2020-06-1 IPG Minutes INITIAL POINT GALLERY SUBCOMMITTEE  AGENDA Monday, June 1, 2020 1:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/463949069 1. Roll Call X Bonnie Zahn Griffith__ X Lizzie Taylor 2. Review Artist Submission Form L. Taylor recommended adding details in regards to amount of wall space. When an artist applies for ¼ or ½ gallery, there should be detail noting that ¼ gallery is equal to 25 linear feet of space and ½ gallery is equal to 50 linear feet of space. B. Zahn Griffith suggested a comment to note that the selection committee reserves the right to assign a certain amount of space to the artist regardless of what they marked on their application. A. Belnap asked for the Subcommittee’s opinion on having artists note which months they are available. L. Taylor recommended asking which month artists are not available rather than the opposite. 3. Discuss Distribution Avenues for Artist Submission Form Subcommittee members brainstormed a list: Social media advertising City-wide social media sites Physical fliers at Quality Art, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, framing shops Boise Weekly advertisement Artist names shared with the Commission from Karen Bubb Artists who have shown in the Gallery in the past Bosco email list Surrel’s place TVAA email list A. Belnap will gather all the information for these distribution avenues. To develop, advance and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors 4. Establish Timeline for Booking Gallery Shows 2021 Applications close at 11:59pm on July 26 The Initial Point Gallery Selection Committee will meet between July 29-31 Initial Point Gallery schedule will be finalized during August 13 MAC meeting 5. Updates on Phased Gallery Opening Guidelines A. Belnap updated the Subcommittee members regarding how COVID-19 guidelines are affecting the Gallery. Opening Receptions are cleared. There will be no food at the Opening Reception on June 2, however there is more of a possibility food will be at the July Opening Reception. 6. Update: Initial Point Gallery Status 2020 A. Belnap informed the Subcommittee that Fred Choate’s show has been installed and looks fantastic. 7. Virtual Initial Point Gallery Shows B. Zahn Griffith brought up the possibility of posting images of artist’s work on the website as a form of a virtual tour of the Gallery. The Subcommittee discussed the work load that would go into this and how long to keep it up. The Subcommittee decided to not go forward with this idea based upon its labor intensity. 8. Establish Meeting Time for Future Subcommittee Meeting Pattern established for the Monday the week before regular MAC meetings. Next meeting: June 29th at 1:00pm. 9. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 1:50pm.