2020-06-10 PARK S & RECRE ATION COMM ISSION S P E C IAL M E E T I NG ~ AG E ND A Renaissance P ark, 4155 Genoard Avenue, M eridian, Idaho Wednesday, J une 10, 2020 at 6:00 P M M ission: The Meridian Parks & Recreation Commission is a volunteer citizens' group that is created and empowered to advise the City on issues relating to park facilities and recreation programs of the City. Their mission is to gather input from staff and other qualified personnel on issues relating to the creation and design of public parks and open spaces; to listen to public input; and to provide advice and recommendations on parks and recreation related matters to the Mayor and City Council. 1.Roll-C all Attendance _____ Dom Gelsomino, P resident _____ Michelle J ensen _____ J o Greer, Vice President _____ J ohn Nesmith _____ Keith B evan _____ Creg S teele _____ J ennif er B obo _____ J essica West _____ A bbey Hutchins _____ Councilman Brad Hoaglun, ex of f icio 2.Adoption of the Agenda 3.Approval of the M inutes a.M ay 13, 2020 Regular M eeting Dom Gelsomino, MP R C P resident 2 minutes 4.Announcements - NO NE 5.Old B usiness - NO NE 6.New Business a.Volunteer Appreciation Recognition S teve Siddoway, MP R Director 5 minutes b.S pring P athways Tour by Bicycles Members of the public are invited to join the tour. Please provide your own bicycle and helmet. Persons desiring accommodation for disabilities, please contact R achel at 888-3579. S teve Siddoway, MP R Director K im Warren, MP R P athways P roject Manager 2 hours 7.Workshop - NO NE 8.Staff Reports - NO NE 9.Adjourn Next M eeting: J uly 8, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. 2020 All-Commission Goals: 1. Support development of a connected pathway system across the City of Meridian, with the F ive Mile C reek P athway and the Rail-W ith-Trail Pathway as the top priorities. 2. Encourage coordination with the City of E agle to connect to the B oise River G reenbelt and with neighboring communities f or additional regional connections of our pathway systems. 3. Support design and construction of Discovery P ark P hase 2. 4. Participate in the design and programming of a new Community Center on the Civic Block. 5. Engage other task forces, commissions, entities, and agencies through workshops and other outreach for partnership opportunities. 6. Pursue improved tools and opportunities to engage citizens and stakeholders. 7. C ontinue to foster greater C ommission involvement/presence in community events. 8. D iscuss progress on Goals and Objectives in the MP R Master P lan. 9. Hold workshops during Commission meetings to address current issues. 10. Participate in the partnership with the Meridian A rts Commission to add theming and identity reinf orcing art in Meridian parks and along pathways. 11. Participate in the design of a parking lot expansion at Heroes P ark. All materials presented at public meetings shall become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities related to doc uments and/or hearing, please c ontac t the City Clerk's Office at 888- 4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting.