2020-05-18 Jill Costello Charlene Way From:Jill Costello <rodeorosejill@frontier.com> Sent:Friday, May 15, 2020 5:24 PM To:City Clerk Subject:NE corner of Black Cat and Chinden Hello, I’m concerned with the density of the proposed development. I’m not opposed to housing, but feel the density is only optimizing the profit for the builder. Please consider the future owners of these houses/homes. In the times we are currently living, open, breathable spaces with ample areas to walk and enter/exit your home and neighborhood should be paramount. Design in these types of neighborhoods should also be considered. There needs to be a more balanced approach to provide growth and profit without usurping the health and livability of the residents. Consider scaling back the development to accommodate both profit and the health and safety of the future buyers and neighbors. Thank you, Jill Costello Sent from my iPhone 1