2020-05-04Meeting Minutes Meridian Transportation Commission May 4, 2020 Virtual Meeting Information https://us02web,zoom.us/l/84535864394 Or join by phone: Dial 253-215-8782 and enter Webinar ID: 845 3586 4394 1. Roll Call (Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m.; Zoom Meeting started and roll talcen) X David Ballard x Stephen Lewis x Shawn Martin (ex -officio) A David McKinney x Jared Smith x Toni Tisdale (ex-oflicio)(arrived 3M) A Ryan Lancaster o Tom LeClaire _ x Ian Updike (ex-otficio)(by _ phone) A Ryan Hail x Joseph Leckie x Alissa Taysom (ex-oMcio)(by ----�1W\Tracy Hopkins x . Luke Cavener (ex. phone) o Justin Price (ex -officio) officio)(arrived 3:48 -Zoom) Others Present: Ted Baird, Sgt. Brandon Frasier (by phone), and Caleb Hood Prior to the adoption of the agenda Chairman Ballard offered Mr. Smith, as a new Commissioner, to do a brief introduction, which he did. 2. Adoption of the Agenda Chairman Ballard called for a motion to adopt the agenda. Commissioner Hopkins motioned to adopt; second by Commissioner Lewis - all -ayes — motion carried. 3. Introduction of Commissioner Jared Smith Completed prior to the adoption of the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes from March 2, 2020 Meeting. Chairman Ballard asked for any corrections to the March 2, 2020 minutes, none were noted. Commissioner Lewis motioned to approve; second by Commissioner McKinney — all ayes - motion carried. S. Old Business Items a. Transportation Projects Update (memo attached; C. Hood) Meridian Transportation Commission Meeting Agenda June 1, 2020 — Page 4 of 34 Prior to the Transportation Projects Update, Mr. Hood thanked the Commission for their participation via the Zoom meeting format and instructed the Commissioner’s on use of the ‘raise your hand’ feature. Mr. Hood continued with the update, which begins on page 11; new information is in bold. Mr. Hood noted the reduced traffic volumes on most/all roadways, and that several segments of roadway are currently under construction. Mr. Hood called the Commissions’ attention to page 14 and provided an update on the notice to proceed with the Cherry Lane and Meridian Library pedestrian crossing and the additional pedestrian crossing at Victory Road and Standing Timber Avenue. Mr. Hood also mentioned the FY19 Capital Maintenance work that was delayed last year that is now under way on the west leg of Fairview between Locust Grove and Eagle Road. Mr. Hood mentioned that VRT currently has an opening and is short staffed; as such, the Harvest Lifestyle service update has been moved out to Future Meeting Topics. Mr. Hood noted that he has heard only good reviews of that service thus far. Mr. Hood concluded his update and stood for question, which took place. Discussion from the Commission took place around the COVID implications and their impacts on transportation project delays, budgets and the gas tax. Chairman Ballard also mentioned that the Meridian Chamber of Commerce would like to discuss transportation issues with the Commission and possibly have a liaison regularly attend future meetings as a key stakeholder. No further discussion was had and Chairman Ballard closed the item. 6. New Business Items a. Meridian Police Department Status Report (Sgt. Brandon Frasier) Sgt. Frasier was present via phone and provided an update, by acknowledging the unprecedented situation of COVID and its impact to MPD and the drastic reduction of crashes due to the shelter-in-place order. Meridian PD is mostly back to full staff and as the City reopens, there has been an uptick in traffic and crashes. Sgt. Frasier also mentioned House Bill 614, making the use of handheld devices illegal while driving and becoming effective July 1st. This law will supersede local ordinances and there will be a 6-month moratorium for citations, while the public is educated of the new law. Sgt. Frasier concluded his update and stood for questions, which took place. b. June and Upcoming Meeting Discussion Mr. Hood briefed the Commission on this topic. Mr. Hood acknowledged that the May meeting agenda was light as this was mostly a test meeting using the Zoom technology. Depending on when City Hall is fully open, will dictate how meetings will take place, in-person with social distancing vs. remote with technology or a combination of both. Moving forward for June and future meetings, while social distancing is in place, the Zoom technology can and will be utilized. Mr. Hood is anticipating a full agenda in June and would appreciate feedback on the use of the Zoom technology as a viable option. Mr. Hood also noted that he had an opportunity to discuss with Chairman Ballard, but not Mr. Baird, the role of the Transportation Commission. The topic is listed under Future Meeting Topics with an anticipated discussion at the June meeting. Chairman Ballard opened the floor for discussion, which took place. c. Staff Communications (C. Hood) Mr. Hood did a brief review of the Staff Communications topic, which begins on page 18 of the packet. The first few pages give some context on June items that will be discussed, including an update from COMPASS on the CIM 2050 Survey #2 and the topic of the default speed limit within Meridian. Mr. Spiwak presented in November on the reduction of the default speed limit from 25mph to 20 mph; we are almost ready to present an update and continue that discussion. Mr. Hood drew the attention of the Commission to page 29 and the requested copy of the letter from the City Council to ACHD for multi-use facilities on the Locust Grove, Victory to Overland project. Mr. Hood also shared an update about communities taking travel lanes for vehicles and ‘repurposing’ them temporarily for pedestrian or social distancing recreation. Mr. Hood reached out to the Mayor’s Office and the Meridian Parks and Recreation department to inquire if Meridian has had any complaints or requests similar to Boise on the inability to properly social distance (on the Greenbelt or heavily recreated areas). No complaints have been received at this time. Finally, Mr. Hood shared the Looking Glass Academy flyer and gave a brief review of the workshop and its purpose. Mr. Hood will send the flyer to the Commissioners and encouraged participation. Mr. Hood concluded and stood for questions, which took place. Additional discussion regarding the stop sign email from Ms. Pedrali to Mr. Hood (see pg 20). Mr. Martin, from ACHD, agreed to reach out to her to discuss her concern further. Prior to reviewing the Future Meeting Topics, Chairman Ballard opened the floor for any other discussion and mentioned the presentation work of Ms. Tisdale and her team on the Communities in Motion 2050 presentation scenarios. Ms. Tisdale gave a brief synopsis of the upcoming presentation and the work done thus far. 7. Future Meeting Topics Chairman Ballard briefly reviewed the Future Meeting Topics and noted the next meeting date. No changes were suggested. a. Future Role of the Transportation Commission b. Default Speed Limit c. Communities in Motion 2050 Scenarios d. Harvest Transit Update e. Signs in City Ordinances f. Transportation Components of the Comprehensive Plan g, Main/King Crosswalk h. Master Mobility Map 8. Next Meeting Date: June I, 2020 9. Adjourn A motion by Commissioner Hopkins; no second — all ayes. Meeting adjourned at 4;14 p.m. (AUDIO RECORDING AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) APP OV D, V DAVID BALLARDHAIR DA ATTR. "' C„ ti� GG s �-q,� C J ki SON yirk) Ijj� DATE l r � Meridian Transportation Commission Meeting Agenda June 1, 2020 — Page 7 of 34