2020-05-15 Richard Gilkey Charlene Way From:Richard Gilkey <richierich104@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, May 15, 2020 1:52 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Apartments Chinden and Black Cat File #H2020-0022 I hope I have the correct email address to file my concerns regarding this project. 1. Parking may become an issue. If the extra parking comprises parking for rent, we will have our streets overflowing with their resident parking. I know that the city has an issue with this same scenario at Meridian and McMillan apartments. 2. The project needs a larger buffer on Tree Crest. A 6-foot fence and some trees are not adequate for a buffer. 3. I am concerned that the retail area will be too small and look out of place if the city approves their request to rezone a portion of the area. 1