2020-05-04 INITIAL POINT GALLERY SUBCOMMITTEE  AGENDA Monday, May 4, 2020 1:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/402081805 1. Roll Call _x_ Bonnie Zahn Griffith _x_ Ginni Hale _x_ Lizzie Taylor 2. Review Initial Point Gallery Schedule for 2020 a. Fill Open August slot A Belnap reviewed the 2020 schedule with subcommittee members, highlighting the open slot that was left by Allie Zeyer who had to cancel her showing in August. The Subcommittee discussed inviting Ted Smith, a 3D artist whose April show was canceled due to COVID-19, to join the August Gallery show since there are currently no 3D artists scheduled that month. B. Griffith also recommended we reach out to the other August artists to determine if the Subcommittee could also invite another 2D artist who was originally scheduled for April. The Subcommittee also determined to invite the remaining April artists back in 2021 according to their availability. 3. Draft Standard Procedure for Scheduling Artists in Initial Point Gallery B. Griffith reviewed the history of scheduling artists in the Gallery. A. Belnap and E. Kane reminded the Subcommittee that the goals of the new procedure is to be transparent and equalize the opportunity for artists. The Subcommittee discussed and set a new procedure for scheduling artists: 1. Call to Artists a. The Initial Point Gallery Call to Artists will be open for submissions year round. There will be a cutoff date once per year before the annual selection meeting. i.e. All submissions for 2021 will be closed July 31, 2020. Any submissions following the deadline will be considered in the next annual selection meeting. Throughout the year, the Call to Artists will be posted on MAC’s website. 1-2 months before the deadline, MAC will push the message out into all avenues- social media, email lists, call to artists websites, etc. to further advertise the Call to Artists. 2. Close call to Artist a. Typically, the Call to Artists deadline will be in late spring of each year. To develop, advance and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors 3. Selection Committee a. Immediately after the deadline, the Initial Point Gallery Subcommittee will act as the selection committee and review all applications received. The Subcommittee will select and schedule the artists for the following year. Depending on the volume and availability of the submitting artists, the Subcommittee may schedule some artists two years in advance. 4. Approve Initial Point Gallery schedule in MAC meeting 5. Approve Initial Point Gallery schedule in City Council 6. Send Acceptance Agreements to artists Subcommittee members spent some time brainstorming possible avenues for spreading the Call to Artists: Chamber of Commerce, Idaho Commission for the Arts, onlinejuriedshows.com, Treasure Valley Artist Alliance. 4. Reschedule Artists Who Were Canceled Due to COVID-19 Discussed along with Agenda Item 2a. 5. Discuss Initial Point Gallery Saturday Accessibility The Subcommittee discussed some challenges of opening the Gallery on Saturdays and looked into the alternative of moving the opening receptions to Friday nights. The Subcommittee reasoned that aligning opening receptions and installations to the same day would be more convenient for out of town artists and would make the gallery more accessible to the general public. 6. Establish Meeting Time for Future Subcommittee Meeting The Subcommittee plans on meeting the first Monday of each month. Next meeting: June 1, 2020 at 1:00pm. 7. Adjourn