ERU's • Water Quality No concerns • Project Consistent with Water Yes Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns There were no utilities shown on the submitted site plan.The City only referenced the CAD file submitted for the proposed water infrastructure review. Reduce the size of the proposed water main throughout this development to 8". End the proposed water main with a temporary blowoff to facility future extension to the west. Page 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 287 of 302 C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend — Legend _ 10Praject LacaTicrti Project Lflcafiors �Re6- IC71 IVIC;� 'n •� - a I.pa Off iC e V Law- on I T I .4 _ Zoning Map Planned Development Map (fLegend 1 Legend - P�aject LccuSHm 1 P•o&ec*Loma-on r J� q- ;_i City Lim is � Panned Paroe's — -- ----- ' - C-G i C:z W-15 r. RI I_ eRl HH RUT f �o R-2 rh - s 4 !� III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Sun Mountain Investments LLC—2371 Eastdale Dr. Boise,ID 83712 B. Owner: Sun Mountain Investments LLC—2371 Eastdale Dr. Boise, ID 83712 Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 288 of 302 C. Representative: Rick Stewart, Babcock Design—800 W. Main Street, Ste 940,Boise,ID 83702 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 6/19/2020 Radius notification mailed to 6/16/2020 properties within 300 feet Site Posting Date 6/25/2020 NextDoor posting 6/16/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. Future Land Use Map Designation(hgps://www.meridiancity.org/compplan) Mixed Use Regional - The purpose of this designation is to provide a mix of employment, retail, and residential dwellings and public uses near major arterial intersections. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses together, including residential, and to avoid predominantly single use developments such as a regional retail center with only restaurants and other commercial uses. Developments should be anchored by uses that have a regional draw with the appropriate supporting uses. The subject site is already annexed, zoned(C-G), and presently contains 341 storage units. The development agreement supports a broad range of commercial uses by right, as well as residential uses by conditional use. This proposal will be a second phase for an additional 116 units. B. Comprehensive Plan Policies(https:Ilwww.meridianciu.oc /g compplan): Goals, Objectives, &Action Items: Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this application and apply to the proposed use of this property (staff analysis in italics): • Preserve private property rights and values by enforcing regulations that will prevent and mitigate against incompatible and detrimental neighboring uses. (3.05.01 C) The conditional use is a process to ensure any impacts associated with a particular use are mitigated. • Require appropriate building design, and landscaping elements to buffer, screen, beautify, and integrate commercial, multifamily, and parking lots into existing neighborhoods. (5.01.02D) Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 289 of 302 Building design and landscaping is being reviewed as part of the Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) being processed concurrently with this proposal. As long as the landscaping is enhanced as mentioned below, the design and landscaping will be appropriate to buffer, screen and integrate the development into the neighborhood. • Support beautiful and high quality development that reinforces neighborhood character and sustainability. (5.01.02) The proposed expansion would allow 116 new units in 3 buildings. The subject property is within a large area zoned C-G and is bordered by existing residential to the north and east. Phase One consisted of 341 units in 10 buildings. The applicant completed the first phase design through a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC). This resulted in a self-storage facility with quality architecture and dense landscaping which respects the adjacent residential. This phase (Phase Two)proposes similar architecture to the first phase, but significantly less landscape density along W. Baldcypress St. As long as the Applicant increases the density of landscaping in this area as discussed in the landscaping section below (and added as a condition of approval)staff believes this proposal would result in appropriate building design, high quality development and mitigate against detrimental neighboring uses. C. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: A Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) was approved in January of 2019 for the first phase of a self-storage facility. This consisted of 341 storage units in 10 buildings and 52,000 total square feet of gross floor area. This proposal would add an additional 116 units in four buildings and 24,126 additional square feet adjacent and to the west of the existing facility. D. Proposed Use Analysis: The subject property is within the General Retail and Service Commercial District(C-G). This zone district is intended to be the largest scale and broadest mix of retail, office, service, and light industrial uses. A"Storage Facility, Self Service" is a conditional use in the C-G zoning district, as shown in UDC Table 11-213-2. It is subject to specific use standards per UDC 11-4-3-34. E. Specific Use Standards(UDC 11-4-3): A"Storage Facility, Self Service" is subject to specific use standards as outlined in UDC 11-4-3-34. These standards include not being used for residences, structures being at least 25' apart, the facility being required to be screened from view, a secondary access required, and no outdoor storage of materials. The proposed development meets these requirements. F. Dimensional Standards(UDC 11-2): The existing and proposed commercial structures meet all dimensional standards. Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 290 of 302 G. Access(UDC 11-3A-3, 11-3H-4): Access will be provided from W. Baldcypress St. to the north and N. Records Ave. to the east. These accesses are existing and serve the Phase One self-storage that is already constructed. Self-storage is a low traffic generating use and therefore staff anticipates negligible traffic impacts from this development. ACHD has not offered any site specific comments. H. Parking(UDC 11-3C): Per UDC 11-3C-6B.1, parking is based on gross floor area of office space for self-service storage facilities. A 555 square foot office was constructed with the first phase, which required 2 parking stalls whereas 3 were provided. 2 bicycle spaces were also provided. This phase does not propose any additional office space, therefore the existing parking is adequate. As is required by UDC I I-3C-5, all internal 2-way drive aisles are at least 25' in width. L Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17) Sidewalks were constructed with the subdivision. This included a 5' detached sidewalk along the N. Records Ave. frontage and a 5' attached sidewalk along the W. Baldcypress St. frontage. I Parkways No parkways are proposed with this expansion. K. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): UDC 11-2B-3 requires landscape buffers of a minimum width of 20'along Collector Streets. Twelve foot wide landscape buffers were installed with the first phase of the development along the property frontages on W. Baldcypress St. and N. Records Ave. (both Collector Streets). The buffers were reduced from 20'to 12'wide because the approved plat for this property only required a 10 foot wide landscape buffer, which pre- dates the current UDC requirement. The landscape buffer along N. Records Ave contains dense landscaping of trees and shrubs that very effectively screens the exterior walls of the development. However, the existing buffer along W. Baldcypress St. (north) contains only trees and the existing ground cover. According to the submitted conceptual landscape plan, no additional landscaping is proposed in this area. One required finding of a conditional use is that the "design will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity, and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area." There is an additional finding that "the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. " The proposed development is in a visible location directly across the street from existing residential on two sides. To ensure the project is compatible with these residential uses Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 291 of 302 and the existing character of the neighborhood, staff recommends the buffer along W. Baldcypress St. be increased to the density and quality of the N. Records Ave. buffer. This will be addressed at time of Certificate of Zoning Compliance. L. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): The majority of the"fencing" in the existing self-storage facility is the backs of the self- storage buildings. There is some existing 8' high metal fencing filling gaps where buildings do not exist. Phase Two will incorporate several small sections of the same style fencing at the western portion of the site; otherwise comparable buildings and architecture will serve as the barrier. M. Utilities All utilities for the proposed development are already in place. As this phase is only for 116 more storage units, no additional services are needed. N. Building Elevations A design review (DES) application was submitted concurrently with this proposal (administrative processes).The existing buildings are 12-14 feet in height (the entrance "cupolas at the office are 25' in height). Materials consist of a combination of corrugated metal, hardie board, metal panels and stone as a column base and accent material. The roof consists of standing seam metal. The building elevations as proposed consists of the same architecture and materials. Some of the architecture may not comply with all the requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual(ASM). For example, the elevations show rooflines greater than 50'in length that do not incorporate roofline and parapet variations. As another example, the use of metal as a primary field material is not allowed by the ASM. However, the existing facility is high quality and a significant amount of landscape screening occurs along N. Records Ave. As long as the northern landscape buffer is increased as recommended, staff will support the above-mentioned design the design as proposed. With the CZC application, the applicant should submit and obtain approval of a design standards exception as outlined in the ASM. Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 292 of 302 VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit with the conditions in Section VIII per the Findings in Section IX. Page 8 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 293 of 302 VII. EXHIBITS A. Pictures of Existing Facility View from N. Records looking west N. Records Ave landscape buffer r View of Phase Two lot from W. Baldcypress looking south. Existing W. Baldcypress buffer. ; r Page 9 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 294 of 302 B. Proposed Site Plan(date: 4/22/2022) u AVM SS38dA701 'M b __________ ______________ - -- LU W 8 - 1101 EME LU VON\ i - y 7E Y o i 4 y3 � .I �avN lll I 95rY1:5/o I Ll I 4 I U ,3M 1 Yage 1 U Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 295 of 302 C. Proposed Landscape Plan(dated: 4/22/2020) A�►M 38dA Q1V8 - LL LJ LJ LL LL LL LL LL LL L l ellER r i'"It a � t O -4y I e f 3 i i IH-110N ■ame -r ■ • • / 5 z S U Page 11 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 296 of 302 D. Building Elevations(date: 4/22/2020) I.r.YdoR—Ton-ncmx,xo+cw.a..nc rrz�s wnn 2 1 p.. 3.vrien-nw�^mrx 4 neew.ien I VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. Planning 1. Future development of this site shall comply with the provisions of Development Agreements 104107404 and 107126901 as well as A-2018-0156 (CZC),associated with AZ-04-009 (Market Square) and the conditions contained herein. 2. The Developer/Owner shall comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3- 34, Self-Service Storage Facility. The application submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application shall demonstrate compliance with these standards. 3. The site/landscape plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application shall be revised as follows: a. The landscape buffer along W. Baldcypress Way shall be revised to reflect a density and materials of trees, shrubs and groundcover consistent with the existing landscape buffer along N. Records Avenue as is approved for CZC A-2018-0156. 4. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance application is required to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to submittal of building permit applications. The Page 12 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 297 of 302 applicant will either meet all architectural requirements of the Architectural Standards Manual (ASM) or apply for a design exception as part of the CZC submittal. Staff will support design exceptions for the architecture as proposed with this CUP so long as conditions regarding the W. Baldcypress St. landscape buffer are satisfied. 5. The Applicant shall have a maximum of two (2) years to commence the use as permitted in accord with the conditions of approval listed above. If the use has not begun within two (2) years of approval, a new conditional use permit must be obtained prior to operation or a time extension must be requested in accord with UDC 11-5B-6F. B. Public Works Site Specific Conditions: 1. Reduce the size of the proposed water main throughout this development to 8". 2. End the proposed water main with a temporary blowoff to facility future extension to the west. General Conditions: 1. The applicant shall install mains to and through this development; applicant shall coordinate main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet, if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2. Water service to this site is available via extension of existing mains adjacent to the development. The applicant shall be responsible to install water mains to and through this development, coordinate main size and routing with Public Works. 3. All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures. 4. Upon installation of the landscaping and prior to inspection by Planning Department staff,the applicant shall provide a written certificate of completion as set forth in UDC 11-3B-14A. 5. The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20% of the total construction cost for all completed sewer, and water infrastructure for a duration of two years. This surety amount will be verified by a line item final cost invoicing provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety, which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 6. Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 298 of 302 7. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 8. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 9. Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 10. All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC 11-1-4B. 11. Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill, where footing would sit atop fill material. 12. The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 13. At the completion of the project, the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 14. The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way (include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall be dedicated via using the City of Meridian's standard forms. Submit an executed easement (on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor, which must include the area of the easement (marked EXHIBIT A) and an 81/2" x I I" map with bearings and distances (marked EXHIBIT B) for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. 15. Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with and NPDES permitting that may be required by the Environmental Protection Agency. 16. Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Water Department at (208)888-5242 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources. 17. Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact the Central District Health Department for abandonment procedures and inspections. 18. The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year- round source of water(MCC 9-1-28.C.1). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not Page 14 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 299 of 302 available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to development plan approval. 19. All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals, or drains, exclusive of natural waterways, intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being developed shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work, the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. C. Ada County Highway District(ACHD) hggs://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=190497&dbid=0&repo=Me ridianCity D. Meridian Fire Department(MFD) 1. Fire Flow: Commercial and office occupancies will require a fire-flow consistent with International Fire Code Appendix B to service the proposed project. Fire hydrants shall be placed per Appendix C. 2. Water Supply: Final approval of the fire hydrant locations shall be by the Meridian Fire Department or their designee in accordance with International Fire Code Section (IFC) 508.5.4 as follows: a. Fire hydrants shall have a Storz LDH connection in place of the 4 '/2" outlet. The Storz connection may be integrated into the hydrant or an approved adapter may be used on the 4 1/2" outlet. b. Fire hydrants shall have the Storz outlet face the main street or parking lot drive aisle. c. Fire hydrants shall be placed on corners when spacing permits. d. Fire hydrants shall not have any vertical obstructions to outlets within 10'. e. Fire hydrants shall be placed 18" above finished grade to the center of the Storz outlet. f Fire hydrants shall be provided to meet the requirements of the Meridian Water Dept. Standards. g. Show all proposed or existing hydrants for all new construction or additions to existing buildings within 1,000 feet of the project. 3. Water Supply: Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet (122 m) from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the code official as set forth in International Fire Code Section 507.5.1. For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 the distance requirement shall be 600 feet(183). Page 15 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 300 of 302 a. For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, the distance requirement shall be 600 feet(183 m). b. For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the distance requirement shall be 600 feet(183 m). c. Roadways: In accordance with International Fire Code Section 503.2.5 and Appendix D, any roadway greater than 150 feet in length that is not provided with an outlet shall be required to have an approved turn around. Phasing of the project may require a temporary approved turn around on streets greater than 150' in length with no outlet. Cul-D-Sacs shall be 96' in diameter minimum and shall be signed"No Parking Fire Lane"per International Fire Code Sections 503.3 & D103.6. d. Roadways: All entrances, internal roads, drive aisles, and alleys shall have a turning radius of 28' inside and 48' outside, per International Fire Code Section 503.2.4. e. Roadways: Emergency response routes and fire lanes shall not be allowed to have traffic calming devices installed without prior approval of the Fire Code Official. National Fire Protection IFC 503.4.1. f. Access: Operational fire hydrants, temporary or permanent street signs, and access roads with an all-weather surface are required to be installed before combustible construction material is brought onto the site, as set forth in International Fire Code Section(IFC) 501.4. IX. FINDINGS A. Conditional Use Permit The Commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. The site meets all the dimensional and development regulations in the C-G zoning district. There are already 341 storage units in 10 buildings and this proposal would add an additional 116 units. Staff finds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Staff finds the proposed self-storage will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan per the analysis in Section V of this staff report. The proposed storage facility will provide a needed service within close proximity to residential uses. Page 16 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 301 of 302 3. That the design, construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. The proposed self-storage facility is the second phase to an existing facility surrounded on two sides by existing residential. The architecture and landscape buffers associated with the existing facility are good quality and provide adequate screening. However, the landscaping buffer proposed along W. Baldcypress Ave. contains existing trees and grass but does not contain the density provided with the N. Records Avenue buffer. To ensure the proposed facility is compatible with the existing residences and character of the general vicinity, staff recommends the density of the northern landscape buffer be increased to what is existing with the eastern landscape buffer (N. Records Avenue). 4. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. If the proposed self-storage complies with the conditions of approval in Section VII as required, Staff finds the proposed use should not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water, and sewer. The proposed use is within an existing self-storage and these services are already being provided. As the current project is only for additional storage units, no additional infrastructure is necessary. Staff finds the proposed use will be served adequately by all public facilities and services. 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff finds the proposed use should not create any additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. As mentioned, this proposal is to add 3 additional buildings to a complex of 10 existing self-storage buildings. The project is not located in a prime commercial location, is behind an existing Lowes, and is bordered on both sides by existing residential. The proposed facility is appropriate in this location. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30- 2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is unaware of any natural, scenic, or historic features on this site; thus, Staff finds the proposed use should not result in damage of any such features. Page 17 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda July 9,2020— Page 302 of 302