2020-07-07 Sally Reynolds Charlene Way From:TheSneakyPug . <sneakypug@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, July 06, 2020 7:16 PM To:Robert Simison; Liz Strader; Brad Hoaglun; Joe Borton; Treg Bernt; Jessica Perreault; Luke Cavener; City Clerk Subject:Meridian Open Space and Amenities Executive Summary Attachments:Open Space ES and Results PP 063020 (002).pdf; Meridian LDR and Open Space.xlsx External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. Good Evening Mayor Simison and City Council Members, I am on the City's Open Space and Amenities Workgroup. We just received an insightful executive summary detailing the responses to the City's Open Space Survey. I assume that you have each already received a copy of this report, but if not, I attached it to this email. Its findings are extremely applicable to applications that will come before Council in the coming weeks and I hope you have time to review its contents before the City Council meeting tomorrow. The survey respondents are home-owning, highly-educated, invested residents (see Data on Slide 4). These survey results substantiate what the residents on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee advocated for last year - Open Space is a critical and valuable part of Meridian's future. During the comp plan approval City Council meeting (which many of you were present for), you will recall many, many testimonies from residents who requested that the City maintain a rural, or ultra-low density designation. At the end of Nov, I submitted a petition with over 400 signatures on it, asking for that designation. I will include a copy of the email below, for reference and attach the petition. Please remember how much Meridian residents value Open Space and Amenities. These are the people who elected you to represent them. In this interim time period where the comp plan has been approved, but UDC changes have not been implemented, please bear in mind that Meridian residents have spoken on this issue in numerous ways. Thank you, Sally Reynolds _____________________________________________________________ Nov 2019 Mayor Tammy and City Council Members, Thank you for the opportunity to be heard last week. I am attaching the petition of almost 400 signatures regarding a Rural/Ultra Low designation and higher open space requirements. I still firmly believe that: 1. Meridian needs an Ultra-low designation that would only include 1+ acre lots. Meridian has many areas where homes are on 1+ acres and correctly identifying these areas on the current and future FLUM will ensure proper land use planning, better transitions, and adequate buffers. Last week Mr. Cavener asked Susan Karnes when we should realize that we will not be a rural community for much longer. While I agree that we are moving towards a more urban feel, I do not think ALL of the current land in Meridian will annexed and subdivided into less than 1 acre lots in the NEXT 10 years, which is this plan's time horizon. To eliminate the rural or an ultra LDR on this iteration of the comp plan is a disservice to the residents who currently live on those parcels and the people who will be living next to them. By not properly identifying these areas, Meridian runs the risk of being a hodge podge of land uses without a cohesive feel. I worry we will become what Garden City is between Eagle and Boise. To 1 maintain our city's value and identity, we need to be thoughtful about the remainder of our growth. Which leads me to #2 2. I was really looking forward to seeing some innovative ideas/planning uses for the Southern Rim, Downtown, and the Fields. This comp plan does not have specific plans for these areas and I feel that is a real missed opportunity. We have a couple great "centers of activity" such as the Village and Ten Mile, but we have the opportunity to have similar planning/gathering spaces/centers of employment & shopping in these three areas. 3. I stand by the fact that I believe there needs to be at least 3-4 UDC changes that should be implemented SIMULTANEOUSLY as the comp plan, specifically relating to the definition of "open space" and "amenities." The UDC needs some language addressing grading and draining issues. It also needs stronger language on how applications are processed. Many of the goals in the new comp plan cannot and will not be realized until those changes are made. Therefore, in my opinion, why are we adopting a comp plan when Council will have NO LEGAL BASIS to follow it? Some applications could be denied based on the fact that "They are not in the best interest of the city," but I have failed to see that reasoning used once in the last three years. I urge Council to reconsider why they should adopt this comp plan, if they will not be able to follow it until at least a FEW UDC Code changes are in place. 4. There were changes made without going through the steering committee. Jim Conger, of DevCo, who sat on the committee throughout the entire process and was an active participant, was obviously blindsided by some of these changes and spoke to that fact last week. As I stated in my testimony last week, I think the plan is ALMOST there, but it lacks some critical components that will make it a success. The FLUM definitely needs more review, with area specific plans, a Ultra low LDR, and vetting tying zoning standards to designations. While this may take some time, I strongly believe that it will improve the integrity of the plan. (On a side note, I'm not sure why the date was given to staff for the plan to be ready his Fall. While they did a wonderful job of guiding the process, they are short-staffed and spread thin. The fact is they need more time to get any zoning designations done and UDC code changed with this comp plan). Also, I believe the new Mayor and City Council should have the opportunity to discuss among themselves and direct staff to make any changes to the plan that, as a new united body, they see fit. It makes more sense to WAIT for that instead of finalizing and adopting the plan right now. I will include my letter of why I resigned from the steering committee below. I think the biggest issue is that I do not believe the process of the FLUM changes was transparent. If anyone in Meridian can call in and request changes to their land use designation, then we should have made an announcement for ALL Meridian residents to be aware of that fact, so they could exercise that right. As a result, only landowners who are currently in the process of developing land really understood what was happening and took advantage of the comp plan change. (For the record, I completely disagree with landowners just being able to phone in a request without proper public notice because it undermines the entire public hearing process, but if we are going to let some people do it, then everyone should be able to.) Thank you for your careful consideration of this plan. If you truly want this to be a viable guiding document for Meridian for the next ten years that can be implemented by the newly elected officials, I urge you to weigh in on it, but delay adoption until the new year. Allow it to get the final touches on it from the committee and make it strong by allowing staff to prepare proper UDC language. I will not be able to attend the meeting this evening, but I look forward to participating through YouTube. Thank you, Sally Reynolds 2 August 14, 2019 Good afternoon, Cameron, Caleb and Brian, My family and I are out of town this week, so I won't be able to attend tonight's meeting. Instead, I'll go ahead and submit my final comments in this email. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the Meridian Comprehensive Plan drafting process. I've learned a lot about the different organizations that need to collaborate if a city is to function, grow, and thrive. I've also reviewed all the survey results from the website, the Town Hall survey, Menti poll, as well as read the various comments and letters submitted through the website. I'm grateful for the input I have had as a member of the steering committee; however, I still have some concerns with the current comprehensive plan as it is written and presented. First, some of the policies in comp plan don't align with the FLUM. For example, policy 4.5.3 and 4.5.3A address preserving rural character; however, the rural designation is no longer part of the FLUM. If Meridian is truly committed to providing a wide variety of types of housing options(Goal 2.2.1A-G), the rural designation should be maintained. Secondly, residents provided feedback that Meridian is becoming too densely populated for the current infrastructure. The city cannot continue to make land use decisions without having all the information from other agencies that will be affected by that decision. Recognizing that the city has limited control over these agencies, goal 6.1.2F can still use stronger language, such as: "The city will require applicants to submit all ACHD, ITD, VRT, COMPASS, and other agency comments in addressing transportation issues to the city planning department before the city will begin drafting a staff report. These comments, including other school and transportation agency comments, will be submitted with adequate time to allow for review by the City staff before the staff report is written. The staff report with these agency comments will be available at least 1 week prior to the application's public hearing at the P&Z level." I still strongly believe the City Council should not be approving conceptual plans, but only final plats. In conjunction with the overall feeling that Meridian is becoming crowded, I would like to see an overall increase in percentage open space required in each FLUM designation, and the term "open space" specifically defined in the UDC. Goal 2.2.1B vaguely addresses this, but given that the specific percentage of open space is defined in the plan, I think "Open Space" and "Amenities" should be strictly defined. I believe we discussed putting parameters around how designations can be "floated" across several parcels. On page 1-6, the last paragraph says that the plan will be used "in earnest" as a roadmap. If staff reports continue to float designations across parcels, I think that practice should be mentioned somewhere in the document, so residents understand that a "Mixed-Use _______ " area could actually end up with far fewer uses than what it looks like on the FLUM. Without that disclosure, the FLUM is misleading. It could be included somewhere in pages 3-12 to 3-16 and/or as a disclaimer on the FLUM itself. Finally, this fall, Meridian will elect a new Mayor and three new city council seats. For the current mayor and city council to implement this plan is premature. It would be in the best interest of the city to hold this as a draft until the new council and Mayor take office in January 2020. 3 The public comment period was a very short 5 weeks in the middle of the summer when most families are vacationing. As a resident advocate leading a resident group, I have noticed significantly less participation in our group over the summer. Leaving the public comment period open until the end of November would give residents more time to engage and provide feedback. It would also give the newly elected officials a couple months to review the plan before voting on it. At the other end of the spectrum, various interested landowners contacted the city to request modifications to the FLUM. While some changes may make sense, it seems the city and steering committee have unilaterally selected which changes to implement without any notification to surrounding neighbors. This completely undermines the public process and lacks transparency, especially since several members of the steering committee are large landowners/developers who stand to potentially profit from changes. Therefore, given the concerns stated above, I cannot in good conscience support ratifying a new Meridian Comprehensive Plan as-is and before the new Mayor and City Council are in office, so please remove my name from the list of contributors if this goes before the council this year. I commend you for your dedication to this city and appreciate the amount of time and effort you have personally spent in developing this plan and bringing different groups together to collaborate. I believe the organizational aspect of the plan, how it is presented, is clear and concise. I also believe the new website is user-friendly and will inform/educate the public well. I hope Meridian citizens will elect a Mayor and City Council who will enact UDC changes to uphold the plan and vote for the policies stated therein, as mentioned on Page XV, "Making the Plan a Reality". I look forward to continually working with the city in the effort to help Meridian thrive. Thank you, Sally Reynolds 4 Meridian Open Space Survey Executive Summary and Results Presentation CAM COMMA.... . JUNE, Executive Summary Conducted May 4t" through June 8t" 1506 respondents (18+ who currently live in the City of Meridian) Key findings: Of those surveyed Meridian citizens have positive evaluations of the value of open space. Number of First Place Votes By Category: 71 Nature Reserve — 488 127 57 488 Public Parks - 314 �66 Multi-Purpose Outdoor Urban Spaces - 166 314 Pathways - 127 ■Nature Reserve ■Public Parks OMulti-purpose Outdoor Working Farm or Dairy Operation - 71 OPathways ■Working Farm/Dairy ■Historical Site Historical or Cultural Significant Property - 57 Executive Summary Cont . Key findings: 81 % support purchasing property for open space (Q2) 82% support purchasing property for an enhanced Public Parks System (Q3) 79% support purchasing property for a Nature Preserve (Q6) 78% support purchasing property for an enhanced Pathways System (Q4) 60% support purchasing property for a Working Dairy or Farming Operation (Q8) 59% support purchasing property of Historical or Cultural Significance (Q7) 56% support purchasing property for a Multi-Purpose Outdoor Urban Space (Q5) 457 or 48% of respondents preferred development impact fees be used to fund their open space preferences (Fl ) wow 1 Mo. Executive Summary Cont . Other findings: 66% of respondents were female and 31 % were male (D 1 ) 67% of respondents are ages 25-54 (D2) 71 % of respondents have a Bachelor's degree or higher (75) 90% of respondents live in a Single-Family home that they town (D6) Legend = Meridian Area rs of City Impact County ` Boundaries 16 55 Regional Address Point (by size) 44 Boise RiVer.. Survey Response 19 Intensity Value o ■ High 55 3 � Low 0 0 69 21 f 45 UN J , � 1 ■ I!, i Respons7Fromoutside of the Treasure Valley have been removed from this map.Response locations are generalizgional address points as shown. r PurchasingProperty Key Finding — 81 % support purchasing property for open space (Q2) Crosstab with Length of Time in Meridian The longer in Meridian the less likely to support 7V Still strong support across length of time demographics Max with 3-4 years at 84% CL Min with less than 10 years of 78.4% Crosstab with Age 25-34 years old is peak at 87% Years in Meridi Still strong support across age demographics Crosstab with Education As education increases support for open space increases ., Max with Bachelor's degrees at 87% Min with Less than High School at 67% Parks Key Finding - Highest support at 82% support purchasing property for open space for Public Parks Crosstab with Length of Time in Meridian 3-4 years support highest at 88% " Crosstab with Age . 4 25-34 years old is peak at 91 % and 35-44 years old is next at 87% Still strong support across age demographics Crosstab with Education - Strong support (>80%) across educational demographics Crosstab with Housing - Multi-family - Rent is peak at 90% Still strong support across age demographic ��- IF Nature Preserve Key Finding - Second highest support at 79% support purchasing property for open space for Nature Preserve Crosstab with Length of Time in Meridian Max with less than 1 years at 84% Min with greater than 10 years at 78% Still strong support across age demographic Crosstab with Age - Younger respondents tend to support declining as age goes up Max with 18-25 years old at 94% Min with greater than 75 years old at 67% - Crosstab with Education Strong support across educational demographics Crosstab with Housing : Still strong support across housing demographic Pathways Key Finding - Third highest support at 78% support purchasing property for open space for Pathways Crosstab with Length of Time in Meridian - 3-4 years support highest at 83% Crosstab with Age - Younger tends to support declining as age goes up Max with 18-25 years old at 88% Min with greater than 75 years old at 63% Crosstab with Education - Strong support across educational demographics F _ Crosstab with Housing - Single-family - Rent is peak at 82% Still strong support across age demographic -� Funding : Development Impact Fees Key Finding - 48% of respondents ranked development impact fees first be used to fund their open space preferences Crosstab with Length of Time in Meridian - Increases the longer the respondent has lived in Meridian Max with less than 1 years at 52% Min with greater than 10 years at 35% Still strong support across age demographic Crosstab with Age 45-54 year old and 55-64 year olds ranked the highest at 54% and 56% respectively Crosstab with Education Doctorate degrees proportionally support this highest at 68% Crosstab with Housing Multi-Family Own and Multi-Family-Rent supported this highest at 56% and 60% respectively Conclusion Of those surveyed, citizens value open space They particularly value Nature Reserve, Parks, and Pathways and are willing to pay for them. All open space types received near 60% majorities. Citizen's prefer development impact fees be used to procure open space over bonding and using the City's reserves Source: #StatusDate SubmittedName 397Submitted11/26/2019 6:05 PMBecci Carmack 396Submitted11/26/2019 3:21 PMTawny Olsen 395Submitted11/26/2019 2:03 PMHarla Hill 394Submitted11/26/2019 6:19 AMJamie Stevens 393Submitted11/26/2019 5:08 AMCarson Wells 392Submitted11/26/2019 5:07 AMJason Wells 391Submitted11/26/2019 5:07 AMEmily Wells 390Submitted11/26/2019 5:06 AMGregory Wells 389Submitted11/26/2019 4:52 AMLiz Pew 388Submitted11/26/2019 4:42 AMRosita Bianes 387Submitted11/26/2019 4:21 AMMatthew Pond 386Submitted11/26/2019 4:17 AMKathryn Nitz-Burns 385Submitted11/26/2019 3:54 AMSteve Baker 384Submitted11/26/2019 3:46 AMStephanie Little 383Submitted11/26/2019 3:46 AMKayleen Baker 382Submitted11/25/2019 11:49 PMMichelle Markwell 381Submitted11/25/2019 11:48 PMKenneth Markwell 380Submitted11/25/2019 10:36 PMMichael Wageman 379Submitted11/25/2019 10:31 PMDouglas Hayes 378Submitted11/25/2019 10:29 PMRosanne Hayes 377Submitted11/25/2019 10:10 PMSean Peterson 376Submitted11/25/2019 9:31 PMKatie Smith 375Submitted11/25/2019 9:07 PMMarci Rood 374Submitted11/25/2019 9:05 PMAl Berlat 373Submitted11/25/2019 9:04 PMBarbara Berlat 372Submitted11/25/2019 9:01 PMGail Paradis 371Submitted11/25/2019 7:57 PMSusanna Bohlman 370Submitted11/25/2019 7:51 PMJenniffer Card 369Submitted11/25/2019 7:50 PMTheodore Bohlman 368Submitted11/25/2019 7:24 PMDr. Laurie Bower 367Submitted11/25/2019 6:55 PMRebecca Morris 366Submitted11/25/2019 6:16 PMMelody Wheeler 365Submitted11/25/2019 6:12 PMMark Clinger 364Submitted11/25/2019 6:10 PMJan Vargas 363Submitted11/23/2019 11:50 PMAngelique Pera 362Submitted11/23/2019 8:00 PMLeAnna Fischer 361Submitted11/22/2019 6:29 AMShawna Capell 360Submitted11/21/2019 1:57 PMAndrew Karnes 359Submitted11/21/2019 1:54 PMKristen Stubblefield 358Submitted11/21/2019 1:52 PMJohn Quanrud 357Submitted11/21/2019 4:10 AMRachel Law 356Submitted11/21/2019 2:53 AMRyan Manwaring 355Submitted11/21/2019 1:26 AMTony Brownlee 354Submitted11/20/2019 8:01 PMKristin Holden 353Submitted11/20/2019 11:48 AMMegan George 352Submitted11/20/2019 6:52 AMStephanie Bishop 351Submitted11/20/2019 4:51 AMNatalie Shreeve 350Submitted11/20/2019 4:32 AMTricia Barnes 349Submitted11/20/2019 2:59 AMTroy Kagee 348Submitted11/20/2019 2:58 AMLeslie Kagee 347Submitted11/20/2019 12:44 AMMark Jucha 346Submitted11/20/2019 12:21 AMKellie Elliott 345Submitted11/20/2019 12:13 AMJefferson Washburn 344Submitted11/20/2019 12:00 AMHelene Thompson 343Submitted11/19/2019 11:51 PMKimberly Harker 342Submitted11/19/2019 11:50 PMDavid Blomberg 341Submitted11/19/2019 11:34 PMCynthia Arrington 340Submitted11/19/2019 11:33 PMTiffany Darrington 339Submitted11/19/2019 10:48 PMDanae Fails 338Submitted11/19/2019 10:22 PMDEBBIE MCDONALD 337Submitted11/19/2019 10:17 PMGreg Kummer 336Submitted11/19/2019 10:09 PMSeth Murray 335Submitted11/19/2019 10:08 PMDawnice Murray 334Submitted11/19/2019 9:49 PMSally Reynolds 333Submitted11/19/2019 9:38 PMJami Connelly 332Submitted11/19/2019 9:08 PMKyle George 331Submitted11/19/2019 8:54 PMJohn May 330Submitted11/19/2019 8:40 PMLeanne Price 329Submitted11/19/2019 8:14 PMHillary Manning 328Submitted11/19/2019 8:09 PMDebbie Brain 327Submitted11/19/2019 8:07 PMRobert Brain 326Submitted11/19/2019 7:20 PMMargaret Hopkins 325Submitted11/19/2019 7:04 PMTina Dean 324Submitted11/19/2019 7:04 PMDave Dean 323Submitted11/19/2019 6:34 PMRachel Cooks 322Submitted11/19/2019 6:01 PMJohn Roslund 321Submitted11/19/2019 5:34 PMChristine Webb 320Submitted11/19/2019 5:24 PMkelly jones 319Submitted11/19/2019 5:19 PMEric McUmber 318Submitted11/19/2019 5:15 PMJoy Blomberg 317Submitted11/19/2019 5:05 PMBrittany Mangini 316Submitted11/19/2019 5:04 PMDavid Boan 315Submitted11/19/2019 4:38 PMNancy Freutel 314Submitted11/19/2019 4:34 PMKarli Dewyar 313Submitted11/19/2019 4:30 PMMary Enscoe 312Submitted11/19/2019 4:23 PMMark Munson 311Submitted11/19/2019 4:01 PMHeidi Allen 310Submitted11/19/2019 3:56 PMChander Sawh 309Submitted11/19/2019 3:34 PMPaul Aristo 308Submitted11/19/2019 3:32 PMCharles Webb 307Submitted11/19/2019 3:25 PMJennifer Smith 306Submitted11/19/2019 3:16 PMKara Lilya 305Submitted11/19/2019 3:14 PMMatt Eberhard 304Submitted11/19/2019 3:13 PMKeri Eberhard 303Submitted11/19/2019 3:12 PMDarci Day 302Submitted11/19/2019 3:11 PMMichelle McUmber 301Submitted11/19/2019 3:08 PMJenny Kyser 300Submitted11/19/2019 3:08 PMPaul Aristo 299Submitted11/19/2019 3:07 PMAngela Aristo 298Submitted11/19/2019 3:06 PMCaitlin Thompson 297Submitted11/19/2019 2:56 PMJohn Aguilera 296Submitted11/19/2019 2:51 PMSara Aguilera 295Submitted11/19/2019 2:50 PMTrevor Tafoya 294Submitted11/19/2019 2:49 PMLauren Cherwin 293Submitted11/19/2019 2:47 PMJonathan Knapp 292Submitted11/19/2019 2:30 PMJulie Langlois 291Submitted11/19/2019 2:29 PMAndrea Loveland 290Submitted11/19/2019 2:01 PMJudith Atkinson 289Submitted11/19/2019 12:48 PMJane Orton 288Submitted11/19/2019 12:19 PMmark munson 287Submitted11/19/2019 12:18 PMJanelle Munson 286Submitted11/19/2019 12:14 PMWarren Cays 285Submitted11/19/2019 6:16 AMKayla Platt 284Submitted11/19/2019 5:03 AMAmy Baumgartner 283Submitted11/19/2019 4:41 AMRichard Clark 282Submitted11/19/2019 4:38 AMDavid Wyler 281Submitted11/19/2019 4:37 AMMarcella White 280Submitted11/19/2019 4:17 AMRoman Burk 279Submitted11/19/2019 4:06 AMJimmy Lin 278Submitted11/19/2019 4:06 AMDebbie Wyler 277Submitted11/19/2019 3:12 AMDouglas Wheeler 276Submitted11/19/2019 3:00 AMMelissa Johnson 275Submitted11/19/2019 2:53 AMLisa Nomura 274Submitted11/19/2019 2:25 AMSummer Brasher 273Submitted11/19/2019 2:00 AMBraden Burk 272Submitted11/19/2019 2:00 AMMason Burk 271Submitted11/19/2019 1:59 AMRoman Burk 270Submitted11/19/2019 1:58 AMMichelle Burk 269Submitted11/19/2019 1:42 AMLisa Broderick 268Submitted11/19/2019 1:27 AMBarbara Bohne 267Submitted11/19/2019 12:58 AMKaila Housley 266Submitted11/19/2019 12:53 AMJames Beehn 265Submitted11/18/2019 11:45 PMRoberta McElwain 264Submitted11/18/2019 11:43 PMDiane Sater 263Submitted11/18/2019 11:32 PMkent tjemsland 262Submitted11/18/2019 11:30 PMJoe Baldwin 261Submitted11/18/2019 11:30 PMBill McCall 260Submitted11/18/2019 11:12 PMHelen Tjemsland 259Submitted11/18/2019 10:47 PMLori Smith 258Submitted11/18/2019 10:28 PMMark Clingee 257Submitted11/18/2019 10:18 PMJake and Amy Anderson 256Submitted11/18/2019 10:12 PMAlice Rodney 255Submitted11/18/2019 10:12 PMROBIN WILLEMAN 254Submitted11/18/2019 10:04 PMMaria Freitas 253Submitted11/18/2019 10:03 PMEdson Freitas 252Submitted11/18/2019 9:56 PMCeleste Fox 251Submitted11/18/2019 9:48 PMShayna Randall 250Submitted11/18/2019 9:45 PMScott Ward 249Submitted11/18/2019 9:45 PMMatt Smith 248Submitted11/18/2019 9:44 PMwilliam prolsdorfer 247Submitted11/18/2019 9:39 PMchris rood 246Submitted11/18/2019 9:36 PMMarci Rood 245Submitted11/18/2019 9:32 PMJamie Claiborn 244Submitted11/18/2019 9:25 PMJoseph Reger 243Submitted11/18/2019 9:24 PMPat and Cliff Looney 242Submitted11/18/2019 9:19 PMTonya Chandler 241Submitted11/18/2019 9:17 PMReta Kidd 240Submitted11/18/2019 9:12 PMDean Kidd 239Submitted11/18/2019 9:09 PMLarry Chandler 238Submitted11/18/2019 9:08 PMDoris Grenier 237Submitted11/18/2019 9:06 PMPeter and Terra Baranko 236Submitted11/18/2019 9:03 PMholly martin 235Submitted11/18/2019 9:03 PMAllyson Gozart 234Submitted11/18/2019 8:57 PMKrista Self 233Submitted11/18/2019 8:56 PMMichael Lange 232Submitted11/18/2019 8:55 PMSam Karnes 231Submitted11/18/2019 8:54 PMBobbie Gregory 230Submitted11/18/2019 8:53 PMWayne Martin 229Submitted11/18/2019 8:51 PMWarren and T.L. Cays 228Submitted11/18/2019 8:49 PMBrad Coates 227Submitted11/18/2019 8:48 PMDoris Grenier 226Submitted11/18/2019 8:47 PMcharles ray 225Submitted11/18/2019 8:30 PMLori McBride 224Submitted11/18/2019 8:23 PMJudy Bauer 223Submitted11/18/2019 7:37 PMNathan Shugart 222Submitted11/18/2019 7:22 PMCynthia Arrington 221Submitted11/18/2019 6:37 PMGary Chan 220Submitted11/18/2019 6:32 PMKelly Shafer 219Submitted11/18/2019 6:27 PMCarrie Fleming 218Submitted11/18/2019 6:26 PMAlberto Del Toro 217Submitted11/18/2019 6:15 PMCarrie Hovey 216Submitted11/18/2019 5:57 PMDeborah Rodney 215Submitted11/18/2019 5:36 PMEmily Rinehimer 214Submitted11/18/2019 5:32 PMMatthew Pond 213Submitted11/18/2019 5:11 PMCameron Stewart 212Submitted11/18/2019 4:56 PMKrista Self 211Submitted11/18/2019 4:50 PMCarolyn Allen 210Submitted11/18/2019 3:51 PMMatthew Connelly 209Submitted11/18/2019 12:13 PMValarie Hruza 208Submitted11/18/2019 11:59 AMCathy Woodward 207Submitted11/18/2019 8:21 AMTyler Langlois 206Submitted11/18/2019 3:20 AMMelinda Stave 205Submitted11/18/2019 2:01 AMAlyssa Dockery 204Submitted11/18/2019 1:34 AMDouglas Rose 203Submitted11/17/2019 10:41 PMChristina Mackey 202Submitted11/17/2019 5:13 PMMichael Savage 201Submitted11/17/2019 4:35 PMClifford Langlois 200Submitted11/17/2019 3:48 PMRick Allen 199Submitted11/17/2019 3:48 PMModena Allen 198Submitted11/17/2019 3:47 PMScott Borchardt 197Submitted11/17/2019 3:47 PMVonnie Allen 196Submitted11/16/2019 9:01 PMHeather Doidge 195Submitted11/16/2019 7:00 PMEric Stave 194Submitted11/16/2019 6:40 PMPeggy Hodson 193Submitted11/16/2019 5:48 PMOzzie Schmidt 192Submitted11/16/2019 5:47 PMKathleen Schmidt 191Submitted11/16/2019 4:52 PMBritt Boudreaux 190Submitted11/16/2019 4:22 PMRodney Larkey 189Submitted11/16/2019 3:59 PMMARK NERO 188Submitted11/16/2019 3:55 PMKim Nero 187Submitted11/16/2019 2:26 PMLori Jorgensen 186Submitted11/16/2019 2:15 PMTracey Hocevar 185Submitted11/16/2019 1:39 PMHeidi Klapstein 184Submitted11/16/2019 1:12 PMJohn Ambrose 183Submitted11/16/2019 12:56 PMNoelia Estrada 182Submitted11/16/2019 12:50 PMAmanda Disbrow 181Submitted11/16/2019 9:03 AMJanel Alonzo 180Submitted11/16/2019 7:17 AMChristopher Voth 179Submitted11/16/2019 6:38 AMKELLY BISS 178Submitted11/16/2019 4:47 AMSteve Robinson 177Submitted11/16/2019 4:46 AMJennifer Robinson 176Submitted11/16/2019 4:46 AMWilliam Carrico 175Submitted11/16/2019 4:45 AMLaura Carrico 174Submitted11/16/2019 4:45 AMRobert Carrico 173Submitted11/16/2019 4:41 AMSergey Kashubin 172Submitted11/16/2019 4:10 AMCarolyn Allen 171Submitted11/16/2019 4:08 AMKenneth Allen 170Submitted11/16/2019 4:07 AMMary Forman 169Submitted11/16/2019 3:31 AMTheresa Rademacher 168Submitted11/16/2019 3:17 AMSteve & Angie Stieger 167Submitted11/16/2019 3:07 AMJohn Rinehimer 166Submitted11/16/2019 2:54 AMWhitney Lasher 165Submitted11/16/2019 2:52 AMEric Cormell 164Submitted11/16/2019 2:49 AMEthan Brand 163Submitted11/16/2019 2:22 AMDenise Nielsen 162Submitted11/16/2019 1:49 AMSydnee Clingan 161Submitted11/16/2019 1:37 AMEvelyn Johnson 160Submitted11/16/2019 12:58 AMCarol Rinehimer 159Submitted11/16/2019 12:26 AMZaynah Almaaita 158Submitted11/15/2019 11:27 PMJeremy Lucas 157Submitted11/15/2019 11:27 PMKayla Arasim 156Submitted11/15/2019 11:17 PMEthan Mangeac 155Submitted11/15/2019 11:08 PMSavannah King 154Submitted11/15/2019 10:53 PMZayne Sedrick 153Submitted11/15/2019 10:42 PMLarry Chandler 152Submitted11/15/2019 10:30 PMKyndrah Armstrong 151Submitted11/15/2019 10:22 PMKimberly Hudson 150Submitted11/15/2019 10:21 PMMichael Moore 149Submitted11/15/2019 10:14 PMDanielle Fleck 148Submitted11/15/2019 9:56 PMGeorgette Hobson 147Submitted11/15/2019 9:56 PMAlexander Carpenter 146Submitted11/15/2019 9:49 PMMichelle Moore 145Submitted11/15/2019 9:24 PMMichelle Bjornson 144Submitted11/15/2019 9:21 PMClark Robinson 143Submitted11/15/2019 9:21 PMLarry Chandler 142Submitted11/15/2019 9:21 PMTonya Chandler 141Submitted11/15/2019 9:19 PMKelly Guenthner 140Submitted11/15/2019 9:17 PMwayne martin 139Submitted11/15/2019 9:16 PMSidney Krall 138Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMKarlie Brand 137Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMStephen Perkins 136Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMAmber Miller 135Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMCadie Hisel 134Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMJessica McKinstry 133Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMStephenie Clingan 132Submitted11/15/2019 9:15 PMChase Liljegren 131Submitted11/15/2019 9:06 PMMindy Lin 130Submitted11/15/2019 8:26 PMJulie Duran 129Submitted11/15/2019 7:32 PMGary Benscoter 128Submitted11/15/2019 7:21 PMAlicia Muhlestein 127Submitted11/15/2019 6:34 PMCandice Andrus 126Submitted11/15/2019 6:32 PMKim Moss 125Submitted11/15/2019 6:24 PMWendy Tripple 124Submitted11/15/2019 6:11 PMAmanda Donkersloot 123Submitted11/15/2019 6:00 PMChrysanthe Eastman 122Submitted11/15/2019 5:55 PMBeth Amar 121Submitted11/15/2019 5:45 PMRosalie Skefich 120Submitted11/15/2019 5:45 PMMatthew Skefich 119Submitted11/15/2019 5:38 PMDyan Loya 118Submitted11/15/2019 3:41 PMNora Joan Ritchey 117Submitted11/15/2019 3:27 PMBrian and Melody Garland 116Submitted11/15/2019 2:37 PMJoseph Carroll 115Submitted11/15/2019 4:04 AMLouanna Shelton 114Submitted11/15/2019 2:39 AMMark Freeman 113Submitted11/15/2019 2:36 AMTricia Ciaccio 112Submitted11/15/2019 1:40 AMSteve Lucht 111Submitted11/15/2019 1:37 AMPeggy Lucht 110Submitted11/15/2019 1:25 AMAngela Riley 109Submitted11/14/2019 11:22 PMCollin Connelly 108Submitted11/14/2019 11:22 PMSaige Connelly 107Submitted11/14/2019 11:21 PMBrian Connelly 106Submitted11/14/2019 11:21 PMPaula Connelly 105Submitted11/14/2019 8:19 PMCarmen Westover 104Submitted11/14/2019 6:26 PMAllison Cottrell 103Submitted11/14/2019 8:35 AMLeah Morgan 102Submitted11/14/2019 3:13 AMMaureen Chadwick 101Submitted11/14/2019 2:48 AMSeth Murray 100Submitted11/14/2019 2:15 AMNichole Claiborn 99Submitted11/14/2019 1:15 AMMike Hampton 98Submitted11/14/2019 1:09 AMTerry Johnson 97Submitted11/14/2019 12:38 AMLoretta Roslund 96Submitted11/13/2019 11:14 PMNicholas Grant 95Submitted11/13/2019 10:21 PMSadie Grant 94Submitted11/13/2019 10:13 PMIngrid Wells 93Submitted11/13/2019 8:09 PMDeanna Johnson 92Submitted11/13/2019 7:29 PMDawn Murphy 91Submitted11/13/2019 5:16 PMTonya Fleener 90Submitted11/13/2019 4:55 PMCharles Fuqua 89Submitted11/13/2019 4:53 PMTerra Inman 88Submitted11/13/2019 4:39 PMEmily Shelton 87Submitted11/13/2019 4:37 PMRenee Keller 86Submitted11/13/2019 4:10 PMKelli Fuqua 85Submitted11/13/2019 3:44 PMDavid M WALTERS 84Submitted11/13/2019 3:43 PMDawn M WALTERS 83Submitted11/13/2019 3:42 PMMICHAEL W WALTERS 82Submitted11/13/2019 3:13 PMJanel Hafen 81Submitted11/13/2019 3:09 PMSandy Singletary 80Submitted11/13/2019 3:03 PMJake and Amy Anderson 79Submitted11/13/2019 3:01 PMDaniel Shelton 78Submitted11/13/2019 2:50 PMJennifer Zanelli 77Submitted11/13/2019 2:43 PMJennifer Schildgen 76Submitted11/13/2019 2:37 PMMadlen Tarlton 75Submitted11/13/2019 2:14 PMJennifer Oeschger 74Submitted11/13/2019 2:00 PMMolly Jolley 73Submitted11/13/2019 1:11 PMMerilee Andrew 72Submitted11/13/2019 12:19 PMCassie Hedrick 71Submitted11/13/2019 12:00 PMCathy Woodward 70Submitted11/13/2019 7:29 AMKarena Gardner 69Submitted11/13/2019 6:55 AMJennifer Poulson 68Submitted11/13/2019 6:02 AMSuzanne Going 67Submitted11/13/2019 5:43 AMJaime Hardin 66Submitted11/13/2019 5:37 AMShanah Tafoya 65Submitted11/13/2019 5:37 AMJo Hedeman 64Submitted11/13/2019 5:34 AMJoanne Agonias 63Submitted11/13/2019 5:26 AMNatalie Marti 62Submitted11/13/2019 5:22 AMPaula Bryant 61Submitted11/13/2019 5:19 AMMiren Yows 60Submitted11/13/2019 5:13 AMTiffany Grant 59Submitted11/13/2019 5:12 AMAvi Dhakal 58Submitted11/13/2019 4:59 AMElise Poulson 57Submitted11/13/2019 4:40 AMPete Knox 56Submitted11/13/2019 3:24 AMTonya Haustveit 55Submitted11/13/2019 2:43 AMGary Benscoter 54Submitted11/13/2019 12:47 AMMarvin Ward 53Submitted11/12/2019 10:38 PMDavid Morgan 52Submitted11/12/2019 10:21 PMGreg Kummer 51Submitted11/12/2019 10:15 PMBarbara Badigian 50Submitted11/12/2019 8:36 PMWilliam Karcher IV 49Submitted11/12/2019 4:33 PMDeborah Boyd 48Submitted11/12/2019 4:01 PMBen Shelton 47Submitted11/12/2019 3:28 PMThomas Manning 46Submitted11/12/2019 3:22 PMChristopher Loveland 45Submitted11/12/2019 3:15 PMKenzie Ward 44Submitted11/12/2019 3:15 PMRulin Hawks 43Submitted11/12/2019 2:17 PMSusan Karnes 42Submitted11/12/2019 2:13 PMTyson Mack 41Submitted11/12/2019 2:07 PMAnn Koga 40Submitted11/12/2019 1:59 PMLani Wageman 39Submitted11/12/2019 1:55 PMkimberly barker 38Submitted11/12/2019 1:55 PMCaleb Barker 37Submitted11/12/2019 1:42 PMAllyson Gozart 36Submitted11/12/2019 1:20 PMJoseph Reger 35Submitted11/12/2019 12:15 PMLaddie Tlucek 34Submitted11/12/2019 12:08 PMAndrea Tlucek 33Submitted11/12/2019 12:01 PMJenna Rovig 32Submitted11/12/2019 11:57 AMAndrew Peterson 31Submitted11/12/2019 8:17 AMKristin Beaufort 30Submitted11/12/2019 6:34 AMAlicia Lowry 29Submitted11/12/2019 6:27 AMAngelina Goncharenko 28Submitted11/12/2019 6:26 AMAshley Rood 27Submitted11/12/2019 5:46 AMTiffani Clinger 26Submitted11/12/2019 5:24 AMHeidi Allen 25Submitted11/12/2019 5:23 AMCharles Boyd 24Submitted11/12/2019 5:19 AMHeather Galm 23Submitted11/12/2019 4:58 AMMatthew Pond 22Submitted11/12/2019 4:47 AMStephanie May 21Submitted11/12/2019 4:47 AMJohn May 20Submitted11/12/2019 4:14 AMCynthia Arrington 19Submitted11/12/2019 4:09 AMHeather Gardner 18Submitted11/12/2019 4:08 AMEric Schey 17Submitted11/12/2019 3:55 AMAndrea Shelton 16Submitted11/12/2019 3:54 AMTheresa Pedigo 15Submitted11/12/2019 3:49 AMChristine Herwy 14Submitted11/12/2019 3:42 AMPaul Aristo 13Submitted11/12/2019 3:41 AMKathy Kornberg 12Submitted11/12/2019 3:41 AMErin Ebright 11Submitted11/12/2019 3:16 AMCheri Tarlini 10Submitted11/12/2019 2:48 AMOwen Barnes 9Submitted11/12/2019 2:42 AMFarrah Storli 8Submitted11/12/2019 2:31 AMLawrence Rust 7Submitted11/12/2019 2:22 AMYahiza Waller 6Submitted11/12/2019 2:09 AMJanelle Barney 5Submitted11/12/2019 2:05 AMMarie Money 4Submitted11/12/2019 2:05 AMAlicia Muhlestein 3Submitted11/12/2019 1:57 AMDuanne Bohne 2Submitted11/12/2019 1:49 AMGreg Reynolds 1Submitted11/12/2019 1:48 AMBarbara Bohne Address 2431 North Tricia Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2345 N Ayrshire Place, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3700 N Chocaya Place, 2087943687, Meridian, Idaho 83646 847 W Bear Track Ct, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2061 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2061 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2061 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2061 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5280 N Debussy Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3056 W. Gemstone Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83646-1193 2069 E Mores Trail Rd, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5445 S Locust Grove Road, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2156 E. Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 1396 E Palermo Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2156 E Hyper Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3733 N Greenwich Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3733 N Greenwich Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5662 S. Graphite Way, 4086050439, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4656 N Station Place, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4656 N Station Place, 3605158034, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2821 E. Fratello St., Meridian, Idaho 83642 4884 N Elena Maria Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2371 East Cyanite Dr., 2083988404, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5616 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5616 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1136 E Cayman Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5730 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642-9069 6031 N Booth Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5730 S. Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5057 N. Lolo Pass Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2005 N Kristen Way, 2089722826, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2402 E. Taconic Dri, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2123 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3891 East Darlington Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642-5158 1990 West Whitestone St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5824 N. Red Hills Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5186 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 260 E Amalie DR, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2426 e mores trail drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2426 e mores trail drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2573 E Lachlan St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 950 N McDermott Rd, Nampa, Idaho 83687 797 W Barrymore Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83646 2540 S Del Rey Ln, Mer, Idaho 83642 2277 E Lodge Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2494 E La Grange Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 477 W. Dreyfuss Ln., Meridian, Idaho 83646 1765 E Summerfalls Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3766 E Vantage Pointe Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3766 E Vantage Pointe Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5439 S. McCurry Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4199 S Leanato Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 7015 S Ten Mile Rd, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6586 N Lonicera Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2211 E. Lodge Trail Court, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2433 E Cyanite Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2353 E. Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2521 E Lachlan St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6125 N Demille Ave, 2089173132, Meridian, Idaho 83646-7299 3030 W BONNER ST, 2088844604, Meridian, Idaho 83646 214 E Shafer Vw Dr, 2089019693, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2133 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2133 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1166 W Bacall St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4407 S Maesaia Wat, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2277 E Lodge Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5039 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5796 S Pioneer Trail Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 472 E Shafer View, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2389 E. Taconic Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2389 E. Taconic Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2206 E Lodge Trail Ct, 2088642176, Meridian, Idaho 83642 100 W. Overland, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3262 S Rustler Place, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2227 E Mores Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5349 s Montague, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2299 E Lodge Trail, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1228 n. golfview, meridian, Idaho 83642 2255 E Lodge Trail Ct, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2433 E Cyanite Drive, 2082508850, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2010 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2520 E La Grange Dr, 6304882618, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2946 S. White Ponte LN, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5001 S Twilight Mist Way, 2088910643, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2999 W Victory Rd, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2397 e lodge trail dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2436 E Cyanite Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2417 e la grange dr, Meridian, Idaho 83742 4823 S Marsala way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2299 East Lodge Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5716 S Wayland Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2122 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4851 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4851 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2585 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 84362 2255 E. Lodge Trail Ct, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2501 E La Grange Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4823 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4823 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2204 E. Shady Glade Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2003 E. Mores Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2003 E Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2598 E. La Grange Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5843 S. Pioneer trail way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5420 S Montague Way, 2088906813, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3556 S Rustler Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 224 E Prarie View Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2018 E Lodge Trail Dr, 2088711305, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3918 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2397 E Lodge Trail Dr, 2088509145, Meridian, Idaho 83642-4442 2397 E Lodge Trail Dr, 2088509145, Meridian, Idaho 83642-4442 E. Mount Etna, Meridian, Idaho 83642 20559 Calhoun avenue, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 3047 e tusa st, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3332 E Rockhampton St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4720 South Rock Ranch Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6180 S Tarrega Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6109 S Tarrega Lane, 2084126640, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4262 S Rustler Ln, 2089495831, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4720 S Rock Ranch Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2402 E. Taconic Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2353 e lodge trail dr, Meeidian, Idaho 83642 5008 S Twilight Mist Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3988 Shimmering Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6109 S Tarrega Ln, 2089570463, Provo, Idaho 84606-7505 pmasonburk@gmail.com, 2084070223, Meridian, Idaho 83642 Roman.burk@gmail.com, 2084126640, Meridian, Idaho 83642 roandmich@gmail.com, 2086022040, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2331 E. Lodge Trail Dr, 2086029360, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 3675 E Woodville Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5295 S. Wayland Ave., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2461 E Shady Glade Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 690 e kingsford, 2087245508, Meridian, Idaho 83642 8374 S Bryker Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2111 e mores trail dr, meridian, Idaho 83642 2216 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2443 E Mores Tral Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2311 E. Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3652 E Vantage Pointe Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2123 E. Taconic Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2215 E. Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5875 S. Linder Road, 5875 S.Linder Road, 6269260006, Meridian, Idaho 83642 230 EAST LAKE HAZEL ROAD, 2088873865, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 4182 Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4182 Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 582 S Woodhaven Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4570 S Rock Ranch Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4605 S Rock Ranch Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3652 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5008 S Twilight Mist Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2371 e cyanite dr, meridian, Idaho 83642 2371 East Cyanite Dr., 2083988404, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5212 S Marsala Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2092 E Taconic, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2268 E Hyper Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83942 318 River Heights Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3917 E. Vantage Pointe Ln., Meridian, Idaho 83642 3917 E. Vantage Pointe lane, Meridisn, Idaho 83642 318 River Heights Drive, 9702097003, Meredian, Idaho 83646 5004 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5737 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4545 S ROCK RANCH LN, 2814147292, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642-6814 5175 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 12438 West Horsham Drive, BOISE, Idaho 83709 3690 E. Vantage Pointe Ln., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5556 South Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2517 E Mores Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4545 s rock ranch ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2595 E. Mount Etna Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 12808 W Auckland St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5004 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5669 s graphite way, meridian, Idaho 83642 2361 S. Ice Bear Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2830 S Linder road, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2040 n Josie way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2352 E. Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 570 E Havasupai St, Meridian, Idaho 86346 4631 N Christine Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2286 N Chandra Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3388 N Summerfield way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5488 W Lesina street, Meridian, Idaho 83646 11161 W. Petunia Dr., Boise, Idaho 83709 4182 S Rustler Ln., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2069 E Mores Trail Rd, 2088801682, Meridian, Idaho 83642-4946 3382 S Bo Daniel Pl, Nampa, Idaho 83687 12438 West Horsham Drive, BOISE, Idaho 83709 2420 N. Victor Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4407 S Maesaia Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 7396 Elm Lane, Nampa, Idaho 83687 4200 s highcliff Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3652 W Vanderbilt Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3360 South Rustler Place, Meridian, Idaho 83642 14472 N vintage way, Nampa, Idaho 83651 291 E. Calderwood Dr. Apt D, Meridian, Idaho 83642 742 W Blue Downs St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1011 W. Riodosa Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 3556 S. Rustler Pl., Meridian, Idaho 83642 3654 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3654 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3654 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3654 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2569, S Beartooth Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3360 S. Rustler Place, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3573 N Station Ave, 2089951005, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2112 E Trail Blazer Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2112 E Trail Blazer Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4089 W Blue Creek Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2521 S Beartooth Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3050 S DENALI WY, 2083607150, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 3050 S DENALI WAY, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1696 SE 5th way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2325 W Aspen Cove Circle, Meridian, Idaho 83642 6021 N DeMille Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2054 S. Cobble Way, S. Cobble Way, 2084846853, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3720 Laster Lane, Caldwell, Idaho 83607 798 w Cagney dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 6044 N. Booth Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4466 S Seabiscuit Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4261 S RUSTLER LANE, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 3994 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3994 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3994 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3994 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3994 E Vantage Pointe Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2607 E. Decameron Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2420 N Victor Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2420 N Victor Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 1887 S Covey Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1990 west whitestone street, Meridian, Idaho 83646 1840 North Todd Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4182 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 11185 W River Rd, Caldwell, Idaho 83607 1323 west river road, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 11682 Jump Creek Dr, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 1300 W Greenhead Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1297 West Pine Avenue, K-101, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4584 N Conner Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4182 S Rustler LN, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3106 airport ace., Caldwell, Idaho 83605 276 N. Emilie Meadows Place, Eagle, Idaho 83616 710 s Bonneville dr, Nampa, Idaho 83686 12403 s sunrise mist loop, Nampa, Idaho 83686 13725 S Greybull St, Nampa, Idaho 83651 22 S Rolling Green St., Nampa, Idaho 83687 318 River Heights Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 8178 e colter bay dr, Nampa, Idaho 83687 429 W Gable St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5859 N. Farleigh Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 22396 Rams Horn Way, CALDWELL, Idaho 83607 2758 S Riptide, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2015 Ray Ave, 2089826965, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 5859 N. Farleigh Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3458 S. Rustler Place, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3458 South rustler place, meridian, Idaho 83642 318 River Heights Drive, 9702097003, Meredian, Idaho 83646 318 River Heights Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 1334 W LEGARRETA DR, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83646 4545 S ROCK RANCH LN, 2814147292, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 632 Almond St, Nampa, Idaho 83686 11682 Jump Creek, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 307 20th ave south, Nampa, Idaho 83651 1515 Ellis Ave, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 2621 Manchester Dr, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 924 Windsong Ct, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 18284 dean lane, Nampa, Idaho 83687 329 E Alexis Lp, Nampa, Idaho 83686 4262 S Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1236 W Bacall St, 4022504054, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3356 S Lyford Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 584 W Dreyfuss St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 candicetheresa@gmail.com, 12089727809, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2113 W Teano Dr, 2089213495, Meridian, Idaho 83646 827 W Arnaz St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5436 S MCCurry Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1192 West Bacall street, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2539 East Springwood Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2279 E. Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2279 E. Mores Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3420 Sugar Creek Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83646 4950 S Debonair Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 879 W Bear Track Ct, 2087134564, Meridian, Idaho 83642 7000 west Ustick road, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3520 N Summercrest Way, Meridian, Idaho 83646 603 w blue downs st, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1350 W Coastal Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3555 S Rustler Bl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3555 S Rustler Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1811 w lake hazel rd, 2082844773, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 3878 S Rustler Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642-6883 3878 South Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3878 S. Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3878 S. Rustler Lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2178 E. Prato Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2200 W Chateau Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 498 E Shafer View Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1342 E Borzoi Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2133 E Mores Trail Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5212 S Marsala way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2681 E Ragusa Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5349 s Montague, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3015 E Deerhill Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4355 S Maesaia Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3850 S. Arno Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4742 S Stromboli Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2495 E Cyanite Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4319 Rangewood Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1683 East Borzoi Ct, 2087615354, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5737 S Graphite Wy, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2095 W Sage Springs Ct, Meridian, Idaho 83646 587 East Kingsford Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1683 are Borzoi CT, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3675 S ARNO AVE, 831.630.3717, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3675 S ARNO AVE, 831.801.3961, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3675 S ARNO AVE, 2088714727, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3554 S Lyford Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2341 E Hyper Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2215 E. Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 2095 W Sage Springs Ct, 2088871753, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3057 E Fratello St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5506 S Genoard Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4877 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2468 e la Grange, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5454 S Treston Creek, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2417 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2538 E Santo Stefano Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4200 s highcliff, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2571 E Taormina Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4301 S Maesaia Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3720 S Montague Ave, 3720 S Montague Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3751 South Leanato Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83645 2598 E. La Grange Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2329 e Beatrice, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2899 E. Calabria Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 3481 S Murlo Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5719 s Stockport ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5093 s Twilight Mist way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3015 E Deerhill Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5311 s twilight mist way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2435 E Lodge Trail Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2945 s white pointe lane, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2517 E. Santo Stefano Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 3356 S Lyford Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83642-7807 152 E Shafer View Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 498 E.Shafer View Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 214 E Shafer Vw Dr, 2089019693, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5965 N. Arliss Ave, Meridian, Idaho 83646 414 E Shafer View, Meridian, Idaho 83642 493 E Shafer View Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642-2582 2598 E Cyanite Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 472 E Shafer View, 2089216641, Meridian, Idaho 83642 224 E prairie view ln, meridian, Idaho 83642 4605 S Rock Ranch Ln, Meridian, Idaho 83642 437 E. Shafer View Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5556 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 335 E. Shafer View Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5588 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5662 S Graphite Way, 2086291428, Meridian, Idaho 83642 461 e Shafer view, 2089492300, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 2680 S EAGLE RD STE 100, 2089492300, MERIDIAN, Idaho 83642 5175 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2092 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5866 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5866 S Graphite Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 236 E Shafer Vw, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2111 E Mores Trail Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5338 S Tindaris Pl, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3718 S Basílica Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3919 E Renwick st, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4914 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2123 E Taconic Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2436 E. Cyanite Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 493 E Shafer View Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3868 E Woodville Dr, 9516628404, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2069 E Mores Trail Rd, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5039 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 5039 S Marsala Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2352 Hyper Dr., Meridian, Idaho 83642 5073 w astonte st, Meridian, Idaho 83646 2091 e Mores Trail dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2498 E Cyanite Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2634 S. Weber Rapids Place, 2082842946, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2373 East Taconic Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4823 S Marsala way, Meridian, Idaho 83642 2208 E Sicily St, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1065 W Barrymore Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 808 E Reflect Ridge Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 3445 E Woodville Drive, Meridian, Idaho 83642 886 W Archerfield Dr, 2084299531, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3627 e. Woodville dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 4185 W Gray Fox Street, Eagle, Idaho 83616 4079 W Lost Rapids Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83646 5912 S Stockport Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642 584 W Dreyfuss St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3675 E Woodville Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642 1166 W Bacall St, Meridian, Idaho 83646 3675 E Woodville Dr, Meridian, Idaho 83642