PZ - Mixed Use Development TIS - Staff Technical Report REVISED Your Safety a Your Mobility Staff Technical Report Your Economic Opportunity 5/4/2020 r1om 0 Development: Pinnacle Mixed Use Development Lead Agency: City of Meridian Sonya Allen sallen@meridiancitV.org Phone: 208-888-4433 Location: NW and SE corners of Lake Hazel Rd and Locust Gove Rd. East of SH-69. Applicant: Jon Wardle Brighton Corporation 2929 W. Navigator Drive,Suite 400 Meridian, ID 83642 iwardle@brightoncorp.com Phone: 208-378-4000 Consultant: Lauren Nuxoll Kittelson &Associates 1010 South Capitol Blvd, Suite 600 Boise, ID 83702 Inuxoll@kittelson.com Phone: 208-338-2683 Staff Contact: Erika Bowen Traffic Technical Engineer Erika.Bowen@itd.idaho.gov Phone: 208-265-4312 ext.#7 Traffic Findings for Consideration 1. Proposed Development The proposed Pinnacle Mixed-Use Development includes 325 single Family Homes, 220 multifamily homes, and 61,060 sqft of commercial uses.The expected buildout is 2025. 2. Vicinity Map AWY RD A R E SITE Page I of 10 3. Trip Generation: Table 12. Proposed Trip Generation forthe Northwest Quadrant of the Lake Hdzel-Locust Grove Development O"IF mily Weclulay AM Peak Hour WeckdayllM Fesak Hwir Lard LKW 11411ift Triilm yatal III, Out Total In out 5i qg c Far-ii-Y Hoincs 21D EZ !?20 67 Irp 51 90 57 33 PLItFarr'ly HDL sing:Mid-Ri�c 1 2.21 "9 31 41 23 40 24 16 5L btx3tal Res'der ti; Tr'3� 1-13 95 130 al 49 Ou mo,T�lcy-A�f=j k P�rf=2Z'%.l 1`555" 1!: -.5j" 0 7�1 Nrt New Resideritiml Tros 358 97 Z4 73 79 44 35 5happ'rg Cc q-.cr F,21) 1 61.1)60 N.ft. 1.299 1 ED 3-7 IS2 IP5 Ommg-T�-vx-A V=J X,PY.,r=2Z'%) f5ei" -,i 0 p 7.1 Extennaff,mmerchl Trips 3,717 151 L12 0 326 168 im Pws-�y Tryy Q 3iA-V,34 3f'�Y) fJ,H4� 0 6 g.m., 1175.1 i55.1 Ncrt McwCamm-mmial Trips 2j 454 1192 L12 69 216 123 ID3 Total Site Triips 5J71Z 2ill 138 144 5N 264 24,5 Tool jrrpniajLm-.�" �11,j 3 5� I� '102) (51) f5j! Total Memal Trips 4,576 Z79 137 143 4DG 213 IN T9 ra:coss-Ly 7.-jp; �-J,2&J� 0 0 7 1 -1 10� (55� 1 j.55! Total Nct fkw Trips 3131Z Z79 137 1.13 1 2" 150 1 Im Table 13. Proposed Trip Generation forth e Southeast Quadrant of the Lake Hazel-Locust Grove Development S'qgle Famly HDJ&eS- 210 237 2.300 173 t.3 130 233 le Mul-Atmily HOLS"lg(MA-Risel 221 130 7W 12 33 5, TE1tWINfftNEW-rFiP5 3,Wl ZO 55 M 290 4. Traffic Impact Study Dated:March 2020 a. Executive Summary Kittelson &Associates prepared a traffic impact study for the proposed Pinnacle Mixed Use Development. Below is an executive summary of the findings as presented by Kittelson &Associates.The following executive summary is not the opinion of ITD staff. ITD Staff has reviewed the submitted traffic impact study for consistency with ITD policies and practices and may have additional and/or varied requirements beyond what is noted in the summary. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the reports analyses and evaluation findings, recommendations were developed accordingly f o r ti m e sce na rio's co nd'ition s- Page 2 of 10 Year 2025 Background Traffic Condition Mit[gations (WIth out the Proposed Development) T he followi ng m ftigutions af e reco m rn e nded to acco m m o d ate th e ye ar 2025 backg ro u n d traff i c vo I u me and meet ACHD policy- Locust Grove Road lAndty Road Construct a traff fc slig n al with left-tu rn la n es o n a I I a p p roach es-Sig na I izati o n-is I n ACH D's-Cl P in the timeframe of 2026-2030-This is projected to be needed in approximately 2021 with or w[ithoutthe proposed development The development would have approximately 55 unlits occupied atthatt'ime.The development traffic accounts for 14 percentall'the projected 2025 total trafficat the intersection- Locu Ft Grove Road/Lake Hazel Road Constructa roundabout with a westbound bypass lane as programmed in ACHDFs CIP in the tfrnef ra me of 2-026-2030- This is n eed ed in a pp roximately 2021- Th e d eve lo p m e nt wou I d have approxi rn ate ly 100 u n its occu p i ed at th at time- The d evelopm e nt traffic a ccou nts fo r approxfmately 2 2 perce nt off the pro p osed traff ic at the intersectfon SH-OlLake Hazel Rood Install a westbound right-turn lane and northbound right-turn lane and increase the slignul cyc le u p to 200 se con d s (sim i lar to oth e r state h ig hways su ch as Eag le R o ad) as n eed ed by 20 25- Alternativ es to i increasing th e s ign al cVcJe ind u d e a d d ition a I wid e n1i ng of La ke H azel Road or SH-69. This -is needed -in approximately 2022- The development would have approximately 185 units occupied at that Urne- The development traffic accounts for approximateIV4 percentof the proposed traffic at the intersectfon- Additfonal Year 2025 Mitigations Needed With the Finnade Mixed-Use Development T he followi ng m itligatlio ns are reco mm e nded due to th e ind usi o n of Pli n na c le Mlixed-Us e D eve I opmenICs site generated trips. Lowst Grove Road/Lake Hazel Road Expand the roundabout to have two-lane approaches and exits on the eastbound and westbound approaches and a two-lane southbound approach- This is needed in approximately 2021 when the development has approximately 440 units occupied. The development traffic accounts for approximately 22 percent of the proposed traffic at the intersection- Ar"ity Road(Loctist Grove to Eagle Road) Widentofive lanes perthe ACHD CIP(scheduled for2026-2030)orallowthe pollicy threshold to be exceeded since the key intersections will operate acceptably with the proposed improvements- Note that the ACHD policy threshold is projected t)0 be with-in 1%of being exce ed u n d er 2025 ba c kground co n d ition s a nd the d evelopment im aves u p th e tinn ef ra me to a p p roximatelly 2024 wh e n th e deve loprn e nt In as a pprox[mate IV 460 u nlits occu pie d-T he d eve lo prnent traffic acco u nts fo r a p p rox i mate IV 10 pe rce nt and 11 p e rcent of th e p ro posed on this segment d u rin g the wee kday a.m.an d p.rn. peak h ours,res p ectivelly. Page 3 of 10 Locust Grove Road/Site Access A There is insufficientsightdistanceto the north to meet the AASHTO requirement of 500feetfor45 mph. T he f o I I ow-i ng option s a re recomm e nded: 1- Do a m o re d eta i I ed I nte rsection sight d istan ce eva I uation usi ng the design d rawin gs f o r th e n ew a ccess a n d s u rvey/p rofi le of Lo cu st G rove over the crest ve rt'ica I c u rve a nd ma ke a ny n eceasa ry d esig n rri o d if i catio ns to o bta i n ad e q uate sig ht d ista n ce- 2- Move th e access n orth to be close r to th e to p of th e c rest ve rtica I c u rve s uch that a ve hicle can see-an on co rn in g veh i cle adeq u ate ly to meet intersecti o n sight d'ista nce re q u i rements-F 3- Ra ise the g rade of th e access an d Locust G rove I n f ro nt of th e acress to rri atc h th e h e ight of the crest ve rt'ica I cu rve ove r th e can a I su c h that th e crest n o I onge r h rn its sight d'ista nce- 4- Lower the 1 rrigati o n cress i ng to create a siphon a n d lower o r flatte n th e ve rti ca I cu rvatu re of Locust Grave Road- lorust Grove Road/Site Access B • Constructa southbound right-turn lane with approxima"100feet of ve-hfclestorage- • Constructa northbound left-turn lane with approximately 100 feet of vehicle storage. Lake Hazel Rood/Site Access C 0 Con struct a n eastbe u nd left-tu rn la n e with a p p roxi mately 1.00 fe et of ve h1cle sto rage. Lake Hazel flood/Site Access 0 0 Con struct a westbo u nd right-tu rn Ian e with a pproximate ly 100 feet of ve h i c le sto rage. Lake Hazel flood/Site Access.E 0 Con struct a n eastbe u nd right-tu rn Ian e with a Is Is roximately 100 feet of ve h i cle sto rage. Lake Hazel Road/Site Access F 0 Con struct a n eastbe u nd right-tu rn Ian e with a p p roximately 100 feet af ve h i cle sto rage. All site accesses With approval from ACHD, construct all accesses to the development with the following designations: o All local streets within the development should be ronstructed With one travel lane in each direction. Site d rIveways with access to p u b I i c streets s ho u Id p rovid e suff i clent stackin g dista nce f o r fo u r ve hicles.(100 feet)to e nsu re acce ptable o p erati o n a n d a ccom mod ate large r ve h i cles,inclu d in g uti I ity service and d e I ivery ve hicles- o Site accesses-a Ic ng Locust G rove Road a n d La ke Haze I Ro ad s hould match the exist-i ng grad e o r be h igh e r at th e i nters ectlo n to e ns u re th e b est p ossible sight distance- Page 4 of 10 o All a rcesses a n d i ntema I streets sh ou Id be des-ign ed to p ravid e ad e q uate 1 nte rsection site distance.Sh ru b bery an d Ian d sca plin g nea r the intersection a nd site a rcess point s ho u Id be mainta i n ed to e ns u re-ad e q uate sig ht d ista nce is rnainta in ed- 5. ITD Policy Review a. Proportionate Share Contribution ITID District 3 has issued Memo 39-Development Proportionate Share Contribution as a means to request equitable contribution from developers to improve public facilities needed to serve new growth and development. b. Jurisdictional Authority ITID does not have jurisdictional authority to require improvements from the developer. A formal letter of request will be sent to the City of Meridian requesting them to include any mitigation to the State highway system in their development agreement. 6. Staff Comments Recommendations ITID has not completed the SH-69 corridor plan. As such,for intersections not meeting acceptable levels of operations, ITID has asked that the TIS provide a recommended mitigation solution. Intersection of SH-69/ Lake Hazel Road The TIS documented that the recommendation of adding a westbound right turn lane and northbound left turn lane does not bring the intersection up to acceptable operations unless the intersection signal length is increased to 200 second cycle lengths. See attached TIS Snippet.This signal cycle is inconsistent with the remaining signals on SH-69. Staff recommends basing proportionate share off the TIS's alternative recommendation. Option 2: Add an additional northbound and southbound through lane on SH-69 with a westbound right-turn lane- This would require widening SH-&9 to five lanes well beyond the intersection bD obtain enough utilization of the added through lanes- Underthis alternative,the overall intersect-ion v/c ratio would be approximately 0.75 during the weekday a.m- peak hour and 0-76 during p-m-peak hour and alithe lane groups would operate under 0-90- ITID estimates the design and construction costs of a northbound and southbound auxiliary lane thru the intersection of SH-69/ Lake Hazel Rd and a westbound right turn lane to be $1,979,274.This includes purchase of right-of-way. See attached estimate. Page 5 of 10 2025 Site Traffic S H 69/ Lake Hazel Rd LANE CONFIGURATIONS AM VOLUME PM VOLUME 1 ®r �7 k- 2025 Total Traffic SH 69 1 Lake Hazel Rd SH 69 Lake Hazel Rd ANE COWIGURATIONS VOLUMES *ANE COWIGURATIONS VOLUMES -1 P 74-0 1�1 234 21 %-152 4-104 1411--4- 4-325 r 131 t to AM Site- 128 AM Total- 3,389 AM%- 3.8 PM Site= 166 PM Total= 3,854 PM% 4.3 Proportionate Sharefor SH-69 ILake Hazel Avg% 4.1 Intersection Improvements Staff recommends the developer pay a total proportionate share of$81,150(4.1%)towardsfuture improvements at the intersection of SH-69/Lake Hazel Road. Proportionate share needs to be provided prior to occupancy of the development. *ITD Staff Recommendations are intended to assure that the proposed development will not place an undue burden on the existing State Highway system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. **Recommendations included in ITD's Staff Technical Report along with any development conditions(see associated Permit Committee Agendo/Minutes)is only validfor the period of one yearfrom the date of the TIS report. 1TD reserves the right to request an updated TIS to reflect current traffic conditions if an approved encroachment application andlor proportionate share contribution are not obtained/provided within one year. Page 6 of 10 1. Appendices Appendix A Pinnacle TIS: 2025 Total Traffic, SH-69/Lake Hazel Intersection Conditions Appendix B Cost Estimate: SH-69/ Lake Hazel Intersection Improvements Page 7 of 10 Appendix A Pinnacle TIS: 2025 Total Traffic, SH-69 / Lake Hazel Intersection Conditions Pinnacle Mixaal-dsp Deve-lopwnt TIS March 2020 TranspofTarion lrnpaaAno�ysis SH 691 Lake Hazel Road Under 2025 background conditions,the overall intersection operates acceptably at LOS D, but does not meet ACHID intersection v/c.ratio standards and is overcapacity with lane group movements during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. • Westbound right-turn lane • Northbound right-turn lane Table 18. SH 69/Lake Hazel Rd Intersection Mitigation Operations-Year 2025 Total Traffic Conditions Intersection Intersection AM/PM AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour No. Intersecdon control V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay VIfimmiffin Delay EBL 0_213 D 425 022 E 56.2 EBTR OL 92 F RLI 065 E 64.0 WBL 0.54 D 46.8 0.55 D 50.9 WBT 031) D 477 a 93 F 2&6 Traffic Signal 7 �with'JV BRT O�971 D 52.4/ WER 081 E 653 052 D 54.13 &NBRT 0.98 D 42.7 NBL 0.04 B 16.7 0.21 C E.2.9 Laine.$) NEIT 1.03 F 63.0 0_5G C 24.4 NBR 0.15 B 18.4 0.13 B 17.9 SIBIL 0.75 D 42.7 0.57 B 19.8 3 SH 691 Lake Hazel Road SBTR 042 C 208 a 93 D 45.2 EBL 03E. E 64.7 0.27 E 7S.0 EBTR 095 F 1146 057 F M1 WBL 0.75 F 91.6 0.60 E 71.9 Traffic Signal V4 BT 0.31 E 69.0 a93 F 105.6 200s:Cyd e 0.891 D 47.8/ WlBR 0 SE1 F 929 052 E 72.5 �with W BRT 0.90 D 436 NBL 03 B 160 020 C EIELS &NBRT NBT D 39.5 24 5 Laine.$) 088 NBR 1E. B 176 12 B 18.2 SBL 56.4 0.55 C 20-2 0.72 E 036 B 199 085 D 38,13 VIC ratio is defined as velhicl�-tc-capacrty ratio,which calculirtesthe nurnberof vehicles divided by the capacityof the roadwayfintersecim durng the peak 15minates oftha peakhour.LOS standfor Level ofService.Delay is reported in seconds per velh ide.Cells in the table above that are bolded, itulkized,and highl ighted indicata a n intersection a nd/or lane group operating below the ju risdictional sta nda rds. Asshown inTable 18,the intersectiorill ratio continuesto not meet operational standards.As discussed inthe background conditions,to meet ITDoperating standards,SH 69would needto be widened tothree through lanes in each direction. SH 69 is currently beingstudied to develop an overall vision forthe long- term needs of the corridor. WidenIng SH 69 is not anticipated by the year 2026 and ITD does not have funded plans to widen in that time frame. While the intersection is exceeding ITD's standards, it still overall operates under capacity. The simplest option for reducing the v/c ratio and increasing intersection capacityls to increase the signal cycle length to 200 seconds. Increasing signal cycle length increases the signal capacity but can also increase queuing and delay on the side streets. Due to the high through volumes an SH 69 that benefit from a longer cycle,the overall intersection delay is also decreased with the longer cycle length. If ITD and ACHD choose to maintain the existIng cycle length and timings, to meet ITD operating standards,two options were Identified: Page 8 of 10 • Option 1: Add an additional eastbound and westhound through lane on Lake Hazel Road approaches in addition to the above right-turn lanes. This would require widening Lake "azel Road to five lanes beyond the intersection to obtain enough utilization of the added through lanes. Under this alternative, the overall intersection v/c ratio would be approximately 0.86 and 0.87 during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours, respectively. But the northbound through movement Is still projected to exceed 0.90 during the weekday a.m. peak hour due the high direction volume on SH 69 in the morning peak hour. • Option 2: Add an addftional northbound and southlbound through lane on SH-69 with a westbound right-turn lane. This would require widening SH-69 to five lanes well beyond the intersection to obtain enough utilization of the added through lanes. Under this alternative, the overall intersection v/c ratio would be approximately 0.75 during the weekday a.m. peak hour and 0.76 during p.m. peak hour and all the lane groups would operate underO.90. While each of these options provide improved operations, they would require major widening on Lake Hazel Road or Meridian Road that is not planned by eitherACHD or ITD. The proposed development traffic is projected to be approximately 4% of the total 2025 traffic atthe SH 69/1-ake Hazel Road intersection during both the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Page 9 of 10 Appendix B Cost Estimate: SH-69 / Lake Hazel Intersection Improvements Conceptual(o5t E 5finial:-2 Estimated By: Dan Block Date: 51OV2020 checked By: Date: Location: SH-69,Inte rsection Lake Hazel Rd 0egment 002150,M P 6.15) Scope: w ide rk SH-69 to accom modate the foil owing lane configUl'atiO n: I N B Left,2 NEI Thru,I N13 ThrWRight(auxi liaryj I SB Left,2 sB Thru,a 5B ThnklRight(auxiliary) w ide rk La ke Hazel Rd to acco mmodate the fol li3wi rkg lane configuration: I EEI Lef-1;I EEI ThFU�Right I extend E B LT turn lane to meet mirkimum&toirage fa r signal ized intersections) I WB Left,I WB Thru,I W 0 Right(exte nd we LT turn la rke to meet m in imum ito rage for Eigna lized intMections Work on 51-1-69 extends 4850-IFT north and south uF the inte rsection. Th is length is com prised of 2w-Fr between the iritersection and the first I a rkE FEduction sign,fol lowed by 2,65513-IFT of I ane reductiDn Mairkings and ta per per the ITO Sta rkda rd Detai I-Lane Reductio rk Arrow Placement fu r 55 mph. Lake Hazel Rd is widerked to the east and west to p rovide minimum deceleration and storage length for left turn lanes. Additional widening ork the east leg of Lake Hazel Rd accommodates the rkew Wil RT turn lane. This estimate assumes that in inor right-cf-way purchase wil I be FEEI LliFed an al 14 inte mection legs. Item oijantity U rkit Price COA Note SECTION I .............................. ...................... ......................... .......................................... 201-OIOA CLEARING&GRUBBING 1.00 LS 143 10M00 iq� 18872 203-1'30A '11-6�6GL&F'W 'IWOW 9'.00 ........... 'iOrD69.00 KN 1"�i.......... 2..05-00"5,A"" ........................................... 0'.00 S........4'5r2 g"2"'.'5'0 K'N.18 8"7 2........... .................................. ....................................... ............................... .................................................. 203-015A REM OF 0117-UMINOUS SURFACE 2 JL28 00 5w $ 3-'s $ r.,7G-,.20 KN 130M ..... ............... ....... ......................... : ........................ ................. ............. ....... ...I............... 3 0 L-0'0"'5 A GRANULA...I.R -U- E 7p172.00 TON $ 15.90 S 114,034-80 KN ISB72 ..... ....... ....... ........ ........ ....... ......................... ......... ....... ...........-.-................. ............. ....... ...I............... 303-02LA 3/4"AGGRTYAFORWUE 5pZ45.00 TON $ 18.30 $ 95r9EI3.30 KN IU72 .................................................................................................... .................................... ................................................................. 4OL-020A CSS-L OIL EMUL ASPH FOR TACK COAT lr258.00 GAL $ 3AS $ 4p37?A4 KN laB72 ..... ....... ....... ........ ................................................................................... ....................................................................... ........ ........ .... 405-435A 5UPERPAVEHMAPAVINGLASM&ADI)CLSP-3 3.372.0o Tom 70-DO 236,D40.00 KN I&B72 6 L4-02 5 A C 4 G.00 6.5.6� 3,BG 0 GO K N 13­�� .................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... 152L-005A SEED BED PREPARATION 1.84 ACRE 4.000.00 $ 7P360.00 KN 13387 ............................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... SEEDING 1.84 ACRE.....$ 2r 0.00 .............4,416.GO KN 13387 o.1 ............ ........ ................... 6330-025A L0"N"G'lIT6&4�50FM 161;ililfild 2 3pr3G.1.32 KN 18852 ............................... .............................................................................. 6356-005A TRAF SIGNAL IN57AILLATION 1.00 LS � 229)DOO.00 $ 229PDGO.00 KN 18872 ................................... ...................... ................................................................................................................... S6515-L5A MULTIPLE APPRCKACH RADAR DETECIFION SYSTEM 1.00 LS $ 7B.3 i38.33 $ 7EP388.33 KN 19414 ........... ................. ........ -................................ ........ ........ .... 5-0'0"'5 A 1.00 LS 45,000.31) 45p0W-00 KN 1111152 ............... R'E".L..0 C­� Tliil� ...... 1.5'.'O'Oui i�p- I-t-Ohl........ .... .................................. ...................... ....................... ........................................................................... Traffic Control 1.00 LS 82 13130 OD $ E'rD00-00 KH 19852 ................. ....... -................................................. ........... ....... .............. ............. MiEiellaneaus 14nor items 3DA $ d9r503.32 .......................... ..'................................................. .......................... ................. .............---- Mobilization 10% $ 99rD06-&5 .............................. ...................... ....................... ................ SECTION 1SUb--TC421 $ 1,13EP576.46 .................... ...................... ................ SECTTCAJ 2 ................................ ...................... ............................ ................................. CN change order I Quanfq Variance 5% 56XIL&Z .................... ...................... ................ ....................... CH NDFk-Bi(J IteMIS 3.5% 39r'35()-'B .................... ...................... ....................... ................................ SECTION Z.Sub-Total 96,779.00 SUMMARY sub-Tot@ 1:SECTION I&SECTION 2 1.235r355-4-5 Corktingewy-Smiping Level 30% 5 370r6o"&4 TOFFAL CONSYRUCTION COST 1,605,962.10 su mnnarVGfPFGjeCt C05n Amount Note Construction irirposP962.10 Deftn 5ervices 10;� $ 160p596.21 oDnstruction servires 1Z;1 $ 192r715.45 Right- 0.20 ACRES 5 ZO:000.00 ROM Tot3l-I ast 1.-979,273.76 ESTIMATE-51-1-69 Lake Hazel ConCept p3ge C--i Page 10 of 10