2020-05-18 Francoise Mulikuza Charlene Way From:Francoise Mulikuza <francoisemulikuza2019@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 18, 2020 12:07 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Support for Elisabeth Songe Frazier Council Review May 19 Dear City Council, My name is Francoise Mulikuza and I want to show support for Elisabeth Songe, a friend and professional partner. Elisabeth told me she lost her childcare permit because her neighbor was mistaken thinking Elisabeth broke the rules. I have had similar experience as Elisabeth. I came to Boise as a refugee after escaping war, I have a small childcare based out of my home, and I am a proud resident and homeowner in Meridian. We both worked so hard to get licensed and trained and start our childcares, and to become good Americans. Even with just a few clients, neither of us would be able to afford our homes. We do not have a lot of traditional education or English (I am writing this with an interpreter's help), so it would be very hard for us to find decent-paying jobs outside the home. We do NOT want to depend on public assistance or lose our homes. Elisabeth wants to give back to the community that has helped her become self-sufficient. She is a good person and hard working. It is upsetting to me that a simple misunderstanding by her neighbor, without him even saying anything to Elisabeth or her family, is causing this mess and she may lose her whole livelihood. Elisabeth's childcare has allowed parents to work and not depend on public assistance, and her business contributes much to Meridian. Because this problem is caused by a mistake, not Elisabeth, and she and her family are responsible members of our community, you should not allow her business and self- sufficiency to be taken from her. Thank you very much for your time. Francoise Mulikuza 4316 East Tahiti St, Meridian (208)982-4426 1