Inglewood Place Sr Housing - Review Comment Response 28 April 2020 Sonya Allen Associate City Planner Meridian Planning Division Meridian, Idaho RE: Inglewood Place Senior Housing Sonya, Following is our response to the review comments specific to the Landscape Plan included in your email addressed to Jacob Shirley, dated 24 April 2020. Thank you for your comments. · Site plan o All parking stalls must be a minimum of 9’ wide except for ADA stalls which must meet ADA standards – some parking stalls on east side of Titanium appear to be 8’ - Parking stalls have been modified to meet minimum of 9’. See D001 o The drive aisle east of the parking area on the east side of Titanium appears to be 24’ wide, it needs to be 25’ – Drive aisle has been modified to 26’ wide. See D001 o Depict emergency access driveway per Joe’s comments – A temporary fire access is noted on the site plan within the Phase 2 parcel. See D001 o Is it possible to shift the duplex-style structures on the north & south ends of the site so that a walkway can be provided along the private street to the sidewalk along Titanium while maintaining a 20’ long parking pad like the ones across the way? Any easements that would be affected? Or, provide a walkway on the back side of the homes for those units that don’t have a walkway? – A walkway is now included on both sides of the drive aisles along the townhomes and no driveway is less than 20’ in length. See D001 · Landscape plan: o Landscaping is required along the foundations of all street facing elevations as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27E on the multi-family portion (duplex-style units); without a plant schedule, I can’t confirm the landscaping proposed complies – include a plant schedule & landscaping that complies with these standards - Landscaping is provided along the foundation of all street facing elevations on the multi-family portion of the development. A plant schedule is included on the planting plan that identifies the proposed plant material. See L111 o Landscaping is required in the planter islands in the row of parking on the west side of the residential care facility per the standards in UDC 11-3B-8C.2 - Landscaping is included on the planter islands in the row of parking on the west side of the residential care facility. See L112 o Staff recommends a pedestrian walkway is provided on the west side of the residential care facility to the west boundary in between the garage structures near the center of the site for interconnectivity with the future commercial development to the west. – The recommended walkway is included. See D100 · Elevations for the trash enclosures, garages & picnic shelter need to be submitted with construction materials/colors depicted – See A607, A806 & gazebo description · There is a material depicted on the north elevation of the Senior Living building on Sheet A201 that appears to be some sort of cement block that isn’t included in the legend or material board. – We have removed the stone veneer from the legend. See A201 · How many lumens is the C-Series LED wall pack light? – 1,750 Lumens. Should you have any further comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact me.