2020-05-11 PAC Minutes PUBLIC ART SUBCOMMITTEE  AGENDA Monday, May 11, 2020 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/878591757 1. Roll Call x_ Jessica Peters, Subcommittee Chair x_ Maria Tzompa x_ Logan Cloninger x_ Lizzie Taylor x_ Jenifer Cavaness-Williams 2. Via Partnership’s Meridith McKinley Questionnaire Report a. Questionnaire Findings- see attachment Meridith McKinley presented a summary of the Questionnaire Report. She reviewed the results of the questionnaire as well as some analysis on the trends in responses. She prompted the subcommittee members with questions regarding the identity of the community, locations and functions for public art. The subcommittee members discussed her questions with their individual insights. A. Belnap and Meridith McKinley briefly discussed the next steps: figuring out if Meridith can fly out to Meridian in June/July and arranging interviews with key members of City Hall and the community for Meridith. b. Discuss objectives and outcomes for the workshop Meridith stated that first she would like to hold the one-on-one or small group interviews. 3. Review Public Art Projects Budget FY20 A. Belnap reviewed the state of the Arts Commission budget. She pointed out that the Commission may combine the Public/Private Mural fund with the State of the City fund to do 2-3 murals and not rely on local businesses to contribute to the project financially. The Subcommittee agreed with this plan of action. To develop, advance and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors 4. Public/Private Mural Next Steps The Subcommittee discussed the RFQ for businesses to apply to be involved with the Mural Project. The members agreed that the business may suggest a desired subject or theme for their mural. L. Taylor volunteered to draft the RFQ by the end of the week. A. Belnap will then finalize it with legal input. The goal is to approve the RFQ in the Arts Commission Regular Meeting on June 14. 5. Establish Meeting Time for Future Subcommittee Meeting May 28, 2020 at 1:00pm. 6. Adjourn Meeting Adjourned at 7:29pm.