26 Alternative Compliance Narrative1lerraso North 3543 E. Tecate Lane Meridian, Id 33646 To whom it may concern. Envision 360 is requesting an alternative compliance waiver to landscape, other than grass the 0' easterly border that sits within the Ada Gounty Highway District Right of Way along Records Avenue. The specific requirement is UDC 11 -313-7G3, which states landscape buffers and the landscaping requirements_ The area in question as mentioned, is a Right of Way overlay by Ada County Highway District. A HD will not allow any trees with a root system to be planted in the Right of Way. Also, there are located in that right of way easement major utilities as well as storm drain facilities that trees may damage. Please note: Alternative compliance requests were also made and approved on the adjoining V rraso 1, 2 and 3 projects for the same exact reason. Three applications were made and three applications were approved_ We ask you to approve again our alternative compliance waiver when this enact situation is what the waiver was designed for. Thank you in advance for your favorable consideration_ tin , Chad Olsen